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ศ. ถวัลย์วงค์ รัตนสิริ

6602273489: H-INDEX 1
6602273490: H-INDEX 14


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1. Amniotic fluid index (AFI) for normal pregnant women in northeastern Thailand Bunpot Samakeenit
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
2. Knowledge and attitude of pregnant women at risk for having a fetus with severe thalassemia after genetic counseling at Srinagarind Hospital Surangrhut Pauisri
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
3. Second Trimester Genetic Amniocentesis: Khon Kaen University 14-year experience Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Teerayut Temtanakitpaisan
Saman Luengwattanawanit
Witoon Prasertcharoensuk
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Jamras Wongkam
4. Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies rather than iron deficiency are major causes of pregnancy-related anemia in northeast Thailand. Sanchaisuriya, K
Fucharoen, S
Ratanasiri, T
Sanchaisuriya, P
Fucharoen, G
Dietz, E
Schelp, FP
5. Influence of early acetabuloplasty on the development of the acetabulum. Yamamuro, T
Oka, M
Ratanasiri, T
6. Clinical Characteristics of Malignant Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases in Srinagarind Hospital and Problems in Management Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Banchong Udomthavornsuk
Prasit Pengsaa
7. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Advanced Vulvar Cancer : A pilot study Prasit Pengsaa
Banchong Udomthavornsuk
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Vitaya Thithapandha
8. Validity of Intrapartum Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring Witoon Prasertcharoensuk
Pisake Lumbiganon
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
9. Antepartum fetal heart rate patterns in small-for-gestational-age fetuses Ratanasiri, T. 1991
10. Antepartum fetal heart rate patterns in the normal human fetus Ratanasiri, T. 1991
11. Computer analysis of the antepartum fetal heart rate patterns in the intrauterine growth-retarded human fetus using Sonicaid System 8000 Bartnicki, J
Ratanasiri, T
Meyenburg, M
Saling, E
12. Maternal O2 respiration and computer-assisted heart rate analysis | MUTTERLICHE O2-ATMUNG UND COMPUTERANALYSIERTES CTG Ratanasiri, T. 1991
13. Effect of the vibratory acoustic stimulation on fetal heart rate patterns of premature fetuses. Ratanasiri, T. 1992
14. Medical Students’ Khowledge and Attitude Concerning Cigarrette smoking : A study in medical students at Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand Amonrat Ratanasiri
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
T.H. Lam
K.K. Cheng
15. Postterm pregnancy: computer analysis of the antepartum fetal heart rate patterns Bartnicki, J
Ratanasiri, T
Meyenburg, M
Saling, E
16. A simple non-radioactive assay for hemoglobin E gene in prenatal diagnosis. Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Ratanasiri, T.
Jetsrisuparb, A.
Fukumaki, Y.
17. Preliminary Experiences with Cordocentesis at Srinagarind Hospital Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Witoon Prasertcharoensuk
Saman Leuangwattanawanit
Goonapa Fucharoen
Chamras Wongkam
18. A simple non radioactive method for detecting beta-thalassemia/hbe disease: application to prenatal diagnosis. Fucharoen, S
Fucharoen, G
Ratanasiri, T
Jetsrisuparb, A
Fukumaki, Y
19. Acceptane First Trimester prenatal Screening for Thalassemia at Srinagarind Hospital Jamras Wongkham
masinee Paibool
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Witoon Prasertcharoensuk2
20. Birth Prevalence of neural Tube Defects at Srinagarind Hospital, 1988-1996 Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ekachai Piensriwatchara
Witoon prasertcharoensuk
Ratana Komwilaisak
21. Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy : The Initial 10 Cases, Srinagarind Hospital Experience Kanok Seejorn
Pranom Buphasiri
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Acom Sawasdipanich
Auayporn Pattamas
22. Fetal Diagnosis of Duodenal Obstruction by Ultrasound : A Case Report Supat Sinawat
Ratana Komwilaisak
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Suchart Areemit
Sukanya Taksaphan
23. Simultaneous PCR detection of β-thalassemia and α-thalassemia 1 (SEA type) in prenatal diagnosis of complex thalassemia syndrome Siriratmanawong, N
Fucharoen, G
Sanchaisuriya, K
Ratanasiri, T
Fucharoen, S
24. The Birth Incidence of Cleft Lip and Palate at Srinagarind Hospital, 1990-1999. Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Napasorn Junthathamrongwat
Somnuk Apiwantanakul
Chamras Wongkam
Bowornsilp Chowchuen
25. Comparison of the accuracy of ultrasonic fetal weight estimation by using the various equations Ratanasiri, T
Jirapornkul, S
Somboonporn, W
Seejorn, K
Patumnakul, P
26. Knowledge-attitude-practice of sexual intercourse of post-menopausal women using hormone replacement therapy. Somboonporn, W.
