 Jiraporn Srinakarin

Jiraporn Srinakarin

Department of Radiology,
Faculty of Medicine,
Khon Kaen University
6506528140: H-INDEX 10


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. Ultrasound screening for Opisthorchis viverrini-associated cholangiocarcinomas: experience in an endemic area. Mairiang, E
Chaiyakum, J
Chamadol, N
Laopaiboon, V
Srinakarin, J
Kunpitaya, J
Sriamporn, S
Suwanrungruang, K
Vatanasapt, V
2. Transcrectal Ultrasonography : First Experience in Srinagarind Hosptial Childa Aphinives
Pochavit Aphinives
Kajit Pacheerat
Pakawa Chansiri
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Eimorn Mairiang
3. Adrenocortical tumors in children. Panamonta, O.
Areemit, S.
Srinakarin, J.
Siritunyaporn, S.
Tuksapun, S.
4. Insulinoma in childhood Panamonta, O
Areemit, S
Srinakarin, J
Puapairoj, A
5. Comparison of high-resolution computed tomography with pulmonary function testing in symptomatic smokers Srinakarin, J
Thammaroj, J
Boonsawat, W
6. Pleuropulmonary blastoma in a child presenting with spontaneous pneumothorax. Teeratakulpisarn, J.
Srinakarin, J.
Jintakanon, D.
Wiangnon, S.
Kuptarnond, C.
7. Aortoesophageal fistula: a life-threatening cause of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage in double aortic arch, a case report. Chaikitpinyo, A.
Panamonta, M.
Sutra, S.
Tontisirin, C.
Srinakarin, J.
Wongswadiwat, Y.
8. Diagnostic Reliability of the Singh index: Femoral Neck Osteoporosis Suppasin Soontrapa
Prathana Chowchuen
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Sukree Soontrapa
9. Fear Level in Preschoolers Undergoing Computed Tomography: Affect of Psychological Preparation by Story vs. Normal Preparation J Sriboonleart
K Promon
Y Soommart
J Srinakarin
10. Formative Evaluation for the fifth Year Medical Student in Clinical Radiology by Pre-test and Post test Chalida Aphinives
Eimorn Mairiang
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Jitjaroen Chaiyakum
Petcharakorn Hanpanich
Jureerat Thammaroj
Benjaporn Nitinavakarn
11. Randomized trial of atorvastatin in improving endothelial function in diabetics without prior coronary disease and having average cholesterol level Tantikosoom, W
Thinkhamrop, B
Kiatchusakul, S
Jarernsiripornkul, N
Srinakarin, J
Ojongpian, S
12. Risk Factors Associated With Allergic To Non – Ionic Contrast Media In Patients Undergoing Chest Or Abdominal Computed Tomography Sangiam Chartrapong
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Yamuna Summart
Sumon Direkrit
13. Singh index screening for femoral neck osteoporosis. Soontrapa, S.
Soontrapa, S.
Srinakarin, J.
Chowchuen, P.
14. Cystic fibrosis in three northeast Thai infants is CF really a rare disease in the Thai population? Teeratakulpisarn, J
Kosuwon, P
Srinakarin, J
Panthongviriyakul, C
Sutra, S
15. Missed appointments at a tuberculosis clinic increased the risk of clinical treatment failure. Srisaenpang, S.
Pinitsoontorn, S.
Tatsanavivat, P.
Patjanasoontorn, B.
Reechaipichitkul, W.
Srinakarin, J.
Srisaenpang, P.
Thinkamrop, B.
Apinyanurak, C.
16. Predictive CT features in ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Thammaroj, J.
Vungtal, S.
Srinakarin, J.
17. Pulmonary tuberculosis in a child presenting with acute hemoptysis. J Teeratakulpisarn
J Srinakarin
C Tontisirin
P Lumbiganon
J Mitchai
18. Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy caused by azathioprine in systemic lupus erythematosus Foocharoen, C
Tiamkao, S
Srinakarin, J
Chamadol, N
Sawanyawisuth, K
19. Ultrasound screening for Opisthorchis viverrini-associated cholangiocarcinomas Experience in an endemic area Mairiang, E.
