Prof. Poonsri Rangseekhajee

Prof. Poonsri Rangseekhajee

Department of Psychiatry,
Faculty of Medicine,
Khon Kaen University
6508042696: H-INDEX 7


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. Psychiatric Aspects of Diabetes Mellitus Poonsri Rangseekajee 1999
2. Guideline for the Pharmacotherapy of Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia Rangseekajee, P. 2000
3. Guideline for the pharmacotherapy of treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Royal College of Psychiatrists of Thailand. Disayavanish, C
Srisurapanont, M
Udomratn, P
Disayavanish, P
Kasantikul, D
Netrakom, P
Ngamtipwatthana, T
Phornchirasilp, S
Rangseekajee, P
Samuthrsindh, P
Sukanich, P
Thiam-Kaew, K
Visanuyothin, T
4. The validity and reliability of the WHO Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN Thai Version): Anxiety disorders section Krisanaprakornkit, T
Rangseekajee, P
Paholpak, S
Khiewyoo, J
5. Validity and reliability study of the Thai version of WHO schedules for clinical assessment in neuropsychiatry version 2.1 Paholpak, S
Krisanaprakornkit, T
Piyavhatkul, N
Arunpongpaisal, S
Rangseekajee, P
Pajanasoontorn, N
Khiewyoo, J
Virasiri, S
Tassaniyom, K
6. Breathing meditation by medical students at Khon Kaen University: effect on psychiatric symptoms, memory, intelligence and academic achievement. Paholpak, S
Piyavhatkul, N
Rangseekajee, P
Krisanaprakornkit, T
Arunpongpaisal, S
Pajanasoontorn, N
Virasiri, S
Singkornard, J
Rongbudsri, S
Udomsri, C
Chonprai, C
Unprai, P
7. Characteristics and burden of hospitalization because of intentional self-harm: Thai national, hospital-based data for 2010. Paholpak, P.
Rangseekajee, P.
Arunpongpaisal, S.
Piyavhatkul, N.
Thepsuthammarat, K.
Paholpak, S.
8. Characteristics, treatments and outcome of psychosis in Thai SLE patients Pongsatorn Paholpak
Poonsri Rangseekajee
Chingching Foocharoen
9. Effects of 12-week bacopa monnieri consumption on attention, cognitive processing, working memory, and functions of both cholinergic and monoaminergic systems in healthy elderly volunteers Peth-Nui, T
Wattanathorn, J
Muchimapura, S
Tong-Un, T
Piyavhatkul, N
Rangseekajee, P
Ingkaninan, K
Vittaya-Areekul, S
10. Epidemiology of assault-related hospitalizations in Thailand in the fiscal year 2010: comparison between with and without psychiatric disorder. Paholpak, P.
Rangseekajee, P.
Patjanasoontorn, N.
Virasiri, S.
Sutra, S.
Paholpak, S.
11. Epidemiology of mental and behavioral disorders among the elderly: based on data of hospitalized patients in Thailand 2010. Rangseekajee, P
Paholpak, P
Paholpak, P
Patjanasoontorn, N
Paholpak, S
Sutra, S
12. Interpersonal problems among psychiatric outpatients and non-clinical samples Tinakon Wongpakaran
Nahathai Wongpakaran
Unchalee Sirithepthawee
Wetid Pratoomsri
Natapon Burapakajornpong
Poonsri Rangseekajee
Putipong Bookkamana
Anekvich Temboonkiat
13. Remission rate of atypical antipsychotic treatment of bipolar depression: experience at Srinagarind Hospital, northeast Thailand. Wongniyom, K.
Rangseekajee, P.
14. Rivastigmine patch for treatment of Alzheimer's disease in clinical practice in Thailand Kulkantrakorn, K
Tanyakitpisal, P
Towanabut, S
Dejthevaporn, C
Rangseekajee, P
Pongpakdee, S
Laptikultham, S
Rodprasert, K
Setthawatcharawanich, S
Thinkhamrop, B
15. Clinical outcome of valproate maintenance treatment in bipolar I disorder at Srinagarind Hospital Paholpak, S
Jaikasemwong, S
Roumcharoenkiat, A
Paholpak, P
Rangseekajee, P
N. Sooksai
P. Rangseekajee
S. Namtatsanee
C. Wisedsorn
B. Tangiisuran
17. Interpersonal problems among psychiatric outpatients and non-clinical samples. Wongpakaran, T
Wongpakaran, N
Sirithepthawee, U
Pratoomsri, W
Burapakajornpong, N
Rangseekajee, P
Bookkamana, P
Temboonkiat, A
18. Interpersonal problems among psychiatric outpatients and non-clinical samples (vol 53, pg 481, 2012) T. Wongpakaran
N. Wongpakaran
U. Sirithepthawee
W. Pratoomsri
N. Burapakajornpong
P. Rangseekajee
P. Bookkamana
A. Temboonkiat
19. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and malignant catatonia as the manifestations of an anti-NMDAR encephalitis: A case report P. Rangseekajee
P. Paholpak
K. Kriengburapa
S. Tiamkao
N. Kasemsap
20. Severe medication-induced parkinsonism from a higher dose of donepezil (23 mg/day) in early-onset Alzheimer's disease P. Rangseekajee
S. Paholpak
S. Aphisitphinyo
V. Pimpanit
P. Paholpak
21. Quality of life, mental health and educational stress of high school students in the northeast of Thailand Assana, S
Laohasiriwong, W
Rangseekajee, P
22. Socioeconomic disparities and depression among Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand Laohasiriwong, W.
Rangseekajee, P.
Count 16 15 9 1

