Lect. Oranuch  Sanpool

Lect. Oranuch Sanpool

Department of Parasitology,
Faculty of Medicine,
Khon Kaen University
36136259600: H-INDEX 20


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. Cerebrospinal fluid u-plasminogen activator and matrix metalloproteinase-9 levels in human eosinophilic meningitis associated with angiostrongyliasis Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Santivarangkana, T.
Niwattayakul, K.
Chotmongkol, V.
Maleewong, W.
2. Growth and development of Gnathostoma spinigerum (Nematoda: Gnathostomatidae) larvae in Mesocyclops aspericornis (Cyclopoida: Cyclopidae) Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Thanchomnang, T.
Maleewong, W.
3. Molecular detection of Schistosoma japonicum in infected snails and mouse faeces using a real-time PCR assay with FRET hybridisation probes Thanchomnang, T.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Lulitanond, V.
Janwan, P.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
4. Short report: Molecular identification of Trichinella papuae from a Thai patient with imported trichinellosis Intapan, P.M.A.
Chotmongkol, V.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Sanpool, O.
Morakote, N.
Maleewong, W.
5. Development of a real-time PCR assay with fluorophore-labelled hybridization probes for detection of Schistosoma mekongi in infected snails and rat feces Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Lulitanond, V.
Sadaow, L.
Maleewong, W.
6. Molecular markers for detection and differentiation of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax in human blood samples by pyrosequencing Lulitanond, V.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Sankuntaw, N.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Maleewong, W.
7. Rapid detection and differentiation of Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis viverrini eggs in human fecal samples using a duplex real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer PCR and melting curve analysis Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Janwan, P.
Lulitanond, V.
Doanh, P.N.G.
Van Hien, H.
Maleewong, W.
Nawa, Y.
8. Short report: Molecular identification of a case of Paragonimus pseudoheterotremus infection in Thailand Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Imtawil, K.J.
Pongchaiyakul, C.
Nawa, Y.
Maleewong, W.
9. Application of a real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer polymerase chain reaction assay with melting curve analysis for the detection of Paragonimus heterotremus eggs in the feces of experimentally infected cats Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Lulitanond, V.
Anamnart, W.
Maleewong, W.
10. Early detection of trichinella spiralis in muscle of infected mice by real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer PCR Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Boonmars, T.
Morakote, N.
Maleewong, W.
11. Evaluation of IgG4 subclass antibody detection by peptide-based ELISA for the diagnosis of human paragonimiasis heterotrema Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Laummaunwai, P.
Morakote, N.
Maleewong, W.
12. Molecular detection of ancylostoma duodenale, ancylostoma ceylanicum, and necator americanus in humans in northeastern and southern Thailand Phosuk, I.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Laummaunwai, P.
Morakote, N.
Maleewong, W.
13. Molecular differentiation of opisthorchis viverrini and clonorchis sinensis eggs by multiplex real-time pcr with high resolution melting analysis Kaewkong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Laummaunwai, P.
Lulitanond, V.
Doanh, P.N.G.
Maleewong, W.
14. Molecular differentiation of Schistosoma japonicum and Schistosoma mekongi by real-time PCR with high resolution melting analysis Kongklieng, A.
Kaewkong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Lulitanond, V.
Maleewong, W.
15. Molecular identification of Paragonimus species by DNA pyrosequencing technology Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Janwan, P.
Sanpool, O.
Lulitanond, V.
Srichantaratsamee, C.
Anamnart, W.
Maleewong, W.
16. Molecular variation in the paragonimus heterotremus complex in Thailand and Myanmar Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Janwan, P.
Nawa, Y.
Maleewong, W.
17. Pyrosequencing for rapid molecular identification of Schistosoma japonicum and S. mekongi eggs and cercariae Thanchomnang, T.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Lulitanond, V.
Janwan, P.
Sanpool, O.
Tourtip, S.
Maleewong, W.
18. Rapid detection and identification of Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, b. pahangi, and Dirofilaria immitis in mosquito vectors and blood samples by high resolution melting real-time PCR Thanchomnang, T.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Lulitanond, V.
Kaewkong, W.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Choochote, W.
Maleewong, W.
19. Short report: Molecular evidence of Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Trichostrongylus axei infections in humans from Thailand and Lao PDR Phosuk, I.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sawanyawisuth, K.
Morakote, N.
Maleewong, W.
20. Current status of human hookworm infections, ascariasis, trichuriasis, schistosomiasis mekongi and other trematodiases in Lao People's Democratic Republic Laymanivong, S.
Keokhamphavanh, B.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
21. Detection of Ehrlichia canis in canine blood samples by real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) PCR and melting curve analysis Kongklieng, A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Boonmars, T.
Janwan, P.
Sanpool, O.
Lulitanond, V.
Morakote, N.
Maleewong, W.
22. Development of a PCR assay and pyrosequencing for identification of important human fish-borne trematodes and its potential use for detection in fecal specimens Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Lulitanond, V.
Sadaow, L.
Maleewong, W.
23. High throughput pyrosequencing technology for molecular differential detection of Babesia vogeli, Hepatozoon canis, Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma platys in canine blood samples Kaewkong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Kongklieng, A.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Boonmars, T.
Lulitanond, V.
Maleewong, W.
24. Molecular evidence of spirometra erinaceieuropaei infection in snakes ptyas korros from, LAO PDR and thailand and frogs hoplobatrachus rugulosus from myanmar Jongthawin, J.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Laymanivong, S.
Thanchomnang, T.
Maleewong, W.
25. Nine Human sparganosis cases in Thailand with molecular identification of causative parasite species Boonyasiri, A.
Cheunsuchon, P.
Suputtamongkol, Y.
Yamasaki, H.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
26. Rapid molecular identification of human taeniid cestodes by pyrosequencing approach Thanchomnang, T.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Lulitanond, V.
