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25960108600: H-INDEX 8


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. Study on complex permittivity of tropical Thai fruits Kaewrawang, A.
Swatdiponphallop, S.
Siritaratiwat, A.
2. Epitaxial Growth of SrM(00l) Film on Au(111) Kaewrawang, A.
Ishida, G.
Liu, X.
3. Crystallographic and magnetic properties of SrM thin films on Pt underlayer prepared at various substrate temperatures Arkom Kaewrawang
Ali Ghasemi
Xiaoxi Liu
Akimitsu Morisako
4. Properties of Sr Ferrite Thin Films on Al-Si Underlayer Kaewrawang, A.
Ghasemi, A.A.
Liu, X.
5. Structural and magnetic characteristics of SrM thin films on Au dot arrays Kaewrawang, A.
Ghasemi, A.A.
Liu, X.
6. Synthesis and characterization of CuO/ZnO-doped (Zr0.8Sn 0.2)TiO4 microwave ceramics Ghasemi, A.A.
Shams Alam, R.
Kaewrawang, A.
Liu, X.
7. Fabrication, crystallographic and magnetic properties of SrM perpendicular films on Au nano-dot arrays Kaewrawang, A.
Ghasemi, A.A.
Liu, X.
8. Self-assembled strontium ferrite dot array on Au underlayer Arkom Kaewrawang
Ali Ghasemi
Xiaoxi Liu
Akimitsu Morisako
9. Underlayer dependence of microtexture, microstructure and magnetic properties of c-axis oriented strontium ferrite thin films Arkom Kaewrawang
Ali Ghasemi
Xiaoxi Liu
Akimitsu Morisako
10. A practical crosstalk reduction technique applied to high-density hard disk interconnecting assembly traces Osaklang, S.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Supnithi, P.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
11. Effect of MgO thickness on temperature distribution in nanopillar structure Kaengrang, S.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Swadiponphollop, S.
Praseartcharoensuk, V.
Boonpanyarak, S.
Kaewrawang, A.
12. Instability of storage and temperature increment in nanopillars due to human body model electrostatic discharge Surawanitkun, C.
Kaewrawang, A.
Imtawil, V.
Siritaratiwat, A.
13. Magnetic properties of Co1-xNix/2Sr x/2Fe2O4 (x = 0-1) ferrite nanoparticles synthesized by self-assembling media of reverse micelles Ghasemi, A.A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Liu, X.
14. Self-assembled strontium ferrite on Au nano-dot arrays using rapid thermal annealing Liu, X.
Kaewrawang, A.
Ghasemi, A.A.
15. A methodology to identify crosstalk contributor from 6-line suspension assembly interconnect of ultra-high capacity hard disk drives Prachumrasee, K.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
16. Crosstalk on high speed hard disk drive interconnect with percent variation of windowing Prachumrasee, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Prasertchoreonsuk, V.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kuesubthawon, A.
17. Evaluating on effect of HVAC series with impulse excitation voltage on porcelain insulator by using rotating wheel dip test Banhthasit, B.
Tonmitra, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Suksri, A.
18. Magnetic instability in tunneling magnetoresistive heads due to temperature increase during electrostatic discharge Surawanitkun, C.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Jutong, N.
19. Crosstalk suppression in high data rate and high density hard disk drive interconnects using magnetic composites Prachumrasee, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
20. Investigation on magnetic properties of L10-FePt/Fe graded media multilayer Tipcharoen, W.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Tonmitra, K.
21. Solid dielectric barrier in oil insulator under uniform and non-uniform electric fields Seela-Or, S.
Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
22. Solid investigation in oil barrier dielectric under non-uniform electric field Seela-Or, S.
Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Suksri, A.
23. Thermal image refinement approach for scratches on a magnetic disk evaluated at various angles Todtong, Y.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
24. Design of multilayer polarization beam splitters using multiobjective evolutionary and genetic algorithms Kaewrawang, A.
Wannawong, N.
25. Distribution automation in case of tie bus between two feeders at Donekoy substation in Laos Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Artrit, P.
