 Saksit Chanthai

Saksit Chanthai

Faculty of Science,
Khon Kaen University
6507469400: H-INDEX 29


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. Influence of extraction methodologies on the analysis of five major volatile aromatic compounds of citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus) and lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) grown in Thailand. Chanthai, S
Prachakoll, S
Ruangviriyachai, C
Luthria, DL
2. Optimised separation procedures for the simultaneous assay of three plant hormones in liquid biofertilisers. Tansupo, P
Suwannasom, P
Luthria, DL
Chanthai, S
Ruangviriyachai, C
3. Studies on Thermal Denaturation of Fish Apomyoglobins using Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Circular Dichroism, and Fluorescence Chanthai, S.
Tamiya, T.
4. Studies on Thermal Denaturation of Fish Myoglobins using Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Circular Dichroism, and Tryptophan Fluorescence Chanthai, S.
Tamiya, T.
5. Changes in Light Scattering Intensity of Fish Holo-, Apo- and Reconstituted Myoglobins under Thermal Denaturation Chanthai, S.
Tamiya, T.
6. Effect of Heating on Autoxidation Rate of Fish Holo- and Reconstituted Myoglobins Chanthai, S.
Tamiya, T.
7. Studies on Thermal Denaturation Profiles of Holo- and Reconstituted Myoglobins from Bonito and Sperm Whale Chanthai, S.
Tamiya, T.
8. High-performance liquid chromatography with amperometric detection of medroxyprogesterone acetate in human plasma with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine as derivatizing agent and solid-phase extraction for sample clean-up Tessiri, T.
Wangboonskul, J.D.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
Chanthai, S.
9. Speciation analysis of arsenic (III), arsenic (V) and total arsenic by continuous flow HG-AAS in thai fruit wines and distilled spirits Chanthai, S.
Suwamat, N.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
Danvirutai, P.
10. Effect of pH on the mobilization of copper and iron by pyoverdin I in artificially contaminated soils Panadda Tansupo
Herbert Budzikiewicz
Saksit Chanthai
Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
11. Synthesis and characterization of micelle-templated silica modified with pyoverdin I for heavy metals removal Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
Panadda Tansupo
Worakarn Chamonkolpradit
Saksit Chanthai
12. Removal of heavy metals from artificial metals contaminated water samples based on micelle-templated silica modified with pyoverdin I Tansupo, P
Worakarn, C
Saksit, C
Ruangviriyachai, C
13. การกำจัดรีซอร์ซินอลและพาราฟินิลีน ไดอะมีนในน้ำทิ้งสีย้อมผมด้วยเถ้าแกลบ กรรณิการ์ ถนอมสิทธิ์
รัตนา มหาชัย
ศักดิ์สิทธิ์ จันทร์ไทย
14. Identification of chemical constituents in methanolic extract of Jatropha curcas oil related to their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities Wimonrat Tongpoothorn
Manop Sriuttha
Saksit Chanthai
Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
15. Optimised separation procedures for the simultaneous assay of three plant hormones in liquid biofertilisers Panadda Tansupo
Pirom Suwannasom
Devanand L. Luthria
Saksit Chanthai
Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
16. Optimization and determination of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase activities in hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) pericarb Arnnok, P.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
Mahachai, R.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
17. Pineapple Peel Waste for Bioethanol Production Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
Chatchanun Niwaswong
Narong Kosaikanon
Saksit Chanthai
Patiwat Chaimart
18. Chemical compositions and non-enzymatic browning compounds of thai honey: A kinetic study Suthasinee Boonchiangma
Saksit Chanthai
Somkiat Srijaranai
Supalax Srijaranai
19. Preparation of activated carbon derived from Jatropha curcas fruit shell by simple thermo-chemical activation and characterization of their physico-chemical properties Tongpoothorn, W.
Sriuttha, M.
Chanthai, S.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
20. Solid-Phase Extraction with Diethyldithiocarbamate as Chelating Agent for Preconcentration and Trace Determination of Copper, Iron and Lead in Fruit Wine and Distilled Spirit by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Chanthai, S.
Suwamart, N.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
21. Bioactive properties and chemical constituents of methanolic extract and its fractions from Jatropha curcas oil Wimonrat Tongpoothorn
Saksit Chanthai
Manop Sriuttha
Kanda Saosang
Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
22. Determination of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin in some chilli varieties using accelerated solvent extraction associated with solid-phase extraction methods and RP-HPLC-fluorescence Saksit Chanthai
Jureerat Juangsamoot
Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
Suchila Techawongstien
23. Determination of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin in some hot chilli varieties by RP-HPLC-PDA after magnetic stirring extraction and clean up with C 18 cartridge Juangsamoot, J.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
24. Determination of total phenolics and anthocyanin contents in the pericarp of hot chilli pepper (capsicum annuum L.) Arnnok, P.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
Mahachai, R.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
25. Effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate on the supramolecular complexation between chitosan and β-carotene S. Kongsri
S. Techawongstein
S. Chanthai
26. Impact of Drought Stress on the Accumulation of Capsaicinoids in Capsicum Cultivars with Different Initial Capsaicinoid Levels Phimchan, P.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
Bosland, P.W.
27. Influence of Extraction Methodologies on the Analysis of Five Major Volatile Aromatic Compounds of Citronella Grass (Cymbopogon nardus) and Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Grown in Thailand Chanthai, S.
Prachakoll, S.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
28. Isolation of heat-tolerant myoglobin from Asian swamp eel Monopterus albus. Chatrachatchaya Chotichayapong
Kittipong Wiengsamut
Saksit Chanthai
Nison Sattayasai
Toru Tamiya
Nobuyuki Kanzawa
Takahide Tsuchiya
29. The effect of surfactant on headspace single drop microextraction for the determination of some volatile aroma compounds in citronella grass and lemongrass leaves by gas chromatography Thanawat Jumepaeng
Devanand L. Luthria
Saksit Chanthai
30. Characterization of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles from fish scale waste and its adsorption of carotenoids Supalak Kongsri
Pattarapond Ladawan Na Ayuttaya
Sorasart Yookhum
Suchila Techawongstein
Saksit Chanthai
31. Determination of antioxidant capacity and α-amylase inhibitory activity of the essential oils from citronella grass and lemongrass Jumepaeng, T.
Prachakool, S.
Chanthai, S.
32. Effects of fertigation, water application frequency and soil amendment on tomato production Chanthai, S. 2013
33. Nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite from fish scale waste: Preparation, characterization and application for selenium adsorption in aqueous solution Kongsri, S.
Buapa, K.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
34. Ultra-trace determination of Hg(ii) in drinking water and local Thai liquors using homogeneous liquid-liquid extraction followed by fluorescence quenching of its ternary complex Bhuchonk Panichlertumpi
Saksit Chanthai
35. Determination and Comparison of Volatile Aroma Compounds in Fresh and Dried Leaves Samples of Citronella Grass, Lemongrass, and Citronella Incense Products by Micro-Hydrodistillation Jumepaeng, T.
Jantayota, R.
Hemmood, S.
Komolwanich, S.
Chanthai, S.
36. Determination of arsenic in chilli and tomato grown in North East Thailand Thaharn, N.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
37. Determination of major and minor capsaicinoids in different varieties of the Capsicum fruits using GC-MS and their inhibition effect of the chilli extract on α-amylase activity Maokam, C.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
38. Determination of major-to-trace elements in hot chilli and tomato varieties economically grown in the northeast of Thailand by ICP-OES following microwave assisted digestion Taharn, N.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
39. Determination of synergic antioxidant activity of the methanol/ethanol extract of allicin in the presence of total phenolics obtained from the garlic capsule compared with fresh and baked garlic clove Songsungkan, J.
Chanthai, S.
40. Enzymatic Changes in Phenylalanine Ammonia-Iyase, Cinnamic-4-hydroxylase, Capsaicin Synthase, and Peroxidase Activities in Capsicum under Drought Stress Paongpetch Phimchan
Saksit Chanthai
Paul W. Bosland
Suchila Techawongstien
41. Enzymatic changes in phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, cinnamic-4-hydroxylase, capsaicin synthase, and peroxidase activities in capsicum under drought stress. Phimchan, P.
Chanthai, S.
Bosland, P.W.
Techawongstien, S.
42. Optimization Study of Graphene Oxide Synthesis with Improvement of C/O Ratio Nuengmatcha, P.
Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
43. Spectrophotometric determination of trace cyanide in fruit wines by the catalytic reaction of ninhydrin following micro-distillation Chanthai, S. 2014
44. Study of Allicin Extract Chelated with Some Heavy Metals (Cu2+, Co2+ and Pb2+) by Fluorescence Quenching Method and its Antioxidant Activity Songsungkan, J.
Chanthai, S.
45. Thermodynamic and kinetic study of the intrinsic adsorption capacity of graphene oxide for malachite green removal from aqueous solution Nuengmatcha, P.
Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
46. Ultra-trace determination of methyl carbamate and ethyl carbamate in local wines by GC-FID following preconcentration with C18-SPE Sarawan, S.
Chanthai, S.
47. Ultra-trace determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) in drinking water and alcoholic beverages using homogeneous liquid-liquid extraction followed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry Samat Kinaree
Saksit Chanthai
48. A high correlation indicating for an evaluation of antioxidant activity and total phenolics content of various chilli varieties Sricharoen, P
Techawongstein, S
Chanthai, S
49. Analysis of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin from sweet-to-very hot chilli peppers using an ultrasound-assisted extraction followed by RP-HPLC-PDA Supachinee Keharom
Suchila Techawongstien
Ratana Mahachai
Saksit Chanthai
50. Determination of ascorbic acid and total phenolics related to the antioxidant activity of some local tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) varieties Boonkasem, P.
