 Supinda Koonmee

Supinda Koonmee

Department of Pathology,
Faculty of Medicine,
Khon Kaen University
8439375500: H-INDEX 10


TCI อ้างอิงจาก http://www.tci-thaijo.org/









1. Case report: acquired progressive muscular hypertrophy and trichinosis. V Chotmongkol
PM Intapan
S Koonmee
C Kularbkaew
T Aungaree
2. Hemangiopericytoma of Soft Tissue with Hepatic Metastasis : A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Supinda Koonmee
Trai Wongsiri
Darunee Jintakanon
3. Hormonal Receptors Status of Breast Cancer in Northeastern Thai Women : An Analysis of 241 cases at Srinagarind Hospital Supinda Koonmee
Sarithorn Sirithunyaporn
Em-orn Phanomsri
4. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of breast in patient without Von Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis: a case report. Thanapaisal, C.
Koonmee, S.
Siritunyaporn, S.
5. Comparison of Antigen Retrieval Techniques in Immunohistochemistry Em-orn Phanomsri
Nisana Namwat
Sakda Waraasawapati
Roongpet Tangrassameeprasert
Supinda Koonmee
6. MALE BREAST CANCER : The first case of a Pathological Report in Srinagarind Hospital Trai Wongsiri
Supinda Koonmee
Sakda Waraasawapati
Apinya Chotiyano
Nikorn Chewajorn
7. Molecular identification of a causative parasite species using formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues of a complicated human pulmonary sparganosis case without decisive clinical diagnosis. Koonmee, S.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Yamasaki, H.
Muto, M.
Kularbkeaw, J.
Kanpittaya, J.
Maleewong, W.
Nawa, Y.
8. Satisfication Evaluation of Surgery Pathology Service in Srinagarind Hospital After Management by Theory of Constraints. Punpet Noimay
Supinda Koonmee
Phannatorn Sirivech
Rutchaneekorn Thongbor
9. Anal cancer screening by modified liquid-based cytology in an HIV clinic Natcha Patarapadungkit
Supinda Koonmee
Emorn Pasatung
Pornrith Pisuttimarn
Piroon Mootsikapun
10. Comparison of pathology of breast tissue and mammography A. Chotiyano
T. Triamwittayanont
T. Wongsiri
J. Srinagarind
S. Koonmee
11. Cytologic detection of Entamoeba gingivalis in cervicovaginal smear: case report P. Sornmak
E. Pasatung
S. Koonmee
S. Waraasawapati
12. Improvement the surgical pathology performance by applying the theory of constraints S. Koonmee
T. Triamwittayanont
T. Wongsiri
W. Yutanawiboonchai
P. Noimay
13. The comparison of HPV DNA testing and Thin Prep technique in cervical lesions R. Thongbor
E. Pasatung
C. Sripa
S. Koonmee
14. Tumor morphology in female breast cancer patients in Srinagarind Hospital T. Wongsiri
S. Koonmee
A. Chotiyano
S. Waraasawapati
N. Chewajorn
15. Extramedullary hematopoiesis in pyogenic granuloma. Waraasawapati, S.
Koonmee, S.
16. Fatal peripheral T-cell lymphoma following intramuscular tuberculosis of the forearm Taweechok Wisanuyotin
Winai Sirichativapee
Chat Sumnanoont
Permsak Paholpak
Supinda Koonmee
Pat Laupattarakasem
Prathana Chowchuen
Weerachai Kosuwan
17. Accelerated villous maturation of placentas in spontaneous preterm birth Koonmee, S.
Kietpeerakool, C.
Kleebkaow, P.
