
ไม่นับซ้ำ : รายชื่อบทความทั้งหมดในปี 2024 (วิทยาลัยนานาชาติ)

1. Achievement of Target Gain Larger than Unity in an Inertial Fusion Experiment. Abu-Shawareb, H
Acree, R
Adams, P
Adams, J
Addis, B
Aden, R
Adrian, P
Afeyan, BB
Aggleton, M
Aghaian, L
Aguirre, A
Aikens, D
Akre, J
Albert, F
Albrecht, M
Albright, BJ
Albritton, J
Alcala, J
Alday, C
Alessi, DA
Alexander, N
Alfonso, J
Alfonso, N
Alger, E
Ali, SJ
Ali, ZA
Allen, A
Alley, WE
Amala, P
Amendt, PA
Amick, P
Ammula, S
Amorin, C
Ampleford, DJ
Anderson, RW
Anklam, T
Antipa, N
Appelbe, B
Aracne-Ruddle, C
Araya, E
Archuleta, TN
Arend, M
Arnold, P
Arnold, T
Arsenlis, A
Asay, J
Atherton, LJ
Atkinson, D
Atkinson, R
Auerbach, JM
Austin, B
Auyang, L
Awwal, AAS
Aybar, N
Ayers, J
Ayers, S
Ayers, T
Azevedo, S
Bachmann, B
Back, CA
Bae, J
Bailey, DS
Bailey, J
Baisden, T
Baker, KL
Baldis, H
Barber, D
Barberis, M
Barker, D
Barnes, A
Barnes, CW
Barrios, MA
Barty, C
Bass, I
Batha, SH
Baxamusa, SH
Bazan, G
Beagle, JK
Beale, R
Beck, BR
Beck, JB
Bedzyk, M
Beeler, RG
Behrendt, W
Belk, L
Bell, P
Belyaev, M
Benage, JF
Bennett, G
Benedetti, LR
Benedict, LX
Berger, RL
Bernat, T
Bernstein, LA
Berry, B
Bertolini, L
Besenbruch, G
Betcher, J
Bettenhausen, R
Betti, R
Bezzerides, B
Bhandarkar, SD
Bickel, R
Biener, J
Biesiada, T
Bigelow, K
Bigelow-Granillo, J
Bigman, V
Bionta, RM
Birge, NW
Bitter, M
Black, AC
Bleile, R
Bleuel, DL
Bliss, E
Blue, B
Boehly, T
Boehm, K
Boley, CD
Bonanno, R
Bond, EJ
Bond, T
Bonino, MJ
Borden, M
Bourgade, JL
Bousquet, J
Bowers, J
Bowers, M
Boyd, R
Boyle, D
Bozek, A
Bradley, DK
Bradley, KS
Bradley, PA
Bradley, L
Brannon, L
Brantley, PS
Braun, D
Braun, T
Brienza-Larsen, K
Briggs, R
Briggs, TM
Britten, J
Brooks, ED
Browning, D
Bruhn, MW
Brunner, TA
Bruns, H
Brunton, G
Bryant, B
Buczek, T
Bude, J
Buitano, L
Burkhart, S
Burmark, J
Burnham, A
Burr, R
Busby, LE
Butlin, B
Cabeltis, R
Cable, M
Cabot, WH
Cagadas, B
Caggiano, J
Cahayag, R
Caldwell, SE
Calkins, S
Callahan, DA
Calleja-Aguirre, J
Camara, L
Camp, D
Campbell, EM
Campbell, JH
Carey, B
Carey, R
Carlisle, K
Carlson, L
Carman, L
Carmichael, J
Carpenter, A
Carr, C
Carrera, JA
Casavant, D
Casey, A
Casey, DT
Castillo, A
Castillo, E
Castor, JI
Castro, C
Caughey, W
Cavitt, R
Celeste, J
Celliers, PM
Cerjan, C
Chandler, G
Chang, B
Chang, C
Chang, J
Chang, L
Chapman, R
Chapman, TD
Chase, L
Chen, H
Chen, K
Chen, LY
Cheng, B
Chittenden, J
Choate, C
Chou, J
Chrien, RE
Chrisp, M
Christensen, K
Christensen, M
Christiansen, NS
Christopherson, AR
Chung, M
Church, JA
Clark, A
Clark, DS
Clark, K
Clark, R
Claus, L
Cline, B
Cline, JA
Cobble, JA
Cochrane, K
Cohen, B
Cohen, S
Collette, MR
Collins, GW
Collins, LA
Collins, TJB
Conder, A
Conrad, B
Conyers, M
Cook, AW
Cook, D
Cook, R
Cooley, JC
Cooper, G
Cope, T
Copeland, SR
Coppari, F
Cortez, J
Cox, J
Crandall, DH
Crane, J
Craxton, RS
Cray, M
Crilly, A
Crippen, JW
Cross, D
Cuneo, M
Cuotts, G
Czajka, CE
Czechowicz, D
Daly, T
Danforth, P
Danly, C
Darbee, R
Darlington, B
Datte, P
Dauffy, L
Davalos, G
Davidovits, S
Davis, P
Davis, J
Dawson, S
Day, RD
Day, TH
Dayton, M
Deck, C
Decker, C
Deeney, C
DeFriend, KA
Deis, G
Delamater, ND
Delettrez, JA
Demaret, R
Demos, S
Dempsey, SM
Desjardin, R
Desjardins, T
Desjarlais, MP
Dewald, EL
DeYoreo, J
Diaz, S
Dimonte, G
Dittrich, TR
Divol, L
Dixit, SN
Dixon, J
Do, A
Dodd, ES
Dolan, D
Donovan, A
Donovan, M
Döppner, T
Dorrer, C
Dorsano, N
Douglas, MR
Dow, D
Downie, J
Downing, E
Dozieres, M
Draggoo, V
Drake, D
Drake, RP
Drake, T
Dreifuerst, G
Drury, O
DuBois, DF
DuBois, PF
Dunham, G
Durocher, M
Dylla-Spears, R
Dymoke-Bradshaw, AKL
Dzenitis, B
Ebbers, C
Eckart, M
Eddinger, S
Eder, D
Edgell, D
Edwards, MJ
Efthimion, P
Eggert, JH
Ehrlich, B
Ehrmann, P
Elhadj, S
Ellerbee, C
Elliott, NS
Ellison, CL
Elsner, F
Emerich, M
Engelhorn, K
England, T
English, E
Epperson, P
Epstein, R
Erbert, G
Erickson, MA
Erskine, DJ
Erlandson, A
Espinosa, RJ
Estes, C
Estabrook, KG
Evans, S
Fabyan, A
Fair, J
Fallejo, R
Farmer, N
Farmer, WA
Farrell, M
Fatherley, VE
Fedorov, M
Feigenbaum, E
Fehrenbach, T
Feit, M
Felker, B
Ferguson, W
Fernandez, JC
Fernandez-Panella, A
Fess, S
Field, JE
Filip, CV
Fincke, JR
Finn, T
Finnegan, SM
Finucane, RG
Fischer, M
Fisher, A
Fisher, J
Fishler, B
Fittinghoff, D
Fitzsimmons, P
Flegel, M
Flippo, KA
Florio, J
Folta, J
Folta, P
Foreman, LR
Forrest, C
Forsman, A
Fooks, J
Foord, M
Fortner, R
Fournier, K
Fratanduono, DE
Frazier, N
Frazier, T
Frederick, C
Freeman, MS
Frenje, J
Frey, D
Frieders, G
Friedrich, S
Froula, DH