Sricharoen, P.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
51. Determination of lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidant activities in the crude extracts of ten varieties of tomatoes Phitchan Sricharoen
Suchila Techawongstein
Saksit Chanthai
52. Determination of total phenolics and ascorbic acid related to an antioxidant activity and thermal stability of the Mao fruit juice T. Sripakdee
A. Sriwicha
N. Jansam
R. Mahachai
S. Chanthai
53. Ion Chromatographic Analysis of Monosaccharides and Disaccharides in Raw Sugar Warangkana Suksom
Wannilak Wannachai
Suthasinee Boonchiangma
Saksit Chanthai
Supalax Srijaranai
54. Optimization study of suitable pre-reduction agents for selenium analysis in tomato samples by flow injection-hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry Limchoowong, N.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
55. Reversed Phase Chromatographic Analysis of 13 Amino Acids in Honey Samples Suthasinee Boonchiangma
Patita Ratchakrut
Saksit Chanthai
Supalax Srijaranai
56. The Effect of Inorganic and Organic Pre-reducing Agents on Selenium Analysis in Tomato Sample using Microwave-Assisted Digestion Followed by FI-HGAAS Limchoowong, N.
Tan-Umporn, P.
Laijungred, L.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
57. The Synergistic Effect of Anionic Surfactant on Adsorption Enhancement of the Carotenoids Extract using Mesoporous Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles Supalak Kongsri
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
58. Adsorption Capacity of the as-Synthetic Graphene Oxide for the Removal of Alizarin Red S Dye from Aqueous Solution Nuengmatcha, P.
Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
59. A highly sensitive and selective method for the determination of an iodate in table-salt samples using malachite green-based spectrophotometry Mongkol Konkayan
Nunticha Limchoowong
Phitchan Sricharoen
Saksit Chanthai
60. An iodine supplementation of tomato fruits coated with an edible film of the iodide-doped chitosan Limchoowong, N
Sricharoen, P
Techawongstien, S
Chanthai, S
61. A novel extraction method for beta-carotene and other carotenoids in fruit juices using air-assisted, low-density solvent-based liquid-liquid microextraction and solidified floating organic droplets Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
62. CDNA Sequence analysis and structural phylogenetic tree of novel myoglobin from striped snake-head fish (Ophicephalus striatus) Chatrachatchaya Chotichayapong
Saksit Chanthai
Nison Sattayasai
Nobuyuki Kanzawa
Toru Tamiya
Takahide Tsuchiya
63. Core-shell SiO2-coated Fe3O4 with a surface molecularly imprinted polymer coating of folic acid and its applicable magnetic solid-phase extraction prior to determination of folates in tomatoes Areerob, Y
Sricharoen, P
Limchoowong, N
Chanthai, S
64. Core-shell SiO2-coated Fe3O4 with a surface molecularly imprinted polymer coating of folic acid and its applicable magnetic solid-phase extraction prior to determination of folates in tomatoes Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Chanthai, S.
65. Core–shell SiO2-coated Fe3O4 with a surface molecularly imprinted polymer coating of folic acid and its applicable magnetic solid-phase extraction prior to determination of folates in tomatoes Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Chanthai, S.
66. Headspace-Single Drop Microextraction Followed by Gas Chromatographic Determination of Key Aroma Compounds in Tomato Fruits and their Sample Products Chanthai, S. 2016
67. Optimization studies on ultrasonic assisted extraction of the capsaicinoids from sweet-to-superhot chilli samples using response surface methodology Mahachai, R.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
68. Purification, peptide mapping and spectroscopic characterization of myoglobin from striped snake-head fish (ophicephalus striatus) Chattrachatchaya Chotichayapong
Nison Sattayasai
Nobuyuki Kanzawa
Toru Tamiya
Takahide Tsuchiya
Saksit Chanthai
69. Sonocatalytic performance of ZnO/graphene/TiO2 nanocomposite for degradation of dye pollutants (methylene blue, texbrite BAC-L, texbrite BBU-L and texbrite NFW-L) under ultrasonic irradiation Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
Ratana Mahachai
Won-Chun Oh
70. Sonocatalytic performance of ZnO/graphene/TiO2 nanocomposite for degradation of dye pollutants (methylene blue, texbrite BAC-L, texbrite BBU-L and texbrite NFW-L) under ultrasonic irradiation Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
Mahachai, R.
71. The optimization study of alpha-amylase activity based on central composite design-response surface methodology by dinitrosalicylic acid method Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
72. Ultrasonic assisted extraction as a potential green approach for trace metal determination in complex matrices Chanthai, S. 2016
73. Ultra-trace analysis of selenium by HGAAS: A plausible reduction approach using silver nanoparticles Chanthai, S. 2016
74. Visible light-driven photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B and industrial dyes (texbrite BAC-L and texbrite NFW-L) by ZnO-graphene-TiO2 composite Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
Ratana Mahachai
Won-Chun Oh
75. Visible light-driven photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B and industrial dyes (texbrite BAC-L and texbrite NFW-L) by ZnO-graphene-TiO2 composite Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
Mahachai, R.
76. Adsorptive removal of manganese (II) from aqueous solution using graphene oxide: A kinetics and thermodynamics study Anek Suddai
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
77. A fluorescence switching sensor based on graphene quantum dots decorated with Hg2+ and hydrolyzed thioacetamide for highly Ag+-sensitive and selective detection Pimpisa Kaewanan
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Thitiya Sripakdee
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
78. A fluorescence switching sensor based on graphene quantum dots decorated with Hg2+ and hydrolyzed thioacetamide for highly Ag+-sensitive and selective detection Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Sripakdee, T.
Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
79. A green extraction of trace iodine in table salts, vegetables, and food products prior to analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry Nunticha Limchoowong
Phitchan Sricharoen
Suchila Techawongstien
Supalak Kongsri
Saksit Chanthai
80. Direct analysis of anthocyanins-rich Mao fruit juice using sample dilution method based on chromophores/fluorophores of both cyanidin-3-glucoside and pelargonidin-3-glucoside Sripakdee, T.
Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
81. Electrolyte-assisted microemulsion breaking in vortex-agitated solidified floating organic drop microextraction for preconcentration and analysis of Sudan dyes in chili products Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Sripakdee, T.
Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
82. Fe3O4/hydroxyapatite/graphene quantum dots as a novel nano-sorbent for preconcentration of copper residue in Thai food ingredients: Optimization of ultrasound-assisted magnetic solid phase extraction Sricharoen, P
Limchoowong, N
Areerob, Y
Nuengmatcha, P
Techawongstien, S
Chanthai, S
83. Fe3O4/hydroxyapatite/graphene quantum dots as a novel nano-sorbent for preconcentration of copper residue in Thai food ingredients: Optimization of ultrasound-assisted magnetic solid phase extraction Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Nuengmatcha, P.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
84. Mild Acid Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction of Arsenic Residues in Different Parts of Hot Chilli Prior to Ultra-Trace Determination by Flow Injection-Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Chanthai, S.
85. New approach applying a pet fish air pump in liquid-phase microextraction for the determination of Sudan dyes in food samples by HPLC Sricharoen, P
Limchoowong, N
Techawongstien, S
Chanthai, S
86. Phenolics and ascorbic acid related to antioxidant activity of Mao fruit juice and their thermal stability study (Review article) Thitiya Sripakdee
Ratana Mahachai
Saksit Chanthai
87. Phytochemicals in Capsicum oleoresin from different varieties of hot chilli peppers with their antidiabetic and antioxidant activities due to some phenolic compounds Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
88. Preconcentration and trace determination of copper (II) in Thai food recipes using Fe3O4@Chi-GQDs nanocomposites as a new magnetic adsorbent Limchoowong, N
Sricharoen, P
Areerob, Y
Nuengmatcha, P
Sripakdee, T
Techawongstien, S
Chanthai, S
89. Preconcentration and trace determination of copper (II) in Thai food recipes using Fe3O4@Chi–GQDs nanocomposites as a new magnetic adsorbent Limchoowong, N.
Sricharoen, P.
Nuengmatcha, P.
Sripakdee, T.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
90. Role of Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide on Enhanced Adsorption and Removal of Alizarin Red S using Amino-functionalized Graphene Oxide Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
91. The effect of silver nanoparticles on selenium speciation analysis in water sample by flow injection-hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry Ruttiya Poonyaka
Saksit Chanthai
92. Using bio-dispersive solution of chitosan for green dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction of trace amounts of Cu(II) in edible oils prior to analysis by ICP-OES. Nunticha Limchoowong
Phitchan Sricharoen
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
93. Using bio-dispersive solution of chitosan for green dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of trace amounts of Cu(II) in edible oils prior to analysis by ICP–OES Limchoowong, N.
Sricharoen, P.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
94. A simple, efficient and economic method for obtaining iodate-rich chili pepper based chitosan edible thin film Limchoowong, N.
Sricharoen, P.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
95. Determination of β-carotene and total carotenoids in fruit juices using surfactant surface decorated graphene oxide based ultrasound-assisted dispersive solid-phase microextraction Chinawooth Sakaew
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Saksit Chanthai
96. Diethyldithiocarbamate Doped Graphene Quantum Dots Based Metal Complex Nanoparticles by Resonance Light Scattering for Green Detection of Lead(II) (A Review) Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
97. Evaluation of the effect of genotype-by-environment interaction on capsaicinoid production in hot pepper hybrids (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) under controlled environment Suriharn, B.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
Bosland, P.W.
Techawongstien, S.
98. Feasibility of hard acid-base affinity for the pronounced adsorption capacity of manganese(II) using amino-functionalized graphene oxide Nuengmatcha, P.
Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Chanthai, S.
