 Yukifumi Nawa

Yukifumi Nawa

Tropical Disease Research Laboratory,
Faculty of Medicine,
Khon Kaen University
56504844800: H-INDEX 40
7102463254: H-INDEX 43


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. Ocular Gnathostomiasis: A Comprehensive Review Yukifumi Nawa
Juri Katchanov
Masahide Yoshikawa
Wichit Rojekittikhun
Paron Dekumyoy
Teera Kusolusuk
Dorn Wattanakulpanich
2. Paragonimus bangkokensis and P. harinasutai: Reappraisal of Phylogenetic Status Yukifumi Nawa
Pham Ngoc Doanh
3. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in the sera of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice Nawa, Y. 1985
4. Strongyloides ratti: Increase in susceptibility to infection following blockade of the mononuclear phagocyte system in female mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
5. Chemotactic reactivity of eosinophils obtained from bone marrow and peritoneal cavity of cyclophosphamide-treated, Toxocara canis-infected mice Nawa, Y.
Imai, J.
Abe, T.
6. Clearance of passively transferred IgE antibody from peripheral blood of mast cell-deficient W/W(v) mice Nawa, Y. 1986
7. Detection of high molecular weight eosinophil chemotactic factor in murine schistosomiasis sera Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
8. Eosinophil chemotactic factor-release from guinea pig neutrophils after in vitro stimulation with Strongyloides ratti larvae Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
9. Eosinophil chemotactic lymphokine produced by egg-associated granulomas in murine schistosomiasis japonicum Nawa, Y. 1986
10. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor produced by splenic T lymphocytes of mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum Nawa, Y. 1986
11. Low molecular weight eosinophil chemotactic factor (ECF) in the serum of murine schistosomiasis japonica Nawa, Y. 1986
12. Purification and physicochemical characterization of Schistosoma mansoni egg allergen recognized by mouse sera obtained at an acute stage of infection Imai, J.
Nawa, Y.
13. Eosinophil chemotactic lymphokine produced by spleen cells of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice Nawa, Y. 1987
14. Eosinophil chemotactic lymphokine produced by spleen cells of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice. III. Isolation and characterization of two distinctive eosinophil chemotactic lymphokines directed against different maturation stages of eosinophils Nawa, Y. 1987
15. Eosinophil chemotactic lymphokine produced by spleen cells of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice. II. Physicochemical heterogeneity of eosinophil chemotactic lymphokines to bone marrow- or peritoneal exudate-eosinophils Nawa, Y. 1987
16. Eosinophil response in mast cell-deficient W/Wvmice Nawa, Y.
Imai, J.
Abe, T.
17. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor enhances the production of eosinophil chemotactic lymphokine by egg-associated granulomas of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice Nawa, Y. 1987
18. Isolation of two immunogenically different allergens from Schistosoma japonicum eggs Nawa, Y. 1987
19. Localization of mucosal mast cells in W/W(v) mice after reconstitution with bone marrow cells or cultured mast cells, and its relation to the protective capacity to Strongyloides ratti infection Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
20. Reactivity of two major allergens isolated from Schistosoma japonicum eggs against IgE and IgG antibodies in human serum Nawa, Y. 1987
21. Reconstitution of mucosal mast cells in W/W(v) mice by adoptive transfer of bone marrow-derived cultured mast cells and its effects on the protective capacity to Strongyloides ratti-infection Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
22. A case report of intestinal capillariasis - the second case found in Japan Nawa, Y.
Imai, J.
Abe, T.
23. High-molecular-weight eosinophil chemotactic factor from Schistosoma japonicum eggs Nawa, Y. 1988
24. Immunochemical characterization of major antigenic components of Paragonimus westermani (triploid type) adult worms Imai, J.
Nawa, Y.
25. Impaired natural defence of beige (Chediak-Higashi syndrome) mice against tissue-migrating larvae of Strongyloides ratti and its reconstitution by bone marrow cells Nawa, Y.
Abe, T.
Imai, J.
26. Induction of intestinal mastocytosis in nude mice by repeated injection of Interleukin-3 Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
27. Kinetic study of mast-cell growth factor production by lymphocytes during the course of Strongyloides ratti infection in mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
28. Susceptibility of W/Wv mice to murine cytomegalovirus infection Ohashi, T.
Nawa, Y.
29. Three confirmed and five suspected human cases of Gnathostoma doloresi infection found in Miyazaki Prefecture, Kyushu Imai, J.
Nawa, Y.
30. Worm expulsion and mucosal mast cell response induced by repetitive IL-3 administration in Strongyloides ratti-infected nude mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
31. Current status of Gnathostoma doloresi infection in wild boars captured in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan Nawa, Y.
Imai, J.
32. Granulomatous response in selective IgE-deficient SJA/9 mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum Nawa, Y. 1989
33. The first record of a confirmed human case of Gnathostoma doloresi infection Nawa, Y.
Imai, J.
34. The role leukotrienes and mast cells on acute gastric mucosal lesions Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
35. Two cases of paragonimiasis westermani with pleural effusion in young girls living in the southern part of Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan Imai, J.
Nawa, Y.
36. A case of severe Metagonimiasis with abdominal symptoms Nawa, Y. 1990
37. Cutaneous paragonimiasis: A case report Imai, J.
Nawa, Y.
38. Effects of toxocara canis infection on hemopoietic stem cells and hemopoietic factors in mice Nawa, Y. 1990
39. Eosinophil chemotactic factor released from murine bone marrow derived cultured mast cells. Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
40. Extramedullary eosinophilopoiesis in the liver of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice, with reference to hemopoietic stem cells Nawa, Y. 1990
41. Importance of mast-cell-derived eosinophil chemotactic factor a on granuloma formation in murine Schistosomiasis japonica: Evaluation using mast-cell-def icient W/Wv mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
42. Non-specific immune suppression by CD8+ T cells in Brugia pahangi-infected rats Nawa, Y. 1990
43. Three cases of pulmonary dirofilariasis found in Miyazaki prefecture Nawa, Y. 1990
44. Helminthic diseases. Some clues for the diagnosis and treatment based on the recent experiences in Japan Nawa, Y. 1991
45. Hepatic eosinophilopoiesis from multipotent hemopoietic stem cells in Toxocara canis-infected mice Nawa, Y. 1991
46. Historical review and current status of gnathostomiasis in Asia. Nawa, Y. 1991
47. Natural resistance of W/Wv mice to ethanol-induced gastric lesions and its abrogation by bone marrow grafting: Possible role of mast cells and LTC4 Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
48. Recent trends of paragonimiasis westermani in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. Nawa, Y. 1991
49. Susceptibility of multipotent haemopoietic stem cell deficient W/W(v) mice to Plasmodium berghei-infection Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
50. The localization of allergens of Paragonimus westermani by pleural exudates from patients Nawa, Y. 1991
51. The possible role of LTC4 in the pathogenesis of ethanol-induced gastric lesions in mice and their prevention by 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor AA-861, and leukotriene receptor antagonist FPL-55712 Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
52. A comparative study of the kinetic changes of hemopoietic stem cells in mice infected with lethal and non-lethal malaria Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
53. Appearance of adherent cells suppressive to erythropoiesis during an early stage of Plasmodium berghei infection in mice. Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
54. Heparin-containing mast cells in the jejunal mucosa of normal and parasitized mongolian gerbils, meriones unguiculatus Nawa, Y. 1992
55. Induction of the expulsion of Strongyloides ratti and retention of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis in athymic nude mice by repetitive administration of recombinant interleukin-3 Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
56. Parasite-specific IgE and IgG levels in the serum and pleural effusion of paragonimiasis westermani patients Nawa, Y. 1992
57. Protease resistant interleukin-3 stimulating components in excretory and secretory products from adult worms of Strongyloides ratti Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
58. Restoration of the defective natural defence of beige mice against tissue-migrating larvae of Strongyloides ratti by transfer with normal peritoneal cells Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
59. Autopsy findings in 47 cases of adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma in Miyazaki prefecture, Japan Nawa, Y. 1993
60. Defective mucosal immunity and normal systemic immunity of Mongolian gerbils, Meriones unguiculatus, to reinfection with Strongyloides venezuelensis Nawa, Y. 1993
61. Immune-mediated alteration of the terminal sugars of goblet cell mucins in the small intestine of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis-infected rats Nawa, Y. 1993
62. Mucosal mast cells and the expulsive mechanisms of mice against Strongyloides venezuelensis Nawa, Y. 1993
63. Persistent infection of Strongyloides venezuelensis and normal expulsion of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis in Mongolian gerbils, Meriones unguiculatus, with reference to the cellular responses in the intestinal mucosa Nawa, Y. 1993
64. Strongyloides ratti: Dissociation of immunological memory of the protection against tissue migrating larvae and intestinal adult worms in mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
65. Transient retention of Strongyloides ratti in the caecal mucosa during infection in mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
66. A case report of serologically diagnosed pulmonary anisakiasis with pleural effusion and multiple lesions Nawa, Y. 1994
67. cDNA sequencing of mouse α1-microglobulin/inter-α-trypsin inhibitor light chain and its expression in acute inflammation Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
68. Depressed specific and nonspecific immune responses in secondary Brugia pahangi infection in jirds. Nawa, Y. 1994
69. Expulsion of Hymenolepis nana from mice with congenital deficiencies of IgE production or of mast cell development Nawa, Y. 1994
70. Goblet cell mucins as the selective barrier for the intestinal helminths: T-cell-independent alteration of goblet cell mucins by immunologically 'damaged' Nippostrongylus brasiliensis worms and its significance on the challenge infection with homologous and heterologous parasites Nawa, Y. 1994
71. Goblet cell mucins of four genera of the subfamily Cricetinae with reference to the protective activity against Strongyloides venezuelensis Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
72. Histochemical and cytological characterizations of mucosal and connective tissue mast cells of mongolian gerbils (meriones unguiculatus) Nawa, Y.
Okada, M.
73. Inhibitory effects of concurrently present 'normal' Nippostrongylus brasiliensis worms on expulsion of 'damaged' worms and associated goblet cell changes in rats Nawa, Y. 1994
74. Mast cell protease inhibitor, trypstatin, is a fragment of inter-α- trypsin inhibitor light chain Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
75. Reconstitution by bone marrow grafting of the defective protective capacity at the migratory phase but not at the intestinal phase of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection in W/W(v) mice Nawa, Y. 1994
76. Selective effector mechanisms for the expulsion of intestinal helminths Nawa, Y.
Abe, T.
Itoh, H.
77. Sequencing of cDNAs encoding α1-microglobulin/bikunin of Mongolian gerbil and Syrian golden hamster in comparison with man and other species Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
78. Strongyloides venezuelensis infection in Syrian golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus, with reference to the phenotype of intestinal mucosal mast cells Nawa, Y. 1994
79. A case report of colonic ileus due to eosinophilic nodular lesions caused by Gnathostoma doloresi infection Itoh, H.
Koono, M.
Nawa, Y.
80. cDNA sequencing and expression of rat mast cell tryptase Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
81. Cloning of the cDNA encoding a novel rat mast-cell proteinase, rMCP-3, and its expression in comparison with other rat mast-cell proteinases Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
82. Cloning of the cDNA encoding mast cell tryptase of Mongolian gerbil, Meriones unguiculatus, and its preferential expression in the intestinal mucosa Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
83. Effect of testosterone on the mucosal defence against intestinal helminths in Indian soft-furred rats, Millardia meltada with reference to goblet and mast cell responses Nawa, Y. 1995
84. Effects of adoptive transfer of immune spleen cells on worm growth and microfilaraemia in Brugia pahangi infection in Mongolian gerbils Nawa, Y. 1995
85. Extraordinarily high eosinophilia and elevated serum interleukin-5 level observed in a patient infected with Paragonimus westermani Ogata, T.
Migita, M.
Nawa, Y.
86. Glycoconjugates in rat small intestinal mucosa during infection with the intestinal nematode Nippostrongylus brasiliensis Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
87. Goblet cell hyperplasia induced by Strongyloides venezuelensis-infection in Syrian golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
88. Molecular cloning of mouse intestinal trefoil factor and its expression during goblet cell changes Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
89. Reduced amount of intestinal mucus by treatment with anti-CD4 antibody interferes with the spontaneous cure of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis-infection in mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
90. Reserpine-induced sulphomucin production by goblet cells in the jejunum of rats and its significance in the establishment of intestinal helminths Nawa, Y. 1995
91. An outbreak of visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum in Kyushu, Japan [8] Nawa, Y. 1996
92. cDNA cloning of rat pS2 peptide and expression of trefoil peptides in acetic acid-induced colitis Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
93. Cloning of the cDNAs for mast-cell chymases from the jejunum of Mongolian gerbils, Meriones unguiculatus, and their sequence similarities with chymases expressed in the connective-tissue mast cells of mice and rats Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
94. Eosinophil peroxidase deficiency in New Zealand White mice Nawa, Y. 1996
95. Evaluation of the role of mast cells in the progression of acetic acid-induced colitis in mice Eto, T.
Nawa, Y.
96. Expression of inter-α-trypsin inhibitor light chain (bikunin) in human pancreas Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
97. Kinetic study of eosinophil chemotactic factor production with reference to eosinophilia and granuloma formation in mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum Nawa, Y. 1996
98. A case report of pleural sparganosis Nawa, Y. 1997
99. An outbreak of ascariasis with marked eosinophilia in the southern part of Kyushu District, Japan, caused by infection with swine Ascaris Nawa, Y. 1997
100. Case report: Eosinophilic colitis with high antibody titre against Ascaris suum Nawa, Y.
Ohkawara, T.
101. Cloning of human bone morphogenetic protein type IB receptor (BMPR-IB) and its expression in prostate cancer in comparison with other BMPRs Yoshida, T.
Nawa, Y.
Sügimura, T.
102. Current status of Gnathostomiasis dorolesi in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan Nawa, Y. 1997
103. Development of basophils in mongolian gerbils: Formation of basophilic cell clusters in the bone marrow after Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection Nawa, Y. 1997
104. Eosinophil peroxidase deficiency in humans and mice Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
Tsuyama, S.
105. Evaluation of the role of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of acetic acid-induced colitis in mice Eto, T.
Nawa, Y.
106. Expression of mast-cell-specific proteases in tissues of mice studied by in situ hybridization Lee, Y.
Nawa, Y.
107. Fine binding specificities to Ascaris suum and Ascaris lumbricoides antigens of the sera from patients of probable visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum Nawa, Y. 1997
108. Gnathostomiasis in frog-eating snakes from Japan. Nawa, Y. 1997
109. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor production by T lymphocytes in Plasmodium berghei-infected mice Nawa, Y. 1997
110. Heterogeneity of eosinophil chemotactic factors produced by splenic T cells of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice Nawa, Y. 1997
111. Long term survival of 'damaged' Nippostrongylus brasiliensis adult worms in the testosterone-treated Indian soft-furred rat, Millardia meltada Kaneyuki, T.
Nawa, Y.
112. Sensitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) to Measure Parasite-Specific Antibodies of Indian Soft-Furred Rats, Millardia meltada Tateishi, M.
Nawa, Y.
