Assoc. Prof.  Onsiri Thanathanee

Assoc. Prof. Onsiri Thanathanee

Department of Ophthalmology,
Faculty of Medicine,
Khon Kaen University
28167991900: H-INDEX 9


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. Sudden Visual Loss and Total Ophthalmoplegia after Brain Surgery Kitthaweesin, K.
Moontawee, K.
Thanathanee, O.
2. Postoperative opacification of polymethylmethacrylate-intraocular lens Onsiri Thanathanee
Tanapat Ratanapakorn
Olan Suwan-apichon
3. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Intralesional Bevacizumab Injection on Primary Pterygium: Preliminary Results Enkvetchakul, O
Thanathanee, O
Rangsin, R
Lekhanont, K
Suwan-Apichon, O
4. Conjunctivitis: systematic approach to diagnosis and therapy. Thanathanee, O. 2011
5. Comparative in vitro antifungal susceptibility activity of amphotericin B versus amphotericin B methyl ester against Candida albicans ocular isolates Onsiri Thanathanee
Darlene Miller
David M. Ringel
Carl P. Schaffner
Eduardo C. Alfonso
Terrence P. O'Brien
6. Lower conjunctival fornix packing for mydriasis in premature infants: a randomized trial. Thanathanee, O.
Ratanapakorn, T.
Yospaiboon, Y.
7. Contamination risk of 100% autologous serum eye drops in management of ocular surface diseases Thanathanee, O
Phanphruk, W
Anutarapongpan, O
Romphruk, A
Suwan-Apichon, O
8. Keratitis-induced changes to the homeostatic microbiome at the human cornea Alexander Tuzhikov
Qunfeng Dong
Alexander Panchin
Onsiri Thanathanee
Nabeel Shalabi
David Nelson
Lakshmi Akileswaran
Russell Van Gelder
Terrence O'Brien
Valery Shestopalov
9. Outbreak of Pythium Keratitis During Rainy Season: A Case Series Thanathanee, O.
Enkvetchakul, O.
Waraasawapati, S.
Samerpitak, K.
Suwan-apichon, O.
10. Experimental approaches in the analysis of microbial community in ocular samples Nabeel M. Shalabi
Alexander I. Tuzhikov
Anat Galor
Qunfeng Dong
Alexander U. Panchin
Onsiri Thanathanee
Russell Van Gelder
Terrence Patrick O'Brien
Valery Shestopalov
11. Treatment of asymmetrical vernal keratoconjunctivitis with supratarsal corticosteroid injection. Thanathanee, O.
Bhoomibunchoo, C.
Suwan-apichon, O.
12. A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Dexamethasone with Loteprednol Etabonate on Postoperative Photorefractive Keratectomy Thanathanee, O.
Sriphon, P.
Anutarapongpan, O.
Athikulwongse, R.
Thongphiew, P.
Suwan-apichon, O.
13. Clinical Features, Risk Factors, and Treatments of Microsporidial Epithelial Keratitis Thanathanee, O.
Athikulwongse, R.
Anutarapongpan, O.
Laummaunwai, P.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Suwan-apichon, O.
14. Outcome of Therapeutic Penetrating Keratoplasty Using Glycerol-Preserved Donor Corneas in Infectious Keratitis Thanathanee, O
Sripawadkul, W
Anutarapongpan, O
Luanratanakorn, P
Suwan-Apichon, O
15. Penicillium keratitis in a HIV-infected patient. Anutarapongpan, O.
Thanathanee, O.
Suwan-apichon, O.
16. Reply Thanathanee, O
Suwan-Apichon, O
17. Successful treatment of Chrysosporium keratitis with voriconazole. Onsiri Thanathanee
Chavakij Bhoomibunchoo
Orapin Anutarapongpan
Olan Suwan-apichon
Yosanan Yospaiboon
18. Effect of Eyelid Margin Cleaning on Conjunctival and Eyelid Bacterial Flora Before Intraocular Surgery Onsiri Thanathanee
Rawipaparas Pulnitiporn
Orapin Anutarapongpan
Olan Suwan-Apichon
Chavakij Bhoomibunchoo
19. Opportunistic ocular infections in the setting of HIV Wipada Laovirojjanakul
Onsiri Thanathanee
20. Role of confocal microscopy in the diagnosis of Pythium insidiosum keratitis Anutarapongpan, O
Thanathanee, O
Worrawitchawong, J
Suwan-Apichon, O
21. Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Images in Microsporidial Keratoconjunctivitis Thanathanee, O
Laohapitakvorn, S
Anutarapongpan, O
Suwan-Apichon, O
Bhoomibunchoo, C
22. Molecular identification of microsporidian species in patients with epithelial keratitis Sanpool, O.
Thanathanee, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
Count 19 16 17 0