18. Current Status of Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspiration Practice in Thailand Koonmee, S. 2017
19. Evaluating a preoperative protocol that includes magnetic resonance imaging for lymph node metastasis in the Cholangiocarcinoma Screening and Care Program (CASCAP) in Thailand Songthamwat, M
Chamadol, N
Khuntikeo, N
Thinkhamrop, J
Koonmee, S
Chaichaya, N
Bethony, J
Thinkhamrop, B
20. False-Negative Rate of Papanicolaou Testing: A National Survey from the Thai Society of Cytology Supinda Koonmee
Andrey Bychkov
Somruetai Shuangshoti
Kanyaprin Bhummichitra
Wanwisa Himakhun
Anant Karalak
Samreung Rangdaeng
21. Joinpoint analysis trends in the incidence of colorectal cancer in Khon Kaen, Thailand (1989 - 2012) Sarakarn, P.
Suwanrungruang, K.
Vatanasapt, P.
Wiangnon, S.
Promthet, S.S.
Jenwitheesuk, K.
Koonmee, S.
Tipsunthonsak, N.
22. Joinpoint Analysis Trends in the Incidence of Colorectal Cancer in Khon Kaen, Thailand (1989 – 2012) Sarakarn, P
Suwanrungruang, K
Vatanasapt, P
Wiangnon, S
Promthet, S
Jenwitheesuk, K
Koonmee, S
Tipsunthonsak, N
Chen, SL
Yen, AM
Chen, TH
23. Upregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and its upstream regulators in Opisthorchis viverrini associated cholangiocarcinoma and its clinical significance Techasen, A.
Namwat, N.
Yongvanit, P.
Khuntikeo, N.
Titapun, A.
Koonmee, S.
Loilome, W.
24. Urinary microRNA-192 and microRNA-21 as potential indicators for liver fluke-associated cholangiocarcinoma risk group Loilome, W.
Yongvanit, P.
Thongchot, S.
Namwat, N.
Sithithaworn, P.
Boonmars, T.
Koonmee, S.
Titapun, A.
Khuntikeo, N.
Chamadol, N.
Techasen, A.
25. Accuracy of computerised tomography scan for the diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in cholangiocarcinoma Metha Songthamwat
Nitaya Chamadol
Narong Khuntikeo
Jadsada Thinkhamrop
Supinda Koonmee
Nathaphop Chaichaya
Bandit Thinkhamrop
26. Breast Cancer Incidence Trends and Projections in Northeastern Thailand Shama Virani
Jarin Chindaprasirt
Kosin Wirasorn
Aumkhae Sookprasert
Ongart Somintara
Damnern Vachirodom
Supinda Koonmee
Jirapon Srinakarin
Supot Kamsa-ard
Krittika Suwanrungruang
Laura S. Rozek
Hutcha Sriplung
Surapon Wiangnon
27. A comparison of the proportion of early stage cholangiocarcinoma found in an ultrasound-screening program compared to walk-in patients Khuntikeo, N.
Koonmee, S.
Chamadol, N.
Laopaiboon, V.
Titapun, A.
Yongvanit, P.
Andrews, R.H.
Thinkhamrop, K.
Tawarungruang, C.
Thinkhamrop, B.
28. Iot in pre-analytical phase of breast cancer specimens handling in Thailand hospitals Prachumrasee, K.
Koonmee, S.
29. Global Hypomethylation and Histone Deacetylation in Aggressive Types of Thyroid Carcinoma Detected by Immunohistochemistry and Image Analysis Andrey Bychkov
Thiyaphat Laohawetwanit
Sithapong Soontornsit
Chaiwat Aphivatanasiri
Supinda Koonmee
Somboon Keelawat
Count 17 13 18 5

Title Authors Year Publication name Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Case report: Acquired progressive muscular hypertrophy and trichinosis Chotmongkol, V.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Koonmee, S.
Kularbkaew, C.
Aungaree, T.
2005 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
5 (72), pp. 649-650
2. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of breast in patient without Von Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis: A case report Thanapaisal, C.
Koonmee, S.
Siritunyaporn, S.
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
3 (89), pp. 377-379
3. Molecular identification of a causative parasite species using formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues of a complicated human pulmonary sparganosis case without decisive clinical diagnosis Koonmee, S.
Intapan, P.M.A.
Yamasaki, H.
Muto, M.
