Title | Author | Year | SCOPUS | PUBMED | ISI | TCI | |
1. | BCL11A is a major HbF quantitative trait locus in three different populations with beta-hemoglobinopathies. | Sedgewick, AE Timofeev, N Sebastiani, P So, JC Ma, ES Chan, LC Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Barbosa, CG Vardarajan, BN Farrer, LA Baldwin, CT Steinberg, MH Chui, DH |
0 | ||||
2. | Clinical manifestation of beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Fucharoen, S Ketvichit, P Pootrakul, P Siritanaratkul, N Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
0 | ||||
3. | Compound heterozygote states for Hb C/Hb Malay and Hb C/Hb E in pregnancy: a molecular and hematological analysis. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Surapot, S |
0 | ||||
4. | Fatal arteritis due to Pythium insidiosum infection in patients with thalassaemia. | Wanachiwanawin, W Thianprasit, M Fucharoen, S Chaiprasert, A Sudasna, N Ayudhya, N Sirithanaratkul, N Piankijagum, A |
0 | ||||
5. | Genetic factors affecting clinical severity in beta-thalassemia syndromes. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Chen, P Wasi, P |
0 | ||||
6. | Molecular, hematological and clinical aspects of thalassemia major and thalassemia intermedia associated with Hb E-beta-thalassemia in Northeast Thailand. | Nuntakarn, L Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Jetsrisuparb, A Wiangnon, S |
0 | ||||
7. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies rather than iron deficiency are major causes of pregnancy-related anemia in northeast Thailand. | Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S Ratanasiri, T Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, G Dietz, E Schelp, FP |
0 | ||||
8. | Thalassemia intermedia associated with the Hb Constant Spring EE Bart's disease in pregnancy: a molecular and hematological analysis. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sae-ung, N Sanchaisuriya, K |
0 | ||||
9. | The molecular basis of thalassemias. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
0 | ||||
10. | Variability of hemoglobin F expression in hemoglobin EE disease: hematological and molecular analysis. | Pakdee, N Yamsri, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Pissard, S Fucharoen, S |
0 | ||||
11. | ดีเอ็นเอ ทารกในพลาสมาแม่และการประยุกต์ใช้ในการตรวจวินิจฉัยทารกในครรภ์โรคธาลัสซีเมีย | สุพรรณ ฟู่เจริญ | 0 | ||||
12. | ยีนธาลัสซีเมียในประเทศไทย | สุพรรณ ฟู่เจริญ | 0 | ||||
13. | Pulmonary artery obstruction in thalassaemia. | Sonakul, D Pacharee, P Laohapand, T Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1980 | ||||
14. | Thalassemia in Thailand. | Wasi, P Pootrakul, S Pootrakul, P Pravatmuang, P Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S |
1980 | ||||
15. | Homozygous haemoglobin Constant Spring: a need for revision of concept. | Pootrakul, P Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Pravatmuang, P Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
1981 | ||||
16. | Hypoxaemia and the effect of aspirin in thalassaemia. | Fucharoen, S Youngchaiyud, P Wasi, P |
1981 | ||||
17. | Increased circulating platelet aggregates in thalassaemia. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1981 | ||||
18. | Ineffective erythropoiesis in haemoglobin E beta -thalassaemia: an electron microscope study. | Wickramasinghe, SN Hughes, M Wasi, P Fucharoen, S Modell, B |
1981 | ||||
19. | Intracranial extramedullary hematopoiesis in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Fucharoen, S Tunthanavatana, C Sonakul, D Wasi, P |
1981 | ||||
20. | Morphology and kinetics of erythropoiesis in haemoglobin H disease. | Wickramasinghe, SN Hughes, M Wasi, P Fucharoen, S |
1981 | ||||
21. | Relation between erythropoiesis and bone metabolism in thalassemia. | Pootrakul, P Hungsprenges, S Fucharoen, S Baylink, D Thompson, E English, E Lee, M Burnell, J Finch, C |
1981 | ||||
22. | Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary arteriovenous fistula. | Sirinavin, C Limsila, T Thongtang, V Gherunpong, C Fucharoen, S |
1982 | ||||
23. | Heterogeneity of beta thalassaemia in Thailand. | Yenchitsomanus, P Baramee, A Fucharoen, S Pootrakul, P Wasi, P |
1982 | ||||
24. | Hypoxemia in thalassemia. | Wasi, P Fucharoen, S Youngchaiyud, P Sonakul, D |
1982 | ||||
25. | Cardiac pathology in 47 patients with beta thalassaemia/haemoglobin E. | Sonakul, D Pacharee, P Wasi, P Fucharoen, S |
1984 | ||||
26. | Cholecystitis associated with Enterobacter agglomerans. | Nilakul, C Sukroongreung, S Fucharoen, S Vathanophas, V |
1984 | ||||
27. | Determination for different severity of anemia in thalassemia: concordance and discordance among sib pairs. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Pootrakul, P Wasi, P |
1984 | ||||
28. | Hematologic and biosynthetic studies in homozygous hemoglobin Constant Spring. | Derry, S Wood, WG Pippard, M Clegg, JB Weatherall, DJ Wickramasinghe, SN Darley, J Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1984 | ||||
29. | The fate of excess beta-globin chains within erythropoietic cells in alpha-thalassaemia 2 trait, alpha-thalassaemia 1 trait, haemoglobin H disease and haemoglobin Q-H disease: an electron microscope study. | Wickramasinghe, SN Hughes, M Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1984 | ||||
30. | Ultrastructure and cell cycle distribution of erythropoietic cells in heterozygotes and homozygotes for haemoglobin E. | Wickramasinghe, SN Hughes, M Wasi, P Fucharoen, S Litwinczuk, RA |
1984 | ||||
31. | Concomitant inheritance of alpha-thalassemia in beta 0- thalassemia/Hb E disease. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Weatherall, D Wasi, P |
1985 | ||||
32. | Improved technic for detecting intraerythrocytic inclusion bodies in alpha thalassemia trait. | Maungsapaya, W Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Pootrakul, SN Wasi, P |
1985 | ||||
33. | Intracranial extramedullary hematopoiesis inducing epilepsy in a patient with beta-thalassemia--hemoglobin E. | Fucharoen, S Suthipongchai, S Poungvarin, N Ladpli, S Sonakul, D Wasi, P |
1985 | ||||
34. | Prevalence of HTLV-III/LAV antibody in selected populations in Thailand. | Wangroongsarb, Y Weniger, BG Wasi, C Traisupa, A Kunasol, P Rojanapithayakorn, W Fucharoen, S |
1985 | ||||
35. | Thalassemia in southeast Asia: determination of different degrees of severity of anemia in thalassemia. | Wasi, P Pootrakul, P Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Wilairat, P Promboon, A |
1985 | ||||
36. | The morphology of redox-dye-treated HbH-containing red cells: differences between cells treated with brilliant cresyl blue, methylene blue and new methylene blue. | Wickramasinghe, SN Hughes, M Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1985 | ||||
37. | Comparison of erythrocyte antioxidative enzyme activities between two types of haemoglobin H disease. | Prasartkaew, S Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1986 | ||||
38. | Increased phagocytosis of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes with haemoglobin E by peripheral blood monocytes. | Bunyaratvej, A Butthep, P Yuthavong, Y Fucharoen, S Khusmith, S Yoksan, S Wasi, P |
1986 | ||||
39. | Studies of erythropoietic cells in heterozygotes and homozygotes for haemoglobin Constant Spring and in heterozygotes for both haemoglobin Constant Spring and alpha-thalassaemia 1 trait: extent of globin chain precipitation and cell cycle distribution. | Wickramasinghe, SN Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1986 | ||||
40. | Alpha-mRNA level in the two types of Hb H disease. | Winichagoon, P Chulalaksananukul, W Panyim, S Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
41. | Altered structure of spectrin in the two types of hemoglobin H disease. | Lamchiagdhase, P Wilairat, P Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Sahaphong, S |
1987 | ||||
42. | Antibody response in beta-thalassemia/Hb E disease, hemoglobin H patients, and nonthalassemics with enteric fever. | Rungpitarangsi, B Noytong, S Fucharoen, S Aswapokee, N Aswapokee, P Komolpit, P Tanphaichitr, V Rungpitarangsi, V |
1987 | ||||
43. | A study of infective episodes in patients with beta-thalassemia/Hb E disease in Thailand. | Aswapokee, N Aswapokee, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
44. | Bam HI polymorphism of the beta A-, beta E-, and beta (0) -thalassemia genes in the Thai population. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
45. | Clinical and hematologic manifestations of AE Bart disease. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Prayoonwiwat, W Pootrakul, P Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
46. | Deaths in beta-thalassemia/Hb E patients secondary to infections. | Fucharoen, S Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
47. | Decreased heat stability found in purified hemoglobin Queens [alpha 34(B15)Leu----Arg]. | Yongsuwan, S Svasti, J Fucharoen, S |
1987 | ||||
48. | Defective spectrin dimer self-association in thalassemic red cells. | Lamchiagdhase, P Wilairat, P Sahaphong, S Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S |
1987 | ||||
49. | Determination of variable severity of anemia in thalassemia: erythrocyte proteolytic activity. | Promboon, A Wilairat, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
50. | Differences between two types of Hb H disease, alpha-thalassemia 1/alpha-thalassemia 2 and alpha-thalassemia 1/Hb constant spring. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Pootrakul, P Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
51. | Differential expression of erythrocyte calpain and calpastatin activities in beta 0-thalassemia/Hb E disease. | Macotpet, G Wilairat, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
52. | Different molecular defects of G gamma (A gamma delta beta)o-thalassaemia in Thailand. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Chaicharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
53. | Different severity of homozygous beta-thalassemia among siblings. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Thonglairoam, V Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
54. | Distribution of pulmonary thromboembolic lesions in thalassemic patients. | Sonakul, D Suwanagool, P Sirivaidyapong, P Fucharoen, S |
1987 | ||||
55. | DNA polymorphisms of beta N- and beta E-globin genes in Thais. | Yenchitsomanus, P Summers, KM Board, PG Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
56. | Double heterozygosity for hemoglobin E and a Lepore-type hemoglobin found in a Thai woman. | Boontrakoonpoontawee, P Svasti, J Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
1987 | ||||
57. | Hemoglobin Bart disease without hydrops manifestation. | Isarangkura, P Siripoonya, P Fucharoen, S Hathirat, P |
1987 | ||||
58. | Hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asia. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
1987 | ||||
59. | Identification of Hb Lepore-Washington-Boston in association with Hb E [beta 26(B8)Glu----Lys] in a Thai female. | Boontrakoonpoontawee, P Svasti, J Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
1987 | ||||
60. | Impaired glucose counterregulation after insulin-induced hypoglycemia in thalassemic patients. | Vannasaeng, S Fucharoen, S Nitiyanant, W Vichayanrat, A Pootrakul, P Piraphatdist, T |
1987 | ||||
61. | Inhibitory effect of beta zero-thalassaemia/haemoglobin E erythrocytes on Plasmodium falciparum growth in vitro. | Yuthavong, Y Butthep, P Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S |
1987 | ||||
62. | Lung function tests in splenectomized beta-thalassemia/Hb E patients. | Youngchaiyud, P Suthamsmai, T Fucharoen, S Udompanich, V Pushpakom, R Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
63. | Lung perfusion in thalassemia. | Songkhla, SN Fucharoen, S Wasi, P Bovornkitti, S |
1987 | ||||
64. | Modified technique for detecting red cells containing inclusion bodies in alpha-thalassemia trait. | Kuptamethi, S Pravatmuang, P Fucharoen, S Ridthimat, W Choopanya, K |
1987 | ||||
65. | Molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in Thailand. | Lynch, J Tate, VE Weatherall, DJ Fucharoen, S Tanphaichitr, VS Isarangkura, P Seksarn, P Laosombat, V Kulapongs, P Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
66. | No evidence for a role of disulfide bonds in the attachment of inclusion bodies to the red cell membrane. | Pravatmuang, P Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P |
1987 | ||||
67. | Oropharyngeal colonization with aerobic bacteria in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Sukroongreung, S Nilakul, C Aswapokee, N Aswapokee, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
68. | Oxidative stress and antioxidants in beta-thalassaemia/haemoglobin E. | Ong-Ajyooth, S Suthipark, K Shumnumsirivath, D Likidlilid, A Fucharoen, S Pootrakul, P |
1987 | ||||
69. | Oxidative stress and antioxidants in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E. | Suthipark, K Ong-ajyooth, S Shumnumsirivath, D Likidlilid, A Fucharoen, S Siddhikol, C Pootrakul, P Niyomporn, B |
1987 | ||||
70. | Oxidative stress and antioxidative enzymes in hemoglobin H disease. | Prasartkaew, S Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
71. | Prenatal diagnosis of the fetus at risk for beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease: a report of the first case in Thailand. | Kanokpongsakdi, S Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Manassagorn, J Tanphaichitr, V |
1987 | ||||
72. | Severe infection in thalassemia: a prospective study. | Aswapokee, P Aswapokee, N Fucharoen, S Sukroongreung, S Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
73. | Studies of hemoglobin Bart and deletion of alpha-globin genes from cord blood in Thailand. | Tanphaichitr, VS Pung-amritt, P Puchaiwatananon, O Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Suvatte, V Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
74. | Thalassemic erythrocytes inhibit in vitro growth of Plasmodium falciparum. | Brockelman, CR Wongsattayanont, B Tan-ariya, P Fucharoen, S |
1987 | ||||
75. | Variable severity of Southeast Asian beta 0-thalassemia/Hb E disease. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Pootrakul, P Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
76. | Viral infections in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. | Wasi, C Kuntang, R Louisirirotchanakul, S Siritantikorn, S Fucharoen, S Aswapokee, P Aswapokee, N Hirunraks, A Wasi, P |
1987 | ||||
77. | Alpha-thalassemia in Thailand. | Winichagoon, P Thonglairuam, V Fucharoen, S Tanphaichito, VS Wasi, P |
1988 | ||||
78. | A study of thalassemia associated with pregnancy. | Vaeusorn, O Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1988 | ||||
79. | Beta-thalassemia associated with alpha-thalassemia in Thailand. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Thonglairuam, V |
1988 | ||||
80. | Cholecystectomy in thalassemia. | Vathanopas, V Fucharoen, S Chandrcharoensin-Wilde, C Sukroongreung, S Nilakul, C |
1988 | ||||
81. | Cord blood study on beta-thalassemia and hemoglobin E. | Pootrakul, S Muang-sup, V Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1988 | ||||
82. | Differentiation of Plasmodium falciparum clones by means of a repetitive DNA probe. | Fucharoen, S Tirawanchai, N Wilairat, P Panyim, S Thaithong, S |
1988 | ||||
83. | EF Bart's disease: interaction of the abnormal alpha- and beta-globin genes. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Thonglairuam, V Wasi, P |
1988 | ||||
84. | Electron microscopic study of liver tissue from 30 thalassemic patients. | Thakerngpol, K Sonakul, D Fucharoen, S Boonyaphiphat, P Vathanopas, V Sahaphong, S Stitnimankarn, T |
1988 | ||||
85. | Gallstones in thalassemia. | Chandrcharoensin-Wilde, C Chairoongruang, S Jitnuson, P Fucharoen, S Vathanopas, V |
1988 | ||||
86. | Hematologic changes in alpha-thalassemia. | Fucharoen, S Thonglairuam, V Winichagoon, P |
1988 | ||||
87. | Histochemical study of liver tissue from thalassemic patients. | Thakerngpol, K Sonakul, D Fucharoen, S Vathanopas, V Stitnimankarn, T |
1988 | ||||
88. | Impaired parasite growth and increased susceptibility to phagocytosis of Plasmodium falciparum infected alpha-thalassemia or hemoglobin Constant Spring red blood cells. | Yuthavong, Y Butthep, P Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Khusmith, S |
1988 | ||||
89. | Plasma renin activity in patients with beta-thalassemia hemoglobin E. | Snogchart, N Thirawarapan, SS Fucharoen, S Tanphaichitr, VS |
1988 | ||||
90. | Study of hematopoietic progenitors in patients with thalassemia: the effect of splenectomy. | Issaragrisil, S Tang-naitrisorana, Y Piankijagum, A Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1988 | ||||
91. | The effect of erythroid hyperplasia on iron balance. | Pootrakul, P Kitcharoen, K Yansukon, P Wasi, P Fucharoen, S Charoenlarp, P Brittenham, G Pippard, MJ Finch, CA |
1988 | ||||
92. | Analysis of hematological data of thalassemia cases in Thailand. | Tatsumi, N Tsuda, I Funahara, Y Bunyaratvej, A Pootrakul, P Fucharoen, S |
1989 | ||||
93. | A novel ochre mutation in the beta-thalassemia gene of a Thai. Identification by direct cloning of the entire beta-globin gene amplified using polymerase chain reactions. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, P Fukumaki, Y |
1989 | ||||
94. | Cytochemical evaluation of neutrophil components in beta thalassemia hemoglobin E. | Trewatcharegon, S Apibal, S Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S |
1989 | ||||
95. | Decreased sensitivity of artesunate and chloroquine of Plasmodium falciparum infecting hemoglobin H and/or hemoglobin constant spring erythrocytes. | Yuthavong, Y Butthep, P Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S |
1989 | ||||
96. | Detection of beta-thalassemia and hemoglobin E genes in Thai by a DNA amplification technique. | Winichagoon, P Kownkon, J Yenchitsomanus, P Thonglairoam, V Siritanaratkul, N Fucharoen, S |
1989 | ||||
97. | Effects of thalassaemic serum on the in vitro development of the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum. | Thanomsub, BW Fucharoen, S Brockelman, CR Bhisutthibhan, J |
1989 | ||||
98. | Heterogeneity of the gamma-globin gene sequences in Japanese individuals: implication of gene conversion in generation of polymorphisms. | Shiokawa, S Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Tomatsu, S Fukumaki, Y |
1989 | ||||
99. | Laboratory diagnosis for thalassemia. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Thonglairuam, V Siriboon, W Sae-Ngow, B |
1989 | ||||
100. | Molecular basis of beta (0)-thalassemia/HbE disease in Thailand. | Petmitr, S Wilairat, P Kownkon, J Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S |
1989 | ||||
101. | Molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in Thailand: analysis of beta-thalassemia mutations using the polymerase chain reaction. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sriroongrueng, W Laosombat, V Jetsrisuparb, A Prasatkaew, S Tanphaichitr, VS Suvatte, V Tuchinda, S Fukumaki, Y |
1989 | ||||
102. | Selective enzymatic amplification of alpha 2-globin DNA for detection of the hemoglobin Constant Spring mutation. | Kropp, GL Fucharoen, S Embury, SH |
1989 | ||||
103. | Study of mechanisms of post-transfusion hypertension in thalassaemic patients. | Thirawarapan, SS Snongchart, N Fucharoen, S Tanphaichitr, VS Dhorranintra, B |
1989 | ||||
104. | The molecular basis of AE-Bart's disease. | Thonglairuam, V Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1989 | ||||
105. | A novel C-T transition within the distal CCAAT motif of the G gamma-globin gene in the Japanese HPFH: implication of factor binding in elevated fetal globin expression. | Fucharoen, S Shimizu, K Fukumaki, Y |
1990 | ||||
106. | A single nucleotide deletion in codon 123 of the beta-globin gene causes an inclusion body beta-thalassaemia trait: a novel elongated globin chain beta Makabe. | Fucharoen, S Kobayashi, Y Fucharoen, G Ohba, Y Miyazono, K Fukumaki, Y Takaku, F |
1990 | ||||
107. | Beta-thalassemia in Thailand. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Thonglairoam, V Tanapotiwirut, V Wasi, P |
1990 | ||||
108. | Cardiac involvement in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease: clinical and hemodynamic findings. | Jootar, P Fucharoen, S |
1990 | ||||
109. | Haemoglobin-E trait and the clinical course of malaria in Thai soldiers. | Brown, AE Webster, HK Fucharoen, S Bunyaratvej, A |
1990 | ||||
110. | Hemoglobin Dhonburi alpha 2 beta 2 126 (H4) Val----Gly: a new unstable beta variant producing a beta-thalassemia intermedia phenotype in association with beta zero-thalassemia. | Bardakdjian-Michau, J Fucharoen, S Delanoe-Garin, J Kister, J Lacombe, C Winichagoon, P Blouquit, Y Riou, J Wasi, P Galacteros, F |
1990 | ||||
111. | Molecular basis of HbE-beta-thalassemia and the origin of HbE in northeast Thailand: identification of one novel mutation using amplified DNA from buffy coat specimens. | Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Jetsrisuparb, A Fukumaki, Y |
1990 | ||||
112. | Molecular characterization and nonradioactive detection of beta-thalassemia in Malaysia | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Ata, K Aziz, S Hashim, S Hassan, K Fukumaki, Y |
1990 | ||||
113. | Molecular heterogeneity of beta-thalassaemia in the Japanese: identification of two novel mutations. | Fucharoen, S Katsube, T Fucharoen, G Sawada, H Oishi, H Katsuno, M Nishimura, J Motomura, S Miura, Y Fukumaki, Y |
1990 | ||||
114. | Simple non-radioactive method for detecting haemoglobin Constant Spring gene. | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Fukumaki, Y. |
1990 | ||||
115. | Thai G gamma (A gamma delta beta)zero-thalassemia and its interaction with a single gamma-globin gene on a chromosome carrying beta zero-thalassemia. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Thonglairoam, V Wasi, P |
1990 | ||||
116. | The molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in Thailand: application to prenatal diagnosis. | Thein, SL Winichagoon, P Hesketh, C Best, S Fucharoen, S Wasi, P Weatherall, DJ |
1990 | ||||
117. | Three-base deletion in exon 3 of the beta-globin gene produced a novel variant (beta gunma) with a thalassemia-like phenotype. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Fukumaki, Y Nakayama, Y Hattori, Y Yamamoto, K Ohba, Y |
1990 | ||||
118. | Ultrasonographic method for detection of haemoglobin Bart's hydrops fetalis in the second trimester of pregnancy. | Kanokpongsakdi, S Fucharoen, S Vatanasiri, C Thonglairoam, V Winichagoon, P Manassakorn, J |
1990 | ||||
119. | Asymmetrically primed selective amplification/temperature shift fluorescence polymerase chain reaction to detect the hemoglobin Constant Spring mutation. | Kropp, GL Fucharoen, S Embury, SH |
1991 | ||||
120. | Double heterozygosity of the β-Malay and a novel β-thalassemia gene in a Thai patient | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Laosombat, V Fukumaki, Y |
1991 | ||||