Tourtip, S.
Yamasaki, H.
Maleewong, W.
27. A complicated case of strongyloidiasis presenting with intestinal lymphadenopathy obstruction: Molecular identification Chunlertrith, K.
Kularbkaew, C.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
28. A new population and habitat for neotricula aperta in the mekong River of Northeastern Thailand: A DNA sequence-based phylogenetic assessment confirms identifications and interpopulation relationships Chusongsang, Y.
Limsomboon, J.
Sanpool, O.
Kaewkong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Janwan, P.
Sadaow, L.
Maleewong, W.
29. Detection of Babesia canis vogeli and Hepatozoon canis in canine blood by a single-tube real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer polymerase chain reaction assay and melting curve analysis Kongklieng, A.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Boonmars, T.
Thanchomnang, T.
Janwan, P.
Sanpool, O.
Lulitanond, V.
Maleewong, W.
30. Genetic subtypes of blastocystis isolated from Thai hospitalized patients in northeastern Thailand Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sawanyawisuth, K.
Thanchomnang, T.
Changtrakul, Y.
Maleewong, W.
31. Human trichostrongyliasis: A hospital case series Phosuk, I.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Prasongdee, T.K.
Changtrakul, Y.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Maleewong, W.
32. Morphological and molecular identification of a lung fluke, Paragonimus macrorchis (Trematoda, Paragonimidae), found in central Lao PDR and its molecular phylogenetic status in the genus Paragonimus Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Janwan, P.
Laymanivong, S.
Sugiyama, H.
Maleewong, W.
33. Proteomic analysis identification of antigenic proteins in Gnathostoma spinigerum larvae Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Laummaunwai, P.
Wongkham, C.
Insawang, T.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
34. Three human gnathostomiasis cases in Thailand with molecular identification of causative parasite species Jongthawin, J.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Janwan, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sangchan, A.
Maleewong, W.
35. Angiostrongylus cantonensis and A. malaysiensis Broadly Overlap in Thailand, Lao PDR, Cambodia and Myanmar: A molecular survey of larvae in land snails Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Laymanivong, S.
Phosuk, I.
Laummaunwai, P.
Maleewong, W.
36. Detection and quantification of Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi DNA in blood samples and mosquitoes using duplex droplet digital polymerase chain reaction Jongthawin, J.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Lulitanond, V.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Maleewong, W.
37. Development and usefulness of an immunochromatographic device to detect antibodies for rapid diagnosis of human gnathostomiasis Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Yamasaki, H.
Laummaunwai, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
38. First molecular identification and report of genetic diversity of Strongyloides stercoralis, a current major soil-transmitted helminth in humans from Lao People’s Democratic Republic Laymanivong, S.
Vanisaveth, V.
Jongthawin, J.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Phosuk, I.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
39. Molecular phylogenetic confirmation of Gnathostoma spinigerum Owen, 1836 (Nematoda: Gnathostomatidae) in Laos and Thailand Jongthawin, J.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Sadaow, L.
Thanchomnang, T.
Laymanivong, S.
Maleewong, W.
40. Pyrosequencing Using SL and 5S rRNA as Molecular Markers for Identifying Zoonotic Filarial Nematodes in Blood Samples and Mosquitoes Sanpool, O.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Thanchomnang, T.
Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Lulitanond, V.
Maleewong, W.
41. Rapid identification of nine species of diphyllobothriidean tapeworms by pyrosequencing Thanchomnang, T.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Lulitanond, V.
Tourtip, S.
Yamasaki, H.
Maleewong, W.
42. Restoration of hookworm egg development after prolonged storage in stool suspension Sanpool, O.
Jongthawin, J.
Anamnart, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Chamavit, P.
Maleewong, W.
43. Strongyloides stercoralis diagnostic polypeptides for human strongyloidiasis and their proteomic analysis Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Laummaunwai, P.
Wongkham, C.
Insawang, T.
Maleewong, W.
44. An eleven-year retrospective hospital-based study of epidemiological data regarding human strongyloidiasis in northeast Thailand Prasongdee, T.K.
Kanarkard, W.
Laummaunwai, P.
Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
45. Development and evaluation of a rapid diagnostic immunochromatographic device to detect antibodies in sera from intestinal capillariasis cases Intapan, P.M.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Phosuk, I.
Maleewong, W.
46. First molecular identification and genetic diversity of Strongyloides stercoralis and Strongyloides fuelleborni in human communities having contact with long-tailed macaques in Thailand Thanchomnang, T.
Intapan, P.M.
Sanpool, O.
Tourtip, S.
Thammasiri, C.
Maleewong, W.
47. First molecular identifications of necator americanus and ancylostoma ceylanicum infecting rural communities in lower Myanmar Sanpool, O.
Jongthawin, J.
Sadaow, L.
Phosuk, I.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Maleewong, W.
48. First report and molecular identi-cation of Opisthorchis viverrini infection in human communities from Lower Myanmar Sanpool, O.
Jongthawin, J.
Sadaow, L.
Phosuk, I.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
49. Genetic diversity of Taenia saginata (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) from Lao People's Democratic Republic and northeastern Thailand based on mitochondrial DNA Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sadaow, L.
Thanchomnang, T.
Laymanivong, S.
Maleewong, W.
50. Identification of antigenic proteins in Strongyloides stercoralis by proteomic analysis Intapan, P.M.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Laummaunwai, P.
Wongkham, C.
Insawang, T.
Maleewong, W.
51. Subtype identification of human Blastocystis spp. isolated from Lao People's Democratic Republic Sanpool, O.
Laymanivong, S.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Phosuk, I.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
52. A Hospital-Based study of intestinal capillariasis in Thailand: Clinical features, potential clues for diagnosis, and epidemiological characteristics of 85 patients Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.