Kularbkeaw, J.
Kanpittaya, J.
Maleewong, W.
Nawa, Y.
2011 Parasitology International
4 (60), pp. 460-464
4. Anal cancer screening by modified liquid-based cytology in an HIV clinic Patarapadungkit, N.
Koonmee, S.
Pasatung, E.
Pisuttimarn, P.
Mootsikapun, P.
2012 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
9 (13), pp. 4487-4490
5. Extramedullary hematopoiesis in pyogenic granuloma Waraasawapati, S.
Koonmee, S.
2013 Pathology International
10 (63), pp. 492-495
6. Fatal peripheral T-cell lymphoma following intramuscular tuberculosis of the forearm Wisanuyotin, T.
Sirichativapee, W.
Sumnanoont, C.
Paholpak, P.
Koonmee, S.
Laupattarakasem, P.
Chowchuen, P.
Kosuwan, W.
2014 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
5 (45), pp. 1119-1124
7. Accelerated villous maturation of placentas in spontaneous preterm birth Koonmee, S.
Kietpeerakool, C.
Kleebkaow, P.
2017 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
11 (100), pp. 1145-1149
8. Current status of thyroid fine-needle aspiration practice in Thailand Koonmee, S. 2017 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine
6 (51), pp. 565-570
9. Evaluating a preoperative protocol that includes magnetic resonance imaging for lymph node metastasis in the Cholangiocarcinoma Screening and Care Program (CASCAP) in Thailand Chamadol, N.
Khuntikeo, N.
Thinkhamrop, J.
Koonmee, S.
Bethony, J.M.
Thinkhamrop, B.
2017 World Journal of Surgical Oncology
1 (15), pp.
10. False-Negative Rate of Papanicolaou Testing: A National Survey from the Thai Society of Cytology Koonmee, S.
Himakhun, W.
2017 Acta Cytologica
6 (61), pp. 434-440
11. Joinpoint analysis trends in the incidence of colorectal cancer in Khon Kaen, Thailand (1989 - 2012) Sarakarn, P.
Suwanrungruang, K.
Vatanasapt, P.
Wiangnon, S.
Promthet, S.S.
Jenwitheesuk, K.
Koonmee, S.
Tipsunthonsak, N.
2017 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
4 (18), pp. 1039-1043
12. Upregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and its upstream regulators in Opisthorchis viverrini associated cholangiocarcinoma and its clinical significance Techasen, A.
Namwat, N.
Yongvanit, P.
Khuntikeo, N.
Titapun, A.
Koonmee, S.
Loilome, W.
2017 Parasitology International
4 (66), pp. 486-493
13. Urinary microRNA-192 and microRNA-21 as potential indicators for liver fluke-associated cholangiocarcinoma risk group Loilome, W.
Yongvanit, P.
Thongchot, S.
Namwat, N.
Sithithaworn, P.
Boonmars, T.
Koonmee, S.
Titapun, A.
Khuntikeo, N.
Chamadol, N.
Techasen, A.
2017 Parasitology International
4 (66), pp. 479-485
14. Accuracy of computerised tomography scan for the diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in cholangiocarcinoma Chamadol, N.
Khuntikeo, N.
Thinkhamrop, J.
Koonmee, S.
Thinkhamrop, B.
2018 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
2 (12), pp. PC12-PC16
15. Breast Cancer Incidence Trends and Projections in Northeastern Thailand Chindaprasirt, J.
Wirasorn, K.
Sookprasert, A.
Somintara, O.
Vachirodom, D.
Koonmee, S.
Srinakarin, J.
Kamsa-Ard, S.
Suwanrungruang, K.
Sriplung, H.
Wiangnon, S.
2018 Journal of epidemiology
7 (28), pp. 323-330
16. A comparison of the proportion of early stage cholangiocarcinoma found in an ultrasound-screening program compared to walk-in patients Khuntikeo, N.
Koonmee, S.
Chamadol, N.
Laopaiboon, V.
Titapun, A.
Yongvanit, P.
