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อ.น.สพ.ดร. ศักดิ์ศิริ ศิริเสถียร

6602480841: H-INDEX 8


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1. Effects of culture system and protein supplementation on mRNA expression in pre-implantation bovine embryos. Martins, A.M.C.
Sirisathien, S.
Niemann, H.
2. Improvement of bovine preimplantation development in vitro with EGF or IGF-I in chemically defined media. S Sirisathien
H Hernandez-Fonseca
BG Brackett
3. Time course of follicular development after bovine ovarian tissue transplantation in NOD SCID mice. HJ Hemandez-Fonseca
P Bosch
S Sirisathien
JD Wininger
JB Massey
BG Brackett
4. Offspring resulting from direct transfer of cryopreserved bovine embryos produced in vitro in chemically defined media. HJ Hernandez-Fonseca
S Sirisathien
P Bosch
HS Cho
JD Lott
LL Hawkins
RB Hollett
SL Coley
BG Brackett
5. Effect of leukemia inhibitory factor on bovine embryos produced in vitro under chemically defined conditions. Sirisathien, S. 2003
6. Influence of postmortem delay in aspiration of oocytes on production of bovine blastocysts in vitro Sirisathien, S
Brackett, BG
7. Influences of epidermal growth factor and insulin-like growth factor-I on bovine blastocyst development in vitro. Sirisathien, S. 2003
8. TUNEL analyses of bovine blastocysts after culture with EGF and IGF-I Sirisathien, S. 2003
9. Effect of site of transplantation on follicular development of human ovarian tissue transplanted into intact or castrated immunodeficient mice Sirisathien, S. 2004
10. Effects of developmental stage, embryonic interferon-τ secretion and recipient synchrony on pregnancy rate after transfer of in vitro produced bovine blastocysts Kubisch, H.M.
Sirisathien, S.
11. Effects of developmental stage, embryonic interferon-tau secretion and recipient synchrony on pregnancy rate after transfer of in vitro produced bovine blastocysts. HM Kubisch
S Sirisathien
P Bosch
HJ Hernandez-Fonseca
G Clements
JR Liukkonen
BG Brackett
12. Effect of db-cAMP on embryonic development of bovine oocytes fertilized with sex sorted semen Sirisathien, S. 2007
13. Ovarian follicular patterns and hormone profile in thai native cattle (Bos indicus) Sakhong, D.
Vongpralub, T.
Katawatin, S.
Sirisathien, S.
14. Ultrasound-guided transvaginal follicular aspiration and development of vitrified-thawed thai indigenous beef cattle (bos indicus) oocytes after in vitro fertilization Sakhong, D.
Vongpralub, T.
Katawatin, S.
Sirisathien, S.
15. Effects of polyvinyl alcohol on vitrification of mature and immature bovine oocytes Sirisathien, S. 2017
16. Effects of supplementation of iodixanol to semen extender on quality and fertilization ability of frozen–thawed Thai native bull sperm Sirisathien, S.
Sakhong, D.
Vongpralub, T.
Count 13 7 10 0

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
1. Effects of culture system and protein supplementation on mRNA expression in pre-implantation bovine embryos Martins, A.M.C.
Sirisathien, S.
Niemann, H.
2001 Human Reproduction
5 (16), pp. 893-901
2. Offspring resulting from direct transfer of cryopreserved bovine embryos produced in vitro in chemically defined media Sirisathien, S. 2002 Animal Reproduction Science
3-4 (69), pp. 151-158
3. Effect of leukemia inhibitory factor on bovine embryos produced in vitro under chemically defined conditions Sirisathien, S. 2003 Theriogenology
8 (59), pp. 1751-1763
4. Influence of postmortem delay in aspiration of oocytes on production of bovine blastocysts in vitro Sirisathien, S. 2003 Veterinary Record
11 (153), pp. 334-335
5. Influences of epidermal growth factor and insulin-like growth factor-I on bovine blastocyst development in vitro Sirisathien, S. 2003 Animal Reproduction Science
1-2 (76), pp. 21-32
6. TUNEL analyses of bovine blastocysts after culture with EGF and IGF-I Sirisathien, S. 2003 Molecular Reproduction and Development
1 (65), pp. 51-56
7. Effect of site of transplantation on follicular development of human ovarian tissue transplanted into intact or castrated immunodeficient mice Sirisathien, S. 2004 Fertility and Sterility
SUPPL. 1 (81), pp. 888-892
8. Effects of developmental stage, embryonic interferon-τ secretion and recipient synchrony on pregnancy rate after transfer of in vitro produced bovine blastocysts Kubisch, H.M.
Sirisathien, S.
2004 Reproduction in Domestic Animals
2 (39), pp. 120-124
9. Effect of db-cAMP on embryonic development of bovine oocytes fertilized with sex sorted semen Sirisathien, S. 2007 Revista Cientifica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad del Zulia
2 (17), pp. 131-135
10. Ovarian follicular patterns and hormone profile in thai native cattle (Bos indicus) Sakhong, D.
Vongpralub, T.
Katawatin, S.
Sirisathien, S.
2011 Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine
4 (41), pp. 439-447
11. Ultrasound-guided transvaginal follicular aspiration and development of vitrified-thawed thai indigenous beef cattle (bos indicus) oocytes after in vitro fertilization Sakhong, D.
Vongpralub, T.
Katawatin, S.
Sirisathien, S.
2012 Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine
4 (42), pp. 509-516
12. Effects of polyvinyl alcohol on vitrification of mature and immature bovine oocytes Sirisathien, S. 2017 Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology
4 (22), pp.
13. Effects of supplementation of iodixanol to semen extender on quality and fertilization ability of frozen–thawed Thai native bull sperm Sirisathien, S.
Sakhong, D.
Vongpralub, T.
2017 Animal Science Journal
9 (88), pp. 1311-1320

