Title | Author | Year | SCOPUS | PUBMED | ISI | TCI | |
1. | Effect of Various Tropical Roughages on Rumen Ecology and Digestibility of Beef Cattle | Siwaporn Paengkoum Metha Wanapat Chalong Wachirapakorn Ngarmnit Nontaso |
0 | ||||
2. | The Effect of Roughage and Urea Solution Infusion Levels on Ruminal NH3-N Concentration and Nutrient Digestibility in Beef Cattle and Swamp Buffaloes | Siwaporn Paengkoum Metha Wanapat Chalong Wachirapakorn Ngarmnit Nontaso |
0 | ||||
3. | A comparative study of 2 and 5% urea-treated rice straw on ruminal ecology, digestibility and dry matter intake in Swamp buffaloes | Ngarmsang, A. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2000 | ||||
4. | A Comparative Study on the Rumen Microbial Population of Cattle and Swamp Buffalo Raised under Traditional Village Conditions in the Northeast of Thailand | Wanapat, M. Ngarmsang, A. Nontaso, N. Wachirapakorn, C. Beakes, G.W. Rowlinson, P. |
2000 | ||||
5. | Effect of roughage to concentrate ratio on ruminal ecology and voluntary feed intake in cattle and swamp buffaloes fed on urea-treated rice straw | Wora-Anu, S. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Nontaso, N. |
2000 | ||||
6. | Effect of ruminai infusion of starch-urea (cassadro) solution in swamp buffaloes fed on urea-treated rice straw | Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Nontaso, N. |
2000 | ||||
7. | Effect of ruminal infusion of starch-urea (cassadro) solution in swamp buffaloes fed on urea-treated rice straw | Poungchompu, O. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Nontaso, N. |
2000 | ||||
8. | Participation Scheme of Smallholder Dairy Farmers in the Northeast Thailand on Improving Feeding Systems | Wanapat, M. Pimpa, O. Petlum, A. Wachirapakorn, C. Yuanklang, C. |
2000 | ||||
9. | Comparative study between swamp buffalo and native cattle in feed digestibility and potential transfer of buffalo rumen digesta into cattle | M Wanapat N Nontaso C Yuangklang S Wora-anu A Ngarmsang C Wachirapakorn P Rowlinson |
2003 | ||||
10. | Effects of timing of initial cutting and subsequent cutting on yields and chemical compositions of cassava hay and its supplementation on lactating dairy cows | NTT Hong M Wanapat C Wachirapakorn P Pakdee P Rowlinson |
2003 | ||||
11. | Ruminal degradability of tropical feeds and their potential use in ruminant diets | Chanjula, P. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Uriyapongson, S. Rowlinson, P. |
2003 | ||||
12. | Effect of synchronizing starch sources and protein (NPN) in the rumen on feed intake, rumen microbial fermentation, nutrient utilization and performance of lactating dairy cows | P Chanjula M Wanapat C Wachirapakorn P Rowlinson |
2004 | ||||
13. | Effects of various levels of cassava hay on rumen ecology and digestibility in swamp buffaloes | Chanjula, P. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Rowlinson, P. |
2004 | ||||
14. | Effects of pelleted sugarcane tops on voluntary feed intake, digestibility and rumen fermentation in beef cattle | Yuangklang, C. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2005 | ||||
15. | Effect of energy sources and levels supplementation on ruminal fermentation and microbial protein synthesis in dairy steers | Khampa, S. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Nontaso, N. Wattiaux, M.A. |
2006 | ||||
16. | Effect of levels of sodium DL-malate supplementation on ruminal fermentation efficiency of concentrates containing high levels of cassava chip in dairy steers | S Khampa M Wanapat C Wachirapakorn N Nontaso MA Wattiaux R Rowlison |
2006 | ||||
17. | Effects of urea level and sodium DL-malate in concentrate containing high cassava chip on ruminal fermentation efficiency, microbial protein synthesis in lactating dairy cows raised under tropical condition | Khampa, S. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Nontaso, N. Wattiaux, M.A. |
2006 | ||||
18. | A comparative study on the effect of cassava hay supplementation in swamp buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and cattle (Bos indicus) | G. Granum M. Wanapat P. Pakdee C. Wachirapakorn W. Toburan |
2007 | ||||
19. | Effect of roughage sources on cellulolytic bacteria and rumen ecology of beef cattle | Wora-Anu, S. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Nontaso, N. |
2007 | ||||
20. | Influence of sulfur on fresh cassava foliage and cassava hay incubated in rumen fluid of beef cattle | C. Promkot M. Wanapat C. Wachirapakorn C. Navanukraw |
2007 | ||||
21. | The influence of bovine neutrophils on in vitro phagocytosis and killing of Staphylococcus aureus in heifers supplemented with selenium and vitamin e | Wanapat, M. Aiumlamai, S. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2007 | ||||
22. | Effects of fermented total mixed ration and cracked cottonseed on milk yield and milk composition in dairy cows | C. Wongnen C. Wachirapakorn C. Patipan D. Panpong K. Kongweha N. Namsaen P. Gunun C. Yuangklang |
2009 | ||||
23. | Effects of protected conjugated linoleic acid supplementation on milk fatty acid in dairy cows | N. Piamphon C. Wachirapakorn M. Wanapat C. Navanukraw |
2009 | ||||
24. | Manipulation of ruminal fermentation and methane production by dietary saponins and tannins from mangosteen peel and soapberry fruit | Poungchompu, O Wanapat, M Wachirapakorn, C Wanapat, S Cherdthong, A |
2009 | ||||