Andrews, R.H.
Thinkhamrop, K.
Tawarungruang, C.
Thinkhamrop, B.
2019 HPB
(), pp.
17. Iot in pre-analytical phase of breast cancer specimens handling in Thailand hospitals Prachumrasee, K.
Koonmee, S.
2019 Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, ECTI-CON 2019
(), pp. 842-845

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Case report: acquired progressive muscular hypertrophy and trichinosis. Chotmongkol, V
Intapan, PM
Koonmee, S
Kularbkaew, C
Aungaree, T
2005 The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
5 (72), pp. 649-50
2. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of breast in patient without Von Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis: a case report. Thanapaisal, C
Koonmee, S
Siritunyaporn, S
2006 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
3 (89), pp. 377-9
3. Molecular identification of a causative parasite species using formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues of a complicated human pulmonary sparganosis case without decisive clinical diagnosis. Koonmee, S
Intapan, PM
Yamasaki, H
Sugiyama, H
Muto, M
Kuramochi, T
Kularbkeaw, J
Kanpittaya, J
Maleewong, W
Nawa, Y
2011 Parasitology international
4 (60), pp. 460-4
4. Anal cancer screening by modified liquid-based cytology in an HIV clinic. Patarapadungkit, N
Koonmee, S
Pasatung, E
Pisuttimarn, P
Mootsikapun, P
2012 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
9 (13), pp. 4487-90
5. Extramedullary hematopoiesis in pyogenic granuloma. Waraasawapati, S
Koonmee, S
Kusama, H
Kudo, M
2013 Pathology international
10 (63), pp. 492-5
6. Fatal peripheral T-cell lymphoma following intramuscular tuberculosis of the forearm. Wisanuyotin, T
Sirichativapee, W
Sumnanoont, C
Paholpak, P
Koonmee, S
Laupattarakasem, P
Chowchuen, P
Kosuwan, W
2014 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
5 (45), pp. 1119-24
7. Urinary microRNA-192 and microRNA-21 as potential indicators for liver fluke-associated cholangiocarcinoma risk group. Silakit, R
Loilome, W
Yongvanit, P
Thongchot, S
Sithithaworn, P
Boonmars, T
Koonmee, S
Titapun, A
Khuntikeo, N
Chamadol, N
Techasen, A
Namwat, N
2017 Parasitology international
4 (66), pp. 479-485
8. Upregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and its upstream regulators in Opisthorchis viverrini associated cholangiocarcinoma and its clinical significance. Suksawat, M
Techasen, A
Namwat, N
Yongvanit, P
Khuntikeo, N
Titapun, A
Koonmee, S
Loilome, W
2017 Parasitology international
4 (66), pp. 486-493
9. Joinpoint Analysis Trends in the Incidence of Colorectal Cancer in Khon Kaen, Thailand (1989 – 2012) Sarakarn, P
Suwanrungruang, K
Vatanasapt, P
Wiangnon, S
Promthet, S
Jenwitheesuk, K
Koonmee, S
Tipsunthonsak, N
Chen, SL
Yen, AM
Chen, TH
2017 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
4 (18), pp. 1039-1043
10. Evaluating a preoperative protocol that includes magnetic resonance imaging for lymph node metastasis in the Cholangiocarcinoma Screening and Care Program (CASCAP) in Thailand. Songthamwat, M
Chamadol, N
Khuntikeo, N
Thinkhamrop, J
Koonmee, S
Chaichaya, N
Bethony, J
Thinkhamrop, B
2017 World journal of surgical oncology
1 (15), pp. 176
11. Current Status of Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspiration Practice in Thailand. Keelawat, S
Rangdaeng, S
Koonmee, S
Jitpasutham, T
Bychkov, A
2017 Journal of pathology and translational medicine
6 (51), pp. 565-570
