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1. Evidence-based approach to the medical management of trigeminal neuralgia Jorns, T.P. 2007
2. Interventions for the management of post-endodontic pain Siritapetawee, M.
Chailertvanitkul, P.
Jorns, T.P.
Ngamjarus, C.
3. Patient led conferences - Who attends, are their expectations met and do they vary in three different countries? Jorns, T.P.
Spatz, A.L.
4. Pilot study to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of levetiracetam (Keppra®) in treatment of patients with trigeminal neuralgia Jorns, T.P. 2009
5. Which oropharyngeal factors are significant risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea? An age-matched study and dentist perspectives Ruangsri, S.
Jorns, T.P.
Sawanyawisuth, K.
6. Risk and association of HLA with oxcarbazepine-induced cutaneous adverse reactions in Asians Tassaneeyakul, W.
Jorns, T.P.
7. Trigeminal neuropathic pain and orofacial neuralgias Jorns, T.P. 2017
8. Intra-operative findings in microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia Kitkhuandee, A.
Jorns, T.P.
Thanapaisal, C.
9. Age estimation in three distinct east Asian population groups using southern Han Chinese dental reference dataset Jorns, T.P. 2019
10. Comparative efficacy of multiplane force application and ischemic compression on masticatory muscles: A randomized controlled trial Boonprakob, Y.
Jorns, T.P.
Paphangkorakit, J.
Pitiphat, W.
11. Opiorphin level in unstimulated whole saliva of burning mouth syndrome patients Ruangsri, S.
Jorns, T.P.
Chaiyarit, P.
12. Profiling of patients presenting with trigeminal neuralgia and outcomes of medical management in a tertiary care center Sarideechaigul, W.
Kitkhuandee, A.
Siritapetawee, M.
Jorns, T.P.
13. Single-dose botulinum toxin as adjunctive treatment for trigeminal neuralgia: A pilot study Jorns, T.P.
Tiamkao, S.
Kitkhuandee, A.
Noisombut, R.
14. Validity and reliability testing of the e-san version of the short-form mcgill pain questionnaire in musculoskeletal, neuropathic and odontogenic pain Jorns, T.P.
Puasiri, S.
15. Effectiveness of the intervention using group empowering self-management on patients with burning mouth syndrome Sarideechaigul, W.
Jorns, T.P.
Ruangsri, S.
Count 15 0 0 0

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
1. Evidence-based approach to the medical management of trigeminal neuralgia Jorns, T.P. 2007 British Journal of Neurosurgery
3 (21), pp. 253-261
2. Interventions for the management of post-endodontic pain Siritapetawee, M.
Chailertvanitkul, P.
Jorns, T.P.
Ngamjarus, C.
2009 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
4 (), pp.
3. Patient led conferences - Who attends, are their expectations met and do they vary in three different countries? Jorns, T.P.
Spatz, A.L.
2009 European Journal of Pain
5 (13), pp. 486-491
4. Pilot study to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of levetiracetam (Keppra®) in treatment of patients with trigeminal neuralgia Jorns, T.P. 2009 European Journal of Neurology
6 (16), pp. 740-744
5. Which oropharyngeal factors are significant risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea? An age-matched study and dentist perspectives Ruangsri, S.
Jorns, T.P.
Sawanyawisuth, K.
2016 Nature and Science of Sleep
(8), pp. 215-219
6. Risk and association of HLA with oxcarbazepine-induced cutaneous adverse reactions in Asians Tassaneeyakul, W.
Jorns, T.P.
2017 Neurology
1 (88), pp. 78-86
7. Trigeminal neuropathic pain and orofacial neuralgias Jorns, T.P. 2017 Orofacial Disorders: Current Therapies in Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
(), pp. 213-222
8. Intra-operative findings in microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia Kitkhuandee, A.
Jorns, T.P.
Thanapaisal, C.
2018 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
5 (101), pp. S163-S166
9. Age estimation in three distinct east Asian population groups using southern Han Chinese dental reference dataset Jorns, T.P. 2019 BMC Oral Health
1 (19), pp.
10. Comparative efficacy of multiplane force application and ischemic compression on masticatory muscles: A randomized controlled trial Boonprakob, Y.
Jorns, T.P.
Paphangkorakit, J.
Pitiphat, W.
2019 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
6 (102), pp. 106-112
11. Opiorphin level in unstimulated whole saliva of burning mouth syndrome patients Ruangsri, S.
Jorns, T.P.
Chaiyarit, P.
2019 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
4 (102), pp. 63-67
12. Profiling of patients presenting with trigeminal neuralgia and outcomes of medical management in a tertiary care center Sarideechaigul, W.
Kitkhuandee, A.
Siritapetawee, M.
Jorns, T.P.
2019 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
4 (102), pp. 57-62
13. Single-dose botulinum toxin as adjunctive treatment for trigeminal neuralgia: A pilot study Jorns, T.P.
Tiamkao, S.
Kitkhuandee, A.
Noisombut, R.
2019 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
4 (102), pp. 68-74
14. Validity and reliability testing of the e-san version of the short-form mcgill pain questionnaire in musculoskeletal, neuropathic and odontogenic pain Jorns, T.P.
Puasiri, S.
2019 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
4 (102), pp. 75-81
15. Effectiveness of the intervention using group empowering self-management on patients with burning mouth syndrome Sarideechaigul, W.
Jorns, T.P.
Ruangsri, S.
2020 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
1 (103), pp. 19-23

Title Authors Year Journal title

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม

Title Authors Year Journal title

ชื่อโครงการ Authors ประเภทโครงการ ปีงบประมาณ ทุนวิจับ