Seejorn, K.
Kleebkaow, P.
Junthathamrongwat, N.
Ratanasiri, T.
27. Prenatal Diagnosis of Partial Trisomy 14 : A Case Report Saman Luengwattanawanit
Onanong Kitpetcharat
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Piraiwon Klebkaew
28. Complex interaction of Hb Hekinan [alpha 27(B8) Glu-Asp] and Hb E [beta 26(B8) Glu-Lys] with a deletional alpha-thalassemia 1 in a Thai family Fucharoen, S
Changtrakun, Y
Ratanasiri, T
Fucharoen, G
Sanchaisuriya, K
29. Non-invasive fetal sex determination using a conventional nested PCR analysis of fetal DNA in maternal plasma. W Tungwiwat
G Fucharoen
T Ratanasiri
K Sanchaisuriya
S Fucharoen
30. Prenatal detection of fetal hemoglobin E gene from maternal plasma G Fucharoen
W Tungwiwat
T Ratanasiri
K Sanchaisuriya
S Fucharoen
31. Counseling for Promotion and Prevention of Down Syndrome Thawalwong Ratanasiri 2004
32. Prediction of preeclampsia in a low-risk population using diastolic notch of uterine arteries. Ratanasiri, T 2004
33. Prevalence of anemia in pregnant women at Srinagarind Hospital Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Chutima Jareansinsuph
34. Prevalence of congenital anomalies at Srinagarind Hospital Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Pramint Anukoolprasert
35. Pulsatility index of the middle cerebral artery in normal fetuses. Komwilaisak, R.
Saksiriwuttho, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Kleebkaow, P.
Seejorn, K.
36. Three-Dimensional Ultrasonographic Findings of the Rare Chromosomal Abnormality 48, XXY/+18: A Case Report Komwilaisak, R
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, P
Luengwattanawanit, S
37. Three-dimensional ultrasonographic visualization of fetal chromosome abnormalities: a preliminary experience report of 4 cases. Komwilaisak, R
Ratanasiri, T
Kleebkaow, P
38. A reliable screening protocol for thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnancy - An alternative approach to electronic blood cell counting Sanchaisuriya, K.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Changtrakul, Y.
Ukosanakarn, U.
Schelp, F.P.
39. Variability of nuchal translucency measurement - A multicenter study in Thailand Suntharasaj, T
Ratanasiri, T
Chanprapaph, P
Kengpol, C
Kor-anantakul, O
Leetanaporn, R
Prasartwanakit, V
Kleebkaow, P
Tongsong, T
Sirichotiyakul, S
40. Correlation of weight estimation in large and small fetuses with three-dimensional ultrasonographic volume measurements of the fetal upper-arm and thigh: A preliminary report Patipanawat, S
Komwilaisak, R
Ratanasiri, T
41. Development and application of a real-time quantitative PCR for prenatal detection of fetal alpha(0)-thalassemia from maternal plasma. Tungwiwat, W.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
42. Hydrops fetalis caused by parvovirus B19 infection: case report and literature review. Taksaphan, S.
Kleebkaew, P.
Komwilaisak, R.
Kiatchoosakun, P.
Jirapradittha, J.
Ratanasiri, T.