26. Environmental study on the behavior of water drops with circular resin insulator material under DC electric field stress Tonmitr, K.
Sirsitaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
27. L10-CoPt bit patterned media with tilted easy axis for ultrahigh areal density over 2.5 Tb/in2 Kaewrawang, A. 2014
28. Microwave assisted magnetization reversal on exchange coupled composite media Wannawong, N.
Tipcharoen, W.
Kaewrawang, A.
29. Study on partial discharge with water droplets on the circular epoxy resin insulator under AC electric field stress Tonmitr, K.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
30. The dimensional effects of windowing on crosstalk for high speed hard disk drive interconnects Prachumrasee, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
31. The distinguishing quality of water droplets on insulating surface under AC and DC electric field stress Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
32. The effect of deterioration on insulating surface due to flashover under AC electric field stressed by water droplets Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
33. The effects of magnetic properties of L10-FePt/Fe based exchange coupled composite media on switching field Tipcharoen, W.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Tonmitra, K.
34. The flashover phenomena due to water drops on insulating surface under DC electric field Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
35. Time-coordination-based fault protection system for power distribution network Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Artrit, P.
36. A novel technique to detect effects of electromagnetic interference by electrostatic discharge simulator to test parameters of tunneling magnetoresistive read heads Khunkitti, P.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
37. Design and micromagnetic simulation of Fe/ L 10-FePt/Fe trilayer for exchange coupled composite bit patterned media at ultrahigh areal density Tipcharoen, W.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
38. Modeling of switching energy of magnetic tunnel junction devices with tilted magnetization Surawanitkun, C.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Jutong, N.
39. Storage reliability and temperature increment with tilted free layer magnetization in nanopillars for spin torque magnetic memory Surawanitkun, C.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
40. The Study of A Power System in A Pulp and Paper Plant in Thailand Krit Rattanapanyapan
Arkom Kaewrawang
41. The temperature and electromagnetic field distributions of heat-assisted magnetic recording for bit-patterned media at ultrahigh areal density Pituso, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Buatong, P.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
42. Angular Dependence of Spin Transfer Switching in Spin Valve Nanopillar Based Heusler Alloy Khunkitti, P.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
43. Crosstalk Reduction on 6-line Suspension Assembly Interconnect Trace in Head Gimbal Assembly by using Guard Technique Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
44. Dependence of current and magnetic field on spin transfer induced noise in CPP-GMR read heads Khunkitti, P.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
45. Effect of hotspot position fluctuation to writing capability in heated-dot magnetic recording Tipcharoen, W.
Kaewrawang, A.
46. Electromagnetic interference-induced instability in CPP-GMR read heads Khunkitti, P.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
47. The Electrical Breakdown of PVC and PMMA Barrier in Oil Insulator under Non-Uniform Field Surapong Seela-or
Kittipong Tonmitr
Arkom Kaewrawang
48. Investigation of electromagnetic interference effects by ESD simulator on test parameters of tunneling magnetic recording heads Kruesubthaworn, A.
Khunkitti, P.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
49. Simulation of magnetic footprints for heat assisted magnetic recording Pituso, K.
Khunkitti, P.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Chooruang, K.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
50. 1/f thermally excited noise in asymmetric oscillators T. Pipathanapoompron
A. Stankiewicz
A. Grier
K. Subramanian
A. Kaewrawang
51. Playback signal distortion in CPP-GMR read heads due to induced electromagnetic interference P. Khunkitti
A. Kruesubthaworn
A. Kaewrawang
A. Siritaratiwat
52. Reader Noise Due to Thermally Driven Asymmetric Oscillations Andrzej Stankiewicz
Thalerngsak Pipathanapoompron
Krishnan Subramanian
Arkom Kaewrawang
53. The synthesis and characterizations of aluminums doped barium ferrite (BaAlFe11O19) Kaewrawang, A. 2018
54. Switching Performance Comparison with Low Switching Energy Due to Initial Temperature Increment in CoFeB/MgO-Based Single and Double Barriers B. Teso
A. Siritaratiwat
A. Kaewrawang
A. Kruesubthaworn
A. Namvong
S. Sainon
C. Surawanitkun
55. Temperature dependence of magnetic properties on switching energy in magnetic tunnel junction devices with tilted magnetization Kravenkit, S.
