ผศ.ดร. เกศินี สราญฤทธิชัย

ผศ.ดร. เกศินี สราญฤทธิชัย

14020669100: H-INDEX 6


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. Adolescent sexual health behavior in Thailand: implications for prevention of cervical cancer. Saranrittichai, K
Sritanyarat, W
Ayuwat, D
2. Early experience of sexual intercourse--a risk factor for cervical cancer requiring specific intervention for teenagers. Kanato, M
Saranrittichai, K
3. Use of lay health workers in a community-based chronic disease control program. Winangnon, S
Sriamporn, S
Senarak, W
Saranrittichai, K
Vatanasapt, P
Moore, MA
4. Adolescent sexual health behavior in thailand: Implications for prevention of cervical cancer Saranrittichai, K.
Sritanyarat, W.
Ayuwat, D.
5. Early experience of sexual intercourse - a risk factor for cervical cancer requiring specific intervention for teenagers Kanato, M.
Saranrittichai, K.
6. Use of lay health workers in a community-based chronic disease control program Surapon Winangnon
Supannee Sriamporn
Wiporn Senarak
Kesinee Saranrittichai
Patravoot Vatanasapt
Malcolm A. Moore
7. Situation Analysis of Risk Factors Related to Non-communicable Diseases in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand Promthet, S.S.
Saranrittichai, K.
Kamsa-ard, S.
Senarak, W.
Vatanasapt, P.
Wiangnon, S.
Wongphuthorn, P.
Moore, M.A.
8. Evaluation of health education in the Multi-professional Intervention and Training for Ongoing Volunteer-based Community Health Programme in the north-east of Thailand. Supannee Promthet
Surapon Wiangnon
Wiporn Senarak
Kesinee Saranrittichai
Patravoot Vatanasapt
Supot Kamsa-ard
Prasert Wongphuthorn
Chananya Kasinpila
Malcolm Anthony Moore
9. Health Behavior after A Multiprofessional Intervention and Training for Ongoing Volunteer-Based Community Health Programme Intervention in the North-East of Thailand: What Changed and What not? Saranrittichai, K
Senarak, W
Promthet, S
Wiangnon, S
Vatanasapt, P
Kamsa-Ard, S
Wongphuthorn, P
Moore, MA
10. Using Action Research to prevent work-related illness among rubber farmers in Northeastern Thailand Sena, W
Nilvarangkul, K
Saranrittichai, K
Smith, JF
Phajan, T
Seetangkham, S
11. What factors contribute to life happiness of Ageing, Northeast Thailand Ayuwat, D.
Saranrittichai, K.
12. Community- based approaches to cancer prevention in rural Thailand based on experiences of accredited health professionals Saranrittichai, K
Ussavapark, W
Thamrongwarangkoon, A
Haengsorn, T
Daoruang, S
Teeranut, A
13. พฤติกรรมสุขภาพที่เปลี่ยนแปลงหลังการฝึกอบรมด้านสุขภาพแก่อาสาสมัครชุมชน Behavioral Change regarding Multiprofessional Intervention and Training for Ongoing Volunteer-Based Community Health Programme: What changed and what not? เกศินี สราญฤทธิชัย 2555
14. การจัดการพยาบาลรายกรณีสำหรับบุคคลที่ต้องการบำบัดสุราในชุมชน Nursing Case management for person with alcoholic therapy In community เบญจพร พัฒนากร
สมจิต แดนสีแก้ว
เกศินี สราญฤทธิชัย
15. การควบคุมการสูบบุหรี่ของวัยรุ่นในโรงเรียนมัธยมแบบมีส่วนร่วมParticipatory Smoking Control among Adolescent in Secondary School สมจิต แดนสีแก้ว
เกศินี สราญฤทธิชัย
วิจิตรา เสนา
อรุณณี ใจเที่ยง
Count 9 8 5 3