113. Alteration of protease expression phenotype of mouse peritoneal mast cells by changing the microenvironment as demonstrated by in situ hybridization histochemistry Lee, Y.
Nawa, Y.
114. Animal waste: Risk of zoonotic parasite transmission Nawa, Y. 1998
115. Clinical manifestations and immunodiagnosis of gnathostomiasis in Culiacan, Mexico Velazquez, R.C.
Nawa, Y.
116. Cutaneous and visceral larva migrans due to Gnathostoma doloresi infection via an unusual route [8] (multiple letters) Nawa, Y. 1998
117. Gnathostomiasis in wild boars from Japan Nawa, Y. 1998
118. Intestinal mast cell response and mucosal defence against Strongyloides venezuelensis in interleukin-3-hyporesponsive mice Nawa, Y. 1998
119. Paragonimiasis westermani presenting as an asymptomatic nodular lesion in the lung: Report of a case Nawa, Y. 1998
120. Pathogenicity and lethality of a minute intestinal fluke, Neodiplostomum seoulense, to various strains of mice Nawa, Y. 1998
121. Reappraisal of the expression of mast cell proteases of Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) Nawa, Y. 1998
122. Short report: Gnathostomiasis in Mexico Nawa, Y. 1998
123. Soluble CD23 and IL-5 levels in the serum and culture supernatants of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in a girl with cutaneous paragonimiasis: Case report Matsumoto, T.
Nawa, Y.
124. Strongyloides venezuelensis: Binding of orally secreted adhesion substances to sulfated carbohydrates Nawa, Y. 1998
125. Encephalopathy caused by visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum Tokunaga, M.
Nawa, Y.
126. Expression of mast cell proteases in rat lung during helminth infection: Mast cells express both rat mast cell protease II and tryptase in helminth infected lung Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
127. Expression of Th1 and Th2 cytokine mRNAs in freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a patient with cutaneous paragonimiasis Ise, T.
Nawa, Y.
128. Immunohistochemical demonstration of inter-α-trypsin inhibitor light chain (bikunin) in human mast cells Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
129. Keratan sulfate glycosaminoglycans in murine eosinophil-specific granules Nawa, Y.
Tsuyama, S.
130. Re-emergence of paragonimiasis in Kyushu, Japan Nawa, Y. 1999
131. Amblyomma testudinarium tick bite: One case of engorged adult and a case of extraordinary number of larval tick infestation Nawa, Y. 2000
132. A role of mast cell glycosaminoglycans for the immunological expulsion of intestinal nematode, Strongyloides venezuelensis Nawa, Y. 2000
133. E-cadherin and cadlherin-associated cytoplasmic proteins are expressed in murine mast cells Nawa, Y. 2000
134. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-induced B-cell proliferative disorder after chemotherapy in a patient with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis with associated EBV-induced T-cell proliferation. Nawa, Y. 2000
135. Goblet cell hyperplasia in the airway of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis-infected rats Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
136. Localization of sialyl glycoconjugates in eosinophil-specific granules after degranulation stimuli Nawa, Y. 2000
137. Mucosal defense against gastrointestinal nematodes: Responses of mucosal mast cells and mouse mast cell protease 1 during primary Strongyloides venezuelensis infection in FcRγ-knockout mice Nawa, Y. 2000
138. Mucosal immunity against parasitic gastrointestinal nematodes. Nawa, Y. 2000
139. Pulmonary paragonimiasis referred to the department of surgery. Nawa, Y. 2000
140. Re-emergence of paragonimiasis. Nawa, Y. 2000
141. Upregulation of HGF activator inhibitor type 1 but not type 2 along with regeneration of intestinal mucosa Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
Koono, M.
142. A case of myelitis caused by visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum presenting only with Lhermitte's sign Nawa, Y. 2001
143. Adrenomedullin and proadrenomudullin N-terminal 20 peptide (PAMP) are present in human colonic epithelia and exert an antimicrobial effect Nawa, Y.
Eto, T.
144. A rare case of eosinophilic pleuritis due to sparganosis Inoue, Y.
Kohno, S.
Nawa, Y.
145. Case report: Paragonimiasis westermani with seroconversion from immunoglobulin (Ig) M to IgG antibody with the clinical course Nawa, Y. 2001
146. Clinical features and parasite-specific IgM/IgG antibodies of paragonimiasis patients recently found in Japan Nawa, Y. 2001
147. Clinical features of paragonimiasis cases recently found in japan: parasite-specific immunoglobulin M and G antibody classes. Nawa, Y. 2001
148. Clinicoradiologic features of pleuropulmonary Paragonimus westermani on Kyusyu Island, Japan Nawa, Y. 2001
149. Current status of food-borne parasitic zoonoses in Japan Nawa, Y. 2001
150. Drug resistance in pathogenic African trypanosomes: What hopes for the future? Nawa, Y. 2001
151. Elevated IL-5 levels in pleural fluid of patients with paragonimiasis westermani Kohno, S.
Nawa, Y.
152. Localised myelitis caused by visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum masquerading as an isolated spinal cord tumour [2] Matsumoto, S.
Nawa, Y.
153. Natural resistance of 129/SvJ mice to Strongyloides venezuelensis infection Nawa, Y. 2001
154. A case of neurocysticercosis suggestive of a reinfection, 20 years after the initial onset Nawa, Y. 2002
155. A clinical study of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis caused by angiostrongyliasis. Wang, X
Huang, H
Dong, Q
Lin, Y
Wang, Z
Li, F
Nawa, Y
Yoshimura, K
156. Active hepatic capsulitis caused by Paragonimus westermani infection Nawa, Y. 2002
157. A praziquantel-ineffective fascioliasis case successfully treated with triclabendazole Nawa, Y. 2002
158. Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia due to visceral larva migrans Nawa, Y. 2002
159. Elevated levels of thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) in pleural effusion samples from patients infested with Paragonimus westermani. Kohno, S.
Nawa, Y.
160. Immune-mediated damage is not essential for the expulsion of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis adult worms from the small intestine of mice Nawa, Y. 2002
161. Morphology of Gnathostoma spp. isolated from natural hosts in Sinaloa, Mexico Nawa, Y. 2002
162. Myocarditis associated with visceral larva migrans due to Toxocara canis Abe, K
Shimokawa, H
Kubota, T
Nawa, Y
Takeshita, A
163. One confirmed and six suspected cases of cutaneous larva migrans caused by overseas infection with dog hookworm larvae Nawa, Y. 2002
164. Paragonimiasis: A Japanese perspective Nawa, Y. 2002
165. Strongyloides venezuelensis: Longitudinal distribution of adult worms in the host intestine is influenced by mucosal sulfated carbohydrates Nawa, Y.
Shimada, S.
166. A case of cutaneous paragonimiasis with pleural effusion Nawa, Y. 2003
167. A case of ileus by the infection of type X larvae of the suborder Spirurina after eating raw firefly squids Yokota, H.
Nawa, Y.
168. A case of subcutaneous sparganosis: Therapeutic assessment by an indirect immunofluorescence antibody titration using sections of the worm body obtained from the patient [6] Nawa, Y. 2003
169. An outbreak of gnathostomiasis among Korean emigrants in Myanmar. Park, J.
Nawa, Y.
170. A serologically diagnosed human case of cutaneous larva migrans caused by Ancylostoma caninum. Lee, J.
Choi, M.
Nawa, Y.
171. Evaluation of the antigenic similarities of adult-worm extracts from three Gnathostoma species, using sera from Mexican and Japanese patients with Gnathostoma infections Nawa, Y. 2003
172. The current status of parasitic diseases in Japan Nawa, Y. 2003
173. The first human case in Mexico of conjunctivitis caused by the avian parasite, Philophthalmus lacrimosus Nawa, Y. 2003
174. A case of myeloradiculitis as a complication of visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum Nawa, Y. 2004
175. A case of zoonotic infection by Cysticercus cellulosae Nawa, Y. 2004
176. An overview of gnathostomiasis in the world Nawa, Y. 2004
177. A possible role of TARC in antigen-specific Th2-dominant responses in patients with paragonimiasis westermani Nawa, Y. 2004
178. Chronic intestinal nematode infection induces Stat6-independent interleukin-5 production and causes eosinophilic inflammatory responses in mice Nawa, Y. 2004
179. Identification of tissue-embedded ascarid larvae by ribosomal DNA sequencing Nawa, Y. 2004
180. Mucosal mast cell-derived chondroitin sulphate levels in and worm expulsion from FcRgamma-knockout mice following oral challenge with Strongyloides venezuelensis. Nawa, Y. 2004
181. Mucosal T cells bearing TCRγδ play a protective role in intestinal inflammation Nawa, Y. 2004
182. Paragonimiasis cases recently found among immigrants in Japan Nawa, Y. 2004
183. Pulmonary dirofilariasis with serologic study on familial infection with Dirofilaria immitis Nawa, Y. 2004
184. The current status of paragonimiasis in Japan Nawa, Y. 2004
185. Immunopositivity for Trichinella spiralis presented in a case of paragonimiasis westermani - Suspected infection by ingestion of raw bear meat Hamada, K.
Yakura, H.
Nawa, Y.
186. Intraepithelial lymphocytes express junctional molecules in murine small intestine Nawa, Y. 2005
187. Parasitic diseases in the central nervous system Nawa, Y. 2005
188. Sushi delights and parasites: The risk of fishborne and foodborne parasitic zoonoses in Asia Nawa, Y. 2005
189. A case of Ascaris suum visceral larva migrans diagnosed by using A. suum larval excretory-secretory (ES) antigen Tokunaga, Y.
Suzuki, A.
Nawa, Y.
190. Efficacy and safety of atovaquone-proguanil compared with mefloquine in the treatment of nonimmune patients with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria in Japan Nakamura, T.
Nawa, Y.
Kimura, M.
191. Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes sustain the epithelial barrier function against Eimeria vermiformis infection Dewi, F.N.
Smith, A.L.
Jimi, F.
Miyahira, M.
Abdel-Aleem, A.S.F.
Nawa, Y.
192. Migration of Neodiplostomum leei (Digenea: Neodiplostomidae) neodiplostomula to the livers of various mammals Kim, I.M.
Nawa, Y.
193. MRI studies of spinal visceral larva migrans syndrome Ookatsu, H.
Uchida, A.
Douchi, Y.
Hashiguchi, A.
Nawa, Y.
194. Suppressor of cytokine signalling 1 in lymphocytes regulates the development of intestinal inflammation in mice Nawa, Y. 2006
195. Worms that get on our nerves Nawa, Y. 2006
196. Description of a new lung fluke species, Paragonimus vietnamensis sp. nov. (Trematoda, Paragonimidae), found in northern Vietnam Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
Le, N.T.
197. Experience with intravenous metronidazole to treat moderate-to-severe amebiasis in Japan Kimura, M.
Nakamura, T.
Nawa, Y.
198. Morphological and molecular identification of two Paragonimus spp., of which metacercariae concurrently found in a land crab, Potamiscus tannanti, collected in Yenbai Province, Vietnam Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
The, D.T.
Le, N.T.
199. Toxocariasis presenting with multiple effusions in the pericardial space, thoracic cavity, and Morrison's pouch Fujii, T.
Nawa, Y.
Hayashi, T.
200. Adventitial mast cells contribute to pathogenesis in the progression of abdominal aortic aneurysm Kato, J.
Nawa, Y.
Eto, T.
201. Diagnostic problems in a patient with amicrofilaremic Loa loa Nishiofuku, M.
Itoh, M.
Nakamura, F.
Nawa, Y.
202. Discovery of Paragonimus proliferus in Northern Vietnam and their molecular phylogenetic status among genus Paragonimus Pham Ngoc Doanh
Akio Shinohara
Yoichiro Horii
Shigehisa Habe
Yukifumi Nawa
Nguyen Thi Le
203. First findings on the seroepidemiology of human paragonimosis at the anti-tuberculosis centre of Divo, Republic of Ivory Coast (West Africa) Adoubrynk, D.
Nawa, Y.
204. Identification of estuarine fish Dormitator latifrons as an intermediate host and Eleotris picta as a paratenic host for Gnathostoma binucleatum in Sinaloa, Mexico Sicairos-Félix, J.
Campista-León, S.
Guzmán-Loreto, R.
Nawa, Y.
205. Infection of a group of boar-hunting dogs with Paragonimus westermani in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan Kirino, Y.
Nakano, N.
Nawa, Y.
206. Sequence analyses of ITS2 and CO1 genes of Paragonimus proliferus obtained in Yunnan province, China and their similarities with those of P. hokuoensis Doanh, P.N.G.
Yang, Z.
Nawa, Y.
207. A 63-year-old male with marked eosinophilia and dyspnoea on exertion Kim, S.
Nawa, Y.
Kwon, W.
208. A seroepidemiological survey for paragonimosis among boar-hunting dogs in central and southern Kyushu, Japan Kirino, Y.
Nakano, N.
Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
209. Discovery of an endemic area of gnathostoma turgidum infection among opossums, didelphis virginiana, in Mexico Nawa, Y. 2009
210. Discovery of Paragonimus westermani in Vietnam and its molecular phylogenetic status in P. westermani complex Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
211. Fulminant eosinophilic myocarditis associated with visceral larva migrans caused by Toxocara canis infection Nawa, Y. 2009
212. Galβ1-6Gal, antigenic epitope which accounts for serological cross-reaction in diagnosis of Echinococcus multilocularis infection Nawa, Y. 2009
213. Is gnathostoma turgidum an annual parasite of opossums? drastic seasonal changes of infection in didelphis virginiana in Mexico Nawa, Y.
Sicairos-Félix, J.
Campista-León, S.
Guzmán-Loreto, R.
214. Large-group infection of boar-hunting dogs with Paragonimus westermani in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan, with special reference to a case of sudden death due to bilateral pneumothorax Nakano, N.
Kirino, Y.
Nawa, Y.
215. Morphological differences and molecular similarities between Paragonimus bangkokensis and P. harinasutai Vannavong, N.
Strobel, M.G.
Nawa, Y.
216. Short report: Case of gnathostomiasis in Beijing, China Dong, M.L.
Jing, S.Z.
Zhi, B.X.
Nawa, Y.
Dekumyoy, P.
217. A novel sigma-like glutathione transferase of Taenia solium metacestode Nawa, Y. 2010
218. Double strand problems: Reverse DNA sequences deposited in the DNA database Nawa, Y. 2010
219. Haplorchis taichui as a possible etiologic agent of irritable bowel syndrome-like symptoms Nawa, Y. 2010
220. Helminthic invasion of the central nervous system: Many roads lead to Rome Nawa, Y. 2010
221. Infection status of the estuarine turtles Kinosternon integrum and Trachemys scripta with Gnathostoma binucleatum in Sinaloa, Mexico Nawa, Y. 2010
222. Intrahepatic growth and maturation of Gnathostoma turgidum in the natural definitive opossum host, Didelphis virginiana Guadalupe Rendón-Maldonado, J.
Nawa, Y.
223. Serodiagnostic reliability of single-step enriched low-molecular weight proteins of Taenia solium metacestode of American and Asian isolates Nawa, Y. 2010
224. Confirmation of the paraphyletic relationship between families Opisthorchiidae and Heterophyidae using small and large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences Urusa Thaenkham
Yukifumi Nawa
David Blair
Wallop Pakdee
225. Human paragonimiasis in Viet Nam: Epidemiological survey and identification of the responsible species by DNA sequencing of eggs in patients' sputum Doanh, P.N.G.
