Asst. Prof. Dr. Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj

Faculty of Dentistry,
Khon Kaen University
23398219000: H-INDEX 8


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. Molar incisor hypomineralization and dental caries in six- to seven-year-old Thai children. Pitiphat, W
Savisit, R
Chansamak, N
Subarnbhesaj, A
2. The detection of oncogenic types of human papilloma virus in oral cancer by the polymerase chain reaction A Subarnbhesaj
DM Walker
C Thompson
JR Gibbins
3. Alteration of the expression of CD44 [corrected] isoforms in oral epithelia and saliva from patients with oral lichen planus. Chaiyarit, P
Thongprasom, K
Satayut, S
Dhanuthai, K
Piboonratanakit, P
Phothipakdee, P
Subarnbhesaj, A
Limlertmongkol, S
Chaimusig, M
4. Alteration of the expression of CD4 isoforms in oral epithelia and saliva from patients with oral lichen planus Ponlatham Chaiyarit
Kobkan Thongprasom
Sajee Satayut
Kittipong Dhanuthai
Pornpan Piboonratanakit
Pensri Phothipakdee
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Supakit Limlertmongkol
Mantharop Chaimusig
5. Alteration of the expression of CD4 isoforms in oral epithelia and saliva from patients with oral lichen planus (Journal of Clinical Immunology DOI: 10.1007/s10875-007-9128-5) Chaiyarit, P.
Thongprasom, K.
Satayut, S.
Dhanuthai, K.
Youngnak-Piboonratanakit, P.
Piboonratanakit, P.
Phothipakdee, P.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
Limlertmongkol, S.
Chaimusig, M.
6. Ameloblastoma: a multicentric study. Kittipong Dhanuthai
Soranun Chantarangsu
Somsri Rojanawatsirivej
Ekarat Phattarataratip
Mark Darling
Linda Jackson-Boeters
Nasser Said-Al-Naief
Hong-In Shin
Chang-Hyeong An
Nguyen Thi Hong
Phan Huynh An
Watcharaporn Thosaporn
Aroonwan Lam-ubol
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
7. Matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) directly and indirectly promotes tumor angiogenesis. Yasusei Kudo
Shinji Iizuka
Maki Yoshida
Takaaki Tsunematsu
Tomoyuki Kondo
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Elsayed M. Deraz
Samadarani B. S. M. Siriwardena
Hidetoshi Tahara
Naozumi Ishimaru
Ikuko Ogawa
Takashi Takata
8. Basal cell adenocarcinoma of the palate: report of a case with Aurora-B kinase expression Poramaporn Klanrit
Ponlatham Chaiyarit
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Waraporn Phanphrom
Samonchapak Ruangchotiwat
9. Increased immunoexpression of trefoil factors in salivary gland tumors Chaiyarit, P
Klanrit, P
Photipakdee, P
Subarnbhesaj, A
Giraud, AS
10. Lactoferrin inhibits infection-related osteoclastogenesis without interrupting compressive force-related osteoclastogenesis. Kawazoe, A.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
11. Molar Incisor Hypomineralization and Dental Caries in Six- to Seven-year-old Thai Children Waranuch Pitiphat
Ratchanekorn Savisit
Nusara Chansamak
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
12. Trefoil factor expression by immunohistochemistry in patients with oral lichen planus Ponlatham Chaiyarit
Poramaporn Klanrit
Pensri Phothipakdee
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Kobkan Thongprasom
Andrew S. Giraud
13. A multicenter study of oral malignant tumors from Thailand Dhanuthai, K
Rojanawatsirivej, S
Subarnbhesaj, A
Thosaporn, W
Kintarak, S
14. N-terminal region of human ameloblastin synthetic peptide promotes bone formation Kitagawa, M
Ando, T
Subarnbhesaj, A
Uchida, T
Miyauchi, M
Takata, T
15. Roles of VEGF-Flt-1 signaling in malignant behaviors of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Mutsumi Miyauchi
Chea Chanbora
Aki Mikuriya
Phuong Thao Nguyen
Hisako Furusho
Nurina Febriyanti Ayuningtyas
Minoru Fujita
Shigeaki Toratani
Masaaki Takechi
Shumpei Niida
Takashi Takata
16. Molecular mechanism of inhibitory effects of bovine lactoferrin on the growth of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Chanbora Chea