Chaiyakum, J.
Laopaiboon, N.C.
Srinakarin, J.
Kunpitaya, J.
Sriamporn, S.
Suwanrungruang, K.
Vatanasapt, V.
20. Helical CT assessment on hilar cholangiocarcinoma: Comparison value of arterial phase and portovenous phase correlation Aphinives, C
Tumsatan, P
Srinakarin, J
Laopaiboon, V
Aphinives, P
21. Clinical factors predictive of PCR positive in pandemic H1N1 2009 influenza virus infection Pariwat Phungoen
Kittisak Sawanyawisuth
Chulapan Engchanil
Sumitr Sutra
Dhanes Rangsrikajee
Viraphong Lulitanond
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Prakai Pithak
Janpen Bourpoern
Saisamon Phondongnok
22. Radiation dose from CT scanning: can it be reduced? Srinakarin, J. 2011
23. Comparison between the radiographic findings in pulmonary tuberculosis of children with or without HIV infection Srinakarin, J
Roongpittayanon, N
Teeratakulpisarn, J
Kosalaraksa, P
Dhiensiri, T
24. Applying the Pillow can Reduce Radiation Dose in Computed Tomography of the Brain Jiranthanin Phaorod
Chaiwat Phaorod
Wattana Wongsanon
Petcharakorn Hanpanich
Jiraporn Srinakarin
25. Mammographic Density and Metabolic Syndrome in Climacteric Women Natthapong Kankoon
Woraluk Somboonporn
Sukree Soontrapa
Srinaree Kaewrudee
Jiraporn Srinakarin
26. Risk factors of breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Thunyarat Anothaisintawee
Cholatip Wiratkapun
Panuwat Lerdsitthichai
Vijj Kasamesup
Sansanee Wongwaisayawan
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Siriporn Hirunpat
Piyanoot Woodtichartpreecha
Sarawan Boonlikit
Yot Teerawattananon
Ammarin Thakkinstian
27. ภาพวินิจฉัยแม่เหล็กไฟฟ้าของรกในครรภ์และ Placenta Accreta, Increta & Percreta จิราภรณ์ ศรีนัครินทร์ 2013
28. Development and validation of a breast cancer risk prediction model for Thai women: a cross-sectional study. Anothaisintawee, T.
Srinakarin, J.
Kasamesup, V.
29. Is it necessary to Perform Liver MRI T2* Earlier in Patients with Thalassemia Intermedia? Arunee Jetsrisuparb
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Narumol Chaosuwannakit
Petcharakorn Hanpanich
Pairash Saiviroonporn
Patcharee Komwilaisak
Surapon Wiangnon
30. Radiation dose from Digital Mammography in Srinagarind Hospital Prissana Trachoo
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Amornrat Mangsa
31. Prevalence and predictors of cardiac and liver iron overload in patients with thalassemia: A multicenter study based on real-world data Rungroj Krittayaphong
Vip Viprakasit
Pairash Saiviroonporn
Noppadol Siritanaratkul
Suvipaporn Siripornpitak
Arunotai Meekaewkunchorn
Thawatchai Kirawittaya
Pornpun Sripornsawan
Arunee Jetsrisuparb
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Peerapon Wong
Nuttaporntira Phalakornkul
Phakatip Sinlapamongkolkul
John Wood
32. Teleconsultation ultrasonography: a new weapon to combat cholangiocarcinoma Chamadol, N
Laopaiboon, V
Srinakarin, J
Loilome, W
Yongvanit, P
Thinkhamrop, B
Khuntikeo, N
33. Breast Cancer Incidence Trends and Projections in Northeastern Thailand Chindaprasirt, J.
Wirasorn, K.
Sookprasert, A.
Somintara, O.
Vachirodom, D.
Koonmee, S.
Srinakarin, J.
Kamsa-Ard, S.
Suwanrungruang, K.
Sriplung, H.
Wiangnon, S.