Thach, D.T.C.
Nawa, Y.
226. Human sparganosis in Thailand: An overview Nawa, Y.
Vanvanitchai, Y.
227. Impact of hookworm deworming on anemia and nutritional status among children in Thailand Pooudouang, S.
Chantaranipapong, Y.
Homsuwan, N.
Nawa, Y.
228. Molecular identification of a causative parasite species using formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues of a complicated human pulmonary sparganosis case without decisive clinical diagnosis. Koonmee, S.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Yamasaki, H.
Muto, M.
Kularbkeaw, J.
Kanpittaya, J.
Maleewong, W.
Nawa, Y.
229. Neurognathostomiasis, a neglected parasitosis of the central nervous system. Juri Katchanov
Kittisak Sawanyawisuth
Verajit Chotmongkol
Yukifumi Nawa
230. Rapid and simple identification of human pathogenic heterophyid intestinal fluke metacercariae by PCR-RFLP Phuphisut, O.
Homsuwan, N.
Nawa, Y.
231. Co-existence of Paragonimus harinasutai and Paragonimus bangkokensis metacercariae in fresh water crab hosts in central Viet Nam with special emphasis on their close phylogenetic relationship Doanh, P.N.G.
Van Hien, H.
Nawa, Y.
232. Discovery of human opisthorchiasis: A mysterious history Sripa, B.
Nawa, Y.
Sithithaworn, P.
Andrews, R.H.
Brindley, P.J.
233. Families Opisthorchiidae and Heterophyidae: Are they distinct? Nawa, Y. 2012
234. Molecular identification of a case of Paragonimus pseudoheterotremus infection in Thailand. Intapan, PM
Sanpool, O
Thanchomnang, T
Imtawil, K
Pongchaiyakul, C
Nawa, Y
Maleewong, W
235. Rapid detection and differentiation of Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis viverrini eggs in human fecal samples using a duplex real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer PCR and melting curve analysis Sanpool, O
Intapan, PM
Thanchomnang, T
Janwan, P
Lulitanond, V
Doanh, PN
Van Hien, H
Dung, do T
Maleewong, W
Nawa, Y
236. Short Report: Molecular Identification of a Case of Paragonimus pseudoheterotremus Infection in Thailand Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Imtawil, K.J.
Pongchaiyakul, C.
Nawa, Y.
Maleewong, W.
237. Structural and Binding Properties of Two Paralogous Fatty Acid Binding Proteins of Taenia solium Metacestode Seon-Hee Kim
Young-An Bae
Hyun-Jong Yang
Joo-Ho Shin
Sylvia Paz Diaz-Camacho
Yukifumi Nawa
Insug Kang
Yoon Kong
238. The current status of opisthorchiasis and clonorchiasis in the Mekong Basin. Paiboon Sithithaworn
Ross H. Andrews
Nguyen Van De
Thitima Wongsaroj
Muth Sinuon
Peter Odermatt
Yukifumi Nawa
Song Liang
Paul J. Brindley
Banchob Sripa
239. Application of Recombinant Gnathostoma spinigerum Matrix Metalloproteinase-Like Protein for Serodiagnosis of Human Gnathostomiasis by Immunoblotting Janwan, P
Intapan, PM
Yamasaki, H
Laummaunwai, P
Sawanyawisuth, K
Wongkham, C
Tayapiwatana, C
Kitkhuandee, A
Lulitanond, V
Nawa, Y
Maleewong, W
240. A recombinant matrix metalloproteinase protein from gnathostoma spinigerum for serodiagnosis of neurognathostomiasis Penchom Janwan
Pewpan M. Intapan
Hiroshi Yamasaki
Porntip Laummaunwai
Kittisak Sawanyawisuth
Chaisiri Wongkham
Chatchai Tayapiwatana
Amnat Kitkhuandee
Viraphong Lulitanond
Yukifumi Nawa
Wanchai Maleewong
241. Comprehensive Review of Ocular Angiostrongyliasis with Special Reference to Optic Neuritis Feng, Y
Nawa, Y
Sawanyavisuth, K
Lv, Z
Wu, ZD
242. Discovery of Paragonimus skrjabini in Vietnam and its phylogenetic status in the Paragonimus skrjabini complex Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
243. Fatty acid compositions of Taenia solium metacestode and its surrounding tissues Yang, Y.
Nawa, Y.
244. Food-borne Trematodes Sithithaworn, P.
Sripa, B.
Kaewkes, S.
Nawa, Y.
245. Genetically variant populations of Paragonimus proliferus Hsia & Chen, 1964 from central Vietnam P. N. Doanh
H. V. Hien
N. Nonaka
Y. Horii
Y. Nawa
246. Molecular variation in the Paragonimus heterotremus complex in Thailand and Myanmar. Oranuch Sanpool
Pewpan M. Intapan
Tongjit Thanchomnang
Penchom Janwan
Yukifumi Nawa
David Blair
Wanchai Maleewong
247. Natural hybridization between Paragonimus bangkokensis and Paragonimus harinasutai Pham Ngoc Doanh
Zhihong Guo
Nariaki Nonaka
Yoichiro Horii
Yukifumi Nawa
248. Paragonimus and paragonimiasis in Vietnam: an update. Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
249. Paragonimus paishuihoensis metacercariae in freshwater crabs, Potamon lipkei, in Vientiane Province, Lao PDR. Doanh, P.N.G.
Vannavong, N.
Nawa, Y.
250. A 71-year-old Man from Japan with Eosinophilia and a Nodular Lesion in the Lung: Paragonimiasis Nawa, Y. 2014
251. Bile canalicular changes and defective bile secretion in Opisthorchis viverrini-infected hamsters. Lakhanawan Charoensuk
Porntip Pinlaor
Umawadee Laothong
Puangrat Yongvanit
Chawalit Pairojkul
Yukifumi Nawa
Somchai Pinlaor
252. Identification of major Streptococcus suis serotypes 2, 7, 8 and 9 isolated from pigs and humans in upper northeastern Thailand Nutravong, T
Angkititrakul, S
Jiwakanon, N
Wongchanthong, W
Dejsirilerts, S
Nawa, Y
253. Nematode infections: Neurological involvement and neurobiology Intapan, P.M.A.
Maleewong, W.
Nawa, Y.
254. Spontaneous Cure after Natural Infection with Gnathostoma turgidum (Nematoda) in Virginia Opossums (Didelphis virginiana) Hilario Torres-Montoya
Xochilth Galaviz-Renteria
Hipolito Castillo-Ureta
Hector Lopez-Moreno
Yukifumi Nawa
Angel Bojorquez-Contreras
Sergio Sanchez-Gonzalez
Sylvia Diaz-Camacho
Rodrigo Rocha-Tirado
Jose Rendon-Maldonado
255. Is Opisthorchis viverrini an avian liver fluke? Nawa, Y.
Doanh, P.N.G.
256. Metacercarial polymorphism and genetic variation of Paragonimus heterotremus (Digenea: Paragonimidae), and a re-appraisal of the taxonomic status of Paragonimus pseudoheterotremus Doanh, PN
Thaenkham, U
An, PT
Hien, HV
Horii, Y
Nawa, Y
257. Patient-reported quality of life after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation or chemotherapy for acute leukemia S. Kurosawa
T. Yamaguchi
T. Mori
H. Kanamori
Y. Onishi
N. Emi
S. Fujisawa
A. Kohno
C. Nakaseko
B. Saito
T. Kondo
M. Hino
Y. Nawa
S. Kato
A. Hashimoto
T. Fukuda
258. A molecular phylogeny of Asian species of the genus Metagonimus (Digenea)-small intestinal flukes-based on representative Japanese populations Siritavee Pornruseetairatn
Hideto Kino
Takeshi Shimazu
Yukifumi Nawa
Toma Scholz
Jiraporn Ruangsittichai
Naowarat Tanomsing Saralamba
Urusa Thaenkham
259. A molecular phylogeny of Asian species of the genus Metagonimus (Digenea)—small intestinal flukes—based on representative Japanese populations Nawa, Y.
Ruangsittichai, J.
260. A tool for mass-screening of paragonimiasis: An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with urine samples Nawa, Y.
Itoh, M.
261. Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis spp. in Vietnam: current status and prospects Pham N. Doanh
Yukifumi Nawa
262. Cross-Reactivity Pattern of Asian and American Human Gnathostomiasis in Western Blot Assays Using Crude Antigens Prepared from Gnathostoma spinigerum and Gnathostoma binucleatum Third-Stage Larvae Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
263. Gene diversity and genetic variation in lung flukes (genus Paragonimus) David Blair
Yukifumi Nawa
Makedonka Mitreva
Pham Ngoc Doanh
264. Molecular and morphological variation of Paragonimus westermani in Vietnam with records of new second intermediate crab hosts and a new locality in a northern province N. Pham Doanh
A. Luu Tu
T. Dung Bui
T. Ho Loan
Nariaki Nonaka
Yoichiro Horii
David Blair
Yukifumi Nawa
265. Molecular identification of the trematode Paragonimus in faecal samples from the wild cat Prionailurus bengalensis in the Da Krong Nature Reserve, Vietnam P. N. Doanh
H. V. Hien
L. A. Tu
N. Nonaka
Y. Horii
Y. Nawa
266. Potential risk of fish-borne nematode infections in humans in Brazil – Current status based on a literature review Nawa, Y. 2016
267. Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Incidence, risk factors and outcomes K. Yakushijin
Y. Atsuta
N. Doki
A. Yokota
H. Kanamori
T. Miyamoto
C. Ohwada
K. Miyamura
Y. Nawa
M. Kurokawa
I. Mizuno
T. Mori
M. Onizuka
J. Taguchi
T. Ichinohe
H. Yabe
Y. Morishima
K. Kato
R. Suzuki
T. Fukuda
268. A historical review of small liver fluke infections in humans Sripa, B.
Tesana, S.
Yurlova, N.I.
269. Giardia duodenalis genotypes among schoolchildren and their families and pets in urban and rural areas of Sinaloa, Mexico Nawa, Y. 2017
270. Ocular gnathostomiasis-update of earlier survey Yukifumi Nawa
Masahide Yoshikawa
Kittisak Sawanyawisuth
Verajit Chotmongkol
Sandra Fernandez Figueiras
Maria Benavides
Sylvia Paz Diaz Camacho
271. An Overview of Fish-borne Nematodiases among Returned Travelers for Recent 25 Years-Unexpected Diseases Sometimes Far Away from the Origin Jorge Costa Eiras
Gilberto Cezar Pavanelli
Ricardo Massato Takemoto
Yukifumi Nawa
272. An overview of fish-borne nematodiases among returned travelers for recent 25 years– unexpected diseases sometimes far away from the origin Nawa, Y. 2018
273. Case Report: Ocular Gnathostomiasis in Venezuela Most Likely Acquired in Texas Nawa, Y. 2018
274. First intermediate hosts of Paragonimus spp. in Vietnam and identification of intramolluscan stages of different Paragonimus species Doanh, P.N.G.
Van Hien, H.
Nawa, Y.
275. Fish-borne nematodiases in South America: neglected emerging diseases Nawa, Y. 2018
Win Win Maw
Aye Chan Moe
Thidarut Boonmars
Yukifumi Nawa
277. Human sparganosis in Korea Jeong-Geun Kim
Chun-Seob Ahn
Woon-Mok Sohn
Yukifumi Nawa
Yoon Kong
278. Spontaneous emergence of a gnathostoma spinigerum adult worm from the abdominal skin of a laotian woman: A case report Rattanaphone Phetsouvanh
Shigehisa Habe
Poul Newton
Manivanh Vongsouvaht
Yoichiro Horii
Pham Ngoc Doanh
Yukifumi Nawa
279. Clonorchis sinensis omega-class glutathione transferases are reliable biomarkers for serodiagnosis of clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis Sripa, B.
Nawa, Y.
280. Evaluation of a Commercial Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Kit and In-House Cysteine Proteinases-Based Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays for Diagnosis of Human Fascioliasis. Tran, NTD
Ton Nu, PA
Intuyod, K
Dao, LTK
Pinlaor, P
Nawa, Y
Choowongkomon, K
Geadkaew-Krenc, A
Kosa, N
Grams, R
Pinlaor, S
281. Evaluation of a Commercial Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Kit and In-House Fasciola gigantica Cysteine Proteinases-Based Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays for Diagnosis of Human Fascioliasis Intuyod, K.
Pinlaor, P.
Nawa, Y.
Kosa, N.
Pinlaor, S.
282. Asymptomatic Human Paragonimiasis among the Karen People in Tak Province, Thailand: A Case Report Teera Kusolsuk
Orawan Phuphisut
Wanna Maipanich
Somchit Pubampen
Surapol Sa-nguankiat
Akkarin Poodeepiyasawat
Nirundorn Homsuwan
Srisuchart Mongkolmoo
Tippayarat Yoonuan
Poom Adisakwattana
Udomsak Silachamroon
Yukifumi Nawa
283. Pruritic Cutaneous Nematodiasis Caused by Avian Eyeworm Oxyspirura Larvae, Vietnam Do T. Dung
Nguyen T. Hop
Tran H. Tho
Yukifumi Nawa
Pham N. Doanh
Count 266 24 49 2

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in the sera of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice Nawa, Y. 1985 Infection and Immunity
3 (49), pp. 533-537
2. Strongyloides ratti: Increase in susceptibility to infection following blockade of the mononuclear phagocyte system in female mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1985 Australian Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Science
6 (63), pp. 651-653
3. Chemotactic reactivity of eosinophils obtained from bone marrow and peritoneal cavity of cyclophosphamide-treated, Toxocara canis-infected mice Nawa, Y.
Imai, J.
Abe, T.
1986 International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
4 (80), pp. 412-416
4. Clearance of passively transferred IgE antibody from peripheral blood of mast cell-deficient W/W(v) mice Nawa, Y. 1986 International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology
4 (81), pp. 385-387
5. Detection of high molecular weight eosinophil chemotactic factor in murine schistosomiasis sera Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1986 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
6 (35), pp. 1192-1197
6. Eosinophil chemotactic factor-release from guinea pig neutrophils after in vitro stimulation with Strongyloides ratti larvae Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1986 Japanese Journal of Parasitology
2 (35), pp. 121-126
7. Eosinophil chemotactic lymphokine produced by egg-associated granulomas in murine schistosomiasis japonicum Nawa, Y. 1986 Infection and Immunity
3 (54), pp. 723-727
8. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor produced by splenic T lymphocytes of mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum Nawa, Y. 1986 Infection and Immunity
1 (51), pp. 213-217
9. Low molecular weight eosinophil chemotactic factor (ECF) in the serum of murine schistosomiasis japonica Nawa, Y. 1986 International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology
2 (79), pp. 178-181
10. Purification and physicochemical characterization of Schistosoma mansoni egg allergen recognized by mouse sera obtained at an acute stage of infection Imai, J.
Nawa, Y.