43. Prenatal prevention for severe thalassemia disease at Srinagarind Hospital. Ratanasiri, T
Charoenthong, C
Komwilaisak, R
Changtrakul, Y
Fucharoen, S
Wongkham, J
Kleebkaow, P
Seejorn, K
44. Prevalence of placental pathology in low birthweight infants. Kleebkaow, P.
Limdumrongchit, W.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
Seejorn, K.
45. Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis in the Lower Genital Tract of Infertile Women Kanok Seejorn
Chumnan Kietpeerkool
Pilaiwan Kleebkaow
Chamsai Pientong
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Kumwilaisak
Tipaya Ekalaksananan
46. Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies rather than iron deficiency are major causes of pregnancy-related anemia in northeast Thailand Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Supan Fucharoen
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Pattara Sanchaisuriya
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Ekkahart Dietz
Frank P. Schelp
47. Application of maternal plasma DNA analysis for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of Hb E-β-thalassemia Warunee Tungwiwat
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Supan Fucharoen
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Natraya Sae-Ung
48. Autopsy findings of fetal death. Kleebkaow, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
49. Effect of the maternal beta(E)-globin gene on hematologic responses to iron supplementation during pregnancy Sanchaisuriya, K
Fucharoen, S
Ratanasiri, T
Sanchaisuriya, P
Fucharoen, G
Dietz, E
Schelp, FP
50. Evaluation of the fetal sex prediction using a conventional PCR analysis of DNA in maternal plasma Warunee Tungwiwat
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Supan Fucharoen
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Nattaya Sae-Ung
51. Fetal biometry charts for normal pregnant women in Northeastern Thailand Saksiriwuttho, P
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, R
52. Lived experiences of mothers caring for children with thalassemia major in Thailand Prasomsuk, S
Jetsrisuparp, A
Ratanasiri, T
Ratanasiri, A
53. Prevention and Control of Thalassemia in Obstetric Practice Thawalwong Ratanasiri 2007
54. Accuracy of fetal gender detection using a conventional nested PCR assay of maternal plasma in daily practice. Tungwiwat, W.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
55. Accurate Prenatal Diagnosis of Hb Bart's Hydrops Fetalis in Daily Practice with a Double-Check PCR System Karnpean, R
Fucharoen, G
Fucharoen, S
Sae-ung, N
Sanchaisuriya, K
Ratanasiri, T
56. Analysis of fetal blood using capillary electrophoresis system: A simple method for prenatal diagnosis of severe thalassemia diseases Hataichanok Srivorakun
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Nattaya Sae-Ung
Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Supan Fucharoen
57. Incidence, causes and pregnancy outcomes of hydrops fetalis at Srinagarind Hospital, 1996-2005: A 10-year review Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, R
Sittivech, A
Kleebkeaw, P
Seejorn, K
58. Prenatal Diagnosis of Hemoglobin Bart's Hydrops Fetalis with Gap-PCR System Response Rossarin Karnpean
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Supan Fucharoen
Nattaya Sae-ung
Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
59. Response to Dr. Dong-Zhi Li Karnpean, R.
Fucharoen, G.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Sae-Ung, N.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Ratanasiri, T.
60. Prevention of severe thalassemia in northeast Thailand: 16 years of experience at a single university center. Yamsri, S.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Fucharoen, G.
Sae-Ung, N.
Ratanasiri, T.
Fucharoen, S.P.
61. Distribution of Normal Nuchal Translucency Thickness: A Multicenter Study in Thailand Kor-Anantakul, O
Suntharasaj, T
Suwanrath, C
Chanprapaph, P
Sirichotiyakul, S
Ratanasiri, T
Vuthiwong, C
Geater, A
62. Fetal pleural effusions with spontaneous resolution: a case report. Saksiriwuttho, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
63. Normogram of fetal middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity at 20-37 weeks of gestation at Srinagarind Hospital. Saksiriwuttho, P.
