Title | Author | Year | SCOPUS | PUBMED | ISI | TCI | |
1. | The effect of quick freezing on the preservation of selected serum enzyme activities. | Michie, DD Booth, RW Conley, M McGuire, HJ |
1969 | ||||
2. | Satiety and obesity. | Linton, PH Conley, M Kuechenmeister, C McClusky, H |
1972 | ||||
3. | Spectrum of pulmonary sequestration. | Flye, MW Conley, M Silver, D |
1976 | ||||
4. | Optokinetic nystagmus in the domestic pigeon. Effects of foveal lesions. | Conley, M Fite, KV |
1980 | ||||
5. | Different distribution of large and small retinal ganglion cells in the cat after HRP injections of single layers of the lateral geniculate body and the superior colliculus. | Itoh, K Conley, M Diamond, IT |
1981 | ||||
6. | Retinal ganglion cell projections to individual layers of the lateral geniculate body in Galago crassicaudatus. | Itoh, K Conley, M Diamond, IT |
1982 | ||||
7. | Culture of Plasmodium falciparum: the role of pH, glucose, and lactate. | Jensen, MD Conley, M Helstowski, LD |
1983 | ||||
8. | The distribution of glutamic acid decarboxylase immunoreactivity in the diencephalon of the opossum and rabbit. | Penny, GR Conley, M Schmechel, DE Diamond, IT |
1984 | ||||
9. | The laminar organization of the lateral geniculate body and the striate cortex in the tree shrew (Tupaia glis). | Conley, M Fitzpatrick, D Diamond, IT |
1984 | ||||
10. | Biting the bullet. | Snyder, WC Conley, M |
1985 | ||||
11. | Demonstration of ipsilateral retinocollicular projections in the tree shrew (Tupaia glis). | Conley, M Lachica, EA Casagrande, VA |
1985 | ||||
12. | Laminar organization of geniculocortical projections in Galago senegalensis and Aotus trivirgatus. | Diamond, IT Conley, M Itoh, K Fitzpatrick, D |
1985 | ||||
13. | Morphological and functional types of neurons in cat ventral posterior thalamic nucleus. | Yen, CT Conley, M Jones, EG |
1985 | ||||
14. | Neuronal classes and their relation to functional and laminar organization of the lateral geniculate nucleus: a Golgi study of the prosimian primate, Galago crassicaudatus. | Conley, M Birecree, E Casagrande, VA |
1985 | ||||
15. | The morphology of physiologically identified GABAergic neurons in the somatic sensory part of the thalamic reticular nucleus in the cat. | Yen, CT Conley, M Hendry, SH Jones, EG |
1985 | ||||
16. | Laminar asymmetry in the distribution of choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive neurons in the retina of the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri). | Conley, M Fitzpatrick, D Lachica, EA |
1986 | ||||
17. | Long-range focal collateralization of axons arising from corticocortical cells in monkey sensory-motor cortex. | DeFelipe, J Conley, M Jones, EG |
1986 | ||||
18. | Ocular dominance columns and retinal projections in New World spider monkeys (Ateles ater). | Florence, SL Conley, M Casagrande, VA |
1986 | ||||
19. | Terminations of individual optic tract fibers in the lateral geniculate nuclei of Galago crassicaudatus and Tupaia belangeri. | Conley, M Penny, GR Diamond, IT |
1987 | ||||
20. | Cholinergic projections from the midbrain reticular formation and the parabigeminal nucleus to the lateral geniculate nucleus in the tree shrew. | Fitzpatrick, D Conley, M Luppino, G Matelli, M Diamond, IT |
1988 | ||||
21. | Delivery room management of meconium staining of the amniotic fluid and the development of meconium aspiration syndrome. | Hageman, JR Conley, M Francis, K Stenske, J Wolf, I Santi, V Farrell, EE |
1988 | ||||
22. | Laminar organization of geniculostriate projections. A common organizational plan based on layers rather than individual functional classes. | Conley, M | 1988 | ||||
23. | Morphology of retinogeniculate axons in the macaque. | Conley, M Fitzpatrick, D |
1989 | ||||
24. | Sublaminar organization within layer VI of the striate cortex in Galago. | Conley, M Raczkowski, D |
1990 | ||||
25. | Evaluating minimal intervention health promotion in a clinical context. | Spoth, RL Dush, DM Conley, M |
1991 | ||||