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
1. Sudden visual loss and total ophthalmoplegia after brain surgery Kitthaweesin, K.
Moontawee, K.
Thanathanee, O.
2009 Neuro-Ophthalmology
1-2 (33), pp. 59-61
2. Postoperative opacification of polymethylmethacrylate-intraocular lens Thanathanee, O.
Ratanapakorn, T.
Suwan-apichon, O.
2010 Asian Biomedicine
3 (4), pp. 457-462
3. A randomized controlled trial of intralesional bevacizumab injection on primary pterygium: Preliminary results Enkvetchakul, O.
Thanathanee, O.
Lekhanont, K.
Suwan-apichon, O.
2011 Cornea
11 (30), pp. 1213-1218
4. Conjunctivitis: Systematic approach to diagnosis and therapy Thanathanee, O. 2011 Current Infectious Disease Reports
2 (13), pp. 141-148
5. Comparative in vitro antifungal susceptibility activity of amphotericin B versus amphotericin B methyl ester against Candida albicans ocular isolates Thanathanee, O. 2012 Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
6 (28), pp. 589-592
6. Lower conjunctival fornix packing for mydriasis in premature infants: A randomized trial Thanathanee, O.
Ratanapakorn, T.
Yospaiboon, Y.
2012 Clinical Ophthalmology
1 (6), pp. 253-256
7. Contamination risk of 100% autologous serum eye drops in management of ocular surface diseases Thanathanee, O.
Phanphruk, W.
Anutarapongpan, O.
Romphruk, A.V.
Suwan-apichon, O.
2013 Cornea
8 (32), pp. 1116-1119
8. Outbreak of pythium keratitis during rainy season: A case series Thanathanee, O.
Enkvetchakul, O.
Waraasawapati, S.
Samerpitak, K.
Suwan-apichon, O.
2013 Cornea
2 (32), pp. 199-204
9. Treatment of asymmetrical vernal keratoconjunctivitis with supratarsal corticosteroid injection Thanathanee, O.
Bhoomibunchoo, C.
Suwan-apichon, O.
2014 BMJ Case Reports
(2014), pp.
10. A randomized controlled trial comparing dexamethasone with loteprednol etabonate on postoperative photorefractive keratectomy Thanathanee, O.
Sriphon, P.
Anutarapongpan, O.
Athikulwongse, R.
Thongphiew, P.
Suwan-apichon, O.
2015 Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
3 (31), pp. 165-168
11. Clinical Features, Risk Factors, and Treatments of Microsporidial Epithelial Keratitis Thanathanee, O.
Athikulwongse, R.
Anutarapongpan, O.
Laummaunwai, P.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Suwan-apichon, O.
2016 Seminars in Ophthalmology
3 (31), pp. 266-270
12. Outcome of therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty using glycerol-preserved donor corneas in infectious keratitis Thanathanee, O.
Anutarapongpan, O.
Luanratanakorn, P.
Suwan-apichon, O.
2016 Cornea
9 (35), pp. 1175-1178
13. Penicillium keratitis in a HIV-infected patient Anutarapongpan, O.
Thanathanee, O.
Suwan-apichon, O.
2016 BMJ Case Reports
(2016), pp.
14. Reply Thanathanee, O.
Suwan-apichon, O.
2017 Cornea
4 (36), pp. e12
15. Successful treatment of chrysosporium keratitis with voriconazole Thanathanee, O.
Bhoomibunchoo, C.
Anutarapongpan, O.
Suwan-apichon, O.
Yospaiboon, Y.
2017 International Medical Case Reports Journal
(10), pp. 93-95
16. Effect of Eyelid Margin Cleaning on Conjunctival and Eyelid Bacterial Flora Before Intraocular Surgery Thanathanee, O.
Anutarapongpan, O.
Suwan-Apichon, O.
Bhoomibunchoo, C.
2018 Seminars in Ophthalmology
6 (33), pp. 808-812
17. Role of confocal microscopy in the diagnosis of Pythium insidiosum keratitis Anutarapongpan, O.
Thanathanee, O.
Suwan-Apichon, O.
2018 Cornea
2 (37), pp. 156-161
18. Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Images in Microsporidial Keratoconjunctivitis Thanathanee, O.
Anutarapongpan, O.
Suwan-Apichon, O.
Bhoomibunchoo, C.
2019 Cornea
8 (38), pp. 943-947
19. Molecular identification of microsporidian species in patients with epithelial keratitis Sanpool, O.
Thanathanee, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
2020 Journal of Medical Microbiology
3 (69), pp. 414-418