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Guideline for the Pharmacotherapy of Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia Rangseekajee, P. 2000 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
6 (83), pp. X-589
2. Guideline for the pharmacotherapy of treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Royal College of Psychiatrists of Thailand. Rangseekajee, P. 2000 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
6 (83), pp. 579-589
3. The validity and reliability of the WHO Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN Thai Version): Anxiety disorders section Krisanaprakornkit, T.
Rangseekajee, P.
Paholpak, S.
Khiewyoo, J.
2007 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
2 (90), pp. 341-347
4. Validity and reliability study of the Thai version of WHO schedules for clinical assessment in neuropsychiatry version 2.1 Paholpak, S.
Krisanaprakornkit, T.
Piyavhatkul, N.
Arunpongpaisal, S.
Rangseekajee, P.
Pajanasoontorn, N.
Khiewyoo, J.
Virasiri, S.
Tassaniyom, K.
2010 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
4 (93), pp. 497-501
5. Breathing meditation by medical students at Khon Kaen University: effect on psychiatric symptoms, memory, intelligence and academic achievement. Paholpak, S.
Piyavhatkul, N.
Rangseekajee, P.
Krisanaprakornkit, T.
Arunpongpaisal, S.
Pajanasoontorn, N.
Virasiri, S.
Rongbudsri, S.
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
3 (95), pp. 461-469
6. Characteristics and burden of hospitalization because of intentional self-harm: Thai national, hospital-based data for 2010. Paholpak, P.
Rangseekajee, P.
Arunpongpaisal, S.
Piyavhatkul, N.
Thepsuthammarat, K.
Paholpak, S.
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(95 Suppl 7), pp. S156-162
7. Characteristics, treatments and outcome of psychosis in Thai SLE patients Paholpak, P.
Rangseekajee, P.
Foocharoen, C.
2012 Journal of Psychosomatic Research
6 (73), pp. 448-451
8. Effects of 12-week bacopa monnieri consumption on attention, cognitive processing, working memory, and functions of both cholinergic and monoaminergic systems in healthy elderly volunteers Peth-Nui, T.
Wattanathorn, J.
Muchimapura, S.
Tong-Un, T.
Piyavhatkul, N.
Rangseekajee, P.
Ingkaninan, K.
2012 Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
(2012), pp.
9. Epidemiology of assault-related hospitalizations in Thailand in the fiscal year 2010: comparison between with and without psychiatric disorder. Paholpak, P.
Rangseekajee, P.
Patjanasoontorn, N.
Virasiri, S.
Sutra, S.
Paholpak, S.
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(95 Suppl 7), pp. S163-169
10. Epidemiology of mental and behavioral disorders among the elderly: based on data of hospitalized patients in Thailand 2010. Rangseekajee, P.
Paholpak, P.
Paholpak, P.
Patjanasoontorn, N.
Paholpak, S.
Sutra, S.
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(95 Suppl 7), pp. S229-234
11. Interpersonal problems among psychiatric outpatients and non-clinical samples Sirithepthawee, U.
Burapakajornpong, N.
Rangseekajee, P.
Bookkamana, P.
2012 Singapore Medical Journal
7 (53), pp. 481-487
12. Remission rate of atypical antipsychotic treatment of bipolar depression: Experience at Srinagarind hospital, Northeast Thailand Wongniyom, K.
Rangseekajee, P.
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
1 (95), pp. 105-110
13. Rivastigmine patch for treatment of Alzheimer's disease in clinical practice in Thailand Towanabut, S.
Rangseekajee, P.
Pongpakdee, S.
Setthawatcharawanich, S.
Thinkhamrop, B.
2013 Psychogeriatrics
1 (13), pp. 1-8
14. Clinical outcome of valproate maintenance treatment in bipolar I disorder at Srinagarind Hospital Paholpak, S.
Roumcharoenkiat, A.
Paholpak, P.
Rangseekajee, P.
2014 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
4 (97), pp. 431-438
15. Quality of life, mental health and educational stress of high school students in the northeast of Thailand Laohasiriwong, W.
Rangseekajee, P.
2017 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
8 (11), pp. VC01-VC06
16. Socioeconomic disparities and depression among Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand Laohasiriwong, W.
Rangseekajee, P.
2019 Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
10 (10), pp. 1004-1009

