Title | Author | Year | SCOPUS | PUBMED | ISI | TCI | |
1. | A 1-week course of corticosteroids in the treatment of eosinophilic meningitis. | K Sawanyawisuth P Limpawattana P Busaracome B Ninpaitoon V Chormongkol PM Intapan S Tanawirattananit |
2004 | ||||
2. | A 1-week course of corticosteroids in the treatment of eosinophilic meningitis [2] | Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Busaracome, P. Ninpaitoon, B. Chotmongkol, V. Intapan, P.M.A. |
2004 | ||||
3. | Aspirin therapy as primary prevention in hypertensive patients at Srinagarind hospital. | Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Bumrerraj, S. Thongmee, A. Kosakarn, J. Choenrungroj, T. Pradit, P. Naranunn, P. Punyamee, S. Premgamone, A. |
2005 | ||||
4. | Etiologies and treatment outcomes for out-patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) at Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen, Thailand. | Reechaipichitkul, W. Lulitanond, V. Sawanyawisuth, K. Lulitanond, A. Limpawattana, P. |
2005 | ||||
5. | Tuberculous radiculomyelitis (arachnoiditis) associated with tuberculous meningitis. | Chotmongkol, V. Kitkuandee, A. Limpawattana, P. |
2005 | ||||
6. | Wernicke's encephalopathy: Report of a case | Chotmongkol, V Limpawattana, P |
2005 | ||||
7. | Clinical manifestations of primary hyperthyroidism in the elderly patients at the out-patient clinic of Srinagarind Hospital | Limpawattana, P Sawanyawisut, K Mahankanukrau, A Wongwipaporn, C |
2006 | ||||
8. | Clinical outcomes of patients with cardiogenic cerebral emboli in Srinagarind Hospital. | Chotmongkol, V. Limpawattana, P. Chimsuk, U. |
2006 | ||||
9. | Communicating hydrocephalus as a complication of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis | Sawanyawisuth, K Thammaroj, J Limpawattana, P Intapan, PM Tiamkao, S Jitpimolmard, S |
2006 | ||||
10. | Superior divisional oculomotor nerve palsy caused by midbrain neurocysticercosis. | Chotmongkol, V. Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Phuphatham, A. Chotmongkol, R. Intapan, P.M.A. |
2006 | ||||
11. | The rate of checking urine microalbumin and aspirin primary prevention in type 2 DM. | Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Mahankkanukrauh, A. Wongvipaporn, C. |
2006 | ||||
12. | Treatment of eosinophilic meningitis with a combination of prednisolone and mebendazole | V Chotmongkol K Sawadpanitch K Sawanyawisuth S Louhawilai P Limpawattana |
2006 | ||||
13. | Clinical outcome of hypertensive treated at hypertension clinic, Srinagarind hospital | Somchit Chumjan Ploysyne Busaracome Chingching Foochareon Panita Limpawattana Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2007 | ||||
14. | Eosinophilia as a diagnostic tool for angiostrongyliasis | Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Somsak Tiamkao Pewpan M. Intapan Panita Limpawattana Wichai Senthong Suthipun Jitpimolmard Verajit Chotmongkol Elizabeth B. Connor |
2007 | ||||
15. | Intraocular angiostrongyliasis: clinical findings, treatments and outcomes. | Sawanyawisuth, K. Kitthaweesin, K. Limpawattana, P. Intapan, P.M.A. Tiamkao, S. Jitpimolmard, S. Chotmongkol, V. |
2007 | ||||
16. | The best criteria to diagnose metabolic syndrome in hypertensive Thai patients. | Limpawattana, P. Sawanyawisuth, K. Busaracome, P. Foocharoen, C. Phitsanuwong, C. Chumjan, S. Chotmongkol, R. Chaisuksant, S. |
2008 | ||||
17. | Can workplaces be predictors for recent onset latent tuberculosis in health care workers? | K. Takahashi N. Chaiear K. Sawanyawisuth P. Limpawattana J. Borpoem W. Reechaipichitkul |
2009 | ||||
18. | Clinical factors predictive of encephalitis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis | Sawanyawisuth, K Takahashi, K Hoshuyama, T Sawanyawisuth, K Senthong, V Limpawattana, P Intapan, PM Wilson, D Tiamkao, S Jitpimolmard, S Chotmongkol, V |
2009 | ||||
19. | The diagnostic properties of blood eosinophils in serologically-positive meningitic angiostrongyliasis | K. Sawanyawisuth K. Takahashi V. Senthong P. Limpawattana P. Intapan S. Tiamkao S. Jitpimolmard V. Chotmongkol E. Barrett-Connor |
2009 | ||||
20. | Abdominal angiostrongyliasis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis: A possible cause of eosinophilic infiltration in human digestive tract | Sawanyawisuth, K. Pugkhem, A. Mitchai, J. Intapan, P.M.A. Anunnatsiri, S. Limpawattana, P. Chotmongkol, V. |
2010 | ||||
21. | CAN JOB TITLES BE PREDICTORS FOR RECENT ONSET LATENT TUBERCULOSIS IN HEALTH CARE WORKERS? | Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Naesinee Chaiear Kanlayanee Sawanyawisuth Panita Limpawattana Janpen Bourpoern Vichai Senthong Wipa Reechaipichitkul |
2010 | ||||
22. | Peripheral eosinophilia as an indicator of meningitic angiostrongyliasis in exposed individuals | Sawanyawisuth, K Sawanyawisuth, K Senthong, V Limpawattana, P Intapan, PM Tiamkao, S Jitpimolmard, S Chotmongkol, V Barrett-Connor, E |
2010 | ||||
23. | Prevalence and recognition of geriatric syndromes in an outpatient clinic at a tertiary care hospital of Thailand | Limpawattana, P. Sawanyawisuth, K. Soonpornrai, S. Huangthaisong, W. |
2011 | ||||
24. | Brain metastases from cholangiocarcinoma: A first case series in thailand | Jarin Chindaprasirt Aumkhae Sookprasert Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Panita Limpawattana Somsak Tiamkao |
2012 | ||||
25. | Can job titles be predictors for recent onset latent tuberculosis in health care workers? | Sawanyawisuth, K. Chaiear, N. Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Bourpoern, J. Reechaipichitkul, W. |
2012 | ||||
26. | Can Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) replace Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for dementia screening in a Thai geriatric outpatient setting? | Panita Limpawattana Somsak Tiamkao Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Bandit Thinkhamrop |
2012 | ||||
27. | Cost of colorectal cancer care in hospitalized patients of Thailand. | Chindaprasirt, J Sookprasert, A Wirasorn, K Limpawattana, P Sutra, S Thavornpitak, Y |
2012 | ||||
28. | Delirium in hospitalized elderly patients of Thailand; is the figure underrecognized? | Limpawattana, P Sutra, S Thavornpitak, Y Sawanyawisuth, K Chindaprasirt, J Mairieng, P |
2012 | ||||
29. | Geriatric hospitalizations due to fall-related injuries. | Limpawattana, P Sutra, S Thavompitak, Y Chindaprasirt, J Mairieng, P |
2012 | ||||
30. | Health situation analysis of hospitalized Thai older persons in the year 2010. | Limpawattana, P. Sutra, S. Thavornpitak, Y. Wirasorn, K. Chindaprasirt, P. Chindaprasirt, J. |
2012 | ||||
31. | How Can Clinicians Ensure the Diagnosis of Meningitic Angiostrongyliasis? | Sawanyawisuth, K. Sawanyawisuth, K. Senthong, V. Limpawattana, P. Phichaphop, A. Intapan, P.M.A. Maleewong, W. Tiamkao, S. Jitpimolmard, S. Chotmongkol, V. |
2012 | ||||
32. | Patterns of chemotherapy usage in hospitalized breast cancer patients. | Sookprasert, A. Chindaprasirt, J. Chindaprasirt, P. Wirasorn, K. Limpawattana, P. Thavornpitak, Y. |
2012 | ||||
33. | The performance of the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) for cognitive screening in a geriatric outpatient setting | Limpawattana, P Tiamkao, S Sawanyawisuth, K |
2012 | ||||
34. | Age Predicts Functional Outcome in Acute Stroke Patients with rt-PA Treatment. | Chindaprasirt, J Sawanyawisuth, K Chattakul, P Limpawattana, P Tiamkao, S Aountri, P Chotmongkol, V |
2013 | ||||
35. | Caregiver burden of older adults: A Southeast Asian aspect | Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Chindaprasirt, P. |
2013 | ||||
36. | CAREGIVER BURDEN OF OLDER ADULTS WITH CANCER: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY | J. Chindaprasirt P. Limpawattana P. Pakkaratho K. Wirasorn A. Sookprasert |
2013 | ||||
37. | Caregivers Burden of Older Adults with Chronic Illnesses in the Community: A Cross-Sectional Study | Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Chindaprasirt, P. Sawanyawisuth, K. Pimporm, J. |
2013 | ||||
38. | Clinical manifestations of eosinophilic meningitis due to infection with angiostrongylus cantonensis in children | Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Jarin Chindaprasirt Vichai Senthong Panita Limpawattana Narong Auvichayapat Sompon Tassniyom Verajit Chotmongkol Wanchai Maleewong Pewpan M. Intapan |
2013 | ||||
39. | Group versus modified individual standard-setting on multiple-choice questions with the Angoff method for fourth-year medical students in the internal medicine clerkship. | Senthong, V Chindaprasirt, J Sawanyawisuth, K Aekphachaisawat, N Chaowattanapanit, S Limpawattana, P Choonhakarn, C Sookprasert, A |
2013 | ||||
40. | Lower BMI is a predictor of obstructive sleep apnea in elderly Thai hypertensive patients. | Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Jarin Chindaprasirt Vichai Senthong Pattarapong Makarawate Panita Limpawattana Aornchuma Domthong Songkwan Silaruks Somchit Chumjan |
2013 | ||||
41. | MORTALITY, LENGTH OF STAY, AND COST ASSOCIATED WITH HOSPITALISED ADULT CANCER PATIENTS WITH FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA | J. Chindaprasirt C. Wanitpongpun P. Limpawattana K. Thepsuthammarat W. Sripakdee A. Sookprasert |
2013 | ||||
42. | Mortality, length of stay, and cost associated with hospitalized adult cancer patients with febrile neutropenia | Jarin Chindaprasirt Chinadol Wanitpongpun Panita Limpawattana Kaewjai Thepsuthammarat Warunsuda Sripakdee Kosin Wirasorn Aumkhae Sookprasert |
2013 | ||||
43. | Prevalence of sarcopenia and associated factors among Thai population. | Pongchaiyakul, C. Limpawattana, P. Kotruchin, P. Rajatanavin, R. |
2013 | ||||
44. | Burdens among caregivers of older adults with advanced cancer and risk factors | Jarin Chindaprasirt Panita Limpawattana Pornvaree Pakkaratho Kosin Wirasorn Aumkhae Sookprasert Kannikar Kongbunkiat Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2014 | ||||
45. | Clinical manifestations of subarachnoid hemorrhage from gnathostoma spinigerum in srinagarind hospital | K. Sawanyawisuth W. Waranon K. Pongtipakorn K. Kongbunkiat P. Limpawattana V. Senthong J. Chindaprasirt V. Chotmongkol J. Kanpittaya P. M. Intapan W. Maleewong A. Kitkhuandee |
2014 | ||||
46. | Clinical profiles of Stevens-Johnson syndrome among Thai patients | Limpawattana, P Choonhakarn, C Kongbunkiat, K |
2014 | ||||
47. | Continuous positive airway pressure therapy converted atrial fibrillation in a patient with obstructive sleep apnea | Senthong, V. Chindaprasirt, J. Chindaprasirt, P. Makarawate, P. Limpawattana, P. Timinkul, A. Domthong, A. Chumjan, S. Chotmongkol, V. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2014 | ||||
48. | Sarcopenia in Asia: Consensus report of the Asian working group for sarcopenia | Chen, LK Liu, LK Woo, J Assantachai, P Auyeung, TW Bahyah, KS Chou, MY Chen, LY Hsu, PS Krairit, O Lee, JS Lee, WJ Lee, Y Liang, CK Limpawattana, P Lin, CS Peng, LN Satake, S Suzuki, T Won, CW Wu, CH Wu, SN Zhang, T Zeng, P Akishita, M Arai, H |
2014 | ||||
49. | Self management and factors associated with the impact of insomnia among older adults with chronic medical illnesses at outpatient clinic | Limpawattana, P. Euawiriyanukool, W. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2014 | ||||
50. | SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE DUE TO VASCULAR CAUSES AND GNATHOSTOMIASIS: CLINICAL FEATURES AND LABORATORY FINDINGS | Waranon Munkong Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Keetapong Pongtipakorn Kannikar Kongbunkiat Panita Limpawattana Vichai Senthong Jarin Chindaprasirt Verajit Chotmongkol Jaturat Kanpittaya Pewpan M. Intapan Wanchai Maleewong Amnat Kitkhuandee |
2014 | ||||
51. | The Performance of Obesity Screening Tools Among Young Thai Adults | Limpawattana, P Kengkijkosol, T Assantachai, P Krairit, O Pimporm, J |
