Title | Author | Year | SCOPUS | PUBMED | ISI | TCI | |
1. | Hert Diseases in School Children : A PreliminarySurvey in the Khon Kaen municipal area | Manat Panamonta Arnkisa Chaikitpinyo Virat Klungboonkrong Cherdcai Tantisirin Kiertiyai Bhuripanyo |
1986 | ||||
2. | Student’s Health Problems in Muang District, Khon Kaen Province : Comparison between in Municipal and Suburban Area. | Manat Panamonta Kusuma Chusilp Ouyporn Panamonta Chawewan Anuchart Chokchai Suwanapoth |
1986 | ||||
3. | Validity of the Birth Weight and Mode of Delivery Data Obtained from Questionnaire | Pisake Lumbiganon Manat Panamonta Somdej Pninwatsoontorn Malinee Laopaiboon |
1986 | ||||
4. | Pediatric Cardiovascular Disease in Srinagarind Hospital. | Arnkisa Chaikitpinyo Manat Panamonta Noparit Insorn |
1987 | ||||
5. | Why are Thai official perinatal and infant mortality rates so low? | Lumbiganon, P Panamonta, M Laopaiboon, M Pothinam, S Patithat, N |
1990 | ||||
6. | Factors associated with failure to receive antenatal care. | Lumbiganon, P. Laopaiboon, M. Panamonta, M. Pothinam, S. |
1991 | ||||
7. | Comparison of immunogenicity of hepatitis B vaccine between low and normal birth weight infants. | Lumbiganon, P. Kowsuwan, P. Lumbiganon, P. Taksaphan, S. Panamonta, M. Assateerawatts, A. |
1992 | ||||
8. | Serum cholesterol levels in patients with acute rheumatic fever | Panamonta, M Settasatian, N Kaplan, EL Chaikitpinyo, A |
1993 | ||||
9. | Aortoesophageal fistula: A life-threatening cause of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage in double aortic arch, a case report | Chaikitpinyo, A Panamonta, M Sutra, S Tontisirin, C Srinakarin, J Wongswadiwat, Y |
2004 | ||||
10. | Kawasaki disease in central area of Northeast Thailand. | Panamonta, M. Chaikitpinyo, A. Wongswadiwat, Y. Kosalaraksa, P. Lumbiganon, P. |
2004 | ||||
11. | The relationship of carditis to the initial attack of Sydenham's chorea | Panamonta, M Chaikitpinyo, A Kaplan, EL Pantongwiriyakul, A Tassniyom, S Sutra, S |
2004 | ||||
12. | Comparison of the acute pulmonary vasodilating effect of beraprost sodium and nitric oxide in congenital heart disease. | Durongpisitkul, K Laoprasitiporn, D Layangool, T Sittiwankul, R Panamonta, M Mokrapong, P , |
2005 | ||||
13. | Comparison of the acute pulmonary vasodilating effect of beraprost sodium and nitric oxide in congenital heart disease - Thailand multicenter study | K Durongpisitkul D Laoprasitiporn T Layangool R Sittiwankul M Panamonta P Mokrapong |
2005 | ||||
14. | Epidemiologic study of Kawasaki disease and cases resistant to IVIG therapy in Thailand | Durongpisitkul, K Sangtawesin, C Khongphatthanayopthin, A Panamonta, M Sopontammarak, S Sittiwangkul, R Pongpanich, B |
2006 | ||||
15. | Evolution of valve damage in Sydenham's chorea during recurrence of rheumatic fever | Panamonta, M Chaikitpinyo, A Auvichayapat, N Weraarchakul, W Panamonta, O Pantongwiriyakul, A |
2007 | ||||
16. | The clinical outcomes in children with cyanotic congenital heart diseases at Srinagarind hospital (2535 - 2545) | Arnkisa Chaikitpinyo Manat Panamonta Cherdchai Tantisirin Chusak Kuptanon Sompop prathanee Settasiri Petcharat Aenjit Pantongviriyakul |
2007 | ||||
17. | Factors Associated with Failure to Receive Secondary Prophylaxis of Rheumatic Fever Patients in Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University | Wiboon Weraarchakul Manat Panamonta Wilawan Weraarchakul Arnkisa Chaikitpinyo |
2008 | ||||
18. | Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome Among Overweight Children in Northeast Thailand | Ouyporn Panamonta Noparat Thamsiri Manat Panamonta |
2008 | ||||
19. | Acute suppurative thyroiditis with thyrotoxicosis. | Panamonta, O. Panombualert, S. Panamonta, M. Apinives, C. |
2009 | ||||
20. | Incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus in the north-eastern Thailand | Ouyporn Panamonta Jarubutr Thamjaroen Malinee Loapaiboon Manat Panamonta |
2009 | ||||
