Asst.Prof.Dr. Ratana Komwilaisak

Asst.Prof.Dr. Ratana Komwilaisak

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Faculty of Medicine,
Khon Kaen University
6506642844: H-INDEX 8


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. Amniotic fluid index (AFI) for normal pregnant women in northeastern Thailand Bunpot Samakeenit
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
2. Preoperative and postoperative agreement of histopathological findings in cases of endometrial hyperplasia. Kleebkaow, P
Maneetab, S
Somboonporn, W
Seejornj, K
Thinkhamrop, J
Kamwilaisak, R
3. Second Trimester Genetic Amniocentesis: Khon Kaen University 14-year experience Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Teerayut Temtanakitpaisan
Saman Luengwattanawanit
Witoon Prasertcharoensuk
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Jamras Wongkam
4. Birth Prevalence of neural Tube Defects at Srinagarind Hospital, 1988-1996 Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ekachai Piensriwatchara
Witoon prasertcharoensuk
Ratana Komwilaisak
5. Fetal Diagnosis of Duodenal Obstruction by Ultrasound : A Case Report Supat Sinawat
Ratana Komwilaisak
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Suchart Areemit
Sukanya Taksaphan
6. Severe Pre-eclampsia in Srinagarind Hospital Ratana Komwilaisak
Rajin Arora
Kanok Seejorn
7. Effectiveness of intravenous meperidine for pain relief in the first stage of labour Soontrapa, S
Somboonporn, W
Komwilaisak, R
Sookpanya, S
8. Prenatal prediction of lethal pulmonary hypoplasia: The hyperoxygenation test for pulmonary artery reactivity Broth, RE
Wood, DC
Rasanen, J
Sabogal, JC
Komwilaisak, R
Weiner, S
Berghella, V
9. Introduction to Fetal Echocardiography Ratana Komwilaisak 2003
10. Pulsatility index of the middle cerebral artery in normal fetuses. Komwilaisak, R
Saksiriwuttho, P
Ratanasiri, T
Kleebkaow, P
Seejorn, K
11. Reproducibility of fetal lung volume measurements with 3-dimensional ultrasonography. JC Sabogal
E Becker
G Bega
R Komwilaisak
V Berghella
S Weiner
J Tolosa
12. Three-Dimensional Ultrasonographic Findings of the Rare Chromosomal Abnormality 48, XXY/+18: A Case Report Komwilaisak, R
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, P
Luengwattanawanit, S
13. Three-dimensional ultrasonographic visualization of fetal chromosome abnormalities: a preliminary experience report of 4 cases. Komwilaisak, R.
Ratanasiri, T.
Kleebkaow, P.
14. Correlation of weight estimation in large and small fetuses with three-dimensional ultrasonographic volume measurements of the fetal upper-arm and thigh: A preliminary report Patipanawat, S
Komwilaisak, R
Ratanasiri, T
15. Hydrops fetalis caused by parvovirus B19 infection: Case report and literature review Taksaphan, S.
Kleebkaew, P.
Komwilaisak, R.
Kiatchoosakun, P.
Jirapradittha, J.
Ratanasiri, T.
16. Prenatal prevention for severe thalassemia disease at Srinagarind Hospital. Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
Changtrakul, Y.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Wongkham, J.
Kleebkaow, P.
Seejorn, K.
17. Prevalence of placental pathology in low birthweight infants Kleebkaow, P
Limdumrongchit, W
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, R
Seejorn, K
18. Autopsy findings of fetal death. Kleebkaow, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
19. Fetal biometry charts for normal pregnant women in Northeastern Thailand Saksiriwuttho, P
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, R
20. Preoperative and Postoperative Agreement of Histopathological Findings in Cases of Endometrial Hyperplasia Kleebkaow, P.
Maneetab, S.
Somboonporn, W.
Seejorn, K.
Thinkhamrop, J.
Komwilaisak, R.
21. Incidence, causes and pregnancy outcomes of hydrops fetalis at Srinagarind Hospital, 1996-2005: a 10-year review. Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
Sittivech, A.
Kleebkeaw, P.
Seejorn, K.
22. Fetal pleural effusions with spontaneous resolution: a case report. Saksiriwuttho, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
23. Normogram of fetal middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity at 20-37 weeks of gestation at Srinagarind Hospital. Saksiriwuttho, P.
Duangkum, C.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
24. Effectiveness of the model for prenatal control of severe thalassemia. Sirivatanapa, P.
Srisupundit, K.