Fry, J
Fuller, T
Gaffney, J
Gales, S
Le Galloudec, B
Le Galloudec, KK
Gambhir, A
Gao, L
Garbett, WJ
Garcia, A
Gates, C
Gaut, E
Gauthier, P
Gavin, Z
Gaylord, J
Geddes, CGR
Geissel, M
Génin, F
Georgeson, J
Geppert-Kleinrath, H
Geppert-Kleinrath, V
Gharibyan, N
Gibson, J
Gibson, C
Giraldez, E
Glebov, V
Glendinning, SG
Glenn, S
Glenzer, SH
Goade, S
Gobby, PL
Goldman, SR
Golick, B
Gomez, M
Goncharov, V
Goodin, D
Grabowski, P
Grafil, E
Graham, P
Grandy, J
Grasz, E
Graziani, FR
Greenman, G
Greenough, JA
Greenwood, A
Gregori, G
Green, T
Griego, JR
Grim, GP
Grondalski, J
Gross, S
Guckian, J
Guler, N
Gunney, B
Guss, G
Haan, S
Hackbarth, J
Hackel, L
Hackel, R
Haefner, C
Hagmann, C
Hahn, KD
Hahn, S
Haid, BJ
Haines, BM
Hall, BM
Hall, C
Hall, GN
Hamamoto, M
Hamel, S
Hamilton, CE
Hammel, BA
Hammer, JH
Hampton, G
Hamza, A
Handler, A
Hansen, S
Hanson, D
Haque, R
Harding, D
Harding, E
Hares, JD
Harris, DB
Harte, JA
Hartouni, EP
Hatarik, R
Hatchett, S
Hauer, AA
Havre, M
Hawley, R
Hayes, J
Hayes, S
Hayes-Sterbenz, A
Haynam, CA
Haynes, DA
Headley, D
Heal, A
Heebner, JE
Heerey, S
Heestand, GM
Heeter, R
Hein, N
Heinbockel, C
Hendricks, C
Henesian, M
Heninger, J
Henrikson, J
Henry, EA
Herbold, EB
Hermann, MR
Hermes, G
Hernandez, JE
Hernandez, VJ
Herrmann, MC
Herrmann, HW
Herrera, OD
Hewett, D
Hibbard, R
Hicks, DG
Higginson, DP
Hill, D
Hill, K
Hilsabeck, T
Hinkel, DE
Ho, DD
Ho, VK
Hoffer, JK
Hoffman, NM
Hohenberger, M
Hohensee, M
Hoke, W
Holdener, D
Holdener, F
Holder, JP
Holko, B
Holunga, D
Holzrichter, JF
Honig, J
Hoover, D
Hopkins, D
Berzak Hopkins, LF
Hoppe, M
Hoppe, ML
Horner, J
Hornung, R
Horsfield, CJ
Horvath, J
Hotaling, D
House, R
Howell, L
Hsing, WW
Hu, SX
Huang, H
Huckins, J
Hui, H
Humbird, KD
Hund, J
Hunt, J
Hurricane, OA
Hutton, M
Huynh, KH
Inandan, L
Iglesias, C
Igumenshchev, IV
Ivanovich, I
Izumi, N
Jackson, M
Jackson, J
Jacobs, SD
James, G
Jancaitis, K
Jarboe, J
Jarrott, LC
Jasion, D
Jaquez, J
Jeet, J
Jenei, AE
Jensen, J
Jimenez, J
Jimenez, R
Jobe, D
Johal, Z
Johns, HM
Johnson, D
Johnson, MA
Gatu Johnson, M
Johnson, RJ
Johnson, S
Johnson, SA
Johnson, T
Jones, K
Jones, O
Jones, M
Jorge, R
Jorgenson, HJ
Julian, M
Jun, BI
Jungquist, R
Kaae, J
Kabadi, N
Kaczala, D
Kalantar, D
Kangas, K
Karasiev, VV
Karasik, M
Karpenko, V
Kasarky, A
Kasper, K
Kauffman, R
Kaufman, MI
Keane, C
Keaty, L
Kegelmeyer, L
Keiter, PA
Kellett, PA
Kellogg, J
Kelly, JH
Kemic, S
Kemp, AJ
Kemp, GE
Kerbel, GD
Kershaw, D
Kerr, SM
Kessler, TJ
Key, MH
Khan, SF
Khater, H
Kiikka, C
Kilkenny, J
Kim, Y
Kim, YJ
Kimko, J
Kimmel, M
Kindel, JM
King, J
Kirkwood, RK
Klaus, L
Klem, D
Kline, JL
Klingmann, J
Kluth, G
Knapp, P
Knauer, J
Knipping, J
Knudson, M
Kobs, D
Koch, J
Kohut, T
Kong, C
Koning, JM
Koning, P
Konior, S
Kornblum, H
Kot, LB
Kozioziemski, B
Kozlowski, M
Kozlowski, PM
Krammen, J
Krasheninnikova, NS
Krauland, CM
Kraus, B
Krauser, W
Kress, JD
Kritcher, AL
Krieger, E
Kroll, JJ
Kruer, WL
Kruse, MKG
Kucheyev, S
Kumbera, M
Kumpan, S
Kunimune, J
Kur, E
Kustowski, B
Kwan, TJT
Kyrala, GA
Laffite, S
Lafon, M
LaFortune, K
Lagin, L
Lahmann, B
Lairson, B
Landen, OL
Land, T
Lane, M
Laney, D
Langdon, AB
Langenbrunner, J
Langer, SH
Langro, A
Lanier, NE
Lanier, TE
Larson, D
Lasinski, BF
Lassle, D
LaTray, D
Lau, G
Lau, N
Laumann, C
Laurence, A
Laurence, TA
Lawson, J
Le, HP
Leach, RR
Leal, L
Leatherland, A
LeChien, K
Lechleiter, B
Lee, A
Lee, M
Lee, T
Leeper, RJ
Lefebvre, E
Leidinger, JP
LeMire, B
Lemke, RW
Lemos, NC
Le Pape, S
Lerche, R
Lerner, S
Letts, S
Levedahl, K
Lewis, T
Li, CK
Li, H
Li, J
Liao, W
Liao, ZM
Liedahl, D
Liebman, J
Lindford, G
Lindman, EL
Lindl, JD
Loey, H
London, RA
Long, F
Loomis, EN
Lopez, FE
Lopez, H
Losbanos, E
Loucks, S
Lowe-Webb, R
Lundgren, E
Ludwigsen, AP
Luo, R
Lusk, J
Lyons, R
Ma, T
Macallop, Y
MacDonald, MJ
MacGowan, BJ
Mack, JM
Mackinnon, AJ
MacLaren, SA
MacPhee, AG
Magelssen, GR
Magoon, J
Malone, RM
Malsbury, T
Managan, R
Mancini, R
Manes, K
Maney, D
Manha, D
Mannion, OM
Manuel, AM
Manuel, MJ
Mapoles, E
Mara, G
Marcotte, T
Marin, E
Marinak, MM
Mariscal, DA
Mariscal, EF
Marley, EV
Marozas, JA
Marquez, R
Marshall, CD
Marshall, FJ
Marshall, M
Marshall, S
Marticorena, J
Martinez, JI
Martinez, D
Maslennikov, I
Mason, D
Mason, RJ
Masse, L
Massey, W
Masson-Laborde, PE
Masters, ND
Mathisen, D
Mathison, E
Matone, J
Matthews, MJ
Mattoon, C
Mattsson, TR
Matzen, K
Mauche, CW
Mauldin, M
McAbee, T
McBurney, M
Mccarville, T
McCrory, RL
McEvoy, AM
McGuffey, C
Mcinnis, M
McKenty, P
McKinley, MS
McLeod, JB
