 Frank Peter Schelp

Frank Peter Schelp

7006385013: H-INDEX 20


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1. A self-administered device for cervical cancer screening in northeast Thailand. Pengsaa, P
Vatanasapt, V
Sriamporn, S
Sanchaisuriya, P
Schelp, FP
Noda, S
Kato, S
Kongdee, W
Kanchanawirojkul, N
Aranyasen, O
2. Problems of malaria therapy | Probleme der Malariatherapie. Schelp, F.P. 1972
3. Comparison of human serum proteins obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in different socio economic groups in urban and rural areas of Thailand (a preliminary report) Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Pongpaew, P.
4. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of human serum in subclinical opisthorchiasis Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Pongpaew, P.
5. Electrophoresis of human serum with polyacrylamide gradient gel slabs Pongpaew, P.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
6. Malnutrition in North East Thailand | MANGELERNAHRUNG IN NORDOST THAILAND Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
7. Determination of cholesterol content in Thai foodstuffs. Pongpaew, P.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
8. Malaria prophylaxis for travellers to the Far East | MALARIAPROPHYLAXE BEI FERNOST TOURISTEN Schelp, F.P. 1976
9. Practical hints for the diagnosis of malaria | PRAKTISCHE HINWEISE ZUR MALARIADIAGNOSTIK Schelp, F.P. 1976
10. Serum protein fractions from children of differing nutritional status analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electroimmunoassay Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Pongpaew, P.
Supawan, V.
11. Some human ''carbohydrate rich'' serum proteins in protein energy malnutrition Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Pongpaew, P.
12. Alterations of human serum proteins and other biochemical parameters after five to ten days of untreated acute falciparum malaria Schelp, FP
Migasena, P
Vudhivai, N
Boonperm, P
Supawan, V
Pongpaew, P
Harinasuta, C
Intraprasert, R
Tharakul, C
13. Microdetermination of cholesterol, total lipids and triglycerides in plasma of Thai soldiers. Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Vudhivai, N.
Migasena, P.
14. Serum proteinase inhibitors and other serum proteins in protein energy malnutrition Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Pongpaew, P.
Supawan, V.
15. Serum uric acid level of Thai individuals in comparison with the nutritional status and some other physical and biochemical parameters. Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
16. The urinary sulfur/creatinine ratio in the assessment of protein nutritional status Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Supawan, V.
Migasena, P.
17. Are proteinase inhibitors a factor for the derangement of homoeostasis in protein-energy malnutrition? Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Pongpaew, P.
18. Serum lipid pattern in urban and rural Thai population. Pongpaew, P
Saovakontha, S
Schelp, FP
Supawan, V
Hongtong, K
Boonperm, P
19. Serum protein fractions in acute falciparum malaria obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Migasena, P
Schelp, FP
Vudhivai, N
Boonperm, P
Supawan, V
Pongpaew, P
Harinasuta, C
Intraprasert, R
Tharakul, C
20. Field metabolic evaluation of yeast protein. Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Pongpaew, P.
Supawan, V.
21. Serum proteinase inhibitors and acute-phase reactants from protein-energy malnutrition children during treatment Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
Migasena, P.
22. The serum protein pattern in primary hepatoma and amoebic liver abscess Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
23. Alpha-1-protease inhibitor phenotypes and serum concentrations in Thailand Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
24. α2HS-glycoprotein serum levels in protein-energy malnutrition Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
25. Anthropometric assessment of the nutritional status of children from birth to 60 months old from a water resource development area in Northeast Thailand--application of an international growth standard. Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Migasena, P.
26. Determination of iron and total iron binding capacity in 10 microliter plasma of Thai school-children using flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Pongpaew, P.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
27. The effect of riboflavin on the hematologic changes in iron supplementation of schoolchildren Schelp, F.P. 1980
28. Alcohol consumption, liver function tests and nutritional status in Thai males. Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
29. An investigation of the health and nutritional status of the population in the Nam Pong Water Resource Development Project, northeast Thailand Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Supawan, V.
Vudhivai, N.
30. Health and nutritional problems in the Nam Pong water resource development scheme Schelp, F.P. 1981
31. Nutritional status according to anthropometric measurement of schoolchildren in relation to water resources development scheme. Schelp, F.P. 1981
32. Prealbumin, transferrin and two serum proteinase inhibitors in healthy Bangkok preschool children. Supawan, V.
Schelp, F.P.
33. Proteinase inhibitors and other biochemical criteria in infants and primary schoolchildren from urban and rural environments Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Supawan, V.
Migasena, P.
34. Serum proteins in Giardia lamblia infection. Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
35. Mass treatment of opisthorchiasis in northeast Thailand Schelp, F.P. 1982
36. Physical growth of preschool chilren in relation to a water resource development scheme in Thailand Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Migasena, P.
37. Albumin, prealbumin, transferrin and serum proteinase inhibitors in asymptomatic and hospitalized Thai alcohol drinkers Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
38. Human serum proteins, indicative for the nutritional status and serum proteinase inhibitors in uncomplicated Falciparum malaria Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
39. Serum alpha-1 antichymotrypsin is a possible growth inhibitor of Plasmodium falciparum. Schelp, F.P. 1983
40. Serum glutamyl transferase and other liver function tests in P. falciparum malaria. Pongpaew, P.
Vudhivai, N.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Schelp, F.P.
41. A pilot project for controlling O. viverrini infection in Nong Wai, Northeast Thailand, by applying praziquantel and other measures Schelp, F.P. 1984
42. Determinants of anthropometric measurements in a prosperous village in Northeast Thailand with a high prevalence of "wasted" children Schelp, F.P. 1984
43. Infection and re-infection rates of opisthorchiasis in the Water Resource Development Area of Nam Pong Project, Khon Kaen Province, northeast Thailand Schelp, F.P. 1984
44. (The effects of making a reservoir and irrigation projects on the numbers of parasites and the nutritional level in North-east Thailand). | Auswirkungen von Staudammbau und Bewasserungsvorhaben auf die Parasitenbefallszahlen und den Ernahrungsstand in Nordost-Thailand. Schelp, F.P. 1984
45. Analysis of low birth weight rates and associated factors in a rural and an urban hospital in Thailand Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
46. Nutritional status of Thai school children from two regions Schelp, F.P. 1985
47. Pyridoxine status in preschool children in Northeast Thailand: A community survey Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Migasena, P.