Duangkum, C.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
64. Effectiveness of the model for prenatal control of severe thalassemia Tongsong, T
Charoenkwan, P
Sirivatanapa, P
Wanapirak, C
Piyamongkol, W
Sirichotiyakul, S
Srisupundit, K
Tongprasert, F
Luewan, S
Ratanasiri, T
Komwilaisak, R
Saksiriwuttho, P
Vuthiwong, C
Punpuckdeekoon, P
Panichkul, P
Rueangchainikhom, W
Choowong, J
Orungrote, N
Sarapak, S
Kovavisarach, E
Jaruyawongs, P
Tansathit, T
Phadungkiatwattana, P
Rujiwetpongstorn, J
Kor-Anantakul, O
Suwanrath, C
Hanprasertpong, T
Pranpanus, S
65. Fetal red blood cell parameters in thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies Karnpean, R
Fucharoen, G
Fucharoen, S
Ratanasiri, T
66. PREFACE Ratanasiri, T. 2013
67. Prenatal three dimensional ultrasonography and expectant management of placental chorioangioma: A case report Saksiriwuttho, P
Ratanasiri, T
Doankum, C
Kleebkaew, P
Kiatchoosakun, P
68. Thalassemia Screening in Pregnant Women at Antenatal Care Clinic Srinagarind Hospital Jamras Wongkham
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Masinee Paibool
Phanwadee Chatvised
69. Effect of knowledge and perception on adherence to iron and folate supplementation during pregnancy in Kathmandu, Nepal Sing, SR
Ratanasiri, T
Thapa, P
Koju, R
Ratanasiri, A
Arkaravichien, T
Arkaravichien, W
70. Second trimester genetic ultrasound for Down syndrome screening at Srinagarind Hospital. Ratanasiri, T.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
Saksiriwuttho, P.
71. Second trimester genetic sonogram for Down syndrome ปิยะมาศ ศักดิ์ศิริวุฒโฒ
ถวัลย์วงค์ รัตนสิริ
72. Update in Down Syndrome Screening ถวัลย์วงค์ รัตนสิริ 2015
73. Maternal Knowledge and Attitude on Folic Acid Intakes to Prevent Birth Defects of Pregnant Women Jamras Wongkham
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Masinee Paibool
Phanwadee Chatvised
Nuchavara Suttasee
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Khunto Wichajarn
74. Reference values of the anterior cerebral artery doppler indices in normal fetuses Saksiriwuttho, P.
Komwilaisak, R.
Ratanasiri, T.
Count 47 42 21 24

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
1. Antepartum fetal heart rate patterns in small-for-gestational-age fetuses Ratanasiri, T. 1991 International Journal of Feto-Maternal Medicine
3 (4), pp. 169-172
2. Antepartum fetal heart rate patterns in the normal human fetus Ratanasiri, T. 1991 International Journal of Feto-Maternal Medicine
2 (4), pp. 87-90
3. Computer analysis of the antepartum fetal heart rate patterns in the intrauterine growth-retarded human fetus using Sonicaid System 8000 Ratanasiri, T. 1991 Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation
4 (31), pp. 196-199
4. Maternal O2 respiration and computer-assisted heart rate analysis | MUTTERLICHE O2-ATMUNG UND COMPUTERANALYSIERTES CTG Ratanasiri, T. 1991 Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics
1-4 (250), pp. 765-767
5. Effect of the vibratory acoustic stimulation on fetal heart rate patterns of premature fetuses Ratanasiri, T. 1992 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics
1 (37), pp. 3-6
6. Postterm pregnancy: computer analysis of the antepartum fetal heart rate patterns Ratanasiri, T. 1992 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics
4 (37), pp. 243-246
7. A simple non-radioactive assay for hemoglobin E gene in prenatal diagnosis Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Ratanasiri, T.
Jetsrisuparb, A.
Fukumaki, Y.
1994 Clinica Chimica Acta
1-2 (229), pp. 197-203
8. A simple non radioactive method for detecting beta-thalassemia/hbe disease: application to prenatal diagnosis. Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Ratanasiri, T.
Jetsrisuparb, A.
Fukumaki, Y.