1986 International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology
2 (81), pp. 129-135
11. Eosinophil chemotactic lymphokine produced by spleen cells of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice Nawa, Y. 1987 International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology
1 (82), pp. 20-25
12. Eosinophil chemotactic lymphokine produced by spleen cells of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice. III. Isolation and characterization of two distinctive eosinophil chemotactic lymphokines directed against different maturation stages of eosinophils Nawa, Y. 1987 International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology
2 (84), pp. 185-189
13. Eosinophil chemotactic lymphokine produced by spleen cells of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice. II. Physicochemical heterogeneity of eosinophil chemotactic lymphokines to bone marrow- or peritoneal exudate-eosinophils Nawa, Y. 1987 International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology
3 (83), pp. 290-295
14. Eosinophil response in mast cell-deficient W/W<sup>v</sup>mice Nawa, Y.
Imai, J.
Abe, T.
1987 International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
1 (83), pp. 6-11
15. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor enhances the production of eosinophil chemotactic lymphokine by egg-associated granulomas of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice Nawa, Y. 1987 Infection and Immunity
9 (55), pp. 2042-2046
16. Isolation of two immunogenically different allergens from Schistosoma japonicum eggs Nawa, Y. 1987 International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology
2 (83), pp. 149-154
17. Localization of mucosal mast cells in W/W(v) mice after reconstitution with bone marrow cells or cultured mast cells, and its relation to the protective capacity to Strongyloides ratti infection Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1987 Parasite Immunology
4 (9), pp. 477-485
18. Reactivity of two major allergens isolated from Schistosoma japonicum eggs against IgE and IgG antibodies in human serum Nawa, Y. 1987 International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology
2 (83), pp. 213-216
19. Reconstitution of mucosal mast cells in W/W(v) mice by adoptive transfer of bone marrow-derived cultured mast cells and its effects on the protective capacity to Strongyloides ratti-infection Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1987 Parasite Immunology
1 (9), pp. 31-38
20. A case report of intestinal capillariasis - the second case found in Japan Nawa, Y.
Imai, J.
Abe, T.
1988 Japanese Journal of Parasitology
2 (37), pp. 113-118
21. High-molecular-weight eosinophil chemotactic factor from Schistosoma japonicum eggs Nawa, Y. 1988 Methods in Enzymology
(162), pp. 174-180
22. Immunochemical characterization of major antigenic components of Paragonimus westermani (triploid type) adult worms Imai, J.
Nawa, Y.
1988 Japanese Journal of Parasitology
6 (37), pp. 398-404
23. Impaired natural defence of beige (Chediak-Higashi syndrome) mice against tissue-migrating larvae of Strongyloides ratti and its reconstitution by bone marrow cells Nawa, Y.
Abe, T.
Imai, J.
1988 Parasite Immunology
2 (10), pp. 117-126
24. Induction of intestinal mastocytosis in nude mice by repeated injection of Interleukin-3 Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1988 International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology
3 (86), pp. 356-358
25. Kinetic study of mast-cell growth factor production by lymphocytes during the course of Strongyloides ratti infection in mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1988 Parasitology Research
5 (74), pp. 484-488
26. Susceptibility of W/Wv mice to murine cytomegalovirus infection Ohashi, T.
Nawa, Y.
1988 Archives of Virology
3-4 (101), pp. 237-246
27. Three confirmed and five suspected human cases of Gnathostoma doloresi infection found in Miyazaki Prefecture, Kyushu Imai, J.
Nawa, Y.
1988 Japanese Journal of Parasitology
5 (37), pp. 358-364
28. Worm expulsion and mucosal mast cell response induced by repetitive IL-3 administration in Strongyloides ratti-infected nude mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1988 Immunology
2 (63), pp. 181-185
29. Current status of Gnathostoma doloresi infection in wild boars captured in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan Nawa, Y.
Imai, J.
1989 Japanese Journal of Parasitology
6 (38), pp. 385-387
30. Granulomatous response in selective IgE-deficient SJA/9 mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum Nawa, Y. 1989 International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology
3 (90), pp. 310-312
31. The first record of a confirmed human case of Gnathostoma doloresi infection Nawa, Y.
Imai, J.
1989 Journal of Parasitology
1 (75), pp. 166-169
32. The role leukotrienes and mast cells on acute gastric mucosal lesions Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1989 Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology
10 (86), pp. 2480
33. Two cases of paragonimiasis westermani with pleural effusion in young girls living in the southern part of Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan Imai, J.
Nawa, Y.
1989 Japanese Journal of Parasitology
6 (38), pp. 392-395
34. A case of severe Metagonimiasis with abdominal symptoms Nawa, Y. 1990 Japanese Journal of Parasitology
1 (39), pp. 72-74
35. Cutaneous paragonimiasis: A case report Imai, J.
Nawa, Y.
1990 Japanese Journal of Parasitology
1 (39), pp. 63-66
36. Effects of toxocara canis infection on hemopoietic stem cells and hemopoietic factors in mice Nawa, Y. 1990 International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
3 (91), pp. 239-243
37. Eosinophil chemotactic factor released from murine bone marrow derived cultured mast cells. Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1990 Japanese Journal of Allergology
2 Pt 1 (39), pp. 69-74
38. Extramedullary eosinophilopoiesis in the liver of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice, with reference to hemopoietic stem cells Nawa, Y. 1990 Parasitology Research
6 (76), pp. 461-465
39. Importance of mast-cell-derived eosinophil chemotactic factor a on granuloma formation in murine Schistosomiasis japonica: Evaluation using mast-cell-def icient W/W<sup>v</sup> mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1990 International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
1 (92), pp. 64-68
40. Non-specific immune suppression by CD8+ T cells in Brugia pahangi-infected rats Nawa, Y. 1990 International Journal for Parasitology
7 (20), pp. 951-956
41. Three cases of pulmonary dirofilariasis found in Miyazaki prefecture Nawa, Y. 1990 Japanese Journal of Parasitology
1 (39), pp. 67-71
42. Helminthic diseases. Some clues for the diagnosis and treatment based on the recent experiences in Japan Nawa, Y. 1991 Asian Medical Journal
2 (34), pp. 83-88
43. Hepatic eosinophilopoiesis from multipotent hemopoietic stem cells in Toxocara canis-infected mice Nawa, Y. 1991 Experimental Hematology
2 (19), pp. 77-80
44. Historical review and current status of gnathostomiasis in Asia. Nawa, Y. 1991 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
(22 Suppl), pp. 217-219
45. Natural resistance of W/Wv mice to ethanol-induced gastric lesions and its abrogation by bone marrow grafting: Possible role of mast cells and LTC4 Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1991 Gastroenterologia Japonica
3 (26), pp. 277-282
46. Recent trends of paragonimiasis westermani in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. Nawa, Y. 1991 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
(22 Suppl), pp. 342-344
47. Susceptibility of multipotent haemopoietic stem cell deficient W/W(v) mice to Plasmodium berghei-infection Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1991 Immunology and Cell Biology
5 (69), pp. 355-360
48. The localization of allergens of Paragonimus westermani by pleural exudates from patients Nawa, Y. 1991 Journal of Parasitology
6 (77), pp. 923-926
49. The possible role of LTC4 in the pathogenesis of ethanol-induced gastric lesions in mice and their prevention by 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor AA-861, and leukotriene receptor antagonist FPL-55712 Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1991 Gastroenterologia Japonica
1 (26), pp. 1-6
50. A comparative study of the kinetic changes of hemopoietic stem cells in mice infected with lethal and non-lethal malaria Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1992 International Journal for Parasitology
1 (22), pp. 43-47
51. Appearance of adherent cells suppressive to erythropoiesis during an early stage of Plasmodium berghei infection in mice. Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1992 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
2 (23), pp. 184-188
52. Heparin-containing mast cells in the jejunal mucosa of normal and parasitized mongolian gerbils, meriones unguiculatus Nawa, Y. 1992 International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
4 (98), pp. 415-419
53. Induction of the expulsion of Strongyloides ratti and retention of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis in athymic nude mice by repetitive administration of recombinant interleukin-3 Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1992 Immunology
1 (76), pp. 10-14
54. Parasite-specific IgE and IgG levels in the serum and pleural effusion of paragonimiasis westermani patients Nawa, Y. 1992 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1 II SUPPL. (47), pp. 104-107
55. Protease resistant interleukin-3 stimulating components in excretory and secretory products from adult worms of Strongyloides ratti Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1992 Journal of Helminthology
2 (66), pp. 155-158
56. Restoration of the defective natural defence of beige mice against tissue-migrating larvae of Strongyloides ratti by transfer with normal peritoneal cells Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1992 International Journal for Parasitology
4 (22), pp. 545-547
57. Autopsy findings in 47 cases of adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma in Miyazaki prefecture, Japan Nawa, Y. 1993 Leukemia and Lymphoma
3-4 (11), pp. 281-286
58. Defective mucosal immunity and normal systemic immunity of Mongolian gerbils, Meriones unguiculatus, to reinfection with Strongyloides venezuelensis Nawa, Y. 1993 Parasite Immunology
10 (15), pp. 565-571
59. Immune-mediated alteration of the terminal sugars of goblet cell mucins in the small intestine of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis-infected rats Nawa, Y. 1993 Immunology
2 (78), pp. 303-307
60. Mucosal mast cells and the expulsive mechanisms of mice against Strongyloides venezuelensis Nawa, Y. 1993 International Journal for Parasitology
5 (23), pp. 551-555
61. Persistent infection of Strongyloides venezuelensis and normal expulsion of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis in Mongolian gerbils, Meriones unguiculatus, with reference to the cellular responses in the intestinal mucosa Nawa, Y. 1993 Parasite Immunology
3 (15), pp. 175-179
62. Strongyloides ratti: Dissociation of immunological memory of the protection against tissue migrating larvae and intestinal adult worms in mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1993 Journal of Helminthology
2 (67), pp. 161-164
63. Transient retention of Strongyloides ratti in the caecal mucosa during infection in mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1993 Immunology and Cell Biology
1 (71), pp. 71-74
64. A case report of serologically diagnosed pulmonary anisakiasis with pleural effusion and multiple lesions Nawa, Y. 1994 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
6 (51), pp. 819-822
65. cDNA sequencing of mouse α1-microglobulin/inter-α-trypsin inhibitor light chain and its expression in acute inflammation Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1994 Journal of Biochemistry
4 (116), pp. 767-772
66. Depressed specific and nonspecific immune responses in secondary Brugia pahangi infection in jirds. Nawa, Y. 1994 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
2 (25), pp. 272-277
67. Expulsion of Hymenolepis nana from mice with congenital deficiencies of IgE production or of mast cell development Nawa, Y. 1994 Parasite Immunology
3 (16), pp. 137-144
68. Goblet cell mucins as the selective barrier for the intestinal helminths: T-cell-independent alteration of goblet cell mucins by immunologically 'damaged' Nippostrongylus brasiliensis worms and its significance on the challenge infection with homologous and heterologous parasites Nawa, Y. 1994 Immunology
3 (81), pp. 480-486
69. Goblet cell mucins of four genera of the subfamily Cricetinae with reference to the protective activity against Strongyloides venezuelensis Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1994 Parasite Immunology
10 (16), pp. 553-559
70. Histochemical and cytological characterizations of mucosal and connective tissue mast cells of mongolian gerbils (meriones unguiculatus) Nawa, Y.
Okada, M.
1994 International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
3 (104), pp. 249-254
71. Inhibitory effects of concurrently present 'normal' Nippostrongylus brasiliensis worms on expulsion of 'damaged' worms and associated goblet cell changes in rats Nawa, Y. 1994 Parasite Immunology
6 (16), pp. 329-332
72. Mast cell protease inhibitor, trypstatin, is a fragment of inter-α- trypsin inhibitor light chain Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1994 Journal of Biological Chemistry
5 (269), pp. 3818-3822
73. Reconstitution by bone marrow grafting of the defective protective capacity at the migratory phase but not at the intestinal phase of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection in W/W(v) mice Nawa, Y. 1994 Parasite Immunology
4 (16), pp. 181-186
74. Selective effector mechanisms for the expulsion of intestinal helminths Nawa, Y.
Abe, T.
Itoh, H.
1994 Parasite Immunology
7 (16), pp. 333-338
75. Sequencing of cDNAs encoding α1-microglobulin/bikunin of Mongolian gerbil and Syrian golden hamster in comparison with man and other species Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1994 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Protein Structure and Molecular
2 (1209), pp. 286-292
76. Strongyloides venezuelensis infection in Syrian golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus, with reference to the phenotype of intestinal mucosal mast cells Nawa, Y. 1994 Parasite Immunology
10 (16), pp. 545-551
77. A case report of colonic ileus due to eosinophilic nodular lesions caused by Gnathostoma doloresi infection Itoh, H.
Koono, M.
Nawa, Y.
1995 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
3 (53), pp. 263-266
78. cDNA sequencing and expression of rat mast cell tryptase Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1995 Journal of Biochemistry
1 (118), pp. 210-215
79. Cloning of the cDNA encoding a novel rat mast-cell proteinase, rMCP-3, and its expression in comparison with other rat mast-cell proteinases Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1995 Biochemical Journal
2 (311), pp. 675-680
80. Cloning of the cDNA encoding mast cell tryptase of Mongolian gerbil, Meriones unguiculatus, and its preferential expression in the intestinal mucosa Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1995 Biochemical Journal
3 (309), pp. 921-926
81. Effect of testosterone on the mucosal defence against intestinal helminths in Indian soft-furred rats, Millardia meltada with reference to goblet and mast cell responses Nawa, Y. 1995 Parasite Immunology
9 (17), pp. 479-484
82. Effects of adoptive transfer of immune spleen cells on worm growth and microfilaraemia in Brugia pahangi infection in Mongolian gerbils Nawa, Y. 1995 Journal of Helminthology
4 (69), pp. 331-335
83. Extraordinarily high eosinophilia and elevated serum interleukin-5 level observed in a patient infected with Paragonimus westermani Ogata, T.
Migita, M.
Nawa, Y.
1995 Pediatrics
2 (96), pp. 351-354
84. Glycoconjugates in rat small intestinal mucosa during infection with the intestinal nematode Nippostrongylus brasiliensis Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1995 Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
B (371), pp. 975-978
85. Goblet cell hyperplasia induced by Strongyloides venezuelensis-infection in Syrian golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1995 International Journal for Parasitology
3 (25), pp. 399-402
86. Molecular cloning of mouse intestinal trefoil factor and its expression during goblet cell changes Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1995 Biochemical Journal
1 (311), pp. 293-297
87. Reduced amount of intestinal mucus by treatment with anti-CD4 antibody interferes with the spontaneous cure of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis-infection in mice Abe, T.
Nawa, Y.
