Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dousadee Hormdee

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dousadee Hormdee

Faculty of Dentistry,
Khon Kaen University
26635342500: H-INDEX 12


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. Protein kinase-A-dependent osteoprotegerin production on interleukin-1 stimulation in human gingival fibroblasts is distinct from periodontal ligament fibroblasts Hormdee, D.
Nagasawa, T.
Ishikawa, I.
2. Transforming growth factor-β stimulates Interleukin-11 production by human periodontal ligament and gingival fibroblasts Nagasawa, T.
Hormdee, D.
Ishikawa, I.
3. Internal prostaglandin synthesis augments osteoprotegerin production in human gingival fibroblasts stimulated by lipopolysaccharide Nagasawa, T.
Hormdee, D.
Ishikawa, I.
4. Roles of receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin in periodontal health and disease Nagasawa, T.
Hormdee, D.
Lu, H.
Suda, T.
Ishikawa, I.
5. Anti-inflammatory effect of Streblus asper leaf extract in rats and its modulation on inflammation-associated genes expression in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells Sripanidkulchai, B.O.
Junlatat, J.
Wara-Aswapati, N.C.
Hormdee, D.
6. Periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases: The link and relevant mechanisms Nagasawa, T.
Umeda, M.
Takeuchi, Y.
Hormdee, D.
Suda, T.
Ushida, Y.
Wara-Aswapati, N.C.
7. Regulatory roles of β-catenin and AP-1 on osteoprotegerin production in interleukin-1α-stimulated periodontal ligament cells Suda, T.
Nagasawa, T.
Wara-Aswapati, N.C.
Hormdee, D.
Ishikawa, I.
8. Modulation of wnt5a expression by periodontopathic bacteria Nanbara, H.
Wara-Aswapati, N.C.
Nagasawa, T.
Bando, Y.
Khongcharoensuk, J.
Hormdee, D.
Pitiphat, W.
Boch, J.A.
9. Trefoil factors in saliva and gingival tissues of patients with chronic periodontitis Chaiyarit, P.
Chayasadom, A.
Wara-Aswapati, N.C.
Hormdee, D.
Sittisomwong, S.
Samson, M.H.
Pitiphat, W.
Giraud, A.S.
10. Periodontitis and gestational diabetes mellitus in non-smoking females. Chokwiriyachit, A.
Suwannarong, W.
Hormdee, D.
Sumanonta, G.
Prasertchareonsuk, W.
Wara-Aswapati, N.C.
Combellick, J.
Pitiphat, W.
11. 3D Web-based HMI with WebGL Rendering Performance Hormdee, D. 2016
12. Salivary Myeloperoxidase, Assessed by 3,3′-Diaminobenzidine Colorimetry, Can Differentiate Periodontal Patients from Nonperiodontal Subjects Chaiyarit, P.
Hormdee, D.
Khampitak, T.
Daduang, J.
Tavichakorntrakool, R.
Boonsiri, P.
13. Biological functions of melatonin in relation to pathogenesis of oral lichen planus Chaiyarit, P
Luengtrakoon, K
Wannakasemsuk, W
Vichitrananda, V
Klanrit, P
Hormdee, D
Noisombut, R
14. Increased melatonin in oral mucosal tissue of oral lichen planus (OLP) patients: A possible link between melatonin and its role in oral mucosal inflammation Klanrit, P.
Hormdee, D.
Chaiyarit, P.
15. Photodynamic therapy of Curcuma longa extract stimulated with blue light against Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans ,
Morales, N.P.
Hormdee, D.
16. Preparation and evaluation of metronidazole-loaded pectin films for potentially targeting a microbial infection associated with periodontal disease Hormdee, D.
17. Prolonged Suppressive Effects of Periodontitis on Salivary TFF3 Production Hormdee, D.
Prajaneh, S.
Chaiyarit, P.
Count 17 2 0 0