Mutsumi Miyauchi
Toshihiro Inubushi
Nurina Febriyanti Ayuningtyas
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Phuong Thao Nguyen
Madhu Shrestha
Sivmeng Haing
Kouji Ohta
Takashi Takata
17. Oral cancer: A multicenter study. Kittipong Dhanuthai
Somsri Rojanawatsirivej
Watcharaporn Thosaporn
Sompid Kintarak
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Mark Darling
Eugene Kryshtalskyj
Chun-Pin Chiang
Hong-In Shin
So-Young Choi
Sang-Shin Lee
Pouyan-Amini Shakib
18. Oral Manifestations of Renal Osteodystrophy in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Chronic Renal Failure and Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Case Report Inthiworn Riyachan
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Wilairat Sarideechaigul
Poramaporn Klanrit
19. Primary Amelanotic Melanoma of the Maxillary Gingiva: A Case Report Wipasinee Sangkhao
Poramaporn Klanrit
Suthinn Jinaporntha
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
20. A Multicenter Study of Tongue Lesions from Thailand Dhanuthai, K
Kintarak, S
Subarnbhesaj, A
Chamusri, N
21. Differential Diagnosis and Histopathological Analysis of Localized Gingival Overgrowths: Study of 218 Cases from Northeast Thailand Lordjie Marr Morilla
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Poramaporn Klanrit
22. Human Papillomavirus 16 and 18 Infection in Oral Cancer in Thailand: A Multicenter Study. Phattarataratip, E.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
Dhanuthai, K.
23. Detection of Human Papillomavirus and p16(INK4a) Expression in Thai Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Dulyapong Rungraungrayabkul
Naruemon Panpradit
Puangwan Lapthanasupkul
Nakarin Kitkumthorn
Poramaporn Klanrit
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Vanvisa Sresumatchai
Boworn Klongnoi
Siribang-on Piboonniyom Khovidhunkit
24. Detection of Human Papillomavirus and p16 Expression in Thai Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Rungraungrayabkul, D
Panpradit, N
Lapthanasupkul, P
Kitkumthorn, N
Klanrit, P
Subarnbhesaj, A
Sresumatchai, V
Klongnoi, B
Khovidhunkit, SP
25. Detection of Human Papillomavirus and p16INK4a Expression in Thai Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Klanrit, P.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
Count 14 14 17 0

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
1. Alteration of the expression of CD4 isoforms in oral epithelia and saliva from patients with oral lichen planus Chaiyarit, P.
Thongprasom, K.
Satayut, S.
Dhanuthai, K.
Youngnak-Piboonratanakit, P.
Piboonratanakit, P.
Phothipakdee, P.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
Limlertmongkol, S.
Chaimusig, M.
2008 Journal of Clinical Immunology
1 (28), pp. 26-34
2. Alteration of the expression of CD4 isoforms in oral epithelia and saliva from patients with oral lichen planus (Journal of Clinical Immunology DOI: 10.1007/s10875-007-9128-5) Chaiyarit, P.
Thongprasom, K.
Satayut, S.
Dhanuthai, K.
Youngnak-Piboonratanakit, P.
Piboonratanakit, P.
Phothipakdee, P.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
Limlertmongkol, S.
Chaimusig, M.
2008 Journal of Clinical Immunology
1 (28), pp. 35
3. Ameloblastoma: A multicentric study Dhanuthai, K.
Chantarangsu, S.
Phattarataratip, E.
Jackson-Boeters, L.
Shin, H.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
2012 Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology
6 (113), pp. 782-788
4. Matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) directly and indirectly promotes tumor angiogenesis Iizuka, S.
Tsunematsu, T.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
Deraz, E.M.
Tahara, H.
2012 Journal of Biological Chemistry
46 (287), pp. 38716-38728
5. Increased immunoexpression of trefoil factors in salivary gland tumors Chaiyarit, P.
Klanrit, P.
Photipakdee, P.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
Giraud, A.S.