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
1. Adolescent sexual health behavior in thailand: Implications for prevention of cervical cancer Saranrittichai, K.
Sritanyarat, W.
Ayuwat, D.
2006 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
4 (7), pp. 615-618
2. Early experience of sexual intercourse - a risk factor for cervical cancer requiring specific intervention for teenagers Kanato, M.
Saranrittichai, K.
2006 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
1 (7), pp. 151
3. Use of lay health workers in a community-based chronic disease control program Winangnon, S.
Sriamporn, S.
Senarak, W.
Saranrittichai, K.
Vatanasapt, P.
Moore, M.A.
2007 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
3 (8), pp. 457-461
4. Situation analysis of risk factors related to non-communicable diseases in Khon Kaen province, Thailand Promthet, S.S.
Saranrittichai, K.
Kamsa-ard, S.
Senarak, W.
Vatanasapt, P.
Wiangnon, S.
Wongphuthorn, P.
Moore, M.A.
2011 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
5 (12), pp. 1337-1340
5. Evaluation of health education in the multi-professional intervention and training for ongoing volunteer-based community health programme in the North-east of Thailand Promthet, S.S.
Wiangnon, S.
Senarak, W.
Saranrittichai, K.
Vatanasapt, P.
Kamsa-ard, S.
Wongphuthorn, P.
Kasinpila, C.
2012 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
5 (13), pp. 1753-1755
6. Health behavior after a multiprofessional intervention and training for ongoing volunteer-based community health programme intervention in the north-east of thailand: What changed and what not? Saranrittichai, K.
Senarak, W.
Promthet, S.S.
Wiangnon, S.
Vatanasapt, P.
Kamsa-ard, S.
Wongphuthorn, P.
2012 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
9 (13), pp. 4801-4805
7. Using Action Research to prevent work-related illness among rubber farmers in Northeastern Thailand Nilvarangkul, K.
Saranrittichai, K.
Smith, J.F.
Phajan, T.
2018 Public Health Nursing
6 (35), pp. 466-472
8. What factors contribute to life happiness of Ageing, Northeast Thailand Ayuwat, D.
Saranrittichai, K.
2019 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
1C2 (8), pp. 346-351
9. Community- based approaches to cancer prevention in rural Thailand based on experiences of accredited health professionals Saranrittichai, K. 2020 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
1 (21), pp. 7-12

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Situation analysis of risk factors related to non-communicable diseases in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand. Promthet, S
Saranrittichai, K
Kamsa-ard, S
Senarak, W
Vatanasapt, P
Wiangnon, S
Wongphuthorn, P
Moore, MA
2011 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
5 (12), pp. 1337-40
2. Health behavior after a multiprofessional intervention and training for ongoing volunteer-based community health programme intervention in the North-East of Thailand: what changed and what not? Saranrittichai, K
Senarak, W
Promthet, S
Wiangnon, S
Vatanasapt, P
Kamsa-Ard, S
Wongphuthorn, P
Moore, MA
2012 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
9 (13), pp. 4801-5
3. Evaluation of health education in the Multi-professional Intervention and Training for Ongoing Volunteer-based Community Health Programme in the north-east of Thailand. Promthet, S
Wiangnon, S
Senarak, W
Saranrittichai, K
Vatanasapt, P
Kamsa-ard, S
Wongphuthorn, P
Kasinpila, C
Moore, MA
2012 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
5 (13), pp. 1753-5
4. Using Action Research to prevent work-related illness among rubber farmers in Northeastern Thailand. Sena, W
Nilvarangkul, K
Saranrittichai, K
Smith, JF
Phajan, T
Seetangkham, S
2018 Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.)
6 (35), pp. 466-472
5. Community- Based Approaches to Cancer Prevention in Rural Thailand Based on Experiences of Accredited Health Professionals. Saranrittichai, K
Ussavapark, W
Thamrongwarangkoon, A
Haengsorn, T
Daoruang, S
Teeranut, A
2020 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
1 (21), pp. 7-12
6. Early experience of sexual intercourse--a risk factor for cervical cancer requiring specific intervention for teenagers. Kanato, M
Saranrittichai, K
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
1 (7), pp. 151-3
7. Adolescent sexual health behavior in Thailand: implications for prevention of cervical cancer. Saranrittichai, K
Sritanyarat, W
Ayuwat, D
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
4 (7), pp. 615-8
8. Use of lay health workers in a community-based chronic disease control program. Winangnon, S
Sriamporn, S
Senarak, W
Saranrittichai, K
Vatanasapt, P
Moore, MA
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
3 (8), pp. 457-61