1995 Parasite Immunology
9 (17), pp. 485-491
88. Reserpine-induced sulphomucin production by goblet cells in the jejunum of rats and its significance in the establishment of intestinal helminths Nawa, Y. 1995 Parasite Immunology
11 (17), pp. 581-586
89. An outbreak of visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum in Kyushu, Japan [8] Nawa, Y. 1996 Lancet
9017 (347), pp. 1766-1767
90. cDNA cloning of rat pS2 peptide and expression of trefoil peptides in acetic acid-induced colitis Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1996 Biochemical Journal
3 (318), pp. 939-944
91. Cloning of the cDNAs for mast-cell chymases from the jejunum of Mongolian gerbils, Meriones unguiculatus, and their sequence similarities with chymases expressed in the connective-tissue mast cells of mice and rats Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1996 Biochemical Journal
3 (314), pp. 923-929
92. Eosinophil peroxidase deficiency in New Zealand White mice Nawa, Y. 1996 International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
1 (111), pp. 30-35
93. Evaluation of the role of mast cells in the progression of acetic acid-induced colitis in mice Eto, T.
Nawa, Y.
1996 Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology
8 (31), pp. 774-777
94. Expression of inter-α-trypsin inhibitor light chain (bikunin) in human pancreas Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1996 Journal of Biochemistry
2 (120), pp. 271-275
95. Kinetic study of eosinophil chemotactic factor production with reference to eosinophilia and granuloma formation in mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum Nawa, Y. 1996 International Journal for Parasitology
7 (26), pp. 705-711
96. A case report of pleural sparganosis Nawa, Y. 1997 Parasitology International
1 (46), pp. 73-75
97. An outbreak of ascariasis with marked eosinophilia in the southern part of Kyushu District, Japan, caused by infection with swine Ascaris Nawa, Y. 1997 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
(28 SUPPL. 1), pp. 194-196
98. Case report: Eosinophilic colitis with high antibody titre against Ascaris suum Nawa, Y.
Ohkawara, T.
1997 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia)
3 (12), pp. 204-206
99. Cloning of human bone morphogenetic protein type IB receptor (BMPR-IB) and its expression in prostate cancer in comparison with other BMPRs Yoshida, T.
Nawa, Y.
Sügimura, T.
1997 Oncogene
11 (14), pp. 1377-1382
100. Current status of Gnathostomiasis dorolesi in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan Nawa, Y. 1997 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
(28 SUPPL. 1), pp. 11-13
101. Development of basophils in mongolian gerbils: Formation of basophilic cell clusters in the bone marrow after Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection Nawa, Y. 1997 Laboratory Investigation
1 (76), pp. 89-97
102. Eosinophil peroxidase deficiency in humans and mice Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
Tsuyama, S.
1997 Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica
3 (30), pp. 231-236
103. Evaluation of the role of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of acetic acid-induced colitis in mice Eto, T.
Nawa, Y.
1997 Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology
6 (32), pp. 564-568
104. Expression of mast-cell-specific proteases in tissues of mice studied by in situ hybridization Lee, Y.
Nawa, Y.
1997 American Journal of Pathology
4 (150), pp. 1373-1382
105. Fine binding specificities to Ascaris suum and Ascaris lumbricoides antigens of the sera from patients of probable visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum Nawa, Y. 1997 Parasitology International
3 (46), pp. 181-188
106. Gnathostomiasis in frog-eating snakes from Japan. Nawa, Y. 1997 Journal of wildlife diseases
4 (33), pp. 877-879
107. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor production by T lymphocytes in Plasmodium berghei-infected mice Nawa, Y. 1997 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
4 (28), pp. 757-763
108. Heterogeneity of eosinophil chemotactic factors produced by splenic T cells of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice Nawa, Y. 1997 Parasitology International
3 (46), pp. 217-224
109. Long term survival of 'damaged' Nippostrongylus brasiliensis adult worms in the testosterone-treated Indian soft-furred rat, Millardia meltada Kaneyuki, T.
Nawa, Y.
1997 Parasite Immunology
10 (19), pp. 455-459
110. Sensitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) to Measure Parasite-Specific Antibodies of Indian Soft-Furred Rats, Millardia meltada Tateishi, M.
Nawa, Y.
1997 Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
6 (59), pp. 491-494
111. Alteration of protease expression phenotype of mouse peritoneal mast cells by changing the microenvironment as demonstrated by in situ hybridization histochemistry Lee, Y.
Nawa, Y.
1998 American Journal of Pathology
3 (153), pp. 931-936
112. Animal waste: Risk of zoonotic parasite transmission Nawa, Y. 1998 Reviews on Environmental Health
4 (13), pp. 169-178
113. Clinical manifestations and immunodiagnosis of gnathostomiasis in Culiacan, Mexico Velazquez, R.C.
Nawa, Y.
1998 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
6 (59), pp. 908-915
114. Cutaneous and visceral larva migrans due to Gnathostoma doloresi infection via an unusual route [8] (multiple letters) Nawa, Y. 1998 Archives of Dermatology
5 (134), pp. 638-639
115. Gnathostomiasis in wild boars from Japan Nawa, Y. 1998 Journal of Wildlife Diseases
1 (34), pp. 155-157
116. Intestinal mast cell response and mucosal defence against Strongyloides venezuelensis in interleukin-3-hyporesponsive mice Nawa, Y. 1998 Parasite Immunology
6 (20), pp. 279-284
117. Paragonimiasis westermani presenting as an asymptomatic nodular lesion in the lung: Report of a case Nawa, Y. 1998 Surgery Today
1 (28), pp. 108-110
118. Pathogenicity and lethality of a minute intestinal fluke, Neodiplostomum seoulense, to various strains of mice Nawa, Y. 1998 Journal of Parasitology
6 (84), pp. 1178-1183
119. Reappraisal of the expression of mast cell proteases of Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) Nawa, Y. 1998 APMIS
7 (106), pp. 727-735
120. Short report: Gnathostomiasis in Mexico Nawa, Y. 1998 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
3 (58), pp. 316-318
121. Soluble CD23 and IL-5 levels in the serum and culture supernatants of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in a girl with cutaneous paragonimiasis: Case report Matsumoto, T.
Nawa, Y.
1998 Annals of Tropical Paediatrics
1 (18), pp. 49-53
122. Strongyloides venezuelensis: Binding of orally secreted adhesion substances to sulfated carbohydrates Nawa, Y. 1998 Experimental Parasitology
1 (89), pp. 16-20
123. Encephalopathy caused by visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum Tokunaga, M.
Nawa, Y.
1999 Journal of the Neurological Sciences
2 (164), pp. 195-199
124. Expression of mast cell proteases in rat lung during helminth infection: Mast cells express both rat mast cell protease II and tryptase in helminth infected lung Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1999 International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
4 (120), pp. 303-309
125. Expression of Th1 and Th2 cytokine mRNAs in freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a patient with cutaneous paragonimiasis Ise, T.
Nawa, Y.
1999 Journal of Dermatological Science
2 (19), pp. 144-147
126. Immunohistochemical demonstration of inter-α-trypsin inhibitor light chain (bikunin) in human mast cells Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
1999 Cell and Tissue Research
1 (297), pp. 149-154
127. Keratan sulfate glycosaminoglycans in murine eosinophil-specific granules Nawa, Y.
Tsuyama, S.
1999 Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
4 (47), pp. 481-488
128. Re-emergence of paragonimiasis in Kyushu, Japan Nawa, Y. 1999 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
4 (30), pp. 686-691
129. Amblyomma testudinarium tick bite: One case of engorged adult and a case of extraordinary number of larval tick infestation Nawa, Y. 2000 Journal of Dermatology
12 (27), pp. 774-777
130. A role of mast cell glycosaminoglycans for the immunological expulsion of intestinal nematode, Strongyloides venezuelensis Nawa, Y. 2000 Journal of Immunology
7 (164), pp. 3749-3754
131. E-cadherin and cadlherin-associated cytoplasmic proteins are expressed in murine mast cells Nawa, Y. 2000 Laboratory Investigation
10 (80), pp. 1571-1581
132. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-induced B-cell proliferative disorder after chemotherapy in a patient with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis with associated EBV-induced T-cell proliferation Nawa, Y. 2000 Leukemia and Lymphoma
5-6 (37), pp. 593-604
133. Goblet cell hyperplasia in the airway of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis-infected rats Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
2000 Respiration
5 (67), pp. 565-569
134. Localization of sialyl glycoconjugates in eosinophil-specific granules after degranulation stimuli Nawa, Y. 2000 International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
SUPPL. 1 (122), pp. 2-5
135. Mucosal defense against gastrointestinal nematodes: Responses of mucosal mast cells and mouse mast cell protease 1 during primary Strongyloides venezuelensis infection in FcRγ-knockout mice Nawa, Y. 2000 Infection and Immunity
9 (68), pp. 4968-4971
136. Mucosal immunity against parasitic gastrointestinal nematodes. Nawa, Y. 2000 Korean Journal of Parasitology
4 (38), pp. 209-236
137. Pulmonary paragonimiasis referred to the department of surgery. Nawa, Y. 2000 Annals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery : official journal of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia
5 (6), pp. 295-298
138. Re-emergence of paragonimiasis. Nawa, Y. 2000 Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)
5 (39), pp. 353-354
139. Upregulation of HGF activator inhibitor type 1 but not type 2 along with regeneration of intestinal mucosa Itoh, H.
Nawa, Y.
Koono, M.
2000 American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
4 41-4 (278), pp. G635-G643
140. A case of myelitis caused by visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum presenting only with Lhermitte's sign Nawa, Y. 2001 Clinical Neurology
6 (41), pp. 310-313
141. Adrenomedullin and proadrenomudullin N-terminal 20 peptide (PAMP) are present in human colonic epithelia and exert an antimicrobial effect Nawa, Y.
Eto, T.
2001 Experimental Physiology
5 (86), pp. 543-545
142. A rare case of eosinophilic pleuritis due to sparganosis Inoue, Y.
Kohno, S.
Nawa, Y.
2001 Internal Medicine
8 (40), pp. 783-785
143. Case report: Paragonimiasis westermani with seroconversion from immunoglobulin (Ig) M to IgG antibody with the clinical course Nawa, Y. 2001 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
6 (65), pp. 837-839
144. Clinical features and parasite-specific IgM/IgG antibodies of paragonimiasis patients recently found in Japan Nawa, Y. 2001 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
SUPPL. 2 (32), pp. 55-58
145. Clinical features of paragonimiasis cases recently found in japan: parasite-specific immunoglobulin M and G antibody classes. Nawa, Y. 2001 Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
12 (32), pp. e151-153
146. Clinicoradiologic features of pleuropulmonary Paragonimus westermani on Kyusyu Island, Japan Nawa, Y. 2001 Chest
2 (120), pp. 514-520
147. Current status of food-borne parasitic zoonoses in Japan Nawa, Y. 2001 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
SUPPL. 2 (32), pp. 4-7
148. Drug resistance in pathogenic African trypanosomes: What hopes for the future? Nawa, Y. 2001 Veterinary Parasitology
2 (96), pp. 83-100
149. Elevated IL-5 levels in pleural fluid of patients with paragonimiasis westermani Kohno, S.
Nawa, Y.
2001 Clinical and Experimental Immunology
1 (123), pp. 94-98
150. Localised myelitis caused by visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum masquerading as an isolated spinal cord tumour [2] Matsumoto, S.
Nawa, Y.
2001 Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
2 (70), pp. 265-266
151. Natural resistance of 129/SvJ mice to Strongyloides venezuelensis infection Nawa, Y. 2001 Parasite Immunology
12 (23), pp. 659-663
152. A case of neurocysticercosis suggestive of a reinfection, 20 years after the initial onset Nawa, Y. 2002 Clinical Neurology
1 (42), pp. 18-23
153. Active hepatic capsulitis caused by Paragonimus westermani infection Nawa, Y. 2002 Internal Medicine
8 (41), pp. 661-663
154. A praziquantel-ineffective fascioliasis case successfully treated with triclabendazole Nawa, Y. 2002 Parasitology International
2 (51), pp. 205-209
155. Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia due to visceral larva migrans Nawa, Y. 2002 Internal Medicine
6 (41), pp. 478-482
156. Elevated levels of thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) in pleural effusion samples from patients infested with Paragonimus westermani Kohno, S.
Nawa, Y.
2002 Clinical and Experimental Immunology
2 (130), pp. 314-318
157. Immune-mediated damage is not essential for the expulsion of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis adult worms from the small intestine of mice Nawa, Y. 2002 Parasite Immunology
7 (24), pp. 381-386
158. Morphology of Gnathostoma spp. isolated from natural hosts in Sinaloa, Mexico Nawa, Y. 2002 Parasitology Research
7 (88), pp. 639-645
159. Myocarditis associated with visceral larva migrans due to Toxocara canis Nawa, Y. 2002 Internal Medicine
9 (41), pp. 706-708
160. One confirmed and six suspected cases of cutaneous larva migrans caused by overseas infection with dog hookworm larvae Nawa, Y. 2002 Journal of Dermatology
2 (29), pp. 104-111
161. Paragonimiasis: A Japanese perspective Nawa, Y. 2002 Clinics in Chest Medicine
2 (23), pp. 409-420
162. Strongyloides venezuelensis: Longitudinal distribution of adult worms in the host intestine is influenced by mucosal sulfated carbohydrates Nawa, Y.
Shimada, S.
2002 Experimental Parasitology
3 (100), pp. 179-185
163. A case of cutaneous paragonimiasis with pleural effusion Nawa, Y. 2003 International Journal of Dermatology
9 (42), pp. 699-702
164. A case of ileus by the infection of type X larvae of the suborder Spirurina after eating raw firefly squids Yokota, H.
Nawa, Y.
2003 Journal of Nara Medical Association
1 (54), pp. 43-47
165. A case of subcutaneous sparganosis: Therapeutic assessment by an indirect immunofluorescence antibody titration using sections of the worm body obtained from the patient [6] Nawa, Y. 2003 British Journal of Dermatology
2 (148), pp. 369-371
166. An outbreak of gnathostomiasis among Korean emigrants in Myanmar. Park, J.
Nawa, Y.
2003 The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
1 (69), pp. 67-73
167. A serologically diagnosed human case of cutaneous larva migrans caused by Ancylostoma caninum. Lee, J.
Choi, M.
Nawa, Y.