1995 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
(26 Suppl 1), pp. 278-281
9. Simultaneous PCR detection of β-thalassemia and α-thalassemia 1 (SEA type) in prenatal diagnosis of complex thalassemia syndrome Siriratmanawong, N.
Fucharoen, G.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Ratanasiri, T.
Fucharoen, S.P.
2001 Clinical Biochemistry
5 (34), pp. 377-380
10. Comparison of the accuracy of ultrasonic fetal weight estimation by using the various equations Ratanasiri, T.
Somboonporn, W.
Jirapornkul, S.
Seejorn, K.
2002 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
9 (85), pp. 962-967
11. Knowledge-attitude-practice of sexual intercourse of post-menopausal women using hormone replacement therapy Somboonporn, W.
Seejorn, K.
Kleebkaow, P.
Junthathamrongwat, N.
Ratanasiri, T.
2002 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
2 (85), pp. 167-171
12. Complex interaction of Hb Hekinan [α27(B8) Glu-Asp] and Hb E [β26(B8) Glu-Lys] with a deletional α-thalassemia 1 in a Thai family Fucharoen, S.P.
Changtrakun, Y.
Ratanasiri, T.
Fucharoen, G.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
2003 European Journal of Haematology
5 (70), pp. 304-309
13. Non-invasive fetal sex determination using a conventional nested PCR analysis of fetal DNA in maternal plasma Tungwiwat, W.
Fucharoen, G.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Fucharoen, S.P.
2003 Clinica Chimica Acta
1-2 (334), pp. 173-177
14. Prenatal detection of fetal hemoglobin E gene from maternal plasma Fucharoen, G.
Tungwiwat, W.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Fucharoen, S.P.
2003 Prenatal Diagnosis
5 (23), pp. 393-396
15. Prediction of preeclampsia in a low-risk population using diastolic notch of uterine arteries. Ratanasiri, T. 2004 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(87 Suppl 3), pp. S29-33
16. Pulsatility index of the middle cerebral artery in normal fetuses. Komwilaisak, R.
Saksiriwuttho, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Kleebkaow, P.
Seejorn, K.
2004 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(87 Suppl 3), pp. S34-37
17. Three-Dimensional Ultrasonographic Findings of the Rare Chromosomal Abnormality 48, XXY/+18: A Case Report Komwilaisak, R.
Komwilaisak, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Luengwattanawanit, S.
2004 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
2 (87), pp. 198-203
18. Three-dimensional ultrasonographic visualization of fetal chromosome abnormalities: a preliminary experience report of 4 cases. Komwilaisak, R.
Ratanasiri, T.
Kleebkaow, P.
2004 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(87 Suppl 3), pp. S38-44
19. A reliable screening protocol for thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnancy: An alternative approach to electronic blood cell counting Sanchaisuriya, K.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Changtrakul, Y.
Ukosanakarn, U.
Schelp, F.P.
2005 American Journal of Clinical Pathology
1 (123), pp. 113-118
20. Variability of nuchal translucency measurement: A multicenter study in Thailand Ratanasiri, T.
Kengpol, C.
Prasartwanakit, V.
Kleebkaow, P.
2005 Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation
4 (60), pp. 201-205
21. Correlation of weight estimation in large and small fetuses with three-dimensional ultrasonographic volume measurements of the fetal upper-arm and thigh: A preliminary report Patipanawat, S.
Komwilaisak, R.
Ratanasiri, T.
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
1 (89), pp. 13-19
22. Development and application of a real-time quantitative PCR for prenatal detection of fetal α0-Thalassemia from maternal plasma Tungwiwat, W.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
2006 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
(1075), pp. 103-107
23. Hydrops fetalis caused by parvovirus B19 infection: Case report and literature review Taksaphan, S.
Kleebkaew, P.
Komwilaisak, R.
Kiatchoosakun, P.
Jirapradittha, J.
Ratanasiri, T.
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
8 (89), pp. 1277-1286
24. Prenatal prevention for severe thalassemia disease at Srinagarind Hospital. Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
Changtrakul, Y.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Wongkham, J.