2014 | ||||
52. | Atypical presentations of older adults at the emergency department and associated factors | Limpawattana, P. Phungoen, P. Mitsungnern, T. Laosuangkoon, W. Tansangworn, N. |
2015 | ||||
53. | Blood Culture Bottle and Standard Culture Bottle Methods for Detection of Bacterial Pathogens in Parapneumonic Pleural Effusion | Chindaprasirt, J. Limpawattana, P. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2015 | ||||
54. | CPAP Therapy Improves Intractable Hemifacial Spasm. | Narongrit Kasemsap Sittichai Netwijitpan Panita Limpawattana Kannikar Kongbunkiat Somsak Tiamkao Verajit Chotmongkol Noppadol Aekphachaisawat Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2015 | ||||
55. | Help-seeking behaviour for urinary incontinence: Experience from a university community | Limpawattana, P. Kongbunkiat, K. Sawanyawisuth, K. Sribenjalux, W. |
2015 | ||||
56. | National Data of CPR Procedures Performed on Hospitalized Thai Older Population Patients | Panita Limpawattana Arunotai Siriussawakul Mann Chandavimol Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Jarin Chindaprasirt Vichai Senthong Kaewjai Thepsuthammarat |
2015 | ||||
57. | Perceived Burden of Thai Caregivers for Older Adults After Stroke | Panita Limpawattana Nipaporn Intarasattakul Jarin Chindaprasirt Somsak Tiamkao |
2015 | ||||
58. | Prevalence of Atypical Presentation of Older Adults with Infectious Diseases at the Emergency Department of Srinagarind Medical School Hospital and their Associated Factors | Natthida T ansangwornฃ Panita Limpawattana Thapanawong Mitsungnern Pariwat Phungoen |
2015 | ||||
59. | Risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage after treatment with recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator for acute ischemic stroke | Phuttharak, W. Sawanyawisuth, K. Sangpetngam, B. Tiamkao, S. Kongbunkiat, K. Chotmongkol, V. Limpawattana, P. Thongkrau, T. Keeratikasikorn, C. |
2015 | ||||
60. | Under-recognition of delirium in older adults by nurses in the intensive care unit setting | Panitchote, A Tangvoraphonkchai, K Suebsoh, N Eamma, W Chanthonglarng, B Tiamkao, S Limpawattana, P |
2015 | ||||
61. | Age is associated with latent tuberculosis in nurses | Chaiear, N. Bourpoern, J. Sawanyawisuth, K. Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Reechaipichitkul, W. |
2016 | ||||
62. | A secondary analysis of atypical presentations of older patients with infection in the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital in Thailand | Limpawattana, P. Mitsungnern, T. Phungoen, P. Tansangworn, N. Laosuangkoon, W. |
2016 | ||||
63. | Atypical presentations of older adults at the emergency department and associated factors. | Limpawattana, P. Phungoen, P. Mitsungnern, T. Laosuangkoon, W. Tansangworn, N. |
2016 | ||||
64. | A validation study of the intubation difficulty scale for obese patients | Siriussawakul, A Limpawattana, P |
2016 | ||||
2016 | ||||
66. | Clinical profiles and treatment outcomes of systemic corticosteroids for toxic epidermal necrolysis: A retrospective study. | Choonhakarn, C. Limpawattana, P. Chaowattanapanit, S. |
2016 | ||||
67. | Delirium in critical care: a study of incidence, prevalence, and associated factors in the tertiary care hospital of older Thai adults | Limpawattana, P Panitchote, A Tangvoraphonkchai, K Suebsoh, N Eamma, W Chanthonglarng, B Tiamkao, S |
2016 | ||||
68. | Hospital-based Population of Elderly Cancer Cases in Northeastern Thailand. | Wirasorn, K. Suwanrungruang, K. Sookprasert, A. Limpawattana, P. Sirithanaphol, W. |
2016 | ||||
69. | Prevalence of insomnia and related impact. | Manjavong, M Limpawattana, P Mairiang, P Anutrakulchai, S |
2016 | ||||
70. | Prevalence of insomnia and related impact: An analysis from a university community | Manchumad Manjavong Panita Limpawattana Pisaln Mairiang Sirirat Anutrakulchai |
2016 | ||||
71. | Simplified Berlin Questionnaire for Screening of High Risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Among Thai Male Healthcare Workers. | Limpawattana, P. Pinitsoontorn, S. Boonjaraspinyo, S. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2016 | ||||
72. | The predictors of skeletal muscle mass among young Thai adults: A study in the rural area of Thailand | Panita Limpawattana Prasert Assantachai Orapitchaya Krairit Thepkhachi Kengkijkosol Waratchamon Wittayakom Jiraporn Pimporm Ampornpan Theeranut |
2016 | ||||
73. | The Stop-Bang Questionnaire as a Screening Tool for Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Induced Hypertension in Asian Population. | Tanut Pavarangkul Thipphailin Jungtrakul Pichsinee Chaobangprom Luxanawadee Nitiwatthana Wisit Jongkumchok Weerachat Morrakotkhiew Sitthan Kachenchart Jarin Chindaprasirt Panita Limpawattana Sompong Srisaenpang Somdej Pinitsoontorn Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2016 | ||||
74. | Frailty syndrome in ambulatory patients with COPD | Limpawattana, P Putraveephong, S Inthasuwan, P Boonsawat, W Theerakulpisut, D Chindaprasirt, J |
2017 | ||||
75. | Sarcopenia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A study of prevalence and associated factors in the Southeast Asian population. | Limpawattana, P Inthasuwan, P Putraveephong, S Boonsawat, W Theerakulpisut, D Sawanyawisuth, K |
2017 | ||||
76. | The performance of neck circumference and other airway assessment tests for the prediction of difficult intubation in obese parturients undergoing cesarean delivery. | J. Eiamcharoenwit N. Itthisompaiboon P. Limpawattana A. Suwanpratheep A. Siriussawakul |
2017 | ||||
77. | The Performance of the Intubation Difficulty Scale among Obese Parturients Undergoing Cesarean Section | Eiamcharoenwit, J Itthisompaiboon, N Limpawattana, P Siriussawakul, A |
2017 | ||||
78. | Utility of body mass index and neck circumference to screen for metabolic syndrome in Thai people | Manchumad Manjavong Panita Limpawattana Sornwichate Rattanachaiwong Pisaln Mairiang Sirirat Reungjui |
2017 | ||||
79. | A comparison of the ability of morbidity scores to predict unsuccessful cardiopulmonary resuscitation in thailand | Limpawattana, P. Panitchote, A. Patjanasoontorn, B. Phunmanee, A. |
2018 | ||||
80. | An epidemiological study and seasonal variation in eosinophilic meningitis | Tiamkao, S. Limpawattana, P. Chotmongkol, V. Sawanyawisuth, K. Ngamjarus, C. |
2018 | ||||
81. | Clinical characteristics and mortality rate of Thai elderly-onset systemic sclerosis. | Foocharoen, C. Netwijitpan, S. Mahakkanukrauh, A. Suwannaroj, S. Limpawattana, P. Nanagara, R. |
2018 | ||||
82. | How nurses understand and perceive delirium in older adults? | Limpawattana, P. Chotmongkol, V. Manjavong , Sawanyawisuth, K. Pimporm, J. Suebsoh, N. Eamma, W. |
2018 | ||||
83. | Long-term outcomes and predictors of survival after cardiopulmonary resuscitation for in-hospital cardiac arrest in a tertiary care hospital in Thailand | Panita Limpawattana Wannaporn Aungsakul Chomchanok Suraditnan Anupol Panitchote Boonsong Patjanasoontorn Ankapong Phunmanee Nittaya Pittayawattanachai |
2018 | ||||
84. | Mild Cognitive Impairment in Clinical Practice: A Review Article. | Limpawattana, P. | 2018 | ||||
85. | Morning Headache but Not Obesity Is an Independent Risk Factor of Hypertension Caused by Obstructive Sleep Apnea | K. Sawanyawisuth P. Mahawarakorn S. Khamsai P. Limpawattana J. Chindaprasirt |
2018 | ||||
86. | Sarcopenia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A study of prevalence and associated factors in the Southeast Asian population | Limpawattana, P. Boonsawat, W. Theerakulpisut, D. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2018 | ||||
87. | The impact of skeletal muscle mass on survival outcome in biliary tract cancer patients | Limpawattana, P. Theerakulpisut, D. Wirasorn, K. Sookprasert, A. Khuntikeo, N. Chindaprasirt, J. |
2018 | ||||
88. | The performance of fat mass index and percent fat mass in predicting metabolic syndrome: A study based on the healthy aging Khon Kaen university campus project | Pisprasert, V. Rattanachaiwong, S. Hongsprabhas, P. Limpawattana, P. Mairiang, P. Anutrakulchai, |
2018 | ||||
89. | Understanding beliefs and knowledge gaps regarding delirium among trainee physicians in Thailand | Limpawattana, P. Chotmongkol, V. Manjavong , Sawanyawisuth, K. Khamsai, Pimporm, J. |
2018 | ||||
90. | A comparison of preferences of elderly patients for end-of-life period and their relatives' perceptions in Thailand | Srinonprasert, V Manjavong, M Limpawattana, P Chotmongkol, V Pairojkul, S Chindaprasirt, J Yongrattanakit, K Kaiyakit, S Juntararuangtong, T Kuichanuan, T |
2019 | ||||
91. | An ecological study of eosinophilic meningitis caused by the nematode, Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Chen, 1935) (Nematoda: Metastrongylidae) | Aekphachaisawat, N Sawanyawisuth, K Khamsai, S Chattakul, P Takahashi, K Chomtmongkol, V Tiamkao, S Limpawattana, P Senthong, V Chindaprasirt, J Theeranut, A Ngamjarus, C |
2019 | ||||
92. | A web-based surveillance model of eosinophilic meningitis: Future prediction and distribution patterns | Noppadol Aekphachaisawat Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Chalongchai Phitsanuwong Sittichai Khamsai Paiboon Chattakul Verajit Chomtmongkol Somsak Tiamkao Panita Limpawattana Vichai Senthong Jarin Chindaprasirt Chetta Ngamjarus |
2019 | ||||
93. | Comparison of Thai older patients’ wishes and nurses’ perceptions regarding end-of-life care | Manchumad Manjavong Varalak Srinonprasert Panita Limpawattana Jarin Chindaprasirt Srivieng Pairojkul Thunchanok Kuichanuan Sawadee Kaiyakit Thitikorn Juntararuangtong Kongpob Yongrattanakit Jiraporn Pimporm Jinda Thongkoo |
2019 | ||||
94. | Comparison of the Perspective of a Good Death in Older Adults and Physicians in Training at University Hospitals | Panita Limpawattana Varalak Srinonprasert Manchumad Manjavong Kongpob Yongrattanakit Sawadee Kaiyakit |
2019 | ||||
95. | Comparison of the Perspective of a “Good Death” in Older Adults and Physicians in Training at University Hospitals | Limpawattana, P. Srinonprasert, V. Manjavong , |
2019 | ||||
96. | Evaluation of the diagnostic performance of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) in differentiating between benign and metastatic lymph nodes in cases of cholangiocarcinoma | Promsorn, J Soontrapa, W Somsap, K Chamadol, N Limpawattana, P Harisinghani, M |
2019 | ||||
97. | Frailty Syndrome in Biliary Tract Cancer Patients: Prevalence and Associated Factors | Limpawattana, P. Wirasorn, K. Sookprasert, A. Sawanyawisuth, K. Titapun, A. Khuntikeo, N. Chindaprasirt, J. |
2019 | ||||
98. | Ginkgo biloba Extract (EGb761), Cholinesterase Inhibitors, and Memantine for the Treatment of Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease: A Network Meta-Analysis | Onnita Thancharoen Chulaporn Limwattananon Onanong Waleekhachonloet Thananan Rattanachotphanit Phumtham Limwattananon Panita Limpawattana |
2019 | ||||
99. | Perception of a "good death" in Thai patients with cancer and their relatives. | Jarin Chindaprasirt Nattapat Wongtirawit Panita Limpawattana Varalak Srinonprasert Manchumad Manjavong Verajit Chotmongkol Srivieng Pairojkul Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2019 | ||||
100. | Perception of a “good death” in Thai patients with cancer and their relatives | Chindaprasirt, J. Limpawattana, P. Srinonprasert, V. Manjavong , Chotmongkol, V. Pairojkul, S. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2019 | ||||
101. | Perspectives regarding what constitutes a "good death" among Thai nurses: A cross-sectional study. | Varalak Srinonprasert Panita Limpawattana Manchumad Manjavong Thunchanok Kuichanuan Thitikorn Juntararuangtong Kongpob Yongrattanakit |
2019 | ||||