McPherson, A
Mcquillan, B
Meamber, M
Meaney, KD
Meezan, NB
Meissner, R
Mehlhorn, TA
Mehta, NC
Menapace, J
Merrill, FE
Merritt, BT
Merritt, EC
Meyerhofer, DD
Mezyk, S
Mich, RJ
Michel, PA
Milam, D
Miller, C
Miller, D
Miller, DS
Miller, E
Miller, EK
Miller, J
Miller, M
Miller, PE
Miller, T
Miller, W
Miller-Kamm, V
Millot, M
Milovich, JL
Minner, P
Miquel, JL
Mitchell, S
Molvig, K
Montesanti, RC
Montgomery, DS
Monticelli, M
Montoya, A
Moody, JD
Moore, AS
Moore, E
Moran, M
Moreno, JC
Moreno, K
Morgan, BE
Morrow, T
Morton, JW
Moses, E
Moy, K
Muir, R
Murillo, MS
Murray, JE
Murray, JR
Munro, DH
Murphy, TJ
Munteanu, FM
Nafziger, J
Nagayama, T
Nagel, SR
Nast, R
Negres, RA
Nelson, A
Nelson, D
Nelson, J
Nelson, S
Nemethy, S
Neumayer, P
Newman, K
Newton, M
Nguyen, H
Di Nicola, JG
Di Nicola, P
Niemann, C
Nikroo, A
Nilson, PM
Nobile, A
Noorai, V
Nora, RC
Norton, M
Nostrand, M
Note, V
Novell, S
Nowak, PF
Nunez, A
Nyholm, RA
O'Brien, M
Oceguera, A
Oertel, JA
Oesterle, AL
Okui, J
Olejniczak, B
Oliveira, J
Olsen, P
Olson, B
Olson, K
Olson, RE
Opachich, YP
Orsi, N
Orth, CD
Owen, M
Padalino, S
Padilla, E
Paguio, R
Paguio, S
Paisner, J
Pajoom, S
Pak, A
Palaniyappan, S
Palma, K
Pannell, T
Papp, F
Paras, D
Parham, T
Park, HS
Pasternak, A
Patankar, S
Patel, MV
Patel, PK
Patterson, R
Patterson, S
Paul, B
Paul, M
Pauli, E
Pearce, OT
Pearcy, J
Pedretti, A
Pedrotti, B
Peer, A
Pelz, LJ
Penetrante, B
Penner, J
Perez, A
Perkins, LJ
Pernice, E
Perry, TS
Person, S
Petersen, D
Petersen, T
Peterson, DL
Peterson, EB
Peterson, JE
Peterson, JL
Peterson, K
Peterson, RR
Petrasso, RD
Philippe, F
Phillion, D
Phipps, TJ
Piceno, E
Pickworth, L
Ping, Y
Pino, J
Piston, K
Plummer, R
Pollack, GD
Pollaine, SM
Pollock, BB
Ponce, D
Ponce, J
Pontelandolfo, J
Porter, JL
Post, J
Poujade, O
Powell, C
Powell, H
Power, G
Pozulp, M
Prantil, M
Prasad, M
Pratuch, S
Price, S
Primdahl, K
Prisbrey, S
Procassini, R
Pruyne, A
Pudliner, B
Qiu, SR
Quan, K
Quinn, M
Quintenz, J
Radha, PB
Rainer, F
Ralph, JE
Raman, KS
Raman, R
Rambo, PW
Rana, S
Randewich, A
Rardin, D
Ratledge, M
Ravelo, N
Ravizza, F
Rayce, M
Raymond, A
Raymond, B
Reed, B
Reed, C
Regan, S
Reichelt, B
Reis, V
Reisdorf, S
Rekow, V
Remington, BA
Rendon, A
Requieron, W
Rever, M
Reynolds, H
Reynolds, J
Rhodes, J
Rhodes, M
Richardson, MC
Rice, B
Rice, NG
Rieben, R
Rigatti, A
Riggs, S
Rinderknecht, HG
Ring, K
Riordan, B
Riquier, R
Rivers, C
Roberts, D
Roberts, V
Robertson, G
Robey, HF
Robles, J
Rocha, P
Rochau, G
Rodriguez, J
Rodriguez, S
Rosen, MD
Rosenberg, M
Ross, G
Ross, JS
Ross, P
Rouse, J
Rovang, D
Rubenchik, AM
Rubery, MS
Ruiz, CL
Rushford, M
Russ, B
Rygg, JR
Ryujin, BS
Sacks, RA
Sacks, RF
Saito, K
Salmon, T
Salmonson, JD
Sanchez, J
Samuelson, S
Sanchez, M
Sangster, C
Saroyan, A
Sater, J
Satsangi, A
Sauers, S
Saunders, R
Sauppe, JP
Sawicki, R
Sayre, D
Scanlan, M
Schaffers, K
Schappert, GT
Schiaffino, S
Schlossberg, DJ
Schmidt, DW
Schmit, PF
Smidt, JM
Schneider, DHG
Schneider, MB
Schneider, R
Schoff, M
Schollmeier, M
Schroeder, CR
Schrauth, SE
Scott, HA
Scott, I
Scott, JM
Scott, RHH
Scullard, CR
Sedillo, T
Seguin, FH
Seka, W
Senecal, J
Sepke, SM
Seppala, L
Sequoia, K
Severyn, J
Sevier, JM
Sewell, N
Seznec, S
Shah, RC
Shamlian, J
Shaughnessy, D
Shaw, M
Shaw, R
Shearer, C
Shelton, R
Shen, N
Sherlock, MW
Shestakov, AI
Shi, EL
Shin, SJ
Shingleton, N
Shmayda, W
Shor, M
Shoup, M
Shuldberg, C
Siegel, L
Silva, FJ
Simakov, AN
Sims, BT
Sinars, D
Singh, P
Sio, H
Skulina, K
Skupsky, S
Slutz, S
Sluyter, M
Smalyuk, VA
Smauley, D
Smeltser, RM
Smith, C
Smith, I
Smith, J
Smith, L
Smith, R
Schölmerich, M
Sohn, R
Sommer, S
Sorce, C
Sorem, M
Soures, JM
Spaeth, ML
Spears, BK
Speas, S
Speck, D
Speck, R
Spears, J
Spinka, T
Springer, PT
Stadermann, M
Stahl, B
Stahoviak, J
Stanley, J
Stanton, LG
Steele, R
Steele, W
Steinman, D
Stemke, R
Stephens, R
Sterbenz, S
Sterne, P
Stevens, D
Stevers, J
Still, CH
Stoeckl, C
Stoeffl, W
Stolken, JS
Stolz, C
Storm, E
Stone, G
Stoupin, S
Stout, E
Stowers, I
Strauser, R
Streckart, H
Streit, J
Strozzi, DJ
Stutz, J
Summers, L
Suratwala, T
Sutcliffe, G
Suter, LJ
Sutton, SB
Svidzinski, V
Swadling, G
Sweet, W
Szoke, A
Tabak, M
Takagi, M
Tambazidis, A
Tang, V
Taranowski, M
Taylor, LA
Telford, S
Theobald, W
Thi, M
Thomas, A
Thomas, CA
Thomas, I
Thomas, R
Thompson, IJ
Thongstisubskul, A
Thorsness, CB
Tietbohl, G
Tipton, RE
Tobin, M
Tomlin, N
Tommasini, R
Toreja, AJ
Torres, J
Town, RPJ
Townsend, S
Trenholme, J
Trivelpiece, A
Trosseille, C
Truax, H
Trummer, D
Trummer, S
