ศ.ดร.ทพญ. ปัทมา ชัยเลิศวณิชกุล นาถะภักติ

ศ.ดร.ทพญ. ปัทมา ชัยเลิศวณิชกุล นาถะภักติ

6602593503: H-INDEX 11


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. An assessment of microbial coronal leakage in teeth root filled with gutta-percha and three different sealers. Chailertvanitkul, P.
Saunders, W.P.
MacKenzie, D.F.
2. An in vitro study of the coronal leakage of two root canal sealers using an obligate anaerobe microbial marker Chailertvanitkul, P
Saunders, WP
MacKenzie, D
Weetman, DA
3. The effect of smear layer on microbial coronal leakage of gutta-percha root fillings. Chailertvanitkul, P
Saunders, WP
MacKenzie, D
4. The effect of smear layer on microbial coronal leakage of gutt-percha root fillings Chailertvanitkul, P.
Saunders, W.P.
MacKenzie, D.F.
5. An evaluation of microbial coronal leakage in the restored pulp chamber of root-canal treated multirooted teeth Chailertvanitkul, P
Saunders, WP
Saunders, EM
MacKenzie, D
6. Coronal leakage in teeth root-filled with gutta-percha and two different sealers after long-term storage Chailertvanitkul, P
Saunders, WP
MacKenzie, D
7. Coronal leakage of obturated root canals after long-term storage using a polymicrobial marker Chailertvanitkul, P
Saunders, WP
MacKenzie, D
8. Polymicrobial coronal leakage of super EBA root-end fillings following two methods of root-end preparation. Chailertvanitkul, P.
Saunders, W.P.
Saunders, E.M.
MacKenzie, D.F.
9. Bacterial and Dye Penetration through Interim Restorations Used During Endodontic Treatment of Molar Teeth Chailertvanitkul, P.
Riley, T.V.
Sooksuntisakoonchai, N.
10. Interventions for the management of post-endodontic pain Siritapetawee, M.
Chailertvanitkul, P.
Jorns, T.P.
Ngamjarus, C.
11. Decoronation as a treatment option for replacement root resorption following severe intrusive trauma: a case report. Mahakunakorn, N
Chailertvanitkul, P
Kongsomboon, S
Tungkulboriboon, J
12. Randomized control trial comparing calcium hydroxide and mineral trioxide aggregate for partial pulpotomies in cariously exposed pulps of permanent molars Chailertvanitkul, P.
Paphangkorakit, J.
Pumas, N.
Leela-apiradee, N.
13. การพัฒนาประเทศด้วยเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัล เศรษฐพงศ์ มะลิสุวรรณ
ประสาน ประวัติรุ่งเรือง
ปัทมา ชัยเลิศวณิชกุล
นันทพร ดำรงพงศ์
องค์อาจ ประภากมล
14. The preservative effect of Thai propolis extract on the viability of human periodontal ligament cells Prueksakorn, A
Puasiri, S
Ruangsri, S
Makeudom, A
Sastraruji, T
Krisanaprakornkit, S
Chailertvanitkul, P
15. Inhibitory effect of Thai propolis on human osteoclastogenesis Sastraruji, T.
Chailertvanitkul, P.
Supanchart, C.
16. Promotion of Dental Pulp Wound Healing in New Zealand White Rabbits' Teeth by Thai Propolis Product. Likitpongpipat, N
Sangmaneedet, S
Klanrit, P
Noisombut, R
Krisanaprakornkit, S
Chailertvanitkul, P
17. Supplementary techniques for pain control during root canal treatment of lower posterior teeth with irreversible pulpitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Pinpana Tupyota
Pattama Chailertvanitkul
Malinee Laopaiboon
Chetta Ngamjarus
Paul V. Abbott
Suttichai Krisanaprakornkit
18. Promotion of Dental Pulp Wound Healing in New Zealand White Rabbits’ Teeth by Thai Propolis Product Nattriya Likitpongpipat
Somboon Sangmaneedet
Poramaporn Klanrit
Rajda Noisombut
Suttichai Krisanaprakornkit
Pattama Chailertvanitkul
Count 14 13 6 1