2003 The Korean journal of parasitology
4 (41), pp. 233-237
168. Evaluation of the antigenic similarities of adult-worm extracts from three Gnathostoma species, using sera from Mexican and Japanese patients with Gnathostoma infections Nawa, Y. 2003 Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
6 (97), pp. 629-637
169. The current status of parasitic diseases in Japan Nawa, Y. 2003 Internal Medicine
3 (42), pp. 222-236
170. The first human case in Mexico of conjunctivitis caused by the avian parasite, Philophthalmus lacrimosus Nawa, Y. 2003 Journal of Parasitology
1 (89), pp. 183-185
171. A case of myeloradiculitis as a complication of visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum Nawa, Y. 2004 Clinical Neurology
3 (44), pp. 198-202
172. A case of zoonotic infection by Cysticercus cellulosae Nawa, Y. 2004 Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
10 (58), pp. 1985-1988
173. An overview of gnathostomiasis in the world Nawa, Y. 2004 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
SUPPL. 1 (35), pp. 87-91
174. A possible role of TARC in antigen-specific Th2-dominant responses in patients with paragonimiasis westermani Nawa, Y. 2004 International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
3 (134), pp. 248-252
175. Chronic intestinal nematode infection induces Stat6-independent interleukin-5 production and causes eosinophilic inflammatory responses in mice Nawa, Y. 2004 Immunology
4 (112), pp. 615-623
176. Identification of tissue-embedded ascarid larvae by ribosomal DNA sequencing Nawa, Y. 2004 Parasitology Research
1 (92), pp. 50-52
177. Mucosal mast cell-derived chondroitin sulphate levels in and worm expulsion from FcRgamma-knockout mice following oral challenge with Strongyloides venezuelensis. Nawa, Y. 2004 Journal of veterinary science (Suwon-si, Korea)
3 (5), pp. 221-226
178. Mucosal T cells bearing TCRγδ play a protective role in intestinal inflammation Nawa, Y. 2004 Journal of Immunology
2 (173), pp. 1390-1398
179. Paragonimiasis cases recently found among immigrants in Japan Nawa, Y. 2004 Internal Medicine
5 (43), pp. 388-392
180. Pulmonary dirofilariasis with serologic study on familial infection with Dirofilaria immitis Nawa, Y. 2004 Internal Medicine
4 (43), pp. 327-330
181. The current status of paragonimiasis in Japan Nawa, Y. 2004 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
SUPPL. 1 (35), pp. 318-322
182. Immunopositivity for Trichinella spiralis presented in a case of paragonimiasis westermani - Suspected infection by ingestion of raw bear meat Hamada, K.
Yakura, H.
Nawa, Y.
2005 Journal of Nara Medical Association
5-6 (56), pp. 253-259
183. Intraepithelial lymphocytes express junctional molecules in murine small intestine Nawa, Y. 2005 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
4 (331), pp. 977-983
184. Parasitic diseases in the central nervous system Nawa, Y. 2005 Clinical Neurology
11 (45), pp. 891-893
185. Sushi delights and parasites: The risk of fishborne and foodborne parasitic zoonoses in Asia Nawa, Y. 2005 Clinical Infectious Diseases
9 (41), pp. 1297-1303
186. A case of Ascaris suum visceral larva migrans diagnosed by using A. suum larval excretory-secretory (ES) antigen Tokunaga, Y.
Suzuki, A.
Nawa, Y.
2006 Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases
3 (38), pp. 221-224
187. Efficacy and safety of atovaquone-proguanil compared with mefloquine in the treatment of nonimmune patients with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria in Japan Nakamura, T.
Nawa, Y.
Kimura, M.
2006 Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy
5 (12), pp. 277-282
188. Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes sustain the epithelial barrier function against Eimeria vermiformis infection Dewi, F.N.
Smith, A.L.
Jimi, F.
Miyahira, M.
Abdel-Aleem, A.S.F.
Nawa, Y.
2006 Infection and Immunity
9 (74), pp. 5292-5301
189. Migration of Neodiplostomum leei (Digenea: Neodiplostomidae) neodiplostomula to the livers of various mammals Kim, I.M.
Nawa, Y.
2006 Journal of Parasitology
2 (92), pp. 223-229
190. MRI studies of spinal visceral larva migrans syndrome Ookatsu, H.
Uchida, A.
Douchi, Y.
Hashiguchi, A.
Nawa, Y.
2006 Journal of the Neurological Sciences
1 (249), pp. 7-12
191. Suppressor of cytokine signalling 1 in lymphocytes regulates the development of intestinal inflammation in mice Nawa, Y. 2006 Gut
2 (55), pp. 212-219
192. Worms that get on our nerves Nawa, Y. 2006 No to shinkei. Brain and nerve.
7 (58), pp. 571-581
193. Description of a new lung fluke species, Paragonimus vietnamensis sp. nov. (Trematoda, Paragonimidae), found in northern Vietnam Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
Le, N.T.
2007 Parasitology Research
6 (101), pp. 1495-1501
194. Experience with intravenous metronidazole to treat moderate-to-severe amebiasis in Japan Kimura, M.
Nakamura, T.
Nawa, Y.
2007 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
2 (77), pp. 381-385
195. Morphological and molecular identification of two Paragonimus spp., of which metacercariae concurrently found in a land crab, Potamiscus tannanti, collected in Yenbai Province, Vietnam Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
The, D.T.
Le, N.T.
2007 Parasitology Research
5 (100), pp. 1075-1082
196. Toxocariasis presenting with multiple effusions in the pericardial space, thoracic cavity, and Morrison's pouch Fujii, T.
Nawa, Y.
Hayashi, T.
2007 Internal Medicine
12 (46), pp. 913-914
197. Adventitial mast cells contribute to pathogenesis in the progression of abdominal aortic aneurysm Kato, J.
Nawa, Y.
Eto, T.
2008 Circulation Research
11 (102), pp. 1368-1377
198. Diagnostic problems in a patient with amicrofilaremic Loa loa Nishiofuku, M.
Itoh, M.
Nakamura, F.
Nawa, Y.
2008 Journal of Travel Medicine
1 (15), pp. 53-57
199. Discovery of Paragonimus proliferus in Northern Vietnam and their molecular phylogenetic status among genus Paragonimus Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
Le, N.T.
2008 Parasitology Research
4 (102), pp. 677-683
200. First findings on the seroepidemiology of human paragonimosis at the anti-tuberculosis centre of Divo, Republic of Ivory Coast (West Africa) Adoubrynk, D.
Nawa, Y.
2008 Parasite
2 (15), pp. 157-161
201. Identification of estuarine fish Dormitator latifrons as an intermediate host and Eleotris picta as a paratenic host for Gnathostoma binucleatum in Sinaloa, Mexico Sicairos-Félix, J.
Campista-León, S.
Guzmán-Loreto, R.
Nawa, Y.
2008 Parasitology Research
6 (103), pp. 1421-1425
202. Infection of a group of boar-hunting dogs with Paragonimus westermani in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan Kirino, Y.
Nakano, N.
Nawa, Y.
2008 Veterinary Parasitology
4 (158), pp. 376-379
203. Sequence analyses of ITS2 and CO1 genes of Paragonimus proliferus obtained in Yunnan province, China and their similarities with those of P. hokuoensis Doanh, P.N.G.
Yang, Z.
Nawa, Y.
2008 Parasitology Research
6 (102), pp. 1379-1383
204. A 63-year-old male with marked eosinophilia and dyspnoea on exertion Kim, S.
Nawa, Y.
Kwon, W.
2009 Thorax
9 (64), pp. 756+777
205. A seroepidemiological survey for paragonimosis among boar-hunting dogs in central and southern Kyushu, Japan Kirino, Y.
Nakano, N.
Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
2009 Veterinary Parasitology
3-4 (161), pp. 335-338
206. Discovery of an endemic area of gnathostoma turgidum infection among opossums, didelphis virginiana, in Mexico Nawa, Y. 2009 Journal of Parasitology
3 (95), pp. 617-622
207. Discovery of Paragonimus westermani in Vietnam and its molecular phylogenetic status in P. westermani complex Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
2009 Parasitology Research
5 (104), pp. 1149-1155
208. Fulminant eosinophilic myocarditis associated with visceral larva migrans caused by Toxocara canis infection Nawa, Y. 2009 Circulation Journal
7 (73), pp. 1344-1348
209. Galβ1-6Gal, antigenic epitope which accounts for serological cross-reaction in diagnosis of Echinococcus multilocularis infection Nawa, Y. 2009 Parasite Immunology
8 (31), pp. 481-487
210. Is gnathostoma turgidum an annual parasite of opossums? drastic seasonal changes of infection in didelphis virginiana in Mexico Nawa, Y.
Sicairos-Félix, J.
Campista-León, S.
Guzmán-Loreto, R.
2009 Journal of Parasitology
4 (95), pp. 908-912
211. Large-group infection of boar-hunting dogs with Paragonimus westermani in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan, with special reference to a case of sudden death due to bilateral pneumothorax Nakano, N.
Kirino, Y.
Nawa, Y.
2009 Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
5 (71), pp. 657-660
212. Morphological differences and molecular similarities between Paragonimus bangkokensis and P. harinasutai Vannavong, N.
Strobel, M.G.
Nawa, Y.
2009 Parasitology Research
2 (105), pp. 429-439
213. Short report: Case of gnathostomiasis in Beijing, China Dong, M.L.
Jing, S.Z.
Zhi, B.X.
Nawa, Y.
Dekumyoy, P.
2009 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
2 (80), pp. 185-187
214. A novel sigma-like glutathione transferase of Taenia solium metacestode Nawa, Y. 2010 International Journal for Parasitology
9 (40), pp. 1097-1106
215. Double strand problems: Reverse DNA sequences deposited in the DNA database Nawa, Y. 2010 Korean Journal of Parasitology
1 (48), pp. 89-90
216. Haplorchis taichui as a possible etiologic agent of irritable bowel syndrome-like symptoms Nawa, Y. 2010 Korean Journal of Parasitology
3 (48), pp. 225-229
217. Helminthic invasion of the central nervous system: Many roads lead to Rome Nawa, Y. 2010 Parasitology International
4 (59), pp. 491-496
218. Infection status of the estuarine turtles Kinosternon integrum and Trachemys scripta with Gnathostoma binucleatum in Sinaloa, Mexico Nawa, Y. 2010 Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad
2 (81), pp. 569-571
219. Intrahepatic growth and maturation of Gnathostoma turgidum in the natural definitive opossum host, Didelphis virginiana Guadalupe Rendón-Maldonado, J.
Nawa, Y.
2010 Parasitology International
3 (59), pp. 338-343
220. Serodiagnostic reliability of single-step enriched low-molecular weight proteins of Taenia solium metacestode of American and Asian isolates Nawa, Y. 2010 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
10 (104), pp. 676-683
221. Confirmation of the paraphyletic relationship between families Opisthorchiidae and Heterophyidae using small and large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences Nawa, Y. 2011 Parasitology International
4 (60), pp. 521-523
222. Human paragonimiasis in Viet Nam: Epidemiological survey and identification of the responsible species by DNA sequencing of eggs in patients' sputum Doanh, P.N.G.
Thach, D.T.C.
Nawa, Y.
2011 Parasitology International
4 (60), pp. 534-537
223. Human sparganosis in Thailand: An overview Nawa, Y.
Vanvanitchai, Y.
2011 Acta Tropica
3 (118), pp. 171-176
224. Impact of hookworm deworming on anemia and nutritional status among children in Thailand Pooudouang, S.
Chantaranipapong, Y.
Homsuwan, N.
Nawa, Y.
2011 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
4 (42), pp. 782-792
225. Molecular identification of a causative parasite species using formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues of a complicated human pulmonary sparganosis case without decisive clinical diagnosis Koonmee, S.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Yamasaki, H.
Muto, M.
Kularbkeaw, J.
Kanpittaya, J.
Maleewong, W.
Nawa, Y.
2011 Parasitology International
4 (60), pp. 460-464
226. Neurognathostomiasis, a neglected parasitosis of the central nervous system Sawanyawisuth, K.
Chotmongkol, V.
Nawa, Y.
2011 Emerging Infectious Diseases
7 (17), pp. 1174-1180
227. Rapid and simple identification of human pathogenic heterophyid intestinal fluke metacercariae by PCR-RFLP Phuphisut, O.
Homsuwan, N.
Nawa, Y.
2011 Parasitology International
4 (60), pp. 503-506
228. Co-existence of Paragonimus harinasutai and Paragonimus bangkokensis metacercariae in fresh water crab hosts in central Viet Nam with special emphasis on their close phylogenetic relationship Doanh, P.N.G.
Van Hien, H.
Nawa, Y.
2012 Parasitology International
3 (61), pp. 399-404
229. Discovery of human opisthorchiasis: A mysterious history Sripa, B.
Nawa, Y.
Sithithaworn, P.
Andrews, R.H.
Brindley, P.J.
2012 Parasitology International
1 (61), pp. 3-4
230. Families Opisthorchiidae and Heterophyidae: Are they distinct? Nawa, Y. 2012 Parasitology International
1 (61), pp. 90-93
231. Rapid detection and differentiation of Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis viverrini eggs in human fecal samples using a duplex real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer PCR and melting curve analysis Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Janwan, P.
Lulitanond, V.
Doanh, P.N.G.
Van Hien, H.
Maleewong, W.
Nawa, Y.
2012 Parasitology Research
1 (111), pp. 89-96
232. Short report: Molecular identification of a case of Paragonimus pseudoheterotremus infection in Thailand Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Imtawil, K.J.
Pongchaiyakul, C.
Nawa, Y.
Maleewong, W.
2012 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
4 (87), pp. 706-709
233. Structural and Binding Properties of Two Paralogous Fatty Acid Binding Proteins of Taenia solium Metacestode Nawa, Y. 2012 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
10 (6), pp.
234. The current status of opisthorchiasis and clonorchiasis in the Mekong Basin Sithithaworn, P.
Andrews, R.H.
Nawa, Y.
Brindley, P.J.
Sripa, B.
2012 Parasitology International
1 (61), pp. 10-16
235. Application of Recombinant Gnathostoma spinigerum Matrix Metalloproteinase-Like Protein for Serodiagnosis of Human Gnathostomiasis by Immunoblotting Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Yamasaki, H.
Laummaunwai, P.
Sawanyawisuth, K.
Wongkham, C.
Tayapiwatana, C.
Kitkhuandee, A.
Lulitanond, V.
Nawa, Y.
Maleewong, W.
2013 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1 (89), pp. 63-67
236. A recombinant matrix metalloproteinase protein from gnathostoma spinigerum for serodiagnosis of neurognathostomiasis Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Yamasaki, H.
Laummaunwai, P.
Sawanyawisuth, K.
Wongkham, C.
Tayapiwatana, C.
Kitkhuandee, A.
Lulitanond, V.
Nawa, Y.
Maleewong, W.
2013 Korean Journal of Parasitology
6 (51), pp. 751-754
237. Comprehensive review of ocular angiostrongyliasis with special reference to optic neuritis Nawa, Y.
Sawanyavisuth, K.
Lv, Z.
2013 Korean Journal of Parasitology
6 (51), pp. 613-619
238. Discovery of Paragonimus skrjabini in Vietnam and its phylogenetic status in the Paragonimus skrjabini complex Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
2013 Journal of Helminthology
4 (87), pp. 450-456
239. Fatty acid compositions of Taenia solium metacestode and its surrounding tissues Yang, Y.
Nawa, Y.
2013 Parasitology International
1 (62), pp. 75-78
240. Food-borne Trematodes Sithithaworn, P.
Sripa, B.
Kaewkes, S.
Nawa, Y.
2013 Manson's Tropical Diseases: Twenty-Third Edition
(), pp. 726-736
241. Genetically variant populations of Paragonimus proliferus Hsia & Chen, 1964 from central Vietnam Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
2013 Journal of Helminthology
2 (87), pp. 141-146
242. Molecular variation in the paragonimus heterotremus complex in Thailand and Myanmar Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Janwan, P.
Nawa, Y.
Maleewong, W.
2013 Korean Journal of Parasitology
6 (51), pp. 677-681
243. Natural hybridization between Paragonimus bangkokensis and Paragonimus harinasutai Doanh, P.N.G.
Guo, Z.
Nawa, Y.