99. Feasibility of Micellar Surface Charge Decoration of Graphene Oxide with Surfactants and Oils as Adsorbents for Natural and Synthetic Pigments Chinawooth Sakaew
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Saksit Chanthai
100. Feasibility of micellar surface charge decoration of graphene oxide with surfactants and oils as adsorbents for natural and synthetic pigments (a review) Nuengmatcha, P.
Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Chanthai, S.
101. GSH-doped GQDs using citric acid rich-lime oil extract for highly selective and sensitive determination and discrimination of Fe3+ and Fe2+ in the presence of H2O2 by a fluorescence turn-off sensor Khanitta Saenwong
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Saksit Chanthai
102. GSH-doped GQDs using citric acid rich-lime oil extract for highly selective and sensitive determination and discrimination of Fe3+ and Fe2+ in the presence of H2O2 by a fluorescence "turn-off" sensor Nuengmatcha, P.
Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Chanthai, S.
103. Influence of water stresses on capsaicinoid production in hot pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) cultivars with different pungency levels Jeeatid, N
Techawongstien, S
Suriharn, B
Chanthai, S
Bosland, PW
104. Inhibitory Reactivity of Capsaicin with alpha-Amylase and alpha-Glucosidase Related to Antidiabetes using Molecular Docking and Quantum Calculation Methods Chanthai, S. 2018
105. Resonance light scattering sensor of the metal complex nanoparticles using diethyl dithiocarbamate doped graphene quantum dots for highly Pb(II)-sensitive detection in water sample. Kaewprom, C
Sricharoen, P
Limchoowong, N
Nuengmatcha, P
Chanthai, S
106. Responses of hot pepper (Capsicum Chinense Jacq.) cultivars to different container sizes for capsaicinoid production under controlled house conditions N. Jeeatid
S. Techawongstien
P. Suwor
S. Chanthai
P. W. Bosland
S. Techawongstiena
107. The use of S2O82- and H2O2 as novel specific masking agents for highly selective turn-on fluorescent switching recognition of CN- and I- based on Hg2+-graphene quantum dots Prawit Nuengmatcha
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Ratana Mahachai
Saksit Chanthai
108. The use of S2O82- and H2O2 as novel specific masking agents for highly selective "turn-on" fluorescent switching recognition of CN- and I- based on Hg2+-graphene quantum dots Nuengmatcha, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
109. Using thermolytic solution of anionic-decorated Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) as fluorescence turn on-off sensor for selective screening test of metal ions Khanitta Saenwong
Chawangorn Putthasehn
Atipa Tunsawat
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
110. A novel bead synthesis of the Chiron-sodium dodecyl sulfate hydrogel and its kinetics-thermodynamics study of superb adsorption of alizarin red S from aqueous solution Nunticha Limchoowong
Phitchan Sricharoen
Saksit Chanthai
111. Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue using Fe2O3/graphene/CuO nanocomposites under visible light Prawit Nuengmatcha
Paweena Porrawatkul
Saksit Chanthai
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
112. Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue using Fe2O3/graphene/CuO nanocomposites under visible light Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
113. Novel flexible Ag nanoparticles doped on graphene - Ba2GaInO6 as cathode material for enhancement in the power conversion of DSSCs Won-Chun Oh
Saksit Chanthai
Yonrapach Areerob
114. Novel flexible Ag nanoparticles doped on graphene – Ba2GaInO6 as cathode material for enhancement in the power conversion of DSSCs Chanthai, S. 2019
115. Resonance light scattering sensor of the metal complex nanoparticles using diethyl dithiocarbamate doped graphene quantum dots for highly Pb(II)-sensitive detection in water sample Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
116. Simultaneous Detection of Pb(II) and Cd(II) Ions in Noodle Soup Samples Using Square Wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Prawit Nuengmatcha
Benjawan Ninwong
Saksit Chanthai
117. Ultrasound-assisted emulsification microextraction coupled with salt-induced demulsification based on solidified floating organic drop prior to HPLC determination of Sudan dyes in chili products Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
118. Effect of boron addition on the phase-transition temperature of CoPt-B nanoparticles synthesized by sol–gel autocombustion using sago starch as a chelating agent Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
119. Simultaneous determination of Hg(II) and Cu(II) in water samples using fluorescence quenching sensor of N-doped and N,K co-doped graphene quantum dots Chayanee Kaewprom
Yonarpach Areerob
Won-Chun Oh
Keshav Lalit Ameta
Saksit Chanthai
120. Ultrasonic-assisted recycling of Nile tilapia fish scale biowaste into low-cost nano-hydroxyapatite: Ultrasonic-assisted adsorption for Hg2+ removal from aqueous solution followed by turn-off fluorescent sensor based on Hg2+-graphene quantum dots Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
121. Ultrasonic-assisted recycling of Nile tilapia fish scale biowaste into low-cost nano-hydroxyapatite: Ultrasonic-assisted adsorption for Hg removal from aqueous solution followed by "turn-off" fluorescent sensor based on Hg-graphene quantum dots. Sricharoen, P
Limchoowong, N
Nuengmatcha, P
Chanthai, S
122. Ultrasonic-assisted recycling of Nile tilapia fish scale biowaste into low-cost nano-hydroxyapatite: Ultrasonic-assisted adsorption for Hg2+ removal from aqueous solution followed by “turn-off” fluorescent sensor based on Hg2+-graphene quantum dots Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
Count 95 19 78 3

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Studies on Thermal Denaturation of Fish Apomyoglobins using Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Circular Dichroism, and Fluorescence Chanthai, S.
Tamiya, T.
1996 Fisheries Science
6 (62), pp. 933-937
2. Studies on Thermal Denaturation of Fish Myoglobins using Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Circular Dichroism, and Tryptophan Fluorescence Chanthai, S.
Tamiya, T.
1996 Fisheries Science
6 (62), pp. 927-932
3. Changes in Light Scattering Intensity of Fish Holo-, Apo- and Reconstituted Myoglobins under Thermal Denaturation Chanthai, S.
Tamiya, T.
1998 Fisheries Science
5 (64), pp. 846-847
4. Effect of Heating on Autoxidation Rate of Fish Holo- and Reconstituted Myoglobins Chanthai, S.
Tamiya, T.
1998 Fisheries Science
4 (64), pp. 574-577
5. Studies on Thermal Denaturation Profiles of Holo- and Reconstituted Myoglobins from Bonito and Sperm Whale Chanthai, S.
Tamiya, T.
1998 Fisheries Science
3 (64), pp. 411-414
6. High-performance liquid chromatography with amperometric detection of medroxyprogesterone acetate in human plasma with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine as derivatizing agent and solid-phase extraction for sample clean-up Tessiri, T.
Wangboonskul, J.D.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
Chanthai, S.
2007 ScienceAsia
4 (33), pp. 405-410
7. Speciation analysis of arsenic (III), arsenic (V) and total arsenic by continuous flow HG-AAS in Thai fruit wines and distilled spirits Chanthai, S.
Suwamat, N.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
Danvirutai, P.
2007 ASEAN Food Journal
3 (14), pp. 181-196
8. Speciation analysis of arsenic (III), arsenic (V) and total arsenic by continuous flow HG-AAS in thai fruit wines and distilled spirits Chanthai, S.
Suwamat, N.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
Danvirutai, P.
2007 International Food Research Journal
3 (14), pp. 181-196
9. Effect of pH on the mobilization of copper and iron by pyoverdin I in artificially contaminated soils Tansupo, P.
Budzikiewicz, H.
Chanthai, S.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
2008 ScienceAsia
3 (34), pp. 287-292
10. Optimised separation procedures for the simultaneous assay of three plant hormones in liquid biofertilisers Tansupo, P.
Suwannasom, P.
Chanthai, S.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
2010 Phytochemical Analysis
2 (21), pp. 157-162
11. Optimization and determination of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase activities in hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) pericarb Arnnok, P.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
Mahachai, R.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2010 International Food Research Journal
2 (17), pp. 385-392
12. Chemical compositions and non-enzymatic browning compounds of thai honey: A kinetic study Boonchiangma, S.
Chanthai, S.
Srijarenai, S.
Srijaranai, S.
2011 Journal of Food Process Engineering
5 (34), pp. 1584-1596
13. Preparation of activated carbon derived from Jatropha curcas fruit shell by simple thermo-chemical activation and characterization of their physico-chemical properties Tongpoothorn, W.
Sriuttha, M.
Chanthai, S.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
2011 Chemical Engineering Research and Design
3 (89), pp. 335-340
14. Solid-phase extraction with diethyldithiocarbamate as chelating agent for preconcentration and trace determination of copper, iron and lead in fruit wine and distilled spirit by flame atomic absorption spectrometry Chanthai, S.
Suwamart, N.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
2011 E-Journal of Chemistry
3 (8), pp. 1280-1292
15. Bioactive properties and chemical constituents of methanolic extract and its fractions from Jatropha curcas oil Tongpoothorn, W.
Chanthai, S.
Sriuttha, M.
Saosang, K.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
2012 Industrial Crops and Products
1 (36), pp. 437-444
16. Determination of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin in some chilli varieties using accelerated solvent extraction associated with solid-phase extraction methods and RP-HPLC-fluorescence Chanthai, S.
Juangsamoot, J.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
Techawongstien, S.
2012 E-Journal of Chemistry
3 (9), pp. 1550-1561
17. Determination of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin in some hot chilli varieties by RP-HPLC-PDA after magnetic stirring extraction and clean up with C 18 cartridge Juangsamoot, J.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2012 International Food Research Journal
3 (19), pp. 1217-1226
18. Determination of total phenolics and anthocyanin contents in the pericarp of hot chilli pepper (capsicum annuum L.) Arnnok, P.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
Mahachai, R.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2012 International Food Research Journal
1 (19), pp. 235-243
19. Effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate on the supramolecular complexation between chitosan and β-carotene Kongsri, S.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
2012 Asian Journal of Chemistry
12 (24), pp. 5457-5459
20. Impact of drought stress on the accumulation of capsaicinoids in capsicum cultivars with different initial capsaicinoid levels Phimchan, P.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
Bosland, P.W.