Luewan, S.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
Saksiriwuttho, P.
Panichkul, P.C.
Orungrote, N.
Hanprasertpong, T.
25. Outcome of Antenatal Hydronephrosis in Srinagarind Hospital Pongsatorn Paopongsawan
Suwannee Wisanuyotin
Ratana Komwilaisak
Junya Jirapradittha
Apichat Jiravuttipong
Pakaphan Kiatchoosakun
26. Thalassemia Screening in Pregnant Women at Antenatal Care Clinic Srinagarind Hospital Jamras Wongkham
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Masinee Paibool
Phanwadee Chatvised
27. Contraceptive Seeking Behavior in Teenage Pregnancy Wakul Lanjakornsiripan
Siriruthai Amnatbuddee
Kanok Srijorn
Yuthapong Werawatakul
Pilaiwan Kleebkaow
Ratana Komwilaisak
Sanguanchoke Luanratanakorn
28. Outcome of antenatal hydronephrosis in northeastern Thailand Paopongsawan, P.
Wisanuyotin, S.
Komwilaisak, R.
Jirapradittha, J.
Jiravuttipong, A.
Kiatchoosakun, P.
29. Second trimester genetic ultrasound for Down syndrome screening at Srinagarind Hospital. Thanawan Ratanasiri
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
30. The Incidence of Fetal Congenital Anomalies in Teenage Pregnancy in Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University Buasorn Supho
Kanok Seejorn
Ratana Komwilaisak
Pilaiwan Kleebkaow
Sanguanchoke Luanratanakorn
Siriruthai Amnatbuddee
31. Comparison of Maternal Serum Angiogenic Growth Factors in Pregnancies Ending in Intrauterine Growth Restriction with Normal Pregnancies in Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University, Thailand Patraporn Tangkiratichai
Ratana Komwilaisak
32. Contraceptive practices and pregnancy intendedness among pregnant adolescents Lanjakornsiripan, W.
Amnatbuddee, S.
Seejorn, K.
Werawatakul, Y.
Kleebkaow, P.
Komwilaisak, R.
Luanratanakorn, S.
33. Short cervix detection in pregnant women by transabdominal sonography with post-void technique Kongwattanakul, K
Saksiriwuttho, P
Komwilaisak, R
Lumbiganon, P
34. Maternal serum angiogenic growth factors in intrauterine growth restriction versus normal pregnancies Komwilaisak, R. 2017
35. Clinical Course of Homozygous Hemoglobin Constant Spring in Pediatric Patients. Komvilaisak, P.
Jetsrisuparb, A.
Fucharoen, G.
Komwilaisak, R.
Jirapradittha, J.
Kiatchoosakun, P.
36. Presentation of Compound Heterozygous Hemoglobin Constant Spring and Hemoglobin Pakse in Neonates Komvilaisak, P.
Jetsrisuparb, A.
Fucharoen, G.
Komwilaisak, R.
Jirapradittha, J.
Kiatchoosakun, P.
37. Reference values of the anterior cerebral artery doppler indices in normal fetuses Saksiriwuttho, P.
Komwilaisak, R.
Ratanasiri, T.
38. Transperineal versus transvaginal sonographic measurements of cervical length in pregnant women between 16 and 24 weeks of gestation Vilasinee Songserm
Ratana Komwilaisak
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Kiattisak Kongwattanakul
39. Transperineal versus transvaginal sonographic measurements of cervical length in pregnant women between 16 and 24 weeks of gestation. Songserm, V
Komwilaisak, R
Saksiriwuttho, P
Kongwattanakul, K
Count 26 22 10 12

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Effectiveness of intravenous meperidine for pain relief in the first stage of labour Soontrapa, S.
Komwilaisak, R.
Somboonporn, W.
Sookpanya, S.
2002 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
11 (85), pp. 1169-1175
2. Prenatal prediction of lethal pulmonary hypoplasia: The hyperoxygenation test for pulmonary artery reactivity Komwilaisak, R. 2002 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
4 (187), pp. 940-945
3. Pulsatility index of the middle cerebral artery in normal fetuses. Komwilaisak, R.
Saksiriwuttho, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Kleebkaow, P.
Seejorn, K.
2004 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(87 Suppl 3), pp. S34-37
4. Reproducibility of Fetal Lung Volume Measurements with 3-Dimensional Ultrasonography Komwilaisak, R.
Tolosa, J.E.
2004 Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine
3 (23), pp. 347-352
5. Three-Dimensional Ultrasonographic Findings of the Rare Chromosomal Abnormality 48, XXY/+18: A Case Report Komwilaisak, R.
