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อ. อารดา ไชยมูล

57194137454: H-INDEX 9


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1. Incidence of unusual formation of the median nerve in Thai-northeast embalmed cadavers Namking, M.
Chaijaroonkhanarak, W.
Khamanarong, K.
Woraputtaporn, W.
Iamsaard, S.
2. Distribution and dynamic expression of serotonin and dopamine in the nervous system and ovary of Holothuria scabra during ovarian maturation Chaiyamoon, 2018
3. Transcriptomic discovery and comparative analysis of neuropeptide precursors in sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea) Chaiyamoon, 2018
4. Changes of tyrosine phosphorylation in liver and kidney of polycystic ovarian rats induced by letrozole Chaiyamoon, A.
Iamsaard, S.
5. Characterization of TRH/GnRH-like peptides in the sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra, and their effects on oocyte maturation Chaiyamoon, A. 2020
6. Existence of two mature sequences of cubifrin neuropeptide and their effects on spawning in the sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra Chaiyamoon, A. 2020
7. Overexpression of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins in reproductive tissues of polycystic ovary syndrome rats induced by letrozole Arun, S.
Chaiyamoon, A.
Iamsaard, S.
8. Chronic stress affects tyrosine phosphorylated protein expression and secretion of male rat epididymis Arun, S.
Chaiyamoon, A.
Iamsaard, S.
9. Gross and radiographic appearance of porotic hyperostosis and cribra orbitalia in thalassemia affected skulls Chaichun, A.
Iamsaard, S.
Arun, S.
Chaiyamoon, A.
10. Neurotransmitters induce larval settlement and juvenile growth of the sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra Chaiyamoon, A. 2021
11. Sex steroids and steroidogenesis-related genes in the sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra and their potential role in gonad maturation Chaiyamoon, A. 2021
12. The prevalence of anconeus epitrochlearis muscle and Osborne's ligament in cubital tunnel syndrome patients and healthy individuals: An anatomical study with meta-analysis Chaiyamoon, A. 2021
13. The prevalence of the azygos lobe: A meta-analysis of 1,033,083 subjects Chaiyamoon, A. 2021
Count 13 0 0 0

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 รวม
1. Incidence of unusual formation of the median nerve in Thai-northeast embalmed cadavers Namking, M.
Chaijaroonkhanarak, W.
Khamanarong, K.
Woraputtaporn, W.
Iamsaard, S.
2017 International Journal of Morphology
1 (35), pp. 52-55
2. Distribution and dynamic expression of serotonin and dopamine in the nervous system and ovary of Holothuria scabra during ovarian maturation Chaiyamoon, 2018 Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology
4 (204), pp. 391-407
3. Transcriptomic discovery and comparative analysis of neuropeptide precursors in sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea) Chaiyamoon, 2018 Peptides
(99), pp. 231-240
4. Changes of tyrosine phosphorylation in liver and kidney of polycystic ovarian rats induced by letrozole Chaiyamoon, A.
Iamsaard, S.
2020 International Journal of Morphology
4 (38), pp. 919-923
5. Characterization of TRH/GnRH-like peptides in the sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra, and their effects on oocyte maturation Chaiyamoon, A. 2020 Aquaculture
(518), pp.
6. Existence of two mature sequences of cubifrin neuropeptide and their effects on spawning in the sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra Chaiyamoon, A. 2020 Aquaculture
(519), pp.
7. Overexpression of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins in reproductive tissues of polycystic ovary syndrome rats induced by letrozole Arun, S.
Chaiyamoon, A.
Iamsaard, S.
2020 Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction
6 (9), pp. 275-282
8. Chronic stress affects tyrosine phosphorylated protein expression and secretion of male rat epididymis Arun, S.
Chaiyamoon, A.
Iamsaard, S.
2021 Andrologia
3 (53), pp.
9. Gross and radiographic appearance of porotic hyperostosis and cribra orbitalia in thalassemia affected skulls Chaichun, A.
Iamsaard, S.
Arun, S.
Chaiyamoon, A.
2021 Anatomy and Cell Biology
2 (54), pp. 280-284
10. Neurotransmitters induce larval settlement and juvenile growth of the sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra Chaiyamoon, A. 2021 Aquaculture
(535), pp.
11. Sex steroids and steroidogenesis-related genes in the sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra and their potential role in gonad maturation Chaiyamoon, A. 2021 Scientific Reports
1 (11), pp.
12. The prevalence of anconeus epitrochlearis muscle and Osborne's ligament in cubital tunnel syndrome patients and healthy individuals: An anatomical study with meta-analysis Chaiyamoon, A. 2021 Surgeon
(), pp.
13. The prevalence of the azygos lobe: A meta-analysis of 1,033,083 subjects Chaiyamoon, A. 2021 Clinical Anatomy
6 (34), pp. 872-883

Title Authors Year Journal title

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 รวม

Title Authors Year Journal title

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