Chularut Prariyachatigul
Porntip Pinlaor
Jamaree Teeratakulpisarn
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Maitree Pakarasang
35. Mapping abnormal subcortical neurodevelopment in a cohort of Thai children with HIV Wade, BSC
Valcour, VG
Puthanakit, T
Saremi, A
Gutman, BA
Nir, TM
Watson, C
Aurpibul, L
Kosalaraksa, P
Ounchanum, P
Kerr, S
Dumrongpisutikul, N
Visrutaratna, P
Srinakarin, J
Pothisri, M
Narr, KL
Thompson, PM
Ananworanich, J
Paul, RH
Jahanshad, N
36. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatic fibrosis among perinatally HIV-monoinfected Asian adolescents receiving antiretroviral therapy Sudjaritruk, T
Bunupuradah, T
Aurpibul, L
Kosalaraksa, P
Kurniati, N
Sophonphan, J
Trinavarat, P
Visrutaratna, P
Srinakarin, J
Chaijitraruch, N
Puthanakit, T
37. Imaging of a glomus tumor of the liver in a child Tewattanarat, N
Srinakarin, J
Wongwiwatchai, J
Areemit, S
Komvilaisak, P
Ungarreevittaya, P
Intarawichian, P
Count 25 23 9 10

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Adrenocortical tumors in children Panamonta, O.
Areemit, S.
Srinakarin, J.
Siritunyaporn, S.
Tuksapun, S.
2001 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
2 (84), pp. 188-194
2. Insulinoma in childhood Panamonta, O.
Srinakarin, J.
Areemit, S.
Puapairoj, A.
2001 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
1 (84), pp. 136-142
3. Comparison of high-resolution computed tomography with pulmonary function testing in symptomatic smokers Srinakarin, J.
Thammaroj, J.
Boonsawat, W.
2003 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
6 (86), pp. 522-528
4. Pleuropulmonary blastoma in a child presenting with spontaneous pneumothorax Teeratakulpisarn, J.
Srinakarin, J.
Jintakanon, D.
Wiangnon, S.
Kuptarnond, C.
2003 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
4 (86), pp. 385-391
5. Aortoesophageal fistula: A life-threatening cause of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage in double aortic arch, a case report Chaikitpinyo, A.
Panamonta, M.
Sutra, S.
Tontisirin, C.
Srinakarin, J.
Wongswadiwat, Y.
2004 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
8 (87), pp. 992-995
6. Randomized trial of atorvastatin in improving endothelial function in diabetics without prior coronary disease and having average cholesterol level Thinkhamrop, B.
Kiatchusakul, S.
Jarernsiripornkul, N.
Srinakarin, J.
Ojongpian, S.
2005 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
3 (88), pp. 399-406
7. Singh index screening for femoral neck osteoporosis. Soontrapa, S.
Soontrapa, S.
Srinakarin, J.
Chowchuen, P.
2005 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet.
(88 Suppl 5), pp. S13-16
8. Cystic fibrosis in three northeast Thai infants is CF really a rare disease in the Thai population? Teeratakulpisarn, J.
Kosuwon, P.
Srinakarin, J.
Panthongviriyakul, C.
Sutra, S.
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
10 (89), pp. 1756-1761
9. Missed appointments at a tuberculosis clinic increased the risk of clinical treatment failure Srisaenpang, S.
Pinitsoontorn, S.
Tatsanavivat, P.
Patjanasoontorn, B.
Reechaipichitkul, W.
Srinakarin, J.
Srisaenpang, P.
Thinkamrop, B.
Apinyanurak, C.
2006 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
2 (37), pp. 345-350
10. Predictive CT features in ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm Thammaroj, J.
Vungtal, S.
Srinakarin, J.
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
4 (89), pp. 434-440
11. Pulmonary tuberculosis in a child presenting with acute hemoptysis Teeratakulpisarn, J.
Srinakarin, J.
Tontisirin, C.
Lumbiganon, P.
Mitcha, J.
2006 Pediatric Pulmonology
1 (41), pp. 98-101
12. Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy caused by azathioprine in systemic lupus erythematosus Foocharoen, C.
Tiamkao, S.
Srinakarin, J.
Chamadol, N.
Sawanyawisuth, K.