Truong, T
Tubbs, D
Tubman, ER
Tunnell, T
Turnbull, D
Turner, RE
Ulitsky, M
Upadhye, R
Vaher, JL
VanArsdall, P
VanBlarcom, D
Vandenboomgaerde, M
VanQuinlan, R
Van Wonterghem, BM
Varnum, WS
Velikovich, AL
Vella, A
Verdon, CP
Vermillion, B
Vernon, S
Vesey, R
Vickers, J
Vignes, RM
Visosky, M
Vocke, J
Volegov, PL
Vonhof, S
Von Rotz, R
Vu, HX
Vu, M
Wall, D
Wall, J
Wallace, R
Wallin, B
Walmer, D
Walsh, CA
Walters, CF
Waltz, C
Wan, A
Wang, A
Wang, Y
Wark, JS
Warner, BE
Watson, J
Watt, RG
Watts, P
Weaver, J
Weaver, RP
Weaver, S
Weber, CR
Weber, P
Weber, SV
Wegner, P
Welday, B
Welser-Sherrill, L
Weiss, K
Wharton, KB
Wheeler, GF
Whistler, W
White, RK
Whitley, HD
Whitman, P
Wickett, ME
Widmann, K
Widmayer, C
Wiedwald, J
Wilcox, R
Wilcox, S
Wild, C
Wilde, BH
Wilde, CH
Wilhelmsen, K
Wilke, MD
Wilkens, H
Wilkins, P
Wilks, SC
Williams, EA
Williams, GJ
Williams, W
Williams, WH
Wilson, DC
Wilson, B
Wilson, E
Wilson, R
Winters, S
Wisoff, PJ
Wittman, M
Wolfe, J
Wong, A
Wong, KW
Wong, L
Wong, N
Wood, R
Woodhouse, D
Woodruff, J
Woods, DT
Woods, S
Woodworth, BN
Wooten, E
Wootton, A
Work, K
Workman, JB
Wright, J
Wu, M
Wuest, C
Wysocki, FJ
Xu, H
Yamaguchi, M
Yang, B
Yang, ST
Yatabe, J
Yeamans, CB
Yee, BC
Yi, SA
Yin, L
Young, B
Young, CS
Young, CV
Young, P
Youngblood, K
Yu, J
Zacharias, R
Zagaris, G
Zaitseva, N
Zaka, F
Ze, F
Zeiger, B
Zika, M
Zimmerman, GB
Zobrist, T
Zuegel, JD
Zylstra, AB
2. A comparison of free amino nitrogen and yeast-assimilable nitrogen measurement methods for use in alcoholic fermentation of whey. Schaan, K
Hughes, P
3. A description of a new species of Kiefer, 1937 (Copepoda, Calanoida, Diaptomidae) from Thailand with an up-to-date key to the genus. Sanoamuang, L
Koompoot, K
4. Advances in entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance in tourism: A bibliometric study Pansuwong, W.
Gebsombut, N.
Saeed, M.
5. A Janus, robust, biodegradable bacterial cellulose/TiCTx MXene bilayer membranes for guided bone regeneration. Zhou, H
Zhao, Y
Zha, X
Zhang, Z
Zhang, L
Wu, Y
Ren, R
Zhao, Z
Yang, W
Zhao, L
6. Amino acid composition and chemical properties of protein noodles incorporated with cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer) powder Wannasupchue, W.
Wongthahan, P.
7. A novel marine-derived anti-acute kidney injury agent targeting peroxiredoxin 1 and its nanodelivery strategy based on ADME optimization. Yu, P
Gu, T
Rao, Y
Liang, W
Zhang, X
Jiang, H
Lu, J
She, J
Guo, J
Yang, W
Liu, Y
Tu, Y
Tang, L
Zhou, X
8. Arrays of Bowl-Shaped Janus Particle Film with Structured Colors. Zhou, Y
You, X
Liu, W
Yang, W
Jin, X
Pei, X
Xiang, S
Zhou, H
Liao, Z
Tan, Y
9. Association between nocturnal blood pressure phenotype and adverse cardiovascular prognosis in patients with coronary heart disease and hypertension. Du, Y
Zhu, B
Liu, Y
Zhou, W
Du, Z
Yang, W
Gao, C
10. Association of long-term PM exposure with mortality risk among individuals with immune deficiency: A prospective cohort study of people living with HIV. Yang, S
Feng, C
Fei, T
Wu, D
Feng, L
Yuan, F
Fu, Y
Ma, H
Yu, B
Liu, L
Li, Y
Li, Y
Huang, Y
Su, L
Pei, X
Yang, W
Yang, Y
Zeng, Y
Ye, L
Yang, H
Gong, Y
Zhang, L
Yuan, D
Liang, S
Jia, P
11. Astragaloside IV promotes exosome secretion of endothelial progenitor cells to regulate PI3KR2/SPRED1 signaling and inhibit pyroptosis of diabetic endothelial cells. Xiong, W
Zhang, X
Zhou, J
Chen, J
Liu, Y
Yan, Y
Tan, M
Huang, H
Si, Y
Wei, Y
12. A study for quality evaluation of Lysimachiae herba from different origins based on fingerprint-activity relationship modeling and multi-component content determination. Zhou, Y
Chen, C
Yuan, J
Xue, J
Chen, H
Liu, X
Cai, Z
Wu, N
Yang, W
Cheng, J
13. A Study on Competence Gap Analysis-Based Sino-Thai Cross-Border E-Commerce Workforce Cultivating Standard Bi, C.
Yang, W.
14. Automatic origin prediction of liver metastases via hierarchical artificial-intelligence system trained on multiphasic CT data: a retrospective, multicentre study. Xin, H
Zhang, Y
Lai, Q
Liao, N
Zhang, J
Liu, Y
Chen, Z
He, P
He, J
Liu, J
Zhou, Y
Yang, W
Zhou, Y
15. BV2 Membrane-coated PEGylated-liposomes Delivered hFGF21 to Cortical and Hippocampal Microglia for Alzheimer's Disease Therapy. Wang, HC
Yang, W
Xu, L
Han, YH
Lin, Y
Lu, CT
Kim, K
Zhao, YZ
Yu, XC
16. Can postural changes in spirometry in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy predict sleep hypoventilation? Pandit, C
Kennedy, B
Waters, K
Young, H
Jones, K
Fitzgerald, DA
Phoumixay, C.