Sukeepaisarnjaroen, W.
Prasongdee, T.K.
Maleewong, W.
53. Current high prevalences of Strongyloides stercoralis and Opisthorchis viverrini infections in rural communities in northeast Thailand and associated risk factors Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Kanarkard, W.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
54. First molecular identification of Strongyloides fuelleborni in long-tailed macaques in Thailand and Lao People's Democratic Republic reveals considerable genetic diversity. Thanchomnang, T
Intapan, PM
Sanpool, O
Rodpai, R
Sadaow, L
Phosuk, I
Somboonpatarakun, C
Laymanivong, S
Tourtip, S
Maleewong, W
55. Genetic variation of Enterobius vermicularis among schoolchildren in Thailand. Tomanakan, K
Sanpool, O
Chamavit, P
Lulitanond, V
Intapan, PM
Maleewong, W
56. Human liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini (Trematoda, Opisthorchiidae) in Central Myanmar: New records of adults and metacercariae identified by morphology and molecular analysis Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
57. Immuno-proteomic analysis of Trichinella spiralis, T. pseudospiralis, and T. papuae extracts recognized by human T. spiralis-infected sera Intapan, P.M.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Wongkham, C.
Insawang, T.
Boonmars, T.
Maleewong, W.
58. Impact of the health education and preventive equipment package (HEPEP) on prevention of Strongyloides stercoralis infection among rural communities in Northeast Thailand: A cluster randomized controlled trial 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Kanarkard, W.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
59. Molecular identification of Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris suum recovered from humans and pigs in Thailand, Lao PDR, and Myanmar Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Phosuk, I.
Thanchomnang, T.
Anamnart, W.
Laymanivong, S.
Janwan, P.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
60. Molecular identification of trichuris suis and trichuris trichiura eggs in human populations from Thailand, Lao PDR, and Myanmar Phosuk, I.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Anamnart, W.
Janwan, P.
Laymanivong, S.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
61. Application of recombinant angiostrongylus cantonensis galectin-2 protein for serodiagnosis of human angiostrongyliasis by immunoblotting Intapan, P.M.
Sanpool, O.
Wongkham, C.
Maleewong, W.
62. Development of an immunochromatographic point-of-care test for serodiagnosis of opisthorchiasis and clonorchiasis Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Yamasaki, H.
Mann, V.
Brindley, P.J.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
63. Dogs are reservoir hosts for possible transmission of human strongyloidiasis in Thailand: molecular identification and genetic diversity of causative parasite species. Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.
Sadaow, L.
Tourtip, S.
Piratae, S.
Maleewong, W.
Thanchomnang, T.
64. First molecular identification of Strongyloides fuelleborni in long-tailed macaques in Thailand and Lao People's Democratic Republic reveals considerable genetic diversity T. Thanchomnang
P. M. Intapan
O. Sanpool
R. Rodpai
L. Sadaow
I Phosuk
C. Somboonpatarakun
S. Laymanivong
S. Tourtip
W. Maleewong
65. Molecular identification and genetic diversity of Gnathostoma spinigerum larvae in freshwater fishes in southern Lao PDR, Cambodia, and Myanmar Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Laymanivong, S.
Laummaunwai, P.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
66. Morphological and genetic variation of microfilariae in carriers in Thailand, Lao PDR and Myanmar: evaluation using Giemsa-stained thick blood films. Jongthawin, J
Intapan, PM
Thanchomnang, T
Sadaow, L
Laymanivong, S
Maleewong, W
Sanpool, O
67. Morphological and genetic variation of Wuchereria bancrofti microfilariae in carriers in Thailand, Lao PDR and Myanmar: Evaluation using Giemsa-stained thick blood films Jongthawin, J.
Intapan, P.M.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Laymanivong, S.
Maleewong, W.
Sanpool, O.
68. Rapid label-free analysis of Opisthorchis viverrini eggs in fecal specimens using confocal Raman spectroscopy Chuchuen, O.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
69. Development of an immunochromatographic device to detect antibodies for rapid diagnosis of human angiostrongyliasis Intapan, P.M.
Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
70. Development of immunochromatographic device as a point-of-care tool for serodiagnosis of human strongyloidiasis cases Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
71. Development of point-of-care testing tool using immunochromatography for rapid diagnosis of human paragonimiasis Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Yamasaki, H.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
72. Dogs are reservoir hosts for possible transmission of human strongyloidiasis in Thailand: molecular identification and genetic diversity of causative parasite species O. Sanpool
P. M. Intapan
R. Rodpai
P. Laoraksawong
L. Sadaow
S. Tourtip
S. Piratae
W. Maleewong
T. Thanchomnang
73. Effectiveness of Fasciola gigantica excretory-secretory and recombinant cathepsin L antigens for rapid diagnosis of human fascioliasis using immunochromatographic devices Sadaow, L.
Yamasaki, H.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
74. Effectiveness of strongyloides recombinant igg immunoreactive antigen in detecting IgG and IgG4 subclass antibodies for diagnosis of human strongyloidiasis using rapid immunochromatographic tests Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Phupiewkham, W.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
75. Evaluating the in vitro efficacy of gatifloxacin, levofloxacin and gentamicin against Acanthamoeba cysts Boonmars, T.
Sanpool, O.
Laummaunwai, P.
76. Genetic variation of Enterobius vermicularis among schoolchildren in Thailand K. Tomanakan
O. Sanpool
P. Chamavit
V. Lulitanond
P. M. Intapan
W. Maleewong
77. Molecular identification of microsporidian species in patients with epithelial keratitis Sanpool, O.
Thanathanee, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
78. Morphological and genetic variation of Wuchereria bancrofti microfilariae in carriers in Thailand, Lao PDR and Myanmar: evaluation using Giemsa-stained thick blood films J. Jongthawin
P. M. Intapan
T. Thanchomnang
L. Sadaow
S. Laymanivong
W. Maleewong
O. Sanpool
79. Possible transmission of Strongyloides fuelleborni between working Southern pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) and their owners in Southern Thailand: Molecular identification and diversity Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.