25. | Effect of coconut oil and sunflower oil ratio on ruminal fermentation, rumen microorganisms, N-balance and digestibility in cattle | Ruangyote Pilajun Metha Wanapat Chalong Wachirapakorn Chainarong Navanukroaw |
2010 | ||||
26. | Effects of pelleted cassava chip and raw banana (cass-bann) on rumen fermentation and utilization in lactating dairy cows | R. Lunsin M. Wanapat C. Wachirapakorn C. Navanukraw |
2010 | ||||
27. | Effect of legume (Phaseolus calcaratus) hay supplementation on rumen microorganisms, fermentation and nutrient digestibility in swamp buffalo | Chanthakhoun, V. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Wanapat, S. |
2011 | ||||
28. | Effects of levels of ensiled pineapple waste and Pangola hay fed as roughage sources on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and ruminal fermentation of Southern Thai native cattle | Suksathit, S. Wachirapakorn, C. Opatpatanakit, Y. |
2011 | ||||
29. | Effects of urea-calcium mixture in concentrate containing high cassava chip on feed intake, rumen fermentation and performance of lactating dairy cows fed on rice straw | Anusorn Cherdthong Metha Wanapat Chalong Wachirapakorn |
2011 | ||||
30. | Influence of urea-calcium mixtures as rumen slow-release feed on in vitro fermentation using a gas production technique | Cherdthong, A Wanapat, M Wachirapakorn, C |
2011 | ||||
31. | Influence of urea calcium mixture supplementation on ruminal fermentation characteristics of beef cattle fed on concentrates containing high levels of cassava chips and rice straw | Cherdthong, A. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2011 | ||||
32. | Protein Enrichment of Cassava Pulp Fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Yuangklang, C. Wachirapakorn, C. Paengkoum, P. |
2011 | ||||
33. | Supplementation of Yeast fermented liquid (YFL) and coconut oil on rumen fermentation characteristics, N-balance and urinary purine derivatives in beef cattle | S. Polyorach M. Wanapat C. Wachirapakom C. Navanukroaw S. Wanapat N. Nontaso |
2011 | ||||
34. | Risk Factors of Subclinical Mastitis in Small Holder Dairy Cows in Khon Kaen Province | Chaiwat Jarassaeng Suneerat Aiumlamai Chalong Wachirapakorn Mongkol Techakumphu Jos P. T. M. Noordhuizen Anton C. Beynen Siriwat Suadsong |
2012 | ||||
35. | Starch source in high concentrate rations does not affect rumen pH, histamine and lipopolysaccharide concentrations in dairy cows | R. Rilachai J. Th. Schonewille C. Thamrongyoswittayakul S. Aiumlamai C. Wachirapakorn H. Everts W. H. Hendriks |
2012 | ||||
36. | The effects of high levels of rumen degradable protein on rumen pH and histamine concentrations in dairy cows | Pilachai, R. Schonewille, J.T.H. Thamrongyoswittayakul, C. Aiumlamai, S. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2012 | ||||
37. | Diet factors and subclinical laminitis score in lactating cows of smallholder dairy farms in Thailand | R. Pilachai J. Th Schonewille C. Thamrongyoswittayakul S. Aiumlamai C. Wachirapakorn H. Everts W. H. Hendriks |
2013 | ||||
38. | Effect of Roughage Sources and Fibrolytic Enzyme Supplementation on Nutrient Digestion and Rumen Fermentation in Buffaloes | Yuangklang, C. Vasupen, K. Wachirapakorn, C. Paengkoum, P. |
2013 | ||||
39. | Effect of sulfate-containing compounds on methane production by using an in vitro gas production technique | Wachirapakorn, C. Saenjan, P. Saenjan, P. Yuangklang, C. |
2013 | ||||
40. | Effects of roughage types on feed intake, and nutrient digestibilities in swamp buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) | Walailuck Kaewwongsa Chalong Wachirapakorn Metha Wanapat Ngarmnit Nontaso |
2013 | ||||
41. | Effects of levels of crude protein and ground corn cobs in total mixed ration on intake, rumen fermentation and milk production in crossbred Holstein Friesian lactating dairy cows | Wachirapakorn, C. Wanapat, M. Pakdee, P. Cherdthong, A. |
2014 | ||||
42. | Hydrate sodium calcium aluminosilicate does not reduce rumen lipopolysacharide concentrations in cows | R. Pilachai J. Th. Schonewille C. Thamrongyoswittayakul S. Aiumlamai C. Wachirapakorn H. Everts B. Vlaeminck G. Doekes W. H. Hendriks |
2014 | ||||
43. | Effect of whole cottonseed v. sunflower seed on the fatty acid profile of subcutaneous fat, longissimus dorsi and blood of Thai Native and Holstein bulls. | Polviset, W. Schonewille, J.T.H. Wachirapakorn, C. Yuangklang, C. |
2015 | ||||
44. | Effect of feeding cassava bioethanol waste on nutrient intake, digestibility, and rumen fermentation in growing goats | Cherdthong, A. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2016 | ||||
45. | Effect of ground corn cobs as a fiber source in total mixed ration on feed intake, milk yield and milk composition in tropical lactating crossbred Holstein cows | Chalong Wachirapakorn Krung Pilachai Metha Wanapat Pawadee Pakdee Anusorn Cherdthong |
2016 | ||||
46. | Effect of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids from rubber seed kernel on reproductive performance in dairy heifers | Nawarat Pha-Obnga Chalong Wachirapakorn Suneerat Aiumlamai |
2017 | ||||
47. | Effects of induced subacute ruminal acidosis and laminitis on lipopolysaccharide binding protein, cortisol and progesterone levels in dairy heifers | Wachirapakorn, C. Aiumlamai, S. |
2017 | ||||
48. | Influence of Aspergillus niger or Saccharomyces cerevisiae-Fermented Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum) mixed with fresh cassava root on blood parameters and nutrient digestibility in growing beef cattle | Piamphon, N. Wachirapakorn, C. Gunun, P. |