102. | Perspectives regarding what constitutes a “good death” among Thai nurses: A cross-sectional study | Srinonprasert, V. Limpawattana, P. Manjavong , |
2019 | ||||
103. | Predictors for obesity hypoventilation syndrome in Thai population | Khamsai, Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Chotmongkol, V. Silaruks, S. Senthong, V. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2019 | ||||
104. | Thai medical students' attitudes regarding what constitutes a "good death": A multi-center study | Panita Limpawattana Varalak Srinonprasert Manchumad Manjavong Srivieng Pairojkul Jarin Chindaprasirt Sawadee Kaiyakit Thitikorn Juntararuangtong Kongpob Yongrattanakit Thunchanok Kuichanuan |
2019 | ||||
105. | A comparison study of ideal medical professionalism in internal medicine between the first and last year residents | Khamsai, Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Chotmongkol, V. Kongbunkiat, K. |
2020 | ||||
106. | Additional risk factors associated with symptomatic hydrochlorothiazide-induced hyponatremia in hypertensive patients | Khamsai, S. Limpawattana, P. Chotmongkol, V. Silaruks, S. Senthong, V. Timinkul, A. Phitsanuwong, C. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2020 | ||||
107. | Clinical characteristics and complications of obstructive sleep apnea in srinagarind hospital | Sawanyawisuth, K. Silaruks, S. Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Chotmongkol, V. Senthong, V. Kongbunkiat, K. Timinkul, A. Phitsanuwong, C. Khamsai, |
2020 | ||||
108. | How common is obstructive sleep apnea in young hypertensive patients? | Jittirat Jinchai Sittichai Khamsai Paiboon Chattakul Panita Limpawattana Jarin Chindaprasirt Verajit Chotmongkol Songkwan Silaruks Vichai Senthong Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2020 | ||||
109. | Predictors of chronic kidney disease in obstructive sleep apnea patients. | Somkearti, P Chattakul, P Khamsai, S Limpawattana, P Chindaprasirt, J Chotmongkol, V Sawanyawisuth, K |
2020 | ||||
110. | Prevalence of Geriatric Syndromes in Elderly Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy | Limpawattana, P Phimson, K Sookprasert, A Sirithanaphol, W Chindaprasirt, J |
2020 | ||||
111. | Roles of self-sampling for human papillomavirus in developing countries | Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Chotmongkol, V. Kongbunkiat, K. Sittichanbuncha, Y. Khamsai, |
2020 | ||||
112. | การประยุกต์ใช้รูปแบบการดูแลแนะนำในการสนับสนุนการจัดการ ด้วยตนเอง สำหรับผู้สูงอายุที่มีโรคเรื้อรังหลายโรค ในชุมชนแห่งหนึ่ง จังหวัดขอนแก่น Application of the Guided Care Model to Support Self Management of older Persons with Multimorbidity in a Community of | ภัชราภรณ์ ไชยรัตน์ ภัชราภรณ์ ไชยรัตน์ ประสบสุข ศรีแสนปาง ปณิตา ลิมปะวัฒนะ |
2558 | Count | 90 | 68 | 67 | 3 |
Title | Authors | Year | Publication name | Cited count | ||||||||
< 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | รวม | ||||||
1. | A 1-week course of corticosteroids in the treatment of eosinophilic meningitis [2] | Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Busaracome, P. Ninpaitoon, B. Chotmongkol, V. Intapan, P.M.A. |
2004 |
American Journal of Medicine 10 (117), pp. 802-803 |
2. | Aspirin therapy as primary prevention in hypertensive patients at Srinagarind Hospital | Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Bumrerraj, S. Thongmee, A. Kosakarn, J. Choenrungroj, T. Pradit, P. Naranunn, P. Punyamee, S. Premgamone, A. |
2005 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 12 (88), pp. 1797-1801 |
3. | Etiologies and treatment outcomes for out-patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) at Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen, Thailand | Reechaipichitkul, W. Lulitanond, V. Sawanyawisuth, K. Lulitanond, A. Limpawattana, P. |
2005 |
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 5 (36), pp. 1261-1267 |
4. | Tuberculous radiculomyelitis (arachnoiditis) associated with tuberculous meningitis | Chotmongkol, V. Kitkuandee, A. Limpawattana, P. |
2005 |
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 3 (36), pp. 722-724 |
5. | Wernicke's encephalopathy: Report of a case | Chotmongkol, V. Limpawattana, P. |
2005 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 6 (88), pp. 855-858 |
6. | Clinical manifestations of primary hyperthyroidism in the elderly patients at the out-patient clinic of Srinagarind Hospital | Limpawattana, P. Sawanyawisuth, K. Mahakkanukrauha, A. Wongvipaporn, C. |
2006 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 2 (89), pp. 178-181 |
7. | Clinical outcomes of patients with cardiogenic cerebral emboli in Srinagarind Hospital | Chotmongkol, V. Limpawattana, P. Chimsuk, U. |
2006 |
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 6 (37), pp. 1209-1212 |
8. | Communicating hydrocephalus as a complication of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis | Sawanyawisuth, K. Thammaroj, J. Limpawattana, P. Intapan, P.M.A. Tiamkao, S. Jitpimolmard, S. |
2006 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 7 (89), pp. 1024-1028 |
9. | Superior divisional oculomotor nerve palsy caused by midbrain neurocysticercosis | Chotmongkol, V. Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Phuphatham, A. Chotmongkol, R. Intapan, P.M.A. |
2006 |
Parasitology International 3 (55), pp. 223-225 |
10. | The rate of checking urine microalbumin and aspirin primary prevention in type 2 DM | Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Mahankkanukrauh, A. Wongvipaporn, C. |
2006 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 5 (89), pp. 626-631 |
11. | Treatment of eosinophilic meningitis with a combination of prednisolone and mebendazole | Chotmongkol, V. Sawadpanitch, K. Sawanyawisuth, K. Louhawilai, S. Limpawattana, P. |
2006 |
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 6 (74), pp. 1122-1124 |
12. | Intraocular angiostrongyliasis: clinical findings, treatments and outcomes | Sawanyawisuth, K. Kitthaweesin, K. Limpawattana, P. Intapan, P.M.A. Tiamkao, S. Jitpimolmard, S. Chotmongkol, V. |
2007 |
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 5 (101), pp. 497-501 |
13. | The best criteria to diagnose metabolic syndrome in hypertensive Thai patients | Limpawattana, P. Sawanyawisuth, K. Busaracome, P. Foocharoen, C. Phitsanuwong, C. Chumjan, S. Chotmongkol, R. Chaisuksant, S. |
2008 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 4 (91), pp. 485-490 |
14. | Can workplaces be predictors for recent onset latent tuberculosis in health care workers? | Sawanyawisuth, K. Chaiear, N. Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Bourpoern, J. Reechaipichitkul, W. Takahashi, K. |
2009 |
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 1 (4), pp. |
15. | Clinical factors predictive of encephalitis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis | Sawanyawisuth, K. Takahashi, K. Sawanyawisuth, K. Senthong, V. Limpawattana, P. Intapan, P.M.A. Tiamkao, S. Jitpimolmard, S. Chotmongkol, V. |
2009 |
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 4 (81), pp. 698-701 |
16. | Abdominal angiostrongyliasis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis: A possible cause of eosinophilic infiltration in human digestive tract | Sawanyawisuth, K. Pugkhem, A. Mitchai, J. Intapan, P.M.A. Anunnatsiri, S. Limpawattana, P. Chotmongkol, V. |
2010 |
Pathology Research and Practice 2 (206), pp. 102-104 |
17. | Peripheral eosinophilia as an indicator of meningitic angiostrongyliasis in exposed individuals | Sawanyawisuth, K. Sawanyawisuth, K. Senthong, V. Limpawattana, P. Intapan, P.M.A. Tiamkao, S. Jitpimolmard, S. Chotmongkol, V. |
2010 |
Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 7 (105), pp. 942-944 |
18. | Prevalence and recognition of geriatric syndromes in an outpatient clinic at a tertiary care hospital of Thailand | Limpawattana, P. Sawanyawisuth, K. Soonpornrai, S. Huangthaisong, W. |
2011 |
Asian Biomedicine 4 (5), pp. 493-497 |
19. | Brain metastases from cholangiocarcinoma: A first case series in thailand | Chindaprasirt, J. Chindaprasirt, P. Sookprasert, A. Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Tiamkao, S. |
2012 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 5 (13), pp. 1995-1997 |
20. | Can job titles be predictors for recent onset latent tuberculosis in health care workers? | Sawanyawisuth, K. Chaiear, N. Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Bourpoern, J. Reechaipichitkul, W. |
2012 |
Asian Biomedicine 4 (6), pp. 535-539 |
21. | Can Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) replace Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for dementia screening in a Thai geriatric outpatient setting? | Limpawattana, P. Tiamkao, S. Sawanyawisuth, K. Thinkhamrop, B. |
2012 |
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias 4 (27), pp. 254-259 |
22. | Cost of colorectal cancer care in hospitalized patients of Thailand. | Chindaprasirt, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Sookprasert, A. Wirasorn, K. Limpawattana, P. Sutra, S. Thavornpitak, Y. |
2012 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet (95 Suppl 7), pp. S196-200 |
23. | Delirium in hospitalized elderly patients of Thailand; is the figure underrecognized? | Limpawattana, P. Sutra, S. Thavornpitak, Y. Sawanyawisuth, K. Chindaprasirt, P. Chindaprasirt, J. |
2012 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet (95 Suppl 7), pp. S224-228 |
24. | Geriatric hospitalizations due to fall-related injuries. | Limpawattana, P. Sutra, S. Chindaprasirt, J. Chindaprasirt, P. |
2012 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet (95 Suppl 7), pp. S235-239 |
25. | Health situation analysis of hospitalized Thai older persons in the year 2010. | Limpawattana, P. Sutra, S. Thavornpitak, Y. Wirasorn, K. Chindaprasirt, P. Chindaprasirt, J. |
2012 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet (95 Suppl 7), pp. S81-86 |
26. | How can clinicians ensure the diagnosis of meningitic angiostrongyliasis? | Sawanyawisuth, K. Sawanyawisuth, K. Senthong, V. Limpawattana, P. Phichaphop, A. Intapan, P.M.A. Maleewong, W. Tiamkao, S. Jitpimolmard, S. Chotmongkol, V. |
2012 |
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 1 (12), pp. 73-75 |
27. | Patterns of chemotherapy usage in hospitalized breast cancer patients. | Sookprasert, A. Chindaprasirt, J. Chindaprasirt, P. Wirasorn, K. Limpawattana, P. Thavornpitak, Y. |
2012 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet (95 Suppl 7), pp. S206-210 |
28. | The performance of the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) for cognitive screening in a geriatric outpatient setting | Limpawattana, P. Tiamkao, S. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2012 |
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 5 (24), pp. 495-500 |
29. | Caregiver burden of older adults: A Southeast Asian aspect | Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Chindaprasirt, P. |
2013 |
Caregivers: Challenges, Practices and Cultural Influences (), pp. 195-206 |
30. | Caregivers burden of older adults with chronic illnesses in the community: A cross-sectional study | Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Chindaprasirt, P. Sawanyawisuth, K. Pimporm, J. |
2013 |
Journal of Community Health 1 (38), pp. 40-45 |
31. | Clinical manifestations of eosinophilic meningitis due to infection with angiostrongylus cantonensis in children | Sawanyawisuth, K. Chindaprasirt, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Senthong, V. Limpawattana, P. Auvichayapat, N. Tassniyom, S. Chotmongkol, V. Maleewong, W. Intapan, P.M.A. |
2013 |
Korean Journal of Parasitology 6 (51), pp. 735-738 |
32. | Lower BMI is a predictor of obstructive sleep apnea in elderly Thai hypertensive patients | Sawanyawisuth, K. Chindaprasirt, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Senthong, V. Makarawate, P. Limpawattana, P. Domthong, A. Silaruks, S. Chumjan, S. |