Sanpool, O.
Tourtip, S.
Maleewong, W.
Thanchomnang, T.
80. Two ocular angiostrongyliasis cases in thailand with molecular identification of causative parasite species Sanguansak, T.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
81. An unusual case of gastric gnathostomiasis caused by gnathostoma spinigerum confirmed by video gastroscopy and morphological and molecular identification Sawadpanich, K.
Boonroumkaew, P.
Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
82. Case report: Sparganosis of the cauda equina Chotmongkol, V.
Phuttharak, W.
Sanpool, O.
Khamsai, S.
83. Comparison of point-of-care test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of immunoglobulin G antibodies in the diagnosis of human schistosomiasis japonica Sadaow, L.
Phupiewkham, W.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Yamasaki, H.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
84. Development of immunochromatographic test kit for rapid detection of specific igg4 antibody in whole-blood samples for diagnosis of human gnathostomiasis Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.
Sadaow, L.
Yamasaki, H.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Maleewong, W.
85. Exposure to dexamethasone modifies transcriptomic responses of free-living stages of Strongyloides stercoralis Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Boonroumkaew, P.
Wangwiwatsin, A.
Wongkham, C.
Laummaunwai, P.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
86. Genetic differentiation of Southeast Asian Paragonimus Braun, 1899 (Digenea: Paragonimidae) and genetic variation in the Paragonimus heterotremus complex examined by nuclear DNA sequences Tantrawatpan, C.
Tapdara, S.
Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
Saijuntha, W.
87. Investigating the microbiota of fermented fish products (Pla-ra) from different communities of northeastern Thailand Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Wangwiwatsin, A.
Sadaow, L.
Phupiewkham, W.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
88. Preliminary findings and molecular characterization of thin-walled Sarcocystis species in hearts of cattle and buffaloes in Thailand, Lao PDR, and Cambodia Intapan, P.M.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Maleewong, W.
Sanpool, O.
89. Spirometra species from Asia: Genetic diversity and taxonomic challenges Yamasaki, H.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Laummaunwai, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Laymanivong, S.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
Count 84 5 5 0

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
1. Cerebrospinal fluid u-plasminogen activator and matrix metalloproteinase-9 levels in human eosinophilic meningitis associated with angiostrongyliasis Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Santivarangkana, T.
Niwattayakul, K.
Chotmongkol, V.
Maleewong, W.
2010 Cytokine
3 (51), pp. 294-297
2. Growth and development of Gnathostoma spinigerum (Nematoda: Gnathostomatidae) larvae in Mesocyclops aspericornis (Cyclopoida: Cyclopidae) Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Thanchomnang, T.
Maleewong, W.
2011 Parasites and Vectors
1 (4), pp.
3. Molecular detection of Schistosoma japonicum in infected snails and mouse faeces using a real-time PCR assay with FRET hybridisation probes Thanchomnang, T.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Lulitanond, V.
Janwan, P.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
2011 Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
7 (106), pp. 831-836
4. Short report: Molecular identification of Trichinella papuae from a Thai patient with imported trichinellosis Intapan, P.M.A.
Chotmongkol, V.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Sanpool, O.
Morakote, N.
Maleewong, W.
2011 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
6 (84), pp. 994-997
5. Development of a real-time PCR assay with fluorophore-labelled hybridization probes for detection of Schistosoma mekongi in infected snails and rat feces Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Lulitanond, V.
Sadaow, L.
Maleewong, W.
2012 Parasitology
10 (139), pp. 1266-1272
6. Molecular markers for detection and differentiation of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax in human blood samples by pyrosequencing Lulitanond, V.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Sankuntaw, N.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Maleewong, W.
2012 Journal of Clinical Microbiology
4 (50), pp. 1455-1457
7. Rapid detection and differentiation of Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis viverrini eggs in human fecal samples using a duplex real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer PCR and melting curve analysis Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Janwan, P.
Lulitanond, V.
Doanh, P.N.G.
Van Hien, H.
Maleewong, W.
Nawa, Y.
2012 Parasitology Research
1 (111), pp. 89-96
8. Short report: Molecular identification of a case of Paragonimus pseudoheterotremus infection in Thailand Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Imtawil, K.J.
Pongchaiyakul, C.
Nawa, Y.
Maleewong, W.
2012 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
4 (87), pp. 706-709
9. Application of a real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer polymerase chain reaction assay with melting curve analysis for the detection of Paragonimus heterotremus eggs in the feces of experimentally infected cats Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Lulitanond, V.
Anamnart, W.
Maleewong, W.
2013 Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
5 (25), pp. 620-626
10. Early detection of trichinella spiralis in muscle of infected mice by real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer PCR Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Boonmars, T.
Morakote, N.
Maleewong, W.
2013 Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases
9 (13), pp. 674-681
11. Evaluation of IgG4 subclass antibody detection by peptide-based ELISA for the diagnosis of human paragonimiasis heterotrema Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Laummaunwai, P.
Morakote, N.
Maleewong, W.
2013 Korean Journal of Parasitology
6 (51), pp. 763-766
12. Molecular detection of ancylostoma duodenale, ancylostoma ceylanicum, and necator americanus in humans in northeastern and southern Thailand Phosuk, I.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Laummaunwai, P.
Morakote, N.
Maleewong, W.
2013 Korean Journal of Parasitology
6 (51), pp. 747-749
13. Molecular differentiation of opisthorchis viverrini and clonorchis sinensis eggs by multiplex real-time pcr with high resolution melting analysis Kaewkong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Laummaunwai, P.