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
7 (89), pp. 1029-1032
13. Ultrasound screening for Opisthorchis viverrini-associated cholangiocarcinomas Experience in an endemic area Mairiang, E.
Chaiyakum, J.
Laopaiboon, N.C.
Srinakarin, J.
Kunpitaya, J.
Sriamporn, S.
Suwanrungruang, K.
Vatanasapt, V.
2006 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
3 (7), pp. 431-433
14. Helical CT assessment on hilar cholangiocarcinoma: Comparison value of arterial phase and portovenous phase correlation Aphinives, C.
Tumsatan, P.
Srinakarin, J.
Laopaiboon, V.
Aphinives, P.
2007 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
11 (90), pp. 2403-2408
15. Clinical factors predictive of PCR positive in pandemic H1N1 2009 influenza virus infection Phungoen, P.
Sawanyawisuth, K.
Engchanil, C.
Sutra, S.
Rangsrikajee, D.
Lulitanond, V.
Srinakarin, J.
Bourpoern, J.
Phondongnok, S.
2011 Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses
6 (5), pp. e558-e562
16. Radiation dose from CT scanning: Can it be reduced? Srinakarin, J. 2011 Asian Biomedicine
1 (5), pp. 13-21
17. Comparison between the radiographic findings in pulmonary tuberculosis of children with or without HIV infection Srinakarin, J.
Roongpittayanon, N.
Teeratakulpisarn, J.
Kosalaraksa, P.
Dhiensiri, T.
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
6 (95), pp. 802-808
18. Risk factors of breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis Anothaisintawee, T.
Kasamesup, V.
Srinakarin, J.
2013 Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health
5 (25), pp. 368-387
19. Development and validation of a breast cancer risk prediction model for Thai women: a cross-sectional study Anothaisintawee, T.
Srinakarin, J.
Kasamesup, V.
2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
16 (15), pp. 6811-6817
20. Prevalence and predictors of cardiac and liver iron overload in patients with thalassemia: A multicenter study based on real-world data Meekaewkunchorn, A.
Jetsrisuparb, A.
Srinakarin, J.
2017 Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases
(66), pp. 24-30
21. Teleconsultation ultrasonography: A new weapon to combat cholangiocarcinoma Chamadol, N.
Laopaiboon, V.
Srinakarin, J.
Yongvanit, P.
Thinkhamrop, B.
Khuntikeo, N.
2017 ESMO Open
3 (2), pp.
22. Breast Cancer Incidence Trends and Projections in Northeastern Thailand Chindaprasirt, J.
Wirasorn, K.
Sookprasert, A.
Somintara, O.
Vachirodom, D.
Koonmee, S.
Srinakarin, J.
Kamsa-Ard, S.
Suwanrungruang, K.
Sriplung, H.
Wiangnon, S.
2018 Journal of epidemiology
7 (28), pp. 323-330
23. Mapping abnormal subcortical neurodevelopment in a cohort of Thai children with HIV Aurpibul, L.
Kosalaraksa, P.
Dumrongpisutikul, N.
Srinakarin, J.
Pothisri, M.
Ananworanich, J.
2019 NeuroImage: Clinical
(23), pp.
24. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatic fibrosis among perinatally HIV-monoinfected Asian adolescents receiving antiretroviral therapy Bunupuradah, T.
Aurpibul, L.
Kosalaraksa, P.
Sophonphan, J.
Srinakarin, J.
2019 PLoS ONE
12 (14), pp.
25. Imaging of a glomus tumor of the liver in a child Srinakarin, J.
Wongwiwatchai, J.
Komvilaisak, P.
Ungarreevittaya, P.
Intarawichian, P.