Komwilaisak, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Luengwattanawanit, S.
2004 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
2 (87), pp. 198-203
6. Three-dimensional ultrasonographic visualization of fetal chromosome abnormalities: a preliminary experience report of 4 cases. Komwilaisak, R.
Ratanasiri, T.
Kleebkaow, P.
2004 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(87 Suppl 3), pp. S38-44
7. Correlation of weight estimation in large and small fetuses with three-dimensional ultrasonographic volume measurements of the fetal upper-arm and thigh: A preliminary report Patipanawat, S.
Komwilaisak, R.
Ratanasiri, T.
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
1 (89), pp. 13-19
8. Hydrops fetalis caused by parvovirus B19 infection: Case report and literature review Taksaphan, S.
Kleebkaew, P.
Komwilaisak, R.
Kiatchoosakun, P.
Jirapradittha, J.
Ratanasiri, T.
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
8 (89), pp. 1277-1286
9. Prenatal prevention for severe thalassemia disease at Srinagarind Hospital. Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
Changtrakul, Y.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Wongkham, J.
Kleebkaow, P.
Seejorn, K.
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(89 Suppl 4), pp. S87-93
10. Prevalence of placental pathology in low birthweight infants Kleebkaow, P.
Limdumrongchit, W.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
Seejorn, K.
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
5 (89), pp. 594-599
11. Autopsy findings of fetal death Kleebkaow, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
2007 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
1 (90), pp. 21-25
12. Fetal biometry charts for normal pregnant women in Northeastern Thailand Saksiriwuttho, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
2007 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
10 (90), pp. 1963-1969
13. Preoperative and postoperative agreement of histopathological findings in cases of endometrial hyperplasia Kleebkaow, P.
Maneetab, S.
Somboonporn, W.
Seejorn, K.
Thinkhamrop, J.
Komwilaisak, R.
2008 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
1 (9), pp. 89-91
14. Incidence, causes and pregnancy outcomes of hydrops fetalis at Srinagarind Hospital, 1996-2005: A 10-year review Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
Sittivech, A.
Kleebkeaw, P.
Seejorn, K.
2009 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
5 (92), pp. 594-599
15. Fetal pleural effusions with spontaneous resolution: A case Report Saksiriwuttho, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
2011 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
10 (94), pp. 1267-1270
16. Normogram of fetal middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity at 20-37 weeks of gestation at srinagarind hospital Saksiriwuttho, P.
Duangkum, C.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
9 (95), pp. 1122-1125
17. Effectiveness of the model for prenatal control of severe thalassemia Sirivatanapa, P.
Srisupundit, K.
Luewan, S.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
Saksiriwuttho, P.
Panichkul, P.C.
Orungrote, N.
Hanprasertpong, T.
2013 Prenatal Diagnosis
5 (33), pp. 477-483
18. Outcome of antenatal hydronephrosis in northeastern Thailand Paopongsawan, P.
Wisanuyotin, S.
Komwilaisak, R.
Jirapradittha, J.
Jiravuttipong, A.
Kiatchoosakun, P.
2014 Asian Biomedicine
5 (8), pp. 631-636
19. Second trimester genetic ultrasound for down syndrome screening at srinagarind hospital Ratanasiri, T.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
Saksiriwuttho, P.
2014 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
(97), pp. S89-S96
20. Contraceptive practices and pregnancy intendedness among pregnant adolescents Lanjakornsiripan, W.
Amnatbuddee, S.
Seejorn, K.
Werawatakul, Y.
Kleebkaow, P.
Komwilaisak, R.
Luanratanakorn, S.
2015 International Journal of Women's Health
(7), pp. 315-320
21. Short cervix detection in pregnant women by transabdominal sonography with post-void technique Kongwattanakul, K.
Saksiriwuttho, P.
Komwilaisak, R.
Lumbiganon, P.
2016 Journal of Medical Ultrasonics
4 (43), pp. 519-522
22. Maternal serum angiogenic growth factors in intrauterine growth restriction versus normal pregnancies Komwilaisak, R. 2017 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
2 (100), pp. 119-124
23. Clinical course of homozygous hemoglobin constant spring in pediatric patients Komvilaisak, P.
Jetsrisuparb, A.
Fucharoen, G.
Komwilaisak, R.
Jirapradittha, J.
Kiatchoosakun, P.