48. Serum glutamyl transferase and other liver function tests in Opisthorchis viverrini infection Pongpaew, P.
Vudhivai, N.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Schelp, F.P.
49. The influence of improved socio-economic development on health and nutritional status Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
50. A fortran subroutine for computing indicators of the nutritional status of children and adolescents Schelp, F.P. 1986
51. Relationship of "weight for height" to "height for age" - a longitudinal study Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Vudhivai, N.
52. Riboflavin status in preschool children in Northeast Thailand: a community survey. Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
Prayurahong, B.
Migasena, P.
53. Low weight-for-height in Thai children Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Vudhivai, N.
54. Alpha-2-macroglobulin, 3-methylhistidine and other biochemical parameters in preschool children of marginal nutritional status. Some evidence of an adaptation process in subclinical protein-energy malnutrition Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Vudhivai, N.
Supawan, V.
Migasena, P.
55. Protection against cancer through nutritionally-induced increase of endogenous proteinase inhibitors - A hypothesis Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
56. Alpha-2-macroglobulin, 3-methylhistidine and other biochemical parameters in healthy thai males Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Vudhivai, N.
Supawan, V.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
57. Aspects of community-based nutritional intervention. Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
58. Nutritionally-induced elevation of serum proteinase inhibitors and reduced 3-methylhistidine excretion in the rat Schelp, F.P. 1990
59. Relationship of the morbitity of under-fives to anthropometric measurements and community health intervention Schelp, F.P.
Vudhivai, N.
60. Seasonal variation of wasting and stunting in preschool children during a three-year community-based nutritional intervention study in northeast Thailand Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Vudhivai, N.
61. Vitamin B1, B2 and B6 in relation to anthropometry, hemoglobin and albumin of newborns and their mothers from northeast Thailand Vudhivai, N.
Pongpaew, P.
Prayurahong, B.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
62. Influence of dietary intake on alpha-2-macroglobulin and other biochemical parameters in healthy thai males Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Prayurahong, B.
Mahaweerawat, U.
Intarakhao, C.
Sriboonlue, P.
Migasena, P.
63. International nutritional immunology group [2] Schelp, F.P. 1991
64. Vitamin B1, B2 and B6 status of vegetarians. Vudhivai, N.
Ali, A.A.
Pongpaew, P.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
65. Lipid profile, anthropometry and dietary intake of 132 Thai vegetarians. Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
66. Pregnancy, nutrition and parasitic infection of rural and urban women in Northeast Thailand Saowakontha, S.
Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Rojsathaporn, K.
Intarakha, C.
Pipitgool, V.
Mahaweerawat, U.
Lumbiganon, P.
Sriboonlue, P.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Vudhivai, N.
Supawan, V.
Hinz, E.
Migasena, P.
67. The area between curves (ABC)-measure in nutritional anthropometry Schelp, F.P. 1992
68. Nutritional health and parasitic infection of rural Thai women of the child bearing age. Sanchaisuriya, P.
Pongpaew, P.
Saowakontha, S.
Supawan, V.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
69. Parasitic infection and socio-demographic characteristics of urban construction site workers. Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Vudhivai, N.
Phonrat, B.
Supawan, V.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
70. Urine iodine concentration and prevalence of goiter among rural women of child bearing ages in Northeast Thailand. Supawan, V
Tungtrongchitr, R
Prayurahong, B
Pongpaew, P
Sanchaisuriya, P
Kassomboon, P
Saowakontha, S
Schelp, FP
Migasena, P
71. Vitamin B12, folic acid and haematological status in elderly Thais. Prayurahong, B.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
72. Vitamin B12, folic acid and haematological status of 132 Thai vegetarians. Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Prayurahong, B.
Vudhivai, N.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
73. Compliance of population groups of iodine fortification in an endemic area of goiter in Northeast Thailand Saowakhontha, S
Sanchaisuriya, P
Pongpaew, P
Tungtrongchitr, R
Supawan, V
Intarakhao, C
Mahaweerawat, U
Jotking, P
Sriarkajan, N
Schelp, FP
74. Quetelet index, hemoglobin and parasitic infection of rural women in northeast Thailand. Saowakontha, S.
Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Rojsathaporn, K.
Sriboonlue, P.
Vudhivai, N.
Intarakhao, C.
Pipitgool, V.
Mahaweerawat, U.
Supawan, V.
75. Serum concentrations of alpha-2-macroglobulin and other serum proteinase inhibitors in Thai vegetarians and omnivores Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Migasena, P.
76. Socio-demographic characteristics and health status of urban Thai elderly. Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
77. alpha 1-antitrypsin phenotype PiMZ, a risk factor for liver cirrhosis but not for liver cancers in Thailand. Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
78. Serum proteins and nutritional status of free-living Thai elderly Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Supawan, V.
Lertchawanakul, A.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
79. Vitamin B12, folic acid, ferritin and haematological variables among Thai construction site workers in urban Bangkok Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Phonrat, B.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
80. Vitamin B1, B2 and B6 during the course of pregnancy of rural and urban women in northeast Thailand. Pongpaew, P.
Saowakontha, S.
Schelp, F.P.
Rojsathaporn, K.
Phonrat, B.
Vudhivai, N.
Supawan, V.
Intarakhao, C.
Lumbiganon, P.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Migasena, P.
81. Anthropometry, cholesterol, HDL and LDL in relation to alpha-2-macroglobulin in thai construction site workers Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Supawan, V.
82. Endogeneous increase of proteinase inhibitors as a possible mechanism of adaptation and subclinical undernutrition resulting in stunting Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
83. Health and functional consequences of stunting Schelp, F.P.
Chandra, R.K.
84. A self-administered device for cervical cancer screening in Northeast Thailand Pengsaa, P.
Vatanasapt, V.
Sriamporn, S.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Noda, S.
Kato, S.
Kongdee, W.
Kanchanawirojkul, N.
Aranyasen, O.
85. Elderly in a country going through epidemiological health transition - The example of Thailand Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
86. Prevalence of abnormal glucose tolerance in Khon Kaen Province and validity of urine stick and fasting blood sugar as screening tools. Chaisiri, K.
Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Kuhathong, C.
Sutthiwong, P.
Intarakhao, C.
Mahaweerawat, U.
Khongdee, W.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Saowakontha, S.
Merkle, A.
Schelp, F.P.