2020 Radiology Case Reports
4 (15), pp. 311-315

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Insulinoma in childhood. Panamonta, O
Areemit, S
Srinakarin, J
Puapairoj, A
2001 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
1 (84), pp. 136-42
2. Adrenocortical tumors in children. Panamonta, O
Areemit, S
Srinakarin, J
Siritunyaporn, S
Tuksapun, S
2001 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
2 (84), pp. 188-94
3. Pleuropulmonary blastoma in a child presenting with spontaneous pneumothorax. Teeratakulpisarn, J
Wiangnon, S
Srinakarin, J
Kuptarnond, C
Jintakanon, D
2003 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
4 (86), pp. 385-91
4. Comparison of high-resolution computed tomography with pulmonary function testing in symptomatic smokers. Srinakarin, J
Thammaroj, J
Boonsawat, W
2003 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
6 (86), pp. 522-8
5. Aortoesophageal fistula: a life-threatening cause of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage in double aortic arch, a case report. Chaikitpinyo, A
Panamonta, M
Sutra, S
Tontisirin, C
Srinakarin, J
Wongswadiwat, Y
2004 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
8 (87), pp. 992-5
6. Randomized trial of atorvastatin in improving endothelial function in diabetics without prior coronary disease and having average cholesterol level. Tantikosoom, W
Thinkhamrop, B
Kiatchusakul, S
Jarernsiripornkul, N
Srinakarin, J
Ojongpian, S
2005 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
3 (88), pp. 399-406
7. Singh index screening for femoral neck osteoporosis. Soontrapa, S
Soontrapa, S
Srinakarin, J
Chowchuen, P
2005 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
(88), pp. S13-6
8. Predictive CT features in ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Thammaroj, J
Vungtal, S
Srinakarin, J
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
4 (89), pp. 434-40
9. Missed appointments at a tuberculosis clinic increased the risk of clinical treatment failure. Srisaenpang, S
Pinitsoontorn, S
Singhasivanon, P
Kitayaporn, D
Kaewkungwal, J
Tatsanavivat, P
Patjanasoontorn, B
Reechaipichitkul, W
Thiratakulpisan, J
Srinakarin, J
Srisaenpang, P
Thinkamrop, B
Apinyanurak, C
Chindawong, BO
2006 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
2 (37), pp. 345-50
10. Cystic fibrosis in three northeast Thai infants is CF really a rare disease in the Thai population? Teeratakulpisarn, J
Kosuwon, P
Srinakarin, J
Panthongviriyakul, C
Sutra, S
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
10 (89), pp. 1756-61
11. Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy caused by azathioprine in systemic lupus erythematosus. Foocharoen, C
Tiamkao, S
Srinakarin, J
Chamadol, N
Sawanyawisuth, K
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
7 (89), pp. 1029-32
12. Pulmonary tuberculosis in a child presenting with acute hemoptysis. Teeratakulpisarn, J
Srinakarin, J
Tontisirin, C
Lumbiganon, P
Mitchai, J
2006 Pediatric pulmonology
1 (41), pp. 98-101
13. Helical CT assessment on hilar cholangiocarcinoma: comparison value of arterial phase and portovenous phase correlation. Aphinives, C
Tumsatan, P
Srinakarin, J
Laopaiboon, V
Aphinives, P
2007 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
11 (90), pp. 2403-8
14. Clinical factors predictive of PCR positive in pandemic H1N1 2009 influenza virus infection. Phungoen, P
Sawanyawisuth, K
Engchanil, C
Sutra, S
Rangsrikajee, D
Lulitanond, V
Srinakarin, J
Pithak, P
Bourpoern, J
Phondongnok, S
2011 Influenza and other respiratory viruses
6 (5), pp. e558-62