26. | Evidence for separate pathways within the tecto-geniculate projection in the tree shrew. | Diamond, IT Conley, M Fitzpatrick, D Raczkowski, D |
1991 | ||||
27. | Predicting short-term outcome of cardiopulmonary resuscitation using central venous oxygen tension measurements. | Snyder, AB Salloum, LJ Barone, JE Conley, M Todd, M DiGiacomo, JC |
1991 | ||||
28. | A projection from the parabigeminal nucleus to the pulvinar nucleus in Galago. | Diamond, IT Fitzpatrick, D Conley, M |
1992 | ||||
29. | Dendritic organization of class II (inter)neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the tree shrew: observations based on Golgi, immunocytochemical, and biocytin methods. | Conley, M Wilson, KF |
1992 | ||||
30. | Functional organization of the ventral lateral geniculate complex of the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri): II. Connections with the cortex, thalamus, and brainstem. | Conley, M Friederich-Ecsy, B |
1993 | ||||
31. | Functional organization of the ventral lateral geniculate complex of the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri): I. Nuclear subdivisions and retinal projections. | Conley, M Friederich-Ecsy, B |
1993 | ||||
32. | Phenytoin and magnesium sulfate effects on fetal heart rate tracings assessed by computer analysis. | Guzman, ER Conley, M Stewart, R Ivan, J Pitter, M Kappy, K |
1993 | ||||
33. | The delta (argF-lacZ)205(U169) deletion greatly enhances resistance to hydrogen peroxide in stationary-phase Escherichia coli. | Volkert, MR Loewen, PC Switala, J Crowley, D Conley, M |
1994 | ||||
34. | Metabolic control and progression of retinopathy. The Diabetes in Early Pregnancy Study. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Diabetes in Early Pregnancy Study. | Chew, EY Mills, JL Metzger, BE Remaley, NA Jovanovic-Peterson, L Knopp, RH Conley, M Rand, L Simpson, JL Holmes, LB |
1995 | ||||
35. | The acute immune response to exhaustive resistance exercise. | Nieman, DC Henson, DA Sampson, CS Herring, JL Suttles, J Conley, M Stone, MH Butterworth, DE Davis, JM |
1995 | ||||
36. | Infectious processes: an infrequent cause of first trimester spontaneous abortions. | Simpson, JL Mills, JL Kim, H Holmes, LB Lee, J Metzger, B Knopp, R Jovanovic-Peterson, L Aarons, J Conley, M |
1996 | ||||
37. | Neurotoxic lesions of basolateral, but not central, amygdala interfere with Pavlovian second-order conditioning and reinforcer devaluation effects. | Hatfield, T Han, JS Conley, M Gallagher, M Holland, P |
1996 | ||||
38. | The international imperative. | Conley, M | 1996 | ||||
39. | Minimum effective dose of folic acid for food fortification to prevent neural-tube defects. | Daly, S Mills, JL Molloy, AM Conley, M Lee, YJ Kirke, PN Weir, DG Scott, JM |
1997 | ||||
40. | Low blood folates in NTD pregnancies are only partly explained by thermolabile 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase: low folate status alone may be the critical factor. | Molloy, AM Mills, JL Kirke, PN Ramsbottom, D McPartlin, JM Burke, H Conley, M Whitehead, AS Weir, DG Scott, JM |
1998 | ||||
41. | Physiological reduction in fasting plasma glucose concentration in the first trimester of normal pregnancy: the diabetes in early pregnancy study. | Mills, JL Jovanovic, L Knopp, R Aarons, J Conley, M Park, E Lee, YJ Holmes, L Simpson, JL Metzger, B |
1998 | ||||
42. | Thalamic and basal forebrain cholinergic connections of the rat posterior parietal cortex. | Bucci, DJ Conley, M Gallagher, M |
1999 | ||||
43. | The influence of 5,10 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotypes on enzyme activity in placental tissue. | Daly, SF Molloy, AM Mills, JL Lee, YJ Conley, M Kirke, PN Weir, DG Scott, JM |
1999 | ||||
44. | 239,240Pu and inorganic substances in aerosols from the vicinity of a waste isolation pilot plant: the importance of resuspension. | Arimoto, R Kirchner, T Webb, J Conley, M Stewart, B Schoep, D Walthall, M |
2002 | ||||
45. | Low-dose folic acid lowers plasma homocysteine levels in women of child-bearing age. | Daly, S Mills, JL Molloy, AM Conley, M McPartlin, J Lee, YJ Young, PB Kirke, PN Weir, DG Scott, JM |