2013 Parasitology International
3 (62), pp. 240-245
244. Paragonimus and paragonimiasis in Vietnam: An update Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
2013 Korean Journal of Parasitology
6 (51), pp. 621-627
245. Paragonimus paishuihoensis metacercariae in freshwater crabs, potamon lipkei, in Vientiane Province, Lao PDR Doanh, P.N.G.
Vannavong, N.
Nawa, Y.
2013 Korean Journal of Parasitology
6 (51), pp. 683-687
246. A 71-year-old Man from Japan with Eosinophilia and a Nodular Lesion in the Lung: Paragonimiasis Nawa, Y. 2014 Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine
(), pp. 268-272
247. Identification of major Streptococcus suis serotypes 2, 7, 8 and 9 isolated from pigs and humans in upper northeastern Thailand Nutravong, T.
Angkititrakul, S.
Jiwakanon, N.
Wongchanthong, W.
Dejsirilerts, S.
Nawa, Y.
2014 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
5 (45), pp. 1173-1181
248. Nematode infections: Neurological involvement and neurobiology Intapan, P.M.A.
Maleewong, W.
Nawa, Y.
2014 Neglected Tropical Diseases and Conditions of the Nervous System
(), pp. 67-92
249. Is Opisthorchis viverrini an avian liver fluke? Nawa, Y.
Doanh, P.N.G.
2015 Journal of Helminthology
2 (89), pp. 255-256
250. A molecular phylogeny of Asian species of the genus Metagonimus (Digenea)—small intestinal flukes—based on representative Japanese populations Nawa, Y.
Ruangsittichai, J.
2016 Parasitology Research
3 (115), pp. 1123-1130
251. A tool for mass-screening of paragonimiasis: An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with urine samples Nawa, Y.
Itoh, M.
2016 Tropical Medicine and Health
1 (44), pp.
252. Cross-reactivity pattern of Asian and American human gnathostomiasis in Western Blot assays using crude antigens prepared from gnathostoma spinigerum and gnathostoma binucleatum third-stage larvae Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
2016 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
2 (95), pp. 413-416
253. Molecular and morphological variation of Paragonimus westermani in Vietnam with records of new second intermediate crab hosts and a new locality in a northern province Nawa, Y. 2016 Parasitology
12 (143), pp. 1639-1646
254. Molecular identification of the trematode Paragonimus in faecal samples from the wild cat Prionailurus bengalensis in the Da Krong Nature Reserve, Vietnam Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
2016 Journal of Helminthology
6 (90), pp. 658-662
255. Potential risk of fish-borne nematode infections in humans in Brazil – Current status based on a literature review Nawa, Y. 2016 Food and Waterborne Parasitology
(5), pp. 1-6
256. A historical review of small liver fluke infections in humans Sripa, B.
Tesana, S.
Yurlova, N.I.
2017 Parasitology International
4 (66), pp. 337-340
257. Giardia duodenalis genotypes among schoolchildren and their families and pets in urban and rural areas of sinaloa, Mexico Nawa, Y. 2017 Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
2 (11), pp. 180-187
258. Ocular gnathostomiasis-update of earlier survey Sawanyawisuth, K.I.
Chotmongkol, V.
2017 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
4 (97), pp. 1232-1234
259. An overview of fish-borne nematodiases among returned travelers for recent 25 years– unexpected diseases sometimes far away from the origin Nawa, Y. 2018 Korean Journal of Parasitology
3 (56), pp. 215-227,
260. Case report: Ocular gnathostomiasis in Venezuela most likely acquired in Texas Nawa, Y. 2018 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
4 (99), pp. 1028-1032
261. First intermediate hosts of Paragonimus spp. in Vietnam and identification of intramolluscan stages of different Paragonimus species Doanh, P.N.G.
Van Hien, H.
Nawa, Y.
2018 Parasites and Vectors
1 (11), pp.
262. Fish-borne nematodiases in South America: Neglected emerging diseases Nawa, Y. 2018 Journal of Helminthology
6 (92), pp. 649-654
263. Human sparganosis in Korea Nawa, Y. 2018 Journal of Korean Medical Science
44 (33), pp.
264. Spontaneous emergence of a gnathostoma spinigerum adult worm from the abdominal skin of a laotian woman: A case report Phetsouvanh, R.
Doanh, P.N.G.
Nawa, Y.
2018 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
1 (49), pp. 1-5
265. Clonorchis sinensis omega-class glutathione transferases are reliable biomarkers for serodiagnosis of clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis Sripa, B.
Nawa, Y.
2019 Clinical Microbiology and Infection
1 (25), pp. 109.e1-109.e6
266. Evaluation of a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit and in-house fasciola gigantica cysteine proteinases-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for diagnosis of human fascioliasis Intuyod, K.
Pinlaor, P.
Nawa, Y.
Kosa, N.
Pinlaor, S.
2019 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
3 (100), pp. 591-598

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-induced B-cell proliferative disorder after chemotherapy in a patient with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis with associated EBV-induced T-cell proliferation. Suzumiya, J
Ohshima, K
Kanda, M
Kumagawa, M
Nagano, M
Hirata, M
Nawa, Y
Tamura, K
Kikuchi, M
2000 Leukemia & lymphoma
5 (37), pp. 593-604
2. A clinical study of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis caused by angiostrongyliasis. Wang, X
Huang, H
Dong, Q
Lin, Y
Wang, Z
Li, F
Nawa, Y
Yoshimura, K
2002 Chinese medical journal
9 (115), pp. 1312-5
3. Elevated levels of thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) in pleural effusion samples from patients infested with Paragonimus westermani. Matsumoto, N
Mukae, H
Nakamura-Uchiyama, F
Ashitani, JI
Abe, K
Katoh, S
Kohno, S
Nawa, Y
Matsukura, S
2002 Clinical and experimental immunology
2 (130), pp. 314-8
4. Myocarditis associated with visceral larva migrans due to Toxocara canis. Abe, K
Shimokawa, H
Kubota, T
Nawa, Y
Takeshita, A
2002 Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)
9 (41), pp. 706-8
5. Molecular identification of a causative parasite species using formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues of a complicated human pulmonary sparganosis case without decisive clinical diagnosis. Koonmee, S
Intapan, PM
Yamasaki, H
Sugiyama, H
Muto, M
Kuramochi, T
Kularbkeaw, J
Kanpittaya, J
Maleewong, W
Nawa, Y
2011 Parasitology international
4 (60), pp. 460-4
6. Neurognathostomiasis, a neglected parasitosis of the central nervous system. Katchanov, J
Sawanyawisuth, K
Chotmongkoi, V
Nawa, Y
2011 Emerging infectious diseases
7 (17), pp. 1174-80
7. Molecular identification of a case of Paragonimus pseudoheterotremus infection in Thailand. Intapan, PM
Sanpool, O
Thanchomnang, T
Imtawil, K
Pongchaiyakul, C
Nawa, Y
Maleewong, W
2012 The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
4 (87), pp. 706-9
8. Rapid detection and differentiation of Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis viverrini eggs in human fecal samples using a duplex real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer PCR and melting curve analysis. Sanpool, O
Intapan, PM
Thanchomnang, T
Janwan, P
Lulitanond, V
Doanh, PN
Van Hien, H
Dung, do T
Maleewong, W
Nawa, Y
2012 Parasitology research
1 (111), pp. 89-96
9. The current status of opisthorchiasis and clonorchiasis in the Mekong Basin. Sithithaworn, P
Andrews, RH
Nguyen, VD
Wongsaroj, T
Sinuon, M
Odermatt, P
Nawa, Y
Liang, S
Brindley, PJ
Sripa, B
2012 Parasitology international
1 (61), pp. 10-6
10. Discovery of human opisthorchiasis: a mysterious history. Sripa, B
Nawa, Y
Sithithaworn, P
Andrews, R
Brindley, PJ
2012 Parasitology international
1 (61), pp. 3-4
11. Paragonimus paishuihoensis metacercariae in freshwater crabs, Potamon lipkei, in Vientiane Province, Lao PDR. Habe, S
Doanh, PN
Yahiro, S
Vannavong, N
Barennes, H
Odermatt, P
Dreyfuss, G
Horii, Y
Nawa, Y
2013 The Korean journal of parasitology
6 (51), pp. 683-7
12. Application of recombinant Gnathostoma spinigerum matrix metalloproteinase-like protein for serodiagnosis of human gnathostomiasis by immunoblotting. Janwan, P
Intapan, PM
Yamasaki, H
Laummaunwai, P
Sawanyawisuth, K
Wongkham, C
Tayapiwatana, C
Kitkhuandee, A
Lulitanond, V
Nawa, Y
Maleewong, W
2013 The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
1 (89), pp. 63-7
13. Comprehensive review of ocular angiostrongyliasis with special reference to optic neuritis. Feng, Y
Nawa, Y
Sawanyavisuth, K
Lv, Z
Wu, ZD
2013 The Korean journal of parasitology
6 (51), pp. 613-9
14. Paragonimus and paragonimiasis in Vietnam: an update. Doanh, PN
Horii, Y
Nawa, Y
2013 The Korean journal of parasitology
6 (51), pp. 621-7
15. A recombinant matrix metalloproteinase protein from Gnathostoma spinigerum for serodiagnosis of neurognathostomiasis. Janwan, P
Intapan, PM
Yamasaki, H
Laummaunwai, P
Sawanyawisuth, K
Wongkham, C
Tayapiwatana, C
Kitkhuandee, A
Lulitanond, V
Nawa, Y
Maleewong, W
2013 The Korean journal of parasitology
6 (51), pp. 751-4
16. Molecular variation in the Paragonimus heterotremus complex in Thailand and Myanmar. Sanpool, O
Intapan, PM
Thanchomnang, T
Janwan, P
Nawa, Y
Blair, D
Maleewong, W
2013 The Korean journal of parasitology
6 (51), pp. 677-81
17. Identification of major Streptococcus suis serotypes 2, 7, 8 and 9 isolated from pigs and humans in upper northeastern Thailand. Nutravong, T
Angkititrakul, S
Jiwakanon, N
Wongchanthong, W
Dejsirilerts, S
Nawa, Y
2014 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
5 (45), pp. 1173-81
18. Identification of major Streptococcus suis serotypes 2, 7, 8 and 9 isolated from pigs and humans in upper northeastern Thailand. Nutravong, T
Angkititrakul, S
Jiwakanon, N
Wongchanthong, W
Dejsirilerts, S
Nawa, Y
2014 Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health
5 (45), pp. 1173-81
19. Bile canalicular changes and defective bile secretion in Opisthorchis viverrini-infected hamsters. Charoensuk, L
Pinlaor, P
Laothong, U
Yongvanit, P
Pairojkul, C
Nawa, Y
Pinlaor, S
2014 Folia parasitologica
6 (61), pp. 512-22
20. Metacercarial polymorphism and genetic variation of Paragonimus heterotremus (Digenea: Paragonimidae), and a re-appraisal of the taxonomic status of Paragonimus pseudoheterotremus. Doanh, PN
Thaenkham, U
An, PT
Hien, HV
Horii, Y
Nawa, Y
2015 Journal of helminthology
2 (89), pp. 182-8
21. Is Opisthorchis viverrini an avian liver fluke? Nawa, Y
Doanh, PN
Thaenkham, U
2015 Journal of helminthology
2 (89), pp. 255-6
22. A historical review of small liver fluke infections in humans. Sripa, B
Tesana, S
Yurlova, N
Nawa, Y
2017 Parasitology international
4 (66), pp. 337-340
23. Ocular Gnathostomiasis-Update of Earlier Survey. Nawa, Y
Yoshikawa, M
Sawanyawisuth, K
Chotmongkol, V
Figueiras, SF
Benavides, M
Diaz Camacho, SP
2017 The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
4 (97), pp. 1232-1234
24. Clonorchis sinensis omega-class glutathione transferases are reliable biomarkers for serodiagnosis of clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis. Kim, JG
Ahn, CS
Sripa, B
Eom, KS
Kang, I
Sohn, WM
Nawa, Y
Kong, Y
2019 Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
1 (25), pp. 109.e1-109.e6
25. Evaluation of a Commercial Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Kit and In-House Cysteine Proteinases-Based Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays for Diagnosis of Human Fascioliasis. Tran, NTD
Ton Nu, PA
Intuyod, K
Dao, LTK
Pinlaor, P
Nawa, Y
Choowongkomon, K
Geadkaew-Krenc, A
Kosa, N
Grams, R
Pinlaor, S
2019 The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
3 (100), pp. 591-598

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Discovery of Paragonimus proliferus in Northern Vietnam and their molecular phylogenetic status among genus Paragonimus Pham Ngoc Doanh
Akio Shinohara
Yoichiro Horii
Shigehisa Habe
Yukifumi Nawa
Nguyen Thi Le
4.0 (102.0), pp. 677.0-683.0
16 0 0 0 0 0 16
2. Confirmation of the paraphyletic relationship between families Opisthorchiidae and Heterophyidae using small and large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences Urusa Thaenkham
Yukifumi Nawa
David Blair
Wallop Pakdee
4.0 (60.0), pp. 521.0-523.0
27 0 0 0 0 0 27
3. Human paragonimiasis in Viet Nam: Epidemiological survey and identification of the responsible species by DNA sequencing of eggs in patients' sputum Pham Ngoc Doanh
Do Trung Dung
Dang Thi Cam Thach
Yoichiro Horii
Akio Shinohara
Yukifumi Nawa
4.0 (60.0), pp. 534.0-537.0
34 0 0 0 0 0 34
4. Molecular identification of a causative parasite.species using formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues of a complicated human pulmonary sparganosis case without decisive clinical diagnosis Supinda Koonmee
Pewpan M. Intapan
Hiroshi Yamasaki
Hiromu Sugiyama
Maki Muto
Toshiaki Kuramochi
Jurairat Kularbkeaw
Jaturat Kanpittaya
Wanchai Maleewong
Yukifumi Nawa
4.0 (60.0), pp. 460.0-464.0
29 0 0 0 0 0 29
5. Neurognathostomiasis, a Neglected Parasitosis of the Central Nervous System Juri Katchanov
Kittisak Sawanyawisuth
Verajit Chotmongkol
Yukifumi Nawa
7.0 (17.0), pp. 1174.0-1180.0
49 0 0 0 0 0 49
6. Rapid and simple identification of human pathogenic heterophyid intestinal fluke metacercariae by PCR-RFLP Urusa Thaenkham
Orawan Phuphisut
Wallop Pakdee
Nirundorn Homsuwan
Surapol Sa-nguankiat
Jitra Waikagul
Yukifumi Nawa
Do Trung Dung
4.0 (60.0), pp. 503.0-506.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
7. Co-existence of Paragonimus harinasutai and Paragonimus bangkokensis metacercariae in fresh water crab hosts in central Viet Nam with special emphasis on their close phylogenetic relationship Pham Ngoc Doanh
Hoang Van Hien
Nariaki Nonaka
Yoichiro Horii
Yukifumi Nawa
3.0 (61.0), pp. 399.0-404.0
17 0 0 0 0 0 17
8. Discovery of human opisthorchiasis: A mysterious history Banchob Sripa
Yukifumi Nawa
Paiboon Sithithaworn
Ross Andrews
Paul J. Brindley
1.0 (61.0), pp. 3.0-4.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
9. Rapid detection and differentiation of Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis viverrini eggs in human fecal samples using a duplex real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer PCR and melting curve analysis Oranuch Sanpool
Pewpan M. Intapan
Tongjit Thanchomnang
Penchom Janwan
Viraphong Lulitanond
Pham Ngoc Doanh
Hoang Van Hien
Do Trung Dung
Wanchai Maleewong
Yukifumi Nawa
1.0 (111.0), pp. 89.0-96.0
32 0 0 0 0 0 32
10. Short Report: Molecular Identification of a Case of Paragonimus pseudoheterotremus Infection in Thailand Pewpan M. Intapan
Oranuch Sanpool
Tongjit Thanchomnang
Kanokwan Imtawil
Chatlert Pongchaiyakul
Yukifumi Nawa
Wanchai Maleewong
4.0 (87.0), pp. 706.0-709.0
19 0 0 0 0 0 19
11. Structural and Binding Properties of Two Paralogous Fatty Acid Binding Proteins of Taenia solium Metacestode Seon-Hee Kim
Young-An Bae
Hyun-Jong Yang
Joo-Ho Shin
Sylvia Paz Diaz-Camacho
Yukifumi Nawa
Insug Kang
Yoon Kong
10.0 (6.0), pp.