15. Comparison between the radiographic findings in pulmonary tuberculosis of children with or without HIV infection. Srinakarin, J
Roongpittayanon, N
Teeratakulpisarn, J
Kosalaraksa, P
Dhiensiri, T
2012 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
6 (95), pp. 802-8
16. Risk factors of breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Anothaisintawee, T
Wiratkapun, C
Lerdsitthichai, P
Kasamesup, V
Wongwaisayawan, S
Srinakarin, J
Hirunpat, S
Woodtichartpreecha, P
Boonlikit, S
Teerawattananon, Y
Thakkinstian, A
2013 Asia-Pacific journal of public health / Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health
5 (25), pp. 368-87
17. Development and validation of a breast cancer risk prediction model for Thai women: a cross-sectional study. Anothaisintawee, T
Teerawattananon, Y
Wiratkapun, C
Srinakarin, J
Woodtichartpreecha, P
Hirunpat, S
Wongwaisayawan, S
Lertsithichai, P
Kasamesup, V
Thakkinstian, A
2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
16 (15), pp. 6811-7
18. Teleconsultation ultrasonography: a new weapon to combat cholangiocarcinoma. Chamadol, N
Laopaiboon, V
Srinakarin, J
Loilome, W
Yongvanit, P
Thinkhamrop, B
Khuntikeo, N
2017 ESMO open
3 (2), pp. e000231
19. Prevalence and predictors of cardiac and liver iron overload in patients with thalassemia: A multicenter study based on real-world data. Krittayaphong, R
Viprakasit, V
Saiviroonporn, P
Siritanaratkul, N
Siripornpitak, S
Meekaewkunchorn, A
Kirawittaya, T
Sripornsawan, P
Jetsrisuparb, A
Srinakarin, J
Wong, P
Phalakornkul, N
Sinlapamongkolkul, P
Wood, J
2017 Blood cells, molecules & diseases
(66), pp. 24-30
20. Mapping abnormal subcortical neurodevelopment in a cohort of Thai children with HIV. Wade, BSC
Valcour, VG
Puthanakit, T
Saremi, A
Gutman, BA
Nir, TM
Watson, C
Aurpibul, L
Kosalaraksa, P
Ounchanum, P
Kerr, S
Dumrongpisutikul, N
Visrutaratna, P
Srinakarin, J
Pothisri, M
Narr, KL
Thompson, PM
Ananworanich, J
Paul, RH
Jahanshad, N
2019 NeuroImage. Clinical
(23), pp. 101810
21. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatic fibrosis among perinatally HIV-monoinfected Asian adolescents receiving antiretroviral therapy. Sudjaritruk, T
Bunupuradah, T
Aurpibul, L
Kosalaraksa, P
Kurniati, N
Sophonphan, J
Trinavarat, P
Visrutaratna, P
Srinakarin, J
Chaijitraruch, N
Puthanakit, T
2019 PloS one
12 (14), pp. e0226375
22. Imaging of a glomus tumor of the liver in a child. Tewattanarat, N
Srinakarin, J
Wongwiwatchai, J
Areemit, S
Komvilaisak, P
Ungarreevittaya, P
Intarawichian, P
2020 Radiology case reports
4 (15), pp. 311-315
23. Ultrasound screening for Opisthorchis viverrini-associated cholangiocarcinomas: experience in an endemic area. Mairiang, E
Chaiyakum, J
Chamadol, N
Laopaiboon, V
Srinakarin, J
Kunpitaya, J
Sriamporn, S
Suwanrungruang, K
Vatanasapt, V
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
3 (7), pp. 431-3

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Pulmonary tuberculosis in a child presenting with acute hemoptysis J Teeratakulpisarn
J Srinakarin
C Tontisirin
P Lumbiganon
J Mitchai
1.0 (41.0), pp. 98.0-101.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Clinical factors predictive of PCR positive in pandemic H1N1 2009 influenza virus infection Pariwat Phungoen
Kittisak Sawanyawisuth
Chulapan Engchanil
Sumitr Sutra
Dhanes Rangsrikajee
Viraphong Lulitanond
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Prakai Pithak
Janpen Bourpoern
Saisamon Phondongnok
6.0 (5.0), pp. R558-R562
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
3. Radiation dose from CT scanning: can it be reduced? Panruethai Trinavarat
Supika Kritsaneepaiboon
Chantima Rongviriyapanich
Pannee Visrutaratna