Kleebkaow, P.
Seejorn, K.
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(89 Suppl 4), pp. S87-93
25. Prevalence of placental pathology in low birthweight infants Kleebkaow, P.
Limdumrongchit, W.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
Seejorn, K.
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
5 (89), pp. 594-599
26. Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies rather than iron deficiency are major causes of pregnancy-related anemia in northeast Thailand Sanchaisuriya, K.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Fucharoen, G.
Dietz, E.
Schelp, F.P.
2006 Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases
1 (37), pp. 8-11
27. Application of maternal plasma DNA analysis for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of Hb E-β-thalassemia Tungwiwat, W.
Fucharoen, G.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Sae-Ung, N.
2007 Translational Research
5 (150), pp. 319-325
28. Autopsy findings of fetal death Kleebkaow, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
2007 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
1 (90), pp. 21-25
29. Effect of the maternal βE-globin gene on hematologic responses to iron supplementation during pregnancy Sanchaisuriya, K.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, P.
Fucharoen, G.
Dietz, E.
Schelp, F.P.
2007 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
2 (85), pp. 474-479
30. Fetal biometry charts for normal pregnant women in Northeastern Thailand Saksiriwuttho, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
2007 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
10 (90), pp. 1963-1969
31. Lived experiences of mothers caring for children with thalassemia major in Thailand Prasomsuk, S.
Jetsrisuparp, A.
Ratanasiri, T.
Ratanasiri, A.
2007 Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing
1 (12), pp. 13-23
32. Accuracy of fetal gender detection using a conventional nested PCR assay of maternal plasma in daily practice Tungwiwat, W.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Fucharoen, G.
Ratanasiri, T.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
2008 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
5 (48), pp. 501-504
33. Accurate prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis in daily practice with a double-check PCR system Karnpean, R.
Fucharoen, G.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Sae-Ung, N.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Ratanasiri, T.
2009 Acta Haematologica
4 (121), pp. 227-233
34. Analysis of fetal blood using capillary electrophoresis system: A simple method for prenatal diagnosis of severe thalassemia diseases Srivorakun, H.
Fucharoen, G.
Sae-Ung, N.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Ratanasiri, T.
Fucharoen, S.P.
2009 European Journal of Haematology
1 (83), pp. 57-65
35. Incidence, causes and pregnancy outcomes of hydrops fetalis at Srinagarind Hospital, 1996-2005: A 10-year review Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
Sittivech, A.
Kleebkeaw, P.
Seejorn, K.
2009 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
5 (92), pp. 594-599
36. Response to Dr. Dong-Zhi Li Karnpean, R.
Fucharoen, G.
Fucharoen, S.P.
Sae-Ung, N.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Ratanasiri, T.
2009 Acta Haematologica
1 (122), pp. 51
37. Prevention of severe thalassemia in northeast Thailand: 16 Years of experience at a single university center Yamsri, S.
Sanchaisuriya, K.
Fucharoen, G.
Sae-Ung, N.
Ratanasiri, T.
Fucharoen, S.P.
2010 Prenatal Diagnosis
6 (30), pp. 540-546
38. Distribution of normal nuchal translucency thickness: A multicenter study in Thailand Ratanasiri, T. 2011 Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation
2 (71), pp. 124-128
39. Fetal pleural effusions with spontaneous resolution: A case Report Saksiriwuttho, P.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
2011 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
10 (94), pp. 1267-1270
40. Normogram of fetal middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity at 20-37 weeks of gestation at srinagarind hospital Saksiriwuttho, P.
Duangkum, C.
Ratanasiri, T.
Komwilaisak, R.
