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ชัช สุมนานนท์

8636562100: H-INDEX 7


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1. Reliability of the medical outcomes study short-form survey version 2.0 (Thai version) for the evaluation of low back pain patients. Jirarattanaphochai, K.
Jung, S.
Sumananont, C.
Saengnipanthkul, S.
2. Reliability of the Roland - Morris Disability Questionnaire (Thai version) for the evaluation of low back pain patients. Jirarattanaphochai, K.
Jung, S.
Sumananont, C.
Saengnipanthkul, S.
3. Peridural methylprednisolone and wound infiltration with bupivacaine for postoperative pain control after posterior lumbar spine surgery: a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial. Kitti Jirarattanaphochai
Surachai Jung
Somboon Thienthong
Wimonrat Krisanaprakornkit
Chat Sumananont
4. Arthroscopic debridement for knee osteoarthritis Laupattarakasem, W
Laopaiboon, M
Laupattarakasem, P
Sumananont, C
5. Percutaneous release of the A1 pulley using a modified Kirschner wire: a cadaveric study. Saengnipanthkul, S.
Sae-Jung, S.
Sumananont, C.
6. Interrater reliability of the postoperative epidural fibrosis classification: A histopathologic study in the rat model Sae-Jung, S
Jirarattanaphochai, K
Sumananont, C
Wittayapairoj, K
Sukhonthamarn, K
7. Mri findings of giant cell tumor of tendon sheath and other benign soft tissue tumors in hand Chowchuen, P.
Sumananont, C.
8. Prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among garment workers in Kandal province, Cambodia Van, L
Chaiear, N
Sumananont, C
Kannarath, C
9. Combined tumor markers as prognostic factors in osteosarcoma Sumananont, C.
Vaeteewoottacharn, K.
Chamgramol, Y.
Settasatian, C.
10. Tuberculous Distal Biceps Tendon Rupture: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Boonrod, A
Sugaya, H
Takahashi, N
Boonrod, A
Sumananont, C
Count 8 8 5 0

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
1. Reliability of the medical outcomes study short-form survey version 2.0 (Thai version) for the evaluation of low back pain patients Jirarattanaphochai, K.
Jung, S.
Sumananont, C.
Saengnipanthkul, S.
2005 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
10 (88), pp. 1355-1361
2. Reliability of the Roland - Morris disability questionnaire (Thai version) for the evaluation of low back pain patients Jirarattanaphochai, K.
Jung, S.
Sumananont, C.
Saengnipanthkul, S.
2005 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
3 (88), pp. 407-411
3. Peridural methylprednisolone and wound infiltration with bupivacaine for postoperative pain control after posterior lumbar spine surgery: A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial Jirarattanaphochai, K.
Jung, S.
Thienthong, S.
Krisanaprakornkit, W.
Sumananont, C.
2007 Spine
6 (32), pp. 609-616
4. Arthroscopic debridement for knee osteoarthritis. Laupattarakasem, W.
Laopaiboon, M.
Laupattarakasem, P.
Sumananont, C.
2008 Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online)
1 (), pp. CD005118
5. Percutaneous release of the A1 pulley using a modified Kirschner wire: a cadaveric study Saengnipanthkul, S.
Sae-Jung, S.
Sumananont, C.
2014 Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong)
2 (22), pp. 232-235
6. Interrater reliability of the postoperative epidural fibrosis classification: A histopathologic study in the rat model Sae-Jung, S.
Jirarattanaphochai, K.
Sumananont, C.
Wittayapairoj, K.
2015 Asian Spine Journal
4 (9), pp. 587-594
7. Mri findings of giant cell tumor of tendon sheath and other benign soft tissue tumors in hand Chowchuen, P.
Sumananont, C.
2016 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
7 (99), pp. 816-822
8. Combined tumor markers as prognostic factors in osteosarcoma Sumananont, C.
Vaeteewoottacharn, K.
Chamgramol, Y.
Settasatian, C.
2018 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
5 (101), pp. S157-S161

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Reliability of the Roland - Morris Disability Questionnaire (Thai version) for the evaluation of low back pain patients. Jirarattanaphochai, K
Jung, S
Sumananont, C
Saengnipanthkul, S
2005 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
3 (88), pp. 407-11
2. Reliability of the medical outcomes study short-form survey version 2.0 (Thai version) for the evaluation of low back pain patients. Jirarattanaphochai, K
Jung, S
Sumananont, C
Saengnipanthkul, S
2005 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
10 (88), pp. 1355-61
3. Peridural methylprednisolone and wound infiltration with bupivacaine for postoperative pain control after posterior lumbar spine surgery: a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial. Jirarattanaphochai, K
Jung, S
Thienthong, S
Krisanaprakornkit, W
Sumananont, C
2007 Spine
6 (32), pp. 609-16; discussion 617
4. Arthroscopic debridement for knee osteoarthritis. Laupattarakasem, W
Laopaiboon, M
Laupattarakasem, P
Sumananont, C
2008 The Cochrane database of systematic reviews
1 (), pp. CD005118
5. Percutaneous release of the A1 pulley using a modified Kirschner wire: a cadaveric study. Saengnipanthkul, S
Sae-Jung, S
Sumananont, C
2014 Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong)
2 (22), pp. 232-5
6. Interrater Reliability of the Postoperative Epidural Fibrosis Classification: A Histopathologic Study in the Rat Model. Sae-Jung, S
Jirarattanaphochai, K
Sumananont, C
Wittayapairoj, K
Sukhonthamarn, K
2015 Asian spine journal
4 (9), pp. 587-94
7. Prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among garment workers in Kandal province, Cambodia. Van, L
Chaiear, N
Sumananont, C
Kannarath, C
2016 Journal of occupational health
1 (58), pp. 107-17
8. Tuberculous Distal Biceps Tendon Rupture: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Boonrod, A
Sugaya, H
Takahashi, N
Boonrod, A
Sumananont, C
2018 Case reports in orthopedics
(2018), pp. 6374784

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
1. Peridural methylprednisolone and wound infiltration with bupivacaine for postoperative pain control after posterior lumbar spine surgery - A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial Kitti Jirarattanaphochai
Surachai Jung
Somboon Thienthong
Wimonrat Krisanaprakornkit
Chat Sumananont
2007 SPINE
6.0 (32.0), pp. 609.0-616.0
77 0 0 0 0 0 77
2. Arthroscopic debridement for knee osteoarthritis W. Laupaffarakasem
M. Laopaiboon
P. Laupattarakasem
C. Sumananont
1.0 (), pp.
99 0 0 0 0 0 99
3. Percutaneous release of the A1 pulley using a modified Kirschner wire: a cadaveric study Sukit Saengnipanthkul
Surachai Sae-Jung
Chat Sumananont
2.0 (22.0), pp. 232.0-235.0
9 0 0 0 0 0 9
4. Interrater Reliability of the Postoperative Epidural Fibrosis Classification: A Histopathologic Study in the Rat Model Surachai Sae-Jung
Kitti Jirarattanaphochai
Chat Sumananont
Kriangkrai Wittayapairoj
Kamolsak Sukhonthamarn
4.0 (9.0), pp. 587.0-594.0
14 0 0 0 0 0 14
5. Prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among garment workers in Kandal province, Cambodia Leap Van
Naesinee Chaiear
Chat Sumananont
Chheng Kannarath
1.0 (58.0), pp. 107.0-117.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6

Title Authors Year Journal title

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