87. Risk factors for chronic diseases among road sweepers in Bangkok Phonrat, B.
Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
88. Vitamin B12, folic acid, ferritin and haemoglobin status of rural women in child-bearing age in northeast Thailand. Tungtrongchitr, R
Pongpaew, P
Schelp, FP
Phonrat, B
Mahaweerawat, U
Paksanont, S
Sanchaisuriya, P
Jotking, P
Intarakhao, C
Saowakhontha, S
89. Vitamin B12, Folie Acid, Ferritin and Haemoglobin Status of Rural Women in Child-bearing Age in Northeast Thailand Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Phonrat, B.
Mahaweerawat, U.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Jotking, P.
Intarakhao, C.
Saowakhontha, S.
90. Evaluation and monitoring of iodine deficiency disorders in school children in north-east Thailand. Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Supawan, V.
Vudhivai, N.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Intarakhao, C.
Mahaweerawat, U.
Phonrat, B.
Jotking, P.
Kongdee, W.
Schelp, F.P.
Saowakhontha, S.
91. Nutritional status and serum lipids of a rural population in Northeast Thailand - An example of health transition Chaisiri, K
Pongpaew, P
Tungtrongchitr, R
Phonrat, B
Kulleap, S
Sutthiwong, P
Intarakhao, C
Mahaweerawat, U
Khongdee, W
Sanchaisuriya, P
Saowakontha, S
Merkle, A
Schelp, FP
92. Nutritional status of school children in an endemic area of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) after one year of iodine supplementation Pongpaew, P
Tungtrongchitr, R
Phonrat, B
Supawan, V
Schelp, FP
Intarakhao, C
Mahaweerawat, U
Saowakontha, S
93. Nutrition and infection in tropical countries - Implications for public health intervention - A personal perspective Schelp, F.P. 1998
94. Treatment of Opisthorchis viverrini and intestinal fluke infections with Praziquantel Schelp, F.P. 1998
95. Comment on H. Immich: Odds ratio and relative risk: confused effects? | Zu H. Immich: Odds Ratio und Relatives Risiko: Vermengte Effekte? Schelp, F.P. 1999
96. Lead exposure, urinary δ-aminolevulinic acid concentrations and haematological parameters of road sweepers working in congested areas of Bangkok Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
97. The relationship between alcohol consumption, health indicators and mortality in the German population Schelp, F.P.
Dietz, E.
98. Urinary iodine excretion as a predictor of the iodine content of breast milk Pongpaew, P
Supawan, V
Tungtrongchitr, R
Phonrat, B
Vudhivai, N
Chantaranipapong, Y
Kitjaroentham, A
Jintaridhi, P
Intarakhao, C
Mahaweerawat, U
Saowakhontha, S
Schelp, FP
99. Activity, dietary intake, and anthropometry of an informal social group of Thai elderly in Bangkok Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Vudhivai, N.
Supawan, V.
Schelp, F.P.
100. Community based intervention of iron deficiency anemia in females and iodine deficiency disorders in school children in Lao PDR. Sanchaisuriya, P.
Saowakontha, S.
Merkle, A.
Schelp, F.P.
101. Control of intestinal parasitic infection--a pilot project in Lao PDR. Intarakhao, C.
Mahaweerawat, U.
Saowakontha, S.
Merkle, A.
Schelp, F.P.
102. Erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes and blood pressure in relation to overweight and obese Thai in Bangkok Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Supawan, V.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
103. Leptin concentration in relation to body mass index (BMI) and hematological measurements in Thai obese and overweight subjects Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Phonrat, B.
Supawan, V.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
104. Lessons learned. Schelp, F.P. 2000
105. Malaria control through impregnated bednets--a pilot project in selected villages in Lao PDR. Saowakontha, S.
Merkle, A.
Schelp, F.P.
106. nutritional status of pre-school children and women in selected villages in the Suvannakhet P0rovince, Lao PDR -an intervention trial Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Saowakontha, S.
Merkle, A.
Schelp, F.P.
107. Nutritional status of pre-school children and women in selected villages in the Suvannakhet Province, Lao PDR--an intervention trial. Khamhoung, K
Bodhisane, N
Pathammavong, C
Ouenvilay, S
Senthavisouk, B
Pongpaew, P
Tungtrongchitr, R
Phonrat, B
Saowakontha, S
Merkle, A
Schelp, FP
108. Promotion of the health of rural women towards safe motherhood - An intervention project in Northeast Thailand Saowakontha, S
Pongpaew, P
Vudhivai, N
Tungtrongchitr, R
Sanchaisuriya, P
Mahaweerawat, U
Laohasiriwong, W
Intarakhao, C
Leelapanmetha, P
Chaisiri, K
Vatanasapt, V
Merkle, A
Schelp, FP
109. Reproductive health in selected villages in Lao PDR. Laohasiriwong, W.
Saowakontha, S.
Merkle, A.
Schelp, F.P.
110. Erratum: Serum leptin and lipid profiles in thai obese and overweight subjects (International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research (2001) 71:1 (74-81)) Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Phonrat, B.
Supawan, V.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
111. Relationship of intestinal parasites to the environment and to behavioral factors in children in the Bolikhamxay Province of Lao PDR Schelp, F.P. 2001
112. Serum leptin and lipid profiles in Thai obese and overweight subjects Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Phonrat, B.
Supawan, V.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
113. Tobacco smoking in relation to the phenotype of alpha-1-antitrypsin and serum vitamin C concentration Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
114. B Vitamins, Vitamin C and Hematological Measurements in Overweight and Obese Thais in Bangkok Vudhivai, N.
Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Schelp, F.P.
115. Iodine deficiency disorder - An old problem tackled again: A review of a comprehensive operational study in the northeast of Thailand Pongpaew, P.
Saowakontha, S.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Mahaweerawat, U.
Schelp, F.P.
116. The effect of cigarette smoking on ceruloplasmin and C3 complement: Risk of cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis) Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Phonrat, B.
Supawan, V.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
117. Advantages of trained TBA and the perception of females and their experiences with reproductive health in two districts of the Luangprabang province, Lao PDR Schelp, F.P. 2003
118. Relationship between alpha-2-macroglobulin, anthropometric parameters and lipid profiles in Thai overweight and obese in Bangkok Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Vudhivai, N.
Phonrat, B.
Schelp, F.P.
119. Relationship of tobacco smoking with serum vitamin B12, folic acid and haematological indices in healthy adults Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Vudhivai, N.