2002 | ||||
46. | Transcobalamin II receptor polymorphisms are associated with increased risk for neural tube defects. | Pangilinan, F Mitchell, A VanderMeer, J Molloy, AM Troendle, J Conley, M Kirke, PN Sutton, M Sequeira, JM Quadros, EV Scott, JM Mills, JL Brody, LC |
2010 | ||||
47. | Beliefs About Medicines In An Urban Community Health Center Hypertension Population. | J. T. Barr M. Conley K. Sluboski J. Griffith |
2015 | Count | 0 | 47 | 1 | 0 |
Title | Authors | Year | Publication name | Cited count | ||||||||
< 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | Total |
Title | Authors | Year | Journal title | ||
1. | The effect of quick freezing on the preservation of selected serum enzyme activities. | Michie, DD Booth, RW Conley, M McGuire, HJ |
1969 |
American journal of clinical pathology 3 (52), pp. 329-34 |
2. | Satiety and obesity. | Linton, PH Conley, M Kuechenmeister, C McClusky, H |
1972 |
The American journal of clinical nutrition 4 (25), pp. 368-70 |
3. | Spectrum of pulmonary sequestration. | Flye, MW Conley, M Silver, D |
1976 |
The Annals of thoracic surgery 5 (22), pp. 478-82 |
4. | Optokinetic nystagmus in the domestic pigeon. Effects of foveal lesions. | Conley, M Fite, KV |
1980 |
Brain, behavior and evolution 2 (17), pp. 89-102 |
5. | Different distribution of large and small retinal ganglion cells in the cat after HRP injections of single layers of the lateral geniculate body and the superior colliculus. | Itoh, K Conley, M Diamond, IT |
1981 |
Brain research 1 (207), pp. 147-52 |
6. | Retinal ganglion cell projections to individual layers of the lateral geniculate body in Galago crassicaudatus. | Itoh, K Conley, M Diamond, IT |
1982 |
The Journal of comparative neurology 3 (205), pp. 282-90 |
7. | Culture of Plasmodium falciparum: the role of pH, glucose, and lactate. | Jensen, MD Conley, M Helstowski, LD |
1983 |
The Journal of parasitology 6 (69), pp. 1060-7 |
8. | The distribution of glutamic acid decarboxylase immunoreactivity in the diencephalon of the opossum and rabbit. | Penny, GR Conley, M Schmechel, DE Diamond, IT |
1984 |
The Journal of comparative neurology 1 (228), pp. 38-56 |
9. | The laminar organization of the lateral geniculate body and the striate cortex in the tree shrew (Tupaia glis). | Conley, M Fitzpatrick, D Diamond, IT |
1984 |
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 1 (4), pp. 171-97 |
10. | Demonstration of ipsilateral retinocollicular projections in the tree shrew (Tupaia glis). | Conley, M Lachica, EA Casagrande, VA |
1985 |
Brain research 1 (346), pp. 181-5 |
11. | The morphology of physiologically identified GABAergic neurons in the somatic sensory part of the thalamic reticular nucleus in the cat. | Yen, CT Conley, M Hendry, SH Jones, EG |
1985 |
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 8 (5), pp. 2254-68 |
12. | Biting the bullet. | Snyder, WC Conley, M |
1985 |
Oral surgery, oral medicine, and oral pathology 3 (60), pp. 347 |
13. | Morphological and functional types of neurons in cat ventral posterior thalamic nucleus. | Yen, CT Conley, M Jones, EG |
1985 |
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 5 (5), pp. 1316-38 |
14. | Laminar organization of geniculocortical projections in Galago senegalensis and Aotus trivirgatus. | Diamond, IT Conley, M Itoh, K Fitzpatrick, D |
1985 |
The Journal of comparative neurology 4 (242), pp. 584-610 |
15. | Neuronal classes and their relation to functional and laminar organization of the lateral geniculate nucleus: a Golgi study of the prosimian primate, Galago crassicaudatus. | Conley, M Birecree, E Casagrande, VA |
1985 |
The Journal of comparative neurology 4 (242), pp. 561-83 |
16. | Long-range focal collateralization of axons arising from corticocortical cells in monkey sensory-motor cortex. | DeFelipe, J Conley, M Jones, EG |
1986 |
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 12 (6), pp. 3749-66 |