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Effects of culture system and protein supplementation on mRNA expression in pre-implantation bovine embryos. Wrenzycki, C
Herrmann, D
Keskintepe, L
Martins, A
Sirisathien, S
Brackett, B
Niemann, H
2001 Human reproduction (Oxford, England)
5 (16), pp. 893-901
2. Offspring resulting from direct transfer of cryopreserved bovine embryos produced in vitro in chemically defined media. Hernandez-Fonseca, HJ
Sirisathien, S
Bosch, P
Cho, HS
Lott, JD
Hawkins, LL
Hollett, RB
Coley, SL
Brackett, BG
2002 Animal reproduction science
3 (69), pp. 151-8
3. Effect of leukemia inhibitory factor on bovine embryos produced in vitro under chemically defined conditions. Sirisathien, S
Hernandez-Fonseca, HJ
Bosch, P
Hollet, BR
Lott, JD
Brackett, BG
2003 Theriogenology
8 (59), pp. 1751-63
4. Influence of postmortem delay in aspiration of oocytes on production of bovine blastocysts in vitro. Sirisathien, S
Brackett, BG
2003 The Veterinary record
11 (153), pp. 334-5
5. TUNEL analyses of bovine blastocysts after culture with EGF and IGF-I. Sirisathien, S
Brackett, BG
2003 Molecular reproduction and development
1 (65), pp. 51-6
6. Influences of epidermal growth factor and insulin-like growth factor-I on bovine blastocyst development in vitro. Sirisathien, S
Hernandez-Fonseca, HJ
Brackett, BG
2003 Animal reproduction science
1 (77), pp. 21-32
7. Effects of developmental stage, embryonic interferon-tau secretion and recipient synchrony on pregnancy rate after transfer of in vitro produced bovine blastocysts. Kubisch, HM
Sirisathien, S
Bosch, P
Hernandez-Fonseca, HJ
Clements, G
Liukkonen, JR
Brackett, BG
2004 Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene
2 (39), pp. 120-4

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
1. Effects of culture system and protein supplementation on mRNA expression in pre-implantation bovine embryos C Wrenzycki
D Herrmann
L Keskintepe
A Martins
S Sirisathien
B Brackett
H Niemann
5.0 (16.0), pp. 893.0-901.0
237 0 0 0 0 0 237
2. Improvement of bovine preimplantation development in vitro with EGF or IGF-I in chemically defined media. S Sirisathien
H Hernandez-Fonseca
BG Brackett
(64.0), pp. 309.0-310.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
3. Time course of follicular development after bovine ovarian tissue transplantation in NOD SCID mice. HJ Hemandez-Fonseca
P Bosch
S Sirisathien
JD Wininger
JB Massey
BG Brackett
3.0 (76.0), pp. S34-S35
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. Offspring resulting from direct transfer of cryopreserved bovine embryos produced in vitro in chemically defined media HJ Hernandez-Fonseca
S Sirisathien
P Bosch
HS Cho
JD Lott
LL Hawkins
RB Hollett
SL Coley
BG Brackett
3-4 (69.0), pp. 151.0-158.0
19 0 0 0 0 0 19
5. Effect of leukemia inhibitory factor on bovine embryos produced in vitro under chemically defined conditions S Sirisathien
HJ Hernandez-Fonseca
P Bosch
BR Hollet
JD Lott
BG Brackett
8.0 (59.0), pp. 1751.0-1763.0
20 0 0 0 0 0 20
6. Influence of postmortem delay in aspiration of oocytes on production of bovine blastocysts in vitro S Sirisathien
BG Brackett
11.0 (153.0), pp. 334.0-335.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
7. Influences of epidermal growth factor and insulin-like growth factor-I on bovine blastocyst development in vitro S Sirisathien
HJ Hernandez-Fonseca
BG Brackett
1-2 (77.0), pp. 21.0-32.0
64 0 0 0 0 0 64
8. TUNEL analyses of bovine blastocysts after culture with EGF and IGF-I S Sirisathien
BG Brackett
1.0 (65.0), pp. 51.0-56.0
39 0 0 0 0 0 39
9. Effect of site of transplantation on follicular development of human ovarian tissue transplanted into intact or castrated immunodeficient mice H Hernandez-Fonseca
P Bosch
S Sirisathien
JD Wininger
JB Massey
BG Brackett
(81.0), pp. 888.0-892.0
29 0 0 0 0 0 29
10. Effects of developmental stage, embryonic interferon-tau secretion and recipient synchrony on pregnancy rate after transfer of in vitro produced bovine blastocysts HM Kubisch
S Sirisathien
P Bosch
HJ Hernandez-Fonseca
G Clements
JR Liukkonen
BG Brackett
2.0 (39.0), pp. 120.0-124.0
17 0 0 0 0 0 17

Title Authors Year Journal title

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