2013 |
Sleep and Breathing 4 (17), pp. 1215-1219 |
33. | Mortality, length of stay, and cost associated with hospitalized adult cancer patients with febrile neutropenia | Chindaprasirt, J. Chindaprasirt, P. Wanitpongpun, C. Limpawattana, P. Thepsuthammarat, K. Sripakdee, W. Sookprasert, A. Wirasorn, K. |
2013 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2 (14), pp. 1115-1119 |
34. | Prevalence of sarcopenia and associated factors among Thai population | Pongchaiyakul, C. Limpawattana, P. Kotruchin, P. Rajatanavin, R. |
2013 |
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 3 (31), pp. 346-350 |
35. | Burdens among caregivers of older adults with advanced cancer and risk factors | Chindaprasirt, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Limpawattana, P. Pakkaratho, P. Wirasorn, K. Sookprasert, A. Kongbunkiat, K. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2014 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 4 (15), pp. 1643-1648 |
36. | Clinical profiles of Stevens-Johnson syndrome among Thai patients | Limpawattana, P. Choonhakarn, C. Kongbunkiat, K. |
2014 |
Journal of Dermatology 7 (41), pp. 634-637 |
37. | Continuous positive airway pressure therapy converted atrial fibrillation in a patient with obstructive sleep apnea | Senthong, V. Chindaprasirt, J. Chindaprasirt, P. Makarawate, P. Limpawattana, P. Timinkul, A. Domthong, A. Chumjan, S. Chotmongkol, V. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2014 |
Journal of Arrhythmia 6 (30), pp. 502-505 |
38. | Sarcopenia in Asia: Consensus report of the Asian working group for sarcopenia | Woo., J. Limpawattana, P. Lin, C. Peng, L. Won, C. Wu, C. |
2014 |
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2 (15), pp. 95-101 |
39. | Self management and factors associated with the impact of insomnia among older adults with chronic medical illnesses at outpatient clinic | Limpawattana, P. Euawiriyanukool, W. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2014 |
European Geriatric Medicine 2 (5), pp. 103-107 |
40. | The Performance of Obesity Screening Tools Among Young Thai Adults | Limpawattana, P. Pimporm, J. |
2014 |
Journal of Community Health 6 (39), pp. 1216-1221 |
41. | Atypical presentations of older adults at the emergency department and associated factors | Limpawattana, P. Phungoen, P. Mitsungnern, T. Laosuangkoon, W. Tansangworn, N. |
2015 |
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (), pp. |
42. | Blood culture bottle and standard culture bottle methods for detection of bacterial pathogens in parapneumonic pleural effusion | Chindaprasirt, J. Limpawattana, P. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2015 |
Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology 10 (8), pp. |
43. | Help-seeking behaviour for urinary incontinence: Experience from a university community | Limpawattana, P. Kongbunkiat, K. Sawanyawisuth, K. Sribenjalux, W. |
2015 |
International Journal of Urological Nursing 3 (9), pp. 143-148 |
44. | National Data of CPR Procedures Performed on Hospitalized Thai Older Population Patients | Limpawattana, P. Sawanyawisuth, K. Chindaprasirt, J. Senthong, V. Thepsuthammarat, K. |
2015 |
International Journal of Gerontology 2 (9), pp. 67-70 |
45. | Perceived Burden of Thai Caregivers for Older Adults After Stroke | Limpawattana, P. Intarasattakul, N. Chindaprasirt, J. Tiamkao, S. |
2015 |
Clinical Gerontologist 1 (38), pp. 19-31 |
46. | Risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage after treatment with recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator for acute ischemic stroke | Phuttharak, W. Sawanyawisuth, K. Sangpetngam, B. Tiamkao, S. Kongbunkiat, K. Chotmongkol, V. Limpawattana, P. Thongkrau, T. Keeratikasikorn, C. |
2015 |
Asian Biomedicine 3 (9), pp. 397-400 |
47. | Under-recognition of delirium in older adults by nurses in the intensive care unit setting | Panitchote, A. Tangvoraphonkchai, K. Suebsoh, N. Eamma, W. Chanthonglarng, B. Tiamkao, S. Limpawattana, P. |
2015 |
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 5 (27), pp. 735-740 |
48. | Age is associated with latent tuberculosis in nurses | Chaiear, N. Bourpoern, J. Sawanyawisuth, K. Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Reechaipichitkul, W. |
2016 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 12 (6), pp. 940-942 |
49. | A secondary analysis of atypical presentations of older patients with infection in the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital in Thailand | Limpawattana, P. Mitsungnern, T. Phungoen, P. Tansangworn, N. Laosuangkoon, W. |
2016 |
Asian Biomedicine 2 (10), pp. 181-187 |
50. | Atypical presentations of older adults at the emergency department and associated factors | Limpawattana, P. Phungoen, P. Mitsungnern, T. Laosuangkoon, W. Tansangworn, N. |
2016 |
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (62), pp. 97-102 |
51. | A validation study of the intubation difficulty scale for obese patients | Limpawattana, P. | 2016 |
Journal of Clinical Anesthesia (33), pp. 86-91 |
Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 1 (22), pp. 8-15 |
53. | Clinical profiles and treatment outcomes of systemic corticosteroids for toxic epidermal necrolysis: A retrospective study | Choonhakarn, C. Limpawattana, P. Chaowattanapanit, S. |
2016 |
Journal of Dermatology 2 (43), pp. 156-161 |
54. | Delirium in critical care: A study of incidence, prevalence, and associated factors in the tertiary care hospital of older Thai adults | Limpawattana, P. Panitchote, A. Tangvoraphonkchai, K. Suebsoh, N. Eamma, W. Chanthonglarng, B. Tiamkao, S. |
2016 |
Aging and Mental Health 1 (20), pp. 74-80 |
55. | Hospital-based population of elderly cancer cases in Northeastern Thailand | Wirasorn, K. Suwanrungruang, K. Sookprasert, A. Limpawattana, P. Sirithanaphol, W. |
2016 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2 (17), pp. 767-770 |
56. | Simplified Berlin questionnaire for screening of high risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea among Thai male healthcare workers | Limpawattana, P. Pinitsoontorn, S. Boonjaraspinyo, S. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2016 |
Journal of UOEH 3 (38), pp. 199-206 |
57. | The predictors of skeletal muscle mass among young Thai adults: A study in the rural area of Thailand | Limpawattana, P. Pimporm, J. |
2016 |
Biomedical Research (India) 1 (27), pp. 29-33 |
58. | The STOP-BANG questionnaire as a screening tool for obstructive sleep apneainduced hypertension in Asian population | Limpawattana, P. Srisaenpang, S. Pinitsoontorn, S. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2016 |
Neurology International 1 (8), pp. 9-11 |
59. | Frailty syndrome in ambulatory patients with COPD | Limpawattana, P. Boonsawat, W. |
2017 |
International Journal of COPD (12), pp. 1193-1198 |
60. | The performance of neck circumference and other airway assessment tests for the prediction of difficult intubation in obese parturients undergoing cesarean delivery | Limpawattana, P. | 2017 |
International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia (31), pp. 45-50 |
61. | The Performance of the Intubation Difficulty Scale among Obese Parturients Undergoing Cesarean Section | Limpawattana, P. | 2017 |
BioMed Research International (2017), pp. |
62. | Utility of body mass index and neck circumference to screen for metabolic syndrome in Thai people | Limpawattana, P. Mairiang, P. Reungjui, S. |
2017 |
Asian Biomedicine 1 (11), pp. 55-63 |
63. | A comparison of the ability of morbidity scores to predict unsuccessful cardiopulmonary resuscitation in thailand | Limpawattana, P. Panitchote, A. Patjanasoontorn, B. Phunmanee, A. |
2018 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 9 (101), pp. 1231-6 |
64. | An epidemiological study and seasonal variation in eosinophilic meningitis | Tiamkao, S. Limpawattana, P. Chotmongkol, V. Sawanyawisuth, K. Ngamjarus, C. |
2018 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 7 (101), pp. S131-S135 |
65. | Clinical characteristics and mortality rate of Thai elderly-onset systemic sclerosis | Foocharoen, C. Netwijitpan, S. Mahakkanukrauh, A. Suwannaroj, S. Limpawattana, P. Nanagara, R. |
2018 |
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology (36), pp. S76-S81 |
66. | How nurses understand and perceive delirium in older adults? | Limpawattana, P. Chotmongkol, V. Manjavong , Sawanyawisuth, K. Pimporm, J. Suebsoh, N. Eamma, W. |
2018 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 7 (101), pp. S1-S7 |
67. | Long-term outcomes and predictors of survival after cardiopulmonary resuscitation for in-hospital cardiac arrest in a tertiary care hospital in Thailand | Limpawattana, P. Panitchote, A. Patjanasoontorn, B. Phunmanee, A. |
2018 |
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management (14), pp. 583-589 |
68. | Mild Cognitive Impairment in Clinical Practice: A Review Article | Limpawattana, P. | 2018 |
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias 8 (33), pp. 500-507 |
69. | Sarcopenia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A study of prevalence and associated factors in the Southeast Asian population | Limpawattana, P. Boonsawat, W. Theerakulpisut, D. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2018 |
Chronic Respiratory Disease 3 (15), pp. 250-257 |
70. | The impact of skeletal muscle mass on survival outcome in biliary tract cancer patients | Limpawattana, P. Theerakulpisut, D. Wirasorn, K. Sookprasert, A. Khuntikeo, N. Chindaprasirt, J. |
2018 |
PLoS ONE 10 (13), pp. |
71. | The performance of fat mass index and percent fat mass in predicting metabolic syndrome: A study based on the healthy aging Khon Kaen university campus project | Pisprasert, V. Rattanachaiwong, S. Hongsprabhas, P. Limpawattana, P. Mairiang, P. Anutrakulchai, |
2018 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 7 (101), pp. S15-S22 |
72. | Understanding beliefs and knowledge gaps regarding delirium among trainee physicians in Thailand | Limpawattana, P. Chotmongkol, V. Manjavong , Sawanyawisuth, K. Khamsai, Pimporm, J. |
2018 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 7 (101), pp. S9-S14 |
73. | A comparison of preferences of elderly patients for end-of-life period and their relatives' perceptions in Thailand | Srinonprasert, V. Manjavong , Limpawattana, P. Chotmongkol, V. Pairojkul, S. Chindaprasirt, J. |
2019 |
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (84), pp. |
74. | An ecological study of eosinophilic meningitis caused by the nematode, Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Chen, 1935) (Nematoda: Metastrongylidae) | Sawanyawisuth, K. Khamsai, Chotmongkol, V. Tiamkao, S. Limpawattana, P. Senthong, V. Chindaprasirt, J. Ngamjarus, C. |
2019 |
Parasitology International (72), pp. |
75. | A web-based surveillance model of eosinophilic meningitis: Future prediction and distribution patterns | Sawanyawisuth, K. Phitsanuwong, C. Khamsai, Tiamkao, S. Limpawattana, P. Senthong, V. Chindaprasirt, J. Ngamjarus, C. |
2019 |
Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health 3 (16), pp. |
76. | Comparison of Thai older patients’ wishes and nurses’ perceptions regarding end-of-life care | Manjavong , Srinonprasert, V. Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Pairojkul, S. Pimporm, J. |
2019 |
Nursing Ethics 7-8 (26), pp. 2006-2015 |
77. | Comparison of the Perspective of a “Good Death” in Older Adults and Physicians in Training at University Hospitals | Limpawattana, P. Srinonprasert, V. Manjavong , |
2019 |
Journal of Applied Gerontology (), pp. |