Mountivongsa, K.
Knijnenburg, J.T.N.
Budsaereechai, S.
18. Comparative characterization of key compounds of Sauce-flavored rounded-Baijiu in northern and southern China and the potential possibility of similar quality of their combined products. Ding, H
Yang, J
Cheng, M
Li, X
Zeng, M
Yang, W
Wu, Q
Luo, X
Zhao, J
Li, X
Qiu, S
Zhou, J
19. Comparative quantitative trait loci analysis framework reveals relationships between salt stress responsive phenotypes and pathways. Phosuwan, S
Nounjan, N
Theerakulpisut, P
Siangliw, M
Charoensawan, V
20. Comparison of the therapeutic effect of Paxlovid and Azvudine in the treatment of COVID-19: A retrospective study. Yang, W
Zhang, W
Zhou, J
Ma, X
Wang, C
Zhao, M
Yu, K
21. Competing endogenous RNA networks were associated with fat accumulation in skeletal muscle of aged male mice. Liao, Y
Peng, Z
Zhou, X
Zhou, H
Meng, Z
Xu, S
Sun, T
Nüssler, AK
Yang, W
22. Co-pyrolysis of biomass with magnesium and phosphorus: effect of magnesium content on phosphate release from biochar-based fertilizers Knijnenburg, J.T.N.
Kasemsiri, P.
Kaewpradit, W.
Tarinta, T.
Jantapa, W.
Jeejaila, T.
Saengthip, C.
Jetsrisuparb, K.
23. Correlated Charge Density Wave Insulators in Chirally Twisted Triple Bilayer Graphene. Wang, W
Zhou, G
Lin, W
Feng, Z
Wang, Y
Liang, M
Zhang, Z
Wu, M
Liu, L
Watanabe, K
Taniguchi, T
Yang, W
Zhang, G
Liu, K
Gao, J
Liu, Y
Xie, XC
Song, Z
Lu, X
24. COVID-19 infection, resilience, and depressive symptoms: the protective role of family functioning for aging Chinese adults in Hong Kong. Bai, X
Cai, X
Zhou, J
Yang, W
25. Cross-border integration and cultural inheritance: the historical evolution and artistic innovation of Chinese Peking Opera films Guo, D.
Buarabha, H.
Wannapipat, W.
26. Cytoplasmic FBXO38 mediates PD-1 degradation. Liu, X
Meng, X
Lin, Z
Jiang, S
Liu, H
Sun, SC
Liu, X
Zhou, P
Huang, X
Wei, L
Yang, W
Xu, C
27. DEPDC1 as a metabolic target regulates glycolysis in renal cell carcinoma through AKT/mTOR/HIF1α pathway. Di, SC
Chen, WJ
Yang, W
Zhang, XM
Dong, KQ
Tian, YJ
Sun, Y
Qian, C
Chen, JX
Liu, ZC
Gong, ZX
Chu, J
Zhou, W
Pan, XW
Cui, XG
28. Development and validation of a LASSO prediction model for cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity: a case-control study in China. Zhang, J
Luo, X
Fan, Y
Zhou, W
Ma, S
Kang, Y
Yang, W
Geng, X
Zhang, H
Deng, F
29. Development of a risk score for myopia: A cohort study conducted among school-aged children in China. Shi, Z
Yang, L
Xu, T
Jia, J
Yang, S
Yang, B
Yang, W
Yang, C
Peng, Y
Gu, H
Liu, C
Wei, S
30. Development of fully automated models for staging liver fibrosis using non-contrast MRI and artificial intelligence: a retrospective multicenter study. Li, C
Wang, Y
Bai, R
Zhao, Z
Li, W
Zhang, Q
Zhang, C
Yang, W
Liu, Q
Su, N
Lu, Y
Yin, X
Wang, F
Gu, C
Yang, A
Luo, B
Zhou, M
Shen, L
Pan, C
Wang, Z
Wu, Q
Yin, J
Hou, Y
Shi, Y
31. Differential physiological responses to salt stress in rice landraces in Thailand Nounjan, N.
Sanitchon, J.
Pamuta, D.
Theerakulpisut, P.
32. Dual electrical stimulation at spinal-muscular interface reconstructs spinal sensorimotor circuits after spinal cord injury. Zhou, K
Wei, W
Yang, D
Zhang, H
Yang, W
Zhang, Y
Nie, Y
Hao, M
Wang, P
Ruan, H
Zhang, T
Wang, S
Liu, Y
33. Effect of Acupuncture on Endometrial Blood Flow in Women Undergoing in vitro Fertilization Embryo Transfer: A Single Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial. Dong, HX
Wu, X
Zhou, Q
Huang, DM
Zhang, MM
Huang, GY
Yang, W
34. Effect of unsoluble corrosion products of WE43 alloys in vitro on macrophages. Dong, L
Shen, Z
Zhang, H
Zhang, B
Zhou, Y
Lv, X
Hong, X
Liu, J
Yang, W
35. Effects of phenolic acid grafted-chitosan hydrocolloids on the aldehyde contents from lipid oxidation in golden pompano (Trachinotus blochii) fillets during pan-frying. Zhao, M
Sun, Y
Huang, Y
Yang, W
Shi, H
Wang, J
Liu, Z
Zhang, X
Li, C
Xia, G
Wu, H
Shen, X
Zhou, D
36. Effects of Timing and Types of Protein Supplementation on Improving Muscle Mass, Strength, and Physical Performance in Adults Undergoing Resistance Training: A Network Meta-Analysis. Zhou, HH
Liao, Y
Zhou, X
Peng, Z
Xu, S
Shi, S
Liu, L
Hao, L
Yang, W
37. Efficacy and safety of generic pomalidomide plus low-dose dexamethasone in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma: a multicenter, open-label, single-arm trial. Zhou, H
Wang, Y
Chen, J
He, A
Jin, J
Lu, Q
Zhao, Y
Li, J
Hou, M
Su, L
Lai, X
Wang, W
Liu, L
Ma, Y
Gao, D
Lai, W
Zhou, X
Jing, H
Zhang, J
Yang, W
Ran, X
Lin, C
Hao, J
Xiao, T
Huang, Z
Zhu, Z
Wang, Q
Fang, B
Wang, B
Song, Y
Cai, Z
Liu, B
Zhu, Y
Yang, X
Kang, X
Li, J
Chen, W
38. Efficient Elimination of Inorganic/Organic Pollutants by FeO/biochar@sodium Alginate Gel Beads. Li, X
Li, J
Jia, X
Liu, N
Gao, X
Zhou, Z
Yang, W
Wei, B
Yang, Z
Fan, S
Wu, H
Zhang, H
Siphai, S.
Budsaereechai, S.
Knijnenburg, J.T.N.
Ngernyen, Y.