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Guideline for the pharmacotherapy of treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Royal College of Psychiatrists of Thailand. Disayavanish, C
Srisurapanont, M
Udomratn, P
Disayavanish, P
Kasantikul, D
Netrakom, P
Ngamtipwatthana, T
Phornchirasilp, S
Rangseekajee, P
Samuthrsindh, P
Sukanich, P
Thiam-Kaew, K
Visanuyothin, T
2000 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
6 (83), pp. 579-89
2. The validity and reliability of the WHO Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN Thai Version): anxiety disorders section. Krisanaprakornkit, T
Rangseekajee, P
Paholpak, S
Khiewyoo, J
2007 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
2 (90), pp. 341-7
3. Validity and reliability study of the Thai version of WHO Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry version 2.1. Paholpak, S
Krisanaprakornkit, T
Piyavhatkul, N
Arunpongpaisal, S
Rangseekajee, P
Pajanasoontorn, N
Khiewyoo, J
Virasiri, S
Tassaniyom, K
2010 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
4 (93), pp. 497-501
4. Epidemiology of assault-related hospitalizations in Thailand in the fiscal year 2010: comparison between with and without psychiatric disorder. Paholpak, P
Rangseekajee, P
Patjanasoontorn, N
Virasiri, S
Sutra, S
Paholpak, S
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(95), pp. S163-9
5. Characteristics and burden of hospitalization because of intentional self-harm: Thai national, hospital-based data for 2010. Paholpak, P
Rangseekajee, P
Arunpongpaisal, S
Piyavhatkul, N
Thepsuthammarat, K
Paholpak, S
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(95), pp. S156-62
6. Breathing meditation by medical students at Khon Kaen University: effect on psychiatric symptoms, memory, intelligence and academic achievement. Paholpak, S
Piyavhatkul, N
Rangseekajee, P
Krisanaprakornkit, T
Arunpongpaisal, S
Pajanasoontorn, N
Virasiri, S
Singkornard, J
Rongbudsri, S
Udomsri, C
Chonprai, C
Unprai, P
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
3 (95), pp. 461-9
7. Remission rate of atypical antipsychotic treatment of bipolar depression: experience at Srinagarind Hospital, northeast Thailand. Wongniyom, K
Rangseekajee, P
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
1 (95), pp. 105-10
8. Effects of 12-Week Bacopa monnieri Consumption on Attention, Cognitive Processing, Working Memory, and Functions of Both Cholinergic and Monoaminergic Systems in Healthy Elderly Volunteers. Peth-Nui, T
Wattanathorn, J
Muchimapura, S
Tong-Un, T
Piyavhatkul, N
Rangseekajee, P
Ingkaninan, K
Vittaya-Areekul, S
2012 Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM
(2012), pp. 606424
9. Characteristics, treatments and outcome of psychosis in Thai SLE patients. Paholpak, P
Rangseekajee, P
Foocharoen, C
2012 Journal of psychosomatic research
6 (73), pp. 448-51
10. Epidemiology of mental and behavioral disorders among the elderly: based on data of hospitalized patients in Thailand 2010. Rangseekajee, P
Paholpak, P
Paholpak, P
Patjanasoontorn, N
Paholpak, S
Sutra, S
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(95), pp. S229-34
11. Interpersonal problems among psychiatric outpatients and non-clinical samples. Wongpakaran, T
Wongpakaran, N
Sirithepthawee, U
Pratoomsri, W
Burapakajornpong, N
Rangseekajee, P
Bookkamana, P
Temboonkiat, A
2012 Singapore medical journal
7 (53), pp. 481-7
12. Rivastigmine patch for treatment of Alzheimer's disease in clinical practice in Thailand. Kulkantrakorn, K
Tanyakitpisal, P
Towanabut, S
Dejthevaporn, C
Rangseekajee, P
Pongpakdee, S
Laptikultham, S
Rodprasert, K
Setthawatcharawanich, S
Thinkhamrop, B
2013 Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society
1 (13), pp. 1-8
13. Clinical outcome of valproate maintenance treatment in bipolar I disorder at Srinagarind Hospital. Paholpak, S
Jaikasemwong, S
Roumcharoenkiat, A
Paholpak, P
Rangseekajee, P
2014 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
4 (97), pp. 431-8
14. Interpersonal problems among psychiatric outpatients and non-clinical samples. Wongpakaran, T
Wongpakaran, N
Sirithepthawee, U
Pratoomsri, W
Burapakajornpong, N
Rangseekajee, P
Bookkamana, P
Temboonkiat, A
2015 Singapore medical journal
3 (56), pp. 179
15. Quality of Life, Mental Health and Educational Stress of High School Students in the Northeast of Thailand. Assana, S
Laohasiriwong, W
Rangseekajee, P
2017 Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR
8 (11), pp. VC01-VC06