2012 HortScience
9 (47), pp. 1204-1209
21. Influence of extraction methodologies on the analysis of five major volatile aromatic compounds of citronella grass (cymbopogon nardus) and lemongrass (cymbopogon citratus) grown in thailand Chanthai, S.
Prachakoll, S.
Ruangviriyachai, C.
2012 Journal of AOAC International
3 (95), pp. 763-772
22. Isolation of heat-tolerant myoglobin from Asian swamp eel Monopterus albus Chotichayapong, C.
Wiengsamut, K.
Chanthai, S.
Sattayasai, N.
Tamiya, T.
Tsuchiya, T.
2012 Fish Physiology and Biochemistry
5 (38), pp. 1533-1543
23. The effect of surfactant on headspace single drop microextraction for the determination of some volatile aroma compounds in citronella grass and lemongrass leaves by gas chromatography Jumepaeng, T.
Chanthai, S.
2012 Analytical Methods
2 (4), pp. 421-428
24. Characterization of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles from fish scale waste and its adsorption of carotenoids Kongsri, S.
Ayuttaya, P.L.N.
Yookhum, S.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
2013 Asian Journal of Chemistry
10 (25), pp. 5847-5850
25. Determination of antioxidant capacity and α-amylase inhibitory activity of the essential oils from citronella grass and lemongrass Jumepaeng, T.
Prachakool, S.
Chanthai, S.
2013 International Food Research Journal
1 (20), pp. 481-485
26. Effects of fertigation, water application frequency and soil amendment on tomato production Chanthai, S. 2013 Acta Horticulturae
(984), pp. 187-196
27. Nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite from fish scale waste: Preparation, characterization and application for selenium adsorption in aqueous solution Kongsri, S.
Buapa, K.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2013 Chemical Engineering Journal
(215-216), pp. 522-532
28. Ultra-trace determination of Hg(ii) in drinking water and local Thai liquors using homogeneous liquid-liquid extraction followed by fluorescence quenching of its ternary complex Panichlertumpi, B.
Chanthai, S.
2013 Analytical Methods
4 (5), pp. 987-997
29. Determination and comparison of volatile aroma compounds in fresh and dried leaves samples of citronella grass, lemongrass, and citronella incense products by micro-hydrodistillation Jumepaeng, T.
Jantayota, R.
Hemmood, S.
Komolwanich, S.
Chanthai, S.
2014 Acta Chromatographica
1 (26), pp. 177-190
30. Determination of arsenic in chilli and tomato grown in North East Thailand Thaharn, N.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2014 ScienceAsia
1 (40), pp. 53-59
31. Determination of major and minor capsaicinoids in different varieties of the Capsicum fruits using GC-MS and their inhibition effect of the chilli extract on α-amylase activity Maokam, C.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2014 International Food Research Journal
6 (21), pp. 2237-2243
32. Determination of major-to-trace elements in hot chilli and tomato varieties economically grown in the northeast of Thailand by ICP-OES following microwave assisted digestion Taharn, N.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
2014 International Food Research Journal
2 (21), pp. 517-522
33. Determination of synergic antioxidant activity of the methanol/ethanol extract of allicin in the presence of total phenolics obtained from the garlic capsule compared with fresh and baked garlic clove Songsungkan, J.
Chanthai, S.
2014 International Food Research Journal
6 (21), pp. 2377-2385
34. Enzymatic changes in phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, cinnamic-4-hydroxylase, capsaicin synthase, and peroxidase activities in Capsicum under drought stress Phimchan, P.
Chanthai, S.
Bosland, P.W.
Techawongstien, S.
2014 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
29 (62), pp. 7057-7062
35. Optimization study of graphene oxide synthesis with improvement of C/O ratio Nuengmatcha, P.
Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
2014 Asian Journal of Chemistry
5 (26), pp. 1321-1323
36. Spectrophotometric determination of trace cyanide in fruit wines by the catalytic reaction of ninhydrin following micro-distillation Chanthai, S. 2014 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
1 (30), pp. 119-131
37. Study of allicin extract chelated with some heavy metals (Cu2+, CO2+ and Pb2+) by fluorescence quenching method and its antioxidant activity Songsungkan, J.
Chanthai, S.
2014 Asian Journal of Chemistry
1 (26), pp. 132-136
38. Thermodynamic and kinetic study of the intrinsic adsorption capacity of graphene oxide for malachite green removal from aqueous solution Nuengmatcha, P.
Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
2014 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
4 (30), pp. 1463-1474
39. Ultra-trace determination of methyl carbamate and ethyl carbamate in local wines by GC-FID following preconcentration with C18-SPE Sarawan, S.
Chanthai, S.
2014 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
3 (30), pp. 1021-1029
40. Ultra-trace determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) in drinking water and alcoholic beverages using homogeneous liquid-liquid extraction followed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry Kinaree, S.
Chanthai, S.
2014 Chemical Papers
3 (68), pp. 342-351
41. A high correlation indicating for an evaluation of antioxidant activity and total phenolics content of various chilli varieties Sricharoen, P.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
2015 Journal of Food Science and Technology
(), pp.
42. A high correlation indicating for an evaluation of antioxidant activity and total phenolics content of various chilli varieties Sricharoen, P.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
2015 Journal of Food Science and Technology
12 (52), pp. 8077-8085
43. Determination of ascorbic acid and total phenolics related to the antioxidant activity of some local tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) varieties Boonkasem, P.
Sricharoen, P.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
2015 Der Pharma Chemica
4 (7), pp. 66-70
44. Determination of total phenolics and ascorbic acid related to an antioxidant activity and thermal stability of the Mao fruit juice Sripakdee, T.
Sriwicha, A.
Jansam, N.
Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
2015 International Food Research Journal
2 (22), pp. 618-624
45. Ion Chromatographic Analysis of Monosaccharides and Disaccharides in Raw Sugar Suksom, W.
Wannachai, W.
Boonchiangma, S.
Chanthai, S.
Srijaranai, S.
2015 Chromatographia
(), pp.
46. Ion chromatographic analysis of monosaccharides and disaccharides in raw sugar Suksom, W.
Wannachai, W.
Boonchiangma, S.
Chanthai, S.
Srijaranai, S.
2015 Chromatographia
13 (78), pp. 873-879
47. Optimization study of suitable pre-reduction agents for selenium analysis in tomato samples by flow injection-hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry Limchoowong, N.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
2015 International Food Research Journal
4 (22), pp. 1578-1583
48. Reversed Phase Chromatographic Analysis of 13 Amino Acids in Honey Samples Boonchiangma, S.
Ratchakrut, P.
Chanthai, S.
Srijaranai, S.
2015 Chromatographia
(), pp.
49. Reversed phase chromatographic analysis of 13 amino acids in honey samples Boonchiangma, S.
Ratchakrut, P.
Chanthai, S.
Srijaranai, S.
2015 Chromatographia
13 (78), pp. 923-927
50. The effect of inorganic and organic pre-reducing agents on selenium analysis in tomato sample using microwave-assisted digestion followed by FI-HGAAS Limchoowong, N.
Tan-Umporn, P.
Laijungred, L.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
2015 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
1 (31), pp. 171-176
51. Adsorption capacity of the as-synthetic graphene oxide for the removal of alizarin red S dye from aqueous solution Nuengmatcha, P.
Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
2016 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
3 (32), pp. 1399-1410
52. A highly sensitive and selective method for the determination of an iodate in table-salt samples using malachite green-based spectrophotometry Limchoowong, N.
Sricharoen, P.
Chanthai, S.
2016 Analytical Sciences
11 (32), pp. 1231-1236
53. An iodine supplementation of tomato fruits coated with an edible film of the iodide-doped chitosan Limchoowong, N.
Sricharoen, P.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2016 Food Chemistry
(200), pp. 223-229
54. A novel extraction method for β-carotene and other carotenoids in fruit juices using air-assisted, low-density solvent-based liquid-liquid microextraction and solidified floating organic droplets Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2016 Food Chemistry
(203), pp. 386-393
55. CDNA Sequence analysis and structural phylogenetic tree of novel myoglobin from striped snake-head fish (Ophicephalus striatus) Chotichayapong, C.
Chanthai, S.
Tamiya, T.
Tsuchiya, T.
2016 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
1 (32), pp. 9-28
56. Core–shell SiO<inf>2</inf>-coated Fe<inf>3</inf>O<inf>4</inf> with a surface molecularly imprinted polymer coating of folic acid and its applicable magnetic solid-phase extraction prior to determination of folates in tomatoes Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Chanthai, S.
2016 Journal of Separation Science
15 (39), pp. 3037-3045
57. Core-shell SiO<inf>2</inf>-coated Fe<inf>3</inf>O<inf>4</inf> with a surface molecularly imprinted polymer coating of folic acid and its applicable magnetic solid-phase extraction prior to determination of folates in tomatoes Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Chanthai, S.
2016 Journal of Separation Science
(), pp.
58. Headspace-single drop microextraction followed by gas chromatographic determination of key aroma compounds in tomato fruits and their sample products Chanthai, S. 2016 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
3 (32), pp. 1271-1282
59. Optimization studies on ultrasonic assisted extraction of the capsaicinoids from sweet-to-superhot chilli samples using response surface methodology Mahachai, R.
Techawongstein, S.
Chanthai, S.
2016 International Food Research Journal
4 (23), pp. 1676-1684
60. Purification, peptide mapping and spectroscopic characterization of myoglobin from striped snake-head fish (ophicephalus striatus) Chotichayapong, C.