2014 Clinical Oral Investigations
4 (18), pp. 1305-1312
6. Lactoferrin inhibits infection-related osteoclastogenesis without interrupting compressive force-related osteoclastogenesis Kawazoe, A.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
2014 Archives of Oral Biology
2 (59), pp. 226-232
7. A multicenter study of oral malignant tumors from Thailand Dhanuthai, K.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
2016 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
3 (20), pp. 462-466
8. N-terminal region of human ameloblastin synthetic peptide promotes bone formation Subarnbhesaj, A. 2017 Odontology
1 (105), pp. 116-121
9. Roles of VEGF-Flt-1 signaling in malignant behaviors of oral squamous cell carcinoma Subarnbhesaj, A. 2017 PLoS ONE
11 (12), pp.
10. Molecular mechanism of inhibitory effects of bovine lactoferrin on the growth of oral squamous cell carcinoma Subarnbhesaj, A. 2018 PLoS ONE
1 (13), pp.
11. Oral cancer: A multicenter study Dhanuthai, K.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
2018 Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal
1 (23), pp. e23-e29
12. A Multicenter Study of Tongue Lesions from Thailand Dhanuthai, K.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
2020 European Journal of Dentistry
3 (14), pp. 435-439
13. Human Papillomavirus 16 and 18 Infection in Oral Cancer in Thailand: A Multicenter Study Phattarataratip, E.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
Dhanuthai, K.
2020 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
11 (21), pp. 3349-3355
14. Detection of Human Papillomavirus and p16<sup>INK4a</sup> Expression in Thai Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Klanrit, P.
Subarnbhesaj, A.
2022 Head and Neck Pathology
2 (16), pp. 444-452

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Alteration of the expression of CD44 [corrected] isoforms in oral epithelia and saliva from patients with oral lichen planus. Chaiyarit, P
Thongprasom, K
Satayut, S
Dhanuthai, K
Piboonratanakit, P
Phothipakdee, P
Subarnbhesaj, A
Limlertmongkol, S
Chaimusig, M
2008 Journal of clinical immunology
1 (28), pp. 26-34
2. Ameloblastoma: a multicentric study. Dhanuthai, K
Chantarangsu, S
Rojanawatsirivej, S
Phattarataratip, E
Darling, M
Jackson-Boeters, L
Said-Al-Naief, N
Shin, HI
An, CH
Hong, NT
An, PH
Thosaporn, W
Lam-ubol, A
Subarnbhesaj, A
2012 Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology
6 (113), pp. 782-8
3. Matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) directly and indirectly promotes tumor angiogenesis. Kudo, Y
Iizuka, S
Yoshida, M
Tsunematsu, T
Kondo, T
Subarnbhesaj, A
Deraz, EM
Siriwardena, SB
Tahara, H
Ishimaru, N
Ogawa, I
Takata, T
2012 The Journal of biological chemistry
46 (287), pp. 38716-28
4. Increased immunoexpression of trefoil factors in salivary gland tumors. Chaiyarit, P
Klanrit, P
Photipakdee, P
Subarnbhesaj, A
Giraud, AS
2014 Clinical oral investigations
4 (18), pp. 1305-12
5. Lactoferrin inhibits infection-related osteoclastogenesis without interrupting compressive force-related osteoclastogenesis. Inubushi, T
Kawazoe, A
Miyauchi, M
Yanagisawa, S
Subarnbhesaj, A
Chanbora, C
Ayuningtyas, NF
Ishikado, A
Tanaka, E
Takata, T
2014 Archives of oral biology
2 (59), pp. 226-32
6. A multicenter study of oral malignant tumors from Thailand. Dhanuthai, K
Rojanawatsirivej, S
Subarnbhesaj, A
Thosaporn, W
Kintarak, S
2016 Journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology : JOMFP
3 (20), pp. 462-466
7. Roles of VEGF-Flt-1 signaling in malignant behaviors of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Subarnbhesaj, A
Miyauchi, M
Chanbora, C
Mikuriya, A
Nguyen, PT
Furusho, H
Ayuningtyas, NF
Fujita, M
Toratani, S
Takechi, M
Niida, S
Takata, T
