Prof.Dr. Alongklod Tanomtong

Prof.Dr. Alongklod Tanomtong

Faculty of Science,
Khon Kaen University
13008444400: H-INDEX 17


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. Cytogenetic study on wild animal species of the subfamily paradoxurinae in Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
2. New records of chromosomal features in Indian muntjacs (Muntiacus muntjak) and fea's muntjacs (M. feae) of Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Kaensa, W.
Khunsook, S.
3. A comparative of G-banded chromosome of Assam Macaque (Macaca assamensis) and relationship to human (Homo sapiens) Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Kaensa, W.
Bunjongrat, R.
4. A comparison of the karyotype of five species in genus Macaca (Primate, Cercopithecidae) in Thailand by using conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution technique Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Kaensa, W.
Bunjongrat, R.
5. A study on karyotype of masked palm civet (Paguma lavata) by conventional staining and G-banding method Tanomtong, A.
Kaensa, W.
Bunjongrat, R.
6. Comparative karyotypic studies on three species of the subfamily viverrinae in Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Bungongrat, R.
7. Comparative phylogenetic studies of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) and human (Homo sapiens) using G-banding pattern Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Chaveerach, A.
Kaensa, W.
Banjongrat, R.
8. Cytogenetic and AFLP fingerprints for five species of Thai macaques Tanee, T.
Chaveerach, A.
Sattayasai, N.
Tanomtong, A.
Nuchadomrong, S.
9. Genetic diversity among geographically separated populations of Nepenthes mirabilis Chaveerach, A.
Tanomtong, A.
Sudmoon, R.
Tanee, T.
10. A comparative chromosome analysis of Thai wild boar (Sus scrofa jubatus) and relationship to domestic pig (S. s. domestica) by conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution technique Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Siripiyasing, P.
11. Analysis of the genetic relationships among Thai gibbon species using AFLP markers Tanee, T.
Chaveerach, A.
Sattayasai, N.
Tanomtong, A.
Nuchadomrong, S.
12. A study on karyotype of the Asian leopard cat, Prionailurus bengalensis (Carnivora, Felidae) by conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution technique Keawmad, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
13. Blood cell characteristics and hematological values of free ranging-red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus) in Northeastern, Thailand Aengwanich, W.
Tanomtong, A.
14. Comparative chromosome G-banding analysis of long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) and relationship to human (Homo sapiens) Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Kaensa, W.
15. Genetic relationships among wild Felidae in Thailand using AFLP markers Srisamoot, N.
Chaveerach, A.
Nuchadomrong, S.
Sattayasai, N.
Chaveerach, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Pinthong, K.
16. Genetic relationships in a population of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. (Nelumbonaceae) Chaveerach, A.
Sudmoon, R.
Tanee, T.
Mokkamul, P.
Tanomtong, A.
17. Genetic relationships of langur species using AFLP markers Chaveerach, A.
Tanee, T.
Sattayasai, N.
Tanomtong, A.
Nuchadomrong, S.
18. New Robertsonian translocation chromosomes in captive Thai Gaur (Bos gaurus readei) Kakampuy, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Sangpakdee, W.
19. Standardized karyotype and idiogram of the pileated gibbon, Hylobates pileatus (Primate, Hylobatidae) by G-banding and high-resolution technique Supanuam, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
20. A study on karyotype of the pileated gibbon, Hylobates pileatus (Primates, Hylobatidae), by conventional staining Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Khunsook, S.
21. Cytogenetic study of the leopard, Panthera pardus (Carnivora, Felidae) by conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution staining technique Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Keawmad, P.
Pintong, K.
22. Cytogenetic study on Thai brow-antlered deer, Cervus eldi siamensis and Thamin brow-antlered deer, Cervus eldi thamin (Artiodactyla, Cervidae) by conventional staining method Tanomtong, A.
Kong-ngarm, N.
Supanuam, P.
Monthatong, M.
23. Flying lemurs - The 'flying tree shrews'? Molecular cytogenetic evidence for a Scandentia-Dermoptera sister clade Tanomtong, A.
Ferguson- Smith, M.A.
24. Karyological study of the jungle cat, Felis chaus (Carnivora, Felidae) by conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution staining technique Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Keawmad, P.
Siripiyasing, P.
25. Phylogenetic relationships of wildlife order carnivora in Thailand inferred from the internal transcribed spacer region Chaveerach, A.
Srisamoot, N.
Nuchadomrong, S.
Nuchadomrong, S.
Sattayasai, N.
Chaveerach, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Pinthong, K.
26. Standardized karyotype and idiogram of the clouded leopard, Neofelis nebulosa (Carnivora, Felidae) by conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution staining technique Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Keawmad, P.
27. The discovery of chromosome trisomy 22: A novel chromosomal feature of Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) Jantarat, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Kaewsri, S.
28. The first cytogenetic study of the malayan porcupine, Hystrix brachyuran (Rodentia, Hystricidae) by conventional staining and G-banding technique Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Sangpakdee, W.
Siripiyasing, P.
Boonhan, P.
Kaewsri, S.
29. The Homology and relationship of human (Homo sapiens) chromosomes 1, 19 and Dusky Langur (Trachypithacus obscurus) chromosomes 6, 8 demonstrated with chromosome painting Sangpakdee, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Monthatong, M.
Pinthong, K.
Gomontean, B.
30. The identification of the sex chromosome and karyotype of four toad species (Genus Bufo) in Thailand by T-lymphocyte cell culture Siripiyasing, P.
Pariyanonth, P.
Kaewsri, S.
Sittigul, S.
Seatung, N.
Tanomtong, A.
31. A new report of karyotype in the chevron snakehead fish, channa striata (Channidae, Pisces) from Northeast Thailand Supiwong, W.
Jearranaiprepame, P.
Tanomtong, A.
32. A novel polymorphism of nucleolar organizer regions (nors) and complex inversion chromosome 8 of white-handed gibbon (hylobates lar, linnaeus, 1771) in Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Supanuam, P.
Kaewsri, S.
33. A novel robertsonian translocation [57, rob(1/29)(4/28)] and polymorphism of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) of captive thai banteng (bos javanicus birmanicus) Gomontean, B.
Tanomtong, A.
Kakampuy, W.
Chaveerach, A.
34. Chromosome staining of crinum lily (Crinum asiaticum l.) using natural dyes Tanomtong, A.
Wonkaonoi, W.
Gomontean, B.
35. Cytogenetic studies of fishing cat, prionailurus viverrinus (Bennett 1833) and asiatic golden cat, catopuma temminckii (Vigors and horsfield 1827) by conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution techniques Tanomtong, A.
Kaewmad, P.
Khunsook, S.
Kaewsri, S.
36. Genetic relationships of cercopithecidae in Thailand as inferred from rDNA ITS regions Tanee, T.
Chaveerach, A.
Sudmoon, R.
Tanomtong, A.
Mokkamul, P.
37. Karyological study of the white-cheeked gibbon, nomascus leucogenys (Primates, hylobatidae) by G-banding and high-resolution techniques Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Khunsook, S.
38. Molecular analysis for genetic diversity and distance of introduced Grus antigone sharpii L. to Thailand. Tanee, T.
Chaveerach, A.
Anuniwat, A.
Tanomtong, A.
Pinthong, K.
Sudmoon, R.
Mokkamul, P.
39. The first chromosome characterization of the family Tragulidae (Artiodactyla) in Thailand by conventional staining Bunjongrat, R.
Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
40. A discovery of polymorphism of Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) and whole-arm translocation (WAT) between chromosome 8 and 9 of lowland agile gibbon (hylobates agilis unko) in Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Supanuam, P.
Kaewsri, S.
Srisamoot, N.
41. A new polymorphism of Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) of Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak) in laos PDR Tanomtong, A.
Jearranaiprepame, P.
Supiwong, W.
42. Chromosomal staining comparison of plant cells with black glutinous rice (Oryza sativa L.) and Lac (Laccifer lacca Kerr) Supanuam, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Thiprautree, S.
Gomontean, B.
43. Chromosome studies in the banded palm civet, Hemigalus derbyanus Thomas, 1915 (carnivora, viverridae) by conventional staining, GTG banding and high-resolution techniques Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Namphunk Seatung
Praween Supanuam
Anan Kenthao
Sarawut Kaewsri
44. Karyotype study of 5 species of the family viverridae in Thailand by high resolution GTG-banding technique Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Namphunk Seatung
Wiwat Sangpadee
Sarawut Kaewsri
La-orsri Sanoamuang
45. Robertsonian translocation [56, XX and 57, XY, rob (1;29)] in captive Thai gaur (Bos gaurus readei) by conventional, GTG-banding, CBG-banding and Ag-NOR banding techniques Alongklod Tanomtong
Wanpen Kakampuy
Suteera Suntararak
Kuntida Thammarat
Sarawut Kaewsri
Anan Kenthao
46. The first karyotype study of lesser bamboo rat, Cannomys badius (Rodentia, Rhizomyinae) by conventional, GTG-, CBG-, Ag-NOR banding, and high-resolution techniques Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Pawarasa Boonhan
Wiwat Sangpadee
Krit Pinthong
La-orsri Sanoamuangl
47. A Discovery of Nucleolar Organizer Regions (NORs) Polymorphism and Karyological Analysis of Smith's Barb, Puntioplites proctozysron (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) in Thailand Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Jantarat, S.
Sanoamuang, L.
48. A first karyotype analysis and chromosomal characteristic of nucleolar organizer regions (nors) of common sheathfish, micronema apogon (siluriformes, siluridae) in Thailand Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Suthip Khakhong
Khunnitee Leelarasamee
La-orsri Sanoamuang
49. Chromosomal rearrangements and karyotype evolution in carnivores revealed by chromosome painting Nie, W
Wang, J
Su, W
Wang, D
Tanomtong, A
Perelman, PL
Graphodatsky, AS
Yang, F
50. First Report of Chromosome Analysis of Saddleback Anemonefish, Amphiprion polymnus (Perciformes, Amphiprioninae), in Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Supiwong, W.
Chaveerach, A.
Tanee, T.
Sanoamuang, L.
51. Karyological Analysis and Morphometrics of the Lesser Asiatic House Bat, Scotophilus kuhlii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) Praween Supanuam
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Krit Pinthong
La-orsri Sanoamuang
52. Karyological analysis and morphometries of the lesser Asiatic house bat, Scotophilus kuhlii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) Supanuam, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Pinthong, K.
Sanoamuang, L.
53. Karyological analysis and nature polymorphics of nucleolar organizer regions in the dusky leaf monkey, trachypithecus obscurus (primate, colobinae), by conventional, GTG-, CBG-banding, and high-resolution techniques Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Weeranuch Wonkaonoi
Wiwat Sangpakdee
Roungvit Bunjongrat
La-orsri Sanoamuang
54. Localization of Nucleolar Organizer Regions (NORs) of 4 Gibbon Species in Thailand by Ag-NOR Banding Technique Supanuam, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Sangpakdee, W.
Pinthong, K.
Sanoamuang, L.
Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Sanoamuang, L.
56. Standardized karyotype and idiogram of two-spot glass catfish, ompok bimaculatus (Siluriformes, Siluridae) in Thailand by conventional and Ag-NOR staining techniques Bhuvadol Gomonteir
Alongklod Tanomtong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Somret Sikhruadong
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
La-orsri Sanoamuang
57. The First Chromosomal Characteristics of Nucleolar Organizer Regions and Karyological Analysis of Clown Knife Fish, Chitala ornata (Osteoglossiformes, Notopteridae) by T-Lymphocyte Cell Culture Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Sanoamuang, L.
58. The first chromosomal characteristics of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in grey featherback fish, notopterus notopterus (osteoglossiformes, notopteridae) by conventional and Ag-NOR staining techniques Kitiya Silawong
Supannee Aoki
Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Suthip Khakhong
La-orsri Sanoamuang
59. Chromosomal Characteristic of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from Mitotic and Meiotic Cell Division by T-Lymphocyte Cell Culture Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Seetapan, K.
Sanoamuang, L.
60. Cytogenetic study of Northeastern butterfly lizard, Leiolepis reevesii rubritaeniata (Squamata, Agamidae) in Northeast Thailand Sumalee Phimphan
Alongklod Tanomtong
Isara Patawang
Sarawut Kaewsri
Sitthisak Jantarat
La-orsri Sanoamuang
61. First Chromosome Analysis and Localization of the Nucleolar Organizer Region of Land Snail, Sarika resplendens (Stylommatophora, Ariophantidae) in Thailand Khrueanet, W.
Supiwong, W.
Tumpeesuwan, C.
Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
62. First cytogenetic study of Malayan snail-eating turtle, Malayemys macrocephala (testudines, geoemydidae) in Thailand Pornnarong Siripiyasing
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Isara Patawang
Sumalee Phimphan
La-orsri Sanoamuang
63. First Cytogenetic Study of Puff-Faced Water Snake, Homalopsis buccata (Squamata, Colubridae) by Conventional Staining, Ag-NOR Banding and GTG-Banding Techniques Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
Getlekha, N.
Sangpadee, W.
Sanoamuang, L.
64. First detailed reconstruction of the karyotype of Trachypithecus cristatus (Mammalia: Cercopithecidae) Xiaobo, F.
Pinthong, K.
Siripiyasing, P.
Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Liehr, T.
De Bello Cioffi, M.
65. First Karyological Analysis of Black the Crowned Crane (Balearica pavonina) and the Scaly-Breasted Munia (Lonchura punctulata) Kaewmad, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Wonkaonoi, W.
Khunsook, S.
66. First Report of NOR Polymorphism and Chromosome Analysis of John's Snapper, Lutjanus johnii (Perciformes, Lutjanidae) in Thailand Phimphan, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Supiwong, W.
Siripiyasing, P.
Sanoamuang, L.
67. Interpopulational Variation of NOR Positions and Karyotypic Analysis of Siamese Catfish (Pseudomystus siamensis) in Thailand Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Tanee, T.
Sanoamuang, L.
68. Karyological Analysis and Morphometrics of Horsfield's Bat, Myotis horsfieldii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) Praween Supanuam
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Sarawut Kaewsri
Krit Pinthong
La-orsri Sanoamuang
69. Karyological analysis and morphometries of Horsfield's bat, Myotis horsfieldii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) Supanuam, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Kaewsri, S.
Pinthong, K.
Sanoamuang, L.
70. Karyotype and cytogenetic mapping of 9 classes of repetitive DNAs in the genome of the naked catfish Mystus bocourti (Siluriformes, Bagridae) Supiwong, W
Liehr, T
Cioffi, MB
Chaveerach, A
Kosyakova, N
Pinthong, K
Tanee, T
Tanomtong, A
71. RAPD and barcode analyses of groupers of the genus Epinephelus. Noikotr, K.
Chaveerach, A.
Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
Sudmoon, R.
Tanee, T.
72. Reptilia, Squamata, Scincidae, Lygosoma haroldyoungi (Taylor, 1962): New distribution records Chuaynkern, Y.
Chuaynkern, C.
Tanomtong, A.
Patawang, I.
73. Semen quality and artificial insemination of eastern sarus crane Grus antigone shapii linn. In captive condition in the Nakhon Ratchasima zoo, Thailand Kaewmad, P.
Tanomtong, A.
74. Standardized karyotype and idiogram of titan triggerfish, Balistoides viridescens (Tetraodontiformes, Balistidae) in Thailand Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Suthip Khakhong
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
La-Orsri Sanoamuang
75. The First Karyological Analysis, Natural NOR Polymorphism, and Delineation of the X1Y,X2Y/X1X2 Multiple Sex Chromosome System of the Hoary Bamboo Rat (Rhizomys pruinosus) Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Boonhan, P.
Kaewmad, P.
Sanoamuang, L.