15 0 0 0 0 0 15
12. The current status of opisthorchiasis and clonorchiasis in the Mekong Basin Paiboon Sithithaworn
Ross H. Andrews
Nguyen Van De
Thitima Wongsaroj
Muth Sinuon
Peter Odermatt
Yukifumi Nawa
Song Liang
Paul J. Brindley
Banchob Sripa
1.0 (61.0), pp. 10.0-16.0
234 0 0 0 0 0 234
13. Application of Recombinant Gnathostoma spinigerum Matrix Metalloproteinase-Like Protein for Serodiagnosis of Human Gnathostomiasis by Immunoblotting Penchom Janwan
Pewpan M. Intapan
Hiroshi Yamasaki
Porntip Laummaunwai
Kittisak Sawanyawisuth
Chaisiri Wongkham
Chatchai Tayapiwatana
Amnat Kitkhuandee
Viraphong Lulitanond
Yukifumi Nawa
Wanchai Maleewong
1.0 (89.0), pp. 63.0-67.0
11 0 0 0 0 0 11
14. A Recombinant Matrix Metalloproteinase Protein from Gnathostoma spinigerum for Serodiagnosis of Neurognathostomiasis Penchom Janwan
Pewpan M. Intapan
Hiroshi Yamasaki
Porntip Laummaunwai
Kittisak Sawanyawisuth
Chaisiri Wongkham
Chatchai Tayapiwatana
Amnat Kitkhuandee
Viraphong Lulitanond
Yukifumi Nawa
Wanchai Maleewong
6.0 (51.0), pp. 751.0-754.0
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
15. Comprehensive Review of Ocular Angiostrongyliasis with Special Reference to Optic Neuritis Ying Feng
Yukifumi Nawa
Kittisak Sawanyavisuth
Zhiyue Lv
Zhong-Dao Wu
6.0 (51.0), pp. 613.0-619.0
12 0 0 0 0 0 12
16. Discovery of Paragonimus skrjabini in Vietnam and its phylogenetic status in the Paragonimus skrjabini complex P. N. Doanh
H. V. Hien
N. Nonaka
Y. Horii
Y. Nawa
4.0 (87.0), pp. 450.0-456.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
17. Fatty acid compositions of Taenia solium metacestode and its surrounding tissues Seon-Hee Kim
Young-An Bae
Jin-Sik Nam
Yichao Yang
Yukifumi Nawa
Yoon Kong
1.0 (62.0), pp. 75.0-78.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
18. Genetically variant populations of Paragonimus proliferus Hsia & Chen, 1964 from central Vietnam P. N. Doanh
H. V. Hien
N. Nonaka
Y. Horii
Y. Nawa
2.0 (87.0), pp. 141.0-146.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
19. Molecular Variation in the Paragonimus heterotremus Complex in Thailand and Myanmar Oranuch Sanpool
Pewpan M. Intapan
Tongjit Thanchomnang
Penchom Janwan
Yukifumi Nawa
David Blair
Wanchai Maleewong
6.0 (51.0), pp. 677.0-681.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
20. Natural hybridization between Paragonimus bangkokensis and Paragonimus harinasutai Pham Ngoc Doanh
Zhihong Guo
Nariaki Nonaka
Yoichiro Horii
Yukifumi Nawa
3.0 (62.0), pp. 240.0-245.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
21. Paragonimus and Paragonimiasis in Vietnam: an Update Pham Ngoc Doanh
Yoichiro Horii
Yukifumi Nawa
6.0 (51.0), pp. 621.0-627.0
7 0 0 0 0 0 7
22. Paragonimus paishuihoensis Metacercariae in Freshwater Crabs, Potamon lipkei, in Vientiane Province, Lao PDR Shigehisa Habe
Pham Ngoc Doanh
Shinichiro Yahiro
Nanthasane Vannavong
Hubert Barennes
Peter Odermatt
Gilles Dreyfuss
Yoichiro Horii
Yukifumi Nawa
6.0 (51.0), pp. 683.0-687.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
23. Bile canalicular changes and defective bile secretion in Opisthorchis viverrini-infected hamsters Lakhanawan Charoensuk
Porntip Pinlaor
Umawadee Laothong
Puangrat Yongvanit
Chawalit Pairojkul
Yukifumi Nawa
Somchai Pinlaor
6.0 (61.0), pp. 512.0-522.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
Sunpetch Angkititrakul
Nitchatorn Panomai
Netchanok Jiwakanon
Wanlaya Wongchanthong
Surang Dejsirilert
Yukifumi Nawa
5.0 (45.0), pp. 1173.0-1181.0
9 0 0 0 0 0 9
25. Spontaneous Cure after Natural Infection with Gnathostoma turgidum (Nematoda) in Virginia Opossums (Didelphis virginiana) Hilario Torres-Montoya
Xochilth Galaviz-Renteria
Hipolito Castillo-Ureta
Hector Lopez-Moreno
Yukifumi Nawa
Angel Bojorquez-Contreras
Sergio Sanchez-Gonzalez
Sylvia Diaz-Camacho
Rodrigo Rocha-Tirado
Jose Rendon-Maldonado
2.0 (50.0), pp. 344.0-348.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
26. Is Opisthorchis viverrini an avian liver fluke? Y. Nawa
P. N. Doanh
U. Thaenkham
2.0 (89.0), pp. 255.0-256.0
17 1 0 0 0 0 18
27. Metacercarial polymorphism and genetic variation of Paragonimus heterotremus (Digenea: Paragonimidae), and a re-appraisal of the taxonomic status of Paragonimus pseudoheterotremus P. N. Doanh
U. Thaenkham
P. T. An
H. V. Hien
Y. Horii
Y. Nawa
2.0 (89.0), pp. 182.0-188.0
5 1 0 0 0 0 6
28. Patient-reported quality of life after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation or chemotherapy for acute leukemia S. Kurosawa
T. Yamaguchi
T. Mori
H. Kanamori
Y. Onishi
N. Emi
S. Fujisawa
A. Kohno
C. Nakaseko
B. Saito
T. Kondo
M. Hino
Y. Nawa
S. Kato
A. Hashimoto
T. Fukuda
9.0 (50.0), pp. 1241.0-1249.0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1
29. A molecular phylogeny of Asian species of the genus Metagonimus (Digenea)-small intestinal flukes-based on representative Japanese populations Siritavee Pornruseetairatn
Hideto Kino
Takeshi Shimazu
Yukifumi Nawa
Toma Scholz
Jiraporn Ruangsittichai
Naowarat Tanomsing Saralamba
Urusa Thaenkham
3.0 (115.0), pp. 1123.0-1130.0
20 0 0 0 0 0 20
30. Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis spp. in Vietnam: current status and prospects Pham N. Doanh
Yukifumi Nawa
1.0 (110.0), pp. 13.0-20.0
37 1 0 0 0 0 38
31. Cross-Reactivity Pattern of Asian and American Human Gnathostomiasis in Western Blot Assays Using Crude Antigens Prepared from Gnathostoma spinigerum and Gnathostoma binucleatum Third-Stage Larvae Andreas Neumayr
Jose Ollague
Francisco Bravo
Eduardo Gotuzzo
Pedro Jimenez
Scott A. Norton
Pham Ngoc Doanh
Yukifumi Nawa
Yoichiro Horii
Beatrice Nickel
Hanspeter Marti
2.0 (95.0), pp. 413.0-416.0
13 0 0 0 0 0 13
32. Gene diversity and genetic variation in lung flukes (genus Paragonimus) David Blair
Yukifumi Nawa
Makedonka Mitreva
Pham Ngoc Doanh
1.0 (110.0), pp. 6.0-12.0
22 1 0 0 0 0 23
33. Molecular and morphological variation of Paragonimus westermani in Vietnam with records of new second intermediate crab hosts and a new locality in a northern province N. Pham Doanh
A. Luu Tu
T. Dung Bui
T. Ho Loan
Nariaki Nonaka
Yoichiro Horii
David Blair
Yukifumi Nawa
12.0 (143.0), pp. 1639.0-1646.0
7 0 0 0 0 0 7
34. Molecular identification of the trematode Paragonimus in faecal samples from the wild cat Prionailurus bengalensis in the Da Krong Nature Reserve, Vietnam P. N. Doanh
H. V. Hien
L. A. Tu
N. Nonaka
Y. Horii
Y. Nawa
6.0 (90.0), pp. 658.0-662.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
35. Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Incidence, risk factors and outcomes K. Yakushijin
Y. Atsuta
N. Doki
A. Yokota
H. Kanamori
T. Miyamoto
C. Ohwada
K. Miyamura
Y. Nawa
M. Kurokawa
I. Mizuno
T. Mori
M. Onizuka
J. Taguchi
T. Ichinohe
H. Yabe
Y. Morishima
K. Kato
R. Suzuki
T. Fukuda
3.0 (51.0), pp. 403.0-409.0
0 2 0 0 0 0 2
36. A historical review of small liver fluke infections in humans Banchob Sripa
Smarr Tesana
Natalia Yurlova
Yukifumi Nawa
4.0 (66.0), pp. 337.0-340.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37. Giardia duodenalis genotypes among schoolchildren and their families and pets in urban and rural areas of Sinaloa, Mexico Patricia Catalina Garcia-Cervantes
Maria Elena Baez-Flores
Francisco Delgado-Vargas
Martha Ponce-Macotela
Yukifumi Nawa
Maria del Carmen de-la-Cruz-Otero
Mario N. Martinez-Gordillo
Sylvia Piaz Diaz-Camacho
2.0 (11.0), pp. 180.0-187.0
18 0 0 0 0 0 18
38. Ocular Gnathostomiasis-Update of Earlier Survey Yukifumi Nawa
Masahide Yoshikawa
Kittisak Sawanyawisuth
Verajit Chotmongkol
Sandra Fernandez Figueiras
Maria Benavides
Sylvia Paz Diaz Camacho
4.0 (97.0), pp. 1232.0-1234.0
12 0 0 0 0 0 12
39. An Overview of Fish-borne Nematodiases among Returned Travelers for Recent 25 Years-Unexpected Diseases Sometimes Far Away from the Origin Jorge Costa Eiras
Gilberto Cezar Pavanelli
Ricardo Massato Takemoto
Yukifumi Nawa
3.0 (56.0), pp. 215.0-227.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
40. Case Report: Ocular Gnathostomiasis in Venezuela Most Likely Acquired in Texas Maria Alejandra Benavides
Maria Belisa Baldo
Shachar Tauber
Sandra Fernandez Figueiras
Renzo Nino Incani
Yukifumi Nawa
4.0 (99.0), pp. 1028.0-1032.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41. First intermediate hosts of Paragonimus spp. in Vietnam and identification of intramolluscan stages of different Paragonimus species Pham Ngoc Doanh
Luu Anh Tu
Hoang Van Hien
Nguyen Van Duc
Yoichiro Horii
David Blair
Yukifumi Nawa
(11.0), pp.
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
42. Fish-borne nematodiases in South America: neglected emerging diseases J. C. Eiras
G. C. Pavanelli
R. M. Takemoto
Y. Nawa
6.0 (92.0), pp. 649.0-654.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
Win Win Maw
Aye Chan Moe
Thidarut Boonmars
Yukifumi Nawa
4.0 (49.0), pp. 543.0-548.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
44. Human Sparganosis in Korea Jeong-Geun Kim
Chun-Seob Ahn
Woon-Mok Sohn
Yukifumi Nawa
Yoon Kong
44.0 (33.0), pp.
7 0 0 0 0 0 7
Shigehisa Habe
Poul Newton
Manivanh Vongsouvaht
Yoichiro Horii
Pham Ngoc Doanh
Yukifumi Nawa
1.0 (49.0), pp. 1.0-5.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
46. Clonorchis sinensis omega-class glutathione transferases are reliable biomarkers for serodiagnosis of clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis J. -G. Kim
C. -S. Ahn
B. Sripa
K. S. Eom
I. Kang
W. -M. Sohn
Y. Nawa
Y. Kong
1.0 (25.0), pp.
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
47. Evaluation of a Commercial Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Kit and In-House Fasciola gigantica Cysteine Proteinases-Based Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays for Diagnosis of Human Fascioliasis Na T. D. Tran
Phuong Anh Ton Nu
Kitti Intuyod
Ly T. K. Dao
Porntip Pinlaor
Yukifumi Nawa
Kiattawee Choowongkomon
Amornrat Geadkaew-Krenc
Nanthawat Kosa
Rudi Grams
Somchai Pinlaor
3.0 (100.0), pp. 591.0-598.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48. Asymptomatic Human Paragonimiasis among the Karen People in Tak Province, Thailand: A Case Report Teera Kusolsuk
Orawan Phuphisut
Wanna Maipanich
Somchit Pubampen
Surapol Sa-nguankiat
Akkarin Poodeepiyasawat
Nirundorn Homsuwan
Srisuchart Mongkolmoo
Tippayarat Yoonuan
Poom Adisakwattana
Udomsak Silachamroon
Yukifumi Nawa
1.0 (58.0), pp. 57.0-+
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49. Pruritic Cutaneous Nematodiasis Caused by Avian Eyeworm Oxyspirura Larvae, Vietnam Do T. Dung
Nguyen T. Hop
Tran H. Tho
Yukifumi Nawa
Pham N. Doanh
4.0 (26.0), pp. 786.0-788.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Paragonimus bangkokensis and P. harinasutai: Reappraisal of Phylogenetic Status Yukifumi Nawa
Pham Ngoc Doanh
The Journal of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
(32 No 2), pp. 87-96
2. Ocular Gnathostomiasis: A Comprehensive Review Yukifumi Nawa
Juri Katchanov
Masahide Yoshikawa
Wichit Rojekittikhun
Paron Dekumyoy
Teera Kusolusuk
Dorn Wattanakulpanich
The Journal of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
(33 No 2), pp. 77-86

Title Authors NRIIS type Year NRIIS Scholarship