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Conjunctivitis: systematic approach to diagnosis and therapy. Thanathanee, O
O'Brien, TP
2011 Current infectious disease reports
2 (13), pp. 141-8
2. A randomized controlled trial of intralesional bevacizumab injection on primary pterygium: preliminary results. Enkvetchakul, O
Thanathanee, O
Rangsin, R
Lekhanont, K
Suwan-Apichon, O
2011 Cornea
11 (30), pp. 1213-8
3. Lower conjunctival fornix packing for mydriasis in premature infants: a randomized trial. Thanathanee, O
Ratanapakorn, T
Morley, MG
Yospaiboon, Y
2012 Clinical ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.)
(6), pp. 253-6
4. Contamination risk of 100% autologous serum eye drops in management of ocular surface diseases. Thanathanee, O
Phanphruk, W
Anutarapongpan, O
Romphruk, A
Suwan-Apichon, O
2013 Cornea
8 (32), pp. 1116-9
5. Outbreak of Pythium keratitis during rainy season: a case series. Thanathanee, O
Enkvetchakul, O
Rangsin, R
Waraasawapati, S
Samerpitak, K
Suwan-apichon, O
2013 Cornea
2 (32), pp. 199-204
6. Treatment of asymmetrical vernal keratoconjunctivitis with supratarsal corticosteroid injection. Thanathanee, O
Bhoomibunchoo, C
Suwan-apichon, O
2014 BMJ case reports
(2014), pp.
7. A randomized controlled trial comparing dexamethasone with loteprednol etabonate on postoperative photorefractive keratectomy. Thanathanee, O
Sriphon, P
Anutarapongpan, O
Athikulwongse, R
Thongphiew, P
Rangsin, R
Suwan-apichon, O
2015 Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics : the official journal of the Association for Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
3 (31), pp. 165-8
8. Outcome of Therapeutic Penetrating Keratoplasty Using Glycerol-Preserved Donor Corneas in Infectious Keratitis. Thanathanee, O
Sripawadkul, W
Anutarapongpan, O
Luanratanakorn, P
Suwan-Apichon, O
2016 Cornea
9 (35), pp. 1175-8
9. Penicillium keratitis in a HIV-infected patient. Anutarapongpan, O
Thanathanee, O
Suwan-Apichon, O
2016 BMJ case reports
(2016), pp.
10. Clinical Features, Risk Factors, and Treatments of Microsporidial Epithelial Keratitis. Thanathanee, O
Athikulwongse, R
Anutarapongpan, O
Laummaunwai, P
Maleewong, W
Intapan, PM
Suwan-Apichon, O
2016 Seminars in ophthalmology
3 (31), pp. 266-70
11. Successful treatment of Chrysosporium keratitis with voriconazole. Thanathanee, O
Bhoomibunchoo, C
Anutarapongpan, O
Suwan-Apichon, O
Yospaiboon, Y
2017 International medical case reports journal
(10), pp. 93-95
12. Reply. Thanathanee, O
Suwan-Apichon, O
2017 Cornea
4 (36), pp. e12
13. Role of Confocal Microscopy in the Diagnosis of Pythium insidiosum Keratitis. Anutarapongpan, O
Thanathanee, O
Worrawitchawong, J
Suwan-Apichon, O
2018 Cornea
2 (37), pp. 156-161
14. Effect of Eyelid Margin Cleaning on Conjunctival and Eyelid Bacterial Flora Before Intraocular Surgery. Thanathanee, O
Pulnitiporn, R
Anutarapongpan, O
Suwan-Apichon, O
Bhoomibunchoo, C
2018 Seminars in ophthalmology
(), pp. 1-5
15. Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Images in Microsporidial Keratoconjunctivitis. Thanathanee, O
Laohapitakvorn, S
Anutarapongpan, O
Suwan-Apichon, O
Bhoomibunchoo, C
2019 Cornea
8 (38), pp. 943-947
16. Molecular identification of microsporidian species in patients with epithelial keratitis. Sanpool, O
Thanathanee, O
Laummuanwai, P
Maleewong, W
Intapan, PM
2020 Journal of medical microbiology
3 (69), pp. 414-418