Tamiya, T.
Tsuchiya, T.
Chanthai, S.
2016 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
1 (32), pp. 181-194
61. Sonocatalytic performance of ZnO/graphene/TiO<inf>2</inf> nanocomposite for degradation of dye pollutants (methylene blue, texbrite BAC-L, texbrite BBU-L and texbrite NFW-L) under ultrasonic irradiation Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
Mahachai, R.
2016 Dyes and Pigments
(134), pp. 487-497
62. The optimization study of α-amylase activity based on central composite design-response surface methodology by dinitrosalicylic acid method Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
2016 International Food Research Journal
1 (23), pp. 10-17
63. Ultrasonic assisted extraction as a potential green approach for trace metal determination in complex matrices Chanthai, S. 2016 Der Pharma Chemica
8 (8), pp. 12-16
64. Ultra-trace analysis of selenium by HGAAS: A plausible reduction approach using silver nanoparticles Chanthai, S. 2016 Der Pharma Chemica
8 (8), pp. 73-77
65. Visible light-driven photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B and industrial dyes (texbrite BAC-L and texbrite NFW-L) by ZnO-graphene-TiO<inf>2</inf> composite Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
Mahachai, R.
2016 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
2 (4), pp. 2170-2177
66. Adsorptive removal of manganese (II) from aqueous solution using graphene oxide: A kinetics and thermodynamics study Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
2017 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
4 (33), pp. 1899-1904
67. A fluorescence switching sensor based on graphene quantum dots decorated with Hg<sup>2+</sup> and hydrolyzed thioacetamide for highly Ag<sup>+</sup>-sensitive and selective detection Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Sripakdee, T.
Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
2017 RSC Advances
76 (7), pp. 48058-48067
68. A green extraction of trace iodine in table salts, vegetables, and food products prior to analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry Limchoowong, N.
Sricharoen, P.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2017 Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
4 (28), pp. 540-546
69. Direct analysis of anthocyanins-rich Mao fruit juice using sample dilution method based on chromophores/fluorophores of both cyanidin-3-glucoside and pelargonidin-3-glucoside Sripakdee, T.
Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
2017 International Food Research Journal
1 (24), pp. 215-222
70. Electrolyte-assisted microemulsion breaking in vortex-agitated solidified floating organic drop microextraction for preconcentration and analysis of Sudan dyes in chili products Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Sripakdee, T.
Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
2017 Analytical Methods
25 (9), pp. 3810-3818
71. Fe<inf>3</inf>O<inf>4</inf>/hydroxyapatite/graphene quantum dots as a novel nano-sorbent for preconcentration of copper residue in Thai food ingredients: Optimization of ultrasound-assisted magnetic solid phase extraction Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Nuengmatcha, P.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2017 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
(37), pp. 83-93
72. Mild acid ultrasonic assisted extraction of arsenic residues in different parts of hot chilli prior to ultra-trace determination by flow injection-hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Chanthai, S.
2017 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
5 (33), pp. 2347-2355
73. New approach applying a pet fish air pump in liquid-phase microextraction for the determination of Sudan dyes in food samples by HPLC Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2017 Journal of Separation Science
19 (40), pp. 3848-3856
74. Phenolics and ascorbic acid related to antioxidant activity of Mao fruit juice and their thermal stability study (Review article) Sripakdee, T.
Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
2017 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
1 (33), pp. 74-86
75. Phytochemicals in Capsicum oleoresin from different varieties of hot chilli peppers with their antidiabetic and antioxidant activities due to some phenolic compounds Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2017 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
(38), pp. 629-639
76. Preconcentration and trace determination of copper (II) in Thai food recipes using Fe<inf>3</inf>O<inf>4</inf>@Chi–GQDs nanocomposites as a new magnetic adsorbent Limchoowong, N.
Sricharoen, P.
Nuengmatcha, P.
Sripakdee, T.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2017 Food Chemistry
(230), pp. 388-397
77. Role of cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide on enhanced adsorption and removal of alizarin red S using amino-functionalized graphene oxide Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
2017 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
6 (33), pp. 2920-2929
78. The effect of silver nanoparticles on selenium speciation analysis in water sample by flow injection-hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry Chanthai, S. 2017 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
3 (33), pp. 1171-1181
79. Using bio-dispersive solution of chitosan for green dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of trace amounts of Cu(II) in edible oils prior to analysis by ICP–OES Limchoowong, N.
Sricharoen, P.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2017 Food Chemistry
(230), pp. 398-404
80. A simple, efficient and economic method for obtaining iodate-rich chili pepper based chitosan edible thin film Limchoowong, N.
Sricharoen, P.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2018 Journal of Food Science and Technology
8 (55), pp. 3263-3272
81. Determination of β-carotene and total carotenoids in fruit juices using surfactant surface decorated graphene oxide based ultrasound-assisted dispersive solid-phase microextraction Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Chanthai, S.
2018 Analytical Methods
28 (10), pp. 3540-3551
82. Diethyldithiocarbamate doped graphene quantum dots based metal complex nanoparticles by resonance light scattering for green detection of lead(II) (a review) Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
2018 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
2 (34), pp. 623-630
83. Evaluation of the effect of genotype-by-environment interaction on capsaicinoid production in hot pepper hybrids (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) under controlled environment Suriharn, B.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
Bosland, P.W.
Techawongstien, S.
2018 Scientia Horticulturae
(235), pp. 334-339
84. Feasibility of hard acid-base affinity for the pronounced adsorption capacity of manganese(II) using amino-functionalized graphene oxide Nuengmatcha, P.
Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Chanthai, S.
2018 RSC Advances
8 (8), pp. 4162-4171
85. Feasibility of micellar surface charge decoration of graphene oxide with surfactants and oils as adsorbents for natural and synthetic pigments (a review) Nuengmatcha, P.
Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Chanthai, S.
2018 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
3 (34), pp. 1198-1212
86. GSH-doped GQDs using citric acid rich-lime oil extract for highly selective and sensitive determination and discrimination of Fe<sup>3+</sup> and Fe<sup>2+</sup> in the presence of H<inf>2</inf>O<inf>2</inf> by a fluorescence "turn-off" sensor Nuengmatcha, P.
Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Chanthai, S.
2018 RSC Advances
18 (8), pp. 10148-10157
87. Influence of water stresses on capsaicinoid production in hot pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) cultivars with different pungency levels Techawongstien, S.
Suriharn, B.
Chanthai, S.
Bosland, P.W.
Techawongstien, S.
2018 Food Chemistry
(245), pp. 792-797
88. Inhibitory Reactivity of capsaicin with α-Amylase and α-Glucosidase related to antidiabetes using molecular docking and quantum calculation methods Chanthai, S. 2018 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
5 (34), pp. 2211-2228
89. Responses of hot pepper (Capsicum Chinense Jacq.) cultivars to different container sizes for capsaicinoid production under controlled house conditions Jeeatid, N.
Techawongstien, S.
Suwor, P.
Chanthai, S.
Bosland, P.W.
Techawongstien, S.
2018 Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics
4 (50), pp. 510-522
90. The use of S<inf>2</inf>O<inf>8</inf><sup>2-</sup> and H<inf>2</inf>O<inf>2</inf> as novel specific masking agents for highly selective "turn-on" fluorescent switching recognition of CN<sup>-</sup> and I<sup>-</sup> based on Hg<sup>2+</sup>-graphene quantum dots Nuengmatcha, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Mahachai, R.
Chanthai, S.
2018 RSC Advances
3 (8), pp. 1407-1417
91. Using thermolytic solution of anionic-decorated Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) as fluorescence turn on-off sensor for selective screening test of metal ions Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
2018 Oriental Journal of Chemistry
1 (34), pp. 55-63
92. A novel bead synthesis of the Chiron-sodium dodecyl sulfate hydrogel and its kinetics-thermodynamics study of superb adsorption of alizarin red S from aqueous solution Limchoowong, N.
Sricharoen, P.
Chanthai, S.
2019 Journal of Polymer Research
12 (26), pp.
93. Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue using Fe<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf>/graphene/CuO nanocomposites under visible light Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
2019 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
6 (7), pp.
94. Novel flexible Ag nanoparticles doped on graphene – Ba<inf>2</inf>GaInO<inf>6</inf> as cathode material for enhancement in the power conversion of DSSCs Chanthai, S. 2019 Solar Energy
(180), pp. 510-518
95. Resonance light scattering sensor of the metal complex nanoparticles using diethyl dithiocarbamate doped graphene quantum dots for highly Pb(II)-sensitive detection in water sample Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
2019 Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
(207), pp. 79-87
96. Ultrasound-assisted emulsification microextraction coupled with salt-induced demulsification based on solidified floating organic drop prior to HPLC determination of Sudan dyes in chili products Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Techawongstien, S.
Chanthai, S.
2019 Arabian Journal of Chemistry
8 (12), pp. 5223-5233
97. Effect of boron addition on the phase-transition temperature of CoPt-B nanoparticles synthesized by sol–gel autocombustion using sago starch as a chelating agent Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
2020 Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
(), pp.
98. Simultaneous determination of Hg(II) and Cu(II) in water samples using fluorescence quenching sensor of N-doped and N,K co-doped graphene quantum dots Chanthai, S. 2020 Arabian Journal of Chemistry
2 (13), pp. 3714-3723
99. Ultrasonic-assisted recycling of Nile tilapia fish scale biowaste into low-cost nano-hydroxyapatite: Ultrasonic-assisted adsorption for Hg<sup>2+</sup> removal from aqueous solution followed by “turn-off” fluorescent sensor based on Hg<sup>2+</sup>-graphene quantum dots Sricharoen, P.
Limchoowong, N.
Nuengmatcha, P.