2017 | ||||
49. | In vitro rumen fermentation and methane production as affected by rambutan peel powder | Pongsatorn Gunun Nirawan Gunun Anusorn Cherdthong Metha Wanapat Sineenart Polyorach Srisuda Sirilaophaisan Chalong Wachirapakorn Sungchhang Kang |
2017 | ||||
50. | In vitro rumen fermentation and methane production as affected by rambutan pee powder | Gunun, P. Cherdthong, A. Wanapat, M. Polyorach, S. Wachirapakorn, C. Kang, S. |
2018 | ||||
51. | Effect of vegetable oil source supplementation on feed intake, nutrients digestibility and rumen biohydrogenation bacterial population in Thai Friesian dairy cows | N. Suphrap C. Wachirapakorn C. Thamrongyoswittayakul C. Wongnen |
2019 | ||||
52. | Effects of vegetable oil and yeast fermented cassava pulp (YFCP) supplementation on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and rumen fermentation in Thai Friesian dairy cows | N. Suphrap C. Wachirapakorn C. Thamrongyoswittayakul C. Wongnen |
2019 | Count | 46 | 5 | 38 | 3 |
Title | Authors | Year | Publication name | Cited count | ||||||||
< 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | รวม | ||||||
1. | A comparative study of 2 and 5% urea-treated rice straw on ruminal ecology, digestibility and dry matter intake in Swamp buffaloes | Ngarmsang, A. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2000 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences SUPPL. A (13), pp. 544 |
2. | A Comparative Study on the Rumen Microbial Population of Cattle and Swamp Buffalo Raised under Traditional Village Conditions in the Northeast of Thailand | Wanapat, M. Ngarmsang, A. Nontaso, N. Wachirapakorn, C. Beakes, G.W. Rowlinson, P. |
2000 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 7 (13), pp. 918-921 |
3. | Effect of roughage to concentrate ratio on ruminal ecology and voluntary feed intake in cattle and swamp buffaloes fed on urea-treated rice straw | Wora-Anu, S. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Nontaso, N. |
2000 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences SUPPL. 1 (13), pp. 236 |
4. | Effect of ruminai infusion of starch-urea (cassadro) solution in swamp buffaloes fed on urea-treated rice straw | Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Nontaso, N. |
2000 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences SUPPL. 1 (13), pp. 285 |
5. | Effect of ruminal infusion of starch-urea (cassadro) solution in swamp buffaloes fed on urea-treated rice straw | Poungchompu, O. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Nontaso, N. |
2000 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences SUPPL. 1 (13), pp. 234 |
6. | Participation Scheme of Smallholder Dairy Farmers in the Northeast Thailand on Improving Feeding Systems | Wanapat, M. Pimpa, O. Petlum, A. Wachirapakorn, C. Yuanklang, C. |
2000 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 6 (13), pp. 830-836 |
7. | Comparative study between swamp buffalo and native cattle in feed digestibility and potential transfer of buffalo rumen digesta into cattle | Wanapat, M. Nontaso, N. Yuangklang, C. Wora-Anu, S. Ngarmsang, A. Wachirapakorn, C. Rowlinson, P. |
2003 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 4 (16), pp. 504-510 |
8. | Effects of timing of initial cutting and subsequent cutting on yields and chemical compositions of cassava hay and its supplementation on lactating dairy cows | Hong, N.T.T. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Pakdee, P. Rowlinson, P. |
2003 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 12 (16), pp. 1763-1769 |
9. | Ruminal degradability of tropical feeds and their potential use in ruminant diets | Chanjula, P. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Uriyapongson, S. Rowlinson, P. |
2003 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2 (16), pp. 211-216 |
10. | Effect of synchronizing starch sources and protein (NPN) in the rumen on feed intake, rumen microbial fermentation, nutrient utilization and performance of lactating dairy cows | Chanjula, P. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Rowlinson, P. |
2004 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 10 (17), pp. 1400-1410 |
11. | Effects of various levels of cassava hay on rumen ecology and digestibility in swamp buffaloes | Chanjula, P. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Rowlinson, P. |
2004 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 5 (17), pp. 663-669 |
12. | Effects of pelleted sugarcane tops on voluntary feed intake, digestibility and rumen fermentation in beef cattle | Yuangklang, C. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2005 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 1 (18), pp. 22-26 |
13. | Effect of energy sources and levels supplementation on ruminal fermentation and microbial protein synthesis in dairy steers | Khampa, S. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Nontaso, N. Wattiaux, M.A. |
2006 |
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 2 (28), pp. 265-276 |
14. | Effect of levels of sodium DL-malate supplementation on ruminal fermentation efficiency of concentrates containing high levels of cassava chip in dairy steers | Khampa, S. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Nontaso, N. Wattiaux, M.A. Rowlison, P. |