76. A first chromosomal characterization of NORs in splendid snakehead fish, Channa lucius (Perciformes, Channidae) Suthip Khakhong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Manop Sriuttha
Pornpimol Jearranaiprepame
Wichai Soemphol
Wirat Jiwyam
77. A first karyological analysis of the sand goby, Oxyeleotris marmoratus (Teleostei, Eleotridae) in Thailand by Ag-NOR staining technique Krit Pinthong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Piyorot Hongsachart
Pheeraphong Phaengphairee
Mallika Chantarangsee
78. A new natural autotetraploid and chromosomal characteristics of dwarf snakehead fish, Channa gachua (Perciformes, Channidae) in Thailand Alongklod Tanomtong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Pornpimol Jearranaiprepame
Suthip Khakhong
Chanyut Kongpironchuen
Nuntaporn Getlekha
79. Chromosomal Characteristics of NORs and Karyological Analysis of Tokay Gecko, Gekko gecko (Gekkonidae, Squamata) from Mitotic and Meiotic Cell Division Patawang, I.
Tanomtong, A.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Kakampuy, W.
Neeratanaphan, L.
Pinthong, K.
80. Chromosomal evolution in naked catfishes (Bagridae, Siluriformes): A comparative chromosome mapping study Weerayuth Supiwong
Thomas Liehr
Marcelo B. Cioffi
Arunrat Chaveerach
Nadezda Kosyakova
Krit Pinthong
Tawatchai Tanee
Alongklod Tanomtong
81. Chromosome analysis and morphometric of intermediate roundleaf bat, Hipposideros larvatus (Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) by conventional, GTG-banding and Ag-NOR banding techniques Sitthisak Jantarat
Praween Supanuam
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Narumon Prakrongrak
Sarawut Kaewsri
82. Comparative cytogenetic mapping of rRNA genes among naked catfishes: Implications for genomic evolution in the bagridae family W. Supiwong
T. Liehr
M. B. Cioffi
A. Chaveerach
N. Kosyakova
X. Fan
T. Tanee
A. Tanomtong
83. Cytogenetics of the Skinks (Reptilia, Scincidae) from Thailand; I: Chromosome Analyses of the Common Sun Skink (Eutropis multifasciata) Kaewsri, S.
Yodmuang, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Patawang, I.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Pinthong, K.
84. First Report on Heteromorphic NORs and Chromosome Analysis of Rolland's Demoiselle, Chrysiptera rollandi (Perciformes, Pomacentrinae) by Conventional and Ag-NOR Staining Techniques Kasiroek, W.
Luangoon, N.
Getlekha, N.
Saowakoon, S.
Phinrub, W.
Tanomtong, A.
85. High resolution karyotype of thai crab-eating macaque (Macaca fascicularis) Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Pinthong, K.
Pornnarong, S.
Supiwong, W.
Liehr, T.
86. Karyotype analysis of two groupers, Epinephelus species (Serranidae) Kowit Noikotr
Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Runglawan Sudmoon
Arunrat Chaveerach
Tawatchai Tanee
87. Natural autotetraploid and chromosomal characteristics in the subfamily botiinae (Cypriniformes, Cobitinae) from Northeast Thailand Puntivar Kaewmad
Monthira Monthatong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Samnao Saowakoon
Alongklod Tanomtong
88. Standardized karyotype and idiogram of Quoy's parrotfish, Scarus quoyi (Perciformes: Scaridae) by conventional staining and Ag-NOR banding techniques Sarawut Kaewsri
Alongklod Tanomtong
Nuntaporn Getlekha
Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Ratree Suksuwan
Weerayuth Supiwong
89. The First Chromosome Analysis and Localization of the Nucleolar Organizer Region of Phayre's Flying Squirrel, Hylopetes phayrei (Rodentia, Sciuridae) in Thailand Jantarat, S.
Khunsook, S.
Supanuam, P.
Kaewsri, S.
Tanomtong, A.
90. The first karyological study and natural nor polymorphism in banded langur, Presbytis femoralis (Primate, Colobinae) Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Weeranuch Wonkaonoi
Praween Supanuam
Nattapong Srisamoot
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
91. The first report of NORs and chromosome analysis of tripletail wrasse, Cheilinus trilobatus (Perciformes: Labridae) Sarawut Kaewsri
Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Ratree Suksuwan
Alongklod Tanomtong
Weerayuth Supiwong
92. The identification of sex-chromosomes and karyological analysis of rice frog, Fejervarya limnocharis (Anura, Ranidae) from Northeast Thailand Isara Patawang
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumalee Phimphan
Yodchaiy Chuaynkern
Chantip Chuaynkern
Pheeraphong Phaengphairee
Wilailuk Khrueanet
Nudtha Nithikulworawong
93. Chromosomal aberration of snakehead fish (Channa striata) in affected reservoir by leachate with lead and mercury contamination P. Promsid
L. Neeratanaphan
W. Supiwong
M. Sriuttha
A. Tanomtong
94. Chromosomal characteristics of the royal knifefish, Chitala blanci (Osteoglossiformes, Notopteridae) by conventional and Ag-NOR staining techniques Nuntiya Maneechot
Weerayuth Supiwong
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Pornnarong Siripiyasing
Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
95. First karyological analysis of the vermiculate spinefoot, Siganus vermiculatus (Perciformes, Siganidae) from Thailand Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Weerayuth Supiwong
Aphinun Suvarnaraksha
Wirat Jiwyam
Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
96. Genomic Organization of Repetitive DNA Elements and Its Implications for the Chromosomal Evolution of Channid Fishes (Actinopterygii, Perciformes). Cioffi, M.B.
Villa, M.A.
De Oliveira, E.A.
Tanomtong, A.
Supiwong, W.
Chaveerach, A.
97. Karyological Analysis of the Barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Perciformes, Latidae) Phimphan, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Supiwong, W.
Nithikulworawong, N.
Suvarnaraksha, A.
Kaewsri, S.
98. Karyological analysis of the Indo-Chinese water dragon, Physignathus cocincinus (Squamata, Agamidae) from Thailand Isara Patawang
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
Krit Pinthong
Nantana Jangsuwan
99. Karyotype homology between Calotes versicolor and C. mystaceus (Squamata, Agamidae) from northeastern Thailand Isara Patawang
A. Tanomtong
Y. Chuaynkern
C. Chuaynkern
P. Duengkae
100. The First Chromosomal Characteristics of Nucleolar Organizer Regions and Karyological Analysis of Pink Anemonefish, Amphiprion perideraion (Perciformes, Amphiprioninae) Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Krit Pinthong
Puntivar Kaewmad
Pisut Poungnak
Nantana Jangsuwan
101. The First Karyological Analysis and Chromosomal Characteristics of NORs of the Cloudy Grouper, Epinephelus erythrurus (Perciformes, Epinephelinae) in Thailand Krit Pinthong
Nuntiya Maneechot
Alongklod Tanomtong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Tawin Chanaboon
Nantana Jangsuwan
102. The First Report on Standardized Karyotype and Idiogram of Indochinese Silvered Langur, Trachypithecus germaini germaini (Primates, Colobinae) in Thailand Supanuam, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Khrueanet, W.
Pinthong, K.
Wonkaonoi, W.
103. The standard karyotype of the Asiatic jackal, Canis aureus (Carnivora, Canidae) from Thailand Alongklod Tanomtong
Prapakorn Chaiyaphan
Praween Supanuam
Therdsak Puramongkoi
Nuntiya Maneechot
Nantana Jangsuwan
104. Application of multicolor banding combined with heterochromatic and locus-specific probes identify evolutionary conserved breakpoints in Hylobates pileatus Sangpakdee, W
Tanomtong, A
Fan, X
Pinthong, K
Weise, A
Liehr, T
105. Characterization of chromosomal rearrangements in pileated gibbon (Hylobates pileatus) using multiplex-FISH technique Wiwat Sangpakdee
S. Phimphan
T. Liehr
X. Fan
K. Pinthong
I. Patawang
A. Tanomtong
106. Chromosome mapping of repetitive DNAs in sergeant major fishes (Abudefdufinae, Pomacentridae): a general view on the chromosomal conservatism of the genus Getlekha, N
Cioffi, MB
Yano, CF
Maneechot, N
Bertollo, LA
Supiwong, W
Tanomtong, A
Molina, WF
107. Chromosomes in a genome-wise order: evidence for metaphase architecture Weise, A
Bhatt, S
Piaszinski, K
Kosyakova, N
Fan, X
Altendorf-Hofmann, A
Tanomtong, A
Chaveerach, A
de Cioffi, MB
de Oliveira, E
Walther, JU
Liehr, T
Chaudhuri, JP
108. Cytotoxic evaluation of rice field frogs (Fejervarya limnocharis) from gold mine area with arsenic contamination Intamat, S.
Sriuttha, M.
Patawang, I.
Tanomtong, A.
Neeratanaphan, L.
109. Genomic organization of repetitive DNAs highlights chromosomal evolution in the genus Clarias (Clariidae, Siluriformes) Maneechot, N
Yano, CF
Bertollo, LA
Getlekha, N
Molina, WF
Ditcharoen, S
Tengjaroenkul, B
Supiwong, W
Tanomtong, A
de Bello Cioffi, M
110. Identifying an efficient bacterial species and its genetic erosion for arsenic bioremediation of gold mining soil Neeratanaphan, L.
Tanee, T.
Tanomtong, A.
Tengjaroenkul, B.
111. Karyological characteristics of the Koh Tao caecilian, Ichthyophis kohtaoensis (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Ichthyophiidae) by conventional staining and Ag-NOR banding techniques Isara Patawang
Krit Pinthong
Sumalee Phimphan
Yodchaiy Chuaynkern
Prateep Duengkae
Alongklod Tanomtong
112. Karyological study of Lutjanus ehrenbergii and L-carponotatus (perciformes, lutjanidae) by classical and Ag-NOR staining techniques Sangpakdee, W.
Phimphan, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Patawang, I.
Pinthong, K.
Neeratanaphan, L.
113. New record on karyological analysis and first study of NOR localization of parthenogenetic brahminy blind snake, Ramphotyphlops braminus (Squamata, Typhlopidae) in Thailand Isara Patawang
A. Tanomtong
P. Kaewmad
Y. Chuaynkern
P. Duengkae
114. Repetitive DNAs highlight the role of chromosomal fusions in the karyotype evolution of Dascyllus species (Pomacentridae, Perciformes) Getlekha, N
Molina, WF
de Bello Cioffi, M
Yano, CF
Maneechot, N
Bertollo, LA
Supiwong, W
Tanomtong, A
115. A discovery of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) polymorphism and karyological analysis of crystal eye catfish, Hemibagrus wyckii (Siluriformes, Bagridae) in Thailand Weerayuth Supiwong
Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Nuntiya Maneechot
Supatcha Chooseangjaew
Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
116. A first chromosomal and nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) Analyses of Chevey's Sheetfish, Micronema cheveyi (Siluriformes, Siluridae) Krit Pinthong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Baramate Simporn
Supatcha Chooseangjaew
Wanpen Kakampuy
Alongklod Tanomtong
117. Chromosomal analysis and meiosis studies of Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from Thailand Phimphan, S.
Sangpakdee, W.
Tanomtong, A.
118. Chromosomal Characteristics of the Three-Spot Damselfish, Dascyllus trimaculatus (Perciformes, Pomacentridae) in Thailand Getlekha, N.
Supiwong, W.
Kasiroek, W.
Tanomtong, A.
119. Chromosomal characteristics of the tropical oyster, Crassostrea belcheri Sowerby, 1871 (Ostreoida, Ostreidae) by conventional and Ag-NOR banding techniques Supatcha Chooseangjaew
Suwat Tanyaros
Nuntiya Maneechot
Phichaya Buasriyot
Nuntaporn Getlekha
Alongklod Tanomtong
120. Chromosome Analysis and Morphometric of Croslet Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus coelophyllus and Least Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus pusillus (Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae) Patawang, I.
Tengjaroenkul, B.
Supanuam, P.
Kakampuy, W.
Khunsook, S.
Tanomtong, A.
121. Constitutive Heterochromatin Observed on Metaphase Chromosome of Varanus bengalensis by C-Banding and DAPI Methods Patawang, I.
Tanomtong, A.
122. Cytogenetic of Skink (Reptilia, Scincidae) from Thailand: II: Chromosome Analyses of Stripe Tree Skink (Lipinia vittigera) Patawang, I.
Tanomtong, A.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Kaewsri, S.
Pinthong, K.
123. Cytogenetics of the skinks (Reptilia, Scincidae) from Thailand; III: the first karyological study of Sphenomorphus maculatus and Jarujinia bipedalis Suphat Prasopsin
Weera Thongnetr
Alongklod Tanomtong
Yodchaiy Chuaynkern
Isara Patawang
124. Cytogenetics study and characterization of sumatra serow, Capricornis sumatraensis (Artiodactyla, Bovidae) by classical and FISH techniques Sitthisak Jantarat
Alongklod Tanomtong
Isara Patawang
Somkid Chaiphech
Sukjai Rattanayuvakorn
Krit Phintong
125. Cytogenetic Study of Three Microhylid Species (Anura, Microhylidae) from Thailand Sangpakdee, W.
Phimphan, S.
Tengjaroenkul, B.
Pinthong, K.
Neeratanaphan, L.
Tanomtong, A.
126. Cytotoxic assessment of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from a domestic wastewater canal with heavy metal contamination Manop Sriuttha
Arthone Khammanichanh
Isara Patawang
Alongklod Tanomtong
Bundit Tengjaroenkul
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
127. Cytotoxicity Evaluation of the East Asian Bullfrog (Hoplobatrachus rugulosus) in an Agricultural Area Affected by Chlorpyrifos Tengjaroenkul, B.
Intamat, S.
Sriuttha, M.
Tanomtong, A.
Neeratanaphan, L.
128. First analysis on the cytogenetics of painted sweetlip, Plectorhinchus pictus (Heamulidae: Perciformes) from Thailand Sitthisak Jantarat
Weerayuth Supiwong
Krit Phintong
Khunapat Sonsrin
Nipasak Kong-ngarm
Alongklod Tanomtong
129. First chromosome analysis of the humpback cardinalfish, Fibramia lateralis (Perciformes, Apogonidae) Wannapa Kasiroek
Chantra Indananda
Nattawut Luangoon
Krit Pinthong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
130. First chromosome characterization of the Indian giant flying squirrel (Petaurista philippensis) and lesser giant flying squirrel (Petaurista elegans) Bundit Tengjaroenkul
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
Sitthisak Jantarat
Sitthisak Pinmongkhonkul
Sumpars Khunsook
Alongklod Tanomtong
131. First cytogenetic study of the whitecheek monocle bream, Scolopsis vosmeri (Perciformes, Nemipteridae) from Thailand Weerayuth Supiwong
Sumalee Phimphan
Puntivar Kaewmad
Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Sitthisak Jantarat
Alongklod Tanomtong
132. First report of chromosome analysis of two chaetodontid fishes (Perciformes, Chaetodontidae) Weerayuth Supiwong
Jiraporn Boonsuk
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Krit Pinthong
Apinun Suvarnaraksha
Alongklod Tanomtong
133. First report of chromosome analysis of two dragonets (Perciformes, Callionymidae) Wannapa Kasiroek
Nattawut Luangoon
Weerayuth Supiwong
Bundit Tengjaroenkul
Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
134. First report on classical and molecular cytogenetics of archerfish, Toxotes chatareus (Perciformes: Toxotidae) Weerayuth Supiwong
W. Jiwyam
K. Sreeputhorn
N. Maneechot
L. A. C. Bertollo
M. B. Cioffi
N. Getlekha
A. Tanomtong
135. Karyological Study of Tusker and Tuskless Male Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) by Conventional, GTG-, and Ag-NOR Banding Techniques Tanomtong, A.
Phimphan, S.
Sangpakdee, W.