Chanthai, S.
2020 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
(63), pp.

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Removal of heavy metals from artificial metals contaminated water samples based on micelle-templated silica modified with pyoverdin I. Tansupo, P
Worakarn, C
Saksit, C
Ruangviriyachai, C
2009 Journal of environmental sciences (China)
7 (21), pp. 1009-16
2. Isolation of heat-tolerant myoglobin from Asian swamp eel Monopterus albus. Chotichayapong, C
Wiengsamut, K
Chanthai, S
Sattayasai, N
Tamiya, T
Kanzawa, N
Tsuchiya, T
2012 Fish physiology and biochemistry
5 (38), pp. 1533-43
3. Enzymatic changes in phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, cinnamic-4-hydroxylase, capsaicin synthase, and peroxidase activities in capsicum under drought stress. Phimchan, P
Chanthai, S
Bosland, PW
Techawongstien, S
2014 Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
29 (62), pp. 7057-62
4. A high correlation indicating for an evaluation of antioxidant activity and total phenolics content of various chilli varieties. Sricharoen, P
Techawongstein, S
Chanthai, S
2015 Journal of food science and technology
12 (52), pp. 8077-8085
5. An iodine supplementation of tomato fruits coated with an edible film of the iodide-doped chitosan. Limchoowong, N
Sricharoen, P
Techawongstien, S
Chanthai, S
2016 Food chemistry
(200), pp. 223-9
6. A novel extraction method for β-carotene and other carotenoids in fruit juices using air-assisted, low-density solvent-based liquid-liquid microextraction and solidified floating organic droplets. Sricharoen, P
Limchoowong, N
Techawongstien, S
Chanthai, S
2016 Food chemistry
(203), pp. 386-93
7. Core-shell SiO2 -coated Fe3 O4 with a surface molecularly imprinted polymer coating of folic acid and its applicable magnetic solid-phase extraction prior to determination of folates in tomatoes. Areerob, Y
Sricharoen, P
Limchoowong, N
Chanthai, S
2016 Journal of separation science
15 (39), pp. 3037-3045
8. A Highly Sensitive and Selective Method for the Determination of an Iodate in Table-salt Samples Using Malachite Green-based Spectrophotometry. Konkayan, M
Limchoowong, N
Sricharoen, P
Chanthai, S
2016 Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
11 (32), pp. 1231-1236
9. Fe3O4/hydroxyapatite/graphene quantum dots as a novel nano-sorbent for preconcentration of copper residue in Thai food ingredients: Optimization of ultrasound-assisted magnetic solid phase extraction. Sricharoen, P
Limchoowong, N
Areerob, Y
Nuengmatcha, P
Techawongstien, S
Chanthai, S
2017 Ultrasonics sonochemistry
(37), pp. 83-93
10. New approach applying a pet fish air pump in liquid-phase microextraction for the determination of Sudan dyes in food samples by HPLC. Sricharoen, P
Limchoowong, N
Techawongstien, S
Chanthai, S
2017 Journal of separation science
19 (40), pp. 3848-3856
11. Preconcentration and trace determination of copper (II) in Thai food recipes using Fe3O4@Chi-GQDs nanocomposites as a new magnetic adsorbent. Limchoowong, N
Sricharoen, P
Areerob, Y
Nuengmatcha, P
Sripakdee, T
Techawongstien, S
Chanthai, S
2017 Food chemistry
(230), pp. 388-397
12. Using bio-dispersive solution of chitosan for green dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction of trace amounts of Cu(II) in edible oils prior to analysis by ICP-OES. Limchoowong, N
Sricharoen, P
Techawongstien, S
Chanthai, S
2017 Food chemistry
(230), pp. 398-404
13. Phytochemicals in Capsicum oleoresin from different varieties of hot chilli peppers with their antidiabetic and antioxidant activities due to some phenolic compounds. Sricharoen, P
Lamaiphan, N
Patthawaro, P
Limchoowong, N
Techawongstien, S
Chanthai, S
2017 Ultrasonics sonochemistry
(38), pp. 629-639
14. Influence of water stresses on capsaicinoid production in hot pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) cultivars with different pungency levels. Jeeatid, N
Techawongstien, S
Suriharn, B
Chanthai, S
Bosland, PW
2018 Food chemistry
(245), pp. 792-797
15. A simple, efficient and economic method for obtaining iodate-rich chili pepper based chitosan edible thin film. Limchoowong, N
Sricharoen, P
Konkayan, M
Techawongstien, S
Chanthai, S
2018 Journal of food science and technology
8 (55), pp. 3263-3272
16. Resonance light scattering sensor of the metal complex nanoparticles using diethyl dithiocarbamate doped graphene quantum dots for highly Pb(II)-sensitive detection in water sample. Kaewprom, C
Sricharoen, P
Limchoowong, N
Nuengmatcha, P
Chanthai, S
2018 Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy
(207), pp. 79-87
17. Ultrasonic-assisted recycling of Nile tilapia fish scale biowaste into low-cost nano-hydroxyapatite: Ultrasonic-assisted adsorption for Hg removal from aqueous solution followed by "turn-off" fluorescent sensor based on Hg-graphene quantum dots. Sricharoen, P
Limchoowong, N
Nuengmatcha, P
Chanthai, S
2020 Ultrasonics sonochemistry
(63), pp. 104966
18. Optimised separation procedures for the simultaneous assay of three plant hormones in liquid biofertilisers. Tansupo, P
Suwannasom, P
Luthria, DL
Chanthai, S
Ruangviriyachai, C
Phytochemical analysis : PCA
2 (21), pp. 157-62
19. Influence of extraction methodologies on the analysis of five major volatile aromatic compounds of citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus) and lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) grown in Thailand. Chanthai, S
Prachakoll, S
Ruangviriyachai, C
Luthria, DL
Journal of AOAC International
3 (95), pp. 763-72

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Effect of pH on the mobilization of copper and iron by pyoverdin I in artificially contaminated soils Panadda Tansupo
Herbert Budzikiewicz
Saksit Chanthai
Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
3.0 (34.0), pp. 287.0-292.0
10 0 0 0 0 0 10
2. Synthesis and characterization of micelle-templated silica modified with pyoverdin I for heavy metals removal Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
Panadda Tansupo
Worakarn Chamonkolpradit
Saksit Chanthai
(136.0), pp. S680-S680
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Removal of heavy metals from artificial metals contaminated water samples based on micelle-templated silica modified with pyoverdin I Tansupo Panadda
Chamonkolpradit Worakarn
Chanthai Saksit
Ruangviriyachai Chalerm
7.0 (21.0), pp. 1009.0-1016.0
12 0 0 0 0 0 12
4. Identification of chemical constituents in methanolic extract of Jatropha curcas oil related to their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities Wimonrat Tongpoothorn
Manop Sriuttha
Saksit Chanthai
Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
(150.0), pp. S36-S36
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Optimised Separation Procedures for the Simultaneous Assay of Three Plant Hormones in Liquid Biofertilisers Panadda Tansupo
Pirom Suwannasom
Devanand L. Luthria
Saksit Chanthai
Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
2.0 (21.0), pp. 157.0-162.0
19 0 0 0 0 0 19
6. Pineapple Peel Waste for Bioethanol Production Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
Chatchanun Niwaswong
Narong Kosaikanon
Saksit Chanthai
Patiwat Chaimart
(150.0), pp. S10-S10
10 0 0 0 0 0 10
Saksit Chanthai
Somkiat Srijaranai
Supalax Srijaranai
5.0 (34.0), pp. 1584.0-1596.0
10 0 0 0 0 0 10
8. Preparation of activated carbon derived from Jatropha curcas fruit shell by simple thermo-chemical activation and characterization of their physico-chemical properties Wimonrat Tongpoothorn
Manop Sriuttha
Phunsiri Homchan
Saksit Chanthai
Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
3A (89.0), pp. 335.0-340.0
164 0 0 0 0 0 164
9. Solid-Phase Extraction with Diethyldithiocarbamate as Chelating Agent for Preconcentration and Trace Determination of Copper, Iron and Lead in Fruit Wine and Distilled Spirit by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Saksit Chanthai
Nongnoot Suwamart
Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
3.0 (8.0), pp. 1280.0-1292.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
10. Bioactive properties and chemical constituents of methanolic extract and its fractions from Jatropha curcas oil Wimonrat Tongpoothorn
Saksit Chanthai
Manop Sriuttha
Kanda Saosang
Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
1.0 (36.0), pp. 437.0-444.0
11 0 0 0 0 0 11
11. Determination of Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin in Some Chilli Varieties using Accelerated Solvent Extraction Associated with Solid-Phase Extraction Methods and RP-HPLC-Fluorescence Saksit Chanthai
Jureerat Juangsamoot
Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
Suchila Techawongstien
3.0 (9.0), pp. 1550.0-1561.0
14 0 0 0 0 0 14
12. Effect of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate on the Supramolecular Complexation Between Chitosan and beta-Carotene S. Kongsri
S. Techawongstein
S. Chanthai
12.0 (24.0), pp. 5457.0-5459.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13. Impact of Drought Stress on the Accumulation of Capsaicinoids in Capsicum Cultivars with Different Initial Capsaicinoid Levels Paongpetch Phimchan
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
Paul W. Bosland
9.0 (47.0), pp. 1204.0-1209.0
20 0 0 0 0 0 20
14. Influence of Extraction Methodologies on the Analysis of Five Major Volatile Aromatic Compounds of Citronella Grass (Cymbopogon nardus) and Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Grown in Thailand Saksit Chanthai
Sujitra Prachakoll
Chalerm Ruangviriyachai
Devanand L. Luthria
3.0 (95.0), pp. 763.0-772.0
12 0 0 0 0 0 12
15. Isolation of heat-tolerant myoglobin from Asian swamp eel Monopterus albus Chatrachatchaya Chotichayapong
Kittipong Wiengsamut
Saksit Chanthai
Nison Sattayasai
Toru Tamiya
Nobuyuki Kanzawa
Takahide Tsuchiya
5.0 (38.0), pp. 1533.0-1543.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