17. | Ocular dominance columns and retinal projections in New World spider monkeys (Ateles ater). | Florence, SL Conley, M Casagrande, VA |
1986 |
The Journal of comparative neurology 2 (243), pp. 234-48 |
18. | Laminar asymmetry in the distribution of choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive neurons in the retina of the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri). | Conley, M Fitzpatrick, D Lachica, EA |
1986 |
Brain research 2 (399), pp. 332-8 |
19. | Terminations of individual optic tract fibers in the lateral geniculate nuclei of Galago crassicaudatus and Tupaia belangeri. | Conley, M Penny, GR Diamond, IT |
1987 |
The Journal of comparative neurology 1 (256), pp. 71-87 |
20. | Delivery room management of meconium staining of the amniotic fluid and the development of meconium aspiration syndrome. | Hageman, JR Conley, M Francis, K Stenske, J Wolf, I Santi, V Farrell, EE |
1988 |
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2 (8), pp. 127-31 |
21. | Laminar organization of geniculostriate projections. A common organizational plan based on layers rather than individual functional classes. | Conley, M | 1988 |
Brain, behavior and evolution 3 (32), pp. 187-92 |
22. | Cholinergic projections from the midbrain reticular formation and the parabigeminal nucleus to the lateral geniculate nucleus in the tree shrew. | Fitzpatrick, D Conley, M Luppino, G Matelli, M Diamond, IT |
1988 |
The Journal of comparative neurology 1 (272), pp. 43-67 |
23. | Morphology of retinogeniculate axons in the macaque. | Conley, M Fitzpatrick, D |
1989 |
Visual neuroscience 3 (2), pp. 287-96 |
24. | Sublaminar organization within layer VI of the striate cortex in Galago. | Conley, M Raczkowski, D |
1990 |
The Journal of comparative neurology 2 (302), pp. 425-36 |
25. | Evidence for separate pathways within the tecto-geniculate projection in the tree shrew. | Diamond, IT Conley, M Fitzpatrick, D Raczkowski, D |
1991 |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 4 (88), pp. 1315-9 |
26. | Predicting short-term outcome of cardiopulmonary resuscitation using central venous oxygen tension measurements. | Snyder, AB Salloum, LJ Barone, JE Conley, M Todd, M DiGiacomo, JC |
1991 |
Critical care medicine 1 (19), pp. 111-3 |
27. | Evaluating minimal intervention health promotion in a clinical context. | Spoth, RL Dush, DM Conley, M |
1991 |
International quarterly of community health education 3 (12), pp. 203-16 |
28. | A projection from the parabigeminal nucleus to the pulvinar nucleus in Galago. | Diamond, IT Fitzpatrick, D Conley, M |
1992 |
The Journal of comparative neurology 3 (316), pp. 375-82 |
29. | Dendritic organization of class II (inter)neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the tree shrew: observations based on Golgi, immunocytochemical, and biocytin methods. | Conley, M Wilson, KF |
1992 |
The Journal of comparative neurology 1 (319), pp. 51-65 |
30. | Functional organization of the ventral lateral geniculate complex of the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri): II. Connections with the cortex, thalamus, and brainstem. | Conley, M Friederich-Ecsy, B |
1993 |
The Journal of comparative neurology 1 (328), pp. 21-42 |
31. | Phenytoin and magnesium sulfate effects on fetal heart rate tracings assessed by computer analysis. | Guzman, ER Conley, M Stewart, R Ivan, J Pitter, M Kappy, K |
1993 |
Obstetrics and gynecology 3 (82), pp. 375-9 |
32. | Functional organization of the ventral lateral geniculate complex of the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri): I. Nuclear subdivisions and retinal projections. | Conley, M Friederich-Ecsy, B |
1993 |
The Journal of comparative neurology 1 (328), pp. 1-20 |
33. | The delta (argF-lacZ)205(U169) deletion greatly enhances resistance to hydrogen peroxide in stationary-phase Escherichia coli. | Volkert, MR Loewen, PC Switala, J Crowley, D Conley, M |
1994 |
Journal of bacteriology 5 (176), pp. 1297-302 |