136. Karyotype and Idiogram of Indian Hog Deer (Hyelaphus porcinus) by Conventional Staining, GTG-, High-Resolution and Ag-NOR Banding Techniques Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
137. Karyotype and idiogram of the axis deer (Axia axis, Cervidae) by conventional staining, GTG-, high-resolution GTG-, and Ag-NOR-banding techniques Hathaipat Khongcharoensuk
Alongklod Tanomtong
Isara Patawang
Praween Supanuam
Somnuek Sornnok
Krit Pinthong
138. Karyotypic Study of Five Lutjanid Species Using Conventional and Ag-NORs Banding Techniques Phimphan, S.
Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Pinthong, K.
Sangpakdee, W.
Kaewsri, S.
139. NOR Polymorphism and Chromosome Analysis of Banggai Cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni (Perciformes, Apogonidae) Kasiroek, W.
Pinthong, K.
Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
140. Standardized karyotype and idiogram of bengal monitor lizard, Varanus bengalensis (Squamata, Varanidae) Isara Patawang
Alongklod Tanomtong
Nuntaporn Getlekha
Sumalee Phimphan
Krit Pinthong
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
141. The first chromosomal characteristics of nucleolar organizer regions and karyological analysis of two chaetodontid fishes (Perciformes, Chaetodontidae) Weerayuth Supiwong
Jiraporn Boonsuk
Sitthisak Jantarat
Apinun Suvarnaraksha
Puan Pengseng
Alongklod Tanomtong
142. The First Report on Chromosome Analysis of F-1 Hybrid Catfish: Mekong Giant Catfish (Pangasianodon gigas) x Striped Catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and Spot Pangasius (Pangasius larnaudii) x Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Siluriformes, Pangasiidae) Kosit Sreeputhorn
Kriangsak Mangumphan
Benjawon Muanphet
Alongklod Tanomtong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Puntivar Kaewmad
143. The first report on chromosome analysis of F1 hybrid catfish: Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas) × striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and spot pangasius (Pangasius larnaudii) × Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Siluriformes, Pangasiidae) Tanomtong, A.
Supiwong, W.
Kaewmad, P.
144. Additional description of karyotype and meiotic features of Takydromus sexlineatus (Squamata, Lacertidae) from northeastern Thailand Patawang, I.
Pinthong, K.
Kaewmad, P.
Tanomtong, A.
145. A new review and karyological analysis of Leiolepis belliana and L-boehmei (Reptilia, Agamidae) from a population in southern Thailand Jantarat, S.
Patawang, I.
Kraiprom, T.
Tanomtong, A.
146. A report on classical cytogenetics of hihgfin barb fish, cyclocheilichthys armatus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) Patcharaporn Chaiyasan
Weerayuth Supiwong
Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Kriengkrai Seetapan
Sitthisak Pinmongkhonkul
Alongklod Tanomtong
147. Chromosomal analysis of two snakehead fishes, channa marulius (Hamilton, 1822) and C. marulioides (Bleeker, 1851) (Perciformes: Channidae) in Thailand Teamjun Sarasan
Sitthisak Jantarat
Weerayuth Supiwong
Pun Yeesin
Nattapong Srisamoot
Alongklod Tanomtong
148. Chromosomes of Asian cyprinid fishes: Cytogenetic analysis of two representatives of small paleotetraploid tribe Probarbini Saenjundaeng, P
de Bello Cioffi, M
de Oliveira, EA
Tanomtong, A
Supiwong, W
Phimphan, S
Collares-Pereira, MJ
Sember, A
Bertollo, LAC
Liehr, T
Yano, CF
Hatanaka, T
Ráb, P
149. Contrasting Evolutionary Paths Among Indo-Pacific Pomacentrus Species Promoted by Extensive Pericentric Inversions and Genome Organization of Repetitive Sequences Getlekha, N
Cioffi, MB
Maneechot, N
Bertollo, LAC
Supiwong, W
Tanomtong, A
Molina, WF
150. Cytogenetics of the skinks (Reptilia, Scincidae) from Thailand; IV: newly investigated karyotypic features of Lygosoma quadrupes and Scincella melanosticta Isara Patawang
Yodchaiy Chuaynkern
Praween Supanuam
Nuntiya Maneechot
Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
151. Cytotoxicity in the frog (Fejervarya limnocharis) after acute cadmium exposure in vivo Boonmee, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Tengjaroenkul, B.
Neeratanaphan, L.
152. From chromosomes to genome: Insights into the evolutionary relationships and biogeography of old world Knifefishes (notopteridae; Osteoglossiformes) Felipe Faix Barby
Petr Rab
Sebastien Lavoue
Tariq Ezaz
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Andrzej Kilian
Sandra Regina Maruyama
Ezequiel Aguiar de Oliveira
Roberto Ferreira Artoni
Mateus Henrique Santos
Oladele Ilesanmi Jegede
Terumi Hatanaka
Alongklod Tanomtong
Thomas Liehr
Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
153. Karyological analysis and NOR polymorphism of phayre’s langur, Trachypithecus phayrei crepuscula (Primate, Colobinae) in Thailand Krit Pinthong
A. Tanomtong
S. Khunsook
I. Patawang
W. Wonkaonoi
P. Supanuam
154. Karyological analysis and nucleolar organizer region of tropical oyster, crassostrea iredalei (Ostreoida, Ostreidae) in Thailand Supatcha Chooseangjaew
Suwat Tanyaros
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Nuntaporn Getlekha
Alongklod Tanomtong
155. Karyotype and characteristics of nucleolar organizer regions in longfin carp, labiobarbus leptocheilus (cypriniformes, cyprinidae) Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Puntivar Kaewmad
Weerayuth Supiwong
Krit Pinthong
Puan Pengseng
Alongklod Tanomtong
156. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of one african and five asian macaque species reveals identical karyotypes as in mandrill Sangpakdee, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Pinthong, K.
Trifonov, V.A.
157. Nucleolar organizer regions polymorphism and karyological analysis of black lancer, bagrichthys majusculus (Siluriformes, Bagridae) in Thailand Weerayuth Supiwong
Nuntaporn Getlakha
Somkid Chaiphech
Krit Pinthong
Sumalee Phimphan
Alongklod Tanomtong
158. Chromosome studies on freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium lanchesteri (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from Thailand Sumalee Phimphan
A. Tanomtong
N. Seangphan
W. Sangpakdee
159. Cytogenetics, genomics and biodiversity of the South American and African Arapaimidae fish family (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes). Ezequiel Aguiar de Oliveira
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Petr Rab
Tariq Ezaz
Cassia Fernanda Yano
Terumi Hatanaka
Oladele Ilesanmi Jegede
Alongklod Tanomtong
Thomas Liehr
Alexandr Sember
Sandra Regina Maruyama
Eliana Feldberg
Patrik Ferreira Viana
Marcelo de Bello Cioffiid
160. Cytogenetic study of the Bent-toed Gecko (Reptilia, Gekkonidae) in Thailand; I: Chromosomal classical features and NORs characterization of Cyrtodactylus kunyai and C. interdigitalis Tanomtong, A.
Pinthong, K.
Patawang, I.
161. Deciphering the Evolutionary History of Arowana Fishes (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes, Osteoglossidae): Insight from Comparative Cytogenomics De Oliveira, E.A.
Tanomtong, A.
162. Emerging patterns of genome organization in Notopteridae species (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes) as revealed by Zoo-FISH and Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) Barby, FF
Bertollo, LAC
de Oliveira, EA
Yano, CF
Hatanaka, T
Ráb, P
Sember, A
Ezaz, T
Artoni, RF
Liehr, T
Al-Rikabi, ABH
Trifonov, V
de Oliveira, EHC
Molina, WF
Jegede, OI
Tanomtong, A
de Bello Cioffi, M
163. Genomic Organization of Repetitive DNA Elements and Extensive Karyotype Diversity of Silurid Catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes): A Comparative Cytogenetic Approach Sukhonthip Ditcharoen
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Petr Rab
Eva Hnatkova
Wagner Franco Molina
Thomas Liehr
Alongklod Tanomtong
Costas Triantaphyllidis
Catherine Ozouf-Costaz
Sampan Tongnunui
Puan Pengseng
Weerayuth Supiwong
Rouben Aroutiounian
Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
164. Karyotype diversity and evolutionary trends in the Asian swamp eel Monopterus albus (Synbranchiformes, Synbranchidae): a case of chromosomal speciation? Supiwong, W.
Pinthong, K.
Seetapan, K.
Saenjundaeng, P.
De Oliveira, E.A.
Phimphan, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Count 153 16 113 0

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Cytogenetic study on wild animal species of the subfamily paradoxurinae in Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
2005 Cytologia
3 (70), pp. 249-255
2. New records of chromosomal features in Indian muntjacs (Muntiacus muntjak) and fea's muntjacs (M. feae) of Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Kaensa, W.
Khunsook, S.
2005 Cytologia
1 (70), pp. 71-77
3. A comparative of G-banded chromosome of Assam Macaque (Macaca assamensis) and relationship to human (Homo sapiens) Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Kaensa, W.
Bunjongrat, R.
2006 Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
3 (28), pp. 539-549
4. A comparison of the karyotype of five species in genus Macaca (Primate, Cercopithecidae) in Thailand by using conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution technique Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Kaensa, W.
Bunjongrat, R.
2006 Cytologia
2 (71), pp. 161-167
5. A study on karyotype of masked palm civet (Paguma lavata) by conventional staining and G-banding method Tanomtong, A.
Kaensa, W.
Bunjongrat, R.
2006 Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
4 (28), pp. 753-764
6. Comparative karyotypic studies on three species of the subfamily viverrinae in Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Bungongrat, R.
2006 Cytologia
3 (71), pp. 269-273
7. Comparative phylogenetic studies of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) and human (Homo sapiens) using G-banding pattern Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Chaveerach, A.
Kaensa, W.
Banjongrat, R.
2006 Cytologia
1 (71), pp. 87-92
8. Cytogenetic and AFLP fingerprints for five species of Thai macaques Tanee, T.
Chaveerach, A.
Sattayasai, N.
Tanomtong, A.
Nuchadomrong, S.
2006 Cytologia
3 (71), pp. 303-308
9. Genetic diversity among geographically separated populations of Nepenthes mirabilis Chaveerach, A.
Tanomtong, A.
Sudmoon, R.
Tanee, T.
2006 Biologia
3 (61), pp. 295-298
10. A comparative chromosome analysis of Thai wild boar (Sus scrofa jubatus) and relationship to domestic pig (S. s. domestica) by conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution technique Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Siripiyasing, P.
2007 Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
1 (29), pp. 1-13
11. Analysis of the genetic relationships among Thai gibbon species using AFLP markers Tanee, T.
Chaveerach, A.
Sattayasai, N.
Tanomtong, A.
Nuchadomrong, S.
2007 Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
9 (10), pp. 1459-1464
12. A study on karyotype of the Asian leopard cat, Prionailurus bengalensis (Carnivora, Felidae) by conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution technique Keawmad, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
2007 Cytologia
1 (72), pp. 101-110
13. Blood cell characteristics and hematological values of free ranging-red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus) in Northeastern, Thailand Aengwanich, W.
Tanomtong, A.
2007 Journal of Biological Sciences
4 (7), pp. 689-692
14. Comparative chromosome G-banding analysis of long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) and relationship to human (Homo sapiens) Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Kaensa, W.
2007 Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
3 (29), pp. 583-589
15. Genetic relationships among wild Felidae in Thailand using AFLP markers Srisamoot, N.
Chaveerach, A.
Nuchadomrong, S.
Sattayasai, N.
Chaveerach, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Pinthong, K.
2007 Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
16 (10), pp. 2639-2645
16. Genetic relationships in a population of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. (Nelumbonaceae) Chaveerach, A.
Sudmoon, R.
Tanee, T.
Mokkamul, P.
Tanomtong, A.
2007 Journal of Biological Sciences
8 (7), pp. 1388-1393
17. Genetic relationships of langur species using AFLP markers Chaveerach, A.
Tanee, T.
Sattayasai, N.
Tanomtong, A.
Nuchadomrong, S.
2007 Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
9 (10), pp. 1445-1451
18. New Robertsonian translocation chromosomes in captive Thai Gaur (Bos gaurus readei) Kakampuy, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Sangpakdee, W.
2007 Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
13 (10), pp. 2185-2191
19. Standardized karyotype and idiogram of the pileated gibbon, Hylobates pileatus (Primate, Hylobatidae) by G-banding and high-resolution technique Supanuam, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
2007 Cytologia
2 (72), pp. 189-194
20. A study on karyotype of the pileated gibbon, Hylobates pileatus (Primates, Hylobatidae), by conventional staining Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Khunsook, S.
2008 Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
4 (30), pp. 421-426
21. Cytogenetic study of the leopard, Panthera pardus (Carnivora, Felidae) by conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution staining technique Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Keawmad, P.
Pintong, K.
2008 Cytologia
1 (73), pp. 81-90
22. Cytogenetic study on Thai brow-antlered deer, Cervus eldi siamensis and Thamin brow-antlered deer, Cervus eldi thamin (Artiodactyla, Cervidae) by conventional staining method Tanomtong, A.
Kong-ngarm, N.
Supanuam, P.
Monthatong, M.
2008 Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
2 (30), pp. 171-177
23. Flying lemurs - The 'flying tree shrews'? Molecular cytogenetic evidence for a Scandentia-Dermoptera sister clade Tanomtong, A.
Ferguson- Smith, M.A.
2008 BMC Biology
(6), pp.
24. Karyological study of the jungle cat, Felis chaus (Carnivora, Felidae) by conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution staining technique Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Keawmad, P.
Siripiyasing, P.
2008 Cytologia
1 (73), pp. 61-70
25. Phylogenetic relationships of wildlife order carnivora in Thailand inferred from the internal transcribed spacer region Chaveerach, A.
Srisamoot, N.
Nuchadomrong, S.
Nuchadomrong, S.
Sattayasai, N.
Chaveerach, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Pinthong, K.
2008 Journal of Biological Sciences
2 (8), pp. 278-287
26. Standardized karyotype and idiogram of the clouded leopard, Neofelis nebulosa (Carnivora, Felidae) by conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution staining technique Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Keawmad, P.
2008 Cytologia
1 (73), pp. 71-80
27. The discovery of chromosome trisomy 22: A novel chromosomal feature of Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) Jantarat, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Kaewsri, S.
2008 Cytologia
2 (73), pp. 145-149
28. The first cytogenetic study of the malayan porcupine, Hystrix brachyuran (Rodentia, Hystricidae) by conventional staining and G-banding technique Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Sangpakdee, W.
Siripiyasing, P.
Boonhan, P.
Kaewsri, S.
2008 Cytologia
3 (73), pp. 221-228
29. The Homology and relationship of human (Homo sapiens) chromosomes 1, 19 and Dusky Langur (Trachypithacus obscurus) chromosomes 6, 8 demonstrated with chromosome painting Sangpakdee, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Monthatong, M.
Pinthong, K.
Gomontean, B.
2008 Cytologia
4 (73), pp. 349-355
30. The identification of the sex chromosome and karyotype of four toad species (Genus Bufo) in Thailand by T-lymphocyte cell culture Siripiyasing, P.
Pariyanonth, P.
Kaewsri, S.
Sittigul, S.
Seatung, N.
Tanomtong, A.
2008 Cytologia
3 (73), pp. 229-241
31. A new report of karyotype in the chevron snakehead fish, channa striata (Channidae, Pisces) from Northeast Thailand Supiwong, W.
Jearranaiprepame, P.
Tanomtong, A.
2009 Cytologia
3 (74), pp. 317-322
32. A novel polymorphism of nucleolar organizer regions (nors) and complex inversion chromosome 8 of white-handed gibbon (hylobates lar, linnaeus, 1771) in Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Supanuam, P.
Kaewsri, S.
2009 Cytologia
4 (74), pp. 379-384
33. A novel robertsonian translocation [57, rob(1/29)(4/28)] and polymorphism of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) of captive thai banteng (bos javanicus birmanicus) Gomontean, B.
Tanomtong, A.
Kakampuy, W.
Chaveerach, A.