2018 Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
5 (40), pp. 409-412
24. Presentation of Compound Heterozygous Hemoglobin Constant Spring and Hemoglobin Pakse in Neonates Komvilaisak, P.
Jetsrisuparb, A.
Fucharoen, G.
Komwilaisak, R.
Jirapradittha, J.
Kiatchoosakun, P.
2019 Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
6 (41), pp. E413-E415
25. Reference values of the anterior cerebral artery doppler indices in normal fetuses Saksiriwuttho, P.
Komwilaisak, R.
Ratanasiri, T.
2019 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
5 (102), pp. 595-600
26. Transperineal versus transvaginal sonographic measurements of cervical length in pregnant women between 16 and 24 weeks of gestation Komwilaisak, R.
Saksiriwuttho, P.
Kongwattanakul, K.
2019 Journal of Clinical Ultrasound
7 (47), pp. 389-393

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Effectiveness of intravenous meperidine for pain relief in the first stage of labour. Soontrapa, S
Somboonporn, W
Komwilaisak, R
Sookpanya, S
2002 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
11 (85), pp. 1169-75
2. Prenatal prediction of lethal pulmonary hypoplasia: the hyperoxygenation test for pulmonary artery reactivity. Broth, RE
Wood, DC
Rasanen, J
Sabogal, JC
Komwilaisak, R
Weiner, S
Berghella, V
2002 American journal of obstetrics and gynecology
4 (187), pp. 940-5
3. Three-dimensional ultrasonographic visualization of fetal chromosome abnormalities: a preliminary experience report of 4 cases. Komwilaisak, R
Ratanasiri, T
Kleebkaow, P
2004 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(87), pp. S38-44
4. Reproducibility of fetal lung volume measurements with 3-dimensional ultrasonography. Sabogal, JC
Becker, E
Bega, G
Komwilaisak, R
Berghella, V
Weiner, S
Tolosa, J
2004 Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
3 (23), pp. 347-52
5. Three-dimensional ultrasonographic findings of the rare chromosomal abnormality 48, XXY/+18: a case report. Komwilaisak, R
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, P
Luengwattanawanit, S
2004 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
2 (87), pp. 198-203
6. Pulsatility index of the middle cerebral artery in normal fetuses. Komwilaisak, R
Saksiriwuttho, P
Ratanasiri, T
Kleebkaow, P
Seejorn, K
2004 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(87), pp. S34-7
7. Correlation of weight estimation in large and small fetuses with three-dimensional ultrasonographic volume measurements of the fetal upper-arm and thigh: A preliminary report. Patipanawat, S
Komwilaisak, R
Ratanasiri, T
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
1 (89), pp. 13-9
8. Prenatal prevention for severe thalassemia disease at Srinagarind Hospital. Ratanasiri, T
Charoenthong, C
Komwilaisak, R
Changtrakul, Y
Fucharoen, S
Wongkham, J
Kleebkaow, P
Seejorn, K
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(89), pp. S87-93
9. Prevalence of placental pathology in low birthweight infants. Kleebkaow, P
Limdumrongchit, W
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, R
Seejorn, K
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
5 (89), pp. 594-9
10. Autopsy findings of fetal death. Kleebkaow, P
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, R
2007 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
1 (90), pp. 21-5
11. Fetal biometry charts for normal pregnant women in northeastern Thailand. Saksiriwuttho, P
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, R
2007 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
10 (90), pp. 1963-9
12. Incidence, causes and pregnancy outcomes of hydrops fetalis at Srinagarind Hospital, 1996-2005: a 10-year review. Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, R
Sittivech, A
Kleebkeaw, P
Seejorn, K
2009 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
5 (92), pp. 594-9
13. Fetal pleural effusions with spontaneous resolution: a case report. Saksiriwuttho, P
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, R
2011 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
10 (94), pp. 1267-70
14. Normogram of fetal middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity at 20-37 weeks of gestation at Srinagarind Hospital. Saksiriwuttho, P
Duangkum, C
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, R
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
9 (95), pp. 1122-5
15. Effectiveness of the model for prenatal control of severe thalassemia. Tongsong, T