Lulitanond, V.
Doanh, P.N.G.
Maleewong, W.
2013 Korean Journal of Parasitology
6 (51), pp. 689-694
14. Molecular differentiation of Schistosoma japonicum and Schistosoma mekongi by real-time PCR with high resolution melting analysis Kongklieng, A.
Kaewkong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Lulitanond, V.
Maleewong, W.
2013 Korean Journal of Parasitology
6 (51), pp. 651-656
15. Molecular identification of Paragonimus species by DNA pyrosequencing technology Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Janwan, P.
Sanpool, O.
Lulitanond, V.
Srichantaratsamee, C.
Anamnart, W.
Maleewong, W.
2013 Parasitology International
3 (62), pp. 341-345
16. Molecular variation in the paragonimus heterotremus complex in Thailand and Myanmar Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Janwan, P.
Nawa, Y.
Maleewong, W.
2013 Korean Journal of Parasitology
6 (51), pp. 677-681
17. Pyrosequencing for rapid molecular identification of Schistosoma japonicum and S. mekongi eggs and cercariae Thanchomnang, T.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Lulitanond, V.
Janwan, P.
Sanpool, O.
Tourtip, S.
Maleewong, W.
2013 Experimental Parasitology
1 (135), pp. 148-152
18. Rapid detection and identification of Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, b. pahangi, and Dirofilaria immitis in mosquito vectors and blood samples by high resolution melting real-time PCR Thanchomnang, T.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Lulitanond, V.
Kaewkong, W.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Choochote, W.
Maleewong, W.
2013 Korean Journal of Parasitology
6 (51), pp. 645-650
19. Short report: Molecular evidence of Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Trichostrongylus axei infections in humans from Thailand and Lao PDR Phosuk, I.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sawanyawisuth, K.
Morakote, N.
Maleewong, W.
2013 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
2 (89), pp. 376-379
20. Current status of human hookworm infections, ascariasis, trichuriasis, schistosomiasis mekongi and other trematodiases in Lao People's Democratic Republic Laymanivong, S.
Keokhamphavanh, B.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
2014 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
4 (90), pp. 667-669
21. Detection of Ehrlichia canis in canine blood samples by real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) PCR and melting curve analysis Kongklieng, A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Boonmars, T.
Janwan, P.
Sanpool, O.
Lulitanond, V.
Morakote, N.
Maleewong, W.
2014 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
5 (45), pp. 1149-1156
22. Development of a PCR assay and pyrosequencing for identification of important human fish-borne trematodes and its potential use for detection in fecal specimens Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Lulitanond, V.
Sadaow, L.
Maleewong, W.
2014 Parasites and Vectors
1 (7), pp.
23. High throughput pyrosequencing technology for molecular differential detection of Babesia vogeli, Hepatozoon canis, Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma platys in canine blood samples Kaewkong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Kongklieng, A.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Boonmars, T.
Lulitanond, V.
Maleewong, W.
2014 Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
4 (5), pp. 381-385
24. Molecular evidence of spirometra erinaceieuropaei infection in snakes ptyas korros from, LAO PDR and thailand and frogs hoplobatrachus rugulosus from myanmar Jongthawin, J.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Laymanivong, S.
Thanchomnang, T.
Maleewong, W.
2014 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
6 (45), pp. 1271-1278
25. Nine Human sparganosis cases in Thailand with molecular identification of causative parasite species Boonyasiri, A.
Cheunsuchon, P.
Suputtamongkol, Y.
Yamasaki, H.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
2014 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
2 (91), pp. 389-393
26. Rapid molecular identification of human taeniid cestodes by pyrosequencing approach Thanchomnang, T.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Lulitanond, V.
Tourtip, S.
Yamasaki, H.
Maleewong, W.
2014 PLoS ONE
6 (9), pp.
27. A complicated case of strongyloidiasis presenting with intestinal lymphadenopathy obstruction: Molecular identification Chunlertrith, K.
Kularbkaew, C.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
2015 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
1 (46), pp. 1-7
28. A new population and habitat for neotricula aperta in the mekong River of Northeastern Thailand: A DNA sequence-based phylogenetic assessment confirms identifications and interpopulation relationships Chusongsang, Y.
Limsomboon, J.
Sanpool, O.
Kaewkong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Janwan, P.
Sadaow, L.
Maleewong, W.
2015 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
2 (92), pp. 336-339
29. Detection of Babesia canis vogeli and Hepatozoon canis in canine blood by a single-tube real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer polymerase chain reaction assay and melting curve analysis Kongklieng, A.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Boonmars, T.
Thanchomnang, T.
Janwan, P.
Sanpool, O.
Lulitanond, V.
Maleewong, W.
2015 Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
2 (27), pp. 191-195
30. Genetic subtypes of blastocystis isolated from Thai hospitalized patients in northeastern Thailand Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sawanyawisuth, K.
Thanchomnang, T.
Changtrakul, Y.
Maleewong, W.
2015 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
2 (46), pp. 184-190
31. Human trichostrongyliasis: A hospital case series Phosuk, I.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Prasongdee, T.K.
Changtrakul, Y.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Maleewong, W.
2015 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
2 (46), pp. 191-197
32. Morphological and molecular identification of a lung fluke, Paragonimus macrorchis (Trematoda, Paragonimidae), found in central Lao PDR and its molecular phylogenetic status in the genus Paragonimus Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Janwan, P.
Laymanivong, S.
Sugiyama, H.
Maleewong, W.
2015 Parasitology International
6 (64), pp. 513-518
33. Proteomic analysis identification of antigenic proteins in Gnathostoma spinigerum larvae Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Laummaunwai, P.
Wongkham, C.
Insawang, T.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
2015 Experimental Parasitology
(159), pp. 53-58
34. Three human gnathostomiasis cases in Thailand with molecular identification of causative parasite species Jongthawin, J.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Janwan, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sangchan, A.