12. False-Negative Rate of Papanicolaou Testing: A National Survey from the Thai Society of Cytology. Koonmee, S
Bychkov, A
Shuangshoti, S
Bhummichitra, K
Himakhun, W
Karalak, A
Rangdaeng, S
2017 Acta cytologica
6 (61), pp. 434-440
13. Breast Cancer Incidence Trends and Projections in Northeastern Thailand. Virani, S
Chindaprasirt, J
Wirasorn, K
Sookprasert, A
Somintara, O
Vachirodom, D
Koonmee, S
Srinakarin, J
Kamsa-Ard, S
Suwanrungruang, K
Rozek, LS
Sriplung, H
Wiangnon, S
2018 Journal of epidemiology
7 (28), pp. 323-330

Title Authors Year Journal title Cited count
< 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Case report: Acquired progressive muscular hypertrophy and trichinosis V Chotmongkol
PM Intapan
S Koonmee
C Kularbkaew
T Aungaree
5.0 (72.0), pp. 649.0-650.0
13 0 0 0 0 0 13
2. Molecular identification of a causative parasite.species using formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues of a complicated human pulmonary sparganosis case without decisive clinical diagnosis Supinda Koonmee
Pewpan M. Intapan
Hiroshi Yamasaki
Hiromu Sugiyama
Maki Muto
Toshiaki Kuramochi
Jurairat Kularbkeaw
Jaturat Kanpittaya
Wanchai Maleewong
Yukifumi Nawa
4.0 (60.0), pp. 460.0-464.0
29 0 0 0 0 0 29
3. Anal Cancer Screening by Modified Liquid-Based Cytology in an HIV Clinic Natcha Patarapadungkit
Supinda Koonmee
Emorn Pasatung
Pornrith Pisuttimarn
Piroon Mootsikapun
9.0 (13.0), pp. 4487.0-4490.0
6 0 0 0 0 0 6
4. Comparison of pathology of breast tissue and mammography A. Chotiyano
T. Triamwittayanont
T. Wongsiri
J. Srinagarind
S. Koonmee
(61.0), pp. 17.0-17.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Cytologic detection of Entamoeba gingivalis in cervicovaginal smear: case report P. Sornmak
E. Pasatung
S. Koonmee
S. Waraasawapati
(61.0), pp. 56.0-56.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Improvement the surgical pathology performance by applying the theory of constraints S. Koonmee
T. Triamwittayanont
T. Wongsiri
W. Yutanawiboonchai
P. Noimay
(61.0), pp. 213.0-213.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. The comparison of HPV DNA testing and Thin Prep technique in cervical lesions R. Thongbor
E. Pasatung
C. Sripa
S. Koonmee
(61.0), pp. 57.0-57.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. Tumor morphology in female breast cancer patients in Srinagarind Hospital T. Wongsiri
S. Koonmee
A. Chotiyano
S. Waraasawapati
N. Chewajorn
(61.0), pp. 33.0-33.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. Extramedullary hematopoiesis in pyogenic granuloma Sakda Waraasawapati
Supinda Koonmee
Hiroshi Kusama
Motoshige Kudo
10.0 (63.0), pp. 492.0-495.0
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
Winai Sirichativapee
Chat Sumnanoont
Permsak Paholpak
Supinda Koonmee
Pat Laupattarakasem
Prathana Chowchuen
Weerachai Kosuwan
5.0 (45.0), pp. 1119.0-1124.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
11. Current Status of Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspiration Practice in Thailand Somboon Keelawat
Samreung Rangdaeng
Supinda Koonmee
Tikamporn Jitpasutham
Andrey Bychkov
6.0 (51.0), pp. 565.0-570.0
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
12. Evaluating a preoperative protocol that includes magnetic resonance imaging for lymph node metastasis in the Cholangiocarcinoma Screening and Care Program (CASCAP) in Thailand Metha Songthamwat
Nittaya Chamadol
Narong Khuntikeo
Jadsada Thinkhamrop
Supinda Koonmee
Nathaphop Chaichaya
Jeffrey Bethony
Bandit Thinkhamrop
(15.0), pp.