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
1. Use of lay health workers in a community-based chronic disease control program Surapon Winangnon
Supannee Sriamporn
Wiporn Senarak
Kesinee Saranrittichai
Patravoot Vatanasapt
Malcolm A. Moore
3.0 (8.0), pp. 457.0-461.0
7 0 0 0 0 0 7
2. Situation Analysis of Risk Factors Related to Non-communicable Diseases in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand Supannee Promthet
Kesinee Saranrittichai
Supot Kamsa-ard
Wiporn Senarak
Patravoot Vatanasapt
Surapon Wiangnon
Prasert Wongphuthorn
Malcolm A. Moore
5.0 (12.0), pp. 1337.0-1340.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
3. Evaluation of Health Education in the Multi-professional Intervention and Training for Ongoing Volunteer-based Community Health Programme in the North-East of Thailand Supannee Promthet
Surapon Wiangnon
Wiporn Senarak
Kesinee Saranrittichai
Patravoot Vatanasapt
Supot Kamsa-ard
Prasert Wongphuthorn
Chananya Kasinpila
Malcolm Anthony Moore
5.0 (13.0), pp. 1753.0-1755.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
4. Health Behavior after A Multiprofessional Intervention and Training for Ongoing Volunteer-Based Community Health Programme Intervention in the North-East of Thailand: What Changed and What not? Kesinee Saranrittichai
Wiporn Senarak
Supannee Promthet
Surapon Wiangnon
Patravoot Vatanasapt
Supot Kamsa-ard
Prasert Wongphuthorn
Malcolm Anthony Moore
9.0 (13.0), pp. 4801.0-4805.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
5. Using Action Research to prevent work-related illness among rubber farmers in Northeastern Thailand Wijitra Sena
Kessarawan Nilvarangkul
Kesinee Saranrittichai
John F. Smith
Teerasak Phajan
Sansanee Seetangkham
6.0 (35.0), pp. 466.0-472.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. พฤติกรรมสุขภาพที่เปลี่ยนแปลงหลังการฝึกอบรมด้านสุขภาพแก่อาสาสมัครชุมชน Behavioral Change regarding Multiprofessional Intervention and Training for Ongoing Volunteer-Based Community Health Programme: What changed and what not? เกศินี สราญฤทธิชัย 2555 Journal of Nursing and Health Care
(30 No 4), pp. 15-21
2. การจัดการพยาบาลรายกรณีสำหรับบุคคลที่ต้องการบำบัดสุราในชุมชน Nursing Case management for person with alcoholic therapy In community เบญจพร พัฒนากร
สมจิต แดนสีแก้ว
เกศินี สราญฤทธิชัย
2556 Journal of Nursing and Health Care
(31 No 2), pp. 140-150
3. การควบคุมการสูบบุหรี่ของวัยรุ่นในโรงเรียนมัธยมแบบมีส่วนร่วมParticipatory Smoking Control among Adolescent in Secondary School สมจิต แดนสีแก้ว
เกศินี สราญฤทธิชัย
วิจิตรา เสนา
อรุณณี ใจเที่ยง
2558 Journal of Nursing and Health Care
(33 No 3), pp. 135-143

ชื่อโครงการ Authors ประเภทโครงการ ปีงบประมาณ ทุนวิจับ