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Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 รวม
1. Simultaneous PCR detection of beta-thalassemia and alpha-thalassemia 1 (SEA type) in prenatal diagnosis of complex thalassemia syndrome N Siriratmanawong
G Fucharoen
K Sanchaisuriya
T Ratanasiri
S Fucharoen
5.0 (34.0), pp. 377.0-380.0
78 0 0 0 0 0 78
2. Complex interaction of Hb Hekinan [alpha 27(B8) Glu-Asp] and Hb E [beta 26(B8) Glu-Lys] with a deletional alpha-thalassemia 1 in a Thai family S Fucharoen
Y Changtrakun
T Ratanasiri
G Fucharoen
K Sanchaisuriya
5.0 (70.0), pp. 304.0-309.0
30 0 0 0 0 0 30
3. Non-Invasive fetal sex determination using a conventional nested PCR analysis of fetal DNA in maternal plasma W Tungwiwat
G Fucharoen
T Ratanasiri
K Sanchaisuriya
S Fucharoen
1-2 (334.0), pp. 173.0-177.0
39 0 0 0 0 0 39
4. Prenatal detection of fetal hemoglobin E gene from maternal plasma G Fucharoen
W Tungwiwat
T Ratanasiri
K Sanchaisuriya
S Fucharoen
5.0 (23.0), pp. 393.0-396.0
57 0 0 0 0 0 57
5. A reliable screening protocol for thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnancy - An alternative approach to electronic blood cell counting K Sanchaisuriya
S Fucharoen
G Fucharoen
T Ratanasiri
P Sanchaisuriya
Y Changtrakul
U Ukosanakarn
U Ussawaphark
FP Schelp
1.0 (123.0), pp. 113.0-118.0
115 0 0 0 0 0 115
6. Variability of nuchal translucency measurement - A multicenter study in Thailand T Suntharasaj
T Ratanasiri
P Chanprapaph
C Kengpol
O Kor-anantakul
R Leetanaporn
V Prasartwanakit
P Kleebkaow
T Tongsong
S Sirichotiyakul
4.0 (60.0), pp. 201.0-205.0
16 0 0 0 0 0 16
7. Development and application of a real-time quantitative PCR for prenatal detection of fetal alpha(0)-thalassemia from maternal plasma Warunee Tungwiwat
Supan Fucharcoen
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
(1075.0), pp. 103.0-107.0
49 0 0 0 0 0 49
8. Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies rather than iron deficiency are major causes of pregnancy-related anemia in northeast Thailand Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Supan Fucharoen
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Pattara Sanchaisuriya
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Ekkahart Dietz
Frank P. Schelp
1.0 (37.0), pp. 8.0-11.0
50 0 0 0 0 0 50
9. Application of maternal plasma DNA analysis for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of Hb E-beta-thalassemia Warunee Tungwiwat
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Supan Fucharoen
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Natraya Sae-Ung
5.0 (150.0), pp. 319.0-325.0
28 0 0 0 0 0 28
10. Effect of the maternal beta(E)-globin gene on hematologic responses to iron supplementation during pregnancy Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Supan Fucharoen
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Pattara Sanchaisuriya
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Ekkehart Dietz
Frank P. Schelp
2.0 (85.0), pp. 474.0-479.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
11. Evaluation of the fetal sex prediction using a conventional PCR analysis of DNA in maternal plasma Warunee Tungwiwat
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Supan Fucharoen
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Nattaya Sae-Ung
(29.0), pp. 110.0-110.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12. Lived experiences of mothers caring for children with thalassemia major in Thailand Suksiri Prasomsuk
Arunee Jetsrisuparp
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Amornrat Ratanasiri
1.0 (12.0), pp. 13.0-23.0
13 0 0 0 0 0 13
13. Accuracy of fetal gender detection using a conventional nested PCR assay of maternal plasma in daily practice Warunee Tungwiwat
Supan Fucharoen
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
5.0 (48.0), pp. 501.0-504.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
14. Accurate Prenatal Diagnosis of Hb Bart's Hydrops Fetalis in Daily Practice with a Double-Check PCR System Rossarin Karnpean
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Supan Fucharoen
Nattaya Sae-ung
Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
4.0 (121.0), pp. 227.0-233.0
13 0 0 0 0 0 13
15. Analysis of fetal blood using capillary electrophoresis system: a simple method for prenatal diagnosis of severe thalassemia diseases Hataichanok Srivorakun