2009 Cytologia
4 (74), pp. 427-436
34. Chromosome staining of crinum lily (Crinum asiaticum l.) using natural dyes Tanomtong, A.
Wonkaonoi, W.
Gomontean, B.
2009 Cytologia
1 (74), pp. 17-22
35. Cytogenetic studies of fishing cat, prionailurus viverrinus (Bennett 1833) and asiatic golden cat, catopuma temminckii (Vigors and horsfield 1827) by conventional staining, G-banding and high-resolution techniques Tanomtong, A.
Kaewmad, P.
Khunsook, S.
Kaewsri, S.
2009 Cytologia
1 (74), pp. 3-15
36. Genetic relationships of cercopithecidae in Thailand as inferred from rDNA ITS regions Tanee, T.
Chaveerach, A.
Sudmoon, R.
Tanomtong, A.
Mokkamul, P.
2009 Journal of Biological Sciences
1 (9), pp. 51-56
37. Karyological study of the white-cheeked gibbon, nomascus leucogenys (Primates, hylobatidae) by G-banding and high-resolution techniques Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Khunsook, S.
2009 Cytologia
1 (74), pp. 23-29
38. Molecular analysis for genetic diversity and distance of introduced Grus antigone sharpii L. to Thailand Tanee, T.
Chaveerach, A.
Anuniwat, A.
Tanomtong, A.
Pinthong, K.
Sudmoon, R.
Mokkamul, P.
2009 Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
2 (12), pp. 163-167
39. The first chromosome characterization of the family Tragulidae (Artiodactyla) in Thailand by conventional staining Bunjongrat, R.
Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
2009 Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
1 (31), pp. 29-34
40. A discovery of polymorphism of Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) and whole-arm translocation (WAT) between chromosome 8 and 9 of lowland agile gibbon (hylobates agilis unko) in Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Supanuam, P.
Kaewsri, S.
Srisamoot, N.
2010 Cytologia
1 (75), pp. 15-21
41. A new polymorphism of Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) of Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak) in laos PDR Tanomtong, A.
Jearranaiprepame, P.
Supiwong, W.
2010 Cytologia
1 (75), pp. 23-30
42. Chromosomal staining comparison of plant cells with black glutinous rice (Oryza sativa L.) and Lac (Laccifer lacca Kerr) Supanuam, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Thiprautree, S.
Gomontean, B.
2010 Cytologia
1 (75), pp. 89-97
43. Chromosome studies in the banded palm civet, Hemigalus derbyanus Thomas, 1915 (carnivora, viverridae) by conventional staining, GTG banding and high-resolution techniques Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Seatung, N.
Supanuam, P.
Kenthao, A.
Kaewsri, S.
2011 Cytologia
1 (76), pp. 89-97
44. Karyotype study of 5 species of the family viverridae in Thailand by high resolution GTG-banding technique Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Seatung, N.
Sangpadee, W.
Kaewsri, S.
Sanoamuang, L.
2011 Cytologia
4 (76), pp. 463-473
45. Robertsonian translocation [56, XX and 57, XY, rob (1;29)] in captive Thai gaur (Bos gaurus readei) by conventional, GTG-banding, CBG-banding and Ag-NOR banding techniques Tanomtong, A.
Kakampuy, W.
Kaewsri, S.
Kenthao, A.
2011 Cytologia
1 (76), pp. 99-108
46. The first karyotype study of lesser bamboo rat, Cannomys badius (Rodentia, Rhizomyinae) by conventional, GTG-, CBG-, Ag-NOR banding, and high-resolution techniques Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Boonhan, P.
Sangpadee, W.
Pinthong, K.
Sanoamuang, L.
2011 Cytologia
4 (76), pp. 445-454
47. A discovery of nucleolar organizer regions (nors) polymorphism and karyological analysis of smith's barb, puntioplites proctozysron (cypriniformes, cyprinidae) in Thailand Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Jantarat, S.
Sanoamuang, L.
2012 Cytologia
1 (77), pp. 35-42
48. A first karyotype analysis and chromosomal characteristic of nucleolar organizer regions (nors) of common sheathfish, micronema apogon (siluriformes, siluridae) in Thailand Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Sanoamuang, L.
2012 Cytologia
1 (77), pp. 53-58
49. Chromosomal rearrangements and karyotype evolution in carnivores revealed by chromosome painting Tanomtong, A. 2012 Heredity
1 (108), pp. 17-27
50. First report of chromosome analysis of saddleback anemonefish, amphiprion polymnus (Perciformes, Amphiprioninae), in Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Supiwong, W.
Chaveerach, A.
Tanee, T.
Sanoamuang, L.
2012 Cytologia
4 (77), pp. 441-446
51. Karyological analysis and morphometries of the lesser Asiatic house bat, Scotophilus kuhlii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) Supanuam, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Pinthong, K.
Sanoamuang, L.
2012 Cytologia
3 (77), pp. 401-411
52. Karyological analysis and nature polymorphics of nucleolar organizer regions in the dusky leaf monkey, trachypithecus obscurus (primate, colobinae), by conventional, GTG-, CBG-banding, and high-resolution techniques Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Wonkaonoi, W.
Sangpakdee, W.
Bunjongrat, R.
Sanoamuang, L.
2012 Cytologia
2 (77), pp. 131-139
53. Localization of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) of 4 gibbon species in thailand by Ag-NOR banding technique Supanuam, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Sangpakdee, W.
Pinthong, K.
Sanoamuang, L.
2012 Cytologia
2 (77), pp. 141-148
54. Standardized karyotype and idiogram of Mehsani buffaloes, Bubalus bubalis by conventional staining, GTG-banding, CBG-banding and Ag-NOR banding techniques Kenthao, A.
Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Sanoamuang, L.
2012 Buffalo Bulletin
1 (31), pp. 24-39
55. Standardized karyotype and idiogram of two-spot glass catfish, ompok bimaculatus (Siluriformes, Siluridae) in Thailand by conventional and Ag-NOR staining techniques Gomonteir, B.
Tanomtong, A.
Supiwong, W.
Sikhruadong, S.
Neeratanaphan, L.
Sanoamuang, L.
2012 Cytologia
4 (77), pp. 459-464
56. The first chromosomal characteristics of nucleolar organizer regions and karyological analysis of clown knife fish, Chitala ornata (Osteoglossiformes, Notopteridae) by T-lymphocyte cell culture Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Sanoamuang, L.
2012 Cytologia
3 (77), pp. 393-399
57. The first chromosomal characteristics of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in grey featherback fish, notopterus notopterus (osteoglossiformes, notopteridae) by conventional and Ag-NOR staining techniques Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Sanoamuang, L.
2012 Cytologia
2 (77), pp. 279-285
58. Chromosomal characteristic of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from mitotic and meiotic cell division by T-lymphocyte cell culture Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
Seetapan, K.
Sanoamuang, L.
2013 Cytologia
1 (78), pp. 9-14
59. Cytogenetic study of Northeastern butterfly lizard, Leiolepis reevesii rubritaeniata (Squamata, Agamidae) in Northeast Thailand Phimphan, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Patawang, I.
Kaewsri, S.
Jantarat, S.
Sanoamuang, L.
2013 Cytologia
2 (78), pp. 133-140
60. First chromosome analysis and localization of the nucleolar organizer region of land snail, sarika resplendens (stylommatophora, ariophantidae) in Thailand Khrueanet, W.
Supiwong, W.
Tumpeesuwan, C.
Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
2013 Cytologia
3 (78), pp. 213-222
61. First cytogenetic study of Malayan snail-eating turtle, Malayemys macrocephala (testudines, geoemydidae) in Thailand Siripiyasing, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Patawang, I.
Phimphan, S.
Sanoamuang, L.
2013 Cytologia
2 (78), pp. 125-132
62. First cytogenetic study of puff-faced water snake, Homalopsis buccata (Squamata, Colubridae) by conventional staining, Ag-NOR banding and GTG-banding techniques Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
Getlekha, N.
Sangpadee, W.
Sanoamuang, L.
2013 Cytologia
2 (78), pp. 141-150
63. First detailed reconstruction of the karyotype of Trachypithecus cristatus (Mammalia: Cercopithecidae) Xiaobo, F.
Pinthong, K.
Siripiyasing, P.
Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Liehr, T.
De Bello Cioffi, M.
2013 Molecular Cytogenetics
1 (6), pp.
64. First karyological analysis of black the crowned crane (balearica pavonina) and the scaly-breasted munia (Lonchura punctulata) Kaewmad, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Wonkaonoi, W.
Khunsook, S.
2013 Cytologia
3 (78), pp. 205-211
65. First report of NOR polymorphism and chromosome analysis of John's snapper, Lutjanus johnii (Perciformes, Lutjanidae) in Thailand Phimphan, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Supiwong, W.
Siripiyasing, P.
Sanoamuang, L.
2013 Cytologia
4 (78), pp. 335-344
66. Interpopulational variation of NOR positions and karyotypic analysis of Siamese catfish (Pseudomystus siamensis) in Thailand Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Tanee, T.
Sanoamuang, L.
2013 Cytologia
1 (78), pp. 25-34
67. Karyological analysis and morphometries of Horsfield's bat, Myotis horsfieldii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) Supanuam, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Kaewsri, S.
Pinthong, K.
Sanoamuang, L.
2013 Cytologia
1 (78), pp. 15-24
68. Karyotype and cytogenetic mapping of 9 classes of repetitive DNAs in the genome of the naked catfish Mystus bocourti (Siluriformes, Bagridae) Supiwong, W.
Liehr, T.
Cioffi, M.B.
Chaveerach, A.
Pinthong, K.
Tanee, T.
Tanomtong, A.
2013 Molecular Cytogenetics
1 (6), pp.
69. RAPD and barcode analyses of groupers of the genus Epinephelus Noikotr, K.
Chaveerach, A.
Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
Sudmoon, R.
Tanee, T.
2013 Genetics and Molecular Research
4 (12), pp. 5721-5732
70. Reptilia, Squamata, Scincidae, Lygosoma haroldyoungi (Taylor, 1962): New distribution records Chuaynkern, Y.
Chuaynkern, C.
Tanomtong, A.
Patawang, I.
2013 Check List
1 (9), pp. 118-120
71. Semen quality and artificial insemination of eastern sarus crane Grus antigone shapii linn. In captive condition in the Nakhon Ratchasima zoo, Thailand Kaewmad, P.
Tanomtong, A.
2013 World Applied Sciences Journal
1 (28), pp. 145-152
72. Standardized karyotype and idiogram of titan triggerfish, Balistoides viridescens (Tetraodontiformes, Balistidae) in Thailand Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Neeratanaphan, L.
Sanoamuang, L.
2013 Cytologia
4 (78), pp. 345-351
73. The first karyological analysis, natural NOR polymorphism, and delineation of the X1Y,X2Y/X1X2 multiple sex chromosome system of the hoary bamboo rat (Rhizomys pruinosus) Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Boonhan, P.
Kaewmad, P.
Sanoamuang, L.
2013 Cytologia
4 (78), pp. 353-365
74. A first chromosomal characterization of NORs in splendid snakehead fish, Channa lucius (Perciformes, Channidae) Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Sriuttha, M.
Jearranaiprepame, P.
Soemphol, W.
Jiwyam, W.
2014 Cytologia
2 (79), pp. 133-139
75. A first karyological analysis of the sand goby, Oxyeleotris marmoratus (Teleostei, Eleotridae) in Thailand by Ag-NOR staining technique Pinthong, K.
Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Hongsachart, P.
Phaengphairee, P.
Chantarangsee, M.
2014 Cytologia
2 (79), pp. 127-132
76. A new natural autotetraploid and chromosomal characteristics of dwarf snakehead fish, Channa gachua (Perciformes, Channidae) in Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Supiwong, W.
Jearranaiprepame, P.
Getlekha, N.
2014 Cytologia
1 (79), pp. 15-27
77. Chromosomal characteristics of NORs and karyological analysis of Tokay Gecko, Gekko gecko (Gekkonidae, Squamata) from mitotic and meiotic cell division Patawang, I.
Tanomtong, A.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Kakampuy, W.
Neeratanaphan, L.
Pinthong, K.
2014 Cytologia
3 (79), pp. 315-324
78. Chromosomal evolution in naked catfishes (Bagridae, Siluriformes): A comparative chromosome mapping study Supiwong, W.
Liehr, T.
Chaveerach, A.
Pinthong, K.
Tanee, T.
Tanomtong, A.
2014 Zoologischer Anzeiger
4 (253), pp. 316-320
79. Chromosome analysis and morphometric of intermediate roundleaf bat, Hipposideros larvatus (Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) by conventional, GTG-banding and Ag-NOR banding techniques Jantarat, S.
Supanuam, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Prakrongrak, N.
Kaewsri, S.
2014 Cytologia
4 (79), pp. 445-456
80. Comparative cytogenetic mapping of rRNA genes among naked catfishes: Implications for genomic evolution in the bagridae family Supiwong, W.
Liehr, T.
Chaveerach, A.
Tanee, T.
Tanomtong, A.
2014 Genetics and Molecular Research
4 (13), pp. 9533-9542
81. Cytogenetics of the skinks (Reptilia, Scincidae) from Thailand; I: Chromosome analyses of the common sun skink (Eutropis multifasciata) Kaewsri, S.
Yodmuang, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Patawang, I.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Pinthong, K.
2014 Cytologia
4 (79), pp. 457-466
82. First report on heteromorphic NORs and chromosome analysis of rolland's demoiselle, chrysiptera rollandi (Perciformes, Pomacentrinae) by conventional and Ag-NOR staining techniques Kasiroek, W.
Luangoon, N.
Getlekha, N.
Saowakoon, S.
Phinrub, W.
Tanomtong, A.
2014 Cytologia
3 (79), pp. 289-297
83. High resolution karyotype of thai crab-eating macaque (Macaca fascicularis) Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Pinthong, K.
Pornnarong, S.
Supiwong, W.
Liehr, T.
2014 Archives of Biological Sciences
4 (66), pp. 1603-1607
84. Karyotype analysis of two groupers, Epinephelus species (Serranidae) Noikotr, K.
Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
Sudmoon, R.
Chaveerach, A.
Tanee, T.
2014 Caryologia
1 (67), pp. 63-65
85. Natural autotetraploid and chromosomal characteristics in the subfamily botiinae (Cypriniformes, Cobitinae) from Northeast Thailand Kaewmad, P.
Monthatong, M.
Supiwong, W.
Saowakoon, S.
Tanomtong, A.
2014 Cytologia
3 (79), pp. 299-313
86. Standardized karyotype and idiogram of Quoy's parrotfish, Scarus quoyi (Perciformes: Scaridae) by conventional staining and Ag-NOR banding techniques Kaewsri, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Getlekha, N.
Saenjundaeng, P.
Suksuwan, R.
Supiwong, W.
2014 Cytologia
4 (79), pp. 429-435
87. The first chromosome analysis and localization of the nucleolar organizer region of Phayre's flying squirrel, Hylopetes phayrei (Rodentia, Sciuridae) in Thailand Jantarat, S.
Khunsook, S.
Supanuam, P.
Kaewsri, S.
Tanomtong, A.
2014 Cytologia
1 (79), pp. 3-14
88. The first karyological study and natural nor polymorphism in banded langur, Presbytis femoralis (Primate, Colobinae) Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Wonkaonoi, W.
Supanuam, P.
Srisamoot, N.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
2014 Cytologia
1 (79), pp. 29-39
89. The first report of NORs and chromosome analysis of tripletail wrasse, Cheilinus trilobatus (Perciformes: Labridae) Kaewsri, S.
Saenjundaeng, P.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Suksuwan, R.
Tanomtong, A.
Supiwong, W.
2014 Cytologia
4 (79), pp. 437-443
90. The identification of sex-chromosomes and karyological analysis of rice frog, Fejervarya limnocharis (Anura, Ranidae) from Northeast Thailand Patawang, I.
Tanomtong, A.
Phimphan, S.
Chuaynkern, Y.
Chuaynkern, C.
Phaengphairee, P.