2006 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 3 (19), pp. 368-375 |
15. | Effects of urea level and sodium DL-malate in concentrate containing high cassava chip on ruminal fermentation efficiency, microbial protein synthesis in lactating dairy cows raised under tropical condition | Khampa, S. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Nontaso, N. Wattiaux, M.A. |
2006 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 6 (19), pp. 837-844 |
16. | A comparative study on the effect of cassava hay supplementation in swamp buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and cattle (Bos indicus) | Wanapat, M. Pakdee, P. Wachirapakorn, C. Toburan, W. |
2007 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 9 (20), pp. 1389-1396 |
17. | Effect of roughage sources on cellulolytic bacteria and rumen ecology of beef cattle | Wora-Anu, S. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Nontaso, N. |
2007 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 11 (20), pp. 1705-1712 |
18. | Influence of sulfur on fresh cassava foliage and cassava hay incubated in rumen fluid of beef cattle | Promkot, C. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Navanukraw, C. |
2007 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 9 (20), pp. 1424-1432 |
19. | The influence of bovine neutrophils on in vitro phagocytosis and killing of Staphylococcus aureus in heifers supplemented with selenium and vitamin e | Wanapat, M. Aiumlamai, S. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2007 |
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 3 (29), pp. 697-706 |
20. | Effects of fermented total mixed ration and cracked cottonseed on milk yield and milk composition in dairy cows | Wongnen, C. Wachirapakom, C. Patipan, C. Panpong, D. Kongweha, K. Namsaen, N. Gunun, P. Yuangklang, C. |
2009 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 12 (22), pp. 1625-1632 |
21. | Effects of protected conjugated linoleic acid supplementation on milk fatty acid in dairy cows | Piamphon, N. Wachirapakorn, C. Wanapat, M. Navanukraw, C. |
2009 |
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 1 (22), pp. 49-56 |
22. | Manipulation of ruminal fermentation and methane production by dietary saponins and tannins from mangosteen peel and soapberry fruit | Poungchompu, O. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Wanapat, S. Cherdthong, A. |
2009 |
Archives of Animal Nutrition 5 (63), pp. 389-400 |
23. | Effect of coconut oil and sunflower oil ratio on ruminal fermentation, rumen microorganisms, N-balance and digestibility in cattle | Pilajun, R. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Navanukroaw, C. |
2010 |
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 13 (9), pp. 1868-1874 |
24. | Effects of pelleted cassava chip and raw banana (cass-bann) on rumen fermentation and utilization in lactating dairy cows | Lunsin, R. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Navanukraw, C. |
2010 |
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 17 (9), pp. 2239-2245 |
25. | Effect of legume (Phaseolus calcaratus) hay supplementation on rumen microorganisms, fermentation and nutrient digestibility in swamp buffalo | Chanthakhoun, V. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. Wanapat, S. |
2011 |
Livestock Science 1-3 (140), pp. 17-23 |
26. | Effects of levels of ensiled pineapple waste and Pangola hay fed as roughage sources on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and ruminal fermentation of Southern Thai native cattle | Suksathit, S. Wachirapakorn, C. Opatpatanakit, Y. |
2011 |
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 3 (33), pp. 281-289 |
27. | Effects of urea-calcium mixture in concentrate containing high cassava chip on feed intake, rumen fermentation and performance of lactating dairy cows fed on rice straw | Cherdthong, A. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2011 |
Livestock Science 2-3 (136), pp. 76-84 |
28. | Influence of urea-calcium mixtures as rumen slow-release feed on in vitro fermentation using a gas production technique | Cherdthong, A. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2011 |
Archives of Animal Nutrition 3 (65), pp. 242-254 |
29. | Influence of urea calcium mixture supplementation on ruminal fermentation characteristics of beef cattle fed on concentrates containing high levels of cassava chips and rice straw | Cherdthong, A. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2011 |
Animal Feed Science and Technology 1 (163), pp. 43-51 |
30. | Protein enrichment of cassava pulp fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Yuangklang, C. Wachirapakorn, C. Paengkoum, P. |
2011 |
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 18 (10), pp. 2434-2440 |
31. | Supplementation of Yeast fermented liquid (YFL) and coconut oil on rumen fermentation characteristics, N-balance and urinary purine derivatives in beef cattle | Polyorach, S. Wanapat, M. Wachirapakom, C. Navanukroaw, C. Wanapat, S. Nontaso, N. |
2011 |
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 16 (10), pp. 2084-2089 |
32. | Risk factors of subclinical mastitis in small holder dairy cows in Khon Kaen province | Jarassaeng, C. Aiumlamai, S. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2012 |
Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2 (42), pp. 143-151 |