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Nattaya Sae-Ung
Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Supan Fucharoen
1.0 (83.0), pp. 57.0-65.0
50 0 0 0 0 0 50
16. Prenatal Diagnosis of Hemoglobin Bart's Hydrops Fetalis with Gap-PCR System Response Rossarin Karnpean
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Supan Fucharoen
Nattaya Sae-ung
Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
1.0 (122.0), pp. 51.0-51.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17. Prevention of severe thalassemia in northeast Thailand: 16 years of experience at a single university center Supawadee Yamsri
Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Nattaya Sae-ung
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Supan Fucharoen
6.0 (30.0), pp. 540.0-546.0
81 0 0 0 0 0 81
18. Distribution of Normal Nuchal Translucency Thickness: A Multicenter Study in Thailand Ounjai Kor-anantakul
Thitima Suntharasaj
Chitkasaem Suwanrath
Pharuhas Chanprapaph
Supatra Sirichotiyakul
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Chutawadi Vuthiwong
Alan Geater
2.0 (71.0), pp. 124.0-128.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
19. Effectiveness of the model for prenatal control of severe thalassemia Theera Tongsong
Pimlak Charoenkwan
Pannee Sirivatanapa
Chanane Wanapirak
Wirawit Piyamongkol
Supatra Sirichotiyakul
Kasemsri Srisupundit
Fuanglada Tongprasert
Suchaya Luewan
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Chutawadi Vuthiwong
Peerapun Punpuckdeekoon
Prisana Panichkul
Wibool Rueangchainikhom
Jirawat Choowong
Nawaporn Orungrote
Sravuth Sarapak
Ekachai Kovavisarach
Prapon Jaruyawongs
Thitinan Tansathit
Podjanee Phadungkiatwattana
Jittima Rujiwetpongstorn
Ounjai Kor-anantakul
Chitkasaem Suwanrath
Tharangrut Hanprasertpong
Savitree Pranpanus
5.0 (33.0), pp. 477.0-483.0
12 0 0 0 0 0 12
20. Fetal Red Blood Cell Parameters in Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies Rossarin Karnpean
Goonnapa Fucharoen
Supan Fucharoen
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
3.0 (34.0), pp. 166.0-171.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
6.0 (51.0), pp. 611.0-611.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1

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Ratana Komwilaisak
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Masinee Paibool
Phanwadee Chatvised
2013 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(28 No 2), pp. 170-177
18. Second Trimester Genetic Ultrasound for Down syndrome screening at Srinagarind Hospital Thanawan Ratanasiri
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
2014 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(29 No 4), pp. 78
19. Second trimester genetic sonogram for Down syndrome ปิยะมาศ ศักดิ์ศิริวุฒโฒ
ถวัลย์วงค์ รัตนสิริ
2015 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(30 No 5), pp. 43-50
20. Update in Down Syndrome Screening ถวัลย์วงค์ รัตนสิริ 2015 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(30 No 5), pp. 42
21. Maternal Knowledge and Attitude on Folic Acid Intakes to Prevent Birth Defects of Pregnant Women Jamras Wongkham
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Masinee Paibool
Phanwadee Chatvised
Nuchavara Suttasee
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Khunto Wichajarn
2016 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(31 No 4), pp. 192-196
22. Second Trimester Genetic Amniocentesis: Khon Kaen University 14-year experience Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Teerayut Temtanakitpaisan
Saman Luengwattanawanit
Witoon Prasertcharoensuk
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Jamras Wongkam
Thai Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
(19 No 3), pp. 105-111
23. Knowledge and attitude of pregnant women at risk for having a fetus with severe thalassemia after genetic counseling at Srinagarind Hospital Surangrhut Pauisri
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Thai Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
(19 No 4), pp. 193-199
24. Amniotic fluid index (AFI) for normal pregnant women in northeastern Thailand Bunpot Samakeenit
Piyamas Saksiriwuttho
Thawalwong Ratanasiri
Ratana Komwilaisak
Thai Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
(23 No 1), pp. 12-17

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