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
1. An assessment of microbial coronal leakage in teeth root filled with gutta-percha and three different sealers Chailertvanitkul, P.
Saunders, W.P.
MacKenzie, D.F.
1996 International Endodontic Journal
6 (29), pp. 387-392
2. An in vitro study of the coronal leakage of two root canal sealers using an obligate anaerobe microbial marker Chailertvanitkul, P.
Saunders, W.P.
MacKenzie, D.F.
1996 International Endodontic Journal
4 (29), pp. 249-255
3. The effect of smear layer on microbial coronal leakage of gutt-percha root fillings Chailertvanitkul, P.
Saunders, W.P.
MacKenzie, D.F.
1996 International Endodontic Journal
4 (29), pp. 242-248
4. An evaluation of microbial coronal leakage in the restored pulp chamber of root-canal treated multirooted teeth Chailertvanitkul, P.
Saunders, W.P.
Saunders, E.M.
MacKenzie, D.F.
1997 International Endodontic Journal
5 (30), pp. 318-322
5. Coronal leakage in teeth root-filled with gutta-percha and two different sealers after long-term storage Chailertvanitkul, P.
Saunders, W.P.
MacKenzie, D.F.
1997 Endodontics and Dental Traumatology
2 (13), pp. 82-87
6. Coronal leakage of obturated root canals after long-term storage using a polymicrobial marker Chailertvanitkul, P.
Saunders, W.P.
MacKenzie, D.F.
1997 Journal of Endodontics
10 (23), pp. 610-613
7. Polymicrobial coronal leakage of super EBA root-end fillings following two methods of root-end preparation Chailertvanitkul, P.
Saunders, W.P.
Saunders, E.M.
MacKenzie, D.F.
1998 International Endodontic Journal
5 (31), pp. 348-352
8. Bacterial and Dye Penetration through Interim Restorations Used During Endodontic Treatment of Molar Teeth Chailertvanitkul, P.
Riley, T.V.
Sooksuntisakoonchai, N.
2009 Journal of Endodontics
7 (35), pp. 1017-1022
9. Interventions for the management of post-endodontic pain Siritapetawee, M.
Chailertvanitkul, P.
Jorns, T.P.
Ngamjarus, C.
2009 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
4 (), pp.
10. Randomized control trial comparing calcium hydroxide and mineral trioxide aggregate for partial pulpotomies in cariously exposed pulps of permanent molars Chailertvanitkul, P.
Paphangkorakit, J.
Pumas, N.
Leela-apiradee, N.
2014 International Endodontic Journal
9 (47), pp. 835-842
11. The preservative effect of Thai propolis extract on the viability of human periodontal ligament cells Ruangsri, S.
Sastraruji, T.
Chailertvanitkul, P.
2016 Dental Traumatology
6 (32), pp. 495-501
12. Inhibitory effect of Thai propolis on human osteoclastogenesis Sastraruji, T.
Chailertvanitkul, P.
Supanchart, C.
2018 Dental Traumatology
4 (34), pp. 237-244
13. Supplementary techniques for pain control during root canal treatment of lower posterior teeth with irreversible pulpitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Chailertvanitkul, P.
Laopaiboon, M.
Ngamjarus, C.
2018 Australian Endodontic Journal
1 (44), pp. 14-25
14. Promotion of Dental Pulp Wound Healing in New Zealand White Rabbits’ Teeth by Thai Propolis Product Sangmaneedet, S.
Chailertvanitkul, P.
2019 Journal of Veterinary Dentistry
1 (36), pp. 17-24