121. | Eight-base deletion in exon 3 of the β-globin gene produced a novel variant (β Khon Kaen) with an inclusion body β-thalassemia trait [4] | Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fukumaki, Y. |
1991 | ||||
122. | Erythroblast- and erythrocyte-bound antibodies in alpha and beta thalassaemia syndromes. | Wiener, E Wanachiwanawin, W Kotipan, K Fucharoen, S Wasi, P Wickramasinghe, SN |
1991 | ||||
123. | Fetal red cell in Thai thalassemia trait patients. | Chiewsilp, P Fucharoen, S Apibal, S Soponsuksatit, A |
1991 | ||||
124. | Hemoglobin constant spring in Bangkok: molecular screening by selective enzymatic amplification of the alpha 2-globin gene. | Thonglairoam, V Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Tanphaichitr, VS Pung-amritt, P Embury, SH Wasi, P |
1991 | ||||
125. | High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin in the management of immune hemolysis in patients with thalassemic disease: factors which determine refractoriness. | Wanachiwanawin, W Pootrakul, P Fucharoen, S Piankijagum, A |
1991 | ||||
126. | Pituitary function in thalassemic patients and the effect of chelation therapy. | Vannasaeng, S Fucharoen, S Pootrakul, P Ploybutr, S Yansukon, P |
1991 | ||||
127. | Prenatal diagnosis of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Thailand: experience from 100 pregnancies. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Thonglairoam, V Siriboon, W Siritanaratkul, N Kanokpongsakdi, S Vantanasiri, C |
1991 | ||||
128. | Red cell and plasma calcium, copper and zinc in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E. | Suthipark, KU Likidlilid, A Fucharoen, S Pootrakul, P Shumnumsirivath, D Ong-ajyooth, S Plaskett, D Webb, J |
1991 | ||||
129. | Automatic measurement of hemoglobin F in blood obtained from patients with hemoglobin E/E and beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin/E. | Tatsumi, N Tsuda, I Funahara, Y Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S |
1992 | ||||
130. | Biophysical changes of red cells with thalassemia-like abnormal hemoglobin. | Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Tatsumi, N |
1992 | ||||
131. | Brain pathology in 6 fatal cases of post-transfusion hypertension, convulsion and cerebral hemorrhage syndrome. | Sonakul, D Fucharoen, S |
1992 | ||||
132. | Detection of PF3 availability in whole blood from volunteers and beta-thalassemia/HbE patients: a promising method for prediction of thrombotic tendency. | Opartkiattikul, N Funahara, Y Hijikata-Okunomiya, A Yamaguchi, N Fucharoen, S Talalak, P |
1992 | ||||
133. | Erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase activities in hemoglobin H disease. | Kuptamethi, S Tantiniti, P Wanachiwanawin, W Fucharoen, S Thareeruchata, S Choopanya, K |
1992 | ||||
134. | Erythrocyte volume and haemoglobin concentration in haemoglobin H disease: discrimination between the two genotypes. | Bunyaratvej, A Butthep, P Fucharoen, S Saw, D |
1992 | ||||
135. | Fetal red cell staining: method evaluation. | Apibal, S Hongyantarachi, A Chiewsilp, P Fucharoen, S |
1992 | ||||
136. | Hb Q-Thailand [alpha 74(EF3)Asp-->His]: gene organization, molecular structure, and DNA diagnosis. | Zeng, FY Fucharoen, S Huang, SZ Rodgers, GP |
1992 | ||||
137. | Hypoxemia in thalassemia. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Siritanaratkul, N Sonakul, D Chantaraksri, U Bunyaratvej, A Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
1992 | ||||
138. | Identification of five rare mutations including a novel frameshift mutation causing beta zero-thalassemia in Thai patients with beta zero-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P Chihara, K Fukumaki, Y Wasi, P |
1992 | ||||
139. | Increase in spontaneous platelet aggregation in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease: a consequence of splenectomy. | Opartkiattikul, N Funahara, Y Fucharoen, S Talalak, P |
1992 | ||||
140. | Interaction between endothelial cells and thalassemic red cells in vitro. | Butthep, P Bunyaratvej, A Kitaguchi, H Funahara, Y Fucharoen, S |
1992 | ||||
141. | Liver tissue injury secondary to iron overload in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Thakerngpol, K Fucharoen, S Sumiyoshi, A Stitnimankarn, T |
1992 | ||||
142. | Lymphocyte-bearing ferritin in beta-thalassemia/Hb E. | Lamchaigdhase, P Pattanapanyasat, K Sritanaitipol, A Kuntamrongsri, S Fucharoen, S |
1992 | ||||
143. | Molecular basis of beta thalassemia in the South of Thailand | Laosombat, V. Fucharoen, S.P. Panich, V. Fucharoen, G. Nopparatana, C. Fukumaki, Y. |
1992 | ||||
144. | Molecular heterogeneity of beta-thalassemia in Thailand. | Fukumaki, Y Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Okamoto, N Ichinose, M Jetsrisuparb, A Sriroongrueng, W Nopparatana, C Laosombat, V Panich, V |
1992 | ||||
145. | Morphological assessment of platelet activation in thalassemia. | Bunyaratvej, A Komanasin, N Sriurairatana, S Fucharoen, S |
1992 | ||||
146. | Pathogenesis of hypoxemia. | Chantharaksri, U Tonsuwonnont, W Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1992 | ||||
147. | Protein C and protein S deficiency in thalassemic patients. | Shirahata, A Funahara, Y Opartkiattikul, N Fucharoen, S Laosombat, V Yamada, K |
1992 | ||||
148. | Pulmonary thromboembolism in thalassemic patients. | Sonakul, D Fucharoen, S |
1992 | ||||
149. | Reduced deformability of thalassemic erythrocytes and erythrocytes with abnormal hemoglobins and relation with susceptibility to Plasmodium falciparum invasion. | Bunyaratvej, A Butthep, P Sae-Ung, N Fucharoen, S Yuthavong, Y |
1992 | ||||
150. | Size distribution curves of blood cells in thalassemias and hemoglobin H diseases. | Tatsumi, N Tsuda, I Funahara, Y Matsumoto, H Bunyaratvej, A Siritanakul, N Fucharoen, S |
1992 | ||||
151. | Thalassemia in SouthEast Asia: problems and strategy for prevention and control. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
1992 | ||||
152. | Thalassemic serum impairs endothelial cell growth in vitro. | Bunyaratvej, A Funahara, Y Butthep, P Kitaguchi, H Fucharoen, S |
1992 | ||||
153. | The molecular basis of alpha-thalassemia in Thailand. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1992 | ||||
154. | Activation of monocytes for the immune clearance of red cells in beta zero-thalassaemia/HbE. | Wanachiwanawin, W Siripanyaphinyo, U Fucharoen, S Wasi, P Mawas, F Wiener, E Wickramasinghe, SN |
1993 | ||||
155. | Beta 0-thalassemia due to a cytosine deletion in codon 41 associated with hemoglobin E. | Petmitr, S Fucharoen, S Rajkulchai, P Bifani, JP Wilairat, P |
1993 | ||||
156. | Identification of Hb Anantharaj [alpha 11(A9)Lys->Glu] as Hb J-Wenchang-Wuming [alpha 11(A9)Lys->Gln]. | Svasti, J Surarit, R Srisomsap, C Pravatmuang, P Wasi, P Fucharoen, S Blouquit, Y Galacteros, F Rosa, J |
1993 | ||||
157. | Identification of Hb C [beta 6(A3)Glu-->Lys] in a Thai male. | Siriboon, W Srisomsap, C Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Svasti, J |
1993 | ||||
158. | Severity differences in beta-thalassaemia/haemoglobin E syndromes: implication of genetic factors. | Winichagoon, P Thonglairoam, V Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P Fukumaki, Y Wasi, P |
1993 | ||||
159. | A simple non-radioactive assay for hemoglobin E gene in prenatal diagnosis | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Ratanasiri, T Jetsrisuparb, A Fukumaki, Y |
1994 | ||||
160. | Flow cytometric immunophenotyping of lymphocyte subsets in samples that contain a high proportion of non-lymphoid cells. | Pattanapanyasat, K Kyle, DE Tongtawe, P Yongvanitchit, K Fucharoen, S |
1994 | ||||
161. | Human genetic disease in Asia. | Fucharoen, S Kidson, C |
1994 | ||||
162. | Hydration of red cells in alpha and beta thalassemias differs. A useful approach to distinguish between these red cell phenotypes. | Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Greenbaum, A Mohandas, N |
1994 | ||||
163. | Molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in Japan: heterogeneity and origins of mutations. | Wakamatsu, C Ichinose, M Manabe, J Fucharoen, S Sawada, H Ohga, S Nishimura, J Nukina, H Harada, T Shirahata, S |
1994 | ||||
164. | Nondeletional type of hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin: molecular characterization of three unrelated Thai HPFH. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P Chihara, K Fukumaki, Y |
1994 | ||||
165. | Number and maturation of reticulocytes in various genotypes of thalassaemia as assessed by flow cytometry. | Khuhapinant, A Bunyaratvej, A Tatsumi, N Pribwai, M Fucharoen, S |
1994 | ||||
166. | Rapid and simultaneous non-radioactive method for detecting alpha-thalassemia 1 (SEA type) and Hb Constant Spring genes. | Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
1994 | ||||
167. | Alterations and pathology of thalassemic red cells: comparison between alpha- and beta-thalassemia. | Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Butthep, P Sae-ung, N Kamchonwongpaisan, S Khuhapinant, A |
1995 | ||||
168. | Alterations in vascular endothelial cell-related plasma proteins in thalassaemic patients and their correlation with clinical symptoms. | Butthep, P Bunyaratvej, A Funahara, Y Kitaguchi, H Fucharoen, S Sato, S Bhamarapravati, N |
1995 | ||||
169. | A simple non radioactive method for detecting beta-thalassemia/hbe disease: application to prenatal diagnosis. | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Ratanasiri, T. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fukumaki, Y. |
1995 | ||||
170. | Detection of alpha-thalassemia-1 (Southeast Asian type) and its application for prenatal diagnosis. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Kanokpongsakdi, S Fukumaki, Y |
1995 | ||||
171. | Expression of hemoglobin E in newborn. | Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
1995 | ||||
172. | Globin chain turnover in reticulocytes from patients with beta (0) -thalassaemia/Hb E disease. | Kalpravidh, RW Komolvanich, S Wilairat, P Fucharoen, S |
1995 | ||||
173. | Glomerulonephritis in beta-thalassemia Hb-E disease: clinical manifestations, histopathologic studies and outcome. | Ongajyooth, L Siritanaratkul, N Pootrakul, P Parichatikanond, P Malasit, P Fucharoen, S Nimmannit, S Piankijagum, A Nilwarangkur, S |
1995 | ||||
174. | Molecular analysis of the human fetal-to-adult globin switching. | Katsube, T Fucharoen, S Tojo, H Fukumaki, Y |
1995 | ||||
175. | Molecular basis of alpha (0)-thalassemia in northeast of Thailand. | Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Wanhakit, C Srithong, W |
1995 | ||||
176. | Molecular mechanisms of thalassemia in southeast Asia. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P Fukumaki, Y |
1995 | ||||
177. | Prenatal diagnosis for beta-thalassemia syndromes using HRP-labeled oligonucleotide probes at Siriraj Hospital. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Siritanaratkul, N Tassana, P Thonglairoam, V Siriboon, W Kanokpongsakdi, S |
1995 | ||||
178. | Reverse dot-blot detection of Thai beta-thalassaemia mutations. | Sutcharitchan, P Saiki, R Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Erlich, H Embury, SH |
1995 | ||||
179. | Role of alternatively spliced beta E-globin mRNA on clinical severity of beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P Chihara, K Fukumaki, Y |
1995 | ||||
180. | The instability of the membrane skeleton in thalassemic red blood cells. | Yuan, J Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Fung, C Shinar, E Schrier, SL |
1995 | ||||
181. | Hydroxyurea increases hemoglobin F levels and improves the effectiveness of erythropoiesis in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Fucharoen, S Siritanaratkul, N Winichagoon, P Chowthaworn, J Siriboon, W Muangsup, W Chaicharoen, S Poolsup, N Chindavijak, B Pootrakul, P Piankijagum, A Schechter, AN Rodgers, GP |
1996 | ||||
182. | Increased serum levels of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) in alpha- and beta-thalassaemia syndromes: correlation with anaemia and monocyte activation. | Wiener, E Wanachiwanawin, W Chinprasertsuk, S Siripanyaphinyo, U Mawas, F Fucharoen, S Wickramasinghe, SN |
1996 | ||||
183. | Liver injury due to iron overload in thalassemia: histopathologic and ultrastructural studies. | Thakerngpol, K Fucharoen, S Boonyaphipat, P Srisook, K Sahaphong, S Vathanophas, V Stitnimankarn, T |
1996 | ||||
184. | Lymphocytes in beta-thalassemia/HbE: subpopulations and mitogen responses. | Wanachiwanawin, W Phucharoen, J Pattanapanyasat, K Fucharoen, S Webster, HK |
1996 | ||||
185. | A double-blind placebo control trial of dilazep in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. | Opartkiattikul, N Sukpanichnant, S Wanachiwanawin, W Fucharoen, S Funahara, Y Sumiyoshi, A Imai, K Sangtawesin, W Thientadakul, P |
1997 | ||||
186. | Alpha-thalassemia incidence in southern Thailand by restriction endonuclease analysis of globin DNA from placental blood at Songklanagarind Hospital. | Sriroongrueng, W Pornpatkul, M Panich, V Fucharoen, S |
1997 | ||||
187. | An in vitro study on thalassemic erythroid precursors in liquid culture. | Khuhapinant, A Bunyaratvej, A Sahaphong, S Pattanapanyasat, K Fucharoen, S |
1997 | ||||
188. | Beta-globin gene haplotypes in some minor ethnic groups in Thailand. | Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Chinoluck, P. Khunsuk, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sae-Ung, N. |
1997 | ||||
189. | Detection of thalassemia genes using smeared blood film or leukocytes adhering to polysthylene fibers. | Tatsumi, N Yokota, M Shindoh, K Funahara, Y Nathalang, O Sukpanichnant, S Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S |
1997 | ||||
190. | Difference in pattern of erythropoietin response between beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E children and adults. | Sukpanichnant, S Opartkiattikul, N Fucharoen, S Tanphaichitr, VS Hasuike, T Tatsumi, N |
1997 | ||||
191. | Hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asia: molecular biology and clinical medicine. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
1997 | ||||
192. | Molecular and hematological characterization of HbE heterozygote with alpha-thalassemia determinant. | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Sae-ue, N. Baisungneon, R. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
1997 | ||||
193. | Molecular and hematological characterization of HB tak and HB pyrgos in Thailand | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sae-ung, N Sanchaisuriya, K Fukumaki, Y |
1997 | ||||
194. | Morphological alterations and apoptosis of endothelial cells induced by thalassemic serum in vitro. | Banjerdpongchai, R Wilairat, P Fucharoen, S Bunyaratvej, A |
1997 | ||||
195. | Possible evidence of endothelial cell activation and disturbance in thalassemia: an in vitro study. | Butthep, P Bunyaratvej, A Funahara, Y Kitaguchi, H Fucharoen, S Sato, S Bhamarapravati, N |
1997 | ||||
196. | Presence of immunoglobulins, C3 and cytolytic C5b-9 complement components on the surface of erythrocytes from patients with beta-thalassaemia/HbE disease. | Malasit, P Mahasorn, W Mongkolsapaya, J Singhathong, B Fucharoen, S Wasi, P Bhakdi, S |
1997 | ||||
197. | Surface and total tissue factor activity of endothelial cells. | Sangtawesin, W Hijikata-Okunomiya, A Opartkiattikul, N Wongtiraporn, W Luenee, P Butthep, P Kitaguchi, H Fucharoen, S Funahara, Y |
1997 | ||||
198. | Thalassemic serum inhibits endothelial cell mitosis in vitro. | Butthep, P Khuhapinant, A Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Kitaguchi, H Funahara, Y |
1997 | ||||
199. | The unusual pathobiology of hemoglobin constant spring red blood cells. | Schrier, SL Bunyaratvej, A Khuhapinant, A Fucharoen, S Aljurf, M Snyder, LM Keifer, CR Ma, L Mohandas, N |
1997 | ||||
200. | Alpha- and beta-thalassemia in Thailand. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Siritanaratkul, N Chowthaworn, J Pootrakul, P |
1998 | ||||
201. | Detection of zeta-globin chains in the cord blood by ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay): rapid screening for alpha-thalassemia 1 (Southeast Asian type). | Ausavarungnirun, R Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Epstein, N Simkins, R |
1998 | ||||
202. | Membrane phospholipid asymmetry in human thalassemia. | Kuypers, FA Yuan, J Lewis, RA Snyder, LM Kiefer, CR Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Ma, L Styles, L de Jong, K Schrier, SL |
1998 | ||||
203. | Molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in the Maldives. | Furuumi, H Firdous, N Inoue, T Ohta, H Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Fukumaki, Y |
1998 | ||||
204. | Prenatal and postnatal diagnoses of thalassemias and hemoglobinopathies by HPLC. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Wisedpanichkij, R Sae-Ngow, B Sriphanich, R Oncoung, W Muangsapaya, W Chowthaworn, J Kanokpongsakdi, S Bunyaratvej, A Piankijagum, A Dewaele, C |
1998 | ||||
205. | Renal function in adult beta-thalassemia/Hb E disease. | Ong-ajyooth, L Malasit, P Ong-ajyooth, S Fucharoen, S Pootrakul, P Vasuvattakul, S Siritanaratkul, N Nilwarangkur, S |
1998 | ||||
206. | Cross over placebo control trial of dilazep in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. | Opartkiattikul, N Sukpanichnant, S Funahara, Y Sumiyoshi, A Wanachiwanawin, W Tatsumi, N Fucharoen, S |
1999 | ||||
207. | Detection and structural analysis of abnormal hemoglobins found in Thailand. | Svasti, J Srisomsap, C Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S |
1999 | ||||
208. | Hb G-Coushatta [beta22(B4)Glu-->Ala] in Thailand. | Itchayanan, D Svasti, J Srisomsap, C Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S |
1999 | ||||
209. | Hemostatic alterations in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. | Opartkiattikul, N Tatsumi, N Funahara, Y Shirahata, A Wongtiraporn, W Tientadakul, P Fucharoen, S |
1999 | ||||
210. | Icsh activities and Asia. | Tatsumi, N Tsuda, I Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Cho, HI Rowan, RM |
1999 | ||||
211. | Identification of Hb J-Buda [alpha61(E10)Lys-->Asn] in a Thai female. | Itchayanan, D Svasti, J Srisomsap, C Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S |
1999 | ||||
212. | Impairment of Plasmodium falciparum growth in thalassemic red blood cells: further evidence by using biotin labeling and flow cytometry. | Pattanapanyasat, K Yongvanitchit, K Tongtawe, P Tachavanich, K Wanachiwanawin, W Fucharoen, S Walsh, DS |
1999 | ||||
213. | Prenatal diagnosis of beta-thalassaemia by reverse dot-blot hybridization. | Winichagoon, P Saechan, V Sripanich, R Nopparatana, C Kanokpongsakdi, S Maggio, A Fucharoen, S |
1999 | ||||
214. | Red cell deformability, splenic function and anaemia in thalassaemia. | Dondorp, AM Chotivanich, KT Fucharoen, S Silamut, K Vreeken, J Kager, PA White, NJ |
1999 | ||||
215. | Role of FcgammaRI (CD64) in erythrocyte elimination and its up-regulation in thalassaemia. | Wiener, E Allen, D Porter, RJ Wickramasinghe, SN Porter, JB Chinprasertsuk, S Siripanyaphinyo, U Pattanapanyasat, K Fucharoen, S Wanachiwanawin, W |
1999 | ||||
216. | Serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1, and interferon-gamma in beta(o)-thalassemia/HbE and their clinical significance. | Wanachiwanawin, W Wiener, E Siripanyaphinyo, U Chinprasertsuk, S Mawas, F Fucharoen, S Wickramasinghe, SN Pootrakul, P Visudhiphan, S |
1999 | ||||
217. | Standardization on laboratory diagnosis of thalassemia and abnormal hemoglobin. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Piankijagum, A |
1999 | ||||
218. | Clinical and hematologic aspects of hemoglobin E beta-thalassemia. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
2000 | ||||
219. | Hb Siam [alpha15(A13)Gly-->Arg] is a GGT-->CGT mutation in the alpha1-globin gene. | Yodsowan, B Svast, J Srisomsap, C Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S |
2000 | ||||
220. | Lymphocyte subsets and specific T-cell immune response in thalassemia. | Pattanapanyasat, K Thepthai, C Lamchiagdhase, P Lerdwana, S Tachavanich, K Thanomsuk, P Wanachiwanawin, W Fucharoen, S Darden, JM |
2000 | ||||
221. | Molecular analysis of α-thalassemia in Nepal: Correlation with malaria endemicity | Sakai, Y Kobayashi, S Shibata, H Furuumi, H Endo, T Fucharoen, S Hamano, S Acharya, GP Kawasaki, T Fukumaki, Y |
2000 | ||||
222. | Restoration of hemoglobin A synthesis in erythroid cells from peripheral blood of thalassemic patients. | Lacerra, G Sierakowska, H Carestia, C Fucharoen, S Summerton, J Weller, D Kole, R |
2000 | ||||
223. | A multi-center study in order to further define the molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Syria, and India, and to develop a simple molecular diagnostic strategy by amplification refractory mutation system-polymerase chain reaction | Old, JM Khan, SN Verma, I Fucharoen, S Kleanthous, M Ioannou, P Kotea, N Fisher, C Riazuddin, S Saxena, R Winichagoon, P Kyriacou, K Al-Quobaili, F Khan, B |
2001 | ||||
224. | Association of Hb Hope [beta 136(H14)Gly -> Asp] and Hb H disease | Svasti, S Yodsowon, B Sriphanich, R Winichagoon, P Boonkhan, P Suwanban, T Sawangareetrakul, P Srisomsap, C Ketudat-Cairns, JR Svasti, J Fucharoen, S |
2001 | ||||
225. | Atypical hemoglobin H disease in a Thai patient resulting from a combination of alpha-thalassemia 1 and hemoglobin Constant Spring with hemoglobin J Bangkok heterozygosity. | Fucharoen, S.P. Ayukarn, K. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. |
2001 | ||||
226. | Clinical and hematological features of beta(+)-thalassemia (IVS-1 nt 5, G-C mutation) in Thai patients. | Laosombat, V. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2001 | ||||
227. | Clinical and hematological features of codon 17, A-T mutation of beta-thalassemia in Thai patients | Laosombat, V Wongchanchailert, M Sattayasevana, B Wiriyasateinkul, A Fucharoen, S |
2001 | ||||
228. | Clinical and hematologic features of beta0-thalassemia (frameshift 41/42 mutation) in Thai patients. | Laosombat, V Wongchanchailert, M Sattayasevana, B Wiriyasateinkul, A Fucharoen, S |
2001 | ||||
229. | Clinical and hematologic features of beta(o)-thalassemia (frameshift 41/42 mutation) in Thai patients | V Laosombat M Wongchanchailert B Sattayasevana A Wiriyasateinkul S Fucharoen |
2001 | ||||
230. | Detection of haemoglobin variants and inference of their functional properties using complete oxygen dissociation curve measurements. | K Imai P Tientadakul N Opartkiattikul P Luenee P Winichagoon J Svasti S Fucharoen |
2001 | ||||
231. | Different pathways of erythropoietin and interferon gamma in preventing apoptosis of mature erythroid progenitor cells. | I Choi K Paiboonsukwong T Matsushima Y Abe J Nishimura S Fucharoen H Nawata K Muta |
2001 | ||||
232. | Interaction of the α2 polyadenylation signal mutation (AATAAA → AATA- -) and α0-thalassemia (- -SEA), resulting in Hb H disease in a Thai patient | Laosombat, V. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2001 | ||||
233. | Interaction of the alpha2 polyadenylation signal mutation (AATAAA-->AATA--) and alpha0-thalassemia (--SEA), resulting in Hb H disease in a Thai patient. | V Laosombat S Fucharoen A Wiriyasateinkul |