33. | Starch source in high concentrate rations does not affect rumen pH, histamine and lipopolysaccharide concentrations in dairy cows | Pilachai, R. Schonewille, J.T.H. Thamrongyoswittayakul, C. Aiumlamai, S. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2012 |
Livestock Science 1-3 (150), pp. 135-142 |
34. | The effects of high levels of rumen degradable protein on rumen pH and histamine concentrations in dairy cows | Pilachai, R. Schonewille, J.T.H. Thamrongyoswittayakul, C. Aiumlamai, S. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2012 |
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 2 (96), pp. 206-213 |
35. | Diet factors and subclinical laminitis score in lactating cows of smallholder dairy farms in Thailand | Pilachai, R. Schonewille, J.T.H. Thamrongyoswittayakul, C. Aiumlamai, S. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2013 |
Livestock Science 2-3 (155), pp. 197-204 |
36. | Effect of roughage sources and fibrolytic enzyme supplementation on nutrient digestion and rumen fermentation in buffaloes | Yuangklang, C. Vasupen, K. Wachirapakorn, C. Paengkoum, P. |
2013 |
Buffalo Bulletin SPECIAL ISSUE 2 (32), pp. 993-997 |
37. | Effect of sulfate-containing compounds on methane production by using an in vitro gas production technique | Wachirapakorn, C. Saenjan, P. Saenjan, P. Yuangklang, C. |
2013 |
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 8 (12), pp. 723-729 |
38. | Effects of roughage types on feed intake, and nutrient digestibilities in swamp buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) | Wachirapakorn, C. Wanapat, M. Nontaso, N. |
2013 |
Buffalo Bulletin SPECIAL ISSUE 2 (32), pp. 871-873 |
39. | Effects of levels of crude protein and ground corn cobs in total mixed ration on intake, rumen fermentation and milk production in crossbred Holstein Friesian lactating dairy cows | Wachirapakorn, C. Wanapat, M. Pakdee, P. Cherdthong, A. |
2014 |
Journal of Applied Animal Research 3 (42), pp. 263-268 |
40. | Hydrate sodium calcium aluminosilicate does not reduce rumen lipopolysacharide concentrations in cows | Pilachai, R. Schonewille, J.T.H. Thamrongyoswittayakul, C. Aiumlamai, S. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2014 |
Animal Feed Science and Technology (191), pp. 111-115 |
41. | Effect of whole cottonseed v. sunflower seed on the fatty acid profile of subcutaneous fat, longissimus dorsi and blood of Thai Native and Holstein bulls | Polviset, W. Schonewille, J.T.H. Wachirapakorn, C. Yuangklang, C. |
2015 |
Animal (), pp. |
42. | Effect of feeding cassava bioethanol waste on nutrient intake, digestibility, and rumen fermentation in growing goats | Cherdthong, A. Wachirapakorn, C. |
2016 |
Tropical Animal Health and Production 7 (48), pp. 1369-1374 |
43. | Effect of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids from rubber seed kernel on reproductive performance in dairy heifers | Wachirapakorn, C. Aiumlamai, S. |
2017 |
Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine 4 (47), pp. 421-433 |
44. | Effects of induced subacute ruminal acidosis and laminitis on lipopolysaccharide binding protein, cortisol and progesterone levels in dairy heifers | Wachirapakorn, C. Aiumlamai, S. |
2017 |
Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine 4 (47), pp. 501-511 |
45. | Influence of Aspergillus niger or Saccharomyces cerevisiae-Fermented Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum) mixed with fresh cassava root on blood parameters and nutrient digestibility in growing beef cattle | Piamphon, N. Wachirapakorn, C. Gunun, P. |
2017 |
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 10 (16), pp. 776-781 |
46. | In vitro rumen fermentation and methane production as affected by rambutan pee powder | Gunun, P. Cherdthong, A. Wanapat, M. Polyorach, S. Wachirapakorn, C. Kang, S. |
2018 |
Journal of Applied Animal Research 1 (46), pp. 626-631 |
Title | Authors | Year | Journal title | ||
1. | Manipulation of ruminal fermentation and methane production by dietary saponins and tannins from mangosteen peel and soapberry fruit. | Poungchompu, O Wanapat, M Wachirapakorn, C Wanapat, S Cherdthong, A |
2009 |
Archives of animal nutrition 5 (63), pp. 389-400 |
2. | Influence of urea-calcium mixtures as rumen slow-release feed on in vitro fermentation using a gas production technique. | Cherdthong, A Wanapat, M Wachirapakorn, C |
2011 |
Archives of animal nutrition 3 (65), pp. 242-54 |
3. | The effects of high levels of rumen degradable protein on rumen pH and histamine concentrations in dairy cows. | Pilachai, R Schonewille, JT Thamrongyoswittayakul, C Aiumlamai, S Wachirapakorn, C Everts, H Hendriks, WH |
2012 |
Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition 2 (96), pp. 206-13 |
4. | Effect of whole cottonseed v. sunflower seed on the fatty acid profile of subcutaneous fat, longissimus dorsi and blood of Thai Native and Holstein bulls. | Polviset, W Schonewille, JT Everts, H Wachirapakorn, C Yuangklang, C Claeys, E De Smet, S |
2015 |
Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience (), pp. 1-9 |
5. | Effect of feeding cassava bioethanol waste on nutrient intake, digestibility, and rumen fermentation in growing goats. | Cherdthong, A Pornjantuek, B Wachirapakorn, C |
2016 |
Tropical animal health and production 7 (48), pp. 1369-74 |
Title | Authors | Year | Journal title | Cited count | ||||||||
< 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | รวม | ||||||