Khrueanet, W.
Nithikulworawong, N.
2014 Cytologia
2 (79), pp. 141-150
91. Chromosomal aberration of snakehead fish (Channa striata) in affected reservoir by leachate with lead and mercury contamination Neeratanaphan, L.
Supiwong, W.
Sriuttha, M.
Tanomtong, A.
2015 International Journal of Environmental Research
3 (9), pp. 897-906
92. Chromosomal characteristics of the royal knifefish, Chitala blanci (Osteoglossiformes, Notopteridae) by conventional and Ag-NOR staining techniques Maneechot, N.
Supiwong, W.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Siripiyasing, P.
Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
2015 Cytologia
2 (80), pp. 159-166
93. First karyological analysis of the vermiculate spinefoot, Siganus vermiculatus (Perciformes, Siganidae) from Thailand Jumrusthanasan, S.
Supiwong, W.
Suvarnaraksha, A.
Jiwyam, W.
Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
2015 Cytologia
1 (80), pp. 111-116
94. Genomic organization of repetitive DNA elements and its implications for the chromosomal evolution of channid fishes (Actinopterygii, Perciformes) Cioffi, M.B.
Villa, M.A.
De Oliveira, E.A.
Tanomtong, A.
Supiwong, W.
Chaveerach, A.
2015 PLoS ONE
6 (10), pp.
95. Karyological analysis of the Barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Perciformes, Latidae) Phimphan, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Supiwong, W.
Nithikulworawong, N.
Suvarnaraksha, A.
Kaewsri, S.
2015 Cytologia
2 (80), pp. 167-172
96. Karyological analysis of the Indo-Chinese water dragon, Physignathus cocincinus (Squamata, Agamidae) from Thailand Patawang, I.
Tanomtong, A.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Neeratanaphan, L.
Pinthong, K.
2015 Cytologia
1 (80), pp. 15-23
97. Karyotype homology between Calotes versicolor and C. mystaceus (Squamata, Agamidae) from northeastern Thailand Patawang, I.
Tanomtong, A.
Chuaynkern, Y.
Chuaynkern, C.
2015 Nucleus (India)
2 (58), pp. 117-123
98. The first report on standardized karyotype and idiogram of Indochinese silvered langur, Trachypithecus germaini germaini (Primates, Colobinae) in Thailand Supanuam, P.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Khrueanet, W.
Pinthong, K.
Wonkaonoi, W.
2015 Cytologia
2 (80), pp. 183-192
99. The standard karyotype of the Asiatic jackal, Canis aureus (Carnivora, Canidae) from Thailand Tanomtong, A.
Chaiyaphan, P.
Supanuam, P.
Puramongkol, T.
2015 Cytologia
1 (80), pp. 3-13
100. Chromosomes in a genome-wise order: Evidence for metaphase architecture Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Liehr, T.
2016 Molecular Cytogenetics
1 (9), pp.
101. Cytotoxic evaluation of rice field frogs (Fejervarya limnocharis) from gold mine area with arsenic contamination Intamat, S.
Sriuttha, M.
Patawang, I.
Tanomtong, A.
Neeratanaphan, L.
2016 Nucleus (India)
3 (59), pp. 181-189
102. Genomic organization of repetitive DNAs highlights chromosomal evolution in the genus Clarias (Clariidae, Siluriformes) Getlekha, N.
Tengjaroenkul, B.
Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
De Bello Cioffi, M.
2016 Molecular Cytogenetics
1 (9), pp.
103. Identifying an efficient bacterial species and its genetic erosion for arsenic bioremediation of gold mining soil Neeratanaphan, L.
Tanee, T.
Tanomtong, A.
Tengjaroenkul, B.
2016 Archives of Environmental Protection
3 (42), pp. 58-66
104. Karyological study of Lutjanus ehrenbergii and L. carponotatus (perciformes, lutjanidae) by classical and Ag-NOR staining techniques Sangpakdee, W.
Phimphan, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Patawang, I.
Pinthong, K.
Neeratanaphan, L.
2016 Nucleus (India)
1 (59), pp. 53-59
105. A discovery of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) polymorphism and karyological analysis of crystal eye catfish, Hemibagrus wyckii (Siluriformes, Bagridae) in Thailand Supiwong, W.
Saenjundaeng, P.
Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
4 (82), pp. 403-411
106. A first chromosomal and nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) Analyses of Chevey's Sheetfish, Micronema cheveyi (Siluriformes, Siluridae) Pinthong, K.
Supiwong, W.
Kakampuy, W.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
4 (82), pp. 435-441
107. Chromosomal analysis and meiosis studies of Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from Thailand Phimphan, S.
Sangpakdee, W.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Nucleus (India)
1 (60), pp. 9-15
108. Chromosomal characteristics of the three-spot damselfish, Dascyllus trimaculatus (Perciformes, Pomacentridae) in Thailand Getlekha, N.
Supiwong, W.
Kasiroek, W.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
1 (82), pp. 51-57
109. Chromosomal characteristics of the tropical oyster, Crassostrea belcheri Sowerby, 1871 (Ostreoida, Ostreidae) by conventional and Ag-NOR banding techniques Getlekha, N.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
1 (82), pp. 3-8
110. Chromosome analysis and morphometric of croslet horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus coelophyllus and least horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus pusillus (Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae) Patawang, I.
Tengjaroenkul, B.
Supanuam, P.
Kakampuy, W.
Khunsook, S.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
5 (82), pp. 471-480
111. Constitutive heterochromatin observed on metaphase chromosome of Varanus bengalensis by C-banding and DAPI methods Patawang, I.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
1 (82), pp. 1
112. Cytogenetic of skink (Reptilia, Scincidae) from Thailand: II: Chromosome analyses of stripe tree skink (Lipinia vittigera) Patawang, I.
Tanomtong, A.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Kaewsri, S.
Pinthong, K.
2017 Cytologia
1 (82), pp. 83-90
113. Cytogenetics of the skinks (Reptilia, Scincidae) from Thailand; III: the first karyological study of Sphenomorphus maculatus and Jarujinia bipedalis Tanomtong, A.
Chuaynkern, Y.
Patawang, I.
2017 Caryologia
3 (70), pp. 216-221
114. Cytogenetics study and characterization of sumatra serow, Capricornis sumatraensis (Artiodactyla, Bovidae) by classical and FISH techniques Jantarat, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Patawang, I.
2017 Cytologia
2 (82), pp. 127-135
115. Cytogenetic study of three microhylid species (Anura, Microhylidae) from Thailand Sangpakdee, W.
Phimphan, S.
Tengjaroenkul, B.
Pinthong, K.
Neeratanaphan, L.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
1 (82), pp. 67-74
116. Cytotoxic assessment of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from a domestic wastewater canal with heavy metal contamination Sriuttha, M.
Patawang, I.
Tanomtong, A.
Tengjaroenkul, B.
Neeratanaphan, L.
2017 Cytologia
1 (82), pp. 41-50
117. Cytotoxicity evaluation of the east asian bullfrog (Hoplobatrachus rugulosus) in an agricultural area affected by chlorpyrifos Tengjaroenkul, B.
Intamat, S.
Sriuttha, M.
Tanomtong, A.
Neeratanaphan, L.
2017 Cytologia
2 (82), pp. 175-181
118. First analysis on the cytogenetics of painted sweetlip, Plectorhinchus pictus (Heamulidae: Perciformes) from Thailand Jantarat, S.
Supiwong, W.
Kong-ngarm, N.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
2 (82), pp. 145-150
119. First chromosome analysis of the humpback cardinalfish, Fibramia lateralis (Perciformes, Apogonidae) Kasiroek, W.
Luangoon, N.
Pinthong, K.
Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
1 (82), pp. 9-15
120. First chromosome characterization of the Indian giant flying squirrel (Petaurista philippensis) and lesser giant flying squirrel (Petaurista elegans) Tengjaroenkul, B.
Neeratanaphan, L.
Jantarat, S.
Khunsook, S.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
4 (82), pp. 449-455
121. First cytogenetic study of the whitecheek monocle bream, Scolopsis vosmeri (Perciformes, Nemipteridae) from Thailand Supiwong, W.
Phimphan, S.
Kaewmad, P.
Saenjundaeng, P.
Jantarat, S.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
5 (82), pp. 481-484
122. First report of chromosome analysis of two chaetodontid fishes (Perciformes, Chaetodontidae) Supiwong, W.
Jumrusthanasan, S.
Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
1 (82), pp. 25-31
123. First report of chromosome analysis of two dragonets (Perciformes, Callionymidae) Kasiroek, W.
Luangoon, N.
Supiwong, W.
Tengjaroenkul, B.
Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
1 (82), pp. 59-65
124. First report on classical and molecular cytogenetics of archerfish, Toxotes chatareus (Perciformes: Toxotidae) Supiwong, W.
Jiwyam, W.
Cioffi, M.B.
Getlekha, N.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Nucleus (India)
3 (60), pp. 349-359
125. Karyological study of tusker and Tuskless male Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) by conventional, GTG-, and Ag-NOR banding techniques Tanomtong, A.
Phimphan, S.
Sangpakdee, W.
2017 Cytologia
4 (82), pp. 349-354
126. Karyotype and idiogram of Indian hog deer (Hyelaphus porcinus) by conventional staining, GTG-, high-resolution and Ag-NOR banding techniques Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
Supanuam, P.
2017 Cytologia
3 (82), pp. 227-233
127. Karyotype and idiogram of the axis deer (Axia axis, Cervidae) by conventional staining, GTG-, high-resolution GTG-, and Ag-NOR-banding techniques Tanomtong, A.
Patawang, I.
Supanuam, P.
Pinthong, K.
2017 Cytologia
1 (82), pp. 91-98
128. Karyotypic study of five Lutjanid species using conventional and Ag-NORs banding techniques Phimphan, S.
Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Pinthong, K.
Sangpakdee, W.
Kaewsri, S.
2017 Cytology and Genetics
4 (51), pp. 315-324
129. NOR polymorphism and chromosome analysis of banggai cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni (Perciformes, Apogonidae) Kasiroek, W.
Pinthong, K.
Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
1 (82), pp. 17-23
130. Standardized karyotype and idiogram of bengal monitor lizard, Varanus bengalensis (Squamata, Varanidae) Patawang, I.
Tanomtong, A.
Getlekha, N.
Phimphan, S.
Pinthong, K.
Neeratanaphan, L.
2017 Cytologia
1 (82), pp. 75-82
131. The first chromosomal characteristics of nucleolar organizer regions and karyological analysis of two chaetodontid fishes (Perciformes, Chaetodontidae) Supiwong, W.
Jantarat, S.
Tanomtong, A.
2017 Cytologia
1 (82), pp. 33-39
132. The first report on chromosome analysis of F<inf>1</inf> hybrid catfish: Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas) × striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and spot pangasius (Pangasius larnaudii) × Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Siluriformes, Pangasiidae) Tanomtong, A.
Supiwong, W.
Kaewmad, P.
2017 Cytologia
4 (82), pp. 457-463
133. Additional description of karyotype and meiotic features of Takydromus sexlineatus (Squamata, Lacertidae) from northeastern Thailand Patawang, I.
Pinthong, K.
Kaewmad, P.
Tanomtong, A.
2018 Nucleus (India)
2 (61), pp. 163-169
134. A new review and karyological analysis of Leiolepis belliana and L. boehmei (Reptilia, Agamidae) from a population in southern Thailand Jantarat, S.
Patawang, I.
Kraiprom, T.
Tanomtong, A.
2018 Caryologia
4 (71), pp. 365-371
135. A report on classical cytogenetics of hihgfin barb fish, cyclocheilichthys armatus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) Supiwong, W.
Saenjundaeng, P.
Seetapan, K.
Tanomtong, A.
2018 Cytologia
2 (83), pp. 149-154
136. Chromosomal analysis of two snakehead fishes, channa marulius (Hamilton, 1822) and C. marulioides (Bleeker, 1851) (Perciformes: Channidae) in Thailand Jantarat, S.
Supiwong, W.
Srisamoot, N.
Tanomtong, A.
2018 Cytologia
1 (83), pp. 115-121
137. Chromosomes of Asian cyprinid fishes: Cytogenetic analysis of two representatives of small paleotetraploid tribe Probarbini Saenjundaeng, P.
De Bello Cioffi, M.
De Oliveira, E.A.
Tanomtong, A.
Supiwong, W.
Phimphan, S.
2018 Molecular Cytogenetics
1 (11), pp.
138. Contrasting Evolutionary Paths Among Indo-Pacific Pomacentrus Species Promoted by Extensive Pericentric Inversions and Genome Organization of Repetitive Sequences Getlekha, N.
Supiwong, W.
Tanomtong, A.
2018 Zebrafish
1 (15), pp. 45-54
139. Cytogenetics of the skinks (Reptilia, Scincidae) from Thailand; IV: newly investigated karyotypic features of Lygosoma quadrupes and Scincella melanosticta Patawang, I.
Chuaynkern, Y.
Supanuam, P.
Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
2018 Caryologia
1 (71), pp. 29-34
140. Cytotoxicity in the frog (Fejervarya limnocharis) after acute cadmium exposure in vivo Boonmee, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Tengjaroenkul, B.
Neeratanaphan, L.
2018 International Journal of Environmental Studies
6 (75), pp. 978-989
141. From chromosomes to genome: Insights into the evolutionary relationships and biogeography of old world Knifefishes (notopteridae; Osteoglossiformes) De Oliveira, E.A.
Tanomtong, A.
2018 Genes
6 (9), pp.
142. Karyological analysis and NOR polymorphism of phayre’s langur, Trachypithecus phayrei crepuscula (Primate, Colobinae) in Thailand Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
Khunsook, S.
Patawang, I.
Wonkaonoi, W.
Supanuam, P.
2018 Nucleus (India)
1 (61), pp. 61-67
143. Karyological analysis and nucleolar organizer region of tropical oyster, crassostrea iredalei (Ostreoida, Ostreidae) in Thailand Jumrusthanasan, S.
Getlekha, N.
Tanomtong, A.
2018 Cytologia
2 (83), pp. 129-132
144. Karyotype and characteristics of nucleolar organizer regions in longfin carp, labiobarbus leptocheilus (cypriniformes, cyprinidae) Saenjundaeng, P.
Kaewmad, P.
Supiwong, W.
Pinthong, K.
Tanomtong, A.
2018 Cytologia
3 (83), pp. 265-269
145. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of one african and five asian macaque species reveals identical karyotypes as in mandrill Sangpakdee, W.
Tanomtong, A.
Chaveerach, A.
Pinthong, K.
Trifonov, V.A.
2018 Current Genomics
3 (19), pp. 207-215
146. Nucleolar organizer regions polymorphism and karyological analysis of black lancer, bagrichthys majusculus (Siluriformes, Bagridae) in Thailand Supiwong, W.
Pinthong, K.
Phimphan, S.
Tanomtong, A.
2018 Cytologia
2 (83), pp. 193-199
147. Chromosome studies on freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium lanchesteri (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from Thailand Phimphan, S.
Tanomtong, A.
Sangpakdee, W.
2019 Nucleus (India)
1 (62), pp. 77-82
148. Cytogenetics, genomics and biodiversity of the South American and African Arapaimidae fish family (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes) De Oliveira, E.A.
Tanomtong, A.
De Bello Cioffi, M.
2019 PLoS ONE
3 (14), pp.
149. Cytogenetic study of the bent-toed gecko (reptilia, gekkonidae) in Thailand; I: Chromosomal classical features and nors characterization of cyrtodactylus kunyai and C. interdigitalis Tanomtong, A.
Pinthong, K.
Patawang, I.
2019 Caryologia
1 (72), pp. 23-28
150. Deciphering the evolutionary history of arowana fishes (Teleostei, osteoglossiformes, osteoglossidae): Insight from comparative cytogenomics De Oliveira, E.A.
Tanomtong, A.
2019 International Journal of Molecular Sciences
17 (20), pp.