2001 | ||||
234. | Major hematologic diseases in the developing world- new aspects of diagnosis and management of thalassemia, malarial anemia, and acute leukemia. | Greenberg, PL Gordeuk, V Issaragrisil, S Siritanaratkul, N Fucharoen, S Ribeiro, RC |
2001 | ||||
235. | Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Thailand. | G Fucharoen S Fucharoen S Horai |
2001 | ||||
236. | Molecular characterization of (δβ)°/β°-thalassemia and (δβ)°-thalassemia/hemoglobin E in Thai patients | Fucharoen, S.P. Pengjam, Y. Surapot, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2001 | ||||
237. | Molecular characterization of (deltabeta)(0)/beta(0)-thalassemia and (deltabeta)(0)-thalassemia/hemoglobin E in Thai patients. | Fucharoen, S Pengjam, Y Surapot, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K |
2001 | ||||
238. | Molecular characterization of (delta beta)degrees/beta degrees-thalassemia and (delta beta)degrees-thalassemia/hemoglobin E in Thai patients | S Fucharoen Y Pengjam S Surapot G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya |
2001 | ||||
239. | Molecular characterization of hemoglobin C in Thailand. | K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen N Sae-ung N Siriratmanawong S Surapot S Fucharoen |
2001 | ||||
240. | Molecular characterization of thalassemia intermedia with homozygous Hb Malay and Hb Malay/HbE in Thai patients. | S Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen S Surapot |
2001 | ||||
241. | Molecular characterization of thalassemia intermedia with homozygous Hb Malay and Hb Malay/HbE in Thai patients [1] | Fucharoen, S.P. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Surapot, S. |
2001 | ||||
242. | Rapid differentiation of five common alpha-thalassemia genotypes by polymerase chain reaction | Tang, DC Fucharoen, S Ding, I Rodgers, GP |
2001 | ||||
243. | Simultaneous PCR detection of β-thalassemia and α-thalassemia 1 (SEA type) in prenatal diagnosis of complex thalassemia syndrome | Siriratmanawong, N Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Ratanasiri, T Fucharoen, S |
2001 | ||||
244. | A simplified screening for alpha-thalassemia 1 (SEA type) using a combination of a modified osmotic fragility test and a direct PCR on whole blood cell lysates. | Panyasai, S. Sringam, P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2002 | ||||
245. | Compound heterozygosity for Hb Korle-Bu (β73; Asp-Asn) and Hb E (β26; Glu-Lys) with a 3.7-kb deletional α-thalassemia in Thai patients | Changtrakun, Y Fucharoen, S Ayukarn, K Siriratmanawong, N Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K |
2002 | ||||
246. | Double heterozygosity for Hb Pyrgos [beta 83(EF7)Gly -> Asp] and Hb E [beta 26(B8)Glu -> Lys] found in association with alpha-thalassemia | P Sawangareetrakul S Svasti B Yodsowon P Winichagoon C Srisomsap J Svasti S Fucharoen |
2002 | ||||
247. | Flow cytometric quantitation of red blood cell vesicles in thalassemia patients | K Pattanapanyasat E Noulsri S Lerdwana N Siritanaratkul S Fucharoen |
2002 | ||||
248. | Frequency Distribution and Haplotypic Heterogeneity of beta(E)-Globin Gene among Eight Minority Groups of Northeast Thailand. | Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sae-Ung, N. |
2002 | ||||
249. | Hb Paksé [(α2) codon 142 (TAA→TAT or Term→Tyr)] in Thai patients with EABart's disease and Hb H disease | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2002 | ||||
250. | Hb Paksé [(alpha2) codon 142 (TAA-->TAT or Term-->Tyr)J in Thai patients with EAbart's disease and Hb H Disease. | Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2002 | ||||
251. | Hb Pakse [(alpha 2) codon 142(TAA -> TAT or Term -> Tyr)] in Thai patients with EABart's disease and Hb H disease | K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen S Fucharoen |
2002 | ||||
252. | Hb Siam [alpha 15(A13)Gly -> Arg (alpha 1) (GGT -> CGT)] is a typical alpha chain hemoglobinopathy without an alpha-thalassemic effect | C Turbpaiboon S Svasti P Sawangareetakul P Winichagoon C Srisomsap N Siritanaratkul S Fucharoen P Wilairat J Svasti |
2002 | ||||
253. | Identification of Hb S in Thai patients | Y Changtrakun V Suksa-ard G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya S Fucharoen |
2002 | ||||
254. | Increased circulating activated endothelial cells, vascular endothelial growth factor, and tumor necrosis factor in thalassemia | P Butthep S Rummavas R Wisedpanichkij S Jindadamrongwech S Fucharoen A Bunyaratvej |
2002 | ||||
255. | Molecular analysis of a Thai beta-thalassaemia heterozygote with normal haemoglobin A(2) level: implication for population screening | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Pengjam, Y. |
2002 | ||||
256. | Molecular analysis of beta-thalassemia in South Vietnam | MLS Svasti TM Hieu T Munkongdee P Winichagoon T Van Be T Van Binh S Fucharoen |
2002 | ||||
257. | Molecular and hematological characterization of HPFH-6/indian deletion-inversion Gγ(Aγδβ)O -Thalassemia and Gγ(Aγδβ)O -thalassemia/HbE in Thai patients | Fucharoen, S.P. Pengjam, Y. Surapot, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2002 | ||||
258. | Molecular and hematological characterization of HPFH-6/Indian deletion-inversion Ggamma(Agammadeltabeta)0-thalassemia and Ggamma(Agammadeltabeta)0-thalassemia/HbE in Thai patients. | S Fucharoen Y Pengjam S Surapot G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya |
2002 | ||||
259. | Molecular characterization of Hb D-Punjab [β121(GH4)Glu → Gln] in Thailand | Fucharoen, S.P. Changtrakun, Y. Surapot, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2002 | ||||
260. | Molecular characterization of Hb D-Punjab [beta121(GH4)Glu-->Gln] in Thailand. | S Fucharoen Y Changtrakun S Surapot G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya |
2002 | ||||
261. | Molecular characterization of thalassemia intermedia associated with HPFH-6/beta-thalassemia and HPFH-6/Hb E in Thai patients. | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Surapot, S. |
2002 | ||||
262. | Paternal relationships of modern Asian populations, as viewed from the human Y-chromosomal DNA variation | A Tajima IH Pan G Fucharoen S Fucharoen M Matsuo K Tokunaga T Juji M Hayami K Omoto S Horai |
2002 | ||||
263. | Repair of a splicing defect in erythroid cells from patients with beta-thalassemia/HbE disorder | T Suwanmanee H Sierakowska S Fucharoen R Kole |
2002 | ||||
264. | Restoration of human beta-globin gene expression in murine and human IVS2-654 thalassemic erythroid cells by free uptake of antisense oligonucleotides | T Suwanmanee H Sierakowska G Lacerra S Svasti S Kirby CE Walsh S Fucharoen R Kole |
2002 | ||||
265. | Role of NF-kB in regulation of apoptosis of erythroid progenitor cells | N Sae-ung K Muta Y Abe H Nawata S Fucharoen |
2002 | ||||
266. | Screening for the carriers of thalassemias and abnormal hemoglobins at the community level. | Winichagoon, P Thitivichianlert, A Lebnak, T Piankijagum, A Fucharoen, S |
2002 | ||||
267. | Thalassemia and abnormal hemoglobin | S Fucharoen P Winichagoon |
2002 | ||||
268. | Three major lineages of Asian Y chromosomes: implications for the peopling of east and southeast Asia | Tajima, A Pan, IH Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Matsuo, M Tokunaga, K Juji, T Hayami, M Omoto, K Horai, S |
2002 | ||||
269. | Triple heterozygosity of a hemoglobin variant: Hemoglobin Pyrgos with other hemoglobinopathies | Jetsrisuparb, A Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Wiangnon, S Komwilaisak, P |
2002 | ||||
270. | Anion exchanger 1 mutations associated with distal renal tubular acidosis in the Thai population | PT Yenchitsomanus N Sawasdee A Paemanee T Keskanokwong S Vasuvattakul S Bejrachandra N Kunachiwa S Fucharoen P Jittphakdee W Yindee C Promwong |
2003 | ||||
271. | Clinical trial of deferiprone iron chelation therapy in beta-thalassaemia/haemoglobin E patients in Thailand | P Pootrakul P Sirankapracha J Sankote U Kachintorn W Maungsub K Sriphen K Thakernpol K Atisuk S Fucharoen U Chantraluksri O Shalev AV Hoffbrand |
2003 | ||||
272. | Complex interaction of Hb Hekinan [alpha27(B8) Glu-Asp] and Hb E [beta26(B8) Glu-Lys] with a deletional alpha-thalassemia 1 in a Thai family. | S Fucharoen Y Changtrakun T Ratanasiri G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya |
2003 | ||||
273. | Hb Kodaira II [beta 146(HC3)His -> Gln] detected in Thailand | L Ngiwsara C Srisomsap P Winichagoon S Fucharoen J Svasti |
2003 | ||||
274. | Hemin: A possible cause of oxidative stress in blood circulation of beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease | N Phumala S Porasuphatana S Unchern P Pootrakul S Fucharoen U Chantharaksri |
2003 | ||||
275. | Hemoglobin H disease: not necessarily a benign disorder | DHK Chui S Fucharoen V Chan |
2003 | ||||
276. | Humanised mouse models for beta-thalassemia/HbE disease | D Jamsai J Vadolas F Zaibak M Orford M Nefedov S Fucharoen R Williamson PA Ioannou |
2003 | ||||
277. | Insertion of common mutations into the human beta-globin locus using GET Recombination and an EcoRI endonuclease counterselection cassette | D Jamsai M Nefedov K Narayanan M Orford S Fucharoen R Williamson PA Ioannou |
2003 | ||||
278. | Insertion of modifications in the beta-globin locus using GET recombination with single-stranded oligonucleotides and denatured PCR fragments | D Jamsai M Orford S Fucharoen R Williamson PA Ioannou |
2003 | ||||
279. | Interaction of hemoglobin E and several forms of α-thalassemia in Cambodian families | Fucharoen, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Panyasai, S Devenish, R Luy, L |
2003 | ||||
280. | Molecular and hematologic features of hemoglobin E heterozygotes with different forms of alpha-thalassemia in Thailand. | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2003 | ||||
281. | Non-invasive fetal sex determination using a conventional nested PCR analysis of fetal DNA in maternal plasma | Tungwiwat, W Fucharoen, G Ratanasiri, T Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2003 | ||||
282. | Prenatal detection of fetal hemoglobin E gene from maternal plasma | G Fucharoen W Tungwiwat T Ratanasiri K Sanchaisuriya S Fucharoen |
2003 | ||||
283. | Prevalence and clinical significance of hepatitis C virus infection in Thai patients with thalassemia | W Wanachiwanawin P Luengrojanakul P Sirangkapracha W Leowattana S Fucharoen |
2003 | ||||
284. | Rapid detection of an a thalassemia variant (Hb Quong Sze). | Laosombat, V Wiryyasateinkul, A Chrangtrakul, Y Fucharoen, S |
2003 | ||||
285. | SNP map and haplotype analysis of the beta-globin gene region in beta(0)-thal/HbE patients. | KJ Abel J Whitacre O Sripichai P Erlich L Farrer A Braun S Fucharoen |
2003 | ||||
286. | Targeted modification of a human beta-globin locus BAC clone using GET Recombination and an I-SceI counterselection cassette | D Jamsai M Orford M Nefedov S Fucharoen R Williamson PA Ioannou |
2003 | ||||
287. | Thalassemia: Genotype-phenotype interaction. | S Fucharoen P Winichagoon C Sripichai T Mankongdee K Vichittumaros P Sirankapracha T Sura A Chuansumrit I Nuchprayoon S Suwansings S Intarasiripong |
2003 | ||||
288. | The effects of vitamin E on platelet activity in beta-thalassaemia patients | S Unchern N Laoharuangpanya N Phumala P Sipankapracha P Pootrakul S Fucharoen W Wanachivanawin U Chantharaksri |
2003 | ||||
289. | The signaling pathways of erythropoietin and interferon-gamma differ in preventing the apoptosis of mature erythroid progenitor cells | K Paiboonsukwong I Choi T Matsushima Y Abe J Nishimura P Winichagoon S Fucharoen H Nawata K Muta |
2003 | ||||
290. | A simplified screening strategy for thalassaemia and haemoglobin E in rural communities in south-east Asia | G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya N Sae-Ung S Dangwibul S Fucharoen |
2004 | ||||
291. | Ethnic differences in polymorphisms and haplotypes within the UGT1A gene complex. | J Sawattep TA Howard NP Morales Y Sanvaridna P Fucharoen S Fucharoen RE Ware |
2004 | ||||
292. | Flow cytometric quantitation of red blood cell vesicles in thalassemia | K Pattanapanyasat E Noulsri S Fucharoen S Lerdwana P Lamchiagdhase N Siritanaratkul HK Webster |
2004 | ||||
293. | Genetic analysis of candidate modifier polymorphisms in beta-Thalassemia/Hb E patients. | S Fucharoen P Winichagoon O Sripichai T Munkongdee C Kumkhaek K Vichitumaros J Whiacre K Abel A Braun |
2004 | ||||
294. | Laboratory diagnosis of a compound heterozygosity for Hb Hekinan [alpha27(B8) Glu-Asp] and a deletional alpha-thalassaemia 2 in Thailand. | S Chunpanich K Ayukarn K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen S Fucharoen |
2004 | ||||
295. | Molecular and hematological characterization of hemoglobin hope/hemoglobin E and hemoglobin hope/α-Thalassemia 2 in Thai patients | Chunpanich, S Fucharoen, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Kam-itsara, K |
2004 | ||||
296. | Molecular basis and hematologic characterization of δβ- thalassemia and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin in Thailand | Panyasai, S. Fucharoen, S.P. Surapot, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2004 | ||||
297. | Molecular basis and hematologic characterization of deltabeta-thalassemia and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin in Thailand. | S Panyasai S Fucharoen S Surapot G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya |
2004 | ||||
298. | Multiplex allele-specific PCR assay for differential diagnosis of Hb S, Hb D-Punjab and Hb Tak. | Sanchaisuriya, K. Chunpanich, S. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2004 | ||||
299. | Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery within the UGT1A gene complex: Allelic frequencies and ethnic differences. | J Sawattep TA Howard NP Morales Y Sanvarinda P Fucharoen S Fucharoen RE Ware |
2004 | ||||
300. | The diverse molecular basis and hematological features of Hb H and AEBart's diseases in northeast Thailand | Boonsa, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Wiangnon, S. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2004 | ||||
301. | Two cases of compound heterozygosity for hb Hekinan [alpha 27(B8)Glu -> Asp (alpha 1)] and alpha-thalassemia in Thailand | L Ngiwsara C Srisomsap P Winichagoon S Fucharoen J Svasti |
2004 | ||||
302. | A humanized mouse model for a common beta(0)-thalassemia mutation | D Jamsai F Zaibak W Khongnium J Vadolas L Voullaire KJ Fowler S Gazeas S Fucharoen R Williamson PA Ioannou |
2005 | ||||
303. | A reliable screening protocol for thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnancy: An alternative approach to electronic blood cell counting | K Sanchaisuriya S Fucharoen G Fucharoen T Ratanasiri P Sanchaisuriya Y Changtrakul U Ukosanakarn U Ussawaphark FP Schelp |
2005 | ||||
304. | Association of Hb Q-Thailand with homozygous Hb E and heterozygous Hb Constant Spring in pregnancy | Sanchaisuriya, K Chunpanich, S Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, P Changtrakun, Y |
2005 | ||||
305. | Compound heterozygote state for Gγ Aγ(δβ)°-thalassemia and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin | Fucharoen, S.P. Panyasai, S. Surapot, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2005 | ||||
306. | Compound heterozygote state for GgammaAgamma(deltabeta) degrees -thalassemia and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin. | S Fucharoen S Panyasai S Surapot G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya |
2005 | ||||
307. | Compound heterozygote states for Hb C/Hb Malay and Hb C/Hb E in pregnancy: A molecular and hematological analysis | S Fucharoen G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya S Surapot |
2005 | ||||
308. | Development of an HPFH-specific assay for HbF inducers | P Lourthai J Vadolas H Wardan P Winichagoon J Svasti S Fucharoen P Ioannou |
2005 | ||||
309. | Genetic analysis of candidate modifier polymorphisms in Hb E-beta(0)-thalassemia patients | O Sripichal J Whitacre T Munkongdee C Kumkhaek W Makarasara P Winichagoon K Abel A Braun S Fucharoen |
2005 | ||||
310. | Genotypes and phenotypes of thalassemia: A discussion | S Fucharoen | 2005 | ||||
311. | Hb Kurosaki [alpha 7(A5)Lys -> Glu (AAG -> GAG)]: An alpha 2-globin gene mutation found in Thailand | L Ngiwsara C Srisomsap P Winichagoon S Fucharoen B Sae-Ngow J Svasti |
2005 | ||||
312. | In vivo and in vitro studies of fetal hemoglobin induction by hydroxyurea in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients | Y Watanapokasin S Chuncharunee D Sanmund W Kongnium P Winichagoon GP Rodgers S Fucharoen |
2005 | ||||
313. | Molecular and haematological characterization of compound Hb E/Hb Pyrgos and Hb E/Hb J-Bangkok in Thai patients. | S Fucharoen S Singsanan K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen |
2005 | ||||
314. | Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis for hemoglobin Bart's hydrops fetalis | P Winichagoon S Sithongdee S Kanokpongsakdi P Tantisirin LE Bernini S Fucharoen |
2005 | ||||
315. | Rescued mice with Hb E transgene-developed red cell changes similar to human beta-thalassemia/HbE disease | B Wannasuphaphol R Kalpravidh K Patanapanyasat P Ioannau FA Kuypers S Fucharoen P Winichagoon |
2005 | ||||
316. | Role of NF-kappa B in regulation of apoptosis of erythroid progenitor cells | Sae-Ung, N Matsushima, T Choi, I Abe, Y Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Nawata, H Muta, K |
2005 | ||||
317. | Searching for disease modifiers genes in thalassemia. | S Fucharoen O Sripichai P Winichagoon K Abel A Braun |
2005 | ||||
318. | Thalassemia intermedia associated with complex interaction of Hb Beijing [α16(A14)Lys→Asn] and Hb E [β26(B8)Glu→Lys] with a deletional α-thalassemia-1 in a Thai family | Fucharoen, S.P. Chunpanich, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. |
2005 | ||||
319. | Thalassemia intermedia associated with complex interaction of Hb Beijing [alpha 16(A14)Lys -> Asn] and Hb E [beta 26(B8)Glu -> Lys] with a deletional alpha-thalassemia-1 in a Thai family | Fucharoen, S Chunpanich, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Kunyanone, N |
2005 | ||||
320. | UDP-Glucuronosyl-Transferase 1A1polymorphisms (UGT1A1*28) In Thai -Thalassemia/HB E and Healthy Volunteers: Relationships to Jaundice and Gallstone Formation | J Tankanitlert Phramongkutklao college of medicine Department of Pharmacology T Howard N Phumala Morales Y Sanvarinda P Fucharoen RE Ware S Fucharoen U Chantharaksri |
2005 | ||||
321. | Chicken egg yolk antibodies specific for the gamma chain of human hemoglobin for diagnosis of thalassemia | P Jintaridth C Srisomsap K Vichittumaros RW Kalpravidh P Winichagoon S Fucharoen MRJ Svasti W Kasinrerk |
2006 | ||||
322. | Cytoadherence between endothelial cells and P-falciparum infected and noninfected normal and thalassemic red blood cells | Butthep, P Wanram, S Pattanapanyasat, K Vattanaviboon, P Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P |
2006 | ||||
323. | Development and application of a real-time quantitative PCR for prenatal detection of fetal alpha(0)-thalassemia from maternal plasma. | Tungwiwat, W. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Ratanasiri, T. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2006 | ||||
324. | Development of severe anemia during fever episodes in patients with hemoglobin E trait and hemoglobin H disease combinations | A Jetsrisuparb K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen S Fucharoen S Wiangnon C Jetsrisuparb J Sirijirachai K Chansoong |
2006 | ||||
325. | Hydroxyurea responses and fetal hemoglobin induction in beta-thalassemia/HbE patients' peripheral blood erythroid cell culture | R Watanapokasin D Sanmund P Winichagoon K Muta S Fucharoen |
2006 | ||||
326. | Iron-chelating and free-radical scavenging activities of microwave-processed green tea in iron overload | S Srichairatanakool S Ounjaijean C Thephinlap U Khansuwan C Phisalpong S Fucharoen |
2006 | ||||
327. | Molecular and hematological profiles of hemoglobin EE disease with different forms of alpha-thalassemia. | G Fucharoen J Trithipsombat S Sirithawee S Yamsri Y Changtrakul K Sanchaisuriya S Fucharoen |
2006 | ||||
328. | Molecular mechanism of high hemoglobin F production in southeast Asian-type hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin | K Changsri V Akkarapathurnwong D Jamsai P Winichagoon S Fucharoen |
2006 | ||||
329. | Prenatal prevention for severe thalassemia disease at Srinagarind Hospital. | Ratanasiri, T Charoenthong, C Komwilaisak, R Changtrakul, Y Fucharoen, S Wongkham, J Kleebkaow, P Seejorn, K |
2006 | ||||
330. | Report on the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Oral Chelation (ICOC) in the Treatment of Thalassemia and Other Diseases at Taichung, Taiwan, April 22-26, 2005 | CT Peng S Fucharoen GJ Kontoghiorghes CH Tsai |
2006 | ||||
331. | Single nucleotide polymorphisms and haplotypes of protein C and protein S genes in the Thai population | W Chumpia C Peerapittayamongkol P Angchaisuksiri N Komanasin K Muta K Kuaha H Iida S Inoue Y Wada M Kurihara N Hamasaki S Fucharoen |
2006 | ||||
332. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies rather than iron deficiency are major causes of pregnancy-related anemia in northeast Thailand | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. Ratanasiri, T. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, G. Dietz, E. Schelp, F.P. |
2006 | ||||
333. | The reduction of cholesteryl linoleate in lipoproteins: an index of clinical severity in beta-thalassemia/Hb E | R Luechapudiporn NP Morales S Fucharoen U Chantharaksri |
2006 | ||||
334. | Alpha(0)-thalassemia and related disorders in northeast Thailand: a molecular and hematological characterization. | Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2007 | ||||
335. | alpha/beta-globin mRNA ratio determination by multiplex quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction as an indicator of globin gene function | Kitcharoen, S. Wilairat, P. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2007 | ||||
336. | Application of maternal plasma DNA analysis for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of Hb E-beta-thalassemia. | Tungwiwat, W. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Ratanasiri, T. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sae-Ung, N. |
2007 | ||||
337. | beta-globin gene cluster polymorphisms are strongly associated with severity of HbE/beta(0)-thalassemia | Ma, Q Abel, K Sripichai, O Whitacre, J Angkachatchai, V Makarasara, W Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Braun, A Farrer, LA |
2007 | ||||
338. | Coexistence of Southeast Asian ovalocytosis and β-thalassemia: A molecular and hematological analysis | Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Sanita Singsanan Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya |
2007 | ||||
339. | Curcumin contributes to in vitro removal of non-transferrin bound iron by deferiprone and desferrioxamine in thalassemic plasma | Srichairatanakool, S Thephinlap, C Phisalaphong, C Porter, JB Fucharoen, S |
2007 | ||||