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
1. Sudden Visual Loss and Total Ophthalmoplegia after Brain Surgery Kitthisak Kitthaweesin
Kittipatra Moontawee
Onsiri Thanathanee
1-2 (33.0), pp. 59.0-61.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2. Postoperative opacification of polymethylmethacrylate-intraocular lens Onsiri Thanathanee
Tanapat Ratanapakorn
Olan Suwan-apichon
3.0 (4.0), pp. 457.0-462.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
3. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Intralesional Bevacizumab Injection on Primary Pterygium: Preliminary Results Orapin Enkvetchakul
Onsiri Thanathanee
Ram Rangsin
Kaevalin Lekhanont
Olan Suwan-apichon
11.0 (30.0), pp. 1213.0-1218.0
37 0 0 0 0 0 37
4. Comparative In Vitro Antifungal Susceptibility Activity of Amphotericin B Versus Amphotericin B Methyl Ester Against Candida albicans Ocular Isolates Onsiri Thanathanee
Darlene Miller
David M. Ringel
Carl P. Schaffner
Eduardo C. Alfonso
Terrence P. O'Brien
6.0 (28.0), pp. 589.0-592.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Contamination Risk of 100% Autologous Serum Eye Drops in Management of Ocular Surface Diseases Onsiri Thanathanee
Warachaya Phanphruk
Orapin Anutarapongpan
Amornrat Romphruk
Olan Suwan-apichon
8.0 (32.0), pp. 1116.0-1119.0
17 0 0 0 0 0 17
6. Keratitis-induced changes to the homeostatic microbiome at the human cornea Alexander Tuzhikov
Qunfeng Dong
Alexander Panchin
Onsiri Thanathanee
Nabeel Shalabi
David Nelson
Lakshmi Akileswaran
Russell Van Gelder
Terrence O'Brien
Valery Shestopalov
15.0 (54.0), pp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. Outbreak of Pythium Keratitis During Rainy Season: A Case Series Onsiri Thanathanee
Orapin Enkvetchakul
Ram Rangsin
Sakda Waraasawapati
Kittipan Samerpitak
Olan Suwan-apichon
2.0 (32.0), pp. 199.0-204.0
23 0 0 0 0 0 23
8. Experimental approaches in the analysis of microbial community in ocular samples Nabeel M. Shalabi
Alexander I. Tuzhikov
Anat Galor
Qunfeng Dong
Alexander U. Panchin
Onsiri Thanathanee
Russell Van Gelder
Terrence Patrick O'Brien
Valery Shestopalov
13.0 (55.0), pp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Dexamethasone with Loteprednol Etabonate on Postoperative Photorefractive Keratectomy Onsiri Thanathanee
Phornrak Sriphon
Orapin Anutarapongpan
Raweewan Athikulwongse
Prakairat Thongphiew
Ram Rangsin
Olan Suwan-apichon
3.0 (31.0), pp. 165.0-168.0
14 0 0 0 0 0 14
10. Clinical Features, Risk Factors, and Treatments of Microsporidial Epithelial Keratitis Onsiri Thanathanee
Raweewan Athikulwongse
Orapin Anutarapongpan
Porntip Laummaunwai
Wanchai Maleewong
Pewpan Maleewong Intapan
Olan Suwan-apichon
3.0 (31.0), pp. 266.0-270.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
11. Outcome of Therapeutic Penetrating Keratoplasty Using Glycerol-Preserved Donor Corneas in Infectious Keratitis Onsiri Thanathanee
Wathanee Sripawadkul
Orapin Anutarapongpan
Patanaree Luanratanakorn
Olan Suwan-Apichon
9.0 (35.0), pp. 1175.0-1178.0
10 0 0 0 0 0 10
12. Successful treatment of Chrysosporium keratitis with voriconazole Onsiri Thanathanee
Chavakij Bhoomibunchoo
Orapin Anutarapongpan
Olan Suwan-apichon
Yosanan Yospaiboon
(10.0), pp. 93.0-95.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13. Effect of Eyelid Margin Cleaning on Conjunctival and Eyelid Bacterial Flora Before Intraocular Surgery Onsiri Thanathanee
Rawipaparas Pulnitiporn
Orapin Anutarapongpan
Olan Suwan-Apichon
Chavakij Bhoomibunchoo
6.0 (33.0), pp. 808.0-812.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
14. Opportunistic ocular infections in the setting of HIV Wipada Laovirojjanakul
Onsiri Thanathanee
6.0 (29.0), pp. 558.0-565.0
14 0 0 0 0 0 14
15. Role of Confocal Microscopy in the Diagnosis of Pythium insidiosum Keratitis Orapin Anutarapongpan
Onsiri Thanathanee
Jittraporn Worrawitchawong
Olan Suwan-apichon
2.0 (37.0), pp. 156.0-161.0
9 0 0 0 0 0 9
16. Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Images in Microsporidial Keratoconjunctivitis Onsiri Thanathanee
Suparat Laohapitakvorn
Orapin Anutarapongpan
Olan Suwan-apichon
Chavakij Bhoomibunchoo
8.0 (38.0), pp. 943.0-947.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
17. Molecular identification of microsporidian species in patients with epithelial keratitis Oranuch Sanpool
Onsiri Thanathanee
Porntip Laummuanwai
Wanchai Maleewong
Pewpan M. Intapan
3.0 (69.0), pp. 414.0-418.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Authors Year Journal title

Title Authors NRIIS type Year NRIIS Scholarship