151. Emerging patterns of genome organization in Notopteridae species (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes) as revealed by Zoo-FISH and Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) De Oliveira, E.A.
Trifonov, V.A.
Tanomtong, A.
De Bello Cioffi, M.
2019 Scientific Reports
1 (9), pp.
152. Genomic Organization of Repetitive DNA Elements and Extensive Karyotype Diversity of Silurid Catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes): A Comparative Cytogenetic Approach Tanomtong, A.
Supiwong, W.
2019 International Journal of Molecular Sciences
14 (20), pp.
153. Karyotype diversity and evolutionary trends in the Asian swamp eel Monopterus albus (Synbranchiformes, Synbranchidae): A case of chromosomal speciation? Supiwong, W.
Pinthong, K.
Seetapan, K.
Saenjundaeng, P.
De Oliveira, E.A.
Phimphan, S.
Tanomtong, A.
2019 BMC Evolutionary Biology
1 (19), pp.

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Molecular analysis for genetic diversity and distance of introduced Grus antigone sharpii L. to Thailand. Tanee, T
Chaveerach, A
Anuniwat, A
Tanomtong, A
Pinthong, K
Sudmoon, R
Mokkamul, P
2009 Pakistan journal of biological sciences : PJBS
2 (12), pp. 163-7
2. Chromosomal rearrangements and karyotype evolution in carnivores revealed by chromosome painting. Nie, W
Wang, J
Su, W
Wang, D
Tanomtong, A
Perelman, PL
Graphodatsky, AS
Yang, F
2012 Heredity
1 (108), pp. 17-27
3. RAPD and barcode analyses of groupers of the genus Epinephelus. Noikotr, K
Chaveerach, A
Pinthong, K
Tanomtong, A
Sudmoon, R
Tanee, T
2013 Genetics and molecular research : GMR
4 (12), pp. 5721-32
4. Karyotype and cytogenetic mapping of 9 classes of repetitive DNAs in the genome of the naked catfish Mystus bocourti (Siluriformes, Bagridae). Supiwong, W
Liehr, T
Cioffi, MB
Chaveerach, A
Kosyakova, N
Pinthong, K
Tanee, T
Tanomtong, A
2013 Molecular cytogenetics
1 (6), pp. 51
5. Comparative cytogenetic mapping of rRNA genes among naked catfishes: implications for genomic evolution in the Bagridae family. Supiwong, W
Liehr, T
Cioffi, MB
Chaveerach, A
Kosyakova, N
Fan, X
Tanee, T
Tanomtong, A
2014 Genetics and molecular research : GMR
4 (13), pp. 9533-42
6. Genomic Organization of Repetitive DNA Elements and Its Implications for the Chromosomal Evolution of Channid Fishes (Actinopterygii, Perciformes). Cioffi, Mde B
Bertollo, LA
Villa, MA
de Oliveira, EA
Tanomtong, A
Yano, CF
Supiwong, W
Chaveerach, A
2015 PloS one
6 (10), pp. e0130199
7. Repetitive DNAs highlight the role of chromosomal fusions in the karyotype evolution of Dascyllus species (Pomacentridae, Perciformes). Getlekha, N
Molina, WF
de Bello Cioffi, M
Yano, CF
Maneechot, N
Bertollo, LA
Supiwong, W
Tanomtong, A
2016 Genetica
2 (144), pp. 203-11
8. Genomic organization of repetitive DNAs highlights chromosomal evolution in the genus Clarias (Clariidae, Siluriformes). Maneechot, N
Yano, CF
Bertollo, LA
Getlekha, N
Molina, WF
Ditcharoen, S
Tengjaroenkul, B
Supiwong, W
Tanomtong, A
de Bello Cioffi, M
2016 Molecular cytogenetics
(9), pp. 4
9. Application of multicolor banding combined with heterochromatic and locus-specific probes identify evolutionary conserved breakpoints in Hylobates pileatus. Sangpakdee, W
Tanomtong, A
Fan, X
Pinthong, K
Weise, A
Liehr, T
2016 Molecular cytogenetics
(9), pp. 17
10. Chromosomes in a genome-wise order: evidence for metaphase architecture. Weise, A
Bhatt, S
Piaszinski, K
Kosyakova, N
Fan, X
Altendorf-Hofmann, A
Tanomtong, A
Chaveerach, A
de Cioffi, MB
de Oliveira, E
Walther, JU
Liehr, T
Chaudhuri, JP
2016 Molecular cytogenetics
(9), pp. 36
11. Chromosome mapping of repetitive DNAs in sergeant major fishes (Abudefdufinae, Pomacentridae): a general view on the chromosomal conservatism of the genus. Getlekha, N
Cioffi, MB
Yano, CF
Maneechot, N
Bertollo, LA
Supiwong, W
Tanomtong, A
Molina, WF
2016 Genetica
5 (144), pp. 567-576
12. Contrasting Evolutionary Paths Among Indo-Pacific Pomacentrus Species Promoted by Extensive Pericentric Inversions and Genome Organization of Repetitive Sequences. Getlekha, N
Cioffi, MB
Maneechot, N
Bertollo, LAC
Supiwong, W
Tanomtong, A
Molina, WF
2018 Zebrafish
1 (15), pp. 45-54
13. Chromosomes of Asian cyprinid fishes: cytogenetic analysis of two representatives of small paleotetraploid tribe Probarbini. Saenjundaeng, P
de Bello Cioffi, M
de Oliveira, EA
Tanomtong, A
Supiwong, W
Phimphan, S
Collares-Pereira, MJ
Sember, A
Bertollo, LAC
Liehr, T
Yano, CF
Hatanaka, T
Ráb, P
2018 Molecular cytogenetics
(11), pp. 51
14. Emerging patterns of genome organization in Notopteridae species (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes) as revealed by Zoo-FISH and Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH). Barby, FF
Bertollo, LAC
de Oliveira, EA
Yano, CF
Hatanaka, T
Ráb, P
Sember, A
Ezaz, T
Artoni, RF
Liehr, T
Al-Rikabi, ABH
Trifonov, V
de Oliveira, EHC
Molina, WF
Jegede, OI
Tanomtong, A
de Bello Cioffi, M
2019 Scientific reports
1 (9), pp. 1112
15. Karyotype diversity and evolutionary trends in the Asian swamp eel Monopterus albus (Synbranchiformes, Synbranchidae): a case of chromosomal speciation? Supiwong, W
Pinthong, K
Seetapan, K
Saenjundaeng, P
Bertollo, LAC
de Oliveira, EA
Yano, CF
Liehr, T
Phimphan, S
Tanomtong, A
B Cioffi, M
2019 BMC evolutionary biology
1 (19), pp. 73
16. Cytogenetics, genomics and biodiversity of the South American and African Arapaimidae fish family (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes). de Oliveira, EA
Bertollo, LAC
Rab, P
Ezaz, T
Yano, CF
Hatanaka, T
Jegede, OI
Tanomtong, A
Liehr, T
Sember, A
Maruyama, SR
Feldberg, E
Viana, PF
Cioffi, MB
2019 PloS one
3 (14), pp. e0214225

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Chromosome Studies in the Banded Palm Civet, Hemigalus derbyanus Thomas, 1915 (Carnivora, Viverridae) by Conventional Staining, GTG-Banding and High-Resolution Techniques Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Namphunk Seatung
Praween Supanuam
Anan Kenthao
Sarawut Kaewsri
1.0 (76.0), pp. 89.0-97.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Karyotype Study of 5 Species of the Family Viverridae in Thailand by High Resolution GTG-Banding Technique Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Namphunk Seatung
Wiwat Sangpadee
Sarawut Kaewsri
La-orsri Sanoamuang
4.0 (76.0), pp. 463.0-473.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Robertsonian Translocation [56, XX and 57, XY, rob (1;29)] in Captive Thai Gaur (Bos gaurus readei) by Conventional, GTG-Banding, CBG-Banding and Ag-NOR Banding Techniques Alongklod Tanomtong
Wanpen Kakampuy
Suteera Suntararak
Kuntida Thammarat
Sarawut Kaewsri
Anan Kenthao
1.0 (76.0), pp. 99.0-108.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
4. The First Karyotype Study of Lesser Bamboo Rat, Cannomys badius (Rodentia, Rhizomyinae) by Conventional, GTG-, CBG-, Ag-NOR Banding, and High-Resolution Techniques Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Pawarasa Boonhan
Wiwat Sangpadee
Krit Pinthong
La-orsri Sanoamuangl
4.0 (76.0), pp. 445.0-454.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. A Discovery of Nucleolar Organizer Regions (NORs) Polymorphism and Karyological Analysis of Smith's Barb, Puntioplites proctozysron (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) in Thailand Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Praween Supanuam
Sitthisak Jantarat
Suthip Khakhong
La-orsri Sanoamuang
1.0 (77.0), pp. 35.0-42.0
7 0 0 0 0 0 7
6. A First Karyotype Analysis and Chromosomal Characteristic of Nucleolar Organizer Regions (NORs) of Common Sheathfish, Micronema apogon (Siluriformes, Siluridae) in Thailand Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Suthip Khakhong
Khunnitee Leelarasamee
La-orsri Sanoamuang
1.0 (77.0), pp. 53.0-58.0
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
7. Chromosomal rearrangements and karyotype evolution in carnivores revealed by chromosome painting W. Nie
J. Wang
W. Su
D. Wang
A. Tanomtong
P. L. Perelman
A. S. Graphodatsky
F. Yang
1.0 (108.0), pp. 17.0-27.0
33 0 0 0 0 0 33
8. First Report of Chromosome Analysis of Saddleback Anemonefish, Amphiprion polymnus (Perciformes, Amphiprioninae), in Thailand Alongklod Tanomtong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Arunrat Chaveerach
Suthip Khakhong
Tawatchai Tanee
La-orsri Sanoamuang
4.0 (77.0), pp. 441.0-446.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
9. Karyological Analysis and Morphometrics of the Lesser Asiatic House Bat, Scotophilus kuhlii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) Praween Supanuam
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Krit Pinthong
La-orsri Sanoamuang
3.0 (77.0), pp. 401.0-411.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
10. Karyological Analysis and Nature Polymorphics of Nucleolar Organizer Regions in the Dusky Leaf Monkey, Trachypithecus obscurus (Primate, Colobinae), by Conventional, GTG-, CBG-Banding, and High-Resolution Techniques Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Weeranuch Wonkaonoi
Wiwat Sangpakdee
Roungvit Bunjongrat
La-orsri Sanoamuang
2.0 (77.0), pp. 131.0-139.0
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
11. Localization of Nucleolar Organizer Regions (NORs) of 4 Gibbon Species in Thailand by Ag-NOR Banding Technique Praween Supanuam
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Wiwat Sangpakdee
Krit Pinthong
La-orsri Sanoamuang
Sarawut Keawsri
2.0 (77.0), pp. 141.0-148.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
A. Tanomtong
P. Supanuam
C. Pinyoteppratan
P. Muangprom
K. Buranarom
L. Sanoamuang
1.0 (31.0), pp. 24.0-39.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
13. Standardized Karyotype and Idiogram of Two-Spot Glass Catfish, Ompok bimaculatus (Siluriformes, Siluridae) in Thailand by Conventional and Ag-NOR Staining Techniques Bhuvadol Gomonteir
Alongklod Tanomtong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Somret Sikhruadong
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
La-orsri Sanoamuang
4.0 (77.0), pp. 459.0-464.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
14. The First Chromosomal Characteristics of Nucleolar Organizer Regions and Karyological Analysis of Clown Knife Fish, Chitala ornata (Osteoglossiformes, Notopteridae) by T-Lymphocyte Cell Culture Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Suthip Khakhong
Kitiya Silawong
Supannee Aoki
La-orsri Sanoannuang
3.0 (77.0), pp. 393.0-399.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
15. The First Chromosomal Characteristics of Nucleolar Organizer Regions (NORs) in Grey Featherback Fish, Notopterus notopterus (Osteoglossiformes, Notopteridae) by Conventional and Ag-NOR Staining Techniques Kitiya Silawong
Supannee Aoki
Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Suthip Khakhong
La-orsri Sanoamuang
2.0 (77.0), pp. 279.0-285.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
16. Chromosomal Characteristic of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from Mitotic and Meiotic Cell Division by T-Lymphocyte Cell Culture Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Praween Supanuam
Kriengkrai Seetapan
Suthip Khakhong
La-orsri Sanoamuang
1.0 (78.0), pp. 9.0-14.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
17. Cytogenetic Study of Northeastern Butterfly Lizard, Leiolepis reevesii rubritaeniata (Squamata, Agamidae) in Northeast Thailand Sumalee Phimphan
Alongklod Tanomtong
Isara Patawang
Sarawut Kaewsri
Sitthisak Jantarat
La-orsri Sanoamuang
2.0 (78.0), pp. 133.0-140.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
18. First Chromosome Analysis and Localization of the Nucleolar Organizer Region of Land Snail, Sarika resplendens (Stylommatophora, Ariophantidae) in Thailand Wilailuk Khrueanet
Weerayuth Supiwong
Chanidaporn Tumpeesuwan
Sakboworn Tumpeesuwan
Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
3.0 (78.0), pp. 213.0-222.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
19. First Cytogenetic Study of Malayan Snail-eating Turtle, Malayemys macrocephala (Testudines, Geoemydidae) in Thailand Pornnarong Siripiyasing
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Isara Patawang
Sumalee Phimphan
La-orsri Sanoamuang
2.0 (78.0), pp. 125.0-132.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
20. First Cytogenetic Study of Puff-Faced Water Snake, Homalopsis buccata (Squamata, Colubridae) by Conventional Staining, Ag-NOR Banding and GTG-Banding Techniques Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Nuntaporn Getlekha
Wiwat Sangpadee
Kittiya Sangpakdee
La-orsri Sanoamuang
2.0 (78.0), pp. 141.0-150.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
21. First Karyological Analysis of Black the Crowned Crane (Balearica pavonina) and the Scaly-Breasted Munia (Lonchura punctulata) Puntivar Kaewmad
Alongklod Tanomtong
Thanawhat Kaewboribut
Weeranuch Wonkaonoi
Sumpars Khunsook
La-Oarsri Sianoamuang
3.0 (78.0), pp. 205.0-211.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
22. First Report of NOR Polymorphism and Chromosome Analysis of John's Snapper, Lutjanus johnii (Perciformes, Lutjanidae) in Thailand Sumalee Phimphan
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Weerayuth Supiwong
Pornnarong Siripiyasing
La-Orsri Sanoamuang
4.0 (78.0), pp. 335.0-344.0
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
23. Interpopulational Variation of NOR Positions and Karyotypic Analysis of Siamese Catfish (Pseudomystus siamensis) in Thailand Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Arunrat Chaveerach
Tawatchai Tanee
Suthip Khakhong
La-orsri Sanoamuang
1.0 (78.0), pp. 25.0-34.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
24. Karyological Analysis and Morphometrics of Horsfield's Bat, Myotis horsfieldii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) Praween Supanuam
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Sarawut Kaewsri
Krit Pinthong
La-orsri Sanoamuang
1.0 (78.0), pp. 15.0-24.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25. Karyotype and cytogenetic mapping of 9 classes of repetitive DNAs in the genome of the naked catfish Mystus bocourti (Siluriformes, Bagridae) Weerayuth Supiwong
Thomas Liehr
Marcelo B. Cioffi
Arunrat Chaveerach
Nadezda Kosyakova
Krit Pinthong
Tawatchai Tanee
Alongklod Tanomtong
(6.0), pp.