1. | Comparative study between swamp buffalo and native cattle in feed digestibility and potential transfer of buffalo rumen digesta into cattle | M Wanapat N Nontaso C Yuangklang S Wora-anu A Ngarmsang C Wachirapakorn P Rowlinson |
2003 |
28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 28 | |
2. | Effects of timing of initial cutting and subsequent cutting on yields and chemical compositions of cassava hay and its supplementation on lactating dairy cows | NTT Hong M Wanapat C Wachirapakorn P Pakdee P Rowlinson |
2003 |
32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 32 | |
3. | Ruminal degradability of tropical feeds and their potential use in ruminant diets | P Chanjula M Wanapat C Wachirapakorn S Uriyapongson P Rowlinson |
2003 |
41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 41 | |
4. | Effect of synchronizing starch sources and protein (NPN) in the rumen on feed intake, rumen microbial fermentation, nutrient utilization and performance of lactating dairy cows | P Chanjula M Wanapat C Wachirapakorn P Rowlinson |
2004 |
27 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 27 | |
5. | Effects of various levels of cassava hay on rumen ecology and digestibility in swamp buffaloes | P Chanjula M Wanapat C Wachirapakorn P Rowlinson |
2004 |
17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 17 | |
6. | Effects of pelleted sugarcane tops on voluntary feed intake, digestibility and rumen fermentation in beef cattle | C Yuangklang M Wanapat C Wachirapakorn |
2005 |
13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 | |
7. | Effect of levels of sodium DL-malate supplementation on ruminal fermentation efficiency of concentrates containing high levels of cassava chip in dairy steers | S Khampa M Wanapat C Wachirapakorn N Nontaso MA Wattiaux R Rowlison |
2006 |
22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | |
8. | Effects of urea level and sodium DL-malate in concentrate containing high cassava chip on ruminal fermentation efficiency, microbial protein synthesis in lactating dairy cows raised under tropical condition | S Khampa M Wanapat C Wachirapakorn N Nontaso M Wattiaux |
2006 |
69 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 69 | |
9. | A comparative study on the effect of cassava hay supplementation in swamp buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and cattle (Bos indicus) | G. Granum M. Wanapat P. Pakdee C. Wachirapakorn W. Toburan |
2007 |
23 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 23 | |
10. | Effect of roughage sources on cellulolytic bacteria and rumen ecology of beef cattle | S. Wora-anu M. Wanapat C. Wachirapakorn N. Nontaso |
2007 |
24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 24 | |
11. | Influence of sulfur on fresh cassava foliage and cassava hay incubated in rumen fluid of beef cattle | C. Promkot M. Wanapat C. Wachirapakorn C. Navanukraw |
2007 |
13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 | |
12. | Effects of Fermented Total Mixed Ration and Cracked Cottonseed on Milk Yield and Milk Composition in Dairy Cows | C. Wongnen C. Wachirapakorn C. Patipan D. Panpong K. Kongweha N. Namsaen P. Gunun C. Yuangklang |
2009 |
8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | |
13. | Effects of Protected Conjugated Linoleic Acid Supplementation on Milk Fatty Acid in Dairy Cows | N. Piamphon C. Wachirapakorn M. Wanapat C. Navanukraw |
2009 |
7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
14. | Manipulation of ruminal fermentation and methane production by dietary saponins and tannins from mangosteen peel and soapberry fruit | Onanong Poungchompu Metha Wanapat Chalong Wachirapakorn Sadudee Wanapat Anusorn Cherdthong |
2009 |
ARCHIVES OF ANIMAL NUTRITION 5.0 (63.0), pp. 389.0-400.0 |
65 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 65 | |
15. | Effect of Coconut Oil and Sunflower Oil Ratio on Ruminal Fermentation, Rumen Microorganisms, N-balance and Digestibility in Cattle | Ruangyote Pilajun Metha Wanapat Chalong Wachirapakorn Chainarong Navanukroaw |
2010 |
JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES 13.0 (9.0), pp. 1868.0-1874.0 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
16. | Effects of Pelleted Cassava Chip and Raw Banana (Cass-Bann) on Rumen Fermentation and Utilization in Lactating Dairy Cows | R. Lunsin M. Wanapat C. Wachirapakorn C. Navanukraw |
2010 |
JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES 17.0 (9.0), pp. 2239.0-2245.0 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
17. | Effect of legume (Phaseolus calcaratus) hay supplementation on rumen microorganisms, fermentation and nutrient digestibility in swamp buffalo | V. Chanthakhoun M. Wanapat C. Wachirapakorn S. Wanapat |
2011 |
LIVESTOCK SCIENCE 1-3 (140.0), pp. 17.0-23.0 |
31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 31 | |
18. | Effects of urea-calcium mixture in concentrate containing high cassava chip on feed intake, rumen fermentation and performance of lactating dairy cows fed on rice straw | Anusorn Cherdthong Metha Wanapat Chalong Wachirapakorn |
2011 |
LIVESTOCK SCIENCE 2-3 (136.0), pp. 76.0-84.0 |
44 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 44 | |
19. | Influence of urea-calcium mixtures as rumen slow-release feed on in vitro fermentation using a gas production technique | Anusorn Cherdthong Metha Wanapat Chalong Wachirapakorn |
2011 |
ARCHIVES OF ANIMAL NUTRITION 3.0 (65.0), pp. 242.0-254.0 |
36 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 36 | |