Charoenkwan, P
Sirivatanapa, P
Wanapirak, C
Piyamongkol, W
Sirichotiyakul, S
Srisupundit, K
Tongprasert, F
Luewan, S
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, R
Saksiriwuttho, P
Vuthiwong, C
Punpuckdeekoon, P
Panichkul, P
Rueangchainikhom, W
Choowong, J
Orungrote, N
Sarapak, S
Kovavisarach, E
Jaruyawongs, P
Tansathit, T
Phadungkiatwattana, P
Rujiwetpongstorn, J
Kor-Anantakul, O
Suwanrath, C
Hanprasertpong, T
Pranpanus, S
2013 Prenatal diagnosis
5 (33), pp. 477-83
16. Second trimester genetic ultrasound for Down syndrome screening at Srinagarind Hospital. Ratanasiri, T
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, R
Saksiriwuttho, P
2014 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(97), pp. S89-96
17. Contraceptive practices and pregnancy intendedness among pregnant adolescents. Lanjakornsiripan, W
Amnatbuddee, S
Seejorn, K
Werawatakul, Y
Kleebkaow, P
Komwilaisak, R
Luanratanakorn, S
2015 International journal of women's health
(7), pp. 315-20
18. Short cervix detection in pregnant women by transabdominal sonography with post-void technique. Kongwattanakul, K
Saksiriwuttho, P
Komwilaisak, R
Lumbiganon, P
2016 Journal of medical ultrasonics (2001)
4 (43), pp. 519-22
19. Clinical Course of Homozygous Hemoglobin Constant Spring in Pediatric Patients. Komvilaisak, P
Jetsrisuparb, A
Fucharoen, G
Komwilaisak, R
Jirapradittha, J
Kiatchoosakun, P
2018 Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology
5 (40), pp. 409-412
20. Transperineal versus transvaginal sonographic measurements of cervical length in pregnant women between 16 and 24 weeks of gestation. Songserm, V
Komwilaisak, R
Saksiriwuttho, P
Kongwattanakul, K
2019 Journal of clinical ultrasound : JCU
7 (47), pp. 389-393
21. Presentation of Compound Heterozygous Hemoglobin Constant Spring and Hemoglobin Pakse in Neonates. Komvilaisak, P
Jetsrisuparb, A
Fucharoen, G
Komwilaisak, R
Jirapradittha, J
Kiatchoosakun, P
2019 Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology
6 (41), pp. e413-e415
22. Preoperative and postoperative agreement of histopathological findings in cases of endometrial hyperplasia. Kleebkaow, P
Maneetab, S
Somboonporn, W
Seejornj, K
Thinkhamrop, J
Kamwilaisak, R
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
1 (9), pp. 89-91

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Prenatal prediction of lethal pulmonary hypoplasia: The hyperoxygenation test for pulmonary artery reactivity RE Broth
DC Wood
J Rasanen
JC Sabogal
R Komwilaisak
S Weiner
V Berghella
4.0 (187.0), pp. 940.0-945.0
94 0 0 0 0 0 94
2. Reproducibility of fetal lung volume measurements with 3-dimensional ultrasonography JC Sabogal
E Becker
G Bega
R Komwilaisak
V Berghella
S Weiner
J Tolosa
3.0 (23.0), pp. 347.0-352.0
91 0 0 0 0 0 91
3. Preoperative and Postoperative Agreement of Histopathological Findings in Cases of Endometrial Hyperplasia Pilaiwan Kleebkaow
Sumathana Maneetab
Woraluk Somboonporn
Kanok Seejorn
Jedsada Thinkhamrop
Ratana Komwilaisak
1.0 (9.0), pp. 89.0-91.0
11 0 0 0 0 0 11
4. Effectiveness of the model for prenatal control of severe thalassemia Theera Tongsong
Pimlak Charoenkwan
Pannee Sirivatanapa
Chanane Wanapirak
Wirawit Piyamongkol
Supatra Sirichotiyakul
Kasemsri Srisupundit
Fuanglada Tongprasert
Suchaya Luewan
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Chutawadi Vuthiwong
Peerapun Punpuckdeekoon
Prisana Panichkul
Wibool Rueangchainikhom
Jirawat Choowong
Nawaporn Orungrote
Sravuth Sarapak
Ekachai Kovavisarach
Prapon Jaruyawongs
Thitinan Tansathit
Podjanee Phadungkiatwattana
Jittima Rujiwetpongstorn
Ounjai Kor-anantakul
Chitkasaem Suwanrath
Tharangrut Hanprasertpong
Savitree Pranpanus
5.0 (33.0), pp. 477.0-483.0
12 0 0 0 0 0 12
5. Outcome of antenatal hydronephrosis in northeastern Thailand Pongsatorn Paopongsawan
Suwannee Wisanuyotin
Ratana Komwilaisak
Junya Jirapradittha
Apichat Jiravuttipong
Pakaphan Kiatchoosakun
5.0 (8.0), pp. 631.0-636.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Contraceptive practices and pregnancy intendedness among pregnant adolescents Wakul Lanjakornsiripan
Siriruthai Amnatbuddee
Kanok Seejorn
Yuthapong Werawatakul
Pilaiwan Kleebkaow
Ratana Komwilaisak
Sanguanchoke Luanratanakorn
(7.0), pp. 315.0-320.0
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
7. Short cervix detection in pregnant women by transabdominal sonography with post-void technique Kiattisak Kongwattanakul