78. | Evaluation of the diagnostic performance of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) in differentiating between benign and metastatic lymph nodes in cases of cholangiocarcinoma | Promsorn, J. Somsap, K. Chamadol, N. Limpawattana, P. |
2019 |
Abdominal Radiology 2 (44), pp. 473-481 |
79. | Frailty syndrome in biliary tract cancer patients: Prevalence and associated factors | Limpawattana, P. Wirasorn, K. Sookprasert, A. Sawanyawisuth, K. Titapun, A. Khuntikeo, N. Chindaprasirt, J. |
2019 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 5 (20), pp. 1497-1501 |
80. | Ginkgo biloba Extract (EGb761), Cholinesterase Inhibitors, and Memantine for the Treatment of Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease: A Network Meta-Analysis | Limwattananon, C. Waleekhachonloet, O.a. Rattanachotphanit, T. Limpawattana, P. |
2019 |
Drugs and Aging (), pp. |
81. | Perception of a “good death” in Thai patients with cancer and their relatives | Chindaprasirt, J. Limpawattana, P. Srinonprasert, V. Manjavong , Chotmongkol, V. Pairojkul, S. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2019 |
Heliyon 7 (5), pp. |
82. | Perspectives regarding what constitutes a “good death” among Thai nurses: A cross-sectional study | Srinonprasert, V. Limpawattana, P. Manjavong , |
2019 |
Nursing and Health Sciences 4 (21), pp. 416-421 |
83. | Predictors for obesity hypoventilation syndrome in Thai population | Khamsai, Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Chotmongkol, V. Silaruks, S. Senthong, V. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2019 |
Sleep Medicine Research 1 (10), pp. 13-16 |
84. | Thai medical students' attitudes regarding what constitutes a "good death": A multi-center study | Limpawattana, P. Srinonprasert, V. Manjavong , Pairojkul, S. Chindaprasirt, J. |
2019 |
BMC Medical Education 1 (19), pp. |
85. | A comparison study of ideal medical professionalism in internal medicine between the first and last year residents | Khamsai, Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Chotmongkol, V. Kongbunkiat, K. |
2020 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 1 (103), pp. 61-63 |
86. | Additional risk factors associated with symptomatic hydrochlorothiazide-induced hyponatremia in hypertensive patients | Khamsai, S. Limpawattana, P. Chotmongkol, V. Silaruks, S. Senthong, V. Timinkul, A. Phitsanuwong, C. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2020 |
Arterial Hypertension (Poland) 1 (24), pp. 16-21 |
87. | Clinical characteristics and complications of obstructive sleep apnea in srinagarind hospital | Sawanyawisuth, K. Silaruks, S. Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Chotmongkol, V. Senthong, V. Kongbunkiat, K. Timinkul, A. Phitsanuwong, C. Khamsai, |
2020 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 1 (103), pp. 36-39 |
88. | How common is obstructive sleep apnea in young hypertensive patients? | Khamsai, Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Chotmongkol, V. Silaruks, S. Senthong, V. Sawanyawisuth, K. |
2020 |
Internal and Emergency Medicine (), pp. |
89. | Prevalence of Geriatric Syndromes in Elderly Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy | Limpawattana, P. Sookprasert, A. Sirithanaphol, W. |
2020 |
Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research (2020), pp. |
90. | Roles of self-sampling for human papillomavirus in developing countries | Sawanyawisuth, K. Limpawattana, P. Chindaprasirt, J. Chotmongkol, V. Kongbunkiat, K. Sittichanbuncha, Y. Khamsai, |
2020 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 1 (103), pp. 68-72 |
Title | Authors | Year | Journal title | ||
1. | A 1-week course of corticosteroids in the treatment of eosinophilic meningitis. | Sawanyawisuth, K Limpawattana, P Busaracome, P Ninpaitoon, B Chotmongkol, V Intapan, PM Tanawirattananit, S |
2004 |
The American journal of medicine 10 (117), pp. 802-3 |
2. | Wernicke's encephalopathy: report of a case. | Chotmongkol, V Limpawattana, P |
2005 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 6 (88), pp. 855-8 |
3. | Tuberculous radiculomyelitis (arachnoiditis) associated with tuberculous meningitis. | Chotmongkol, V Kitkuandee, A Limpawattana, P |
2005 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 3 (36), pp. 722-4 |
4. | Etiologies and treatment outcomes for out-patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) at Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen, Thailand. | Reechaipichitkul, W Lulitanond, V Sawanyawisuth, K Lulitanond, A Limpawattana, P |
2005 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 5 (36), pp. 1261-7 |
5. | Aspirin therapy as primary prevention in hypertensive patients at Srinagarind hospital. | Sawanyawisuth, K Limpawattana, P Bumrerraj, S Thongmee, A Kosakarn, J Choenrungroj, T Pradit, P Naranunn, P Punyamee, S Premgamone, A |
2005 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 12 (88), pp. 1797-801 |
6. | The rate of checking urine microalbumin and aspirin primary prevention in type 2 DM. | Sawanyawisuth, K Limpawattana, P Mahankkanukrauh, A Wongvipaporn, C |
2006 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 5 (89), pp. 626-31 |
7. | Clinical outcomes of patients with cardiogenic cerebral emboli in Srinagarind Hospital. | Chotmongkol, V Limpawattana, P Chimsuk, U |
2006 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 6 (37), pp. 1209-12 |
8. | Communicating hydrocephalus as a complication of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis. | Sawanyawisuth, K Thammaroj, J Limpawattana, P Intapan, PM Tiamkao, S Jitpimolmard, S |
2006 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 7 (89), pp. 1024-8 |
9. | Treatment of eosinophilic meningitis with a combination of prednisolone and mebendazole. | Chotmongkol, V Sawadpanitch, K Sawanyawisuth, K Louhawilai, S Limpawattana, P |
2006 |
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 6 (74), pp. 1122-4 |
10. | Clinical manifestations of primary hyperthyroidism in the elderly patients at the out-patient clinic of Srinagarind Hospital. | Limpawattana, P Sawanyawisut, K Mahankanukrau, A Wongwipaporn, C |
2006 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 2 (89), pp. 178-81 |
11. | Superior divisional oculomotor nerve palsy caused by midbrain neurocysticercosis. | Chotmongkol, V Sawanyawisuth, K Limpawattana, P Phuphatham, A Chotmongkol, R Intapan, PM |
2006 |
Parasitology international 3 (55), pp. 223-5 |
12. | Intraocular angiostrongyliasis: clinical findings, treatments and outcomes. | Sawanyawisuth, K Kitthaweesin, K Limpawattana, P Intapan, PM Tiamkao, S Jitpimolmard, S Chotmongkol, V |
2007 |
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 5 (101), pp. 497-501 |
13. | The best criteria to diagnose metabolic syndrome in hypertensive Thai patients. | Limpawattana, P Sawanyawisuth, K Busaracome, P Foocharoen, C Phitsanuwong, C Chumjan, S Chotmongkol, R Chaisuksant, S |
2008 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 4 (91), pp. 485-90 |
14. | Clinical factors predictive of encephalitis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis. | Sawanyawisuth, K Takahashi, K Hoshuyama, T Sawanyawisuth, K Senthong, V Limpawattana, P Intapan, PM Wilson, D Tiamkao, S Jitpimolmard, S Chotmongkol, V |
2009 |
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 4 (81), pp. 698-701 |
15. | Can workplaces be predictors for recent onset latent tuberculosis in health care workers? | Sawanyawisuth, K Chaiear, N Sawanyawisuth, K Limpawattana, P Bourpoern, J Reechaipichitkul, W Takahashi, K |
2009 |
Journal of occupational medicine and toxicology (London, England) (4), pp. 20 |
16. | Peripheral eosinophilia as an indicator of meningitic angiostrongyliasis in exposed individuals. | Sawanyawisuth, K Sawanyawisuth, K Senthong, V Limpawattana, P Intapan, PM Tiamkao, S Jitpimolmard, S Chotmongkol, V Barrett-Connor, E |
2010 |
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 7 (105), pp. 942-4 |
17. | Abdominal angiostrongyliasis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis: a possible cause of eosinophilic infiltration in human digestive tract. | Sawanyawisuth, K Pugkhem, A Mitchai, J Intapan, PM Anunnatsiri, S Limpawattana, P Chotmongkol, V |
2010 |
Pathology, research and practice 2 (206), pp. 102-4 |
18. | Cost of colorectal cancer care in hospitalized patients of Thailand. | Chindaprasirt, J Sookprasert, A Wirasorn, K Limpawattana, P Sutra, S Thavornpitak, Y |
2012 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet (95), pp. S196-200 |
19. | The performance of the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) for cognitive screening in a geriatric outpatient setting. | Limpawattana, P Tiamkao, S Sawanyawisuth, K |
2012 |
Aging clinical and experimental research 5 (24), pp. 495-500 |
20. | Delirium in hospitalized elderly patients of Thailand; is the figure underrecognized? | Limpawattana, P Sutra, S Thavornpitak, Y Sawanyawisuth, K Chindaprasirt, J Mairieng, P |
2012 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet (95), pp. S224-8 |
21. | Geriatric hospitalizations due to fall-related injuries. | Limpawattana, P Sutra, S Thavompitak, Y Chindaprasirt, J Mairieng, P |
2012 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet (95), pp. S235-9 |
22. | How can clinicians ensure the diagnosis of meningitic angiostrongyliasis? | Sawanyawisuth, K Sawanyawisuth, K Senthong, V Limpawattana, P Phichaphop, A Intapan, PM Maleewong, W Tiamkao, S Jitpimolmard, S Chotmongkol, V |
2012 |
Vector borne and zoonotic diseases (Larchmont, N.Y.) 1 (12), pp. 73-5 |
23. | Can Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) replace Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE) for dementia screening in a Thai geriatric outpatient setting? | Limpawattana, P Tiamkao, S Sawanyawisuth, K Thinkhamrop, B |
2012 |
American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias 4 (27), pp. 254-9 |
24. | Brain metastases from cholangiocarcinoma: a first case series in Thailand. | Chindaprasirt, J Sookprasert, A Sawanyawisuth, K Limpawattana, P Tiamkao, S |
2012 |
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP 5 (13), pp. 1995-7 |
25. | Health situation analysis of hospitalized Thai older persons in the year 2010. | Limpawattana, P Sutra, S Thavornpitak, Y Wirasorn, K Chindaprasirt, J Mairieng, P |
2012 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet (95), pp. S81-6 |
26. | Patterns of chemotherapy usage in hospitalized breast cancer patients. | Sookprasert, A Chindaprasirt, J Wirasorn, K Limpawattana, P Thavornpitak, Y |
2012 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet (95), pp. S206-10 |
27. | Age Predicts Functional Outcome in Acute Stroke Patients with rt-PA Treatment. | Chindaprasirt, J Sawanyawisuth, K Chattakul, P Limpawattana, P Tiamkao, S Aountri, P Chotmongkol, V |
2013 |
ISRN neurology (2013), pp. 710681 |
28. | Clinical manifestations of Eosinophilic meningitis due to infection with Angiostrongylus cantonensis in children. | Sawanyawisuth, K Chindaprasirt, J Senthong, V Limpawattana, P Auvichayapat, N Tassniyom, S Chotmongkol, V Maleewong, W Intapan, PM |
2013 |
The Korean journal of parasitology 6 (51), pp. 735-8 |
29. | Group versus modified individual standard-setting on multiple-choice questions with the Angoff method for fourth-year medical students in the internal medicine clerkship. | Senthong, V Chindaprasirt, J Sawanyawisuth, K Aekphachaisawat, N Chaowattanapanit, S Limpawattana, P Choonhakarn, C Sookprasert, A |
2013 |
Advances in medical education and practice (4), pp. 195-200 |
30. | Mortality, length of stay, and cost associated with hospitalized adult cancer patients with febrile neutropenia. | Chindaprasirt, J Wanitpongpun, C Limpawattana, P Thepsuthammarat, K Sripakdee, W Sookprasert, A Wirasorn, K |
2013 |
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP 2 (14), pp. 1115-9 |