Phonrat, B.
Schelp, F.P.
120. Serum copper, zinc, ceruloplasmin and superoxide dismutase in Thai overweight and obese Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Phonrat, B.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
121. Serum homocysteine, B12 and folic acid concentration in Thai overweight and obese subjects Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Vudhivai, N.
Phonrat, B.
Schelp, F.P.
122. The relationships between anthropometric measurements, serum vitamin A and E concentrations and lipid profiles in overweight and obese subjects Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
123. Experience with a self-administered device for cervical cancer screening by Thai women with different educational backgrounds Sanchaisuriya, P.
Pengsaa, P.
Sriamporn, S.
Schelp, F.P.
Kritpetcharat, O.
Suwanrungruang, K.
Laohasiriwong, W.
Noda, S.
Kato, S.
124. Adiponectin/ACP30, a collagen-like plasma protein in relation anthropometric measurements in Thai overweight and obese subjects Tungtrongchitr, R.
Sricharoen, P.
Pongpaew, P.
Phonrat, B.
Arthan, D.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
125. A reliable screening protocol for thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnancy: An alternative approach to electronic blood cell counting Sanchaisuriya, K.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Changtrakul, Y.
Ukosanakarn, U.
Schelp, F.P.
126. Homocysteine and vitamin status in healthy Thai smokers Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Phonrat, B.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
127. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphism (C677T) in relation to homocysteine concentration in overweight and obese thais Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Phonrat, B.
Schelp, F.P.
128. Relationship between soluble leptin receptor, leptin, lipid profiles and anthropometric parameters in overweight and obese Thai subjects Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Phonrat, B.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
129. C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α levels in overweight and healthy adults Puduang, S.
Schelp, F.P.
130. Nutritional status of pregnant women in Northeast Thailand Andert, C.U.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Schelp, F.P.
131. Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies rather than iron deficiency are major causes of pregnancy-related anemia in northeast Thailand Sanchaisuriya, K.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Fucharoen, G.
Dietz, E.
Schelp, F.P.
132. Effect of the maternal βE-globin gene on hematologic responses to iron supplementation during pregnancy Sanchaisuriya, K.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Fucharoen, G.
Dietz, E.
Schelp, F.P.
133. Low birth weight infants born to HIV-seropositive mothers and HIV-seronegative mothers in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Mitgitti, R.
Seanchaisuriya, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Yanai, H.
134. Quality of life and compliance among type 2 diabetic patients Chaveepojnkamjorn, W.
Schelp, F.P.
Mahaweerawat, U.
Mahaweerawat, U.
N. Panomai
P. Sanchaisuriya
S. Lowirakorn
S. Yamsri
G. Fucharoen
S. Fucharoen
F. Schelp
137. Migrants and malaria risk factors: A study of the thai-myanmar border Schelp, F.P. 2009
138. Thalassemia and iron deficiency in a group of northeast Thai school children: Relationship to the occurrence of anemia Sanchaisuriya, K.
Yamsri, S.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Fucharoen, G.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Schelp, F.P.
139. Health status of diabetes type 2 patients in Thailand contradicts their perception and admitted compliance Supattra Srivanichakorn
Nattaporn Sukpordee
Tassanee Yana
Pattara Sachchaisuriya
Frank Peter Schelp
140. The adipokines resistin and visfatin in overnourished and obese adolescentsld of a population at high risk to develop diabetes mellitus type 2 Mahaweerawat, U.
Schelp, F.P.
141. Micromapping of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in diferent regions of Northeast Thailand and Vientaine, Laos People's Democratic Republic Tritipsombut, J.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Phollarp, P.
Bouakhasith, D.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Fucharoen, G.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Schelp, F.P.
142. Use of glucometer and fasting blood glucose as screening tools for diabetes mellitus type 2 and glycated haemoglobin as clinical reference in rural community primary care settings of a middle income country. Muktabhant, B.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Sarakarn, P.
Schelp, F.P.
143. Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) among People Living With HIV (PLHIV): a cross-sectional survey to measure in Lao PDR Hansana, V.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Chaleunvong, K.
Boonyaleepun, S.
Schelp, F.P.
144. Association of the polymorphism of interleukin-1B (-511C/T) with type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with and without family history of a first degree relative with diabetes mellitus Muktabhant, B.
Duangjinda, M.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Kananit, S.
Schelp, F.P.
145. Benefits and constraints in screening for non-communicable diseases in the rural area of Thailand's northeast Muktabhant, B.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Lowirakorn, S.
Wannakiree, T.
Schelp, F.P.
146. Burden of anemia in relation to thalassemia and iron deficiency among vietnamese pregnant women Siridamrongvattana, S.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Fucharoen, G.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Schelp, F.P.
K. Sanchaisuriya
K. Wongprachum
F. Schelp
148. Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies in Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam Nguyen, H.V.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Nguyen, D.H.
Siridamrongvattana, S.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Schelp, F.P.
149. Hemoglobin Constant Spring is markedly high in women of an ethnic minority group in Vietnam: A community-based survey and hematologic features Nguyen, V.H.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Wongprachum, K.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Schelp, F.P.
150. A first-degree relative with diabetes mellitus is an important risk factor for rural Thai villagers to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus Muktabhant, B.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Mingchai, R.
Schelp, F.P.
151. Community Participation for Thalassemia Prevention Initiated by Village Health Volunteers in Northeastern Thailand Jopang, Y.
Petchmark, S.
Jetsrisuparb, A.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Schelp, F.P.
152. Molecular Heterogeneity of Thalassemia among Pregnant Laotian Women Wongprachum, K.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Schelp, F.P.
153. Molecular Heterogeneity of Thalassemia among Pregnant Laotian Women Wongprachum, K.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Schelp, F.P.
154. Epidemiological transition in type 2 diabetes mellitus: the role and function of a sub-district health promoting hospital Jurairat Srisiri
Songkramchai Leethongdee
Pissamai Homchampa
Frank Peter Schelp
155. Pilot screening program for thalassemia carriers at community level in lao people’s democratic republic Sanchaisuriya, K.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Schelp, F.P.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
156. Dietary patterns and their association with the components of metabolic syndrome: A cross-sectional study of adults from northeast Thailand [version 2; peer review: 2 approved] Muktabhant, B.
Schelp, F.P.