24 0 0 0 0 0 24
26. RAPD and barcode analyses of groupers of the genus Epinephelus K. Noikotr
A. Chaveerach
K. Pinthong
A. Tanomtong
R. Sudmoon
T. Tanee
4.0 (12.0), pp. 5721.0-5732.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
27. Standardized Karyotype and Idiogram of Titan Triggerfish, Balistoides viridescens (Tetraodontiformes, Balistidae) in Thailand Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Suthip Khakhong
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
La-Orsri Sanoamuang
4.0 (78.0), pp. 345.0-351.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
28. The First Karyological Analysis, Natural NOR Polymorphism, and Delineation of the X1Y,X2Y/X1X2 Multiple Sex Chromosome System of the Hoary Bamboo Rat (Rhizomys pruinosus) Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Pawarisa Boonhan
Puntivar Kaewmad
Nuntaya Maneechot
La-Orsri Sanoamuang
4.0 (78.0), pp. 353.0-365.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29. A First Chromosomal Characterization of NORs in Splendid Snakehead Fish, Channa lucius (Perciformes, Channidae) Suthip Khakhong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Manop Sriuttha
Pornpimol Jearranaiprepame
Wichai Soemphol
Wirat Jiwyam
2.0 (79.0), pp. 133.0-139.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
30. A First Karyological Analysis of the Sand Goby, Oxyeleotris marmoratus (Teleostei, Eleotridae) in Thailand by Ag-NOR Staining Technique Krit Pinthong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Piyorot Hongsachart
Pheeraphong Phaengphairee
Mallika Chantarangsee
2.0 (79.0), pp. 127.0-132.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
31. A New Natural Autotetraploid and Chromosomal Characteristics of Dwarf Snakehead Fish, Channa gachua (Perciformes, Channidae) in Thailand Alongklod Tanomtong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Pornpimol Jearranaiprepame
Suthip Khakhong
Chanyut Kongpironchuen
Nuntaporn Getlekha
1.0 (79.0), pp. 15.0-27.0
11 0 0 0 0 0 11
32. Chromosomal Characteristics of NORs and Karyological Analysis of Tokay Gecko, Gekko gecko (Gekkonidae, Squamata) from Mitotic and Meiotic Cell Division Isara Patawang
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Wanpen Kakampuy
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
Krit Pinthong
3.0 (79.0), pp. 315.0-324.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
33. Chromosomal evolution in naked catfishes (Bagridae, Siluriformes): A comparative chromosome mapping study Weerayuth Supiwong
Thomas Liehr
Marcelo B. Cioffi
Arunrat Chaveerach
Nadezda Kosyakova
Krit Pinthong
Tawatchai Tanee
Alongklod Tanomtong
4.0 (253.0), pp. 316.0-320.0
12 0 0 0 0 0 12
34. Chromosome Analysis and Morphometric of Intermediate Round leaf Bat, Hipposideros larvatus (Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) by Conventional, GTG-banding and Ag-NOR Banding Techniques Sitthisak Jantarat
Praween Supanuam
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Narumon Prakrongrak
Sarawut Kaewsri
4.0 (79.0), pp. 445.0-456.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
35. Comparative cytogenetic mapping of rRNA genes among naked catfishes: implications for genomic evolution in the Bagridae family W. Supiwong
T. Liehr
M. B. Cioffi
A. Chaveerach
N. Kosyakova
X. Fan
T. Tanee
A. Tanomtong
4.0 (13.0), pp. 9533.0-9542.0
10 0 0 0 0 0 10
36. Cytogenetics of the Skinks (Reptilia, Scincidae) from Thailand; I: Chromosome Analyses of the Common Sun Skink (Eutropis multifasciata) Sarawut Kaewsri
Sirinee Yodmuang
Alongklod Tanomtong
Isara Patawang
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Krit Pinthong
4.0 (79.0), pp. 457.0-466.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
37. First Report on Heteromorphic NORs and Chromosome Analysis of Rolland's Demoiselle, Chrysiptera rollandi (Perciformes, Pomacentrinae) by Conventional and Ag-NOR Staining Techniques Wannapa Kasiroek
Nattawut Luangoon
Nuntaporn Getlekha
Samnao Saowakoon
Wikit Phinrub
Alongklod Tanomtong
3.0 (79.0), pp. 289.0-297.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
38. Karyotype analysis of two groupers, Epinephelus species (Serranidae) Kowit Noikotr
Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Runglawan Sudmoon
Arunrat Chaveerach
Tawatchai Tanee
1.0 (67.0), pp. 63.0-65.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
39. Natural Autotetraploid and Chromosomal Characteristics in the Subfamily Botiinae (Cypriniformes, Cobitinae) from Northeast Thailand Puntivar Kaewmad
Monthira Monthatong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Samnao Saowakoon
Alongklod Tanomtong
3.0 (79.0), pp. 299.0-313.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
40. Standardized Karyotype and Idiogram of Quoy's Parrotfish, Scarus quoyi (Perciformes: Scaridae) by Conventional Staining and Ag-NOR Banding Techniques Sarawut Kaewsri
Alongklod Tanomtong
Nuntaporn Getlekha
Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Ratree Suksuwan
Weerayuth Supiwong
4.0 (79.0), pp. 429.0-435.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
41. The First Chromosome Analysis and Localization of the Nucleolar Organizer Region of Phayre's Flying Squirrel, Hylopetes phayrei (Rodentia, Sciuridae) in Thailand Sitthisak Jantarat
Sumpars Khunsook
Praween Supanuam
Somsak Jeewattana
Sarawut Kaewsri
Alongklod Tanomtong
1.0 (79.0), pp. 3.0-14.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
42. The First Karyological Study and Natural NOR Polymorphism in Banded Langur, Presbytis femoralis (Primate, Colobinae) Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Weeranuch Wonkaonoi
Praween Supanuam
Nattapong Srisamoot
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
1.0 (79.0), pp. 29.0-39.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
43. The First Report of NORs and Chromosome Analysis of Tripletail Wrasse, Cheilinus trilobatus (Perciformes: Labridae) Sarawut Kaewsri
Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Ratree Suksuwan
Alongklod Tanomtong
Weerayuth Supiwong
4.0 (79.0), pp. 437.0-443.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
44. The Identification of Sex-Chromosomes and Karyological Analysis of Rice Frog, Fejervarya limnocharis (Anura, Ranidae) from Northeast Thailand Isara Patawang
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumalee Phimphan
Yodchaiy Chuaynkern
Chantip Chuaynkern
Pheeraphong Phaengphairee
Wilailuk Khrueanet
Nudtha Nithikulworawong
2.0 (79.0), pp. 141.0-150.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
45. Chromosomal Aberration of Snakehead Fish (Channa striata) in Affected Reservoir by Leachate with Lead and Mercury Contamination P. Promsid
L. Neeratanaphan
W. Supiwong
M. Sriuttha
A. Tanomtong
3.0 (9.0), pp. 897.0-906.0
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
46. Chromosomal Characteristics of the Royal Knifefish, Chitala blanci (Osteoglossiformes, Notopteridae) by Conventional and Ag-NOR Staining Techniques Nuntiya Maneechot
Weerayuth Supiwong
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Pornnarong Siripiyasing
Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
2.0 (80.0), pp. 159.0-166.0
9 0 0 0 0 0 9
47. First Karyological Analysis of the Vermiculate Spinefoot, Siganus vermiculatus (Perciformes, Siganidae) from Thailand Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Weerayuth Supiwong
Aphinun Suvarnaraksha
Wirat Jiwyam
Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
1.0 (80.0), pp. 111.0-116.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
48. Genomic Organization of Repetitive DNA Elements and Its Implications for the Chromosomal Evolution of Channid Fishes (Actinopterygii, Perciformes) Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Mateo Andres Villa
Ezequiel Aguiar de Oliveira
Alongklod Tanomtong
Cassia Fernanda Yano
Weerayuth Supiwong
Arunrat Chaveerach
6.0 (10.0), pp.
27 0 0 0 0 0 27
49. Karyological Analysis of the Barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Perciformes, Latidae) Sumalee Phimphan
Alongklod Tanomtong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Nudtha Nithikulworawong
Apinun Suvarnaraksha
Sarawut Kaewsri
2.0 (80.0), pp. 167.0-172.0
9 0 0 0 0 0 9
50. Karyological Analysis of the Indo-Chinese Water Dragon, Physignathus cocincinus (Squamata, Agamidae) from Thailand Isara Patawang
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
Krit Pinthong
Nantana Jangsuwan
1.0 (80.0), pp. 15.0-23.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
51. Karyotype homology between Calotes versicolor and C. mystaceus (Squamata, Agamidae) from northeastern Thailand Isara Patawang
A. Tanomtong
Y. Chuaynkern
C. Chuaynkern
P. Duengkae
2.0 (58.0), pp. 117.0-123.0
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
52. The First Chromosomal Characteristics of Nucleolar Organizer Regions and Karyological Analysis of Pink Anemonefish, Amphiprion perideraion (Perciformes, Amphiprioninae) Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Krit Pinthong
Puntivar Kaewmad
Pisut Poungnak
Nantana Jangsuwan
3.0 (80.0), pp. 271.0-278.0
7 0 0 0 0 0 7
53. The First Karyological Analysis and Chromosomal Characteristics of NORs of the Cloudy Grouper, Epinephelus erythrurus (Perciformes, Epinephelinae) in Thailand Krit Pinthong
Nuntiya Maneechot
Alongklod Tanomtong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Tawin Chanaboon
Nantana Jangsuwan
3.0 (80.0), pp. 279.0-286.0
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
54. The First Report on Standardized Karyotype and Idiogram of Indochinese Silvered Langur, Trachypithecus germaini germaini (Primates, Colobinae) in Thailand Praween Supanuam
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumpars Khunsook
Wilailuk Khrueanet
Krit Pinthong
Weeranuch Wonkaonoi
2.0 (80.0), pp. 183.0-192.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
55. The Standard Karyotype of the Asiatic Jackal, Canis aureus (Carnivora, Canidae) from Thailand Alongklod Tanomtong
Prapakorn Chaiyaphan
Praween Supanuam
Therdsak Puramongkoi
Nuntiya Maneechot
Nantana Jangsuwan
1.0 (80.0), pp. 3.0-13.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
56. Application of multicolor banding combined with heterochromatic and locus-specific probes identify evolutionary conserved breakpoints in Hylobates pileatus Wiwat Sangpakdee
Alongklod Tanomtong
Xiaobo Fan
Krit Pinthong
Anja Weise
Thomas Liehr
(9.0), pp.
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
57. Characterization of chromosomal rearrangements in pileated gibbon (Hylobates pileatus) using multiplex-FISH technique Wiwat Sangpakdee
S. Phimphan
T. Liehr
X. Fan
K. Pinthong
I. Patawang
A. Tanomtong
2.0 (59.0), pp. 131.0-135.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58. Chromosome mapping of repetitive DNAs in sergeant major fishes (Abudefdufinae, Pomacentridae): a general view on the chromosomal conservatism of the genus Nuntaporn Getlekha
Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
Cassia Fernanda Yano
Nuntiya Maneechot
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Wagner Franco Molina
5.0 (144.0), pp. 567.0-576.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
59. Chromosomes in a genome-wise order: evidence for metaphase architecture Anja Weise
Samarth Bhatt
Katja Piaszinski
Nadezda Kosyakova
Xiaobo Fan
Annelore Altendorf-Hofmann
Alongklod Tanomtong
Arunrat Chaveerach
Marcelo Bello de Cioffi
Edivaldo de Oliveira
Joachim-U. Walther
Thomas Liehr
Jyoti P. Chaudhuri
(9.0), pp.
16 0 0 0 0 0 16
60. Cytotoxic evaluation of rice field frogs (Fejervarya limnocharis) from gold mine area with arsenic contamination Somsak Intamat
Uraiwan Phoonaploy
Manop Sriuttha
Isara Patawang
Alongklod Tanomtong
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
3.0 (59.0), pp. 181.0-189.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
61. Genomic organization of repetitive DNAs highlights chromosomal evolution in the genus Clarias (Clariidae, Siluriformes) Nuntiya Maneechot
Cassia Fernanda Yano
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Nuntaporn Getlekha
Wagner Franco Molina
Sukhonthip Ditcharoen
Bundit Tengjaroenkul
Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
(9.0), pp.