31. | Lower BMI is a predictor of obstructive sleep apnea in elderly Thai hypertensive patients. | Sawanyawisuth, K Chindaprasirt, J Senthong, V Makarawate, P Limpawattana, P Domthong, A Silaruks, S Chumjan, S |
2013 |
Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung 4 (17), pp. 1215-9 |
32. | Prevalence of sarcopenia and associated factors among Thai population. | Pongchaiyakul, C Limpawattana, P Kotruchin, P Rajatanavin, R |
2013 |
Journal of bone and mineral metabolism 3 (31), pp. 346-50 |
33. | Caregivers burden of older adults with chronic illnesses in the community: a cross-sectional study. | Limpawattana, P Theeranut, A Chindaprasirt, J Sawanyawisuth, K Pimporm, J |
2013 |
Journal of community health 1 (38), pp. 40-5 |
34. | The performance of obesity screening tools among young thai adults. | Limpawattana, P Kengkijkosol, T Assantachai, P Krairit, O Pimporm, J |
2014 |
Journal of community health 6 (39), pp. 1216-21 |
35. | Clinical profiles of Stevens-Johnson syndrome among Thai patients. | Limpawattana, P Choonhakarn, C Kongbunkiat, K |
2014 |
The Journal of dermatology 7 (41), pp. 634-7 |
36. | Sarcopenia in Asia: consensus report of the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia. | Chen, LK Liu, LK Woo, J Assantachai, P Auyeung, TW Bahyah, KS Chou, MY Chen, LY Hsu, PS Krairit, O Lee, JS Lee, WJ Lee, Y Liang, CK Limpawattana, P Lin, CS Peng, LN Satake, S Suzuki, T Won, CW Wu, CH Wu, SN Zhang, T Zeng, P Akishita, M Arai, H |
2014 |
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2 (15), pp. 95-101 |
37. | Burdens among caregivers of older adults with advanced cancer and risk factors. | Chindaprasirt, J Limpawattana, P Pakkaratho, P Wirasorn, K Sookprasert, A Kongbunkiat, K Sawanyawisuth, K |
2014 |
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP 4 (15), pp. 1643-8 |
38. | Blood Culture Bottle and Standard Culture Bottle Methods for Detection of Bacterial Pathogens in Parapneumonic Pleural Effusion. | Charoentunyarak, S Kananuraks, S Chindaprasirt, J Limpawattana, P Sawanyawisuth, K |
2015 |
Jundishapur journal of microbiology 10 (8), pp. e24893 |
39. | Under-recognition of delirium in older adults by nurses in the intensive care unit setting. | Panitchote, A Tangvoraphonkchai, K Suebsoh, N Eamma, W Chanthonglarng, B Tiamkao, S Limpawattana, P |
2015 |
Aging clinical and experimental research (), pp. |
40. | CPAP Therapy Improves Intractable Hemifacial Spasm. | Kasemsap, N Netwijitpan, S Limpawattana, P Kongbunkiat, K Tiamkao, S Chotmongkol, V Aekphachaisawat, N Sawanyawisuth, K |
2015 |
Case reports in neurological medicine (2015), pp. 846234 |
41. | Hospital-based Population of Elderly Cancer Cases in Northeastern Thailand. | Wirasorn, K Suwanrungruang, K Sookprasert, A Limpawattana, P Sirithanaphol, W Chindaprasirt, J |
2016 |
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP 2 (17), pp. 767-70 |
2016 |
Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 1 (22), pp. 8-15 |
43. | Delirium in critical care: a study of incidence, prevalence, and associated factors in the tertiary care hospital of older Thai adults. | Limpawattana, P Panitchote, A Tangvoraphonkchai, K Suebsoh, N Eamma, W Chanthonglarng, B Tiamkao, S |
2016 |
Aging & mental health 1 (20), pp. 74-80 |
44. | Atypical presentations of older adults at the emergency department and associated factors. | Limpawattana, P Phungoen, P Mitsungnern, T Laosuangkoon, W Tansangworn, N |
2016 |
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (62), pp. 97-102 |
45. | Prevalence of insomnia and related impact. | Manjavong, M Limpawattana, P Mairiang, P Anutrakulchai, S |
2016 |
International journal of psychiatry in medicine 6 (51), pp. 544-553 |
46. | Simplified Berlin Questionnaire for Screening of High Risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Among Thai Male Healthcare Workers. | Arunsurat, I Luengyosluechakul, S Prateephoungrat, K Siripaupradist, P Khemtong, S Jamcharoensup, K Thanapatkaiporn, N Limpawattana, P Laohasiriwong, S Pinitsoontorn, S Boonjaraspinyo, S Sawanyawisuth, K |
2016 |
Journal of UOEH 3 (38), pp. 199-206 |
47. | A validation study of the intubation difficulty scale for obese patients. | Siriussawakul, A Limpawattana, P |
2016 |
Journal of clinical anesthesia (33), pp. 86-91 |
48. | The Stop-Bang Questionnaire as a Screening Tool for Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Induced Hypertension in Asian Population. | Pavarangkul, T Jungtrakul, T Chaobangprom, P Nitiwatthana, L Jongkumchok, W Morrakotkhiew, W Kachenchart, S Chindaprasirt, J Limpawattana, P Srisaenpang, S Pinitsoontorn, S Sawanyawisuth, K |
2016 |
Neurology international 1 (8), pp. 6104 |
49. | Clinical profiles and treatment outcomes of systemic corticosteroids for toxic epidermal necrolysis: A retrospective study. | Choonhakarn, C Limpawattana, P Chaowattanapanit, S |
2016 |
The Journal of dermatology 2 (43), pp. 156-61 |
50. | Frailty syndrome in ambulatory patients with COPD. | Limpawattana, P Putraveephong, S Inthasuwan, P Boonsawat, W Theerakulpisut, D Chindaprasirt, J |
2017 |
International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (12), pp. 1193-1198 |
51. | Sarcopenia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A study of prevalence and associated factors in the Southeast Asian population. | Limpawattana, P Inthasuwan, P Putraveephong, S Boonsawat, W Theerakulpisut, D Sawanyawisuth, K |
2017 |
Chronic respiratory disease (), pp. 1479972317743759 |
52. | The performance of neck circumference and other airway assessment tests for the prediction of difficult intubation in obese parturients undergoing cesarean delivery. | Eiamcharoenwit, J Itthisompaiboon, N Limpawattana, P Suwanpratheep, A Siriussawakul, A |
2017 |
International journal of obstetric anesthesia (31), pp. 45-50 |
53. | The Performance of the Intubation Difficulty Scale among Obese Parturients Undergoing Cesarean Section. | Eiamcharoenwit, J Itthisompaiboon, N Limpawattana, P Siriussawakul, A |
2017 |
BioMed research international (2017), pp. 3075756 |
54. | Long-term outcomes and predictors of survival after cardiopulmonary resuscitation for in-hospital cardiac arrest in a tertiary care hospital in Thailand. | Limpawattana, P Aungsakul, W Suraditnan, C Panitchote, A Patjanasoontorn, B Phunmanee, A Pittayawattanachai, N |
2018 |
Therapeutics and clinical risk management (14), pp. 583-589 |
55. | The impact of skeletal muscle mass on survival outcome in biliary tract cancer patients. | Limpawattana, P Theerakulpisut, D Wirasorn, K Sookprasert, A Khuntikeo, N Chindaprasirt, J |
2018 |
PloS one 10 (13), pp. e0204985 |
56. | Mild Cognitive Impairment in Clinical Practice: A Review Article. | Jongsiriyanyong, S Limpawattana, P |
2018 |
American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias (), pp. 1533317518791401 |
57. | Clinical characteristics and mortality rate of Thai elderly-onset systemic sclerosis. | Apipattarakul, R Foocharoen, C Netwijitpan, S Mahakkanukrauh, A Suwannaroj, S Limpawattana, P Nanagara, R |
2018 |
Clinical and experimental rheumatology 4 (36), pp. 76-81 |
58. | Comparison of Thai older patients' wishes and nurses' perceptions regarding end-of-life care. | Manjavong, M Srinonprasert, V Limpawattana, P Chindaprasirt, J Pairojkul, S Kuichanuan, T Kaiyakit, S Juntararuangtong, T Yongrattanakit, K Pimporm, J Thongkoo, J |
2019 |
Nursing ethics (), pp. 969733019826410 |
59. | Thai medical students' attitudes regarding what constitutes a "good death": a multi-center study. | Limpawattana, P Srinonprasert, V Manjavong, M Pairojkul, S Chindaprasirt, J Kaiyakit, S Juntararuangtong, T Yongrattanakit, K Kuichanuan, T |
2019 |
BMC medical education 1 (19), pp. 78 |
60. | Evaluation of the diagnostic performance of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) in differentiating between benign and metastatic lymph nodes in cases of cholangiocarcinoma. | Promsorn, J Soontrapa, W Somsap, K Chamadol, N Limpawattana, P Harisinghani, M |
2019 |
Abdominal radiology (New York) 2 (44), pp. 473-481 |
61. | A comparison of preferences of elderly patients for end-of-life period and their relatives' perceptions in Thailand. | Srinonprasert, V Manjavong, M Limpawattana, P Chotmongkol, V Pairojkul, S Chindaprasirt, J Yongrattanakit, K Kaiyakit, S Juntararuangtong, T Kuichanuan, T |
2019 |
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (84), pp. 103892 |
62. | Perception of a "good death" in Thai patients with cancer and their relatives. | Chindaprasirt, J Wongtirawit, N Limpawattana, P Srinonprasert, V Manjavong, M Chotmongkol, V Pairojkul, S Sawanyawisuth, K |
2019 |
Heliyon 7 (5), pp. e02067 |
63. | Perspectives regarding what constitutes a "good death" among Thai nurses: A cross-sectional study. | Srinonprasert, V Limpawattana, P Manjavong, M Kuichanuan, T Juntararuangtong, T Yongrattanakit, K |
2019 |
Nursing & health sciences 4 (21), pp. 416-421 |
64. | An ecological study of eosinophilic meningitis caused by the nematode, Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Chen, 1935) (Nematoda: Metastrongylidae). | Aekphachaisawat, N Sawanyawisuth, K Khamsai, S Chattakul, P Takahashi, K Chomtmongkol, V Tiamkao, S Limpawattana, P Senthong, V Chindaprasirt, J Theeranut, A Ngamjarus, C |
2019 |
Parasitology international (), pp. 101944 |
65. | Frailty Syndrome in Biliary Tract Cancer Patients: Prevalence and Associated Factors | Limpawattana, P Wirasorn, K Sookprasert, A Sawanyawisuth, K Titapun, A Luvira, V Khuntikeo, N Chindaprasirt, J |
2019 |
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP 5 (20), pp. 1497-1501 |
66. | Ginkgo biloba Extract (EGb761), Cholinesterase Inhibitors, and Memantine for the Treatment of Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer's Disease: A Network Meta-Analysis. | Thancharoen, O Limwattananon, C Waleekhachonloet, O Rattanachotphanit, T Limwattananon, P Limpawattana, P |
2019 |
Drugs & aging 5 (36), pp. 435-452 |
67. | Predictors of chronic kidney disease in obstructive sleep apnea patients. | Somkearti, P Chattakul, P Khamsai, S Limpawattana, P Chindaprasirt, J Chotmongkol, V Sawanyawisuth, K |
2020 |
Multidisciplinary respiratory medicine 1 (15), pp. 470 |
68. | Prevalence of Geriatric Syndromes in Elderly Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy. | Limpawattana, P Phimson, K Sookprasert, A Sirithanaphol, W Chindaprasirt, J |
2020 |
Current gerontology and geriatrics research (2020), pp. 9347804 |
Title | Authors | Year | Journal title | Cited count | ||||||||
< 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | รวม | ||||||
1. | A 1-week course of corticosteroids in the treatment of eosinophilic meningitis | K Sawanyawisuth P Limpawattana P Busaracome B Ninpaitoon V Chormongkol PM Intapan S Tanawirattananit |
2004 |
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 10.0 (117.0), pp. 802.0-803.0 |
43 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 43 | |
2. | Superior divisional oculomotor nerve palsy caused by midbrain neurocysticercosis | Verajit Chotmongkol Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Panita Limpawattana Arthit Phuphatham Ratchanee Chotmongkol Pewpan M. Intapan |
2006 |
PARASITOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 3.0 (55.0), pp. 223.0-225.0 |
15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 15 | |
3. | Treatment of eosinophilic meningitis with a combination of prednisolone and mebendazole | V Chotmongkol K Sawadpanitch K Sawanyawisuth S Louhawilai P Limpawattana |
2006 |
61 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 61 | |
4. | Eosinophilia as a diagnostic tool for angiostrongyliasis | Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Somsak Tiamkao Pewpan M. Intapan Panita Limpawattana Wichai Senthong Suthipun Jitpimolmard Verajit Chotmongkol Elizabeth B. Connor |