40. Engineering van der Waals Contacts by Interlayer Dipoles. Zhou, Z
Lin, JF
Zeng, Z
Ma, X
Liang, L
Li, Y
Zhao, Z
Mei, Z
Yang, H
Li, Q
Wu, J
Fan, S
Chen, X
Xia, TL
Wei, Y
41. Enhancing Employee Assistance Programs for Stress Management in Thailand: Employees’ Perspectives Hengboriboon, L.
Yukongdi, V.
42. Enhancing the multifunctional properties of cellulose fabrics through in situ hydrothermal deposition of TiO2 nanoparticles at low temperature for antibacterial self-cleaning under UV–Vis illumination Chokesawatanakit, N.
Thammasang, S.
Phanthanawiboon, S.
Knijnenburg, J.T.N.
Theerakulpisut, S.
43. Environmental messaging, corporate values, online engagement and purchase behavior: a study of green communications among eco-friendly coffee retailers Suttikun, C.
Mahasuweerachai, P.
Bicksler, W.H.
44. Evaluating the Evolution and Impact of Film Talent Support Programs in Chinese Film Policy (2000-2022) Liu, Z.
Indraragumhaeng, L.
Wongthahan, P.
45. Facile fabrication of Au-Ag alloy nanoparticles/Ag nanowires SERS substrates with bimetallic synergistic effect for ultra-sensitive detection of crystal violet and alkali blue 6B. Xu, D
Zhou, L
Zhang, S
Wang, Z
Yang, W
Guo, Q
Wang, Z
Chen, J
46. Factors affecting customer attitudes towards alternative cricket protein and the concept of novel products in China and Thailand Wongthahan, P.
Chandeewanta, S.
Phromthep, K.
Hengboriboon, L.
47. Findings from three methods to identify falls in hospitals: Results from the Ambient Intelligent Geriatric Management system fall prevention trial. Visvanathan, R
Lange, K
Selvam, J
Dollard, J
Boyle, E
Jones, K
Ingram, K
Shibu, P
Wilson, A
Ranasinghe, DC
Karnon, J
Hill, KD
48. Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling for central nervous system embryonal tumours in children: abridged secondary publication. Liu, APY
Chan, GCF
Chung, BHY
Yang, W
Ng, HK
49. Glycyrrhizin attenuates myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury by suppressing Inflammation, oxidative stress, and ferroptosis via the HMGB1-TLR4-GPX4 pathway. Zhu, K
Fan, R
Cao, Y
Yang, W
Zhang, Z
Zhou, Q
Ren, J
Shi, X
Gao, Y
Guo, X
50. Gouqi-derived nanovesicles (GqDNVs) inhibited dexamethasone-induced muscle atrophy associating with AMPK/SIRT1/PGC1α signaling pathway. Zhou, X
Xu, S
Zhang, Z
Tang, M
Meng, Z
Peng, Z
Liao, Y
Yang, X
Nüssler, AK
Liu, L
Yang, W
51. Grain boundary plasticity initiated by excess volume. Zhu, Q
Zhao, Q
Huang, Q
Chen, Y
Suresh, S
Yang, W
Zhang, Z
Zhou, H
Gao, H
Wang, J
52. Green or greed? Generational perspectives of sustainability claims in restaurants Mahasuweerachai, P.
Suttikun, C.
Bicksler, W.H.
53. Hsa_circ_0086414/transducer of ERBB2 (TOB2) axis-driven lipid elimination and tumor suppression in clear cell renal cell cancer via perilipin 3. Meng, X
Li, W
Yu, T
Lu, F
Cheng, W
Yuan, H
Yang, W
Dong, W
Xiao, W
Zhang, X
54. Identification of a linear B-cell epitope on the "puff" loop of the Senecavirus A VP2 protein involved in receptor binding. Zhou, H
Sun, M
Su, S
Meng, L
Yang, W
Yang, L
Shi, X
Li, X
Wang, H
Ma, H
Cai, X
Tang, YD
An, T
Meng, F
55. IGSF8 is an innate immune checkpoint and cancer immunotherapy target. Li, Y
Wu, X
Sheng, C
Liu, H
Liu, H
Tang, Y
Liu, C
Ding, Q
Xie, B
Xiao, X
Zheng, R
Yu, Q
Guo, Z
Ma, J
Wang, J
Gao, J
Tian, M
Wang, W
Zhou, J
Jiang, L
Gu, M
Shi, S
Paull, M
Yang, G
Yang, W
Landau, S
Bao, X
Hu, X
Liu, XS
Xiao, T
56. Immune persistence after different polio sequential immunization schedules in Chinese infants. Zhao, T
Li, J
Huang, T
Ying, ZF
Che, YC
Zhao, ZM
Fu, YT
Tao, JH
Yang, QH
Wei, DK
Li, GL
Yi, L
Zhao, YP
Chen, HB
Wang, JF
Jiang, RJ
Yu, L
Cai, W
Yang, W
Xie, MX
Yin, QZ
Pu, J
Shi, L
Hong, C
Deng, Y
Cai, LK
Zhou, J
Wen, Y
Li, HS
Huang, W
Mo, ZJ
Li, CG
Li, QH
Yang, JS
57. Injectable Oxygen-Carrying Microsphere Hydrogel for Dynamic Regulation of Redox Microenvironment of Wounds. Fu, YJ
Wang, RK
Ma, CY
Wang, LY
Long, SY
Li, K
Zhao, X
Yang, W
58. Integrating high-throughput phenotyping and genome-wide association studies for enhanced drought resistance and yield prediction in wheat. Zhang, Z
Qu, Y
Ma, F
Lv, Q
Zhu, X
Guo, G
Li, M
Yang, W
Que, B
Zhang, Y
He, T
Qiu, X
Deng, H
Song, J
Liu, Q
Wang, B
Ke, Y
Bai, S
Li, J
Lv, L
Li, R
Wang, K
Li, H
Feng, H
Huang, J
Yang, W
Zhou, Y
Song, CP
59. Intrinsic Permanent Shape Reconfigurable Semicrystalline Biopolyester Thermoset. Chen, X
Wong, JW
Low, JT
Lok, TJ
Xue, Y
Zeng, Z
Zhang, K
Shen, Y
Li, S
Zhou, H
Zhao, Q
Wong, TW
Li, T
Yang, W
60. Kmt2c restricts G-CSF-driven HSC mobilization and granulocyte production in a methyltransferase-independent manner. Wang, HC
Chen, R
Yang, W
Li, Y
Muthukumar, R
Patel, RM
Casey, EB
Denby, E
Magee, JA
Yang, W.
Bi, C.
62. Lifestyle and Socioeconomic Transition and Health Consequences of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias in Global, from 1990 to 2019. Cui, Y
Yang, W
Shuai, J
Ma, Y
Yan, Y
63. Magnetic nanoparticles immobilized thrombin ligand fishing to screen thrombin inhibitors in natural products. Guo, H
Guo, L
Yu, J
Zhao, F
Yang, W
Li, J
Chen, H
Qian, J
64. Marketing the Community-Based Eco-tourism for Thai and Chinese under the New Media Era for Local Authorities Yang, W.
Bi, C.