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. An assessment of microbial coronal leakage in teeth root filled with gutta-percha and three different sealers. Chailertvanitkul, P
Saunders, WP
Mackenzie, D
1996 International endodontic journal
6 (29), pp. 387-92
2. An in vitro study of the coronal leakage of two root canal sealers using an obligate anaerobe microbial marker. Chailertvanitkul, P
Saunders, WP
MacKenzie, D
Weetman, DA
1996 International endodontic journal
4 (29), pp. 249-55
3. The effect of smear layer on microbial coronal leakage of gutta-percha root fillings. Chailertvanitkul, P
Saunders, WP
MacKenzie, D
1996 International endodontic journal
4 (29), pp. 242-8
4. Coronal leakage in teeth root-filled with gutta-percha and two different sealers after long-term storage. Chailertvanitkul, P
Saunders, WP
MacKenzie, D
1997 Endodontics & dental traumatology
2 (13), pp. 82-7
5. An evaluation of microbial coronal leakage in the restored pulp chamber of root-canal treated multirooted teeth. Chailertvanitkul, P
Saunders, WP
Saunders, EM
MacKenzie, D
1997 International endodontic journal
5 (30), pp. 318-22
6. Coronal leakage of obturated root canals after long-term storage using a polymicrobial marker. Chailertvanitkul, P
Saunders, WP
MacKenzie, D
1997 Journal of endodontics
10 (23), pp. 610-3
7. Polymicrobial coronal leakage of super EBA root-end fillings following two methods of root-end preparation. Chailertvanitkul, P
Saunders, WP
Saunders, EM
MacKenzie, D
1998 International endodontic journal
5 (31), pp. 348-53
8. Bacterial and dye penetration through interim restorations used during endodontic treatment of molar teeth. Chailertvanitkul, P
Abbott, PV
Riley, TV
Sooksuntisakoonchai, N
2009 Journal of endodontics
7 (35), pp. 1017-22
9. Decoronation as a treatment option for replacement root resorption following severe intrusive trauma: a case report. Mahakunakorn, N
Chailertvanitkul, P
Kongsomboon, S
Tungkulboriboon, J
2014 Oral health and dental management
2 (13), pp. 266-70
10. Randomized control trial comparing calcium hydroxide and mineral trioxide aggregate for partial pulpotomies in cariously exposed pulps of permanent molars. Chailertvanitkul, P
Paphangkorakit, J
Sooksantisakoonchai, N
Pumas, N
Pairojamornyoot, W
Leela-Apiradee, N
Abbott, PV
2014 International endodontic journal
9 (47), pp. 835-42
11. The preservative effect of Thai propolis extract on the viability of human periodontal ligament cells. Prueksakorn, A
Puasiri, S
Ruangsri, S
Makeudom, A
Sastraruji, T
Krisanaprakornkit, S
Chailertvanitkul, P
2016 Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology
6 (32), pp. 495-501
12. Promotion of Dental Pulp Wound Healing in New Zealand White Rabbits' Teeth by Thai Propolis Product. Likitpongpipat, N
Sangmaneedet, S
Klanrit, P
Noisombut, R
Krisanaprakornkit, S
Chailertvanitkul, P
2018 Journal of veterinary dentistry
(), pp. 898756418818891
13. Supplementary techniques for pain control during root canal treatment of lower posterior teeth with irreversible pulpitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Tupyota, P
Chailertvanitkul, P
Laopaiboon, M
Ngamjarus, C
Abbott, PV
Krisanaprakornkit, S
2018 Australian endodontic journal : the journal of the Australian Society of Endodontology Inc
1 (44), pp. 14-25