Maleewong, W.
2015 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
3 (93), pp. 615-618
35. Angiostrongylus cantonensis and A. malaysiensis Broadly Overlap in Thailand, Lao PDR, Cambodia and Myanmar: A molecular survey of larvae in land snails Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Laymanivong, S.
Phosuk, I.
Laummaunwai, P.
Maleewong, W.
2016 PLoS ONE
8 (11), pp.
36. Detection and quantification of Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi DNA in blood samples and mosquitoes using duplex droplet digital polymerase chain reaction Jongthawin, J.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Lulitanond, V.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Maleewong, W.
2016 Parasitology Research
8 (115), pp. 2967-2972
37. Development and usefulness of an immunochromatographic device to detect antibodies for rapid diagnosis of human gnathostomiasis Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Yamasaki, H.
Laummaunwai, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
2016 Parasites and Vectors
1 (9), pp.
38. First molecular identification and report of genetic diversity of Strongyloides stercoralis, a current major soil-transmitted helminth in humans from Lao People’s Democratic Republic Laymanivong, S.
Vanisaveth, V.
Jongthawin, J.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Phosuk, I.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
2016 Parasitology Research
8 (115), pp. 2973-2980
39. Molecular phylogenetic confirmation of Gnathostoma spinigerum Owen, 1836 (Nematoda: Gnathostomatidae) in Laos and Thailand Jongthawin, J.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Sadaow, L.
Thanchomnang, T.
Laymanivong, S.
Maleewong, W.
2016 Folia Parasitologica
1 (63), pp.
40. Pyrosequencing Using SL and 5S rRNA as Molecular Markers for Identifying Zoonotic Filarial Nematodes in Blood Samples and Mosquitoes Sanpool, O.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Thanchomnang, T.
Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Lulitanond, V.
Maleewong, W.
2016 Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases
5 (16), pp. 326-333
41. Rapid identification of nine species of diphyllobothriidean tapeworms by pyrosequencing Thanchomnang, T.
Tantrawatpan, C.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sanpool, O.
Lulitanond, V.
Tourtip, S.
Yamasaki, H.
Maleewong, W.
2016 Scientific Reports
(6), pp.
42. Restoration of hookworm egg development after prolonged storage in stool suspension Sanpool, O.
Jongthawin, J.
Anamnart, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Chamavit, P.
Maleewong, W.
2016 Parasitology Research
7 (115), pp. 2817-2823
43. Strongyloides stercoralis diagnostic polypeptides for human strongyloidiasis and their proteomic analysis Intapan, P.M.A.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Laummaunwai, P.
Wongkham, C.
Insawang, T.
Maleewong, W.
2016 Parasitology Research
10 (115), pp. 4007-4012
44. An eleven-year retrospective hospital-based study of epidemiological data regarding human strongyloidiasis in northeast Thailand Prasongdee, T.K.
Kanarkard, W.
Laummaunwai, P.
Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
2017 BMC Infectious Diseases
1 (17), pp.
45. Development and evaluation of a rapid diagnostic immunochromatographic device to detect antibodies in sera from intestinal capillariasis cases Intapan, P.M.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Phosuk, I.
Maleewong, W.
2017 Parasitology Research
9 (116), pp. 2443-2447
46. First molecular identification and genetic diversity of Strongyloides stercoralis and Strongyloides fuelleborni in human communities having contact with long-tailed macaques in Thailand Thanchomnang, T.
Intapan, P.M.
Sanpool, O.
Tourtip, S.
Thammasiri, C.
Maleewong, W.
2017 Parasitology Research
7 (116), pp. 1917-1923
47. First molecular identifications of necator americanus and ancylostoma ceylanicum infecting rural communities in lower Myanmar Sanpool, O.
Jongthawin, J.
Sadaow, L.
Phosuk, I.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Maleewong, W.
2017 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1 (96), pp. 214-216
48. First report and molecular identi-cation of Opisthorchis viverrini infection in human communities from Lower Myanmar Sanpool, O.
Jongthawin, J.
Sadaow, L.
Phosuk, I.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
2017 PLoS ONE
5 (12), pp.
49. Genetic diversity of Taenia saginata (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) from Lao People's Democratic Republic and northeastern Thailand based on mitochondrial DNA Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Sadaow, L.
Thanchomnang, T.
Laymanivong, S.
Maleewong, W.
2017 Parasites and Vectors
1 (10), pp.
50. Identification of antigenic proteins in Strongyloides stercoralis by proteomic analysis Intapan, P.M.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Laummaunwai, P.
Wongkham, C.
Insawang, T.
Maleewong, W.
2017 Parasitology Research
6 (116), pp. 1687-1693
51. Subtype identification of human Blastocystis spp. isolated from Lao People's Democratic Republic Sanpool, O.
Laymanivong, S.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Phosuk, I.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.A.
2017 Acta Tropica
(168), pp. 37-40
52. A Hospital-Based study of intestinal capillariasis in Thailand: Clinical features, potential clues for diagnosis, and epidemiological characteristics of 85 patients Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.
Sukeepaisarnjaroen, W.
Prasongdee, T.K.
Maleewong, W.
2018 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1 (98), pp. 27-31
53. Current high prevalences of Strongyloides stercoralis and Opisthorchis viverrini infections in rural communities in northeast Thailand and associated risk factors Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Kanarkard, W.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
2018 BMC Public Health
1 (18), pp.
54. Human liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini (Trematoda, Opisthorchiidae) in Central Myanmar: New records of adults and metacercariae identified by morphology and molecular analysis Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
2018 Acta Tropica
(185), pp. 149-155
55. Immuno-proteomic analysis of Trichinella spiralis, T. pseudospiralis, and T. papuae extracts recognized by human T. spiralis-infected sera Intapan, P.M.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Wongkham, C.