157. Improved control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) requires an additional advanced concept for public health - a perspective from a middle-income country. Muktabhant, B
Schelp, FP
Kraiklang, R
Chupanit, P
Sanchaisuriya, P
158. Improved control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) requires an additional advanced concept for public health – a perspective from a middle-income country [version 1; peer review: 2 approved] Muktabhant, B.
Schelp, F.P.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
159. Public health research needs for molecular epidemiology and to emphasize homeostasis - could the omnipotent endopeptidase inhibitor α-2-macroglobulin be a meaningful biomarker? Schelp, FP
Kraiklang, R
Muktabhant, B
Chupanit, P
Sanchaisuriya, P
160. Public health research needs for molecular epidemiology and to emphasize homeostasis – could the omnipotent endopeptidase inhibitor α-2-macroglobulin be a meaningful biomarker? [version 1; peer review: 2 approved] Schelp, F.P.
Muktabhant, B.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
161. Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies in an Ethnic Minority Group in Northern Vietnam Sanchaisuriya, K.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Schelp, F.P.
Count 155 27 7 0

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
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1. Problems of malaria therapy | Probleme der Malariatherapie. Schelp, F.P. 1972 Deutsches medizinisches Journal
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2. Comparison of human serum proteins obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in different socio economic groups in urban and rural areas of Thailand (a preliminary report) Schelp, F.P.
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Pongpaew, P.
1974 Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology
5 (20), pp. 383-388
3. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of human serum in subclinical opisthorchiasis Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Pongpaew, P.
1974 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
3 (5), pp. 435-438
4. Electrophoresis of human serum with polyacrylamide gradient gel slabs Pongpaew, P.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1975 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
1 (58), pp. 15-23
5. Malnutrition in North East Thailand | MANGELERNAHRUNG IN NORDOST THAILAND Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
1975 Medizinische Welt
4 (26), pp. 160-162
6. Determination of cholesterol content in Thai foodstuffs. Pongpaew, P.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1976 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
11 (59), pp. 494-496
7. Malaria prophylaxis for travellers to the Far East | MALARIAPROPHYLAXE BEI FERNOST TOURISTEN Schelp, F.P. 1976 Deutsches Arzteblatt
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8. Practical hints for the diagnosis of malaria | PRAKTISCHE HINWEISE ZUR MALARIADIAGNOSTIK Schelp, F.P. 1976 Arztliche Laboratorium
10 (22), pp. 323-326
9. Serum protein fractions from children of differing nutritional status analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electroimmunoassay Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Pongpaew, P.
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1976 British Journal of Nutrition
2 (35), pp. 211-222
10. Some human ''carbohydrate rich'' serum proteins in protein energy malnutrition Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Pongpaew, P.
1976 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
3 (7), pp. 460-464
11. Alterations of human serum proteins and other biochemical parameters after five to ten days of untreated acute falciparum malaria Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Vudhivai, N.
Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
1977 Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie
3 (28), pp. 319-322
12. Microdetermination of cholesterol, total lipids and triglycerides in plasma of Thai soldiers. Pongpaew, P.
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Vudhivai, N.
Migasena, P.
1977 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
1 (60), pp. 22-25
13. Serum proteinase inhibitors and other serum proteins in protein energy malnutrition Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Pongpaew, P.
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1977 British Journal of Nutrition
1 (38), pp. 31-38
14. Serum uric acid level of Thai individuals in comparison with the nutritional status and some other physical and biochemical parameters. Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1977 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
12 (30), pp. 2122-2125
15. The urinary sulfur/creatinine ratio in the assessment of protein nutritional status Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Supawan, V.
Migasena, P.
1977 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
1 (8), pp. 89-92
16. Are proteinase inhibitors a factor for the derangement of homoeostasis in protein-energy malnutrition? Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Pongpaew, P.
1978 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
3 (31), pp. 451-456
17. Serum lipid pattern in urban and rural Thai population. Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
1978 Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology
3 (24), pp. 289-296
18. Serum protein fractions in acute falciparum malaria obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Vudhivai, N.
Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
1978 Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
1 (72), pp. 3-12
19. Field metabolic evaluation of yeast protein. Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
Pongpaew, P.
Supawan, V.
1979 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
9 (62), pp. 465-473
20. Serum proteinase inhibitors and acute-phase reactants from protein-energy malnutrition children during treatment Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
Migasena, P.
1979 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
7 (32), pp. 1415-1422
21. The serum protein pattern in primary hepatoma and amoebic liver abscess Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1979 Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
4 (73), pp. 355-361
22. α2HS-glycoprotein serum levels in protein-energy malnutrition Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
1980 British Journal of Nutrition
2 (43), pp. 381-384
23. Alpha-1-protease inhibitor phenotypes and serum concentrations in Thailand Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1980 Human Genetics
1 (54), pp. 119-124
24. Anthropometric assessment of the nutritional status of children from birth to 60 months old from a water resource development area in Northeast Thailand--application of an international growth standard. Schelp, F.P.
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Migasena, P.
1980 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
1 (63), pp. 15-24
25. Determination of iron and total iron binding capacity in 10 microliter plasma of Thai school-children using flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Pongpaew, P.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1980 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
4 (63), pp. 210-214
26. The effect of riboflavin on the hematologic changes in iron supplementation of schoolchildren Schelp, F.P. 1980 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
1 (11), pp. 97-103
27. Alcohol consumption, liver function tests and nutritional status in Thai males. Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
1981 International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research
4 (51), pp. 391-400
28. An investigation of the health and nutritional status of the population in the Nam Pong Water Resource Development Project, northeast Thailand Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Supawan, V.
Vudhivai, N.
1981 Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
3 (75), pp. 335-346
29. Health and nutritional problems in the Nam Pong water resource development scheme Schelp, F.P. 1981 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
3 (12), pp. 402-405
30. Nutritional status according to anthropometric measurement of schoolchildren in relation to water resources development scheme. Schelp, F.P. 1981 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
4 (12), pp. 604-606
31. Prealbumin, transferrin and two serum proteinase inhibitors in healthy Bangkok preschool children. Supawan, V.
Schelp, F.P.
1981 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
4 (12), pp. 606-607
32. Proteinase inhibitors and other biochemical criteria in infants and primary schoolchildren from urban and rural environments Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
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Migasena, P.