8 0 0 0 0 0 8
13. False-Negative Rate of Papanicolaou Testing: A National Survey from the Thai Society of Cytology Supinda Koonmee
Andrey Bychkov
Somruetai Shuangshoti
Kanyaprin Bhummichitra
Wanwisa Himakhun
Anant Karalak
Samreung Rangdaeng
6.0 (61.0), pp. 434.0-440.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3
14. Upregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and its upstream regulators in Opisthorchis viverrini associated cholangiocarcinoma and its clinical significance Manida Suksawat
Anchalee Techasen
Nisana Namwat
Puangrat Yongvanit
Narong Khuntikeo
Attapon Titapun
Supinda Koonmee
Watcharin Loilome
4.0 (66.0), pp. 486.0-493.0
10 0 0 0 0 0 10
15. Urinary microRNA-192 and microRNA-21 as potential indicators for liver fluke-associated cholangiocarcinoma risk group Runglawan Silakit
Watcharin Loilome
Puangrat Yongvanit
Suyanee Thongchot
Paiboon Sithithaworn
Thidarut Boonmars
Supinda Koonmee
Attapol Titapun
Narong Khuntikeo
Nittaya Chamadol
Anchalee Techasen
Nisana Namwat
4.0 (66.0), pp. 479.0-485.0
26 0 0 0 0 0 26
16. Accuracy of Computerised Tomography Scan for the Diagnosis of Lymph Node Metastasis in Cholangiocarcinoma Metha Songthamwat
Nitaya Chamadol
Narong Khuntikeo
Jadsada Thinkhamrop
Supinda Koonmee
Nathaphop Chaichaya
Bandit Thinkhamrop
2.0 (12.0), pp. PC12-PC16
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17. Breast Cancer Incidence Trends and Projections in Northeastern Thailand Shama Virani
Jarin Chindaprasirt
Kosin Wirasorn
Aumkhae Sookprasert
Ongart Somintara
Damnern Vachirodom
Supinda Koonmee
Jirapon Srinakarin
Supot Kamsa-ard
Krittika Suwanrungruang
Laura S. Rozek
Hutcha Sriplung
Surapon Wiangnon
7.0 (28.0), pp. 323.0-330.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18. Global Hypomethylation and Histone Deacetylation in Aggressive Types of Thyroid Carcinoma Detected by Immunohistochemistry and Image Analysis Andrey Bychkov
Thiyaphat Laohawetwanit
Sithapong Soontornsit
Chaiwat Aphivatanasiri
Supinda Koonmee
Somboon Keelawat
SUPPL 2 (33.0), pp. 568.0-569.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Authors Year Journal title
1. Hormonal Receptors Status of Breast Cancer in Northeastern Thai Women : An Analysis of 241 cases at Srinagarind Hospital Supinda Koonmee
Sarithorn Sirithunyaporn
Em-orn Phanomsri
2006 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(21 No 4), pp. 343-351
2. Hemangiopericytoma of Soft Tissue with Hepatic Metastasis : A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Supinda Koonmee
Trai Wongsiri
Darunee Jintakanon
2006 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(21 No 4), pp. 374-377
3. Comparison of Antigen Retrieval Techniques in Immunohistochemistry Em-orn Phanomsri
Nisana Namwat
Sakda Waraasawapati
Roongpet Tangrassameeprasert
Supinda Koonmee
2009 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(24 No 2), pp. 130-136
4. MALE BREAST CANCER : The first case of a Pathological Report in Srinagarind Hospital Trai Wongsiri
Supinda Koonmee
Sakda Waraasawapati
Apinya Chotiyano
Nikorn Chewajorn
2011 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(26 No 1), pp. 78-82
5. Satisfication Evaluation of Surgery Pathology Service in Srinagarind Hospital After Management by Theory of Constraints. Punpet Noimay
Supinda Koonmee
Phannatorn Sirivech
Rutchaneekorn Thongbor
2011 Srinagarind Medical Journal
(26 No 2), pp. 106-111

Title Authors NRIIS type Year NRIIS Scholarship