65. Mechanical activation opens a lipid-lined pore in OSCA ion channels. Han, Y
Zhou, Z
Jin, R
Dai, F
Ge, Y
Ju, X
Ma, X
He, S
Yuan, L
Wang, Y
Yang, W
Yue, X
Chen, Z
Sun, Y
Corry, B
Cox, CD
Zhang, Y
66. Mechanical Stimulation of Anti-inflammatory And Antioxidant Hydrogels for Rapid Re-epithelialization. Yang, W
Zhong, W
Yan, S
Wang, S
Xuan, C
Zheng, K
Qiu, J
Shi, X
67. Mechanisms of chondrocyte cell death in osteoarthritis: implications for disease progression and treatment. Guan, M
Yu, Q
Zhou, G
Wang, Y
Yu, J
Yang, W
Li, Z
68. Mekong–ROK Cooperation: a perspective from Thailand Suporn, T.
Bunyavejchewin, P.
69. Mg- or Ca-regulated aptamer adsorption on polydopamine-coated magnetic nanoparticles for fluorescence detection of ochratoxin A. Yang, W
Ni, L
Zhu, M
Zhang, X
Feng, L
70. Microheater Chips with Carbon Nanotube Resistors. Zhao, Z
Zhao, J
Liang, L
Zhou, Y
Mei, Z
Li, Y
Zhou, Z
Zhang, L
Fan, S
Li, Q
Wei, Y
71. Microparticle-associated tissue factor activity correlates with the inflammatory response in septic disseminated intravascular coagulation patients. Meng, S
Xu, B
Yang, W
Zhao, M
72. Molecule Engineering of Sugar Derivatives as Electrolyte Additives for Deep-Reversible Zn Metal Anode. Shi, M
Lei, C
Wang, H
Jiang, P
Xu, C
Yang, W
He, X
Liang, X
73. Multimode Ultrasound Model for Predicting the Early Treatment Response of Anti-VEGF Agents Plus Anti-PD-1 Antibody in Patients with Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Liang, ZN
Wang, H
Cui, WC
Zhou, W
Wang, S
Zhang, ZY
Wu, W
Yan, K
Ji, YL
Yang, W
74. Nanotrench Superfilling Facilitates Embedded Lithium Anode for High-Areal-Capacity Solid-State Batteries. Shen, C
Yan, M
Liao, X
Xu, R
Wang, H
Feng, W
Yang, W
Li, Y
Zhou, C
Wang, H
Xu, X
Mai, L
75. New naphtho[2,1-b]furan-2,5-dione and isocoumarin derivatives from bambusicolous fungus Gelatinomyces siamensis Jantaharn, P.
Churat, A.
Juanan, S.
Jitjak, W.
Senawong, T.
McCloskey, S.
76. New naphtho[2,1-]furan-2,5-dione and isocoumarin derivatives from bambusicolous fungus . Jantaharn, P
Churat, A
Juanan, S
Jitjak, W
Senawong, T
McCloskey, S
77. Optimization of the Thermally Conductive Low- Polymer Dielectrics Based on Multisource Free-Volume Effects. Xu, W
Wang, Z
Cao, H
Zhou, L
Jiang, N
Ke, K
Liu, Z
Yang, W
Yang, M
78. Organic polymer coating induced multiple heteroatom-doped carbon framework confined CoS@NPSC core-shell hexapod for advanced sodium/potassium ion batteries. Wu, S
Yang, W
Liu, Z
Li, Y
Fan, H
Zhang, Y
Zeng, L
79. Osteoprotegerin mediates adipogenesis in obesity. Lyu, Z
Chan, YT
Lu, Y
Fung Lam, T
Wu, X
Wu, J
Xu, L
Yang, W
Zhang, C
Lidan Zhong, L
Wang, N
80. Overcoming strength-ductility tradeoff with high pressure thermal treatment. Tang, Y
Wang, H
Ouyang, X
Wang, C
Huang, Q
Zhao, Q
Liu, X
Zhu, Q
Hou, Z
Wu, J
Zhang, Z
Li, H
Yang, Y
Yang, W
Gao, H
Zhou, H
81. Oxygen-functionalized FeO@o-polypyrrole acting as high-efficiency oxidase mimics and their application in glutathione colorimetric sensing. Fei, J
Yang, W
Dai, Y
Xu, W
Fan, H
Zheng, Y
Hong, J
Zhang, J
Zhu, W
Zhou, X
82. Photo-Switchable Peroxidase/Catalase-Like Activity of Carbon Quantum Dots. Yang, W
Leng, T
Miao, W
Cao, X
Chen, H
Xu, F
Fang, Y
83. Prognosis of Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated with TACE: A New Score Combining Alpha-Fetoprotein and Des-γ-Carboxy Prothrombin. Lu, SY
Sun, HY
Zhou, Y
Luo, X
Liu, S
Zhou, WZ
Shi, HB
Yang, W
Tian, W
84. Prognostic implications of CK19 positivity in patients with early recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatic resection undergoing transarterial chemoembolization. Zhu, D
Yang, W
Zhou, HF
Shi, HB
Liu, S
Shao, ZF
Zhou, WZ
85. Publisher Correction: Plastic pollution amplified by a warming climate. Wei, XF
Yang, W
Hedenqvist, MS
86. Quality traits drive the enrichment of Massilia in the rhizosphere to improve soybean oil content. Han, Q
Zhu, G
Qiu, H
Li, M
Zhang, J
Wu, X
Xiao, R
Zhang, Y
Yang, W
Tian, B
Xu, L
Zhou, J
Li, Y
Wang, Y
Bai, Y
Li, X
87. Recruitment of beneficial cucumber rhizosphere microbes mediated by amino acid secretion induced by biocontrol isolate 1JN2. Yang, W
Li, X
Yan, H
Sun, Y
Wu, D
Du, Y
Luo, Y
88. Relationship between sex biases in gene expression and sex biases in autism and Alzheimer's disease. Fass, SB
Mulvey, B
Chase, R
Yang, W
Selmanovic, D
Chaturvedi, SM
Tycksen, E
Weiss, LA
Dougherty, JD
89. Revolutionizing waste management: Harnessing citizen-driven innovators through open innovation to enhance the 5Rs of circular economy Phonthanukitithaworn, C.
Srisathan, W.A.