1981 British Journal of Nutrition
3 (45), pp. 451-459
33. Serum proteins in Giardia lamblia infection. Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
1981 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
1 (12), pp. 125-127
34. Mass treatment of opisthorchiasis in northeast Thailand Schelp, F.P. 1982 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
4 (13), pp. 609-613
35. Physical growth of preschool chilren in relation to a water resource development scheme in Thailand Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Migasena, P.
1982 Journal of Tropical Pediatrics
4 (28), pp. 187-192
36. Albumin, prealbumin, transferrin and serum proteinase inhibitors in asymptomatic and hospitalized Thai alcohol drinkers Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1983 Journal of Studies on Alcohol
2 (44), pp. 381-383
37. Human serum proteins, indicative for the nutritional status and serum proteinase inhibitors in uncomplicated Falciparum malaria Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
1983 Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie
4 (34), pp. 244-247
38. Serum alpha-1 antichymotrypsin is a possible growth inhibitor of Plasmodium falciparum. Schelp, F.P. 1983 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
3 (14), pp. 349-352
39. Serum glutamyl transferase and other liver function tests in P. falciparum malaria. Pongpaew, P.
Vudhivai, N.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Schelp, F.P.
1983 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
4 (14), pp. 561-562
40. A pilot project for controlling O. viverrini infection in Nong Wai, Northeast Thailand, by applying praziquantel and other measures Schelp, F.P. 1984 Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research
9 B (34), pp. 1231-1234
41. Determinants of anthropometric measurements in a prosperous village in Northeast Thailand with a high prevalence of "wasted" children Schelp, F.P. 1984 Nutrition Research
4 (4), pp. 591-600
42. Infection and re-infection rates of opisthorchiasis in the Water Resource Development Area of Nam Pong Project, Khon Kaen Province, northeast Thailand Schelp, F.P. 1984 Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
6 (78), pp. 649-656
43. (The effects of making a reservoir and irrigation projects on the numbers of parasites and the nutritional level in North-east Thailand). | Auswirkungen von Staudammbau und Bewasserungsvorhaben auf die Parasitenbefallszahlen und den Ernahrungsstand in Nordost-Thailand. Schelp, F.P. 1984 Geographische Zeitschrift Beiheft (Erdkundliches Wissen)
(70), pp. 55-61
44. Analysis of low birth weight rates and associated factors in a rural and an urban hospital in Thailand Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
1985 Journal of Tropical Pediatrics
1 (31), pp. 4-8
45. Nutritional status of Thai school children from two regions Schelp, F.P. 1985 Nutrition Reports International
3 (32), pp. 571-581
46. Pyridoxine status in preschool children in Northeast Thailand: A community survey Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Migasena, P.
1985 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
4 (41), pp. 770-775
47. Serum glutamyl transferase and other liver function tests in Opisthorchis viverrini infection Pongpaew, P.
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Tungtrongchitr, R.
Schelp, F.P.
1985 Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
1 (36), pp. 32-34
48. The influence of improved socio-economic development on health and nutritional status Schelp, F.P.
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1985 Nutrition Reports International
3 (31), pp. 717-722
49. A fortran subroutine for computing indicators of the nutritional status of children and adolescents Schelp, F.P. 1986 Statistische Hefte
1 (27), pp. 141-150
50. Relationship of "weight for height" to "height for age" - a longitudinal study Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Vudhivai, N.
1986 Nutrition Research
4 (6), pp. 369-373
51. Riboflavin status in preschool children in Northeast Thailand: a community survey. Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
Prayurahong, B.
Migasena, P.
1986 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
10 (69), pp. 543-548
52. Low weight-for-height in Thai children Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Vudhivai, N.
1987 World Health Forum
4 (8), pp. 539-543
53. Alpha-2-macroglobulin, 3-methylhistidine and other biochemical parameters in preschool children of marginal nutritional status. Some evidence of an adaptation process in subclinical protein-energy malnutrition Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Vudhivai, N.
Supawan, V.
Migasena, P.
1988 Nutrition Research
11 (8), pp. 1213-1221
54. Protection against cancer through nutritionally-induced increase of endogenous proteinase inhibitors - A hypothesis Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
1988 International Journal of Epidemiology
2 (17), pp. 287-292
55. Alpha-2-macroglobulin, 3-methylhistidine and other biochemical parameters in healthy thai males Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Vudhivai, N.
Supawan, V.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
1989 Nutrition Research
4 (9), pp. 373-381
56. Aspects of community-based nutritional intervention. Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
1990 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
4 (73), pp. 223-227
57. Nutritionally-induced elevation of serum proteinase inhibitors and reduced 3-methylhistidine excretion in the rat Schelp, F.P. 1990 International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research
3 (60), pp. 279-287
58. Relationship of the morbitity of under-fives to anthropometric measurements and community health intervention Schelp, F.P.
Vudhivai, N.
1990 Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
2 (41), pp. 121-126
59. Seasonal variation of wasting and stunting in preschool children during a three-year community-based nutritional intervention study in northeast Thailand Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Vudhivai, N.
1990 Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
3 (41), pp. 279-285
60. Vitamin B1, B2 and B6 in relation to anthropometry, hemoglobin and albumin of newborns and their mothers from northeast Thailand Vudhivai, N.
Pongpaew, P.
Prayurahong, B.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1990 International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research
1 (60), pp. 75-80
61. Influence of dietary intake on alpha-2-macroglobulin and other biochemical parameters in healthy thai males Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Prayurahong, B.
Mahaweerawat, U.
Intarakhao, C.
Sriboonlue, P.
Migasena, P.
1991 Nutrition Research
6 (11), pp. 559-565
62. International nutritional immunology group [2] Schelp, F.P. 1991 Nutrition Research
10 (11), pp. 1211-1212
63. Vitamin B1, B2 and B6 status of vegetarians. Vudhivai, N.
Ali, A.A.
Pongpaew, P.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1991 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
10 (74), pp. 465-470
64. Lipid profile, anthropometry and dietary intake of 132 Thai vegetarians. Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1992 International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research
4 (62), pp. 324-329
65. Pregnancy, nutrition and parasitic infection of rural and urban women in Northeast Thailand Saowakontha, S.
Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Rojsathaporn, K.
Intarakha, C.
Pipitgool, V.
Mahaweerawat, U.
Lumbiganon, P.
Sriboonlue, P.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Vudhivai, N.
Supawan, V.
Hinz, E.
Migasena, P.