Sorn-In, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Surawanitkun, C.
56. Unstable Playback Response of CPP-GMR Read Head Induced by Electromagnetic Interference: Structural Dependence Khunkitti, P.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
57. Modeling of magnetic thermal noise in stable magnetic sensors Kaewrawang, A. 2020
Count 54 0 17 0

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
1. Study on complex permittivity of tropical Thai fruits Kaewrawang, A.
Swatdiponphallop, S.
Siritaratiwat, A.
2007 Journal of Applied Sciences
7 (7), pp. 1009-1012
2. Epitaxial growth of SrM(00l) film on Au(111) Kaewrawang, A.
Ishida, G.
Liu, X.
2008 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
11 PART 2 (44), pp. 2899-2902
3. Crystallographic and magnetic properties of SrM thin films on Pt underlayer prepared at various substrate temperatures Kaewrawang, A.
Ghasemi, A.A.
Liu, X.
2009 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
13 (321), pp. 1939-1942
4. Properties of Sr ferrite thin films on Al-Si underlayer Kaewrawang, A.
Ghasemi, A.A.
Liu, X.
2009 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
6 (45), pp. 2587-2589
5. Structural and magnetic characteristics of SrM thin films on Au dot arrays Kaewrawang, A.
Ghasemi, A.A.
Liu, X.
2009 Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(191), pp.
6. Synthesis and characterization of CuO/ZnO-doped (Zr0.8Sn 0.2)TiO4 microwave ceramics Ghasemi, A.A.
Shams Alam, R.
Kaewrawang, A.
Liu, X.
2009 Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(191), pp.
7. Fabrication, crystallographic and magnetic properties of SrM perpendicular films on Au nano-dot arrays Kaewrawang, A.
Ghasemi, A.A.
Liu, X.
2010 Journal of Alloys and Compounds
1-2 (492), pp. 44-47
8. Self-assembled strontium ferrite dot array on Au underlayer Kaewrawang, A.
Ghasemi, A.A.
Liu, X.
2010 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
14 (322), pp. 2043-2046
9. Underlayer dependence of microtexture, microstructure and magnetic properties of c-axis oriented strontium ferrite thin films Kaewrawang, A.
Ghasemi, A.A.
Liu, X.
2010 Thin Solid Films
23 (518), pp. 7059-7063
10. A practical crosstalk reduction technique applied to high-density hard disk interconnecting assembly traces Osaklang, S.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Supnithi, P.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
2011 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
10 (47), pp. 4014-4017
11. Effect of MgO thickness on temperature distribution in nanopillar structure Kaengrang, S.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Swadiponphollop, S.
Praseartcharoensuk, V.
Boonpanyarak, S.
Kaewrawang, A.
2011 ECTI-CON 2011 - 8th Electrical Engineering/ Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI) Association of Thailand - Conference 2011
(), pp. 62-65
12. Instability of storage and temperature increment in nanopillars due to human body model electrostatic discharge Surawanitkun, C.
Kaewrawang, A.
Imtawil, V.
Siritaratiwat, A.
2011 Journal of Electrostatics
6 (69), pp. 618-622
13. Magnetic properties of Co1-xNix/2Sr x/2Fe2O4 (x = 0-1) ferrite nanoparticles synthesized by self-assembling media of reverse micelles Ghasemi, A.A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Liu, X.
2011 Journal of Physics: Conference Series
1 (303), pp.
14. Self-assembled strontium ferrite on Au nano-dot arrays using rapid thermal annealing Liu, X.
Kaewrawang, A.
Ghasemi, A.A.
2011 Journal of Physics: Conference Series
1 (303), pp.
15. A methodology to identify crosstalk contributor from 6-line suspension assembly interconnect of ultra-high capacity hard disk drives Prachumrasee, K.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
2012 Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal
1 (27), pp. 22-27
16. Crosstalk on high speed hard disk drive interconnect with percent variation of windowing Prachumrasee, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Prasertchoreonsuk, V.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kuesubthawon, A.