340. | Cutoff values of Hb E and MCV for screening of double heterozygosity for Hb E/alpha(0)-thalassemia | Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Sunisa Chirakul Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Yossombat Changtrakun Supan Fucharoen |
2007 | ||||
341. | Effect of the maternal beta(E)-globin gene on hematologic responses to iron supplementation during pregnancy | Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S Ratanasiri, T Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, G Dietz, E Schelp, FP |
2007 | ||||
342. | Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and epicatechin-3-gallate from green tea decrease plasma non-transferrin bound iron and erythrocyte oxidative stress | Thephinlap, C Ounjaijean, S Khansuwan, U Fucharoen, S Porter, JB Srichairatanakool, S |
2007 | ||||
343. | Evaluation of the fetal sex prediction using a conventional PCR analysis of DNA in maternal plasma | Warunee Tungwiwat Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Thawalwong Ratanasiri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Nattaya Sae-Ung |
2007 | ||||
344. | H63D mutation of the hemochromatosis gene and serum ferritin levels in Thai thalassemia carriers | Yamsri, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Jetsrisuparb, A. Wiangnon, S. Changtrakul, Y. Sanchaisuriya, P. |
2007 | ||||
345. | High prevalence of alpha thalassemia in Thai families with beta thalassemia: Molecular and hematological analysis | Goonnapa Fucharoen Yossombat Changtrakul Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Nattaya Sae-Ung Supan Fucharoen Arunee Jetsrisuparb |
2007 | ||||
346. | Molecular and hematological features of the Hb constant spring EE bart's disease | Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Nattaya Sae-Ung Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya |
2007 | ||||
347. | Molecular characterization and origins of Hb constant spring and Hb Pakse in Southeast Asian populations | Sanita Singsanan Goonnapa Fucharoen Onekham Savongsy Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2007 | ||||
348. | Molecular characterization and origins of Hb constant spring and Hb Paksé in Southeast Asian populations | Singsanan, S Fucharoen, G Savongsy, O Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2007 | ||||
349. | Prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis caused by a genetic compound heterozygosity for two different alpha degrees-thalassemia determinants | Nirut Siriratmanawong Charnchai Pinmuang-Ngam Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2007 | ||||
350. | Prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis caused by a genetic compound heterozygosity for two different αo-thalassemia determinants | Siriratmanawong, N. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2007 | ||||
351. | Prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis caused by a genetic compound heterozygosity for two different alpha-thalassemia determinants. | Siriratmanawong, N Pinmuang-Ngam, C Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2007 | ||||
352. | Rapid molecular characterization of Hb Queens and Hb Siam: Two variants easily misidentified as sickle Hb | Fucharoen, S Singsanan, S Hama, A Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K |
2007 | ||||
353. | Thalassemia intermedia associated with the Hb Constant Spring EE Bart's disease in pregnancy: A molecular and hematological analysis | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2007 | ||||
354. | Accuracy of fetal gender detection using a conventional nested PCR assay of maternal plasma in daily practice. | Tungwiwat, W. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Ratanasiri, T. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2008 | ||||
355. | Accurate prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis in daily practice using two PCR methods | G. Fucharoen R. Karnpean S. Fucharoen N. Sae-Ung K. Sanchaisuriya |
2008 | ||||
356. | BCL11A is a major HbF quantitative trait locus in three different populations with β-hemoglobinopathies | Amanda E. Sedgewick Nadia Timofeev Paola Sebastiani Jason C. C. So Edmond S. K. Ma Li Chong Chan Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Cynara G. Barbosa Badri N. Vardarajan Lindsay A. Farrer Clinton T. Baldwin Martin H. Steinberg David H. K. Chui |
2008 | ||||
357. | Effective screening for double heterozygosity of Hb E/alpha(0)-thalassemia | Sanchaisuriya, K. Chirakul, S. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Changtrakul, Y. Sanchaisuriya, P. |
2008 | ||||
358. | Effective screening for thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies among pregnant Laos women | S. Fucharoen O. Savongsy G. Fucharoen K. Sanchaisuriya N. Sae-ung |
2008 | ||||
359. | Effect of alpha (0)-thalassemia, beta-thalassemia and hemoglobin E genes on anemia: comparison between males and females | S. Yamsri K. Sanchaisuriya G. Fucharoen S. Fucharoen N. Sae-ung A. Jetsrisuparp |
2008 | ||||
360. | Effect of green tea on iron status and oxidative stress in iron-loaded rats | Ounjaijean, S Thephinlap, C Khansuwan, U Phisalapong, C Fucharoen, S Porter, JB Srichairatanakool, S |
2008 | ||||
361. | H63D prevalence in Thais, Laotian and Cambodian subjects and its protecting effect on iron deficiency in pregnancy | K. Sanchaisuriya S. Yamsri S. Fucharoen G. Fucharoen P. Sanchaisuriya O. Savongse R. Devenish |
2008 | ||||
362. | Hemoglobin profiles and hematologic features of thalassemic newborns: Application to screening of α-thalassemia 1 and hemoglobin E | Jaruwan Tritipsombut Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Nirut Siriratmanawong Charnchai Pinmuang-ngam Pattara Sanchaisuriya |
2008 | ||||
363. | Imputation of missing genotypes: an empirical evaluation of IMPUTE. | Zhenming Zhao Nadia Timofeev Stephen W. Hartley David H. K. Chui Supan Fucharoen Thomas T. Perls Martin H. Steinberg Clinton T. Baldwin Paola Sebastiani |
2008 | ||||
364. | Interactions of Hb Q-Thailand with various hemoglobinopathies: molecular and hemoglobin analysis | S. Singsanan G. Fucharoen S. Fucharoen S. Yamsri K. Sanchaisuriya N. Sae-ung |
2008 | ||||
365. | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 16 resulting in hemoglobin Bart's hydrops fetalis | Wattanasirichaigoon, D Promsonthi, P Chuansumrit, A Leopairut, J Yanatatsaneejit, P Rattanatanyong, P Munkongdee, T Fucharoen, S Mutirangura, A |
2008 | ||||
366. | Stability of red blood cell parameters in carriers of alpha-thalassemia, beta-thalassemia and hemoglobin E | N. Sae-ung K. Soontornwisai T. Junthakorn G. Fucharoen K. Sanchaisuriya S. Fucharoen |
2008 | ||||
367. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnant Lao women: carrier screening, prevalence and molecular basis | Savongsy, O. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sae-Ung, N. |
2008 | ||||
368. | Accurate prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis in daily practice with a double-check PCR system. | Rossarin Karnpean Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Nattaya Sae-ung Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Thawalwong Ratanasiri |
2009 | ||||
369. | Analysis of fetal blood using capillary electrophoresis system: a simple method for prenatal diagnosis of severe thalassemia diseases | Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Sanchaisuriya, K. Ratanasiri, T. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2009 | ||||
370. | Bioequivalence study of a film-coated tablet of deferiprone in healthy Thai volunteers | L, Morales, NP L, Yamanont, P Jirasomprasert, T Wilairat, P Chantharaksri, U Chuncharunee, S Fucharoen, S |
2009 | ||||
371. | Complex interaction of Hb e [β26(B8)Glu→Lys], Hb Korle-Bu [β73(E17)Asp→Asn] and a deletional α-thalassemia-1 in pregnancy | Siriratmanawong, N. Chansri, W. Singsanan, S. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2009 | ||||
372. | Complex interaction of Hb E [beta26(B8)Glu-->Lys], Hb Korle-Bu [beta73(E17)Asp-->Asn] and a deletional alpha-thalassemia-1 in pregnancy. | Nirut Siriratmanawong Wichuda Chansri Sanita Singsanan Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2009 | ||||
373. | EFFECT OF IRON FORTIFIED MILK ON HEMATOLOGICAL CHANGES IN NON-IRON DEFICIENT THAI-SCHOOL CHILDREN | K. Sanchaisuriya N. Panomai P. Sanchaisuriya S. Lowirakorn S. Yamsri G. Fucharoen S. Fucharoen F. Schelp |
2009 | ||||
374. | Efficacy of Curcuminoids in Alleviation of Iron Overload and Lipid Peroxidation in Thalassemic Mice | Thephinlap, C Phisalaphong, C Fucharoen, S Porter, JB Srichairatanakool, S |
2009 | ||||
375. | Molecular, hematological and clinical aspects of thalassemia major and thalassemia intermedia associated with Hb E-beta-thalassemia in Northeast Thailand | Nuntakarn, L. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Jetsrisuparb, A. Wiangnon, S. |
2009 | ||||
376. | Prenatal Diagnosis of Hemoglobin Bart's Hydrops Fetalis with Gap-PCR System Response | Rossarin Karnpean Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Nattaya Sae-ung Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Thawalwong Ratanasiri |
2009 | ||||
377. | Response to Dr. Dong-Zhi Li | Karnpean, R. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Sae-Ung, N. Sanchaisuriya, K. Ratanasiri, T. |
2009 | ||||
378. | Effects of green tea on iron accumulation and oxidative stress in livers of iron-challenged thalassemic mice. | T. Saewong S. Ounjaijean Y. Mundee K. Pattanapanyasat S. Fucharoen J. B. Porter S. Srichairatanakool |
2010 | ||||
379. | Fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia: genome-wide association studies suggest a regulatory region in the 5' olfactory receptor gene cluster. | Nadia Solovieff Jacqueline N. Milton Stephen W. Hartley Richard Sherva Paola Sebastiani Daniel A. Dworkis Elizabeth S. Klings Lindsay A. Farrer Melanie E. Garrett Allison Ashley-Koch Marilyn J. Telen Supan Fucharoen Shau Yin Ha Chi-Kong Li David H. K. Chui Clinton T. Baldwin Martin H. Steinberg |
2010 | ||||
380. | Hemoglobin Q-Thailand related disorders: Origin, molecular, hematological and diagnostic aspects | Sanita Singsanan Rossarin Karnpean Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Nattaya Sae-ung Supan Fucharoen |
2010 | ||||
381. | Improvement of alpha(0)-thalassemia screening using combined osmotic fragility, dichlorophenolindophenol and Hb H inclusion tests. | Attawut Chaibunruang Sontong Pornphannukool Nattaya Sae-Ung Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2010 | ||||
382. | Improvement of αo-thalassemia screening using combined osmotic fragility, dichlorophenolindophenol and Hb H inclusion tests | Chaibunruang, A. Pornphannukool, S. Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2010 | ||||
383. | Interactions of hemoglobin Lepore (δβ hybrid hemoglobin) with various hemoglobinopathies: A molecular and hematological characteristics and differential diagnosis | Chaibunruang, A. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2010 | ||||
384. | Interactions of hemoglobin Lepore (deltabeta hybrid hemoglobin) with various hemoglobinopathies: A molecular and hematological characteristics and differential diagnosis. | Chaibunruang, A Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sae-ung, N Sanchaisuriya, K |
2010 | ||||
385. | Prevention of severe thalassemia in northeast Thailand: 16 years of experience at a single university center | Yamsri, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Sae-Ung, N Ratanasiri, T Fucharoen, S |
2010 | ||||
386. | Secondary erythrocytosis caused by hemoglobin Tak/(δβ)0-thalassemia syndrome. | Prakobkaew, N Singsanan, S Fucharoen, G Surapot, S Fucharoen, S |
2010 | ||||
387. | Secondary erythrocytosis caused by hemoglobin Tak/(δβ)- thalassemia syndrome | Prakobkaew, N. Singsanan, S. Fucharoen, G. Surapot, S. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2010 | ||||
388. | Secondary Erythrocytosis Caused by Hemoglobin Tak/(delta beta)(0)-Thalassemia Syndrome | Nattaphol Prakobkaew Sanita Singsanan Goonnapa Fucharoen Satja Surapot Supan Fucharoen |
2010 | ||||
389. | Thalassemia and iron deficiency in a group of northeast Thai school children: Relationship to the occurrence of anemia | Nichathorn Panomai Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supawadee Yamsri Pattara Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Frank P. Schelp |
2010 | ||||
390. | Anemia, Iron Deficiency and Thalassemia among Adolescents in Northeast Thailand: Results from Two Independent Surveys | Pansuwan, A Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Himakhun, B Dangwiboon, S |
2011 | ||||
391. | Complex interaction of hemoglobin (Hb) Nakhon Ratchasima [α63(E12)Ala→Val], a novel α2-globin chain variant with Hb E [β26(B8)Glu→Lys] and a deletional α +-thalassemia | Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Puangplruk, R Kheawon, N Fucharoen, S |
2011 | ||||
392. | Complex interaction of hemoglobin (Hb) Nakhon Ratchasima [alpha 63(E12)Ala -> Val], a novel alpha 2-globin chain variant with Hb E [beta 26(B8)Glu -> Lys] and a deletional alpha(+)-thalassemia | Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Rawiwan Puangplruk Napat Kheawon Supan Fucharoen |
2011 | ||||
393. | Evaluation of the URIT-2900 Automated Hematology Analyzer for screening of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asian populations | Karnpean, R. Pansuwan, A. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2011 | ||||
394. | Genotype and phenotype characterizations in a large cohort of β-thalassemia heterozygote with different forms of α-thalassemia in northeast Thailand. | Supawadee Yamsri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Nattaya Sae-ung Supan Fucharoen |
2011 | ||||
395. | Genotype and phenotype characterizations in a large cohort of β-thalassemia heterozygote with different forms of β-thalassemia in northeast Thailand | Yamsri, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2011 | ||||
396. | Hb phimai [β72(E16)Ser→Thr]: A novel β-globin structural variant found in association with Hb constant spring in pregnancy | Singsanan, S Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Puangplruk, R Fucharoen, S |
2011 | ||||
397. | Hb PHIMAI [beta 72(E16)Ser -> Thr]: A NOVEL beta-GLOBIN STRUCTURAL VARIANT FOUND IN ASSOCIATION WITH Hb CONSTANT SPRING IN PREGNANCY | Sanita Singsanan Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Rawiwan Puangplruk Supan Fucharoen |
2011 | ||||
398. | Hemoglobin Lepore EF Bart's disease: a molecular, hematological, and diagnostic aspects | Chaibunruang, A Fucharoen, G Jetsrisuparb, A Fucharoen, S |
2011 | ||||
399. | Increase in non-transferrin bound iron and the oxidative stress status in epilepsy patients treated using valproic acid monotherapy | Ounjaijean, S Westermarck, T Partinen, M Plonka-Poltorak, E Kaipainen, P Kaski, M Fucharoen, S Srichairatanakool, S Atroshi, F |
2011 | ||||
400. | Presumptive diagnosis of common haemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asia using a capillary electrophoresis system | Fucharoen, G Srivorakun, H Singsanan, S Fucharoen, S |
2011 | ||||
401. | Reversal of cardiac iron loading and dysfunction in thalassemic mice by curcuminoids. | C. Thephinlap C. Phisalaphong N. Lailerd N. Chattipakorn P. Winichagoon J. Vadolus S. Fucharoen J. B. Porter S. Srichairatanakool |
2011 | ||||
402. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asian newborns: Diagnostic assessment using capillary electrophoresis system | Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Yossombat Changtrakul Patcharee Komwilaisak Supan Fucharoen |
2011 | ||||
403. | A single-tube multiplex gap-polymerase chain reaction for the detection of eight β-globin gene cluster deletions common in Southeast Asia | Tritipsombut, J Phylipsen, M Viprakasit, V Chalaow, N Sanchaisuriya, K Giordano, PC Fucharoen, S Harteveld, CL |
2012 | ||||
404. | A spurious haemoglobin A1c result associated with double heterozygote for haemoglobin Raleigh (β1[NA1]Val → Ala) and α+-thalassaemia | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Chaibunruang, A Netnee, P Fucharoen, S |
2012 | ||||
405. | A spurious haemoglobin A(1c) result associated with double heterozygote for haemoglobin Raleigh (beta 1[NA1]Val -> Ala) and alpha(+)-thalassaemia | Kritsada Singha Goonnapa Fucharoen Attawut Chaibunruang Paripat Netnee Supan Fucharoen |
2012 | ||||
406. | DEMONSTRATION OF HB CONSTANT SPRING AND HB E-CONSTANT SPRING ON CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS SYSTEM | Supawadee Yamsri Patcharawadee Prayalaw Nattaya Sae-ung Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2012 | ||||
407. | FETAL RED BLOOD CELLS PARAMETERS IN THALASSEMIA AND HB E RELATED DISORDERS | Rossarin Karnpean Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2012 | ||||
408. | Fine-tiling array CGH to improve diagnostics for α- and β-thalassemia rearrangements. | Phylipsen, M. Chaibunruang, A. Balak, J.R.A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2012 | ||||
409. | First description of a Hb A2 variant in Thailand. Identification of Hb A2-Melbourne [δ43(CD2)Glu→Lys] in Thai individuals. | Chaibunruang, A. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2012 | ||||
410. | FIRST DESCRIPTION OF A Hb A(2) VARIANT IN THAILAND. IDENTIFICATION OF Hb A(2)-MELBOURNE [delta 43(CD2)Glu -> Lys] IN THAI INDIVIDUALS | Attawut Chaibunruang Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2012 | ||||
411. | Genetic origin and interaction of the Filipino β 0- thalassemia with Hb e and α-thalassemia in a Thai family | Supawadee Yamsri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2012 | ||||
412. | Genetic origin and interaction of the Filipino β⁰-thalassemia with Hb E and α-thalassemia in a Thai family. | Yamsri, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2012 | ||||
2012 | ||||
414. | Hemoglobin Pyrgos with hemoglobin H disease: new triple heterozygosity. | Somchai Insiripong Varangnuch Jitpakdeebodin Yupin Jopang Supan Fucharoen |
2012 | ||||
415. | ICSH recommendations for the measurement of haemoglobin A2. | A. D. Stephens M. Angastiniotis E. Baysal V. Chan S. Fucharoen P. C. Giordano J. D. Hoyer A. Mosca B. Wild |
2012 | ||||
416. | ICSH recommendations for the measurement of haemoglobin F. | A. D. Stephens M. Angastiniotis E. Baysal V. Chan B. Davis S. Fucharoen P. C. Giordano J. D. Hoyer A. Mosca B. Wild |
2012 | ||||
417. | In vitro antimicrobial effect of the volatile organic compounds from Muscodor crispans against the human pathogenic oomycete Pythium insidiosum | T. Krajaejun T. Lowhnoo T. Rujirawat W. Yingyong S. Fucharoen G. A. Strobel |
2012 | ||||
418. | Micromapping of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in diferent regions of Northeast Thailand and Vientaine, Laos People's Democratic Republic | Jaruwan Tritipsombut Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Prachatip Phollarp Dalouny Bouakhasith Pattara Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Frank P. Schelp |
2012 | ||||
419. | Micromapping of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in diferent regions of northeast Thailand and Vientiane, Laos People's Democratic Republic. | Tritipsombut, J Sanchaisuriya, K Phollarp, P Bouakhasith, D Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Schelp, FP |
2012 | ||||
420. | New updating into hemoglobinopathies | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
2012 | ||||
421. | Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of beta-thalassemia and sickle-cell disease using pyrophosphorolysis-activated polymerization and melting curve analysis | Phylipsen, M Yamsri, S Treffers, EE Jansen, DT Kanhai, WA Boon, EM Giordano, PC Fucharoen, S Bakker, E Harteveld, CL |
2012 | ||||
422. | Phenotypic expression of hemoglobins A2, E and F in various hemoglobin E related disorders | Nattaya Sae-ung Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Supawadee Yamsri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2012 | ||||
423. | Phenotypic expression of hemoglobins A₂, E and F in various hemoglobin E related disorders. | Sae-ung, N Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Yamsri, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2012 | ||||
424. | PREVALENCE OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN OVALOCYTOSIS IN THAI POPULATION | Lalitpatch Ngouprommin Nattaya Sae-ung Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya |
2012 | ||||
2012 | ||||
2012 | ||||
427. | THALASSEMIA AND IRON DEFICIENCY IN RELATION TO ANEMIA AND MICROCYTOSIS AMONG NORTHEAST-THAI AND LAOTIAN PREGNANT WOMEN | Jaruwan Tritipsombut Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Prachatip Phollarp Dalouny Bouakhasith Pattara Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Frank Schelp |
2012 | ||||
2013 | ||||
429. | AN UNUSUAL FORM OF THE AEBART'S DISEASE: MOLECULAR AND HEMATOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS | Rossarin Karnpean Attawut Chaibunruang Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2013 | ||||
430. | A proficiency testing program of hemoglobin analysis in prevention and control of severe hemoglobinopathies in Thailand. | Rossarin Karnpean Goonnapa Fucharoen Anupong Pansuwan Duangrudee Changtrakul Supan Fucharoen |
2013 | ||||
431. | Association of Hb thailand [α56(E5)Lys→Thr] and Hb phnom penh [α117(GH5)-Ile-α118(H1)] with α;0-Thalassemia: Molecular and hematological features and differential diagnosis | Singha, K Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Changtrakul, Y Komwilaisak, P Jetsrisuparb, A Puangplruk, R Fucharoen, S |
2013 | ||||
432. | ASSOCIATION OF Hb THAILAND [alpha 56(E5)Lys -> Thr] AND Hb PHNOM PENH [alpha 117(GH5)-Ile-alpha 118(H1)] WITH alpha(0)-THALASSEMIA: MOLECULAR AND HEMATOLOGICAL FEATURES AND DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS | Kritsada Singha Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Yossombat Changtrakul Patcharee Komwilaisak Arunee Jetsrisuparb Rawiwan Puangplruk Supan Fucharoen |
2013 | ||||
433. | Burden of anemia in relation to thalassemia and iron deficiency among Vietnamese pregnant women. | Sirivara Siridamrongvattana Nguyen Van Hoa Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Nguyen Dung Phan Thi Thuy Hoa Pattara Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Frank P. Schelp |
2013 | ||||
434. | Effect Of Genotype On Pulmonary Hypertension In Patients With Thalassemia | Nattiya Teawtrakul Phuangpaka Ungprasert Burabha Pussadhamma Patcharawadee Prayalaw Supan Fucharoen Arunee Jetsrisuparb Saranya Pongudom Chittima Sirijerachai Kanchana Chansung Chinadol Wanitpongpun Suporn Chuncharunee |
2013 | ||||
435. | Fetal Red Blood Cell Parameters in Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies | Karnpean, R Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Ratanasiri, T |
2013 | ||||
2013 | ||||
437. | Molecular and hematological characteristics of a novel form of α-globin gene triplication: The hemoglobin St.Luke's-Thailand [α95(G2)Pro→Arg] or Hb St. Luke's [A2] HBA2 | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Jetsrisuparb, A Fucharoen, S |
2013 | ||||