Jiraporn Srinakarin
1.0 (5.0), pp. 13.0-21.0
7 0 0 0 0 0 7
4. Risk Factors of Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Thunyarat Anothaisintawee
Cholatip Wiratkapun
Panuwat Lerdsitthichai
Vijj Kasamesup
Sansanee Wongwaisayawan
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Siriporn Hirunpat
Piyanoot Woodtichartpreecha
Sarawan Boonlikit
Yot Teerawattananon
Ammarin Thakkinstian
5.0 (25.0), pp. 368.0-387.0
64 0 0 0 0 0 64
5. Development and Validation of a Breast Cancer Risk Prediction Model for Thai Women: A Cross-Sectional Study Thunyarat Anothaisintawee
Yot Teerawattananon
Cholatip Wiratkapun
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Piyanoot Woodtichartpreecha
Siriporn Hirunpat
Sansanee Wongwaisayawan
Panuwat Lertsithichai
Vijj Kasamesup
Ammarin Thakkinstian
16.0 (15.0), pp. 6811.0-6817.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
6. Prevalence and predictors of cardiac and liver iron overload in patients with thalassemia: A multicenter study based on real-world data Rungroj Krittayaphong
Vip Viprakasit
Pairash Saiviroonporn
Noppadol Siritanaratkul
Suvipaporn Siripornpitak
Arunotai Meekaewkunchorn
Thawatchai Kirawittaya
Pornpun Sripornsawan
Arunee Jetsrisuparb
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Peerapon Wong
Nuttaporntira Phalakornkul
Phakatip Sinlapamongkolkul
John Wood
(66.0), pp. 24.0-30.0
11 0 0 0 0 0 11
7. Teleconsultation ultrasonography: a new weapon to combat cholangiocarcinoma Nittaya Chamado
Vallop Laopaiboon
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Watcharin Loilome
Puangrat Yongvanit
Bandit Thinkhamrop
Narong Khuntikeo
3.0 (2.0), pp.
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
Chularut Prariyachatigul
Porntip Pinlaor
Jamaree Teeratakulpisarn
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Maitree Pakarasang
5.0 (49.0), pp. 805.0-819.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. Mapping abnormal subcortical neurodevelopment in a cohort of Thai children with HIV Benjamin S. C. Wade
Victor G. Valcour
Thanyawee Puthanakit
Arvin Saremi
Boris A. Gutman
Talia M. Nir
Christa Watson
Linda Aurpibul
Pope Kosalaraksa
Pradthana Ounchanum
Stephen Kerr
Netsiri Dumrongpisutikul
Pannee Visrutaratna
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Monthana Pothisri
Katherine L. Narr
Paul M. Thompson
Jintanat Ananworanich
Robert H. Paul
Neda Jahanshad
Kiat Ruxrungtham
Chitsanu Pancharoen
Torsak Bunupuradah
Wasana Prasitsuebsai
Sasiwimol Ubolyam
Apicha Mahanontharit
Tulathip Suwanlerk
Jintana Intasan
Kanchana Pruksakaew
Chulalak Sriheara
Tanakorn Apornpong
Jiratchaya Sophonphan
Ormrudee Rit-im
Wanchai Thongsee
Orathai Chaiya
Kesdao Nantapisan
Umpaporn Methanggool
Sukalaya Lerdlum
Mantana Pothisri
Jurai Wongsawat
Supeda Thongyen
Piyawadee Chathaisong
Vilaiwan Prommool
Duangmanee Suwannamass
Simakan Waradejwinyoo
Nareopak Boonyarittipat
Thaniya Chiewcharn
Sirirat Likanonsakul
Chatiya Athichathana
Boonchuay Eampokalap
Wattana Sanchiem
Pagakrong Lumbiganon
Piangjit Tharnprisan
Chanasda Sopharak
Viraphong Lulitanond
Samrit Khahmahpahte
Ratthanant Kaewmart
Prajuab Chaimanee
Mathurot Sala
Thaniita Udompanit
Ratchadaporn Wisai
Somjai Rattanamanee
Yingrit Chantarasuk
Sompong Sarvok
Yotsombat Changtrakun
Soontorn Kunhasura
Sudthanom Kamollert
Petcharakorn Hanpanich
Wuttisak Boonphongsathian
Wicharn Luesomboon
Isara Limpet-ngam
Daovadee Naraporn
Pornpen Mathajittiphun
Chatchadha Sirimaskul
Woranun Klaihong
Pipat Sittisak
Tippawan Wongwian
Kansiri Charoenthammachoke
Pornchai Yodpo
Suparat Kanjanavanit
Thida Namwong
Duangrat Chutima
Suchitra Tangmankhongworakun
Pacharaporn Yingyong