16. The effect of surfactant on headspace single drop microextraction for the determination of some volatile aroma compounds in citronella grass and lemongrass leaves by gas chromatography Thanawat Jumepaeng
Devanand L. Luthria
Saksit Chanthai
2.0 (4.0), pp. 421.0-428.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
17. Characterization of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles from Fish Scale Waste and Its Adsorption of Carotenoids Supalak Kongsri
Pattarapond Ladawan Na Ayuttaya
Sorasart Yookhum
Suchila Techawongstein
Saksit Chanthai
10.0 (25.0), pp. 5847.0-5850.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
18. Nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite from fish scale waste: Preparation, characterization and application for selenium adsorption in aqueous solution Supalak Kongsri
Kanogporn Janpradit
Keerati Buapa
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
(215.0), pp. 522.0-532.0
96 0 0 0 0 0 96
19. Ultra-trace determination of Hg(II) in drinking water and local Thai liquors using homogeneous liquid-liquid extraction followed by fluorescence quenching of its ternary complex Bhuchonk Panichlertumpi
Saksit Chanthai
4.0 (5.0), pp. 987.0-997.0
7 0 0 0 0 0 7
20. Determination and Comparison of Volatile Aroma Compounds in Fresh and Dried Leaves Samples of Citronella Grass, Lemongrass, and Citronella Incense Products by Micro-Hydrodistillation T. Jumepaeng
R. Jantayota
S. Hemmood
S. Komolwanich
S. Wuthisarn
D. Luthria
S. Chanthai
1.0 (26.0), pp. 177.0-190.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
21. Determination of arsenic in chilli and tomato grown in North East Thailand Nittaya Thaharn
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
1.0 (40.0), pp. 53.0-59.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22. Enzymatic Changes in Phenylalanine Ammonia-Iyase, Cinnamic-4-hydroxylase, Capsaicin Synthase, and Peroxidase Activities in Capsicum under Drought Stress Paongpetch Phimchan
Saksit Chanthai
Paul W. Bosland
Suchila Techawongstien
29.0 (62.0), pp. 7057.0-7062.0
37 0 0 0 0 0 37
23. Optimization Study of Graphene Oxide Synthesis with Improvement of C/O Ratio Prawit Nuengmatcha
Ratana Mahachai
Saksit Chanthai
5.0 (26.0), pp. 1321.0-1323.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
24. Study of Allicin Extract Chelated with Some Heavy Metals (Cu2+, Co2+ and Pb2+) by Fluorescence Quenching Method and its Antioxidant Activity J. Songsungkan
S. Chanthai
1.0 (26.0), pp. 132.0-136.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
25. Ultra-trace determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) in drinking water and alcoholic beverages using homogeneous liquid-liquid extraction followed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry Samat Kinaree
Saksit Chanthai
3.0 (68.0), pp. 342.0-351.0
42 0 0 0 0 0 42
26. A high correlation indicating for an evaluation of antioxidant activity and total phenolics content of various chilli varieties Phitchan Sricharoen
Suchila Techawongstein
Saksit Chanthai
12.0 (52.0), pp. 8077.0-8085.0
24 0 0 0 0 0 24
27. Determination of total phenolics and ascorbic acid related to an antioxidant activity and thermal stability of the Mao fruit juice T. Sripakdee
A. Sriwicha
N. Jansam
R. Mahachai
S. Chanthai
2.0 (22.0), pp. 618.0-624.0
24 0 0 0 0 0 24
28. Ion Chromatographic Analysis of Monosaccharides and Disaccharides in Raw Sugar Warangkana Suksom
Wannilak Wannachai
Suthasinee Boonchiangma
Saksit Chanthai
Supalax Srijaranai
13-14 (78.0), pp. 873.0-879.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
29. Optimization study of suitable pre-reduction agents for selenium analysis in tomato samples by flow injection-hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry N. Limchoowong
S. Techawongstein
S. Chanthai
4.0 (22.0), pp. 1578.0-1583.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
30. Reversed Phase Chromatographic Analysis of 13 Amino Acids in Honey Samples Suthasinee Boonchiangma
Patita Ratchakrut
Saksit Chanthai
Supalax Srijaranai
13-14 (78.0), pp. 923.0-927.0
9 0 0 0 0 0 9
31. The Effect of Inorganic and Organic Pre-reducing Agents on Selenium Analysis in Tomato Sample using Microwave-Assisted Digestion Followed by FI-HGAAS Nunticha Limchoowong
Pornpimon Tan-Umporn
Lampaen Laijungred
Suchila Techawongstein
Saksit Chanthai
1.0 (31.0), pp. 171.0-176.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
32. The Synergistic Effect of Anionic Surfactant on Adsorption Enhancement of the Carotenoids Extract using Mesoporous Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles Supalak Kongsri
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
3.0 (31.0), pp. 1331.0-1343.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
33. Adsorption Capacity of the as-Synthetic Graphene Oxide for the Removal of Alizarin Red S Dye from Aqueous Solution Prawit Nuengmatcha
Ratana Mahachai
Saksit Chanthai
3.0 (32.0), pp. 1399.0-1410.0
14 0 0 0 0 0 14
34. A Highly Sensitive and Selective Method for the Determination of an Iodate in Table-salt Samples Using Malachite Green-based Spectrophotometry Mongkol Konkayan
Nunticha Limchoowong
Phitchan Sricharoen
Saksit Chanthai
11.0 (32.0), pp. 1231.0-1236.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
35. An iodine supplementation of tomato fruits coated with an edible film of the iodide-doped chitosan Nunticha Limchoowong
Phitchan Sricharoen
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
(200.0), pp. 223.0-229.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
36. An iodine supplementation of tomato fruits coated with an edible film of the iodide-doped chitosan Nunticha Limchoowong
Phitchan Sricharoen
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
(200.0), pp. 223.0-229.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
37. A novel extraction method for beta-carotene and other carotenoids in fruit juices using air-assisted, low-density solvent-based liquid-liquid microextraction and solidified floating organic droplets Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
(203.0), pp. 386.0-393.0
46 0 0 0 0 0 46
38. cDNA Sequence Analysis and Structural Phylogenetic Tree of Novel Myoglobin from Striped Snake-Head Fish (Ophicephalus striatus) Chatrachatchaya Chotichayapong
Saksit Chanthai
Nison Sattayasai
Nobuyuki Kanzawa
Toru Tamiya
Takahide Tsuchiya
1.0 (32.0), pp. 9.0-28.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39. Core-shell SiO2-coated Fe3O4 with a surface molecularly imprinted polymer coating of folic acid and its applicable magnetic solid-phase extraction prior to determination of folates in tomatoes Yonrapach Areerob
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Saksit Chanthai
15.0 (39.0), pp. 3037.0-3045.0
15 0 0 0 0 0 15
40. Headspace-Single Drop Microextraction Followed by Gas Chromatographic Determination of Key Aroma Compounds in Tomato Fruits and their Sample Products Vinita Sawaddipanich
Saksit Chanthai
3.0 (32.0), pp. 1271.0-1282.0
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
41. Optimization studies on ultrasonic assisted extraction of the capsaicinoids from sweet-to-superhot chilli samples using response surface methodology S. Keharom
R. Mahachai
S. Techawongsteibn
S. Chanthai
4.0 (23.0), pp. 1676.0-1684.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42. Purification, Peptide Mapping and Spectroscopic Characterization of Myoglobin from Striped Snake-Head Fish (Ophicephalus striatus) Chattrachatchaya Chotichayapong
Nison Sattayasai
Nobuyuki Kanzawa
Toru Tamiya
Takahide Tsuchiya
Saksit Chanthai
1.0 (32.0), pp. 181.0-194.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43. Sonocatalytic performance of ZnO/graphene/TiO2 nanocomposite for degradation of dye pollutants (methylene blue, texbrite BAC-L, texbrite BBU-L and texbrite NFW-L) under ultrasonic irradiation Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
Ratana Mahachai
Won-Chun Oh
(134.0), pp. 487.0-497.0
89 0 0 0 0 0 89
44. The optimization study of alpha-amylase activity based on central composite design-response surface methodology by dinitrosalicylic acid method S. Keharom
R. Mahachai
S. Chanthai
1.0 (23.0), pp. 10.0-17.0
14 0 0 0 0 0 14
45. Visible light-driven photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B and industrial dyes (texbrite BAC-L and texbrite NFW-L) by ZnO-graphene-TiO2 composite Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
Ratana Mahachai
Won-Chun Oh
2.0 (4.0), pp. 2170.0-2177.0
64 0 0 0 0 0 64
46. Adsorptive Removal of Manganese (II) from Aqueous Solution using Graphene Oxide: A Kinetics and Thermodynamics Study Anek Suddai
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
4.0 (33.0), pp. 1899.0-1904.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
47. A fluorescence switching sensor based on graphene quantum dots decorated with Hg2+ and hydrolyzed thioacetamide for highly Ag+-sensitive and selective detection Pimpisa Kaewanan
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Thitiya Sripakdee
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
76.0 (7.0), pp. 48058.0-48067.0
20 0 0 0 0 0 20
48. A Green Extraction of Trace Iodine in Table Salts, Vegetables, and Food Products Prior to Analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry Nunticha Limchoowong
Phitchan Sricharoen
Suchila Techawongstien
Supalak Kongsri
Saksit Chanthai
4.0 (28.0), pp. 540.0-546.0
18 0 0 0 0 0 18
49. Direct analysis of anthocyanins-rich Mao fruit juice using sample dilution method based on chromophores/fluorophores of both cyanidin-3-glucoside and pelargonidin-3-glucoside T. Sripakdee
R. Mahachai
S. Chanthai
1.0 (24.0), pp. 215.0-222.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
50. Electrolyte-assisted microemulsion breaking in vortex-agitated solidified floating organic drop microextraction for preconcentration and analysis of Sudan dyes in chili products Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Thitiya Sripakdee
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