438. | Molecular and hematological characteristics of a novel form of alpha-globin gene triplication: The hemoglobin St.Luke's-Thailand [alpha 95(G2)Pro -> Arg] or Hb St. Luke's [A2] HBA2 | Kritsada Singha Goonnapa Fucharoen Arunee Jetsrisuparb Supan Fucharoen |
2013 | ||||
439. | Molecular and hematological studies in a large cohort of α0-thalassemia in northeast Thailand: Data from a single referral center | Attawut Chaibunruang Simaporn Prommetta Supawadee Yamsri Goonnapa Fucharoen Nattaya Sae-ung Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2013 | ||||
2013 | ||||
441. | No evidence for role of common anion exchanger 1 mutations on the severity difference in HB E-β-Thalassemia disease in Northeast Thailand | Lalitpatch Ngouprommin Nattaya Sae-ung Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Arunee Jetsrisuparb |
2013 | ||||
442. | Parallel assessment of a globin lentiviral vector after transduction of ips and somatic hematopoietic stem cells from the same transplanted human beta-thalassemia patient | A. Tubsuwan S. Abed C. Bartholomae M. Kardel A. Deichmann A. Cheung O. Negre Z. Kadri S. Fucharoen E. Payen K. Von Kalle C. Eaves M. Schmidt S. Chretien P. Leboulch L. Maouche-Chretien |
2013 | ||||
443. | POSITIVE RATE OF THALASSEMIA IN NON-ANEMIC BLOOD SAMPLES WITH FLAGGING OF RED BLOOD CELL INDICES BY AUTOMATED CELL ANALYZER. | Nattaya Sae-ung Waraporn Chaichote Wannisa Lhodsunthia Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2013 | ||||
444. | Prenatal and post-natal screening of β-thalassemia and hemoglobin E genes in Thailand using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography. | Thanet Prajantasen Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Nirut Siriratmanawong Charnchai Pinmuang-ngam |
2013 | ||||
445. | SECONDARY SCRENING OF ALPHA-THALASSEMIA 1USING A MODIFIED HB H INCLUSION BODY TEST | Goonnapa Fucharoen Khomsom Yooyen Attawut Chaibunroung Supan Fucharoen |
2013 | ||||
446. | Specific Health Problems in Greater Mekong Sub-region: ภาวะโลหิตจาง ธาลัสซีเมียและฮีโมโกลบินผิดปกติในภาคอีสาน ลาว และเวียตนาม | สุพรรณ ฟู่เจริญ | 2013 | ||||
447. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam. | Nguyen, H.V. Sanchaisuriya, K. Nguyen, D.H. Siridamrongvattana, S. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Schelp, F.P. |
2013 | ||||
448. | ธาลัสซีเมียและฮีโมโกลบินผิดปกติในภาคอีสานและอนุภูมิภาคลุ่มน้าโขง | สุพรรณ ฟู่เจริญ | 2013 | ||||
449. | A Large Cohort of Hemoglobin Variants in Thailand: Molecular Epidemiological Study and Diagnostic Consideration | Srivorakun, H. Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 | ||||
450. | A newly modified hemoglobin H inclusion test as a secondary screening for α(0)-thalassemia in Southeast Asian populations. | Goonnapa Fucharoen Khomsan Yooyen Attawut Chaibunruang Supan Fucharoen |
2014 | ||||
451. | A Non Human Primate Model For Autologous Transplantation Of iPSC-Derived Hematopoietic Cells | S. Abed A. Tubsuwan B. Chaichompoo I. H. Park A. Benyoucef L. Tosca E. De Dreuzy A. Pailleret A. Paulard M. Granger-Locatelli F. Relouzat S. Prost G. Tachdjian S. Fucharoen G. Q. Daley E. Payen S. Chretien P. Leboulch L. Maouche-Chretien |
2014 | ||||
452. | ARKRAY ADAMS A1c HA-8180T analyzer for diagnosis of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies common in southeast Asia | Kunwandee, J Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2014 | ||||
453. | CONFIRMATION OF HB F ON AUTOMATED HEMOGLOBIN ANALYZER BY USING RAPID HB F TEST | Goonnapa Fucharoen Wachiraporn Taweenan Supan Fucharoen |
2014 | ||||
2014 | ||||
455. | Effect of genotype on pulmonary hypertension risk in patients with thalassemia. | Teawtrakul, N. Ungprasert, P. Pussadhamma, B. Prayalaw, P. Fucharoen, S.P. Jetsrisuparb, A. Pongudom, S. Sirijerachai, C. Chansung, G. Wanitpongpun, C. Chuncharunee, S. |
2014 | ||||
456. | ELECTROPHEROGRAM PATTERNS OF HB CONSTANT SPRING AND HB PAKSE ON CAPILLARY ZONE ELECTROPHORESIS | Nattaya Sae-ung Sivanon Thermsook Sukhum Srijumnong Goonapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2014 | ||||
457. | Five hemoglobin variants in a double heterozygote for α- and β-globin chain defects | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2014 | ||||
458. | Genetic compound heterozygosity for Southeast Asian ovalocytosis and thalassemia in Thailand: Prevalence and phenotypic analysis | Ngouprommin, L Sae-Ung, N Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Jetsrisuparb, A |
2014 | ||||
459. | Genetic heterogeneity of hemoglobin AEBart's disease: a large cohort data from a single referral center in northeast Thailand. | Attawut Chaibunruang Rossarin Karnpean Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2014 | ||||
460. | GENOTYPE AND PHENOTYPE DIVERSITY OF THALASSEMIA AMONG POSITIVE-SCREENED LAOTIAN COUPLES | Kasama Wongprachum Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Maneelay Dethvongphanh Boualay Norcharoen Bousanit Htalongsengchan Virak Vidamaly Pattara Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Frank P. Schelp |
2014 | ||||
461. | Hemoglobin Constant Spring is markedly high in women of an ethnic minority group in Vietnam: a community-based survey and hematologic features. | Nguyen, V.H. Sanchaisuriya, K. Wongprachum, K. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, S.P. Schelp, F.P. |
2014 | ||||
462. | Hepcidin expression from monocyte of splenectomized and non-splenectomized patients with HbE-beta-thalassemia | Pratummo, K Jetsrisuparb, A Fucharoen, S Tripatara, A |
2014 | ||||
463. | HIGH HB F DETERMINANTS IN THAILAND: HEMATOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR ANALYSIS | Nattaphol Prakobkaew Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Nirut Siriratmanawong |
2014 | ||||
464. | Interaction of hemoglobin Grey Lynn (Vientiane) with a non-deletional alpha(+)-thalassemia in an adult Thai proband | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2014 | ||||
465. | Molecular characterization of a β-thalassemia intermedia patient presenting inferior vena cava thrombosis: interaction of the β-globin erythroid Krüppel-like factor binding site mutation with Hb E and α(+)-thalassemia. | Prajantasen, T Teawtrakul, N Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2014 | ||||
466. | Molecular characterization of a β-thalassemia intermedia patient presenting inferior vena cava thrombosis: Interaction of the β-globin erythroid krüppel-like factor binding site mutation with Hb e and α+-thalassemia | Prajantasen, T. Teawtrakul, N. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 | ||||
467. | Molecular Characterization of a beta-Thalassemia Intermedia Patient Presenting Inferior Vena Cava Thrombosis: Interaction of the beta-Globin Erythroid Kruppel-Like Factor Binding Site Mutation with Hb E and alpha(+)-Thalassemia | Thanet Prajantasen Nattiya Teawtrakul Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2014 | ||||
468. | Phenotypic expression of Hb F in common high Hb F determinants in Thailand: roles of alpha-thalassemia, 5 ' d-globin BCL11A binding region and 3 ' beta-globin enhancer | Nattaphol Prakobkaew Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fuchareon Nirut Siriratmanawong |
2014 | ||||
469. | Phenotypic expression of Hb F in common high Hb F determinants in Thailand: Roles of α-thalassemia, 5' δ-globin BCL11A binding region and 3' β-globin enhancer | Prakobkaew, N Fucharoen, S Fuchareon, G Siriratmanawong, N |
2014 | ||||
470. | Red blood cell microparticles in hemoglobin E disorders | Chaichote, W. Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 | ||||
471. | Routine screening for alpha-thalassaemia using an immunochromatographic strip assay for haemoglobin Bart's | Prayalaw, P Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2014 | ||||
472. | Routine screening for a-thalassaemia using an immunochromatographic strip assay for haemoglobin bart’s | Prayalaw, P. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 | ||||
473. | VALIDATION OF THE CUTOFF VALUES OF THE MEAN CORPUSCULAR VOLUME AND MEAN CORPUSCULAR HEMOGLOBIN ON FOUR AUTOMATED ANALYZERS FOR THALASSEMIA SCREENING | Chaninthorn Chaitripop Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Sakoun Inthavong Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Yossombut Changtrakul Pattara Sanchaisuriya |
2014 | ||||
474. | Variability of hemoglobin F expression in hemoglobin EE disease: Hematological and molecular analysis | Naruwat Pakdee Supawadee Yamsri Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Serge Pissard Supan Fucharoen |
2014 | ||||
475. | A large cohort of β(+)-thalassemia in Thailand: molecular, hematological and diagnostic considerations. | Yamsri, S. Singha, K. Prajantasen, T. Taweenan, W. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2015 | ||||
476. | A novel (A)γδβ(0)-thalassemia caused by DNA deletion-inversion-insertion of the β-globin gene cluster and five olfactory receptor genes: Genetic interactions, hematological phenotypes and molecular characterization. | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Hama, A Fucharoen, S |
2015 | ||||
477. | A novel (A)gamma delta beta(0)-thalassemia caused by DNA deletion-inversion-insertion of the beta-globin gene cluster and five olfactory receptor genes: Genetic interactions, hematological phenotypes and molecular characterization | Kritsada Singha Goonnapa Fucharoen Abdulloh Hama Supan Fucharoen |
2015 | ||||
478. | A novel Aγδβ0-thalassemia caused by DNA deletion-inversion-insertion of the β-globin gene cluster and five olfactory receptor genes: Genetic interactions, hematological phenotypes and molecular characterization | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Hama, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2015 | ||||
479. | A risk score for predicting pulmonary hypertension in patients with nontransfusion-dependent thalassemia in northeastern Thailand: The E-SAAN score | Teawtrakul, N Pussadhamma, B Ungprasert, P Prayalaw, P Fucharoen, S Jetsrisuparb, A Pongudom, S Sirijerachai, C Chansung, K Wanitpongpun, C Thongbuaban, S Thinkhamrop, B Chuncharunee, S |
2015 | ||||
480. | Head to head comparison of therapeutic efficacy among three iron chelators on cardiac function in iron-overloaded rats | S. Wongjaikam S. Kumfu S. Chattipakorn S. Fucharoen N. Chattipakorn |
2015 | ||||
481. | Hemoglobin Constant Spring among Southeast Asian Populations: Haplotypic Heterogeneities and Phylogenetic Analysis | Jomoui, W Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Nguyen, VH Fucharoen, S |
2015 | ||||
482. | High resolution melting analytical platform for rapid prenatal and postnatal diagnosis of β-thalassemia common among Southeast Asian population. | Thanet Prajantasen Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen |
2015 | ||||
483. | ICSH recommendations for assessing automated high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis equipment for the quantitation of HbA(2) | Stephens, AD Colah, R Fucharoen, S Hoyer, J Keren, D McFarlane, A Perrett, D Wild, BJ , |
2015 | ||||
484. | Interaction of Hb Grey Lynn (Vientiane) [alpha 91(FG3)Leu > Phe (alpha 1)] with Hb E [beta 26(B8) Glu > Lys] and alpha(+)-thalassemia: Molecular and Hematological Analysis | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2015 | ||||
485. | Interaction of Hb Grey Lynn (Vientiane) [α91(FG3)Leu>Phe (α1)] with Hb E [β26(B8) Glu>Lys] and α+-thalassemia: Molecular and hematological analysis | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2015 | ||||
486. | Known and new hemoglobin A2 variants in Thailand and implication for β-thalassemia screening | Sitthichai Panyasai Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2015 | ||||
487. | Krüppel-like factor 1 mutations and expression of hemoglobins F and A2 in homozygous hemoglobin E syndrome. | Tepakhan, W. Yamsri, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2015 | ||||
488. | Krüppel-like factor 1 mutations and expression of hemoglobins F and A |
Tepakhan, W. Yamsri, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2015 | ||||
489. | Kruppel-like factor 1 mutations and expression of hemoglobins F and A(2) in homozygous hemoglobin E syndrome | Wanicha Tepakhan Supawadee Yamsri Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2015 | ||||
490. | Molecular Heterogeneity of Thalassemia among Pregnant Laotian Women | Wongprachum, K Sanchaisuriya, K Dethvongphanh, M Norcharoen, B Htalongsengchan, B Vidamaly, V Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Schelp, FP |
2015 | ||||
491. | Red blood cell microparticles in hemoglobin E disorders | W. Chaichote N. Sae-Ung G. Fucharoen S. Fucharoen |
2015 | ||||
492. | Tandem measurements of iron and creatinine by cross injection analysis with application to urine from thalassemic patients | Choengchan, N Mantim, T Inpota, P Nacapricha, D Wilairat, P Jittangprasert, P Waiyawat, W Fucharoen, S Sirankpracha, P Morales, NP |
2015 | ||||
493. | Two Independent Genetic Origins of beta(+)-Thalassemia Due to-31 A to G Mutation in Thai and Japanese Populations | Worrawalan Lerttham Goonnapa Fucharoen Supawadee Yamsri Supan Fucharoen |
2015 | ||||
494. | A MARKEDLY HIGH PROPORTION OF ALPHA-(0)-THALASSEMIA AND BETA-THALASSEMIA AMONG VIETNAMESE ETHNIC MINORITIES WITH MICROCYTOSIS: A COMMUNITY-BASED SURVEY IN NORTHERN VIETNAM | Mai Anh Tuan Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Nguyen Kieu Giang Nguyen Tien Dung Nguyen Van Son Hoang Khai Lap Pattara Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen |
2016 | ||||
495. | Basal expression of erythroid regulators mRNA of beta-thalassemia/Hb E erythroblasts | W. Sornjai J. Jaratsittisin K. Khungwanmaythawee S. Svasti S. Fucharoen D. R. Smith |
2016 | ||||
496. | Frataxin expression in reticulocytes of non-splenectomized and splenectomized patients with HbE-β-thalassaemia. | Yollada Suebpeng Arunee Jetsrisuparb Supan Fucharoen Amporn Tripatara |
2016 | ||||
497. | Hemoglobin Variants in Northern Thailand: Prevalence, Heterogeneity and Molecular Characteristics | Panyasai, S. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2016 | ||||
2016 | ||||
499. | Molecular Heterogeneity of Thalassemia among Pregnant Laotian Women | Wongprachum, K. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Schelp, F.P. |
2016 | ||||
500. | Molecular Understanding of Non-Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia Associated with Hemoglobin E-β-Thalassemia in Northeast Thailand. | Yamsri, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2016 | ||||
501. | Nine known and five novel mutations in the erythroid transcription factor KLF1 gene and phenotypic expression of fetal hemoglobin in hemoglobin E disorder | Wanicha Tepakhan Supawadee Yamsri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Xiangmin Xu Supan Fucharoen |
2016 | ||||
502. | Phenotype and Genotype in a Cohort of 312 Adult Patients with Nontransfusion-Dependent Thalassemia in Northeast Thailand. | Prayalaw, P. Teawtrakul, N. Jetsrisuparb, A. Pongudom, S. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2016 | ||||
503. | PILOT SCREENING PROGRAM FOR THALASSEMIA IN A COUNTRY WITH LIMITED RESOURCES: A COLLABORATION MODEL BETWEEN CLOSE NEIGHBORING COUNTRIES | Kasama Wongprachum Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Virak Vidamaly Souphathay Sorpasirth Maneelay Dethvongphanh Boualay Norcharoen Bousanit Htalongsengchan Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Frank P. Schelp Sastri Saowakontha Pattara Sanchaisuriya |
2016 | ||||
504. | Reduced neutrophil differentiation drives aberrant neutrophil function in beta-hemoglobin disorders: understanding the molecular and cellular mechanism | P. Siwaponanan J. Siegers T. Ng S. Svasti S. Fucharoen O. Wijburg J. Vadolas |
2016 | ||||
505. | Thalassemia Screening Using Different Automated Blood Cell Counters: Consideration of Appropriate Cutoff Values. | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, P. Changtrakun, Y. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2016 | ||||
506. | A Genetic Variant Ameliorates β-Thalassemia Severity by Epigenetic-Mediated Elevation of Human Fetal Hemoglobin Expression. | Tepakhan, W. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2017 | ||||
507. | Co-inheritance of α(0) -thalassemia elevates Hb A2 level in homozygous Hb E: Diagnostic implications. | K. Singha H. Srivorakun G. Fucharoen S. Fucharoen |
2017 | ||||
508. | Co-inheritance of α0-thalassemia elevates Hb A |
Singha, K. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. |
2017 | ||||
509. | DEVELOPMENT OF A PROFICIENCY TESTING PROGRAM FOR INITIAL THALASSEMIA SCREENING IN THAILAND | Supan Fucharoen Simaporn Prommetta Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supawadee Yamsri Attawut Chaibunruang |
2017 | ||||
510. | Diagnosis of common hemoglobinopathies among South East Asian population using capillary isoelectric focusing system. | H. Srivorakun G. Fucharoen K. Sanchaisuriya S. Fucharoen |
2017 | ||||
511. | DIFFERENTIATION OF HOMOZYGOUS HB E AND HOMOZYGOUS HB E WITH alpha(0)-THALASSEMIA BY MEANS OF HB A(2) LEVEL | Kritsada Singha Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2017 | ||||
512. | DOUBLE CHECK PCR SYSTEMS FOR ACCURATE PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS OF HB BART & RSQUO; S HYDROPS FETALIS CAUSED BY (-(SEA)) & ALPHA;(0)-THALASSEMIA | Wittaya Jomoui Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Patnaree Charoenwijitkul Jitpanu Maneesarn Supan Fucharoen |
2017 | ||||
513. | Epidemiologic study of major complications in adolescent and adult patients with thalassemia in Northeastern Thailand: the E-SAAN study phase I. | Teawtrakul, N Jetsrisuparb, A Pongudom, S Sirijerachai, C Chansung, K Wanitpongpun, C Fucharoen, S |
2017 | ||||
514. | Evaluation of staff performance and interpretation of the screening program for prevention of thalassemia | Simaporn Prommetta Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supawadee Yamsri Attawut Chaiboonroeng Supan Fucharoen |
2017 | ||||
515. | Genetic origin of alpha(0)-thalassemia (SEA deletion) in Southeast Asian populations and application to accurate prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis syndrome | Jomoui, W Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Charoenwijitkul, P Maneesarn, J Xu, X Fucharoen, S |
2017 | ||||
516. | Hemoglobinopathies and Child Feeding Practices as Predictors of Anemia in Rural Laotian Children: Evidence from the Lao Zinc Study | Maxwell Adusei Barffour Guy-Marino Hinnouho Kimberly Ryan Wessells Keneth H. Brown Bigphone Chanhthavong Kethmany Ratsavong Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Sengchanh Kounnavong Supan Fucharoen Sonja Y. Hess |
2017 | ||||
517. | INITIATION OF APPROPRIATE SCREENING TESTS FOR SEVERE THALASSEMIA PREVENTION AT COMMUNITY LEVEL IN CAMBODIA | Kimhaung Cheng Arunee Jetsrisuparb Supan Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Pattara Sanchaisuriya |
2017 | ||||
518. | Molecular analysis of haemoglobin E in Southeast Asian populations | Jomoui, W Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Nguyen, NT Nguyen, HV Fucharoen, S |
2017 | ||||
519. | Novel interactions of two α-Hb variants with SEA deletion α(0)-thalassemia: hematological and molecular analyses. | Srivorakun, H Singha, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2017 | ||||
520. | Pilot screening program for thalassemia carriers at community level in lao people’s democratic republic | Konekeo Somphanthabansouk Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Virack Vidamaly Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Frank P. Schelp Pattara Sanchaisuriya |
2017 | ||||
521. | Screening of (-SEA) α-thalassaemia using an immunochromatographic strip assay for the ζ-globin chain in a population with a high prevalence and heterogeneity of haemoglobinopathies. | Jomoui, W Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2017 | ||||
522. | Screening of (-(SEA)) alpha-thalassaemia using an immunochromatographic strip assay for the zeta-globin chain in a population with a high prevalence and heterogeneity of haemoglobinopathies | Wittaya Jomoui Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2017 | ||||
523. | Screening of (-SEA) α-thalassaemia using an immunochromatographic strip assay for the ζ-globin chain in a population with a high prevalence and heterogeneity of haemoglobinopathies | Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2017 | ||||
524. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in an ethnic minority group in Central Vietnam: implications to health burden and relationship between two ethnic minority groups | Nguyen, NT Sanchaisuriya, K Sanchaisuriya, P Van Nguyen, H Phan, HTT Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2017 | ||||
525. | APPLICATION OF A NEW PORTABLE NEPHELOMETER FOR SCREENING THALASSEMIA IN COUNTRIES WITH LIMITED RESOURCES | Jutatip Jamnok Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supawadee Yamsri Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Florian J. Schweigert Pattara Sanchaisuriya |
2018 | ||||
526. | EE score: an index for simple differentiation of homozygous hemoglobin E and hemoglobin E-β0-thalassemia. | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2018 | ||||
527. | EE score: An index for simple differentiation of homozygous hemoglobin e and hemoglobin E-β-thalassemia | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2018 | ||||
528. | EE score: an index for simple differentiation of homozygous hemoglobin E and hemoglobin -thalassemia | Kritsada Singha Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2018 | ||||
529. | Effect of health education on severe thalassemia prevention and control in communities in Cambodia | Cheng, K Fucharoen, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, P Jetsrisuparb, A |
2018 | ||||
530. | Elevations of Thrombotic Biomarkers in Hemoglobin H Disease | Siriyakorn Chansai Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Arunee Jetsrisuparb Worawan Chumpia |
2018 | ||||
531. | Epidemiologic study of major complications in adolescent and adult patients with thalassemia in Northeastern Thailand: the E-SAAN study phase I | Teawtrakul, N. Jetsrisuparb, A. Pongudom, S. Sirijerachai, C. Wanitpongpun, C. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2018 | ||||
532. | Expression of iron transporter genes in patients with thalassaemia | P. Tonpetch R. Putburee A. Tripatara A. Jetsrisuparb S. Fucharoen |
2018 | ||||
2018 | ||||
534. | Mitochondrial ferritin expression in erythroid cells from patients with alpha-thalassaemia | Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, S.P. Tripatara, A. |
2018 | ||||
535. | Molecular Characteristics of Hb New York [113(G15)ValGlu, HBB: c.341T > A] in Thailand | Attawut Chaibunruang Kritsada Singha Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2018 | ||||
536. | Molecular Characteristics of Hb New York [β113(G15)Val→Glu, HBB: c.341T>A] in Thailand. | Chaibunruang, A Singha, K Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2018 | ||||
537. | Molecular Characteristics of Hb New York [β113(G15)Val→Glu, HBB: c.341T>A] in Thailand | Chaibunruang, A. Singha, K. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2018 | ||||