Insawang, T.
Boonmars, T.
Maleewong, W.
2018 Parasitology Research
1 (117), pp. 201-212
56. Impact of the health education and preventive equipment package (HEPEP) on prevention of Strongyloides stercoralis infection among rural communities in Northeast Thailand: A cluster randomized controlled trial 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Kanarkard, W.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
2018 BMC Public Health
1 (18), pp.
57. Molecular identification of Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris suum recovered from humans and pigs in Thailand, Lao PDR, and Myanmar Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Phosuk, I.
Thanchomnang, T.
Anamnart, W.
Laymanivong, S.
Janwan, P.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
2018 Parasitology Research
8 (117), pp. 2427-2436
58. Molecular identification of trichuris suis and trichuris trichiura eggs in human populations from Thailand, Lao PDR, and Myanmar Phosuk, I.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Anamnart, W.
Janwan, P.
Laymanivong, S.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
2018 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1 (98), pp. 39-44
59. Application of recombinant angiostrongylus cantonensis galectin-2 protein for serodiagnosis of human angiostrongyliasis by immunoblotting Intapan, P.M.
Sanpool, O.
Wongkham, C.
Maleewong, W.
2019 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
4 (101), pp. 851-858
60. Development of an immunochromatographic point-of-care test for serodiagnosis of opisthorchiasis and clonorchiasis Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Yamasaki, H.
Mann, V.
Brindley, P.J.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
2019 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
5 (101), pp. 1156-1160
61. Dogs are reservoir hosts for possible transmission of human strongyloidiasis in Thailand: Molecular identification and genetic diversity of causative parasite species Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.
Sadaow, L.
Tourtip, S.
Piratae, S.
Maleewong, W.
Thanchomnang, T.
2019 Journal of Helminthology
(), pp.
62. First molecular identification of Strongyloides fuelleborni in long-tailed macaques in Thailand and Lao People's Democratic Republic reveals considerable genetic diversity Thanchomnang, T.
Intapan, P.M.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Phosuk, I.
Laymanivong, S.
Tourtip, S.
Maleewong, W.
2019 Journal of Helminthology
5 (93), pp. 608-615
63. Molecular identification and genetic diversity of Gnathostoma spinigerum larvae in freshwater fishes in southern Lao PDR, Cambodia, and Myanmar Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Laymanivong, S.
Laummaunwai, P.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
2019 Parasitology Research
(), pp.
64. Morphological and genetic variation of Wuchereria bancrofti microfilariae in carriers in Thailand, Lao PDR and Myanmar: Evaluation using Giemsa-stained thick blood films Jongthawin, J.
Intapan, P.M.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Laymanivong, S.
Maleewong, W.
Sanpool, O.
2019 Journal of Helminthology
(), pp.
65. Rapid label-free analysis of Opisthorchis viverrini eggs in fecal specimens using confocal Raman spectroscopy Chuchuen, O.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
2019 PLoS ONE
12 (14), pp.
66. Development of an immunochromatographic device to detect antibodies for rapid diagnosis of human angiostrongyliasis Intapan, P.M.
Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
2020 Parasitology
2 (147), pp. 194-198
67. Development of immunochromatographic device as a point-of-care tool for serodiagnosis of human strongyloidiasis cases Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
2020 European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
3 (39), pp. 465-470
68. Development of point-of-care testing tool using immunochromatography for rapid diagnosis of human paragonimiasis Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Yamasaki, H.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
2020 Acta Tropica
(203), pp.
69. Effectiveness of Fasciola gigantica excretory-secretory and recombinant cathepsin L antigens for rapid diagnosis of human fascioliasis using immunochromatographic devices Sadaow, L.
Yamasaki, H.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
2020 Parasitology Research
11 (119), pp. 3691-3698
70. Effectiveness of strongyloides recombinant igg immunoreactive antigen in detecting IgG and IgG4 subclass antibodies for diagnosis of human strongyloidiasis using rapid immunochromatographic tests Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Phupiewkham, W.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
2020 Diagnostics
9 (10), pp.
71. Evaluating the in vitro efficacy of gatifloxacin, levofloxacin and gentamicin against Acanthamoeba cysts Boonmars, T.
Sanpool, O.
Laummaunwai, P.
2020 International Ophthalmology
2 (40), pp. 361-368
72. Genetic variation of Enterobius vermicularis among schoolchildren in Thailand Tomanakan, K.
Sanpool, O.
Chamavit, P.
Lulitanond, V.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
2020 Journal of Helminthology
(94), pp.
73. Molecular identification of microsporidian species in patients with epithelial keratitis Sanpool, O.
Thanathanee, O.
Maleewong, W.
Intapan, P.M.
2020 Journal of Medical Microbiology
3 (69), pp. 414-418
74. Possible transmission of Strongyloides fuelleborni between working Southern pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) and their owners in Southern Thailand: Molecular identification and diversity Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.
Sanpool, O.
Tourtip, S.
Maleewong, W.
Thanchomnang, T.
2020 Infection, Genetics and Evolution
(85), pp.
75. Two ocular angiostrongyliasis cases in thailand with molecular identification of causative parasite species Sanguansak, T.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
2020 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
6 (102), pp. 1399-1403
76. An unusual case of gastric gnathostomiasis caused by gnathostoma spinigerum confirmed by video gastroscopy and morphological and molecular identification Sawadpanich, K.
Boonroumkaew, P.
Sadaow, L.
Sanpool, O.
Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
2021 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
6 (104), pp. 2050-2054
77. Case report: Sparganosis of the cauda equina Chotmongkol, V.
Phuttharak, W.
Sanpool, O.
Khamsai, S.