2017 PloS one
11 (12), pp. e0187092
8. N-terminal region of human ameloblastin synthetic peptide promotes bone formation. Kitagawa, M
Ando, T
Subarnbhesaj, A
Uchida, T
Miyauchi, M
Takata, T
2017 Odontology
1 (105), pp. 116-121
9. Molecular mechanism of inhibitory effects of bovine lactoferrin on the growth of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Chea, C
Miyauchi, M
Inubushi, T
Febriyanti Ayuningtyas, N
Subarnbhesaj, A
Nguyen, PT
Shrestha, M
Haing, S
Ohta, K
Takata, T
2018 PloS one
1 (13), pp. e0191683
10. Oral cancer: A multicenter study. Dhanuthai, K
Rojanawatsirivej, S
Thosaporn, W
Kintarak, S
Subarnbhesaj, A
Darling, M
Kryshtalskyj, E
Chiang, CP
Shin, HI
Choi, SY
Lee, SS
Shakib, PA
2018 Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal
1 (23), pp. e23-e29
11. Human Papillomavirus 16 and 18 Infection in Oral Cancer in Thailand: A Multicenter Study. Komolmalai, N
Pongsiriwet, S
Lertprasertsuke, N
Lekwanavijit, S
Kintarak, S
Phattarataratip, E
Subarnbhesaj, A
Dhanuthai, K
Chaisuparat, R
Iamaroon, A
2020 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
11 (21), pp. 3349-3355
12. A Multicenter Study of Tongue Lesions from Thailand. Dhanuthai, K
Kintarak, S
Subarnbhesaj, A
Chamusri, N
2020 European journal of dentistry
3 (14), pp. 435-439
13. Detection of Human Papillomavirus and p16 Expression in Thai Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Rungraungrayabkul, D
Panpradit, N
Lapthanasupkul, P
Kitkumthorn, N
Klanrit, P
Subarnbhesaj, A
Sresumatchai, V
Klongnoi, B
Khovidhunkit, SP
2022 Head and neck pathology
2 (16), pp. 444-452
14. Molar incisor hypomineralization and dental caries in six- to seven-year-old Thai children. Pitiphat, W
Savisit, R
Chansamak, N
Subarnbhesaj, A
Pediatric dentistry
7 (36), pp. 478-82

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
1. The detection of oncogenic types of human papilloma virus in oral cancer by the polymerase chain reaction A Subarnbhesaj
DM Walker
C Thompson
JR Gibbins
(82.0), pp. 75.0-75.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Alteration of the expression of CD4 isoforms in oral epithelia and saliva from patients with oral lichen planus Ponlatham Chaiyarit
Kobkan Thongprasom
Sajee Satayut
Kittipong Dhanuthai
Pornpan Piboonratanakit
Pensri Phothipakdee
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Supakit Limlertmongkol
Mantharop Chaimusig
1.0 (28.0), pp. 26.0-34.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
3. Ameloblastoma: a multicentric study Kittipong Dhanuthai
Soranun Chantarangsu
Somsri Rojanawatsirivej
Ekarat Phattarataratip
Mark Darling
Linda Jackson-Boeters
Nasser Said-Al-Naief
Hong-In Shin
Chang-Hyeong An
Nguyen Thi Hong
Phan Huynh An
Watcharaporn Thosaporn
Aroonwan Lam-ubol
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
6.0 (113.0), pp. 782.0-788.0
26 0 0 0 0 0 26
4. Matrix Metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) Directly and Indirectly Promotes Tumor Angiogenesis Yasusei Kudo
Shinji Iizuka
Maki Yoshida
Takaaki Tsunematsu
Tomoyuki Kondo
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Elsayed M. Deraz
Samadarani B. S. M. Siriwardena
Hidetoshi Tahara
Naozumi Ishimaru
Ikuko Ogawa
Takashi Takata
46.0 (287.0), pp. 38716.0-38728.0
39 0 0 0 0 0 39
5. Basal cell adenocarcinoma of the palate: report of a case with Aurora-B kinase expression Poramaporn Klanrit
Ponlatham Chaiyarit
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Waraporn Phanphrom
Samonchapak Ruangchotiwat
(24.0), pp. S102-S102
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Increased immunoexpression of trefoil factors in salivary gland tumors Ponlatham Chaiyarit
Poramaporn Klanrit
Pensri Photipakdee
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Andrew S. Giraud