34. | Metabolic control and progression of retinopathy. The Diabetes in Early Pregnancy Study. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Diabetes in Early Pregnancy Study. | Chew, EY Mills, JL Metzger, BE Remaley, NA Jovanovic-Peterson, L Knopp, RH Conley, M Rand, L Simpson, JL Holmes, LB |
1995 |
Diabetes care 5 (18), pp. 631-7 |
35. | The acute immune response to exhaustive resistance exercise. | Nieman, DC Henson, DA Sampson, CS Herring, JL Suttles, J Conley, M Stone, MH Butterworth, DE Davis, JM |
1995 |
International journal of sports medicine 5 (16), pp. 322-8 |
36. | Infectious processes: an infrequent cause of first trimester spontaneous abortions. | Simpson, JL Mills, JL Kim, H Holmes, LB Lee, J Metzger, B Knopp, R Jovanovic-Peterson, L Aarons, J Conley, M |
1996 |
Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 3 (11), pp. 668-72 |
37. | Neurotoxic lesions of basolateral, but not central, amygdala interfere with Pavlovian second-order conditioning and reinforcer devaluation effects. | Hatfield, T Han, JS Conley, M Gallagher, M Holland, P |
1996 |
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 16 (16), pp. 5256-65 |
38. | The international imperative. | Conley, M | 1996 |
Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 5 (20), pp. 452-3 |
39. | Minimum effective dose of folic acid for food fortification to prevent neural-tube defects. | Daly, S Mills, JL Molloy, AM Conley, M Lee, YJ Kirke, PN Weir, DG Scott, JM |
1997 |
Lancet (London, England) 9092 (350), pp. 1666-9 |
40. | Low blood folates in NTD pregnancies are only partly explained by thermolabile 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase: low folate status alone may be the critical factor. | Molloy, AM Mills, JL Kirke, PN Ramsbottom, D McPartlin, JM Burke, H Conley, M Whitehead, AS Weir, DG Scott, JM |
1998 |
American journal of medical genetics 2 (78), pp. 155-9 |
41. | Physiological reduction in fasting plasma glucose concentration in the first trimester of normal pregnancy: the diabetes in early pregnancy study. | Mills, JL Jovanovic, L Knopp, R Aarons, J Conley, M Park, E Lee, YJ Holmes, L Simpson, JL Metzger, B |
1998 |
Metabolism: clinical and experimental 9 (47), pp. 1140-4 |
42. | Thalamic and basal forebrain cholinergic connections of the rat posterior parietal cortex. | Bucci, DJ Conley, M Gallagher, M |
1999 |
Neuroreport 5 (10), pp. 941-5 |
43. | The influence of 5,10 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotypes on enzyme activity in placental tissue. | Daly, SF Molloy, AM Mills, JL Lee, YJ Conley, M Kirke, PN Weir, DG Scott, JM |
1999 |
British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 11 (106), pp. 1214-8 |
44. | Low-dose folic acid lowers plasma homocysteine levels in women of child-bearing age. | Daly, S Mills, JL Molloy, AM Conley, M McPartlin, J Lee, YJ Young, PB Kirke, PN Weir, DG Scott, JM |
2002 |
QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians 11 (95), pp. 733-40 |
45. | 239,240Pu and inorganic substances in aerosols from the vicinity of a waste isolation pilot plant: the importance of resuspension. | Arimoto, R Kirchner, T Webb, J Conley, M Stewart, B Schoep, D Walthall, M |
2002 |
Health physics 4 (83), pp. 456-70 |
46. | Transcobalamin II receptor polymorphisms are associated with increased risk for neural tube defects. | Pangilinan, F Mitchell, A VanderMeer, J Molloy, AM Troendle, J Conley, M Kirke, PN Sutton, M Sequeira, JM Quadros, EV Scott, JM Mills, JL Brody, LC |
2010 |
Journal of medical genetics 10 (47), pp. 677-85 |
47. | Beliefs About Medicines In An Urban Community Health Center Hypertension Population. | Barr, JT Conley, M Sluboski, K Griffith, J |
2015 |
Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 7 (18), pp. A397 |
Title | Authors | Year | Journal title | Cited count | ||||||||
< 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | Total | ||||||
2015 |
VALUE IN HEALTH 7.0 (18.0), pp. A397-A397 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Title | Authors | Year | Journal title |
Title | Authors | NRIIS type | Year | NRIIS Scholarship |