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Protein kinase-A-dependent osteoprotegerin production on interleukin-1 stimulation in human gingival fibroblasts is distinct from periodontal ligament fibroblasts Hormdee, D.
Nagasawa, T.
Ishikawa, I.
2005 Clinical and Experimental Immunology
3 (142), pp. 490-497
2. Transforming growth factor-β stimulates Interleukin-11 production by human periodontal ligament and gingival fibroblasts Nagasawa, T.
Hormdee, D.
Ishikawa, I.
2006 Journal of Clinical Periodontology
3 (33), pp. 165-171
3. Internal prostaglandin synthesis augments osteoprotegerin production in human gingival fibroblasts stimulated by lipopolysaccharide Nagasawa, T.
Hormdee, D.
Ishikawa, I.
2007 Clinical and Experimental Immunology
2 (149), pp. 327-334
4. Roles of receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin in periodontal health and disease Nagasawa, T.
Hormdee, D.
Lu, H.
Suda, T.
Ishikawa, I.
2007 Periodontology 2000
1 (43), pp. 65-84
5. Anti-inflammatory effect of Streblus asper leaf extract in rats and its modulation on inflammation-associated genes expression in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells Sripanidkulchai, B.O.
Junlatat, J.
Wara-Aswapati, N.C.
Hormdee, D.
2009 Journal of Ethnopharmacology
3 (124), pp. 566-570
6. Periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases: The link and relevant mechanisms Nagasawa, T.
Umeda, M.
Takeuchi, Y.
Hormdee, D.
Suda, T.
Ushida, Y.
Wara-Aswapati, N.C.
2009 Japanese Dental Science Review
2 (45), pp. 98-108
7. Regulatory roles of β-catenin and AP-1 on osteoprotegerin production in interleukin-1α-stimulated periodontal ligament cells Suda, T.
Nagasawa, T.
Wara-Aswapati, N.C.
Hormdee, D.
Ishikawa, I.
2009 Oral Microbiology and Immunology
5 (24), pp. 384-389
8. Modulation of wnt5a expression by periodontopathic bacteria Nanbara, H.
Wara-Aswapati, N.C.
Nagasawa, T.
Bando, Y.
Khongcharoensuk, J.
Hormdee, D.
Pitiphat, W.
Boch, J.A.
2012 PLoS ONE
4 (7), pp.
9. Trefoil factors in saliva and gingival tissues of patients with chronic periodontitis Chaiyarit, P.
Chayasadom, A.
Wara-Aswapati, N.C.
Hormdee, D.
Sittisomwong, S.
Samson, M.H.
Pitiphat, W.
Giraud, A.S.
2012 Journal of Periodontology
9 (83), pp. 1129-1138
10. Periodontitis and gestational diabetes mellitus in non-smoking females Chokwiriyachit, A.
Suwannarong, W.
Hormdee, D.
Sumanonta, G.
Prasertchareonsuk, W.
Wara-Aswapati, N.C.
Combellick, J.
Pitiphat, W.
2013 Journal of Periodontology
7 (84), pp. 857-862
11. 3D Web-based HMI with WebGL Rendering Performance Hormdee, D. 2016 MATEC Web of Conferences
(77), pp.
12. Salivary Myeloperoxidase, Assessed by 3,3′-Diaminobenzidine Colorimetry, Can Differentiate Periodontal Patients from Nonperiodontal Subjects Chaiyarit, P.
Hormdee, D.
Khampitak, T.
Daduang, J.
Tavichakorntrakool, R.
Boonsiri, P.
2016 Enzyme Research
(2016), pp.
13. Biological functions of melatonin in relation to pathogenesis of oral lichen planus Chaiyarit, P.
Klanrit, P.
Hormdee, D.
2017 Medical Hypotheses
(104), pp. 40-44
14. Increased melatonin in oral mucosal tissue of oral lichen planus (OLP) patients: A possible link between melatonin and its role in oral mucosal inflammation Klanrit, P.
Hormdee, D.
Chaiyarit, P.
2017 Archives of Oral Biology
(78), pp. 13-19
15. Photodynamic therapy of Curcuma longa extract stimulated with blue light against Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans ,
Morales, N.P.
Hormdee, D.
2018 Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy
(22), pp. 101-105
16. Preparation and evaluation of metronidazole-loaded pectin films for potentially targeting a microbial infection associated with periodontal disease Hormdee, D.
2018 Polymers
9 (10), pp.
17. Prolonged Suppressive Effects of Periodontitis on Salivary TFF3 Production Hormdee, D.
Prajaneh, S.
Chaiyarit, P.
2019 European Journal of Dentistry
2 (13), pp. 193-198

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Periodontitis and gestational diabetes mellitus in non-smoking females. Chokwiriyachit, A
Dasanayake, AP
Suwannarong, W
Hormdee, D
Sumanonta, G
Prasertchareonsuk, W
Wara-Aswapati, N
Combellick, J
Pitiphat, W
2013 Journal of periodontology
7 (84), pp. 857-62
2. Biological functions of melatonin in relation to pathogenesis of oral lichen planus. Chaiyarit, P
Luengtrakoon, K
Wannakasemsuk, W
Vichitrananda, V
Klanrit, P
Hormdee, D
Noisombut, R
2017 Medical hypotheses
(104), pp. 40-44

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total

Title Authors Year Journal title

Title Authors NRIIS type Year NRIIS Scholarship
1. การประเมินเมลาโทนินและตัวรับเมลาโทนินในเนื้อเยื่อช่องปากจากผู้ป่วยโรคอักเสบเรื้อรังช่องปาก รศ.ทพญ. ดุษฎี หอมดี
นางสาวเสาวลักษณ์ ลิ้มมณฑล
นางสาวอุทัยวรรณ อารยะตระกูลลิขิจ
รศ.ดร.ทพ. พลธรรม ไชยฤทธิ์
โครงการย่อย ภายใต้ชุดโครงการวิจัย 2559 ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2559 (เป้าหมาย2)
2. บทบาทของเมลาโทนินต่อโรคอักเสบเรื้อรังในช่องปาก รศ.ดร.ทพ. พลธรรม ไชยฤทธิ์
รศ.ดร. อรอุมา อังวราวงศ์
รศ.ทพญ. ดุษฎี หอมดี
ผศ.ดร. ปรมาภรณ์ กลั่นฤทธิ์
ชุดโครงการวิจัย 2559 ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2559 (เป้าหมาย2)