4.0 (18.0), pp. 1305.0-1312.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
7. Lactoferrin inhibits infection-related osteoclastogenesis without interrupting compressive force-related osteoclastogenesis T. Inubushi
A. Kawazoe
M. Miyauchi
S. Yanagisawa
A. Subarnbhesaj
C. Chanbora
N. F. Ayuningtyas
A. Ishikado
E. Tanaka
T. Takata
2.0 (59.0), pp. 226.0-232.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
8. Molar Incisor Hypomineralization and Dental Caries in Six- to Seven-year-old Thai Children Waranuch Pitiphat
Ratchanekorn Savisit
Nusara Chansamak
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
7.0 (36.0), pp. 478.0-482.0
13 0 0 0 0 0 13
9. Trefoil factor expression by immunohistochemistry in patients with oral lichen planus Ponlatham Chaiyarit
Poramaporn Klanrit
Pensri Phothipakdee
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Kobkan Thongprasom
Andrew S. Giraud
6.0 (8.0), pp. 743.0-749.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
10. N-terminal region of human ameloblastin synthetic peptide promotes bone formation Masae Kitagawa
Toshinori Ando
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Takashi Uchida
Mutsumi Miyauchi
Takashi Takata
1.0 (105.0), pp. 116.0-121.0
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
11. Roles of VEGF-Flt-1 signaling in malignant behaviors of oral squamous cell carcinoma Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Mutsumi Miyauchi
Chea Chanbora
Aki Mikuriya
Phuong Thao Nguyen
Hisako Furusho
Nurina Febriyanti Ayuningtyas
Minoru Fujita
Shigeaki Toratani
Masaaki Takechi
Shumpei Niida
Takashi Takata
11.0 (12.0), pp.
21 0 0 0 0 0 21
12. Molecular mechanism of inhibitory effects of bovine lactoferrin on the growth of oral squamous cell carcinoma Chanbora Chea
Mutsumi Miyauchi
Toshihiro Inubushi
Nurina Febriyanti Ayuningtyas
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Phuong Thao Nguyen
Madhu Shrestha
Sivmeng Haing
Kouji Ohta
Takashi Takata
1.0 (13.0), pp.
21 0 0 0 0 0 21
13. Oral cancer: A multicenter study Kittipong Dhanuthai
Somsri Rojanawatsirivej
Watcharaporn Thosaporn
Sompid Kintarak
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Mark Darling
Eugene Kryshtalskyj
Chun-Pin Chiang
Hong-In Shin
So-Young Choi
Sang-Shin Lee
Pouyan-Amini Shakib
1.0 (23.0), pp. E23-E29
73 0 0 0 0 0 73
14. Oral Manifestations of Renal Osteodystrophy in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Chronic Renal Failure and Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Case Report Inthiworn Riyachan
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Wilairat Sarideechaigul
Poramaporn Klanrit
3.0 (26.0), pp. 165.0-169.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15. Primary Amelanotic Melanoma of the Maxillary Gingiva: A Case Report Wipasinee Sangkhao
Poramaporn Klanrit
Suthinn Jinaporntha
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
3.0 (26.0), pp. 175.0-179.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
16. Differential Diagnosis and Histopathological Analysis of Localized Gingival Overgrowths: Study of 218 Cases from Northeast Thailand Lordjie Marr Morilla
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Poramaporn Klanrit
1.0 (27.0), pp. 1.0-5.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17. Detection of Human Papillomavirus and p16(INK4a) Expression in Thai Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Dulyapong Rungraungrayabkul
Naruemon Panpradit
Puangwan Lapthanasupkul
Nakarin Kitkumthorn
Poramaporn Klanrit
Ajiravudh Subarnbhesaj
Vanvisa Sresumatchai
Boworn Klongnoi
Siribang-on Piboonniyom Khovidhunkit
(), pp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Authors Year Journal title

Title Authors NRIIS type Year NRIIS Scholarship