538. | Novel interactions of two alpha-Hb variants with SEA deletion alpha(0)-thalassemia: hematological and molecular analyses | Hataichanok Srivorakun Kritsada Singha Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2018 | ||||
539. | Novel interactions of two α-Hb variants with SEA deletion α0-thalassemia: hematological and molecular analyses | Srivorakun, H. Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2018 | ||||
540. | PHENOTYPIC EXPRESSION OF HB F, HB A(2) AND HB E IN THALASSEMIC AND NON-THALASSEMIC LAOTIAN CHILDREN AGED 6-24 MONTHS | Benchawan Kingchaiyaphum Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Attawut Chaibunruang Guy-Marino Hinnouho Maxwell A. Barffour Kimberly Ryan Wessells Sonja Y. Hess Sengchanh Kounnavong Supan Fucharoen |
2018 | ||||
541. | PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS OF SEVERE THALASSEMIA DISEASES USING DIRECT PCR ON AMNIOTIC FLUID SPECIMEN | Phongsathorn Wichian Supawadee Yamsri Sudarat Kingpha Suphatsak Phonamatarungrueang Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2018 | ||||
542. | Prevalence of Thalassemia among Newborns: A Re-visited after 20 Years of a Prevention and Control Program in Northeast Thailand | Chaibunruang, A. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2018 | ||||
543. | RETICULOCYTE PARAMETERS IN THALASSEMIC AND NON-THALASSEMIC WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE: APPLICABILITY TO PREDICTING IRON DEFICIENCY | Jutatip Jamnok Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Chaninthorn Chaitriphop Pattara Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2018 | ||||
544. | Whole Blood PCR for Rapid Screening of alpha(0)-Thalassemia | Phongsathorn Wichian Supawadee Yamsri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2018 | ||||
545. | Whole blood PCR for rapid screening of α0-thalassemia | Yamsri, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2018 | ||||
546. | Whole Blood PCR for Rapid Screening of α-Thalassemia. | Wichian, P Yamsri, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2018 | ||||
547. | WHOLE BLOOD PCR KIT FOR RAPID IDENTIFICATION OF alpha(0)-THALASSEMIA | Supawadee Yamsri Phongsathorn Wichian Rossarin Karnpean Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2018 | ||||
548. | Differentiation of homozygous hemoglobin E and hemoglobin E-(0)-thalassemia in children | Areeda Arong Greetapop Wangwok Kritsada Singha Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2019 | ||||
549. | Differentiation of homozygous hemoglobin E and hemoglobin E-β 0 -thalassemia in children | Singha, K. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 | ||||
550. | Differentiation of homozygous hemoglobin E and hemoglobin E-β -thalassemia in children. | Arong, A Wangwok, G Singha, K Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2019 | ||||
551. | Dominant β-thalassaemia with unusually high Hb A |
Singha, K. Karnpean, R. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 | ||||
552. | Erythrocyte indices in a large cohort of beta-thalassemia carrier: Implication for population screening in an area with high prevalence and heterogeneity of thalassemia | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 | ||||
553. | Iron status and inherited haemoglobin disorders modify the effects of micronutrient powders on linear growth and morbidity among young Lao children in a double-blind randomised trial | Sonja Y. Hess K. Ryan Wessells Guy-Marino Hinnouho Maxwell A. Barffour Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Charles D. Arnold Kenneth H. Brown Charles P. Larson Supan Fucharoen Sengchanh Kounnavong |
2019 | ||||
554. | Iron Status and Inherited Hemoglobin Disorders Modify the Effects of Micronutrient Powders on Linear Growth and Morbidity among Young Lao Children in a Double-Blind Randomized Trial. | Hess, SY Wessells, KR Hinnouho, GM Barffour, MA Sanchaisuriya, K Arnold, CD Brown, KH Larson, CP Fucharoen, S Kounnavong, S |
2019 | ||||
555. | Molecular analysis of non-transfusion dependent thalassemia associated with hemoglobin E-β-Thalassemia disease without α-thalassemia | Paramee Phanrahan Supawadee Yamsri Nattiya Teawtrakul Goonnapa Fucharocn Kanolm An Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2019 | ||||
556. | Molecular characterisation of haemoglobin E-Udon Thani (HBB:c.[79G>A;92+7A>G]): a novel form of Hb E-β-thalassaemia syndrome. | Kritsada Singha Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2019 | ||||
557. | Molecular characterisation of haemoglobin E-Udon Thani (HBB:c.[79G>A;92+7A>G]): A novel form of Hb E-β-thalassaemia syndrome | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 | ||||
558. | Molecular characteristics of alpha(+)-thalassemia (3.7 kb deletion) in Southeast Asia: Molecular subtypes, haplotypic heterogeneity, multiple founder effects and laboratory diagnostics | Thanyaornwanya Charoenwijitkul Kritsada Singha Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Phuthita Thepphitak Preawwalee Wintachai Rossarin Karnpean Supan Fucharoen |
2019 | ||||
559. | Molecular characteristics of α+-thalassemia (3.7 kb deletion) in Southeast Asia: Molecular subtypes, haplotypic heterogeneity, multiple founder effects and laboratory diagnostics | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Karnpean, R. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 | ||||
560. | Molecular characteristics of α-thalassemia (3.7 kb deletion) in Southeast Asia: Molecular subtypes, haplotypic heterogeneity, multiple founder effects and laboratory diagnostics. | Charoenwijitkul, T Singha, K Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Thepphitak, P Wintachai, P Karnpean, R Fucharoen, S |
2019 | ||||
561. | Molecular Survey of Hemoglobinopathies in Myanmar Workers in Northeast Thailand Revealed an Unexpectedly High Prevalence of α+-Thalassemia | Srivorakun, H. Chaibunruang, A. Singha, K. Tomanakarn, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 | ||||
562. | Molecular Survey of Hemoglobinopathies in Myanmar Workers in Northeast Thailand Revealed an Unexpectedly High Prevalence of α-Thalassemia. | Pyae, AC Srivorakun, H Chaibunruang, A Singha, K Tomanakarn, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2019 | ||||
563. | Molecular Survey of Hemoglobinopathies in Myanmar Workers in Northeast Thailand Revealed an Unexpectedly High Prevalence of ?(+)-Thalassemia | Aye Chan Pyae Hataichanok Srivorakun Attawut Chaibunruang Kritsada Singha Kanchana Tomanakarn Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2019 | ||||
564. | Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies in an Ethnic Minority Group in Northern Vietnam | Anh, TM Sanchaisuriya, K Kieu, GN Tien, DN Thu, HBT Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Schelp, FP |
2019 | ||||
565. | A novel SNP rs11759328 on Rho GTPase-activating protein 18 gene is associated with the expression of Hb F in hemoglobin E-related disorders | Tepakhan, W. Yamsri, S. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2020 | ||||
566. | Factors associated with anaemia and iron deficiency among women of reproductive age in Northeast Thailand: a cross-sectional study. | Sanchaisuriya, K. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2020 | ||||
567. | Hemoglobins F, A(2), and E levels in Laotian children aged 6-23 months with Hb E disorders: Effect of age, sex, and thalassemia types | Benchawan Kingchaiyaphum Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Attawut Chaibunruang Sonja Y. Hess Guy-Marino Hinnouho Maxwell A. Barffour Kimbery R. Wessells Sengchanh Kounnavong Supan Fucharoen |
2020 | ||||
568. | Hemoglobins F, A |
Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Chaibunruang, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2020 | ||||
569. | Molecular basis of Hb H and AEBart's diseases in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. | Singha, K. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2020 | ||||
570. | Severe thalassemia syndrome caused by Hemoglobin Pak Num Po AEBart’s disease: A hematological, molecular, and diagnostic aspects | Singha, K. Wiangnon, S. Fucharoen, G. Jetsrisuparb, A. Komwilaisak, P. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2020 | Count | 176 | 390 | 271 | 6 |
Title | Authors | Year | Publication name | Cited count | ||||||||
< 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | Total | ||||||
1. | Molecular characterization and nonradioactive detection of beta-thalassemia in Malaysia | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Fukumaki, Y. |
1990 |
Acta Haematologica 2 (84), pp. 82-88 |
2. | Simple non-radioactive method for detecting haemoglobin Constant Spring gene | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Fukumaki, Y. |
1990 |
The Lancet 8704 (335), pp. 1527 |
3. | Double heterozygosity of the β-Malay and a novel β-thalassemia gene in a Thai patient | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Laosombat, V. Fukumaki, Y. |
1991 |
American Journal of Hematology 2 (38), pp. 142-144 |
4. | Eight-base deletion in exon 3 of the β-globin gene produced a novel variant (β Khon Kaen) with an inclusion body β-thalassemia trait [4] | Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fukumaki, Y. |
1991 |
Blood 2 (78), pp. 537-539 |
5. | Molecular basis of beta thalassemia in the South of Thailand | Laosombat, V. Fucharoen, S.P. Panich, V. Fucharoen, G. Nopparatana, C. Fukumaki, Y. |
1992 |
American Journal of Hematology 3 (41), pp. 194-198 |
6. | A simple non-radioactive assay for hemoglobin E gene in prenatal diagnosis | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Ratanasiri, T. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fukumaki, Y. |
1994 |
Clinica Chimica Acta 1-2 (229), pp. 197-203 |
7. | Rapid and simultaneous non-radioactive method for detecting α-thalassemia 1 (SEA type) and Hb Constant Spring genes | Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
1994 |
European Journal of Haematology 3 (53), pp. 186-187 |
8. | A simple non radioactive method for detecting beta-thalassemia/hbe disease: application to prenatal diagnosis. | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Ratanasiri, T. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fukumaki, Y. |
1995 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (26 Suppl 1), pp. 278-281 |
9. | Expression of hemoglobin E in newborn. | Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
1995 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (26 Suppl 1), pp. 246-248 |
10. | Molecular basis of alpha (0)-thalassemia in northeast of Thailand. | Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Wanhakit, C. Srithong, W. |
1995 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (26 Suppl 1), pp. 249-251 |
11. | Beta-globin gene haplotypes in some minor ethnic groups in Thailand | Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Chinoluck, P. Khunsuk, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sae-Ung, N. |
1997 |
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health (28), pp. 115-119 |
12. | Molecular and hematological characterization of HBE heterozygote with α-thalassemia determinant | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Sae-ue, N. Baisungneon, R. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
1997 |
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health (28), pp. 100-103 |
13. | Molecular and hematological characterization of HB tak and HB pyrgos in Thailand | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fukumaki, Y. |
1997 |
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health (28), pp. 110-114 |
14. | Molecular analysis of α-thalassemia in Nepal: Correlation with malaria endemicity | Kobayashi, S. Fucharoen, S.P. Fukumaki, Y. |
2000 |
Journal of Human Genetics 3 (45), pp. 127-132 |
15. | Atypical hemoglobin H disease in a Thai patient resulting from a combination of α-thalassemia 1 and hemoglobin constant spring with hemoglobin J Bangkok heterozygosity | Fucharoen, S.P. Ayukarn, K. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. |
2001 |
European Journal of Haematology 5 (66), pp. 312-316 |
16. | Clinical and hematological features of codon 17, A-T mutation of β-thalassemia in Thai patients | Laosombat, V. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2001 |
European Journal of Haematology 2 (66), pp. 126-129 |
17. | Clinical and hematological features of β+-thalassemia (IVS-1 nt 5, G-C mutation) in Thai patients | Laosombat, V. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2001 |
European Journal of Haematology 2 (67), pp. 100-104 |
18. | Interaction of the α2 polyadenylation signal mutation (AATAAA → AATA- -) and α0-thalassemia (- -SEA), resulting in Hb H disease in a Thai patient | Laosombat, V. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2001 |
Hemoglobin 4 (25), pp. 383-389 |
19. | Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Thailand | Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2001 |
Journal of Human Genetics 3 (46), pp. 115-125 |
20. | Molecular characterization of hemoglobin C in Thailand | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Nattaya Sae-ung, N. Siriratmanawong, I. Surapot, S. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2001 |
American Journal of Hematology 3 (67), pp. 189-193 |
21. | Molecular characterization of (δβ)°/β°-thalassemia and (δβ)°-thalassemia/hemoglobin E in Thai patients | Fucharoen, S.P. Pengjam, Y. Surapot, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2001 |
European Journal of Haematology 4 (67), pp. 258-262 |
22. | Molecular characterization of thalassemia intermedia with homozygous Hb Malay and Hb Malay/HbE in Thai patients [1] | Fucharoen, S.P. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Surapot, S. |
2001 |
Haematologica 6 (86), pp. 657-658 |
23. | Simultaneous PCR detection of β-thalassemia and α-thalassemia 1 (SEA type) in prenatal diagnosis of complex thalassemia syndrome | Siriratmanawong, N. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Ratanasiri, T. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2001 |
Clinical Biochemistry 5 (34), pp. 377-380 |
24. | A simplified screening for α-thalassemia 1 (SEA type) using a combination of a modified osmotic fragility test and a direct PCR on whole blood cell lysates | Panyasai, S. Sringam, P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2002 |
Acta Haematologica 2 (108), pp. 74-78 |
25. | Compound heterozygosity for Hb Korle-Bu (β73; Asp-Asn) and Hb E (β26; Glu-Lys) with a 3.7-kb deletional α-thalassemia in Thai patients | Changtrakun, Y. Fucharoen, S.P. Ayukarn, K. Siriratmanawong, N. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2002 |
Annals of Hematology 7 (81), pp. 389-393 |
26. | Frequency distribution and haplotypic heterogeneity of βE-globin gene among eight minority groups of northeast Thailand | Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sae-Ung, N. |
2002 |
Human Heredity 1 (53), pp. 18-22 |
27. | Hb Paksé [(α2) codon 142 (TAA→TAT or Term→Tyr)] in Thai patients with EABart's disease and Hb H disease | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2002 |
Hemoglobin 3 (26), pp. 227-235 |
28. | Molecular analysis of a Thai β-thalassaemia heterozygote with normal haemoglobin A2 level: Implication for population screening | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Pengjam, Y. |
2002 |
Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 1 (39), pp. 44-49 |
29. | Molecular and hematological characterization of HPFH-6/indian deletion-inversion Gγ(Aγδβ)O -Thalassemia and Gγ(Aγδβ)O -thalassemia/HbE in Thai patients | Fucharoen, S.P. Pengjam, Y. Surapot, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2002 |
American Journal of Hematology 2 (71), pp. 109-113 |
30. | Molecular characterization of Hb D-Punjab [β121(GH4)Glu → Gln] in Thailand | Fucharoen, S.P. Changtrakun, Y. Surapot, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2002 |
Hemoglobin 3 (26), pp. 261-269 |
31. | Molecular characterization of thalassemia intermedia associated with HPFH-6/β-thalassemia and HPFH-6/Hb E in Thai patients | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Surapot, S. |
2002 |
Acta Haematologica 3 (108), pp. 157-161 |
32. | Three major lineages of Asian Y chromosomes: Implications for the peopling of east and southeast Asia | Tajima, A. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Tokunaga, K. |
2002 |
Human Genetics 1 (110), pp. 80-88 |
33. | Triple heterozygosity of a hemoglobin variant: Hemoglobin pyrgos with other hemoglobinopathies | Jetsrisuparb, A. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Wiangnon, S. Komwilaisak, P. |
2002 |
International Journal of Hematology 1 (75), pp. 35-39 |
34. | Anion exchanger 1 mutations associated with distal renal tubular acidosis in the Thai population | Yenchitsomanus, P. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2003 |
Journal of Human Genetics 9 (48), pp. 451-456 |
35. | Complex interaction of Hb Hekinan [α27(B8) Glu-Asp] and Hb E [β26(B8) Glu-Lys] with a deletional α-thalassemia 1 in a Thai family | Fucharoen, S.P. Changtrakun, Y. Ratanasiri, T. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2003 |
European Journal of Haematology 5 (70), pp. 304-309 |
36. | Interaction of hemoglobin E and several forms of α-thalassemia in Cambodian families | Fucharoen, S.P. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Panyasai, S. |
2003 |
Haematologica 10 (88), pp. 1092-1098 |
37. | Molecular and hematologic features of hemoglobin E heterozygotes with different forms of α-thalassemia in Thailand | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2003 |
Annals of Hematology 10 (82), pp. 612-616 |
38. | Non-invasive fetal sex determination using a conventional nested PCR analysis of fetal DNA in maternal plasma | Tungwiwat, W. Fucharoen, G. Ratanasiri, T. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2003 |
Clinica Chimica Acta 1-2 (334), pp. 173-177 |
39. | Prenatal detection of fetal hemoglobin E gene from maternal plasma | Fucharoen, G. Tungwiwat, W. Ratanasiri, T. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2003 |
Prenatal Diagnosis 5 (23), pp. 393-396 |
40. | Rapid detection of an a thalassemia variant (Hb Quong Sze). | Laosombat, V. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2003 |
Haematologica 7 (88), pp. ELT27 |
41. | A simplified screening strategy for thalassaemia and haemoglobin E in rural communities in south-east Asia | Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2004 |
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 5 (82), pp. 364-372 |
42. | Laboratory diagnosis of a compound heterozygosity for Hb Hekinan [α27(B8) Glu-Asp] and a deletional α-thalassaemia 2 in Thailand | Chunpanich, S. Ayukarn, K. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2004 |
Clinical and Laboratory Haematology 5 (26), pp. 355-358 |
43. | Molecular and hematological characterization of hemoglobin hope/hemoglobin E and hemoglobin hope/α-Thalassemia 2 in Thai patients | Chunpanich, S. Fucharoen, S.P. Sachaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. |
2004 |
Laboratory Hematology 4 (10), pp. 215-220 |
44. | Molecular basis and hematologic characterization of δβ- thalassemia and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin in Thailand | Panyasai, S. Fucharoen, S.P. Surapot, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2004 |
Haematologica 7 (89), pp. 777-781 |
45. | Multiplex allele-specific PCR assay for differential diagnosis of Hb S, Hb D-Punjab and Hb Tak | Sanchaisuriya, K. Chunpanich, S. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2004 |
Clinica Chimica Acta 1-2 (343), pp. 129-134 |
46. | The diverse molecular basis and hematological features of Hb H and AEBart's diseases in northeast Thailand | Boonsa, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Wiangnon, S. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2004 |
Acta Haematologica 3 (111), pp. 149-154 |
47. | A reliable screening protocol for thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnancy: An alternative approach to electronic blood cell counting | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Ratanasiri, T. Sanchaisuriya, P. Changtrakul, Y. Ukosanakarn, U. Schelp, F.P. |
2005 |
American Journal of Clinical Pathology 1 (123), pp. 113-118 |
48. | Association of Hb Q-Thailand with homozygous Hb E and heterozygous Hb Constant Spring in pregnancy | Sanchaisuriya, K. Chunpanich, S. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, P. Changtrakun, Y. |
2005 |
European Journal of Haematology 3 (74), pp. 221-227 |
49. | Compound heterozygote state for Gγ Aγ(δβ)°-thalassemia and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin | Fucharoen, S.P. Panyasai, S. Surapot, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2005 |
American Journal of Hematology 2 (80), pp. 119-123 |
50. | Compound heterozygote states for Hb C/Hb Malay and Hb C/Hb E in pregnancy: A molecular and hematological analysis | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Surapot, S. |
2005 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 2 (35), pp. 196-200 |
51. | Molecular and haematological characterization of compound Hb E/Hb Pyrgos and Hb E/Hb J-Bangkok in Thai patients | Fucharoen, S.P. Singsanan, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. |
2005 |
Clinical and Laboratory Haematology 3 (27), pp. 184-189 |
52. | Thalassemia intermedia associated with complex interaction of Hb Beijing [α16(A14)Lys→Asn] and Hb E [β26(B8)Glu→Lys] with a deletional α-thalassemia-1 in a Thai family | Fucharoen, S.P. Chunpanich, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. |
2005 |
Hemoglobin 1 (29), pp. 77-83 |
53. | Development and application of a real-time quantitative PCR for prenatal detection of fetal α0-Thalassemia from maternal plasma | Tungwiwat, W. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Ratanasiri, T. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2006 |
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (1075), pp. 103-107 |
54. | Development of severe anemia during fever episodes in patients with hemoglobin E trait and hemoglobin H disease combinations | Jetsrisuparb, A. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Wiangnon, S. Jetsrisuparb, C. Sirijirachai, J. Chansoong, K. Chansung, G. |
2006 |
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 4 (28), pp. 249-253 |
55. | Molecular and hematological profiles of hemoglobin EE disease with different forms of α-thalassemia | Fucharoen, G. Trithipsombat, J. Sirithawee, S. Yamsri, S. Changtrakul, Y. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2006 |
Annals of Hematology 7 (85), pp. 450-454 |
56. | Prenatal prevention for severe thalassemia disease at Srinagarind Hospital. | Ratanasiri, T. Komwilaisak, R. Changtrakul, Y. Fucharoen, S.P. Wongkham, J. Kleebkaow, P. Seejorn, K. |
2006 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet (89 Suppl 4), pp. S87-93 |
57. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies rather than iron deficiency are major causes of pregnancy-related anemia in northeast Thailand | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. Ratanasiri, T. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, G. Dietz, E. Schelp, F.P. |