2012 2012 9th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, ECTI-CON 2012
(), pp.
17. Evaluating on effect of HVAC series with impulse excitation voltage on porcelain insulator by using rotating wheel dip test Banhthasit, B.
Tonmitra, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Suksri, A.
2012 Advanced Materials Research
(354-355), pp. 159-164
18. Magnetic instability in tunneling magnetoresistive heads due to temperature increase during electrostatic discharge Surawanitkun, C.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Jutong, N.
2012 IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability
3 (12), pp. 570-575
19. Crosstalk suppression in high data rate and high density hard disk drive interconnects using magnetic composites Prachumrasee, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
2013 Frequenz
7-8 (67), pp. 223-228
20. Investigation on magnetic properties of L10-FePt/Fe graded media multilayer Tipcharoen, W.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Tonmitra, K.
2013 Advanced Materials Research
(802), pp. 189-193
21. Solid dielectric barrier in oil insulator under uniform and non-uniform electric fields Seela-Or, S.
Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
2013 Advanced Materials Research
(740), pp. 540-544
22. Solid investigation in oil barrier dielectric under non-uniform electric field Seela-Or, S.
Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Suksri, A.
2013 2013 10th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, ECTI-CON 2013
(), pp.
23. Thermal image refinement approach for scratches on a magnetic disk evaluated at various angles Todtong, Y.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
2013 Instrumentation Science and Technology
4 (41), pp. 365-381
24. Design of multilayer polarization beam splitters using multiobjective evolutionary and genetic algorithms Kaewrawang, A.
Wannawong, N.
2014 Advanced Materials Research
(931-932), pp. 973-978
25. Distribution automation in case of tie bus between two feeders at Donekoy substation in Laos Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Artrit, P.
2014 Advanced Materials Research
(931-932), pp. 873-877
26. Environmental study on the behavior of water drops with circular resin insulator material under DC electric field stress Tonmitr, K.
Sirsitaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
2014 Advanced Materials Research
(979), pp. 111-114
27. L10-CoPt bit patterned media with tilted easy axis for ultrahigh areal density over 2.5 Tb/in2 Kaewrawang, A. 2014 Advanced Materials Research
(931-932), pp. 1255-1259
28. Microwave assisted magnetization reversal on exchange coupled composite media Wannawong, N.
Tipcharoen, W.
Kaewrawang, A.
2014 Advanced Materials Research
(931-932), pp. 1265-1269
29. Study on partial discharge with water droplets on the circular epoxy resin insulator under AC electric field stress Tonmitr, K.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
2014 Advanced Materials Research
(931-932), pp. 968-972
30. The dimensional effects of windowing on crosstalk for high speed hard disk drive interconnects Prachumrasee, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
2014 International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering
2 (24), pp. 217-222
31. The distinguishing quality of water droplets on insulating surface under AC and DC electric field stress Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
2014 Advanced Materials Research
(1025-1026), pp. 803-808
32. The effect of deterioration on insulating surface due to flashover under AC electric field stressed by water droplets Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
2014 Advanced Materials Research
(931-932), pp. 979-983
33. The effects of magnetic properties of L10-FePt/Fe based exchange coupled composite media on switching field Tipcharoen, W.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Tonmitra, K.
2014 Advanced Materials Research
(931-932), pp. 271-275
34. The flashover phenomena due to water drops on insulating surface under DC electric field Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
2014 Advanced Materials Research
(931-932), pp. 962-967
35. Time-coordination-based fault protection system for power distribution network Tonmitr, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Artrit, P.
2014 Advanced Materials Research
(931-932), pp. 867-872
36. A novel technique to detect effects of electromagnetic interference by electrostatic discharge simulator to test parameters of tunneling magnetoresistive read heads Khunkitti, P.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
2015 Journal of Applied Physics
17 (117), pp.