1992 Nutrition Research
8 (12), pp. 929-942
66. The area between curves (ABC)-measure in nutritional anthropometry Schelp, F.P. 1992 Statistics in Medicine
10 (11), pp. 1289-1304
67. Nutritional health and parasitic infection of rural Thai women of the child bearing age. Sanchaisuriya, P.
Pongpaew, P.
Saowakontha, S.
Supawan, V.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1993 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
3 (76), pp. 138-145
68. Parasitic infection and socio-demographic characteristics of urban construction site workers. Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Vudhivai, N.
Phonrat, B.
Supawan, V.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1993 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
3 (24), pp. 573-576
69. Urine iodine concentration and prevalence of goiter among rural women of child bearing ages in Northeast Thailand. Supawan, V.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Prayurahong, B.
Pongpaew, P.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Saowakontha, S.
Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
1993 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
4 (76), pp. 210-216
70. Vitamin B12, folic acid and haematological status in elderly Thais. Prayurahong, B.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Supawan, V.
Pongpaew, P.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
1993 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
2 (76), pp. 71-78
71. Vitamin B12, folic acid and haematological status of 132 Thai vegetarians. Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Prayurahong, B.
Vudhivai, N.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1993 International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research
3 (63), pp. 201-207
72. Compliance of population groups of iodine fortification in an endemic area of goiter in Northeast Thailand Saowakhontha, S.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Supawan, V.
Intarakhao, C.
Mahaweerawat, U.
Jotking, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1994 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
9 (77), pp. 449-454
73. Quetelet index, hemoglobin and parasitic infection of rural women in northeast Thailand. Saowakontha, S.
Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Rojsathaporn, K.
Sriboonlue, P.
Vudhivai, N.
Intarakhao, C.
Pipitgool, V.
Mahaweerawat, U.
Supawan, V.
1994 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
3 (25), pp. 474-478
74. Serum concentrations of alpha-2-macroglobulin and other serum proteinase inhibitors in Thai vegetarians and omnivores Pongpaew, P.
Schelp, F.P.
Supawan, V.
Migasena, P.
1994 Nutrition Research
3 (14), pp. 337-345
75. Socio-demographic characteristics and health status of urban Thai elderly. Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1994 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
3 (25), pp. 583-589
76. alpha 1-antitrypsin phenotype PiMZ, a risk factor for liver cirrhosis but not for liver cancers in Thailand. Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Schelp, F.P.
Migasena, P.
1995 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
2 (26), pp. 240-242
77. Serum proteins and nutritional status of free-living Thai elderly Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Supawan, V.
Lertchawanakul, A.
Vudhivai, N.
Schelp, F.P.
1995 Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
3 (20), pp. 219-227
78. Vitamin B12, folic acid, ferritin and haematological variables among Thai construction site workers in urban Bangkok Tungtrongchitr, R.
Pongpaew, P.
Phonrat, B.
Migasena, P.
Schelp, F.P.
1995 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
1 (78), pp. 5-10
79. Vitamin B1, B2 and B6 during the course of pregnancy of rural and urban women in northeast Thailand Pongpaew, P.
Saowakontha, S.
Schelp, F.P.
Rojsathaporn, K.
Phonrat, B.
Vudhivai, N.
Supawan, V.
Intarakhao, C.
Lumbiganon, P.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Migasena, P.
1995 International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research
2 (65), pp. 111-116
80. Anthropometry, cholesterol, HDL and LDL in relation to alpha-2-macroglobulin in thai construction site workers Schelp, F.P.
Pongpaew, P.
Tungtrongchitr, R.
Phonrat, B.
Supawan, V.
1996 Nutrition Research
7 (16), pp. 1153-1161
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92. Nutrition and infection in tropical countries - Implications for public health intervention - A personal perspective Schelp, F.P. 1998 Nutrition
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97. Urinary iodine excretion as a predictor of the iodine content of breast milk Pongpaew, P.
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98. Urinary iodine excretion as a predictor of the iodine content of breast milk. Pongpaew, P.
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99. Activity, dietary intake, and anthropometry of an informal social group of Thai elderly in Bangkok Pongpaew, P.
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100. Community based intervention of iron deficiency anemia in females and iodine deficiency disorders in school children in Lao PDR Sanchaisuriya, P.
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102. Erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes and blood pressure in relation to overweight and obese Thai in Bangkok Pongpaew, P.
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103. Leptin concentration in relation to body mass index (BMI) and hematological measurements in Thai obese and overweight subjects Tungtrongchitr, R.
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105. Malaria control through impregnated bednets - A pilot project in selected villages in Lao PDR Saowakontha, S.
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106. nutritional status of pre-school children and women in selected villages in the Suvannakhet P0rovince, Lao PDR -an intervention trial Pongpaew, P.
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107. Promotion of the health of rural women towards safe motherhood - An intervention project in Northeast Thailand Saowakontha, S.
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108. Reproductive health in selected villages in Lao PDR Laohasiriwong, W.
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109. Erratum: Serum leptin and lipid profiles in thai obese and overweight subjects (International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research (2001) 71:1 (74-81)) Tungtrongchitr, R.
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110. Relationship of intestinal parasites to the environment and to behavioral factors in children in the Bolikhamxay Province of Lao PDR Schelp, F.P. 2001 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
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111. Serum leptin and lipid profiles in Thai obese and overweight subjects Tungtrongchitr, R.
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112. Tobacco smoking in relation to the phenotype of alpha-1-antitrypsin and serum vitamin C concentration Pongpaew, P.
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113. B Vitamins, Vitamin C and Hematological Measurements in Overweight and Obese Thais in Bangkok Vudhivai, N.
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114. Iodine deficiency disorder - An old problem tackled again: A review of a comprehensive operational study in the northeast of Thailand Pongpaew, P.
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115. The effect of cigarette smoking on ceruloplasmin and C3 complement: Risk of cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis) Tungtrongchitr, R.
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116. Advantages of trained TBA and the perception of females and their experiences with reproductive health in two districts of the Luangprabang province, Lao PDR Schelp, F.P. 2003 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
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117. Relationship between alpha-2-macroglobulin, anthropometric parameters and lipid profiles in Thai overweight and obese in Bangkok Tungtrongchitr, R.
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118. Relationship of tobacco smoking with serum vitamin B12, folic acid and haematological indices in healthy adults Tungtrongchitr, R.