21. | Prevalence of type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome among overweight school children in Khon Kaen, Thailand | Panamonta, O Thamsiri, N Panamonta, M |
2010 | ||||
22. | Newborn screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University, Thailand | Kittiphop Somboonnithiphol Ouyporn Panamonta Pakaphan Kiatchoosakun Junya Jirapradittha Manat Panamonta Pagakrong Lumbiganon Pichet Somsapt |
2011 | ||||
23. | The rising incidence of type 1 diabetes in the northeastern part of Thailand. | Panamonta, O. Thamjaroen, J. Panamonta, M. Panamonta, N. Suesirisawat, C. |
2011 | ||||
24. | The age of onset of pubertal development in healthy Thai girls in Khon Kaen, Thailand | Jirawutthinan, N. Panamonta, O. Suesirisawat, C. Panamonta, M. |
2012 | ||||
25. | Childhood infective endocarditis in Khon Kaen University Hospital from 1992 to 2011 | Warawut Siwaprapakorn Manat Panamonta Arnkisa Chaikitpinyo Pagakrong Lumbiganon Ouyporn Panamonta Orathai Pachirat Sompop Prathanee Yuttapong Wongswadiwat Junya Jirapradittha Kaewjai Thepsuthammarat |
2014 | ||||
26. | Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening in Neonates in Srinagarind Hospital | Junya Jirapradittha Ngamjit Ninwashararung Pakaphan Kiatchoosakun Arnkisa Chaikitpinyo Manat Panamonta |
2014 | ||||
27. | Enamel defect and gingival enlargement in pediatric patients with kidney disease at Srinagarind hospital, Khon Kaen university, Thailand | Weraarchakul, W Weraarchakul, W Wisanuyotin, S Panamonta, M |
2014 | ||||
28. | Historical assessment of diphtheritic myocarditis from a hospital in northeastern Thailand | Panamonta, M. Chaikitpinyo, A. Lumbiganon, P. Panamonta, O. Auvichayapat, N. Wongswadiwat, Y. Thepsuthammarat, K. Panthongviriyakul, A. Pongchaiyakul, C. |
2014 | ||||
29. | Prevalence and type of associated syndromes in patients with cleft lip and cleft palate who received the treatment in Tawanchai Center until 4-5 years of age. | Wichajarn, K. Panamonta, O. Pradubwong, S. Panamonta, M. Weraarchakul, W. Chowchuen, B. |
2014 | ||||
30. | Rheumatic and congenital heart diseases among school children of Khon Kaen, Thailand: Declining prevalence of rheumatic heart disease | Arnkisa Chaikitpinyo Manat Panamonta Yuttapong Wongswadiwat Wiboon Weraarchakul Ouyporn Panamonta Aunejit Panthongviriyakul Kaewjai Thepsuthammarat |
2014 | ||||
31. | The prevalence of rheumatic heart disease in northeastern Thailand is declining | Panamonta, M. | 2014 | ||||
32. | Treatment of 4-5 year old patients with cleft lip and cleft palate in Tawanchai Center: prevalence and type of associated malformations. | Pradubwong, S. Pongpagatip, S. Pathumwiwatana, P. Kiatchoosakun, P. Panamonta, M. Chowchuen, B. |
2014 | ||||
33. | Radioactive Iodine Therapy in Childhood Graves Disease | Songpon Getsuwan Ouyporn Panamonta Manat Panamonta Sunphat Paireepinas |
2015 | ||||
34. | Surgery and Outcomes of Coarctation of Aorta in Children in Srinagarind Hospital (2003-2013) | Waraporn Chonnapasatid Arnkisa Chaikitpinyo Manat Panamonta |
2015 | ||||
35. | The age of onset of pubertal development in healthy Thai boys in Khon Kaen, Thailand | Kiatsopit, N. Panamonta, O. Suesirisawat, C. Panamonta, M. |
2015 | ||||
2016 | ||||
37. | Cardiovascular malformations in patients with treacher collins syndrome: A systematic review | Panamonta, M. Chaikitpinyo, A. Wongswadiwat, Y. Panamonta, O. Wichajarn, K. |
2018 | ||||
38. | Gastrointestinal malformations in patients with treacher collins syndrome: A systematic review | Panamonta, M. Panamonta, O. Wichajarn, K. |
2018 | ||||
39. | Septo-optic dysplasia [SOD] and endocrine abnormalities in Khon Kaen, Thailand | Wiromrat, P. Panamonta, M. Panamonta, O. |
2018 | ||||
40. | Urinary system malformations in patients with treacher collins syndrome: A systematic review | Wisanuyotin, S. Komvilaisak, P. Jirapradittha, J. Panamonta, M. Panamonta, O. Wichajarn, K. |
2018 | ||||
Count | 28 | 17 | 14 | 9 |
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