2021 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1 (104), pp. 298-302
78. Comparison of point-of-care test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of immunoglobulin G antibodies in the diagnosis of human schistosomiasis japonica Sadaow, L.
Phupiewkham, W.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sanpool, O.
Yamasaki, H.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
2021 International Journal of Infectious Diseases
(107), pp. 47-52
79. Development of immunochromatographic test kit for rapid detection of specific igg4 antibody in whole-blood samples for diagnosis of human gnathostomiasis Janwan, P.
Intapan, P.M.
Sadaow, L.
Yamasaki, H.
Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Maleewong, W.
2021 Diagnostics
5 (11), pp.
80. Exposure to dexamethasone modifies transcriptomic responses of free-living stages of Strongyloides stercoralis Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Boonroumkaew, P.
Wangwiwatsin, A.
Wongkham, C.
Laummaunwai, P.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
2021 PLoS ONE
6 June (16), pp.
81. Genetic differentiation of Southeast Asian Paragonimus Braun, 1899 (Digenea: Paragonimidae) and genetic variation in the Paragonimus heterotremus complex examined by nuclear DNA sequences Tantrawatpan, C.
Tapdara, S.
Sanpool, O.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
Saijuntha, W.
2021 Infection, Genetics and Evolution
(90), pp.
82. Investigating the microbiota of fermented fish products (Pla-ra) from different communities of northeastern Thailand Sanpool, O.
Thanchomnang, T.
Wangwiwatsin, A.
Sadaow, L.
Phupiewkham, W.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
2021 PLoS ONE
1 January (16), pp.
83. Preliminary findings and molecular characterization of thin-walled Sarcocystis species in hearts of cattle and buffaloes in Thailand, Lao PDR, and Cambodia Intapan, P.M.
Thanchomnang, T.
Sadaow, L.
Maleewong, W.
Sanpool, O.
2021 Parasitology Research
(), pp.
84. Spirometra species from Asia: Genetic diversity and taxonomic challenges Yamasaki, H.
Sanpool, O.
Sadaow, L.
Laummaunwai, P.
Thanchomnang, T.
Laymanivong, S.
Intapan, P.M.
Maleewong, W.
2021 Parasitology International
(80), pp.

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Development of a real-time PCR assay with fluorophore-labelled hybridization probes for detection of Schistosoma mekongi in infected snails and rat feces. Sanpool, O
Intapan, PM
Thanchomnang, T
Sri-Aroon, P
Lulitanond, V
Sadaow, L
Maleewong, W
2012 Parasitology
10 (139), pp. 1266-72
2. First molecular identification of Strongyloides fuelleborni in long-tailed macaques in Thailand and Lao People's Democratic Republic reveals considerable genetic diversity. Thanchomnang, T
Intapan, PM
Sanpool, O
Rodpai, R
Sadaow, L
Phosuk, I
Somboonpatarakun, C
Laymanivong, S
Tourtip, S
Maleewong, W
2018 Journal of helminthology
(), pp. 1-8
3. Genetic variation of Enterobius vermicularis among schoolchildren in Thailand. Tomanakan, K
Sanpool, O
Chamavit, P
Lulitanond, V
Intapan, PM
Maleewong, W
2018 Journal of helminthology
(), pp. 1-5
4. Morphological and genetic variation of microfilariae in carriers in Thailand, Lao PDR and Myanmar: evaluation using Giemsa-stained thick blood films. Jongthawin, J
Intapan, PM
Thanchomnang, T
Sadaow, L
Laymanivong, S
Maleewong, W
Sanpool, O
2019 Journal of helminthology
(), pp. 1-6
5. Dogs are reservoir hosts for possible transmission of human strongyloidiasis in Thailand: molecular identification and genetic diversity of causative parasite species. Sanpool, O
Intapan, PM
Rodpai, R
Laoraksawong, P
Sadaow, L
Tourtip, S
Piratae, S
Maleewong, W
Thanchomnang, T
2019 Journal of helminthology
(94), pp. e110

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
1. Development of a real-time PCR assay with fluorophore-labelled hybridization probes for detection of Schistosoma mekongi in infected snails and rat feces O. Sanpool
P. M. Intapan
T. Thanchomnang
P. Sri-Aroon
V. Lulitanond
L. Sadaow
W. Maleewong
10.0 (139.0), pp. 1266.0-1272.0
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
2. First molecular identification of Strongyloides fuelleborni in long-tailed macaques in Thailand and Lao People's Democratic Republic reveals considerable genetic diversity T. Thanchomnang
P. M. Intapan
O. Sanpool
R. Rodpai
L. Sadaow
I Phosuk
C. Somboonpatarakun
S. Laymanivong
S. Tourtip
W. Maleewong
5.0 (93.0), pp. 608.0-615.0
17 0 0 0 0 0 17
3. Dogs are reservoir hosts for possible transmission of human strongyloidiasis in Thailand: molecular identification and genetic diversity of causative parasite species O. Sanpool
P. M. Intapan
R. Rodpai
P. Laoraksawong
L. Sadaow
S. Tourtip
S. Piratae
W. Maleewong
T. Thanchomnang
(94.0), pp.
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
4. Genetic variation of Enterobius vermicularis among schoolchildren in Thailand K. Tomanakan
O. Sanpool
P. Chamavit
V. Lulitanond
P. M. Intapan
W. Maleewong
(94.0), pp.
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
5. Morphological and genetic variation of Wuchereria bancrofti microfilariae in carriers in Thailand, Lao PDR and Myanmar: evaluation using Giemsa-stained thick blood films J. Jongthawin
P. M. Intapan
T. Thanchomnang
L. Sadaow
S. Laymanivong
W. Maleewong
O. Sanpool
(94.0), pp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Authors Year Journal title

Title Authors NRIIS type Year NRIIS Scholarship