2006 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 1 (37), pp. 8-11 |
58. | α0-Thalassemia and related disorders in northeast Thailand: A molecular and hematological characterization | Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2007 |
Acta Haematologica 2 (117), pp. 78-82 |
59. | Application of maternal plasma DNA analysis for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of Hb E-β-thalassemia | Tungwiwat, W. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Ratanasiri, T. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sae-Ung, N. |
2007 |
Translational Research 5 (150), pp. 319-325 |
60. | Coexistence of Southeast Asian ovalocytosis and β-thalassemia: A molecular and hematological analysis | Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Singsanan, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2007 |
American Journal of Hematology 5 (82), pp. 381-385 |
61. | Effect of the maternal βE-globin gene on hematologic responses to iron supplementation during pregnancy | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. Ratanasiri, T. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, G. Dietz, E. Schelp, F.P. |
2007 |
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2 (85), pp. 474-479 |
62. | α/β-Globin mRNA ratio determination by multiplex quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction as an indicator of globin gene function | Kitcharoen, S. Wilairat, P. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2007 |
Clinical Biochemistry 18 (40), pp. 1373-1377 |
63. | H63D mutation of the hemochromatosis gene and serum ferritin levels in Thai thalassemia carriers | Yamsri, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Jetsrisuparb, A. Wiangnon, S. Changtrakul, Y. Sanchaisuriya, P. |
2007 |
Acta Haematologica 2 (118), pp. 99-105 |
64. | Molecular characterization and origins of Hb constant spring and Hb Paksé in Southeast Asian populations | Singsanan, S. Fucharoen, G. Savongsy, O. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2007 |
Annals of Hematology 9 (86), pp. 665-669 |
65. | Prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis caused by a genetic compound heterozygosity for two different αo-thalassemia determinants | Siriratmanawong, N. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2007 |
Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 4 (22), pp. 264-268 |
66. | Rapid molecular characterization of Hb Queens and Hb Siam: Two variants easily misidentified as sickle Hb | Fucharoen, S.P. Singsanan, S. Hama, A. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2007 |
Clinical Biochemistry 1-2 (40), pp. 137-140 |
67. | Thalassemia intermedia associated with the Hb Constant Spring EE Bart's disease in pregnancy: A molecular and hematological analysis | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2007 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 2 (39), pp. 195-198 |
68. | Accuracy of fetal gender detection using a conventional nested PCR assay of maternal plasma in daily practice | Tungwiwat, W. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Ratanasiri, T. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2008 |
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 5 (48), pp. 501-504 |
69. | BCL11A is a major HbF quantitative trait locus in three different populations with β-hemoglobinopathies | Sedgewick, A.E. Timofeev, N. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Barbosa, C.G. Vardarajan, B.N. |
2008 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 3 (41), pp. 255-258 |
70. | Effective screening for double heterozygosity of Hb E/α0 -thalassemia | Sanchaisuriya, K. Chirakul, S. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Changtrakul, Y. Sanchaisuriya, P. |
2008 |
Annals of Hematology 11 (87), pp. 911-914 |
71. | Hemoglobin profiles and hematologic features of thalassemic newborns: Application to screening of α-thalassemia 1 and hemoglobin E | Tritipsombut, J. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Siriratmanawong, N. Sanchaisuriya, P. |
2008 |
Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 11 (132), pp. 1739-1745 |
72. | Imputation of missing genotypes: an empirical evaluation of IMPUTE. | Zhao, Z. Timofeev, N. Hartley, S.W. Fucharoen, S.P. Perls, T.T. |
2008 |
BMC genetics (9), pp. 85 |
73. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnant Lao women: Carrier screening, prevalence and molecular basis | Savongsy, O. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sae-Ung, N. |
2008 |
Annals of Hematology 8 (87), pp. 647-654 |
74. | Accurate prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis in daily practice with a double-check PCR system | Karnpean, R. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Sae-Ung, N. Sanchaisuriya, K. Ratanasiri, T. |
2009 |
Acta Haematologica 4 (121), pp. 227-233 |
75. | Analysis of fetal blood using capillary electrophoresis system: A simple method for prenatal diagnosis of severe thalassemia diseases | Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Sanchaisuriya, K. Ratanasiri, T. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2009 |
European Journal of Haematology 1 (83), pp. 57-65 |
76. | Complex interaction of Hb e [β26(B8)Glu→Lys], Hb Korle-Bu [β73(E17)Asp→Asn] and a deletional α-thalassemia-1 in pregnancy | Siriratmanawong, N. Chansri, W. Singsanan, S. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2009 |
Hemoglobin 6 (33), pp. 507-514 |
77. | Molecular, hematological and clinical aspects of thalassemia major and thalassemia intermedia associated with Hb E-β-thalassemia in Northeast Thailand | Nuntakarn, L. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Jetsrisuparb, A. Wiangnon, S. |
2009 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 1 (42), pp. 32-35 |
78. | Response to Dr. Dong-Zhi Li | Karnpean, R. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Sae-Ung, N. Sanchaisuriya, K. Ratanasiri, T. |
2009 |
Acta Haematologica 1 (122), pp. 51 |
79. | Fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia: Genome-wide association studies suggest a regulatory region in the 5′ olfactory receptor gene cluster | Hartley, S.W. Fucharoen, S.P. Li, C. |
2010 |
Blood 9 (115), pp. 1815-1822 |
80. | Hemoglobin Q-Thailand related disorders: Origin, molecular, hematological and diagnostic aspects | Singsanan, S. Karnpean, R. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2010 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 3 (45), pp. 210-214 |
81. | Improvement of αo-thalassemia screening using combined osmotic fragility, dichlorophenolindophenol and Hb H inclusion tests | Chaibunruang, A. Pornphannukool, S. Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2010 |
Clinical Laboratory 3-4 (56), pp. 111-117 |
82. | Interactions of hemoglobin Lepore (δβ hybrid hemoglobin) with various hemoglobinopathies: A molecular and hematological characteristics and differential diagnosis | Chaibunruang, A. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Sanchaisuriya, K. |
2010 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 3 (44), pp. 140-145 |
83. | Prevention of severe thalassemia in northeast Thailand: 16 Years of experience at a single university center | Yamsri, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Ratanasiri, T. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2010 |
Prenatal Diagnosis 6 (30), pp. 540-546 |
84. | Secondary erythrocytosis caused by hemoglobin Tak/(δβ)- thalassemia syndrome | Prakobkaew, N. Singsanan, S. Fucharoen, G. Surapot, S. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2010 |
Acta Haematologica 2 (124), pp. 115-119 |
85. | Thalassemia and iron deficiency in a group of northeast Thai school children: Relationship to the occurrence of anemia | Sanchaisuriya, K. Yamsri, S. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Schelp, F.P. |
2010 |
European Journal of Pediatrics 11 (169), pp. 1317-1322 |
86. | Anemia, iron deficiency and thalassemia among adolescents in Northeast Thailand: Results from two independent surveys | Pansuwan, A. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2011 |
Acta Haematologica 4 (125), pp. 186-192 |
87. | Complex interaction of hemoglobin (Hb) Nakhon Ratchasima [α63(E12)Ala→Val], a novel α2-globin chain variant with Hb E [β26(B8)Glu→Lys] and a deletional α +-thalassemia | Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2011 |
European Journal of Haematology 1 (87), pp. 68-72 |
88. | Evaluation of the URIT-2900 Automated Hematology Analyzer for screening of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asian populations | Karnpean, R. Pansuwan, A. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2011 |
Clinical Biochemistry 10-11 (44), pp. 889-893 |
89. | Genotype and phenotype characterizations in a large cohort of β-thalassemia heterozygote with different forms of β-thalassemia in northeast Thailand | Yamsri, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2011 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 2 (47), pp. 120-124 |
90. | Hb phimai [β72(E16)Ser→Thr]: A novel β-globin structural variant found in association with Hb constant spring in pregnancy | Singsanan, S. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2011 |
Hemoglobin 2 (35), pp. 103-110 |
91. | Hemoglobin Lepore EF Bart's disease: A molecular, hematological, and diagnostic aspects | Chaibunruang, A. Fucharoen, G. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2011 |
Annals of Hematology 11 (90), pp. 1337-1340 |
92. | Presumptive diagnosis of common haemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asia using a capillary electrophoresis system | Fucharoen, G. Srivorakun, H. Singsanan, S. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2011 |
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 4 (33), pp. 424-433 |
93. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asian newborns: Diagnostic assessment using capillary electrophoresis system | Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Changtrakul, Y. Komwilaisak, P. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2011 |
Clinical Biochemistry 5-6 (44), pp. 406-411 |
94. | A single-tube multiplex gap-polymerase chain reaction for the detection of eight β-globin gene cluster deletions common in Southeast Asia | Tritipsombut, J. Phylipsen, M. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2012 |
Hemoglobin 6 (36), pp. 571-580 |
95. | A spurious haemoglobin A1c result associated with double heterozygote for haemoglobin Raleigh (β1[NA1]Val → Ala) and α+-thalassaemia | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Chaibunruang, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2012 |
Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 5 (49), pp. 445-449 |
96. | Fine-tiling array CGH to improve diagnostics for α- and β-thalassemia rearrangements | Phylipsen, M. Chaibunruang, A. Balak, J.R.A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2012 |
Human Mutation 1 (33), pp. 272-280 |
97. | First description of a Hb A2 variant in Thailand. Identification of Hb A2-Melbourne [δ43(CD2)Glu→Lys] in Thai individuals | Chaibunruang, A. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2012 |
Hemoglobin 1 (36), pp. 80-84 |
98. | Genetic origin and interaction of the Filipino β 0- thalassemia with Hb e and α-thalassemia in a Thai family | Yamsri, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2012 |
Translational Research 6 (159), pp. 473-476 |
99. | Hb H disease with various β hemoglobinopathies: Molecular, hematological and diagnostic aspects | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. |
2012 |
Hemoglobin 1 (36), pp. 18-24 |
100. | Hemoglobin pyrgos with hemoglobin h disease: New triple heterozygosity | Jopang, Y. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2012 |
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 5 (43), pp. 1258-1261 |
101. | Micromapping of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in diferent regions of Northeast Thailand and Vientaine, Laos People's Democratic Republic | Tritipsombut, J. Sanchaisuriya, K. Phollarp, P. Bouakhasith, D. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Schelp, F.P. |
2012 |
Hemoglobin 1 (36), pp. 47-56 |
102. | Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of beta-thalassemia and sickle-cell disease using pyrophosphorolysis-activated polymerization and melting curve analysis | Phylipsen, M. Yamsri, S. Treffers, E.E. Kanhai, W.A. Boon, E.M.J. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2012 |
Prenatal Diagnosis 6 (32), pp. 578-587 |
103. | Phenotypic expression of hemoglobins A2, E and F in various hemoglobin E related disorders | Sae-Ung, N. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Yamsri, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2012 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 1 (48), pp. 11-16 |
104. | A proficiency testing program of hemoglobin analysis in prevention and control of severe hemoglobinopathies in Thailand | Karnpean, R. Fucharoen, G. Pansuwan, A. Changtrakul, D. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2013 |
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 6 (51), pp. 1265-1271 |
105. | Association of Hb thailand [α56(E5)Lys→Thr] and Hb phnom penh [α117(GH5)-Ile-α118(H1)] with α;0-Thalassemia: Molecular and hematological features and differential diagnosis | Singha, K. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Changtrakul, Y. Komwilaisak, P. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2013 |
Hemoglobin 1 (37), pp. 37-47 |
106. | Burden of anemia in relation to thalassemia and iron deficiency among vietnamese pregnant women | Siridamrongvattana, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Schelp, F.P. |
2013 |
Acta Haematologica 4 (130), pp. 281-287 |
107. | Fetal red blood cell parameters in thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies | Karnpean, R. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. Ratanasiri, T. |
2013 |
Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 3 (34), pp. 166-171 |
108. | Molecular and hematological characteristics of a novel form of α-globin gene triplication: The hemoglobin St.Luke's-Thailand [α95(G2)Pro→Arg] or Hb St. Luke's [A2] HBA2 | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2013 |
Clinical Biochemistry 7-8 (46), pp. 675-680 |
109. | Molecular and hematological studies in a large cohort of α0-thalassemia in northeast Thailand: Data from a single referral center | Chaibunruang, A. Yamsri, S. Fucharoen, G. Sae-Ung, N. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2013 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 2 (51), pp. 89-93 |
110. | No evidence for role of common anion exchanger 1 mutations on the severity difference in HB E-β-Thalassemia disease in Northeast Thailand | Ngouprommin, L. Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Jetsrisuparb, A. |
2013 |
International Journal of Human Genetics 2 (13), pp. 99-103 |
111. | Prenatal and post-natal screening of β-thalassemia and hemoglobin e genes in Thailand using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography | Prajantasen, T. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Siriratmanawong, N. |
2013 |
Molecular Biology Reports 4 (40), pp. 3173-3179 |
112. | Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies in Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam | Nguyen, H.V. Sanchaisuriya, K. Nguyen, D.H. Siridamrongvattana, S. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Schelp, F.P. |
2013 |
Hemoglobin 4 (37), pp. 333-342 |
113. | A large cohort of hemoglobin variants in thailand: Molecular epidemiological study and diagnostic consideration | Srivorakun, H. Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 |
PLoS ONE 9 (9), pp. |
114. | A newly modified hemoglobin h inclusion test as a secondary screening for α0-thalassemia in southeast asian populations | Fucharoen, G. Yooyen, K. Chaibunruang, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 |
Acta Haematologica 1 (132), pp. 10-14 |
115. | ARKRAY ADAMS A1c HA-8180T analyzer for diagnosis of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies common in southeast Asia | Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 |
Laboratory Medicine 3 (45), pp. e112-e121 |
116. | Effect of genotype on pulmonary hypertension risk in patients with thalassemia | Teawtrakul, N. Ungprasert, P. Pussadhamma, B. Prayalaw, P. Fucharoen, S.P. Jetsrisuparb, A. Pongudom, S. Sirijerachai, C. Chansung, G. Wanitpongpun, C. Chuncharunee, S. |
2014 |
European Journal of Haematology 5 (92), pp. 429-434 |
117. | Five hemoglobin variants in a double heterozygote for α- and β-globin chain defects | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 |
Acta Haematologica 2 (131), pp. 71-75 |
118. | Genetic compound heterozygosity for Southeast Asian ovalocytosis and thalassemia in Thailand: Prevalence and phenotypic analysis | Ngouprommin, L. Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Jetsrisuparb, A. |
2014 |
Clinical Genetics 2 (85), pp. 198-200 |
119. | Genetic heterogeneity of hemoglobin AEBart's disease: A large cohort data from a single referral center in northeast Thailand | Chaibunruang, A. Karnpean, R. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 4 (52), pp. 176-180 |
120. | Hemoglobin Constant Spring is markedly high in women of an ethnic minority group in Vietnam: A community-based survey and hematologic features | Nguyen, V.H. Sanchaisuriya, K. Wongprachum, K. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, S.P. Schelp, F.P. |
2014 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 4 (52), pp. 161-165 |
121. | Hepcidin expression from monocyte of splenectomized and non-splenectomized patients with HbE-β-thalassemia | Pratummo, K. Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, S.P. Tripatara, A. |
2014 |
Hematology 3 (19), pp. 175-180 |
122. | Interaction of hemoglobin Grey Lynn (Vientiane) with a non-deletional α+-thalassemia in an adult Thai proband | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 |
Biochemia Medica 1 (24), pp. 167-174 |
123. | Molecular characterization of a β-thalassemia intermedia patient presenting inferior vena cava thrombosis: Interaction of the β-globin erythroid krüppel-like factor binding site mutation with Hb e and α<sup>+</sup>-thalassemia | Prajantasen, T. Teawtrakul, N. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 |
Hemoglobin 6 (38), pp. 451-453 |
124. | Phenotypic expression of Hb F in common high Hb F determinants in Thailand: Roles of α-thalassemia, 5' δ-globin BCL11A binding region and 3' β-globin enhancer | Prakobkaew, N. Fucharoen, S.P. Fuchareon, G. Siriratmanawong, N. |
2014 |
European Journal of Haematology 1 (92), pp. 73-79 |
125. | Red blood cell microparticles in hemoglobin E disorders | Chaichote, W. Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 |
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology (), pp. |
126. | Routine screening for a-thalassaemia using an immunochromatographic strip assay for haemoglobin bart’s | Prayalaw, P. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 |
Journal of Medical Screening 3 (21), pp. 120-125 |
127. | Variability of hemoglobin F expression in hemoglobin EE disease: Hematological and molecular analysis | Yamsri, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2014 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 1-2 (53), pp. 11-15 |
128. | A large cohort of β+-thalassemia in thailand: Molecular, hematological and diagnostic considerations | Yamsri, S. Singha, K. Prajantasen, T. Taweenan, W. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2015 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 2 (54), pp. 164-169 |
129. | A novel <sup>A</sup>γδβ<sup>0</sup>-thalassemia caused by DNA deletion-inversion-insertion of the β-globin gene cluster and five olfactory receptor genes: Genetic interactions, hematological phenotypes and molecular characterization | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Hama, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2015 |
Clinical Biochemistry 10-11 (48), pp. 703-708 |
130. | A risk score for predicting pulmonary hypertension in patients with nontransfusion-dependent thalassemia in northeastern Thailand: The E-SAAN score | Teawtrakul, N. Pussadhamma, B. Ungprasert, P. Prayalaw, P. Fucharoen, S.P. Jetsrisuparb, A. Pongudom, S. Sirijerachai, C. Chansung, G. Wanitpongpun, C. Thinkhamrop, B. Chuncharunee, S. |
2015 |
Hematology 7 (20), pp. 416-421 |
131. | High resolution melting analytical platform for rapid prenatal and postnatal diagnosis of β-thalassemia common among Southeast Asian population | Prajantasen, T. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. |
2015 |
Clinica Chimica Acta (441), pp. 56-62 |
132. | Interaction of Hb Grey Lynn (Vientiane) [α91(FG3)Leu>Phe (α1)] with Hb E [β26(B8) Glu>Lys] and α<sup>+</sup>-thalassemia: Molecular and hematological analysis | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2015 |
Clinical Laboratory 5-6 (61), pp. 631-635 |
133. | Known and new hemoglobin A2 variants in Thailand and implication for β-thalassemia screening | Panyasai, S. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2015 |
Clinica Chimica Acta (438), pp. 226-230 |
134. | Krüppel-like factor 1 mutations and expression of hemoglobins F and A2 in homozygous hemoglobin E syndrome | Tepakhan, W. Yamsri, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2015 |
Annals of Hematology (), pp. |
135. | Krüppel-like factor 1 mutations and expression of hemoglobins F and A<inf>2</inf> in homozygous hemoglobin E syndrome | Tepakhan, W. Yamsri, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2015 |
Annals of Hematology 7 (94), pp. 1093-1098 |
136. | Molecular Heterogeneity of Thalassemia among Pregnant Laotian Women | Wongprachum, K. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Schelp, F.P. |
2015 |
Acta Haematologica (), pp. 65-69 |
137. | Red blood cell microparticles in hemoglobin E disorders | Chaichote, W. Sae-Ung, N. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2015 |
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 2 (37), pp. e52-e55 |
138. | Frataxin expression in reticulocytes of non-splenectomized and splenectomized patients with HbE-β-thalassaemia | Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, S.P. Tripatara, A. |
2016 |
Clinical Biochemistry 6 (49), pp. 463-466 |
139. | Hemoglobin variants in Northern Thailand: Prevalence, heterogeneity and molecular characteristics | Panyasai, S. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2016 |
Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 1 (20), pp. 37-43 |
140. | Molecular Heterogeneity of Thalassemia among Pregnant Laotian Women | Wongprachum, K. Sanchaisuriya, K. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Schelp, F.P. |
2016 |
Acta Haematologica 2 (135), pp. 65-69 |
141. | Molecular understanding of non-transfusion-dependent thalassemia associated with hemoglobin E-β-thalassemia in northeast Thailand | Yamsri, S. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2016 |
Acta Haematologica 4 (136), pp. 233-239 |