2007 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
5. | Intraocular angiostrongyliasis: clinical findings, treatments and outcomes | K. Sawanyawisuth K. Kitthaweesin P. Limpawattana P. M. Intapan S. Tiamkao S. Jitpimolmard V. Chotmongkol |
2007 |
48 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 48 | |
6. | Can workplaces be predictors for recent onset latent tuberculosis in health care workers? | K. Takahashi N. Chaiear K. Sawanyawisuth P. Limpawattana J. Borpoem W. Reechaipichitkul |
2009 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
7. | CLINICAL FACTORS PREDICTIVE OF ENCEPHALITIS CAUSED BY ANGIOSTRONGYLUS CANTONENSIS | Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Ken Takahashi Tsutomu Hoshuyama Kanlayanee Sawanyawisuth Vichai Senthong Panita Limpawattana Donald Wilson Somsak Tiamkao Suthipun Jitpimolmard Verajit Chotmongkol |
2009 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
8. | Clinical Factors Predictive of Encephalitis Caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis | Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Ken Takahashi Tsutomu Hoshuyama Kanlayanee Sawanyawisuth Vichai Senthong Panita Limpawattana Pewpan M. Intapan Donald Wilson Somsak Tiamkao Suthipun Jitpimolmard Verajit Chotmongkol |
2009 |
43 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 43 | |
9. | The diagnostic properties of blood eosinophils in serologically-positive meningitic angiostrongyliasis | K. Sawanyawisuth K. Takahashi V. Senthong P. Limpawattana P. Intapan S. Tiamkao S. Jitpimolmard V. Chotmongkol E. Barrett-Connor |
2009 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
10. | Abdominal angiostrongyliasis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis: A possible cause of eosinophilic infiltration in human digestive tract | K. Sawanyawisuth A. Pugkhem J. Mitchai P. M. Intapan S. Anunnatsiri P. Limpawattana V. Chotmongkol |
2010 |
PATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 2.0 (206.0), pp. 102.0-104.0 |
8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | |
11. | CAN JOB TITLES BE PREDICTORS FOR RECENT ONSET LATENT TUBERCULOSIS IN HEALTH CARE WORKERS? | Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Naesinee Chaiear Kanlayanee Sawanyawisuth Panita Limpawattana Janpen Bourpoern Vichai Senthong Wipa Reechaipichitkul |
2010 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
12. | Peripheral eosinophilia as an indicator of meningitic angiostrongyliasis in exposed individuals | Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Kanlayanee Sawanyawisuth Vichai Senthong Panita Limpawattana Pewpan M. Intapan Somsak Tiamkao Suthipun Jitpimolmard Verajit Chotmongkol Elizabeth Barrett-Connor |
2010 |
MEMORIAS DO INSTITUTO OSWALDO CRUZ 7.0 (105.0), pp. 942.0-944.0 |
9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | |
13. | Prevalence and recognition of geriatric syndromes in an outpatient clinic at a tertiary care hospital of Thailand | Panita Limpawattana Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Suvanee Soonpornrai Wilawan Huangthaisong |
2011 |
ASIAN BIOMEDICINE 4.0 (5.0), pp. 493.0-497.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
14. | Brain Metastases from Cholangiocarcinoma: a First Case Series in Thailand | Jarin Chindaprasirt Aumkhae Sookprasert Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Panita Limpawattana Somsak Tiamkao |
2012 |
ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION 5.0 (13.0), pp. 1995.0-1997.0 |
7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
15. | Can job titles be predictors for recent onset latent tuberculosis in health care workers? | Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Naesinee Chaiear Kanlayanee Sawanyawisuth Panita Limpawattana Janpen Bourpoern Wipa Reechaipichitkul |
2012 |
ASIAN BIOMEDICINE 4.0 (6.0), pp. 535.0-539.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
16. | Can Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) Replace Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for Dementia Screening in a Thai Geriatric Outpatient Setting? | Panita Limpawattana Somsak Tiamkao Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Bandit Thinkhamrop |
2012 |
22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | |
17. | How Can Clinicians Ensure the Diagnosis of Meningitic Angiostrongyliasis? | Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Kanlayanee Sawanyawisuth Vichai Senthong Panita Limpawattana Asa Phichaphop Pewpan M. Intapan Wanchai Maleewong Somsak Tiamkao Suthipun Jitpimolmard Verajit Chotmongkol |
2012 |
VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES 1.0 (12.0), pp. 73.0-75.0 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
18. | The performance of the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) for cognitive screening in a geriatric outpatient setting | Panita Limpawattana Somsak Tiamkao Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2012 |
9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | |
19. | CAREGIVER BURDEN OF OLDER ADULTS WITH CANCER: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY | J. Chindaprasirt P. Limpawattana P. Pakkaratho K. Wirasorn A. Sookprasert |
2013 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
20. | Caregivers Burden of Older Adults with Chronic Illnesses in the Community: A Cross-Sectional Study | Panita Limpawattana Ampornpan Theeranut Jarin Chindaprasirt Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Jiraporn Pimporm |
2013 |
JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH 1.0 (38.0), pp. 40.0-45.0 |
30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 | |
21. | Clinical Manifestations of Eosinophilic Meningitis Due to Infection with Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Children | Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Jarin Chindaprasirt Vichai Senthong Panita Limpawattana Narong Auvichayapat Sompon Tassniyom Verajit Chotmongkol Wanchai Maleewong Pewpan M. Intapan |
2013 |
KOREAN JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY 6.0 (51.0), pp. 735.0-738.0 |
9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | |
22. | Lower BMI is a predictor of obstructive sleep apnea in elderly Thai hypertensive patients | Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Jarin Chindaprasirt Vichai Senthong Pattarapong Makarawate Panita Limpawattana Aornchuma Domthong Songkwan Silaruks Somchit Chumjan |
2013 |
SLEEP AND BREATHING 4.0 (17.0), pp. 1215.0-1219.0 |
4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | |
23. | MORTALITY, LENGTH OF STAY, AND COST ASSOCIATED WITH HOSPITALISED ADULT CANCER PATIENTS WITH FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA | J. Chindaprasirt C. Wanitpongpun P. Limpawattana K. Thepsuthammarat W. Sripakdee A. Sookprasert |
2013 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
24. | Mortality, Length of Stay, and Cost Associated with Hospitalized Adult Cancer Patients with Febrile Neutropenia | Jarin Chindaprasirt Chinadol Wanitpongpun Panita Limpawattana Kaewjai Thepsuthammarat Warunsuda Sripakdee Kosin Wirasorn Aumkhae Sookprasert |
2013 |
ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION 2.0 (14.0), pp. 1115.0-1119.0 |
13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 | |
25. | Prevalence of sarcopenia and associated factors among Thai population | Chatlert Pongchaiyakul Panita Limpawattana Praew Kotruchin Rajata Rajatanavin |
2013 |
JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL METABOLISM 3.0 (31.0), pp. 346.0-350.0 |
24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 24 | |
26. | Burdens among Caregivers of Older Adults with Advanced Cancer and Risk Factors | Jarin Chindaprasirt Panita Limpawattana Pornvaree Pakkaratho Kosin Wirasorn Aumkhae Sookprasert Kannikar Kongbunkiat Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2014 |
ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION 4.0 (15.0), pp. 1643.0-1648.0 |
9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | |
27. | Clinical manifestations of subarachnoid hemorrhage from gnathostoma spinigerum in srinagarind hospital | K. Sawanyawisuth W. Waranon K. Pongtipakorn K. Kongbunkiat P. Limpawattana V. Senthong J. Chindaprasirt V. Chotmongkol J. Kanpittaya P. M. Intapan W. Maleewong A. Kitkhuandee |
2014 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
28. | Clinical profiles of Stevens-Johnson syndrome among Thai patients | Panita Limpawattana Charoen Choonhakarn Kannikar Kongbunkiat |
2014 |
JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY 7.0 (41.0), pp. 634.0-637.0 |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
29. | Sarcopenia in Asia: Consensus Report of the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia | Liang-Kung Chen Li-Kuo Liu Jean Woo Prasert Assantachai Tung-Wai Auyeung Kamaruzzaman Shahrul Bahyah Ming-Yueh Chou Liang-Yu Chen Pi-Shan Hsu Orapitchaya Krairit Jenny S. W. Lee Wei-Ju Lee Yunhwan Lee Chih-Kuang Liang Panita Limpawattana Chu-Sheng Lin Li-Ning Peng Shosuke Satake Takao Suzuki Chang Won Won Chih-Hsing Wu Si-Nan Wu Teimei Zhang Ping Zeng Masahiro Akishita Hidenori Arai |
2014 |
1255 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1255 | |
30. | Self management and factors associated with the impact of insomnia among older adults with chronic medical illnesses at outpatient clinic | P. Limpawattana W. Euawiriyanukool K. Sawanyawisuth |
2014 |
EUROPEAN GERIATRIC MEDICINE 2.0 (5.0), pp. 103.0-107.0 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
31. | SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE DUE TO VASCULAR CAUSES AND GNATHOSTOMIASIS: CLINICAL FEATURES AND LABORATORY FINDINGS | Waranon Munkong Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Keetapong Pongtipakorn Kannikar Kongbunkiat Panita Limpawattana Vichai Senthong Jarin Chindaprasirt Verajit Chotmongkol Jaturat Kanpittaya Pewpan M. Intapan Wanchai Maleewong Amnat Kitkhuandee |
2014 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
32. | The Performance of Obesity Screening Tools Among Young Thai Adults | Panita Limpawattana Thepkhachi Kengkijkosol Prasert Assantachai Orapitchaya Krairit Jiraporn Pimporm |
2014 |
JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH 6.0 (39.0), pp. 1216.0-1221.0 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
33. | Blood Culture Bottle and Standard Culture Bottle Methods for Detection of Bacterial Pathogens in Parapneumonic Pleural Effusion | Surapan Charoentunyarak Sarassawan Kananuraks Jarin Chindaprasirt Panita Limpawattana Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2015 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
34. | CPAP Therapy Improves Intractable Hemifacial Spasm | Narongrit Kasemsap Sittichai Netwijitpan Panita Limpawattana Kannikar Kongbunkiat Somsak Tiamkao Verajit Chotmongkol Noppadol Aekphachaisawat Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2015 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
35. | National Data of CPR Procedures Performed on Hospitalized Thai Older Population Patients | Panita Limpawattana Arunotai Siriussawakul Mann Chandavimol Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Jarin Chindaprasirt Vichai Senthong Kaewjai Thepsuthammarat |
2015 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
36. | Perceived Burden of Thai Caregivers for Older Adults After Stroke | Panita Limpawattana Nipaporn Intarasattakul Jarin Chindaprasirt Somsak Tiamkao |
2015 |
CLINICAL GERONTOLOGIST 1.0 (38.0), pp. 19.0-31.0 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
37. | Risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage after treatment with recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator for acute ischemic stroke | Warinthorn Phuttharak Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Boonrerk Sangpetngam Somsak Tiamkao Kannikar Kongbunkiat Verajit Chotmongkol Panita Limpawattana Theerayut Thongkrau Chaiyapon Keeratikasikorn |