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
1. Bacterial and Dye Penetration through Interim Restorations Used During Endodontic Treatment of Molar Teeth Pattama Chailertvanitkul
Paul V. Abbott
Thomas V. Riley
Namchai Sooksuntisakoonchai
7.0 (35.0), pp. 1017.0-1022.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
2. Randomized control trial comparing calcium hydroxide and mineral trioxide aggregate for partial pulpotomies in cariously exposed pulps of permanent molars P. Chailertvanitkul
J. Paphangkorakit
N. Sooksantisakoonchai
N. Pumas
W. Pairojamornyoot
N. Leela-apiradee
P. V. Abbott
9.0 (47.0), pp. 835.0-842.0
27 0 0 0 0 0 27
3. The preservative effect of Thai propolis extract on the viability of human periodontal ligament cells Attaporn Prueksakorn
Subin Puasiri
Supanigar Ruangsri
Anupong Makeudom
Thanapat Sastraruji
Suttichai Krisanaprakornkit
Pattama Chailertvanitkul
6.0 (32.0), pp. 495.0-501.0
18 0 0 0 0 0 18
4. Inhibitory effect of Thai propolis on human osteoclastogenesis Nattaporn Wimolsantirungsri
Anupong Makeudom
Phumisak Louwakul
Thanapat Sastraruji
Pattama Chailertvanitkul
Chayarop Supanchart
Suttichai Krisanaprakornkit
4.0 (34.0), pp. 237.0-244.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
5. Supplementary techniques for pain control during root canal treatment of lower posterior teeth with irreversible pulpitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Pinpana Tupyota
Pattama Chailertvanitkul
Malinee Laopaiboon
Chetta Ngamjarus
Paul V. Abbott
Suttichai Krisanaprakornkit
1.0 (44.0), pp. 14.0-25.0
16 0 0 0 0 0 16
6. Promotion of Dental Pulp Wound Healing in New Zealand White Rabbits' Teeth by Thai Propolis Product Nattriya Likitpongpipat
Somboon Sangmaneedet
Poramaporn Klanrit
Rajda Noisombut
Suttichai Krisanaprakornkit
Pattama Chailertvanitkul
1.0 (36.0), pp. 17.0-24.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. การพัฒนาประเทศด้วยเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัล เศรษฐพงศ์ มะลิสุวรรณ
ประสาน ประวัติรุ่งเรือง
ปัทมา ชัยเลิศวณิชกุล
นันทพร ดำรงพงศ์
องค์อาจ ประภากมล
2015 National Defence Studies Institute Journal
(6 No 3), pp. 14-18

ชื่อโครงการ Authors ประเภทโครงการ ปีงบประมาณ ทุนวิจับ
1. การเปรียบเทียบประสิทธิผลการหายของแผลในการปิดทับเนื้อเยื่อในฟันโดยตรงด้วยผลิตภัณฑ์พรอพอลิสไทยและแคลเซียมไฮดรอกไซด์ในกระต่ายสายพันธุ์นิวซีแลนด์ไวท์ รศ.ทพญ. ปัทมา ชัยเลิศวณิชกุล
รศ.ดร.ทพ. จรินทร์ ปภังกรกิจ
โครงการย่อย ภายใต้ชุดโครงการวิจัย 2557 ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2557
2. การผลิตผลิตภัณฑ์พรอพอลิสไทยเป็นวัสดุทางทันตกรรมสำหรับปิดเนื้อเยื่อในฟันของมนุษย์ และทดสอบผลิตภัณฑ์กับการหายของแผลเมื่อใช้ปิดเนื้อเยื่อในฟันของสุนัข รศ.ดร.ภญ. จอมใจ พีรพัฒนา
รศ.ทพญ. ปัทมา ชัยเลิศวณิชกุล
โครงการย่อย ภายใต้ชุดโครงการวิจัย 2557 ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2557
3. การพัฒนาพรอพอลิสไทยเป็นวัสดุปิดเนื้อเยื่อในทางทันตกรรม รศ.ทพญ. ปัทมา ชัยเลิศวณิชกุล
ชุดโครงการวิจัย 2557 ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2557
4. ผลสำเร็จทางคลินิกของผลิตภัณฑ์พรอพอลิสไทยเมื่อใช้ปิดเนื้อเยื่อในฟันของมนุษย์ รศ.ทพญ. ปัทมา ชัยเลิศวณิชกุล
โครงการ 2558 ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2558
5. ผลของสารสกัดพรอพอลิสไทยเมื่อใช้เป็นสารตัวกลางแช่ฟันหลุดออกจากเบ้าต่อความมีชีวิตของเซลล์เอ็นยึดปริทันต์ของฟันมนุษย์ รศ.ทพญ. ปัทมา ชัยเลิศวณิชกุล
รศ.ดร. ธีระศักดิ์ ดำรงรุ่งเรือง
นางสาวธัญญลักษณ์ โหตระไวศยะ
โครงการ 2561 ทุนงบประมาณแผ่นดินประจำปี 2561 (งบบูรณาการวิจัยและนวัตกรรม)