37. Design and micromagnetic simulation of Fe/ L 10-FePt/Fe trilayer for exchange coupled composite bit patterned media at ultrahigh areal density Tipcharoen, W.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
2015 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
(2015), pp.
38. Modeling of switching energy of magnetic tunnel junction devices with tilted magnetization Surawanitkun, C.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Jutong, N.
2015 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
(381), pp. 220-225
39. Storage reliability and temperature increment with tilted free layer magnetization in nanopillars for spin torque magnetic memory Surawanitkun, C.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
2015 Chiang Mai Journal of Science
2 (42), pp. 490-500
40. The temperature and electromagnetic field distributions of heat-assisted magnetic recording for bit-patterned media at ultrahigh areal density Pituso, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Buatong, P.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
2015 Journal of Applied Physics
17 (117), pp.
41. Angular Dependence of Spin Transfer Switching in Spin Valve Nanopillar Based Heusler Alloy Khunkitti, P.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
2016 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
(2016), pp.
42. Crosstalk Reduction on 6-line Suspension Assembly Interconnect Trace in Head Gimbal Assembly by using Guard Technique Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
2016 Procedia Computer Science
(86), pp. 79-82
43. Dependence of Current and Magnetic Field on Spin Transfer Induced Noise in CPP-GMR read Heads Khunkitti, P.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
2016 Procedia Computer Science
(86), pp. 27-30
44. Effect of hotspot position fluctuation to writing capability in heated-dot magnetic recording Tipcharoen, W.
Kaewrawang, A.
2016 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
7 (55), pp.
45. Electromagnetic interference-induced instability in CPP-GMR read heads Khunkitti, P.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
2016 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
(412), pp. 42-48
46. Investigation of electromagnetic interference effects by ESD simulator on test parameters of tunneling magnetic recording heads Kruesubthaworn, A.
Khunkitti, P.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
2017 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
(421), pp. 453-456
47. Simulation of magnetic footprints for heat assisted magnetic recording Pituso, K.
Khunkitti, P.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Chooruang, K.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
2017 EPJ Applied Physics
2 (78), pp.
48. Playback signal distortion in CPP-GMR read heads due to induced electromagnetic interference Khunkitti, P.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
2018 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
(465), pp. 14-18
49. Reader Noise Due to Thermally Driven Asymmetric Oscillations Kaewrawang, A. 2018 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
11 (54), pp.
50. The synthesis and characterizations of aluminums doped barium ferrite (BaAlFe<inf>11</inf>O<inf>19</inf>) Kaewrawang, A. 2018 Key Engineering Materials
(777 KEM), pp. 50-54
51. Switching Performance Comparison with Low Switching Energy Due to Initial Temperature Increment in CoFeB/MgO-Based Single and Double Barriers Siritaratiwat, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Sainon, S.
Surawanitkun, C.
2019 IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
9 (66), pp. 4062-4067
52. Temperature dependence of magnetic properties on switching energy in magnetic tunnel junction devices with tilted magnetization Kravenkit, S.
Sorn-In, K.
Kaewrawang, A.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
Surawanitkun, C.
2019 Applied Surface Science
(472), pp. 36-39
53. Unstable Playback Response of CPP-GMR Read Head Induced by Electromagnetic Interference: Structural Dependence Khunkitti, P.
Kruesubthaworn, A.
Kaewrawang, A.
Siritaratiwat, A.
2019 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
12 (55), pp.
54. Modeling of magnetic thermal noise in stable magnetic sensors Kaewrawang, A. 2020 Journal of Applied Physics
7 (127), pp.