18 0 0 0 0 0 18
62. Identifying an efficient bacterial species and its genetic erosion for arsenic bioremediation of gold mining soil Lamyai Neeratanaphan
Tawatchai Tanee
Alongklod Tanomtong
Bundit Tengjaroenkul
3.0 (42.0), pp. 58.0-66.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
63. Karyological characteristics of the Koh Tao caecilian, Ichthyophis kohtaoensis (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Ichthyophiidae) by conventional staining and Ag-NOR banding techniques Isara Patawang
Krit Pinthong
Sumalee Phimphan
Yodchaiy Chuaynkern
Prateep Duengkae
Alongklod Tanomtong
4.0 (27.0), pp. 597.0-602.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
64. Karyological study of Lutjanus ehrenbergii and L-carponotatus (perciformes, lutjanidae) by classical and Ag-NOR staining techniques Wiwat Sangpakdee
S. Phimphan
A. Tanomtong
I. Patawang
K. Pinthong
L. Neeratanaphan
1.0 (59.0), pp. 53.0-59.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
65. New record on karyological analysis and first study of NOR localization of parthenogenetic brahminy blind snake, Ramphotyphlops braminus (Squamata, Typhlopidae) in Thailand Isara Patawang
A. Tanomtong
P. Kaewmad
Y. Chuaynkern
P. Duengkae
1.0 (59.0), pp. 61.0-66.0
10 0 0 0 0 0 10
66. Repetitive DNAs highlight the role of chromosomal fusions in the karyotype evolution of Dascyllus species (Pomacentridae, Perciformes) Nuntaporn Getlekha
Wagner Franco Molina
Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
Cassia Fernanda Yano
Nuntiya Maneechot
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
2.0 (144.0), pp. 203.0-211.0
27 0 0 0 0 0 27
67. A Discovery of Nucleolar Organizer Regions (NORs) Polymorphism and Karyological Analysis of Crystal Eye Catfish, Hemibagrus wyckii (Siluriformes, Bagridae) in Thailand Weerayuth Supiwong
Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Nuntiya Maneechot
Supatcha Chooseangjaew
Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
4.0 (82.0), pp. 403.0-411.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
68. A First Chromosomal and Nucleolar Organizer Regions (NORs) Analyses of Chevey's Sheetfish, Micronema cheveyi (Siluriformes, Siluridae) Krit Pinthong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Baramate Simporn
Supatcha Chooseangjaew
Wanpen Kakampuy
Alongklod Tanomtong
4.0 (82.0), pp. 435.0-441.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
69. Chromosomal analysis and meiosis studies of Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from Thailand Sumalee Phimphan
W. Sangpakdee
K. Sangpakdee
A. Tanomtong
1.0 (60.0), pp. 9.0-15.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
70. Chromosomal Characteristics of the Three-Spot Damselfish, Dascyllus trimaculatus (Perciformes, Pomacentridae) in Thailand Nuntaporn Getlekha
Weerayuth Supiwong
Pun Yeesin
Puan Pengseng
Wannapa Kasiroek
Alongklod Tanomtong
1.0 (82.0), pp. 51.0-57.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
71. Chromosomal Characteristics of the Tropical Oyster, Crassostrea belcheri Sowerby, 1871 (Ostreoida, Ostreidae) by Conventional and Ag-NOR Banding Techniques Supatcha Chooseangjaew
Suwat Tanyaros
Nuntiya Maneechot
Phichaya Buasriyot
Nuntaporn Getlekha
Alongklod Tanomtong
1.0 (82.0), pp. 3.0-8.0
31 0 0 0 0 0 31
72. Chromosome Analysis and Morphometric of Croslet Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus coelophyllus and Least Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus pusillus (Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae) Isara Patawang
Bundit Tengjaroenkul
Praween Supanuam
Wanpen Kakampuy
Sumpars Khunsook
Alongklod Tanomtong
5.0 (82.0), pp. 471.0-480.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
73. Constitutive Heterochromatin Observed on Metaphase Chromosome of Varanus bengalensis by C-Banding and DAPI Methods Isara Patawang
Alongklod Tanomtong
1.0 (82.0), pp. 1.0-1.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
74. Cytogenetic of Skink (Reptilia, Scincidae) from Thailand: II: Chromosome Analyses of Stripe Tree Skink (Lipinia vittigera) Isara Patawang
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Hathaipat Khongcharoensuk
Sarawut Kaewsri
Krit Pinthong
1.0 (82.0), pp. 83.0-90.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
75. Cytogenetics of the skinks (Reptilia, Scincidae) from Thailand; III: the first karyological study of Sphenomorphus maculatus and Jarujinia bipedalis Suphat Prasopsin
Weera Thongnetr
Alongklod Tanomtong
Yodchaiy Chuaynkern
Isara Patawang
3.0 (70.0), pp. 216.0-221.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
76. Cytogenetics Study and Characterization of Sumatra Serow, Capricornis sumatraensis (Artiodactyla, Bovidae) by Classical and FISH Techniques Sitthisak Jantarat
Alongklod Tanomtong
Isara Patawang
Somkid Chaiphech
Sukjai Rattanayuvakorn
Krit Phintong
2.0 (82.0), pp. 127.0-135.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
77. Cytogenetic Study of Three Microhylid Species (Anura, Microhylidae) from Thailand Wiwat Sangpakdee
Sumalee Phimphan
Bundit Tengjaroenkul
Krit Pinthong
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
Alongklod Tanomtong
1.0 (82.0), pp. 67.0-74.0
40 0 0 0 0 0 40
78. Cytotoxic Assessment of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from a Domestic Wastewater Canal with Heavy Metal Contamination Manop Sriuttha
Arthone Khammanichanh
Isara Patawang
Alongklod Tanomtong
Bundit Tengjaroenkul
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
1.0 (82.0), pp. 41.0-50.0
7 0 0 0 0 0 7
79. Cytotoxicity Evaluation of the East Asian Bullfrog (Hoplobatrachus rugulosus) in an Agricultural Area Affected by Chlorpyrifos Bundit Tengjaroenkul
Somsak Intamat
Manop Sriuttha
Alongklod Tanomtong
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
2.0 (82.0), pp. 175.0-181.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
80. First Analysis on the Cytogenetics of Painted Sweetlip, Plectorhinchus pictus (Heamulidae: Perciformes) from Thailand Sitthisak Jantarat
Weerayuth Supiwong
Krit Phintong
Khunapat Sonsrin
Nipasak Kong-ngarm
Alongklod Tanomtong
2.0 (82.0), pp. 145.0-150.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
81. First Chromosome Analysis of the Humpback Cardinalfish, Fibramia lateralis (Perciformes, Apogonidae) Wannapa Kasiroek
Chantra Indananda
Nattawut Luangoon
Krit Pinthong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
1.0 (82.0), pp. 9.0-15.0
22 0 0 0 0 0 22
82. First Chromosome Characterization of the Indian Giant Flying Squirrel (Petaurista philippensis) and Lesser Giant Flying Squirrel (Petaurista elegans) Bundit Tengjaroenkul
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
Sitthisak Jantarat
Sitthisak Pinmongkhonkul
Sumpars Khunsook
Alongklod Tanomtong
4.0 (82.0), pp. 449.0-455.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
83. First Cytogenetic Study of the Whitecheek Monocle Bream, Scolopsis vosmeri (Perciformes, Nemipteridae) from Thailand Weerayuth Supiwong
Sumalee Phimphan
Puntivar Kaewmad
Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Sitthisak Jantarat
Alongklod Tanomtong
5.0 (82.0), pp. 481.0-484.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
84. First Report of Chromosome Analysis of Two Chaetodontid Fishes (Perciformes, Chaetodontidae) Weerayuth Supiwong
Jiraporn Boonsuk
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Krit Pinthong
Apinun Suvarnaraksha
Alongklod Tanomtong
1.0 (82.0), pp. 25.0-31.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
85. First Report of Chromosome Analysis of Two Dragonets (Perciformes, Callionymidae) Wannapa Kasiroek
Nattawut Luangoon
Weerayuth Supiwong
Bundit Tengjaroenkul
Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
1.0 (82.0), pp. 59.0-65.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
86. First report on classical and molecular cytogenetics of archerfish, Toxotes chatareus (Perciformes: Toxotidae) Weerayuth Supiwong
W. Jiwyam
K. Sreeputhorn
N. Maneechot
L. A. C. Bertollo
M. B. Cioffi
N. Getlekha
A. Tanomtong
3.0 (60.0), pp. 349.0-359.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
87. Karyological Study of Tusker and Tuskless Male Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) by Conventional, GTG-, and Ag-NOR Banding Techniques Sukjai Rattanayuvakorn
Alongklod Tanomtong
Sumalee Phimphan
Wiwat Sangpakdee
Sitthisak Pinmongkhonkul
Krit Phintong
4.0 (82.0), pp. 349.0-354.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
88. Karyotype and Idiogram of Indian Hog Deer (Hyelaphus porcinus) by Conventional Staining, GTG-, High-Resolution and Ag-NOR Banding Techniques Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Hathaipat Khongcharoensuk
Somkid Chaiphech
Sukjai Rattanayuvakorn
Praween Supanuam
3.0 (82.0), pp. 227.0-233.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
89. Karyotype and Idiogram of the Axis Deer (Axia axis, Cervidae) by Conventional Staining, GTG-, High-Resolution GTG-, and Ag-NOR-Banding Techniques Hathaipat Khongcharoensuk
Alongklod Tanomtong
Isara Patawang
Praween Supanuam
Somnuek Sornnok
Krit Pinthong
1.0 (82.0), pp. 91.0-98.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
90. Karyotypic Study of Five Lutjanid Species Using Conventional and Ag-NORs Banding Techniques Sumalee Phimphan
Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Krit Pinthong
Wiwat Sangpakdee
Sarawut Kaewsri
4.0 (51.0), pp. 315.0-324.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
91. NOR Polymorphism and Chromosome Analysis of Banggai Cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni (Perciformes, Apogonidae) Wannapa Kasiroek
Chantra Indananda
Krit Pinthong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Puan Pengseng
Alongklod Tanomtong
1.0 (82.0), pp. 17.0-23.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
92. Standardized Karyotype and Idiogram of Bengal Monitor Lizard, Varanus bengalensis (Squamata, Varanidae) Isara Patawang
Alongklod Tanomtong
Nuntaporn Getlekha
Sumalee Phimphan
Krit Pinthong
Lamyai Neeratanaphan
1.0 (82.0), pp. 75.0-82.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
93. The First Chromosomal Characteristics of Nucleolar Organizer Regions and Karyological Analysis of Two Chaetodontid Fishes (Perciformes, Chaetodontidae) Weerayuth Supiwong
Jiraporn Boonsuk
Sitthisak Jantarat
Apinun Suvarnaraksha
Puan Pengseng
Alongklod Tanomtong
1.0 (82.0), pp. 33.0-39.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
94. The First Report on Chromosome Analysis of F-1 Hybrid Catfish: Mekong Giant Catfish (Pangasianodon gigas) x Striped Catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and Spot Pangasius (Pangasius larnaudii) x Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Siluriformes, Pangasiidae) Kosit Sreeputhorn
Kriangsak Mangumphan
Benjawon Muanphet
Alongklod Tanomtong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Puntivar Kaewmad
4.0 (82.0), pp. 457.0-463.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
95. Additional description of karyotype and meiotic features of Takydromus sexlineatus (Squamata, Lacertidae) from northeastern Thailand Isara Patawang
Krit Pinthong
Weera Thongnetr
Somnuek Sornnok
Puntivar Kaewmad
Alongklod Tanomtong
2.0 (61.0), pp. 163.0-169.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
96. A new review and karyological analysis of Leiolepis belliana and L-boehmei (Reptilia, Agamidae) from a population in southern Thailand Sitthisak Jantarat
Isara Patawang
Somsak Buatip
Pimonrat Thongroy
Thaintip Kraiprom
Alongklod Tanomtong
4.0 (71.0), pp. 365.0-371.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
97. A Report on Classical Cytogenetics of Hihgfin Barb Fish, Cyclocheilichthys armatus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) Patcharaporn Chaiyasan
Weerayuth Supiwong
Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Kriengkrai Seetapan
Sitthisak Pinmongkhonkul
Alongklod Tanomtong
2.0 (83.0), pp. 149.0-154.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
98. Chromosomal Analysis of Two Snakehead Fishes, Channa marulius (Hamilton, 1822) and C. marulioides (Bleeker, 1851) (Perciformes: Channidae) in Thailand Teamjun Sarasan
Sitthisak Jantarat
Weerayuth Supiwong
Pun Yeesin
Nattapong Srisamoot
Alongklod Tanomtong
1.0 (83.0), pp. 115.0-121.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
99. Chromosomes of Asian cyprinid fishes: cytogenetic analysis of two representatives of small paleotetraploid tribe Probarbini Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
Ezequiel Aguiar de Oliveira
Alongklod Tanomtong
Weerayuth Supiwong
Sumalee Phimphan
Maria Joao Collares-Pereira
Alexandr Sember
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Thomas Liehr
Cassia Fernanda Yano
Terumi Hatanaka
Petr Rab
(11.0), pp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
100. Contrasting Evolutionary Paths Among Indo-Pacific Pomacentrus Species Promoted by Extensive Pericentric Inversions and Genome Organization of Repetitive Sequences Nuntaporn Getlekha
Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
Nuntiya Maneechot
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Weerayuth Supiwong
Alongklod Tanomtong
Wagner Franco Molina
1.0 (15.0), pp. 45.0-54.0
7 0 0 0 0 0 7
101. Cytogenetics of the skinks (Reptilia, Scincidae) from Thailand; IV: newly investigated karyotypic features of Lygosoma quadrupes and Scincella melanosticta Isara Patawang
Yodchaiy Chuaynkern
Praween Supanuam
Nuntiya Maneechot
Krit Pinthong
Alongklod Tanomtong
1.0 (71.0), pp. 29.0-34.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
102. From Chromosomes to Genome: Insights into the Evolutionary Relationships and Biogeography of Old World Knifefishes (Notopteridae; Osteoglossiformes) Felipe Faix Barby
Petr Rab
Sebastien Lavoue
Tariq Ezaz
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Andrzej Kilian
Sandra Regina Maruyama
Ezequiel Aguiar de Oliveira
Roberto Ferreira Artoni
Mateus Henrique Santos
Oladele Ilesanmi Jegede
Terumi Hatanaka
Alongklod Tanomtong
Thomas Liehr
Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
2018 GENES
6.0 (9.0), pp.
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
103. Karyological analysis and NOR polymorphism of phayre's langur, Trachypithecus phayrei crepuscula (Primate, Colobinae) in Thailand Krit Pinthong
A. Tanomtong
S. Khunsook
I. Patawang
W. Wonkaonoi
P. Supanuam
1.0 (61.0), pp. 61.0-67.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
104. Karyological Analysis and Nucleolar Organizer Region of Tropical Oyster, Crassostrea iredalei (Ostreoida, Ostreidae) in Thailand Supatcha Chooseangjaew
Suwat Tanyaros
Sarun Jumrusthanasan
Nuntaporn Getlekha
Alongklod Tanomtong
2.0 (83.0), pp. 129.0-132.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
105. Karyotype and Characteristics of Nucleolar Organizer Regions in Longfin Carp, Labiobarbus leptocheilus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Puntivar Kaewmad
Weerayuth Supiwong
Krit Pinthong
Puan Pengseng
Alongklod Tanomtong
3.0 (83.0), pp. 264.0-268.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
106. Nucleolar Organizer Regions Polymorphism and Karyological Analysis of Black Lancer, Bagrichthys majusculus (Siluriformes, Bagridae) in Thailand Weerayuth Supiwong
Nuntaporn Getlakha
Somkid Chaiphech
Krit Pinthong
Sumalee Phimphan
Alongklod Tanomtong
2.0 (83.0), pp. 193.0-199.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
107. Chromosome studies on freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium lanchesteri (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from Thailand Sumalee Phimphan
A. Tanomtong
N. Seangphan
W. Sangpakdee
1.0 (62.0), pp. 77.0-82.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
108. Cytogenetics, genomics and biodiversity of the South American and African Arapaimidae fish family (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes) Ezequiel Aguiar de Oliveira
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Petr Rab
Tariq Ezaz
Cassia Fernanda Yano
Terumi Hatanaka
Oladele Ilesanmi Jegede
Alongklod Tanomtong
Thomas Liehr
Alexandr Sember
Sandra Regina Maruyama
Eliana Feldberg
Patrik Ferreira Viana
Marcelo de Bello Cioffiid
3.0 (14.0), pp.
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
109. Cytogenetic study of the Bent-toed Gecko (Reptilia, Gekkonidae) in Thailand; I: Chromosomal classical features and NORs characterization of Cyrtodactylus kunyai and C. interdigitalis Weera Thongnetr
Alongklod Tanomtong
Suphat Prasopsin
Nuntiya Maneechot
Krit Pinthong
Isara Patawang
1.0 (72.0), pp. 23.0-28.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
110. Deciphering the Evolutionary History of Arowana Fishes (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes, Osteoglossidae): Insight from Comparative Cytogenomics Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
Petr Rab
Tariq Ezaz
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Sebastien Lavoue
Ezequiel Aguiar de Oliveira
Alexandr Sember
Wagner Franco Molina
Fernando Henrique Santos de Souza
Zuzana Majtanova
Thomas Liehr
Ahmed Basheer Hamid Al-Rikabi
Cassia Fernanda Yano
Patrik Viana
Eliana Feldberg
Peter Unmack
Terumi Hatanaka
Alongklod Tanomtong
Manolo Fernandez Perez
17.0 (20.0), pp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
111. Emerging patterns of genome organization in Notopteridae species (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes) as revealed by Zoo-FISH and Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) Felipe Faix Barby
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Ezequiel Aguiar de Oliveira
Cassia Fernanda Yano
Terumi Hatanaka
Petr Rab
Alexandr Sember
Tariq Ezaz
Roberto Ferreira Artoni
Thomas Liehr
Ahmed B. H. Al-Rikabi
Vladimir Trifonov
Edivaldo H. C. de Oliveira
Wagner Franco Molina
Oladele Ilesanmi Jegede
Alongklod Tanomtong
Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
(9.0), pp.
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
112. Genomic Organization of Repetitive DNA Elements and Extensive Karyotype Diversity of Silurid Catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes): A Comparative Cytogenetic Approach Sukhonthip Ditcharoen
Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo
Petr Rab
Eva Hnatkova
Wagner Franco Molina
Thomas Liehr
Alongklod Tanomtong
Costas Triantaphyllidis
Catherine Ozouf-Costaz
Sampan Tongnunui
Puan Pengseng
Weerayuth Supiwong
Rouben Aroutiounian
Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
14.0 (20.0), pp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
113. Karyotype diversity and evolutionary trends in the Asian swamp eel Monopterus albus (Synbranchiformes, Synbranchidae): a case of chromosomal speciation? Weerayuth Supiwong
Krit Pinthong
Kriengkrai Seetapan
Pasakorn Saenjundaeng
Luiz A. C. Bertollo
Ezequiel A. de Oliveira
Cassia F. Yano
Thomas Liehr
Sumalee Phimphan
Alongklod Tanomtong
Marcelo B. Cioffi
(19.0), pp.
9 0 0 0 0 0 9

Title Authors Year Journal title

Title Authors NRIIS type Year NRIIS Scholarship
1. ความหลากหลายทางพันธุกรรมของวงศ์ปลาแรดในลุ่มน้ำโขง: มุ่งเน้นที่พันธุศาสตร์เซลล์และพันธุศาสตร์เซลล์ระดับโมเลกุล รศ.ดร. วีระยุทธ สุภิวงค์
ศ.ดร. อลงกลด แทนออมทอง
โครงการ 2561 ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2561 (งบบูรณาการวิจัยและนวัตกรรม)