2015 |
ASIAN BIOMEDICINE 3.0 (9.0), pp. 397.0-400.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
38. | Under-recognition of delirium in older adults by nurses in the intensive care unit setting | Anupon Panitchote Kawin Tangvoraphonkchai Naluttaporn Suebsoh Wanaporn Eamma Bunruam Chanthonglarng Somsak Tiamkao Panita Limpawattana |
2015 |
21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 21 | |
39. | A secondary analysis of atypical presentations of older patients with infection in the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital in Thailand | Panita Limpawattana Thapanawong Mitsungnern Pariwat Phungoen Natthida Tansangworn Wannisa Laosuangkoon |
2016 |
ASIAN BIOMEDICINE 2.0 (10.0), pp. 181.0-187.0 |
4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | |
40. | Atypical presentations of older adults at the emergency department and associated factors | Panita Limpawattana Pariwat Phungoen Thapanawong Mitsungnern Wannisa Laosuangkoon Natthida Tansangworn |
2016 |
39 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 39 | |
41. | A validation study of the intubation difficulty scale for obese patients | Arunotai Siriussawakul Panita Limpawattana |
2016 |
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA (33.0), pp. 86.0-91.0 |
14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | |
2016 |
ENDOCRINE PRACTICE 1.0 (22.0), pp. 8.0-15.0 |
14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | |
43. | Clinical profiles and treatment outcomes of systemic corticosteroids for toxic epidermal necrolysis: A retrospective study | Charoen Choonhakarn Panita Limpawattana Suteeraporn Chaowattanapanit |
2016 |
JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY 2.0 (43.0), pp. 156.0-161.0 |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
44. | Delirium in critical care: a study of incidence, prevalence, and associated factors in the tertiary care hospital of older Thai adults | Panita Limpawattana Anupol Panitchote Kawin Tangvoraphonkchai Naluttaporn Suebsoh Wanaporn Eamma Bunruam Chanthonglarng Somsak Tiamkao |
2016 |
AGING & MENTAL HEALTH 1.0 (20.0), pp. 74.0-80.0 |
16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16 | |
45. | Prevalence of insomnia and related impact: An analysis from a university community | Manchumad Manjavong Panita Limpawattana Pisaln Mairiang Sirirat Anutrakulchai |
2016 |
7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
46. | The predictors of skeletal muscle mass among young Thai adults: a study in the rural area of Thailand. | Panita Limpawattana Prasert Assantachai Orapitchaya Krairit Thepkhachi Kengkijkosol Waratchamon Wittayakom Jiraporn Pimporm Ampornpan Theeranut |
2016 |
BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH-INDIA 1.0 (27.0), pp. 29.0-33.0 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
47. | The STOP-BANG questionnaire as a screening tool for obstructive sleep apnea-induced hypertension in Asian population | Tanut Pavarangkul Thipphailin Jungtrakul Pichsinee Chaobangprom Luxanawadee Nitiwatthana Wisit Jongkumchok Weerachat Morrakotkhiew Sitthan Kachenchart Jarin Chindaprasirt Panita Limpawattana Sompong Srisaenpang Somdej Pinitsoontorn Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2016 |
NEUROLOGY INTERNATIONAL 1.0 (8.0), pp. 9.0-11.0 |
7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
48. | Frailty syndrome in ambulatory patients with COPD | Panita Limpawattana Siraphong Putraveephong Pratchaya Inthasuwan Watchara Boonsawat Daris Theerakulpisut Jarin Chindaprasirt |
2017 |
16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16 | |
49. | The performance of neck circumference and other airway assessment tests for the prediction of difficult intubation in obese parturients undergoing cesarean delivery | J. Eiamcharoenwit N. Itthisompaiboon P. Limpawattana A. Suwanpratheep A. Siriussawakul |
2017 |
17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 17 | |
50. | The Performance of the Intubation Difficulty Scale among Obese Parturients Undergoing Cesarean Section | Jatuporn Eiamcharoenwit Napon Itthisompaiboon Panita Limpawattana Arunotai Siriussawakul |
2017 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
51. | Utility of body mass index and neck circumference to screen for metabolic syndrome in Thai people | Manchumad Manjavong Panita Limpawattana Sornwichate Rattanachaiwong Pisaln Mairiang Sirirat Reungjui |
2017 |
ASIAN BIOMEDICINE 1.0 (11.0), pp. 55.0-63.0 |
4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | |
52. | Clinical characteristics and mortality rate of Thai elderly-onset systemic sclerosis | R. Apipattarakul C. Foocharoen S. Netwijitpan A. Mahakkanukrauh S. Suwannaroj P. Limpawattana R. Nanagara |
2018 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
53. | Long-term outcomes and predictors of survival after cardiopulmonary resuscitation for in-hospital cardiac arrest in a tertiary care hospital in Thailand | Panita Limpawattana Wannaporn Aungsakul Chomchanok Suraditnan Anupol Panitchote Boonsong Patjanasoontorn Ankapong Phunmanee Nittaya Pittayawattanachai |
2018 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
54. | Mild Cognitive Impairment in Clinical Practice: A Review Article | Sukanya Jongsiriyanyong Panita Limpawattana |
2018 |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
55. | Morning Headache but Not Obesity Is an Independent Risk Factor of Hypertension Caused by Obstructive Sleep Apnea | K. Sawanyawisuth P. Mahawarakorn S. Khamsai P. Limpawattana J. Chindaprasirt |
2018 |
HEADACHE (58.0), pp. 117.0-117.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
56. | Sarcopenia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A study of prevalence and associated factors in the Southeast Asian population | Panita Limpawattana Pratchaya Inthasuwan Siraphong Putraveephong Watchara Boonsawat Daris Theerakulpisut Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2018 |
CHRONIC RESPIRATORY DISEASE 3.0 (15.0), pp. 250.0-257.0 |
19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 19 | |
57. | The impact of skeletal muscle mass on survival outcome in biliary tract cancer patients | Panita Limpawattana Daris Theerakulpisut Kosin Wirasorn Aumkhae Sookprasert Narong Khuntikeo Jarin Chindaprasirt |
2018 |
PLOS ONE 10.0 (13.0), pp. |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
58. | A comparison of preferences of elderly patients for end-of-life period and their relatives' perceptions in Thailand | Varalak Srinonprasert Manchumad Manjavong Panita Limpawattana Verajit Chotmongkol Srivieng Pairojkul Jarin Chindaprasirt Kongpob Yongrattanakit Sawadee Kaiyakit Thitikorn Juntararuangtong Thunchanok Kuichanuan |
2019 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
59. | An ecological study of eosinophilic meningitis caused by the nematode, Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Chen, 1935) (Nematoda: Metastrongylidae) | Noppadol Aekphachaisawat Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Sittichai Khamsai Paiboon Chattakul Ken Takahashi Verajit Chotmongkol Somsak Tiamkao Panita Limpawattana Vichai Senthong Jarin Chindaprasirt Ampornpan Theeranut Chetta Ngamjarus |
2019 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
60. | A web-based surveillance model of eosinophilic meningitis: future prediction and distribution patterns | Noppadol Aekphachaisawat Kittisak Sawanyawisuth Chalongchai Phitsanuwong Sittichai Khamsai Paiboon Chattakul Verajit Chomtmongkol Somsak Tiamkao Panita Limpawattana Vichai Senthong Jarin Chindaprasirt Chetta Ngamjarus |
2019 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
61. | Comparison of Thai older patients' wishes and nurses' perceptions regarding end-of-life care | Manchumad Manjavong Varalak Srinonprasert Panita Limpawattana Jarin Chindaprasirt Srivieng Pairojkul Thunchanok Kuichanuan Sawadee Kaiyakit Thitikorn Juntararuangtong Kongpob Yongrattanakit Jiraporn Pimporm Jinda Thongkoo |
2019 |
NURSING ETHICS 7-8 (26.0), pp. 2006.0-2015.0 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
62. | Comparison of the Perspective of a Good Death in Older Adults and Physicians in Training at University Hospitals | Panita Limpawattana Varalak Srinonprasert Manchumad Manjavong Kongpob Yongrattanakit Sawadee Kaiyakit |
2019 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
63. | Evaluation of the diagnostic performance of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) in differentiating between benign and metastatic lymph nodes in cases of cholangiocarcinoma | Julaluck Promsorn Wannaporn Soontrapa Kulyada Somsap Nittaya Chamadol Panita Limpawattana Mukesh Harisinghani |
2019 |
ABDOMINAL RADIOLOGY 2.0 (44.0), pp. 473.0-481.0 |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
64. | Ginkgo biloba Extract (EGb761), Cholinesterase Inhibitors, and Memantine for the Treatment of Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer's Disease: A Network Meta-Analysis | Onnita Thancharoen Chulaporn Limwattananon Onanong Waleekhachonloet Thananan Rattanachotphanit Phumtham Limwattananon Panita Limpawattana |
2019 |
DRUGS & AGING 5.0 (36.0), pp. 435.0-452.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
65. | Perception of a good death in Thai patients with cancer and their relatives | Jarin Chindaprasirt Nattapat Wongtirawit Panita Limpawattana Varalak Srinonprasert Manchumad Manjavong Verajit Chotmongkol Srivieng Pairojkul Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2019 |
HELIYON 7.0 (5.0), pp. |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
66. | Perspectives regarding what constitutes a good death among Thai nurses: A cross-sectional study | Varalak Srinonprasert Panita Limpawattana Manchumad Manjavong Thunchanok Kuichanuan Thitikorn Juntararuangtong Kongpob Yongrattanakit |
2019 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
67. | Thai medical students' attitudes regarding what constitutes a good death: a multi-center study | Panita Limpawattana Varalak Srinonprasert Manchumad Manjavong Srivieng Pairojkul Jarin Chindaprasirt Sawadee Kaiyakit Thitikorn Juntararuangtong Kongpob Yongrattanakit Thunchanok Kuichanuan |
2019 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
68. | How common is obstructive sleep apnea in young hypertensive patients? | Jittirat Jinchai Sittichai Khamsai Paiboon Chattakul Panita Limpawattana Jarin Chindaprasirt Verajit Chotmongkol Songkwan Silaruks Vichai Senthong Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2020 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Title | Authors | Year | Journal title | ||
1. | Clinical outcome of hypertensive treated at hypertension clinic, Srinagarind hospital | Somchit Chumjan Ploysyne Busaracome Chingching Foochareon Panita Limpawattana Kittisak Sawanyawisuth |
2007 |
Srinagarind Medical Journal (22 No 1), pp. 2-7 |
2. | Prevalence of Atypical Presentation of Older Adults with Infectious Diseases at the Emergency Department of Srinagarind Medical School Hospital and their Associated Factors | Natthida T ansangwornฃ Panita Limpawattana Thapanawong Mitsungnern Pariwat Phungoen |
2015 |
Srinagarind Medical Journal (30 No 5), pp. 88 |
3. | การประยุกต์ใช้รูปแบบการดูแลแนะนำในการสนับสนุนการจัดการ ด้วยตนเอง สำหรับผู้สูงอายุที่มีโรคเรื้อรังหลายโรค ในชุมชนแห่งหนึ่ง จังหวัดขอนแก่น Application of the Guided Care Model to Support Self Management of older Persons with Multimorbidity in a Community of | ภัชราภรณ์ ไชยรัตน์ ภัชราภรณ์ ไชยรัตน์ ประสบสุข ศรีแสนปาง ปณิตา ลิมปะวัฒนะ |
2558 |
Journal of Nursing and Health Care (33 No 4), pp. 54-64 |
ชื่อโครงการ | Authors | ประเภทโครงการ | ปีงบประมาณ | ทุนวิจับ |