Title Authors Year Journal title

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
1. Epitaxial Growth of SrM(00l) Film on Au(111) Arkom Kaewrawang
Go Ishida
Xiaoxi Liu
Akimitsu Morisako
11.0 (44.0), pp. 2899.0-2902.0
7 0 0 0 0 0 7
2. Crystallographic and magnetic properties of SrM thin films on Pt underlayer prepared at various substrate temperatures Arkom Kaewrawang
Ali Ghasemi
Xiaoxi Liu
Akimitsu Morisako
13.0 (321.0), pp. 1939.0-1942.0
16 0 0 0 0 0 16
3. Properties of Sr Ferrite Thin Films on Al-Si Underlayer Arkom Kaewrawang
Ali Ghasemi
Xiaoxi Liu
Akimitsu Morisako
6.0 (45.0), pp. 2587.0-2589.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
4. Fabrication, crystallographic and magnetic properties of SrM perpendicular films on Au nano-dot arrays Arkom Kaewrawang
Ali Ghasemi
Xiaoxi Liu
Akimitsu Morisako
1-2 (492.0), pp. 44.0-47.0
14 0 0 0 0 0 14
5. Self-assembled strontium ferrite dot array on Au underlayer Arkom Kaewrawang
Ali Ghasemi
Xiaoxi Liu
Akimitsu Morisako
14.0 (322.0), pp. 2043.0-2046.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
6. Underlayer dependence of microtexture, microstructure and magnetic properties of c-axis oriented strontium ferrite thin films Arkom Kaewrawang
Ali Ghasemi
Xiaoxi Liu
Akimitsu Morisako
23.0 (518.0), pp. 7059.0-7063.0
14 0 0 0 0 0 14
7. The Study of A Power System in A Pulp and Paper Plant in Thailand Krit Rattanapanyapan
Arkom Kaewrawang
(79.0), pp. 341.0-347.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. Crosstalk Reduction on 6-line Suspension Assembly Interconnect Trace in Head Gimbal Assembly by using Guard Technique A. Prathumthip
A. Siritaratiwat
A. Kaewrawang
A. Kruesubthaworn
(), pp. 79.0-82.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. Dependence of current and magnetic field on spin transfer induced noise in CPP-GMR read heads P. Khunkitti
A. Siritaratiwat
A. Kaewrawang
A. Kruesubthaworn
(), pp. 27.0-30.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10. The Electrical Breakdown of PVC and PMMA Barrier in Oil Insulator under Non-Uniform Field Surapong Seela-or
Kittipong Tonmitr
Arkom Kaewrawang
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Mechanics, Materials and Structural Engineering (ICMMSE)
(29.0), pp. 172.0-176.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
11. 1/f thermally excited noise in asymmetric oscillators T. Pipathanapoompron
A. Stankiewicz
A. Grier
K. Subramanian
A. Kaewrawang
(), pp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12. Playback signal distortion in CPP-GMR read heads due to induced electromagnetic interference P. Khunkitti
A. Kruesubthaworn
A. Kaewrawang
A. Siritaratiwat
(465.0), pp. 14.0-18.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
13. Reader Noise Due to Thermally Driven Asymmetric Oscillations Andrzej Stankiewicz
Thalerngsak Pipathanapoompron
Krishnan Subramanian
Arkom Kaewrawang
11.0 (54.0), pp.
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
14. Switching Performance Comparison With Low Switching Energy Due to Initial Temperature Increment in CoFeB/MgO-Based Single and Double Barriers B. Teso
A. Siritaratiwat
A. Kaewrawang
A. Kruesubthaworn
A. Namvong
S. Sainon
C. Surawanitkun
9.0 (66.0), pp. 4062.0-4067.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15. Temperature dependence of magnetic properties on switching energy in magnetic tunnel junction devices with tilted magnetization B. Teso
S. Kravenkit
K. Sorn-in
A. Kaewrawang
A. Kruesubthaworn
A. Siritaratiwat
T. Mewes
C. K. A. Mewes
C. Surawanitkun
(472.0), pp. 36.0-39.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
16. Unstable Playback Response of CPP-GMR Read Head Induced by Electromagnetic Interference: Structural Dependence Pirat Khunkitti
Anan Kruesubthaworn
Arkom Kaewrawang
Apirat Siritaratiwat
12.0 (55.0), pp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17. Modeling of magnetic thermal noise in stable magnetic sensors Thalerngsak Pipathanapoompron
Andrzej Stankiewicz
Krishnan Subramanian
Andrew Grier
Arkom Kaewrawang
7.0 (127.0), pp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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