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Characteristics, treatments and outcome of psychosis in Thai SLE patients Pongsatorn Paholpak
Poonsri Rangseekajee
Chingching Foocharoen
(4.0), pp. 127.0-127.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
2. Effects of 12-Week Bacopa monnieri Consumption on Attention, Cognitive Processing, Working Memory, and Functions of Both Cholinergic and Monoaminergic Systems in Healthy Elderly Volunteers Tatimah Peth-Nui
Jintanaporn Wattanathorn
Supaporn Muchimapura
Terdthai Tong-Un
Nawanant Piyavhatkul
Poonsri Rangseekajee
Kornkanok Ingkaninan
Sakchai Vittaya-areekul
(), pp.
20 0 0 0 0 0 20
3. Interpersonal problems among psychiatric outpatients and non-clinical samples Tinakon Wongpakaran
Nahathai Wongpakaran
Unchalee Sirithepthawee
Wetid Pratoomsri
Natapon Burapakajornpong
Poonsri Rangseekajee
Putipong Bookkamana
Anekvich Temboonkiat
7.0 (53.0), pp. 481.0-487.0
19 0 0 0 0 0 19
4. Rivastigmine patch for treatment of Alzheimer's disease in clinical practice in Thailand Kongkiat Kulkantrakorn
Panas Tanyakitpisal
Somchai Towanabut
Charungthai Dejthevaporn
Poonsri Rangseekajee
Sunsanee Pongpakdee
Somsak Laptikultham
Kritsada Rodprasert
Suwanna Setthawatcharawanich
Bandit Thinkhamrop
1.0 (13.0), pp. 1.0-8.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
N. Sooksai
P. Rangseekajee
S. Namtatsanee
C. Wisedsorn
B. Tangiisuran
7.0 (17.0), pp. A771-A771
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Interpersonal problems among psychiatric outpatients and non-clinical samples (vol 53, pg 481, 2012) T. Wongpakaran
N. Wongpakaran
U. Sirithepthawee
W. Pratoomsri
N. Burapakajornpong
P. Rangseekajee
P. Bookkamana
A. Temboonkiat
3.0 (56.0), pp. 179.0-179.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and malignant catatonia as the manifestations of an anti-NMDAR encephalitis: A case report P. Rangseekajee
P. Paholpak
K. Kriengburapa
S. Tiamkao
N. Kasemsap
(7.0), pp. 28.0-28.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. Severe medication-induced parkinsonism from a higher dose of donepezil (23 mg/day) in early-onset Alzheimer's disease P. Rangseekajee
S. Paholpak
S. Aphisitphinyo
V. Pimpanit
P. Paholpak
(26.0), pp. S646-S646
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. Quality of Life, Mental Health and Educational Stress of High School Students in the Northeast of Thailand Supat Assana
Wongsa Laohasiriwong
Poonsri Rangseekajee
8.0 (11.0), pp. VC1-VC6
6 0 0 0 0 0 6

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Psychiatric Aspects of Diabetes Mellitus Poonsri Rangseekajee 1999 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(14 No 1), pp. 46-49

Title Authors NRIIS type Year NRIIS Scholarship