20. | Influence of urea calcium mixture supplementation on ruminal fermentation characteristics of beef cattle fed on concentrates containing high levels of cassava chips and rice straw | A. Cherdthong M. Wanapat C. Wachirapakorn |
2011 |
ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1.0 (163.0), pp. 43.0-51.0 |
48 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 48 | |
21. | Protein Enrichment of Cassava Pulp Fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae | W. Kaewwongsa S. Traiyakun C. Yuangklang C. Wachirapakorn P. Paengkoum |
2011 |
JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES 18.0 (10.0), pp. 2434.0-2440.0 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
22. | Supplementation of Yeast Fermented Liquid (YFL) and Coconut Oil on Rumen Fermentation Characteristics, N-balance and Urinary Purine Derivatives in Beef Cattle | S. Polyorach M. Wanapat C. Wachirapakom C. Navanukroaw S. Wanapat N. Nontaso |
2011 |
JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES 16.0 (10.0), pp. 2084.0-2089.0 |
4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | |
23. | Risk Factors of Subclinical Mastitis in Small Holder Dairy Cows in Khon Kaen Province | Chaiwat Jarassaeng Suneerat Aiumlamai Chalong Wachirapakorn Mongkol Techakumphu Jos P. T. M. Noordhuizen Anton C. Beynen Siriwat Suadsong |
2012 |
THAI JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 2.0 (42.0), pp. 143.0-151.0 |
9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | |
24. | Starch source in high concentrate rations does not affect rumen pH, histamine and lipopolysaccharide concentrations in dairy cows | R. Rilachai J. Th. Schonewille C. Thamrongyoswittayakul S. Aiumlamai C. Wachirapakorn H. Everts W. H. Hendriks |
2012 |
LIVESTOCK SCIENCE 1-3 (150.0), pp. 135.0-142.0 |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
25. | The effects of high levels of rumen degradable protein on rumen pH and histamine concentrations in dairy cows | R. Pilachai J. Th. Schonewille C. Thamrongyoswittayakul S. Aiumlamai C. Wachirapakorn H. Everts W. H. Hendriks |
2012 |
13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 | |
26. | Diet factors and subclinical laminitis score in lactating cows of smallholder dairy farms in Thailand | R. Pilachai J. Th Schonewille C. Thamrongyoswittayakul S. Aiumlamai C. Wachirapakorn H. Everts W. H. Hendriks |
2013 |
LIVESTOCK SCIENCE 2-3 (155.0), pp. 197.0-204.0 |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
27. | Effect of Roughage Sources and Fibrolytic Enzyme Supplementation on Nutrient Digestion and Rumen Fermentation in Buffaloes | Chalermpon Yuangklang Kraisit Vasupen S. Bureenok S. Wongsuthavas A. C. Beynen Chalong Wachirapakorn Pramote Paengkoum S. Paengkoum M. Phonvisay T. Vorlaphim |
2013 |
BUFFALO BULLETIN (32.0), pp. 993.0-997.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
28. | Effects of Roughage Types on Feed Intake, and Nutrient Digestibilities in Swamp Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) | Walailuck Kaewwongsa Chalong Wachirapakorn Metha Wanapat Ngarmnit Nontaso |
2013 |
BUFFALO BULLETIN (32.0), pp. 871.0-873.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
29. | Effects of levels of crude protein and ground corn cobs in total mixed ration on intake, rumen fermentation and milk production in crossbred Holstein Friesian lactating dairy cows | C. Wachirapakorn P. Parmaluk M. Wanapat P. Pakdee A. Cherdthong |
2014 |
JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL RESEARCH 3.0 (42.0), pp. 263.0-268.0 |
4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | |
30. | Hydrate sodium calcium aluminosilicate does not reduce rumen lipopolysacharide concentrations in cows | R. Pilachai J. Th. Schonewille C. Thamrongyoswittayakul S. Aiumlamai C. Wachirapakorn H. Everts B. Vlaeminck G. Doekes W. H. Hendriks |
2014 |
ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (191.0), pp. 111.0-115.0 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
31. | Effect of whole cottonseed v. sunflower seed on the fatty acid profile of subcutaneous fat, longissimus dorsi and blood of Thai Native and Holstein bulls | W. Polviset J. T. Schonewille H. Everts C. Wachirapakorn C. Yuangklang E. Claeys S. De Smet |
2015 |
ANIMAL 12.0 (9.0), pp. 2072.0-2080.0 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
32. | Effect of feeding cassava bioethanol waste on nutrient intake, digestibility, and rumen fermentation in growing goats | Anusorn Cherdthong Boonserm Pornjantuek Chalong Wachirapakorn |
2016 |
TROPICAL ANIMAL HEALTH AND PRODUCTION 7.0 (48.0), pp. 1369.0-1374.0 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
33. | Effect of ground corn cobs as a fiber source in total mixed ration on feed intake, milk yield and milk composition in tropical lactating crossbred Holstein cows | Chalong Wachirapakorn Krung Pilachai Metha Wanapat Pawadee Pakdee Anusorn Cherdthong |
2016 |
ANIMAL NUTRITION 4.0 (2.0), pp. 334.0-338.0 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
34. | Effect of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids from rubber seed kernel on reproductive performance in dairy heifers | Nawarat Pha-Obnga Chalong Wachirapakorn Suneerat Aiumlamai |
2017 |
THAI JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 4.0 (47.0), pp. 421.0-433.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