25.0 (9.0), pp. 3810.0-3818.0
9 0 0 0 0 0 9
51. Fe3O4/hydroxyapatite/graphene quantum dots as a novel nano-sorbent for preconcentration of copper residue in Thai food ingredients: Optimization of ultrasound-assisted magnetic solid phase extraction Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Yonrapach Areerob
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
(37.0), pp. 83.0-93.0
51 0 0 0 0 0 51
52. Mild Acid Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction of Arsenic Residues in Different Parts of Hot Chilli Prior to Ultra-Trace Determination by Flow Injection-Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Sugunya Phongsirirux
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Saksit Chanthai
5.0 (33.0), pp. 2347.0-2355.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
53. New approach applying a pet fish air pump in liquid-phase microextraction for the determination of Sudan dyes in food samples by HPLC Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
19.0 (40.0), pp. 3848.0-3856.0
10 0 0 0 0 0 10
54. Phenolics and Ascorbic Acid Related to Antioxidant Activity of Mao Fruit Juice and Their Thermal Stability Study (Review Article) Thitiya Sripakdee
Ratana Mahachai
Saksit Chanthai
1.0 (33.0), pp. 74.0-86.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
55. Phytochemicals in Capsicum oleoresin from different varieties of hot chilli peppers with their antidiabetic and antioxidant activities due to some phenolic compounds Phitchan Sricharoen
Nattida Lamaiphan
Pongpisoot Patthawaro
Nunticha Limchoowong
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
(38.0), pp. 629.0-639.0
55 0 0 0 0 0 55
56. Preconcentration and trace determination of copper (II) in Thai food recipes using Fe3O4@Chi-GQDs nanocomposites as a new magnetic adsorbent Nunticha Limchoowong
Phitchan Sricharoen
Yonrapach Areerob
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Thitiya Sripakdee
Suchila Techawongtien
Saksit Chanthai
(230.0), pp. 388.0-397.0
42 0 0 0 0 0 42
57. Role of Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide on Enhanced Adsorption and Removal of Alizarin Red S using Amino-functionalized Graphene Oxide Wisan Chananchana
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
6.0 (33.0), pp. 2920.0-2929.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58. The Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on Selenium Speciation Analysis in Water Sample by Flow Injection-Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Ruttiya Poonyaka
Saksit Chanthai
3.0 (33.0), pp. 1171.0-1181.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59. Using bio-dispersive solution of chitosan for green dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction of trace amounts of Cu(II) in edible oils prior to analysis by ICP-OES Nunticha Limchoowong
Phitchan Sricharoen
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
(230.0), pp. 398.0-404.0
19 0 0 0 0 0 19
60. A simple, efficient and economic method for obtaining iodate-rich chili pepper based chitosan edible thin film Nunticha Limchoowong
Phitchan Sricharoen
Mongkol Konkayan
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
8.0 (55.0), pp. 3263.0-3272.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
61. Determination of beta-carotene and total carotenoids in fruit juices using surfactant surface decorated graphene oxide based ultrasound-assisted dispersive solid-phase microextraction Chinawooth Sakaew
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Saksit Chanthai
28.0 (10.0), pp. 3540.0-3551.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
62. Diethyldithiocarbamate Doped Graphene Quantum Dots Based Metal Complex Nanoparticles by Resonance Light Scattering for Green Detection of Lead(II) (A Review) Chayanee Kaewprom
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
2.0 (34.0), pp. 623.0-630.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
63. Evaluation of the effect of genotype-by-environment interaction on capsaicinoid production in hot pepper hybrids (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) under controlled environment Nakarin Jeeatid
Bhalang Suriharn
Sungcom Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
Paul W. Bosland
Suchila Techawongstien
(235.0), pp. 334.0-339.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
64. Feasibility of hard acid-base affinity for the pronounced adsorption capacity of manganese(II) using amino-functionalized graphene oxide Anek Suddai
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Saksit Chanthai
8.0 (8.0), pp. 4162.0-4171.0
7 0 0 0 0 0 7
65. Feasibility of Micellar Surface Charge Decoration of Graphene Oxide with Surfactants and Oils as Adsorbents for Natural and Synthetic Pigments Chinawooth Sakaew
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Saksit Chanthai
3.0 (34.0), pp. 1198.0-1212.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
66. GSH-doped GQDs using citric acid rich-lime oil extract for highly selective and sensitive determination and discrimination of Fe3+ and Fe2+ in the presence of H2O2 by a fluorescence turn-off sensor Khanitta Saenwong
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Saksit Chanthai
18.0 (8.0), pp. 10148.0-10157.0
11 0 0 0 0 0 11
67. Influence of water stresses on capsaicinoid production in hot pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) cultivars with different pungency levels N. Jeeatid
B. Suriharn
S. Chanthai
P. W. Bosland
S. Techawongstien
(245.0), pp. 792.0-797.0
17 0 0 0 0 0 17
68. Inhibitory Reactivity of Capsaicin with alpha-Amylase and alpha-Glucosidase Related to Antidiabetes using Molecular Docking and Quantum Calculation Methods Kultida Thongnum
Saksit Chanthai
5.0 (34.0), pp. 2211.0-2228.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
S. Techawongstien
P. Suwor
S. Chanthai
P. W. Bosland
S. Techawongstiena
4.0 (50.0), pp. 510.0-522.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
70. The use of S2O82- and H2O2 as novel specific masking agents for highly selective turn-on fluorescent switching recognition of CN- and I- based on Hg2+-graphene quantum dots Prawit Nuengmatcha
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Ratana Mahachai
Saksit Chanthai
3.0 (8.0), pp. 1407.0-1417.0
12 0 0 0 0 0 12
71. Using Thermolytic Solution of Anionic-decorated Graphene Quantum Dots (GQDs) as Fluorescence Turn on-off Sensor for Selective Screening Test of Metal Ions Khanitta Saenwong
Chawangorn Putthasehn
Atipa Tunsawat
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
1.0 (34.0), pp. 55.0-63.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
72. A novel bead synthesis of the Chiron-sodium dodecyl sulfate hydrogel and its kinetics-thermodynamics study of superb adsorption of alizarin red S from aqueous solution Nunticha Limchoowong
Phitchan Sricharoen
Saksit Chanthai
12.0 (26.0), pp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
73. Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue using Fe2O3/graphene/CuO nanocomposites under visible light Prawit Nuengmatcha
Paweena Porrawatkul
Saksit Chanthai
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
6.0 (7.0), pp.
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
74. Novel flexible Ag nanoparticles doped on graphene - Ba2GaInO6 as cathode material for enhancement in the power conversion of DSSCs Won-Chun Oh
Saksit Chanthai
Yonrapach Areerob
(180.0), pp. 510.0-518.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
75. Resonance light scattering sensor of the metal complex nanoparticles using diethyl dithiocarbamate doped graphene quantum dots for highly Pb(II)-sensitive detection in water sample Chayanee Kaewprom
Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
(207.0), pp. 79.0-87.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
76. Simultaneous Detection of Pb(II) and Cd(II) Ions in Noodle Soup Samples Using Square Wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Prawit Nuengmatcha
Benjawan Ninwong
Saksit Chanthai
2.0 (35.0), pp. 807.0-812.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
77. Ultrasound-assisted emulsification microextraction coupled with salt-induced demulsification based on solidified floating organic drop prior to HPLC determination of Sudan dyes in chili products Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Suchila Techawongstien
Saksit Chanthai
8.0 (12.0), pp. 5223.0-5233.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 4
78. Simultaneous determination of Hg(II) and Cu(II) in water samples using fluorescence quenching sensor of N-doped and N,K co-doped graphene quantum dots Chayanee Kaewprom
Yonarpach Areerob
Won-Chun Oh
Keshav Lalit Ameta
Saksit Chanthai
2.0 (13.0), pp. 3714.0-3723.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
79. Ultrasonic-assisted recycling of Nile tilapia fish scale biowaste into low-cost nano-hydroxyapatite: Ultrasonic-assisted adsorption for Hg2+ removal from aqueous solution followed by turn-off fluorescent sensor based on Hg2+-graphene quantum dots Phitchan Sricharoen
Nunticha Limchoowong
Prawit Nuengmatcha
Saksit Chanthai
(63.0), pp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. การกำจัดรีซอร์ซินอลและพาราฟินิลีน ไดอะมีนในน้ำทิ้งสีย้อมผมด้วยเถ้าแกลบ กรรณิการ์ ถนอมสิทธิ์
รัตนา มหาชัย
ศักดิ์สิทธิ์ จันทร์ไทย
2009 SNRU Journal of Science and Technology
(1 No 2), pp. 129-142
2. Analysis of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin from sweet-to-very hot chilli peppers using an ultrasound-assisted extraction followed by RP-HPLC-PDA Supachinee Keharom
Suchila Techawongstien
Ratana Mahachai
Saksit Chanthai
2015 KKU Research Journal
1 (20), pp. 54-65
3. Determination of lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidant activities in the crude extracts of ten varieties of tomatoes Phitchan Sricharoen
Suchila Techawongstein
Saksit Chanthai
2015 KKU Research Journal
1 (20), pp. 66-74

Title Authors NRIIS type Year NRIIS Scholarship