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Ratana Komwilaisak
Pisake Lumbiganon
4.0 (43.0), pp. 519.0-522.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
8. Clinical Course of Homozygous Hemoglobin Constant Spring in Pediatric Patients Patcharee Komvilaisak
Arunee Jetsrisuparb
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Ratana Komwilaisak
Junya Jirapradittha
Pakaphan Kiatchoosakun
5.0 (40.0), pp. 409.0-412.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
9. Presentation of Compound Heterozygous Hemoglobin Constant Spring and Hemoglobin Pakse in Neonates Patcharee Komvilaisak
Arunee Jetsrisuparb
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Ratana Komwilaisak
Junya Jirapradittha
Pakaphan Kiatchoosakun
6.0 (41.0), pp. E413-E415
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10. Transperineal versus transvaginal sonographic measurements of cervical length in pregnant women between 16 and 24 weeks of gestation Vilasinee Songserm
Ratana Komwilaisak
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Kiattisak Kongwattanakul
7.0 (47.0), pp. 389.0-393.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Birth Prevalence of neural Tube Defects at Srinagarind Hospital, 1988-1996 Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ekachai Piensriwatchara
Witoon prasertcharoensuk
Ratana Komwilaisak
1997 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(12 No 3), pp. 139-143
2. Severe Pre-eclampsia in Srinagarind Hospital Ratana Komwilaisak
Rajin Arora
Kanok Seejorn
1998 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(13 No 3), pp. 137-144
3. Fetal Diagnosis of Duodenal Obstruction by Ultrasound : A Case Report Supat Sinawat
Ratana Komwilaisak
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Suchart Areemit
Sukanya Taksaphan
1998 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(13 No 3), pp. 178-181
4. Introduction to Fetal Echocardiography Ratana Komwilaisak 2003 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(18 No 3), pp. 190-196
5. Thalassemia Screening in Pregnant Women at Antenatal Care Clinic Srinagarind Hospital Jamras Wongkham
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Masinee Paibool
Phanwadee Chatvised
2013 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(28 No 2), pp. 170-177
6. Outcome of Antenatal Hydronephrosis in Srinagarind Hospital Pongsatorn Paopongsawan
Suwannee Wisanuyotin
Ratana Komwilaisak
Junya Jirapradittha
Apichat Jiravuttipong
Pakaphan Kiatchoosakun
2013 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(28 No 4), pp. 180
7. Second Trimester Genetic Ultrasound for Down syndrome screening at Srinagarind Hospital Thanawan Ratanasiri
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
2014 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(29 No 4), pp. 78
8. Contraceptive Seeking Behavior in Teenage Pregnancy Wakul Lanjakornsiripan
Siriruthai Amnatbuddee
Kanok Srijorn
Yuthapong Werawatakul
Pilaiwan Kleebkaow
Ratana Komwilaisak
Sanguanchoke Luanratanakorn
2014 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(29 No 4), pp. 69
9. The Incidence of Fetal Congenital Anomalies in Teenage Pregnancy in Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University Buasorn Supho
Kanok Seejorn
Ratana Komwilaisak
Pilaiwan Kleebkaow
Sanguanchoke Luanratanakorn
Siriruthai Amnatbuddee
2014 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(29 No 4), pp. 84
10. Comparison of Maternal Serum Angiogenic Growth Factors in Pregnancies Ending in Intrauterine Growth Restriction with Normal Pregnancies in Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University, Thailand Patraporn Tangkiratichai
Ratana Komwilaisak
2015 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(30 No 5), pp. 69
11. Second Trimester Genetic Amniocentesis: Khon Kaen University 14-year experience Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Teerayut Temtanakitpaisan
Saman Luengwattanawanit
Witoon Prasertcharoensuk
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Jamras Wongkam
Thai Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
(19 No 3), pp. 105-111
12. Amniotic fluid index (AFI) for normal pregnant women in northeastern Thailand Bunpot Samakeenit
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Thai Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
(23 No 1), pp. 12-17

Title Authors NRIIS type Year NRIIS Scholarship
