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57201391765: H-INDEX 5


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. A new flavonoid from the leaves of Atalantia monophylla (L.) DC. Posri, P
Suthiwong, J
Takomthong, P
Wongsa, C
Chuenban, C
Boonyarat, C
Yenjai, C
2. A new flavonoid from the leaves of Atalantia monophylla (L.) DC Priyapan Posri
Jittra Suthiwong
Pitchayakarn Takomthong
Chatchawan Wongsa
Chindawadee Chuenban
Chantana Boonyarat
Chavi Yenjai
3. Antifungal activity of compounds from the stems of against . Posri, P
Suthiwong, J
Thongsri, Y
Yenjai, C
4. Antifungal activity of compounds from the stems of Dalbergia stipulacea against Pythium insidiosum Priyapan Posri
Jittra Suthiwong
Yordhathai Thongsri
Chavi Yenjai
5. Biosynthesis of the Nuclear Factor of Activated T Cells Inhibitor NFAT-133 in . Zhou, W
Posri, P
Abugrain, ME
Weisberg, AJ
Chang, JH
Mahmud, T
6. Antifungal activity of compounds from the stems of Dalbergia stipulacea against Pythium insidiosum Suthiwong, J.
Thongsri, Y.
Yenjai, C.
7. Dalpulapans A-E from the roots of: Dalbergia stipulacea Priyapan Posri
Thurdpong Sribuhom
Sookkawath Walunchapruk
Thanaset Senawong
Sarawut Tontapha
Vittaya Amornkitbamrung
Chavi Yenjai
8. Identification and Biological Activity of NFAT-133 Congeners from . Zhou, W
Posri, P
Liu, XJ
Ju, Z
Lan, WJ
Mahmud, T
9. Natural Occurrence of Hybrid Polyketides from Two Distinct Biosynthetic Pathways in . Zhou, W
Posri, P
Mahmud, T
10. A rare isoflavone-quinone and a new flavanone from the roots of Dalbergia stipulacea Roxb. Sribuhom, T.
Pornchoo, C.
Prawan, A.
Tontapha, S.
Amornkitbamrung, V.
Yenjai, C.
11. A rare isoflavone-quinone and a new flavanone from the roots of Roxb. Sribuhom, T
Posri, P
Khankeaw, W
Pornchoo, C
Prawan, A
Tontapha, S
Amornkitbamrung, V
Yenjai, C
12. Correction: Structural modification of olibergin A, an isoflavonoid, from Roxb. and its cytotoxicity. Arthan, S
Posri, P
Walunchapruk, S
Senawong, T
Yenjai, C
13. Erratum: Structural modification of olibergin A, an isoflavonoid, from Dalbergia stipulacea Roxb. and its cytotoxicity (RSC Advances (2022) 12 (17837-17845) DOI: 10.1039/D2RA02865D) Arthan, S.
Posri, P.
Walunchapruk, S.
Senawong, T.
Yenjai, C.
14. Structural modification of olibergin A, an isoflavonoid, from Dalbergia stipulacea Roxb. and its cytotoxicity Arthan, S.
Posri, P.
Walunchapruk, S.
Senawong, T.
Yenjai, C.
15. Structural modification of olibergin A, an isoflavonoid, from Roxb. and its cytotoxicity. Arthan, S
Posri, P
Walunchapruk, S
Senawong, T
Yenjai, C
Count 6 8 3 0