Juree Kasinrerk
Montanee Raksasang
Pimporn Kongdong
Siripim Khampangkome
Suphanphilat Thong-Ngao
Sangwan Paengta
Kasinee Junsom
Ruttana Khuankaew
Parichat Moolsombat
Duanpen Khuttiwung
Chanannat Chanrin
Rawiwan Hansudewechakul
Yaowalak Jariyapongpaiboon
Chulapong Chanta
Areerat Khonponoi
Chaniporn Yodsuwan
Warunee Srisuk
Pojjavitt Ussawawuthipong
Yupawan Thaweesombat
Polawat Tongsuk
Chaiporn Kumluang
Ruengrit Jinasen
Noodchanee Maneerat
Kajorndej Surapanichadul
Pornpinit Donkaew
Chaiwat Ngampiyaskul
Wanna Chamjamrat
Sayamol Wattanayothin
Pornphan Prasertphan
Tanyamon Wongcheeree
Pisut Greetanukroh
Chataporn Imubumroong
Pathanee Teirsonsern
Virat Sirisanthana
Siriporn Taphey
Tawalchaya Cholecharoentanan
Nongyow Wongnum
Chintana Khamrong
Rassamee Kaewvichit
Kittipong Rungroengthanakit
(23.0), pp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Transcrectal Ultrasonography : First Experience in Srinagarind Hosptial Childa Aphinives
Pochavit Aphinives
Kajit Pacheerat
Pakawa Chansiri
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Eimorn Mairiang
1999 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(14 No 2), pp. 101-103
2. Diagnostic Reliability of the Singh index: Femoral Neck Osteoporosis Suppasin Soontrapa
Prathana Chowchuen
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Sukree Soontrapa
2004 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(19 No 4), pp. 215-219
3. Formative Evaluation for the fifth Year Medical Student in Clinical Radiology by Pre-test and Post test Chalida Aphinives
Eimorn Mairiang
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Jitjaroen Chaiyakum
Petcharakorn Hanpanich
Jureerat Thammaroj
Benjaporn Nitinavakarn
2005 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(20 No 2), pp. 77-79
4. Fear Level in Preschoolers Undergoing Computed Tomography: Affect of Psychological Preparation by Story vs. Normal Preparation J Sriboonleart
K Promon
Y Soommart
J Srinakarin
2005 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(20 No 2), pp. 86-92
5. Risk Factors Associated With Allergic To Non – Ionic Contrast Media In Patients Undergoing Chest Or Abdominal Computed Tomography Sangiam Chartrapong
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Yamuna Summart
Sumon Direkrit
2005 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(20 No 2), pp. 93-98
6. Applying the Pillow can Reduce Radiation Dose in Computed Tomography of the Brain Jiranthanin Phaorod
Chaiwat Phaorod
Wattana Wongsanon
Petcharakorn Hanpanich
Jiraporn Srinakarin
2013 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(28 No 1), pp. 87-92
7. ภาพวินิจฉัยแม่เหล็กไฟฟ้าของรกในครรภ์และ Placenta Accreta, Increta &amp; Percreta จิราภรณ์ ศรีนัครินทร์ 2013 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(28 No 4), pp. 108-111
8. Mammographic Density and Metabolic Syndrome in Climacteric Women Natthapong Kankoon
Woraluk Somboonporn
Sukree Soontrapa
Srinaree Kaewrudee
Jiraporn Srinakarin
2013 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(28 No 4), pp. 176
9. Is it necessary to Perform Liver MRI T2* Earlier in Patients with Thalassemia Intermedia? Arunee Jetsrisuparb
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Narumol Chaosuwannakit
Petcharakorn Hanpanich
Pairash Saiviroonporn
Patcharee Komwilaisak
Surapon Wiangnon
2014 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(29 No 4), pp. 95
10. Radiation dose from Digital Mammography in Srinagarind Hospital Prissana Trachoo
Jiraporn Srinakarin
Amornrat Mangsa
2015 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(30 No 6), pp. 604-608

Title Authors NRIIS type Year NRIIS Scholarship