90. Risk factors, impact and treatment of postoperative lymphatic leakage in children with abdominal neuroblastoma operated on by laparotomy. Feng, J
Mou, J
Yang, S
Ren, Q
Chang, S
Yang, W
Cheng, H
Chang, X
Zhu, Z
Han, J
Qin, H
Wang, H
Ni, X
91. Robust and predictive 3D-QSAR models for predicting the activities of novel oxadiazole derivatives as multifunctional anti-Alzheimer agents. Sun, Y
Zhang, Z
Wen, M
Wang, F
Li, X
Yang, W
Zhou, B
92. Sea surface carbon dioxide during early summer at the Tuandao nearshore time series site. Cao, L
Qiu, Y
Xue, L
Zhang, Y
Zhang, S
Wu, N
Yuan, D
Li, Q
Zhao, Z
Wang, N
Zhou, Y
Yang, W
Li, C
Liu, Y
93. Sediment subduction in Hadean revealed by machine learning. Jiang, J
Zou, X
Mitchell, RN
Zhang, Y
Zhao, Y
Yin, QZ
Yang, W
Zhou, X
Wang, H
Spencer, CJ
Shan, X
Wu, S
Li, G
Qin, K
Li, XH
94. SGLT2 inhibitor promotes ketogenesis to improve MASH by suppressing CD8 T cell activation. Liu, W
You, D
Lin, J
Zou, H
Zhang, L
Luo, S
Yuan, Y
Wang, Z
Qi, J
Wang, W
Ye, X
Yang, X
Deng, Y
Teng, F
Zheng, X
Lin, Y
Huang, Z
Huang, Y
Yang, Z
Zhou, X
Zhang, Y
Chen, R
Xu, L
Li, J
Yang, W
Zhang, H
95. Short sleep time may be the main reason for irregular breakfast to cause overweight-a cross-sectional study. Yang, W
Zhuang, Z
Huang, P
Zhang, M
Wang, K
Jiang, Y
Zhou, H
Yu, L
96. Sirt3 Protects Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells From High Glucose-Induced Injury by Promoting Mitophagy Through the AMPK/mTOR/ULK1 Pathway. Yang, W
Qiu, C
Lv, H
Zhang, Z
Yao, T
Huang, L
Wu, G
Zhang, X
Chen, J
He, Y
97. Steric hindrance of -methyl in mA and its application for specific loci detection. Xie, X
Wei, Q
Han, J
Fang, X
Yang, W
Zhou, X
Wang, Y
Weng, X
98. Study on the construction of nomogram prediction model for prognostic assessment of heart failure patients based on serological markers and echocardiography. Yu, F
Wang, ZX
Yu, J
Hu, FJ
Zhang, RG
Yuan, Y
Yang, W
99. Study on the influence of network live broadcasts on contemporary inland China Zhang, W.
Kotchapakdee, P.
Pimpiset, P.
100. Suberanilohydroxamic acid (SAHA), a HDAC inhibitor, suppresses the effect of Treg cells by targeting the c-Myc/CCL1 pathway in glioma stem cells and improves PD-L1 blockade therapy. Sun, T
Liu, B
Cai, L
Zhou, Y
Yang, W
Li, Y
101. Sub-region based radiomics analysis for prediction of isocitrate dehydrogenase and telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter mutations in diffuse gliomas. Zhang, H
Ouyang, Y
Zhang, Y
Su, R
Zhou, B
Yang, W
Lei, Y
Huang, B
102. Survival Analysis of Antiretroviral Treatment for PLWH in Sichuan Province, China, 2003-2022: A Large Retrospective Cohort Study. Ye, L
Sun, X
Li, Y
Zeng, Y
Zhuoma, L
Zhou, D
He, Q
Wang, J
Yang, W
Yu, H
Yang, Y
Liang, S
Yuan, D
103. Synergy in motion: Exploring the similarity and variability of muscle synergy patterns in healthy individuals. Feng, L
Yu, L
Lyu, H
Yang, C
Liu, X
Zhou, C
Yang, W
104. The C2H2 family protein ZAT17 engages in the cadmium stress response by interacting with PRL1 in Arabidopsis. Feng, Q
Zhao, L
Jiang, S
Qiu, Y
Zhai, T
Yu, S
Yang, W
Zhang, S
105. The catalogue of Mycobacterium tuberculosis mutations associated with drug resistance to 12 drugs in China from a nationwide survey: a genomic analysis. Pei, S
Song, Z
Yang, W
He, W
Ou, X
Zhao, B
He, P
Zhou, Y
Xia, H
Wang, S
Jia, Z
Walker, TM
Zhao, Y
106. The Influence of Passion and Grit on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour in the Educational Service Sector Naruetharadhol, P. 2024
107. The integration of multi-omics analysis and machine learning for the identification of prognostic assessment and immunotherapy efficacy through aging-associated genes in lung cancer. Lu, W
Zhou, Y
Zhao, R
Liu, Q
Yang, W
Zhu, T
108. The oral health of adults with learning disabilities: A secondary analysis of the Adult Dental Health Survey 2009. Bird, J
Marshman, Z
Jones, K
Baker, SR
109. Therapeutic SHPRH-146aa encoded by circ-SHPRH dynamically upregulates P21 to inhibit CDKs in neuroblastoma. Chang, S
Ren, D
Zhang, L
Liu, S
Yang, W
Cheng, H
Zhang, X
Hong, E
Geng, D
Wang, Y
Chen, C
Zhang, J
Shi, T
Guo, Y
Ni, X
Wang, H
Jin, Y
110. The role of computed tomography in the diagnosis of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Li, A
Li, L
Guo, F
Zhou, D
Yang, W
Cui, W
Wu, S
Li, L
Yu, C
Lin, H
111. The VDAC1 oligomerization regulated by ATP5B leads to the NLRP3 inflammasome activation in the liver cells under PFOS exposure. Ma, Y
Yang, W
Liang, P
Feng, R
Qiu, T
Zhang, J
Sun, X
Li, Q
Yang, G
Yao, X
112. TMEM52B Isoforms P18 and P20 Differentially Promote the Oncogenesis and Metastasis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Zhu, Y
Lu, Y
Xu, C
Huang, Y
Yu, Z
Wang, T
Mao, L
Liao, X
Li, S
Zhang, W
Zhou, F
Liu, K
Zhang, Y
Yang, W
Min, S
Deng, Y
Wang, Z
Fan, X
Nie, G
Xie, X
Li, Z
113. [Treatment status of tyrosine kinase inhibitor for newly-diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia: a domestic multi-centre retrospective real-world study]. Zhang, XS
Liu, BC
Du, X
Zhang, YL
Xu, N
Liu, XL
Li, WM
Lin, H
Liang, R
Chen, CY
Huang, J
Yang, YF
Zhu, HL
Pan, L
Wang, XD
Li, GH
Liu, ZG
Zhang, YQ
Liu, ZF
Hu, JD
Liu, CS
Li, F
Yang, W
Meng, L
Han, YQ
Lin, LE
Zhao, ZY
Tu, CQ
Zheng, CF
Bai, YL
Zhou, ZP
Chen, SN
Qiu, HY
Yang, LJ
Sun, XL
Sun, H
Zhou, L
Liu, ZL
Wang, DY
Guo, JX
Pang, LP
Zeng, QS
Suo, XH
Zhang, WH
Zheng, YJ
Jiang, Q
114. Trust and website conversion in consumer responses to green product purchasing: A new perspective through the lens of innovative website Design's technology integration. Srisathan, WA
Ketkaew, C
Jantuma, N
Naruetharadhol, P
115. Two-Dimensional Vertical Transistor with One-Dimensional van der Waals Contact. Mei, Z
Li, X
Liang, L
Li, Y
Zhao, Z
Zhou, Z
Li, Q
Fan, S
Wang, J
Wei, Y
116. Unlocking the secrets of green semiotics: The revolutionary power of eco-symbols in transforming consumer perceptions and catalyzing behavioral shifts in emerging markets. Worakittikul, W
Saenwerm, C
Naruetharadhol, P
117. Young women’s sustainable fashion consumption in China: A qualitative study using the theory of planned behavior Ma, R.
Yang, W.
Ketkaew, C.
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