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 รวม
1. A new flavonoid from the leaves of Atalantia monophylla (L.) DC Suthiwong, J.
Boonyarat, C.
Yenjai, C.
2019 Natural Product Research
8 (33), pp. 1115-1121
2. Antifungal activity of compounds from the stems of Dalbergia stipulacea against Pythium insidiosum Suthiwong, J.
Thongsri, Y.
Yenjai, C.
2021 Natural Product Research
17 (35), pp. 2823-2830
3. Dalpulapans A-E from the roots of: Dalbergia stipulacea Sribuhom, T.
Senawong, T.
Tontapha, S.
Amornkitbamrung, V.
Yenjai, C.
2021 RSC Advances
59 (11), pp. 37643-37648
4. A rare isoflavone-quinone and a new flavanone from the roots of Dalbergia stipulacea Roxb. Sribuhom, T.
Pornchoo, C.
Prawan, A.
Tontapha, S.
Amornkitbamrung, V.
Yenjai, C.
2022 Natural Product Research
(), pp.
5. Erratum: Structural modification of olibergin A, an isoflavonoid, from Dalbergia stipulacea Roxb. and its cytotoxicity (RSC Advances (2022) 12 (17837-17845) DOI: 10.1039/D2RA02865D) Arthan, S.
Posri, P.
Walunchapruk, S.
Senawong, T.
Yenjai, C.
2022 RSC Advances
31 (12), pp. 19868
6. Structural modification of olibergin A, an isoflavonoid, from Dalbergia stipulacea Roxb. and its cytotoxicity Arthan, S.
Posri, P.
Walunchapruk, S.
Senawong, T.
Yenjai, C.
2022 RSC Advances
28 (12), pp. 17837-17845

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. A new flavonoid from the leaves of Atalantia monophylla (L.) DC. Posri, P
Suthiwong, J
Takomthong, P
Wongsa, C
Chuenban, C
Boonyarat, C
Yenjai, C
2018 Natural product research
(), pp. 1-7
2. Antifungal activity of compounds from the stems of against . Posri, P
Suthiwong, J
Thongsri, Y
Yenjai, C
2019 Natural product research
(), pp. 1-8
3. Biosynthesis of the Nuclear Factor of Activated T Cells Inhibitor NFAT-133 in . Zhou, W
Posri, P
Abugrain, ME
Weisberg, AJ
Chang, JH
Mahmud, T
2020 ACS chemical biology
12 (15), pp. 3217-3226
4. Natural Occurrence of Hybrid Polyketides from Two Distinct Biosynthetic Pathways in . Zhou, W
Posri, P
Mahmud, T
2021 ACS chemical biology
2 (16), pp. 270-276
5. Identification and Biological Activity of NFAT-133 Congeners from . Zhou, W
Posri, P
Liu, XJ
Ju, Z
Lan, WJ
Mahmud, T
2021 Journal of natural products
9 (84), pp. 2411-2419
6. A rare isoflavone-quinone and a new flavanone from the roots of Roxb. Sribuhom, T
Posri, P
Khankeaw, W
Pornchoo, C
Prawan, A
Tontapha, S
Amornkitbamrung, V
Yenjai, C
2022 Natural product research
(), pp. 1-9
7. Structural modification of olibergin A, an isoflavonoid, from Roxb. and its cytotoxicity. Arthan, S
Posri, P
Walunchapruk, S
Senawong, T
Yenjai, C
2022 RSC advances
28 (12), pp. 17837-17845
8. Correction: Structural modification of olibergin A, an isoflavonoid, from Roxb. and its cytotoxicity. Arthan, S
Posri, P
Walunchapruk, S
Senawong, T
Yenjai, C
2022 RSC advances
31 (12), pp. 19868

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 รวม
1. A new flavonoid from the leaves of Atalantia monophylla (L.) DC Priyapan Posri
Jittra Suthiwong
Pitchayakarn Takomthong
Chatchawan Wongsa
Chindawadee Chuenban
Chantana Boonyarat
Chavi Yenjai
8.0 (33.0), pp. 1115.0-1121.0
19 0 0 0 0 0 19
2. Antifungal activity of compounds from the stems of Dalbergia stipulacea against Pythium insidiosum Priyapan Posri
Jittra Suthiwong
Yordhathai Thongsri
Chavi Yenjai
(), pp.
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
3. Dalpulapans A-E from the roots of Dalbergia stipulacea Priyapan Posri
Thurdpong Sribuhom
Sookkawath Walunchapruk
Thanaset Senawong
Sarawut Tontapha
Vittaya Amornkitbamrung
Chavi Yenjai
59.0 (11.0), pp. 37643.0-37648.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Authors Year Journal title

ชื่อโครงการ Authors ประเภทโครงการ ปีงบประมาณ ทุนวิจับ