35. | Effects of induced subacute ruminal acidosis and laminitis on lipopolysaccharide binding protein, cortisol and progesterone levels in dairy heifers | Suvaluk Seesupa Chalong Wachirapakorn Suneerat Aiumlamai |
2017 |
THAI JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 4.0 (47.0), pp. 501.0-511.0 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
36. | In vitro rumen fermentation and methane production as affected by rambutan peel powder | Pongsatorn Gunun Nirawan Gunun Anusorn Cherdthong Metha Wanapat Sineenart Polyorach Srisuda Sirilaophaisan Chalong Wachirapakorn Sungchhang Kang |
2017 |
JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL RESEARCH 1.0 (46.0), pp. 626.0-631.0 |
12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12 | |
37. | Effect of vegetable oil source supplementation on feed intake, nutrients digestibility and rumen biohydrogenation bacterial population in Thai Friesian dairy cows | N. Suphrap C. Wachirapakorn C. Thamrongyoswittayakul C. Wongnen |
2019 |
INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL RESEARCH 7.0 (53.0), pp. 907.0-912.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
38. | Effects of vegetable oil and yeast fermented cassava pulp (YFCP) supplementation on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and rumen fermentation in Thai Friesian dairy cows | N. Suphrap C. Wachirapakorn C. Thamrongyoswittayakul C. Wongnen |
2019 |
INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL RESEARCH 7.0 (53.0), pp. 895.0-900.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Title | Authors | Year | Journal title | ||
1. | Risk Factors of Subclinical Mastitis in Small Holder Dairy Cows in Khon Kaen Province | Chaiwat Jarassaeng Suneerat Aiumlamai Chalong Wachirapakorn Mongkol Techakumphu Jos P.T.M. Noordhuizen Anton C. Beynen Siriwat Suadsong |
2012 |
The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine (42 No 2), pp. 143-151 |
2. | Effect of Various Tropical Roughages on Rumen Ecology and Digestibility of Beef Cattle | Siwaporn Paengkoum Metha Wanapat Chalong Wachirapakorn Ngarmnit Nontaso |
3. | The Effect of Roughage and Urea Solution Infusion Levels on Ruminal NH3-N Concentration and Nutrient Digestibility in Beef Cattle and Swamp Buffaloes | Siwaporn Paengkoum Metha Wanapat Chalong Wachirapakorn Ngarmnit Nontaso |
ชื่อโครงการ | Authors | ประเภทโครงการ | ปีงบประมาณ | ทุนวิจับ | ||
1. | การใช้เบต้ากลูแคนจากยีสต์ในการเพิ่มสมรรถภาพการผลิตของสัตว์เคี้ยวเอื้อง |
รศ.ดร. ฉลอง วชิราภากร รศ.ดร. อนุสรณ์ เชิดทอง ผศ.ดร. ไชยพัศร์ ธำรงยศวิทยากุล |
ชุดโครงการวิจัย | 2559 | ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2559 (เป้าหมาย2) | |
2. | การใช้ประโยชน์ของกากเบต้ากลูแคนจากยีสต์ในสูตรอาหารสำหรับโคนม |
รศ.ดร. ฉลอง วชิราภากร ผศ.ดร. ไชยพัศร์ ธำรงยศวิทยากุล รศ.ดร. อนุสรณ์ เชิดทอง |
โครงการย่อย ภายใต้ชุดโครงการวิจัย | 2559 | ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2559 (เป้าหมาย2) | |
3. | การศึกษาการเปลี่ยนแปลงของจุลินทรีย์ในกระเพาะหมักจากการใช้เบต้ากลูแคนจากยีสต์เพื่อเป็นอาหารสัตว์เคี้ยวเอื้อง |
รศ.ดร. อนุสรณ์ เชิดทอง รศ.ดร. ฉลอง วชิราภากร ผศ.ดร. ไชยพัศร์ ธำรงยศวิทยากุล |
โครงการย่อย ภายใต้ชุดโครงการวิจัย | 2559 | ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2559 (เป้าหมาย2) | |
4. | การใช้ประโยชน์หัวมันสำปะหลังสดร่วมกับกำมะถันเพื่อเป็นอาหารสัตว์เคี้ยวเอื้อง |
รศ.ดร. ฉลอง วชิราภากร รศ.ดร. อนุสรณ์ เชิดทอง |
ชุดโครงการวิจัย | 2560 | ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2560 | |
5. | การใช้หัวมันสำปะหลังสดในสูตรอาหารโคนมร่วมกับกำมันถันระดับสูง ต่อการใช้ประโยชน์อาหาร การให้ผลผลิตน้ำนม และสุขภาพของโครีดนม |
รศ.ดร. ฉลอง วชิราภากร รศ.ดร. อนุสรณ์ เชิดทอง |
โครงการย่อย ภายใต้ชุดโครงการวิจัย | 2560 | ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2560 | |
6. | การเสริมหัวมันสำปะหลังสด ต่อการกินได้ การย่อยได้ กระบวนการหมักในกระเพาะรูเมน และจุลินทรีย์ในรูเมนของในโคเนื้อพื้นเมืองที่ได้รับอาหารข้นที่มีกำมะถันเป็นองค์ประกอบระดับสูง |
รศ.ดร. อนุสรณ์ เชิดทอง รศ.ดร. ฉลอง วชิราภากร |
โครงการย่อย ภายใต้ชุดโครงการวิจัย | 2560 | ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2560 | |
7. | การพัฒนาสูตรอาหารผสมสำเร็จหมักที่มีมันสำปะหลังสดเป็นแหล่งพลังงานร่วมกับกำมะถัน ต่อการใช้ประโยชน์ของโภชนะ กระบวนการหมักในรูเมน และสมรรถนะการให้ผลผลิตในสัตว์เคี้ยวเอื้อง |
รศ.ดร. ฉลอง วชิราภากร รศ.ดร. อนุสรณ์ เชิดทอง ผศ.ดร. ชัยวัฒน์ จรัสแสง |
ชุดโครงการวิจัย | 2561 | ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2561 (งบบูรณาการวิจัยและนวัตกรรม) | |
8. | การให้ผลผลิตน้ำนมและองค์ประกอบน้ำนมในโครีดนมที่ได้รับสูตรอาหารผสมสำเร็จหมักที่มีมันสำปะหลังสดเป็นแหล่งพลังงานร่วมกับกำมะถัน |
รศ.ดร. ฉลอง วชิราภากร รศ.ดร. อนุสรณ์ เชิดทอง ผศ.ดร. ชัยวัฒน์ จรัสแสง |
โครงการย่อย ภายใต้ชุดโครงการวิจัย | 2561 | ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2561 (งบบูรณาการวิจัยและนวัตกรรม) | |
9. | ผลของระดับกำมะถันในสูตรอาหารผสมสำเร็จหมักที่ใช้มันสำปะหลังสดเป็นแหล่งพลังงานต่อปริมาณไซยาไนด์, thiocyanate และโซมาติกเซลล์ในน้ำนมของโครีดนม |
ผศ.ดร. ชัยวัฒน์ จรัสแสง รศ.ดร. ฉลอง วชิราภากร รศ.ดร. อนุสรณ์ เชิดทอง |
โครงการย่อย ภายใต้ชุดโครงการวิจัย | 2561 | ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2561 (งบบูรณาการวิจัยและนวัตกรรม) | |
10. | ผลของระดับกำมะถันในสูตรอาหารผสมสำเร็จหมักที่มีมันสำปะหลังสดเป็นแหล่งพลังงาน ต่อการใช้ประโยชน์ได้ของอาหาร กระบวนการหมักในรูเมน และเมแทบอไลต์ในกระแสเลือดของโคเนื้อพื้นเมือง |
รศ.ดร. อนุสรณ์ เชิดทอง ผศ.ดร. ชัยวัฒน์ จรัสแสง รศ.ดร. ฉลอง วชิราภากร |
โครงการย่อย ภายใต้ชุดโครงการวิจัย | 2561 | ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2561 (งบบูรณาการวิจัยและนวัตกรรม) |