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119. Serum copper, zinc, ceruloplasmin and superoxide dismutase in Thai overweight and obese Tungtrongchitr, R.
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120. Serum homocysteine, B12 and folic acid concentration in Thai overweight and obese subjects Tungtrongchitr, R.
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121. The relationships between anthropometric measurements, serum vitamin A and E concentrations and lipid profiles in overweight and obese subjects Pongpaew, P.
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122. Experience with a self-administered device for cervical cancer screening by Thai women with different educational backgrounds Sanchaisuriya, P.
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123. Adiponectin/ACP30, a collagen-like plasma protein in relation anthropometric measurements in Thai overweight and obese subjects Tungtrongchitr, R.
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124. A reliable screening protocol for thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnancy: An alternative approach to electronic blood cell counting Sanchaisuriya, K.
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125. Homocysteine and vitamin status in healthy Thai smokers Tungtrongchitr, R.
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126. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphism (C677T) in relation to homocysteine concentration in overweight and obese thais Tungtrongchitr, R.
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127. Relationship between soluble leptin receptor, leptin, lipid profiles and anthropometric parameters in overweight and obese Thai subjects Tungtrongchitr, R.
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128. C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α levels in overweight and healthy adults Puduang, S.
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129. Nutritional status of pregnant women in Northeast Thailand Andert, C.U.
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130. Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies rather than iron deficiency are major causes of pregnancy-related anemia in northeast Thailand Sanchaisuriya, K.
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131. Effect of the maternal βE-globin gene on hematologic responses to iron supplementation during pregnancy Sanchaisuriya, K.
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132. Low birth weight infants born to HIV-seropositive mothers and HIV-seronegative mothers in Chiang Rai, Thailand Mitgitti, R.
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133. Quality of life and compliance among type 2 diabetic patients Chaveepojnkamjorn, W.
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134. A randomized controlled trial to improve the quality of life of type 2 diabetic patients using a self-help group program Schelp, F.P.
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135. Migrants and malaria risk factors: A study of the thai-myanmar border Schelp, F.P. 2009 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
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136. Thalassemia and iron deficiency in a group of northeast Thai school children: Relationship to the occurrence of anemia Sanchaisuriya, K.
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137. Health status of diabetes type 2 patients in Thailand contradicts their perception and admitted compliance Yana, T.
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138. The adipokines resistin and visfatin in overnourished and obese adolescentsld of a population at high risk to develop diabetes mellitus type 2 Mahaweerawat, U.
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139. Micromapping of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in diferent regions of Northeast Thailand and Vientaine, Laos People's Democratic Republic Tritipsombut, J.
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140. Use of glucometer and fasting blood glucose as screening tools for diabetes mellitus type 2 and glycated haemoglobin as clinical reference in rural community primary care settings of a middle income country. Muktabhant, B.
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141. Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people living with HIV (PLHIV): A cross-sectional survey to measure in Lao PDR Hansana, V.
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142. Association of the polymorphism of interleukin-1B (-511C/T) with type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with and without family history of a first degree relative with diabetes mellitus Muktabhant, B.
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143. Benefits and constraints in screening for non-communicable diseases in the rural area of Thailand's northeast Muktabhant, B.
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144. Burden of anemia in relation to thalassemia and iron deficiency among vietnamese pregnant women Siridamrongvattana, S.
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145. Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies in Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam Nguyen, H.V.
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146. Hemoglobin Constant Spring is markedly high in women of an ethnic minority group in Vietnam: A community-based survey and hematologic features Nguyen, V.H.
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147. A first-degree relative with diabetes mellitus is an important risk factor for rural Thai villagers to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus Muktabhant, B.
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148. Community participation for thalassemia prevention initiated by village health volunteers in Northeastern Thailand Jopang, Y.
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149. Molecular Heterogeneity of Thalassemia among Pregnant Laotian Women Wongprachum, K.
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151. Epidemiological transition in type 2 diabetes mellitus: the role and function of a sub-district health promoting hospital Homchampa, P.
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152. Pilot screening program for thalassemia carriers at community level in lao people’s democratic republic Sanchaisuriya, K.
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5. Urine iodine concentration and prevalence of goiter among rural women of child bearing ages in Northeast Thailand. Supawan, V
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6. Compliance of population groups of iodine fortification in an endemic area of goiter in northeast Thailand. Saowakhontha, S
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7. Quetelet index, hemoglobin and parasitic infection of rural women in northeast Thailand. Saowakontha, S
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8. Vitamin B1, B2 and B6 during the course of pregnancy of rural and urban women in northeast Thailand. Pongpaew, P
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Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
Natchaporn Pichainarong
Frank Peter Schelp
Udomsak Mahaweerawat
1.0 (40.0), pp. 169.0-176.0
10 0 0 0 0 0 10
N. Panomai
P. Sanchaisuriya
S. Lowirakorn
S. Yamsri
G. Fucharoen
S. Fucharoen
F. Schelp
(94.0), pp. 516.0-516.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
3. Health status of diabetes type 2 patients in Thailand contradicts their perception and admitted compliance Supattra Srivanichakorn
Nattaporn Sukpordee
Tassanee Yana
Pattara Sachchaisuriya
Frank Peter Schelp
3.0 (5.0), pp. 195.0-201.0
7 0 0 0 0 0 7
4. Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) among People Living With HIV (PLHIV): a cross-sectional survey to measure in Lao PDR Visanou Hansana
Pattara Sanchaisuriya
Jo Durham
Vanphanom Sychareun
Kongmany Chaleunvong
Suwanna Boonyaleepun
Frank Peter Schelp
(13.0), pp.
24 0 0 0 0 0 24
K. Sanchaisuriya
K. Wongprachum
F. Schelp
(98.0), pp. 708.0-709.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Community Participation for Thalassemia Prevention Initiated by Village Health Volunteers in Northeastern Thailand Yupin Jopang
Suthep Petchmark
Arunee Jetsrisuparb
Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Pattara Sanchaisuriya
Frank Peter Schelp
2.0 (27.0), pp. NP2144-NP2156
9 0 0 0 0 0 9
7. Epidemiological transition in type 2 diabetes mellitus: the role and function of a sub-district health promoting hospital Jurairat Srisiri
Songkramchai Leethongdee
Pissamai Homchampa
Frank Peter Schelp
2.0 (37.0), pp. 160.0-164.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Authors Year Journal title

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