142. | Nine known and five novel mutations in the erythroid transcription factor KLF1 gene and phenotypic expression of fetal hemoglobin in hemoglobin E disorder | Tepakhan, W. Yamsri, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2016 |
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (59), pp. 85-91 |
143. | Phenotype and Genotype in a Cohort of 312 Adult Patients with Nontransfusion-Dependent Thalassemia in Northeast Thailand | Prayalaw, P. Teawtrakul, N. Jetsrisuparb, A. Pongudom, S. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2016 |
Acta haematologica 1 (135), pp. 15-20 |
144. | Thalassemia screening using different automated blood cell counters: Consideration of appropriate cutoff values | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, P. Changtrakun, Y. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2016 |
Clinical Laboratory 4 (62), pp. 545-552 |
145. | A Genetic Variant Ameliorates β-Thalassemia Severity by Epigenetic-Mediated Elevation of Human Fetal Hemoglobin Expression | Tepakhan, W. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2017 |
American Journal of Human Genetics 1 (101), pp. 130-138 |
146. | Co-inheritance of α<sup>0</sup>-thalassemia elevates Hb A<inf>2</inf> level in homozygous Hb E: Diagnostic implications | Singha, K. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. |
2017 |
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 5 (39), pp. 508-512 |
147. | Diagnosis of common hemoglobinopathies among South East Asian population using capillary isoelectric focusing system | Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2017 |
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 1 (39), pp. 101-111 |
148. | Evaluation of staff performance and interpretation of the screening program for prevention of thalassemia | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Yamsri, S. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2017 |
Biochemia Medica 2 (27), pp. 387-397 |
149. | Genetic origin of α 0-thalassemia (SEA deletion) in Southeast Asian populations and application to accurate prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis syndrome | Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2017 |
Journal of Human Genetics 8 (62), pp. 747-754 |
150. | Molecular analysis of haemoglobin E in Southeast Asian populations | Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Nguyen, H.V. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2017 |
Annals of Human Biology 8 (44), pp. 747-750 |
151. | Pilot screening program for thalassemia carriers at community level in lao people’s democratic republic | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Schelp, F.P. Sanchaisuriya, P. |
2017 |
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 5 (48), pp. 1083-1092 |
152. | Screening of (-<sup>SEA</sup>) α-thalassaemia using an immunochromatographic strip assay for the ζ-globin chain in a population with a high prevalence and heterogeneity of haemoglobinopathies | Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2017 |
Journal of Clinical Pathology 1 (70), pp. 63-68 |
153. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in an ethnic minority group in Central Vietnam: implications to health burden and relationship between two ethnic minority groups | Sanchaisuriya, K. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2017 |
Journal of Community Genetics 3 (8), pp. 221-228 |
154. | EE score: An index for simple differentiation of homozygous hemoglobin e and hemoglobin E-β-thalassemia | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2018 |
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 9 (56), pp. 1507-1513 |
155. | Effect of health education on severe thalassemia prevention and control in communities in Cambodia | Fucharoen, S.P. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, P. Jetsrisuparb, A. |
2018 |
Archives of Public Health 1 (76), pp. |
156. | Elevations of Thrombotic Biomarkers in Hemoglobin H Disease | Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Jetsrisuparb, A. Chumpia, W. |
2018 |
Acta Haematologica 1 (139), pp. 47-51 |
157. | Epidemiologic study of major complications in adolescent and adult patients with thalassemia in Northeastern Thailand: the E-SAAN study phase I | Teawtrakul, N. Jetsrisuparb, A. Pongudom, S. Sirijerachai, C. Wanitpongpun, C. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2018 |
Hematology 1 (23), pp. 55-60 |
158. | Mitochondrial ferritin expression in erythroid cells from patients with alpha-thalassaemia | Jetsrisuparb, A. Fucharoen, S.P. Tripatara, A. |
2018 |
Hematology 10 (23), pp. 844-848 |
159. | Molecular Characteristics of Hb New York [β113(G15)Val→Glu, HBB: c.341T>A] in Thailand | Chaibunruang, A. Singha, K. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2018 |
Hemoglobin 1 (42), pp. 11-15 |
160. | Novel interactions of two α-Hb variants with SEA deletion α<sup>0</sup>-thalassemia: hematological and molecular analyses | Srivorakun, H. Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2018 |
Hematology 3 (23), pp. 187-191 |
161. | Prevalence of thalassemia among newborns: A Re-visited after 20 Years of a Prevention and Control Program in Northeast Thailand | Chaibunruang, A. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2018 |
Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases 1 (10), pp. |
162. | Whole blood PCR for rapid screening of α<sup>0</sup>-thalassemia | Yamsri, S. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2018 |
Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science 2 (48), pp. 231-235 |
163. | Differentiation of homozygous hemoglobin E and hemoglobin E-β <sup>0</sup> -thalassemia in children | Singha, K. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 |
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 3 (41), pp. e70-e72 |
164. | Dominant β-thalassaemia with unusually high Hb A<inf>2</inf> and Hb F caused by β<sup>cD121(-G)</sup> (HBB:c.364delG) in exon 3 of β-globin gene | Singha, K. Karnpean, R. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 |
Journal of Clinical Pathology (), pp. |
165. | Erythrocyte indices in a large cohort of β-thalassemia carrier: Implication for population screening in an area with high prevalence and heterogeneity of thalassemia | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 |
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 4 (41), pp. 513-518 |
166. | Iron status and inherited haemoglobin disorders modify the effects of micronutrient powders on linear growth and morbidity among young Lao children in a double-blind randomised trial | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 |
British Journal of Nutrition 8 (122), pp. 895-909 |
167. | Molecular analysis of non-transfusion dependent thalassemia associated with hemoglobin E-β-Thalassemia disease without α-thalassemia | Yamsri, S. Teawtrakul, N. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 |
Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases 1 (11), pp. |
168. | Molecular characterisation of haemoglobin E-Udon Thani (HBB:c.[79G>A;92+7A>G]): A novel form of Hb E-β-thalassaemia syndrome | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 |
Journal of Clinical Pathology 4 (72), pp. 322-324 |
169. | Molecular characteristics of α<sup>+</sup>-thalassemia (3.7 kb deletion) in Southeast Asia: Molecular subtypes, haplotypic heterogeneity, multiple founder effects and laboratory diagnostics | Singha, K. Fucharoen, G. Sanchaisuriya, K. Karnpean, R. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 |
Clinical Biochemistry (71), pp. 31-37 |
170. | Molecular Survey of Hemoglobinopathies in Myanmar Workers in Northeast Thailand Revealed an Unexpectedly High Prevalence of α<sup>+</sup>-Thalassemia | Srivorakun, H. Chaibunruang, A. Singha, K. Tomanakarn, K. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2019 |
Hemoglobin 4-5 (43), pp. 254-257 |
171. | Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies in an Ethnic Minority Group in Northern Vietnam | Sanchaisuriya, K. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, S.P. Fucharoen, G. Schelp, F.P. |
2019 |
Hemoglobin 4-5 (43), pp. 249-253 |
172. | A novel SNP rs11759328 on Rho GTPase-activating protein 18 gene is associated with the expression of Hb F in hemoglobin E-related disorders | Tepakhan, W. Yamsri, S. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2020 |
Annals of Hematology 1 (99), pp. 23-29 |
173. | Factors associated with anaemia and iron deficiency among women of reproductive age in Northeast Thailand: A cross-sectional study | Sanchaisuriya, K. Sanchaisuriya, P. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2020 |
BMC Public Health 1 (20), pp. |
174. | Hemoglobins F, A<inf>2</inf>, and E levels in Laotian children aged 6-23 months with Hb E disorders: Effect of age, sex, and thalassemia types | Sanchaisuriya, K. Fucharoen, G. Chaibunruang, A. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2020 |
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology (), pp. |
175. | Molecular basis of Hb H and AEBart’s diseases in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic | Singha, K. Srivorakun, H. Fucharoen, G. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2020 |
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 1 (42), pp. 23-27 |
176. | Severe thalassemia syndrome caused by Hemoglobin Pak Num Po AEBart’s disease: A hematological, molecular, and diagnostic aspects | Singha, K. Wiangnon, S. Fucharoen, G. Jetsrisuparb, A. Komwilaisak, P. Fucharoen, S.P. |
2020 |
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology (), pp. |
Title | Authors | Year | Journal title | ||
1. | Thalassemia in Thailand. | Wasi, P Pootrakul, S Pootrakul, P Pravatmuang, P Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S |
1980 |
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (344), pp. 352-63 |
2. | Pulmonary artery obstruction in thalassaemia. | Sonakul, D Pacharee, P Laohapand, T Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1980 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 4 (11), pp. 516-23 |
3. | Morphology and kinetics of erythropoiesis in haemoglobin H disease. | Wickramasinghe, SN Hughes, M Wasi, P Fucharoen, S |
1981 |
British journal of haematology 2 (49), pp. 185-8 |
4. | Ineffective erythropoiesis in haemoglobin E beta -thalassaemia: an electron microscope study. | Wickramasinghe, SN Hughes, M Wasi, P Fucharoen, S Modell, B |
1981 |
British journal of haematology 3 (48), pp. 451-7 |
5. | Increased circulating platelet aggregates in thalassaemia. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1981 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 4 (12), pp. 556-60 |
6. | Relation between erythropoiesis and bone metabolism in thalassemia. | Pootrakul, P Hungsprenges, S Fucharoen, S Baylink, D Thompson, E English, E Lee, M Burnell, J Finch, C |
1981 |
The New England journal of medicine 24 (304), pp. 1470-3 |
7. | Intracranial extramedullary hematopoiesis in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Fucharoen, S Tunthanavatana, C Sonakul, D Wasi, P |
1981 |
American journal of hematology 1 (10), pp. 75-8 |
8. | Homozygous haemoglobin Constant Spring: a need for revision of concept. | Pootrakul, P Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Pravatmuang, P Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
1981 |
Human genetics 3 (59), pp. 250-5 |
9. | Hypoxaemia and the effect of aspirin in thalassaemia. | Fucharoen, S Youngchaiyud, P Wasi, P |
1981 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 1 (12), pp. 90-3 |
10. | Heterogeneity of beta thalassaemia in Thailand. | Yenchitsomanus, P Baramee, A Fucharoen, S Pootrakul, P Wasi, P |
1982 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 4 (13), pp. 618-27 |
11. | Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary arteriovenous fistula. | Sirinavin, C Limsila, T Thongtang, V Gherunpong, C Fucharoen, S |
1982 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 5 (65), pp. 283-94 |
12. | Hypoxemia in thalassemia. | Wasi, P Fucharoen, S Youngchaiyud, P Sonakul, D |
1982 |
Birth defects original article series 7 (18), pp. 213-7 |
13. | Cardiac pathology in 47 patients with beta thalassaemia/haemoglobin E. | Sonakul, D Pacharee, P Wasi, P Fucharoen, S |
1984 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 4 (15), pp. 554-63 |
14. | The fate of excess beta-globin chains within erythropoietic cells in alpha-thalassaemia 2 trait, alpha-thalassaemia 1 trait, haemoglobin H disease and haemoglobin Q-H disease: an electron microscope study. | Wickramasinghe, SN Hughes, M Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1984 |
British journal of haematology 3 (56), pp. 473-82 |
15. | Ultrastructure and cell cycle distribution of erythropoietic cells in heterozygotes and homozygotes for haemoglobin E. | Wickramasinghe, SN Hughes, M Wasi, P Fucharoen, S Litwinczuk, RA |
1984 |
British journal of haematology 4 (57), pp. 685-94 |
16. | Determination for different severity of anemia in thalassemia: concordance and discordance among sib pairs. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Pootrakul, P Wasi, P |
1984 |
American journal of medical genetics 1 (19), pp. 39-44 |
17. | Cholecystitis associated with Enterobacter agglomerans. | Nilakul, C Sukroongreung, S Fucharoen, S Vathanophas, V |
1984 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 2 (15), pp. 270-3 |
18. | Hematologic and biosynthetic studies in homozygous hemoglobin Constant Spring. | Derry, S Wood, WG Pippard, M Clegg, JB Weatherall, DJ Wickramasinghe, SN Darley, J Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1984 |
The Journal of clinical investigation 6 (73), pp. 1673-82 |
19. | Prevalence of HTLV-III/LAV antibody in selected populations in Thailand. | Wangroongsarb, Y Weniger, BG Wasi, C Traisupa, A Kunasol, P Rojanapithayakorn, W Fucharoen, S |
1985 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 4 (16), pp. 517-20 |
20. | The morphology of redox-dye-treated HbH-containing red cells: differences between cells treated with brilliant cresyl blue, methylene blue and new methylene blue. | Wickramasinghe, SN Hughes, M Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1985 |
Clinical and laboratory haematology 4 (7), pp. 353-8 |
21. | Thalassemia in southeast Asia: determination of different degrees of severity of anemia in thalassemia. | Wasi, P Pootrakul, P Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Wilairat, P Promboon, A |
1985 |
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (445), pp. 119-26 |
22. | Intracranial extramedullary hematopoiesis inducing epilepsy in a patient with beta-thalassemia--hemoglobin E. | Fucharoen, S Suthipongchai, S Poungvarin, N Ladpli, S Sonakul, D Wasi, P |
1985 |
Archives of internal medicine 4 (145), pp. 739-42 |
23. | Concomitant inheritance of alpha-thalassemia in beta 0- thalassemia/Hb E disease. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Weatherall, D Wasi, P |
1985 |
American journal of hematology 3 (20), pp. 217-22 |
24. | Improved technic for detecting intraerythrocytic inclusion bodies in alpha thalassemia trait. | Maungsapaya, W Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Pootrakul, SN Wasi, P |
1985 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 1 (68), pp. 43-5 |
25. | Studies of erythropoietic cells in heterozygotes and homozygotes for haemoglobin Constant Spring and in heterozygotes for both haemoglobin Constant Spring and alpha-thalassaemia 1 trait: extent of globin chain precipitation and cell cycle distribution. | Wickramasinghe, SN Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1986 |
Clinical and laboratory haematology 3 (8), pp. 187-98 |
26. | Increased phagocytosis of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes with haemoglobin E by peripheral blood monocytes. | Bunyaratvej, A Butthep, P Yuthavong, Y Fucharoen, S Khusmith, S Yoksan, S Wasi, P |
1986 |
Acta haematologica 2 (76), pp. 155-8 |
27. | Comparison of erythrocyte antioxidative enzyme activities between two types of haemoglobin H disease. | Prasartkaew, S Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1986 |
Journal of clinical pathology 12 (39), pp. 1299-303 |
28. | Altered structure of spectrin in the two types of hemoglobin H disease. | Lamchiagdhase, P Wilairat, P Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Sahaphong, S |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 163-8 |
29. | Oxidative stress and antioxidants in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E. | Suthipark, K Ong-ajyooth, S Shumnumsirivath, D Likidlilid, A Fucharoen, S Siddhikol, C Pootrakul, P Niyomporn, B |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 199-205 |
30. | Hemoglobin Bart disease without hydrops manifestation. | Isarangkura, P Siripoonya, P Fucharoen, S Hathirat, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 333-42 |
31. | Lung function tests in splenectomized beta-thalassemia/Hb E patients. | Youngchaiyud, P Suthamsmai, T Fucharoen, S Udompanich, V Pushpakom, R Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 361-70 |
32. | Lung perfusion in thalassemia. | Songkhla, SN Fucharoen, S Wasi, P Bovornkitti, S |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 371-4 |
33. | Distribution of pulmonary thromboembolic lesions in thalassemic patients. | Sonakul, D Suwanagool, P Sirivaidyapong, P Fucharoen, S |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 375-84 |
34. | A study of infective episodes in patients with beta-thalassemia/Hb E disease in Thailand. | Aswapokee, N Aswapokee, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 513-20 |
35. | Severe infection in thalassemia: a prospective study. | Aswapokee, P Aswapokee, N Fucharoen, S Sukroongreung, S Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 521-6 |
36. | Antibody response in beta-thalassemia/Hb E disease, hemoglobin H patients, and nonthalassemics with enteric fever. | Rungpitarangsi, B Noytong, S Fucharoen, S Aswapokee, N Aswapokee, P Komolpit, P Tanphaichitr, V Rungpitarangsi, V |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 527-33 |
37. | Variable severity of Southeast Asian beta 0-thalassemia/Hb E disease. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Pootrakul, P Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 241-8 |
38. | Clinical and hematologic manifestations of AE Bart disease. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Prayoonwiwat, W Pootrakul, P Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 327-32 |
39. | Different severity of homozygous beta-thalassemia among siblings. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Thonglairoam, V Wasi, P |
1987 |
Human genetics 3 (76), pp. 296-7 |
40. | Oropharyngeal colonization with aerobic bacteria in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Sukroongreung, S Nilakul, C Aswapokee, N Aswapokee, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 535-41 |
41. | Differences between two types of Hb H disease, alpha-thalassemia 1/alpha-thalassemia 2 and alpha-thalassemia 1/Hb constant spring. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Pootrakul, P Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 309-15 |
42. | Deaths in beta-thalassemia/Hb E patients secondary to infections. | Fucharoen, S Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 495-500 |
43. | DNA polymorphisms of beta N- and beta E-globin genes in Thais. | Yenchitsomanus, P Summers, KM Board, PG Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 99-106 |
44. | Oxidative stress and antioxidants in beta-thalassaemia/haemoglobin E. | Ong-Ajyooth, S Suthipark, K Shumnumsirivath, D Likidlilid, A Fucharoen, S Pootrakul, P |
1987 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 5 (70), pp. 270-4 |
45. | Different molecular defects of G gamma (A gamma delta beta)o-thalassaemia in Thailand. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Chaicharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 |
European journal of haematology 2 (39), pp. 154-60 |
46. | Impaired glucose counterregulation after insulin-induced hypoglycemia in thalassemic patients. | Vannasaeng, S Fucharoen, S Nitiyanant, W Vichayanrat, A Pootrakul, P Piraphatdist, T |
1987 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 11 (70), pp. 631-7 |
47. | Double heterozygosity for hemoglobin E and a Lepore-type hemoglobin found in a Thai woman. | Boontrakoonpoontawee, P Svasti, J Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 269-74 |
48. | Molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in Thailand. | Lynch, J Tate, VE Weatherall, DJ Fucharoen, S Tanphaichitr, VS Isarangkura, P Seksarn, P Laosombat, V Kulapongs, P Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 71-9 |
49. | Defective spectrin dimer self-association in thalassemic red cells. | Lamchiagdhase, P Wilairat, P Sahaphong, S Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S |
1987 |
European journal of haematology 3 (38), pp. 246-50 |
50. | Bam HI polymorphism of the beta A-, beta E-, and beta (0) -thalassemia genes in the Thai population. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 93-7 |
51. | Alpha-mRNA level in the two types of Hb H disease. | Winichagoon, P Chulalaksananukul, W Panyim, S Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 55-60 |
52. | Studies of hemoglobin Bart and deletion of alpha-globin genes from cord blood in Thailand. | Tanphaichitr, VS Pung-amritt, P Puchaiwatananon, O Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Suvatte, V Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 15-21 |
53. | Modified technique for detecting red cells containing inclusion bodies in alpha-thalassemia trait. | Kuptamethi, S Pravatmuang, P Fucharoen, S Ridthimat, W Choopanya, K |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 213-21 |
54. | No evidence for a role of disulfide bonds in the attachment of inclusion bodies to the red cell membrane. | Pravatmuang, P Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 227-30 |
55. | Differential expression of erythrocyte calpain and calpastatin activities in beta 0-thalassemia/Hb E disease. | Macotpet, G Wilairat, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 257-61 |
56. | Viral infections in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. | Wasi, C Kuntang, R Louisirirotchanakul, S Siritantikorn, S Fucharoen, S Aswapokee, P Aswapokee, N Hirunraks, A Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 547-55 |
57. | Hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asia. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
1987 |
Hemoglobin 1 (11), pp. 65-88 |
58. | Determination of variable severity of anemia in thalassemia: erythrocyte proteolytic activity. | Promboon, A Wilairat, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 249-56 |
59. | Inhibitory effect of beta zero-thalassaemia/haemoglobin E erythrocytes on Plasmodium falciparum growth in vitro. | Yuthavong, Y Butthep, P Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S |
1987 |
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 6 (81), pp. 903-6 |
60. | Decreased heat stability found in purified hemoglobin Queens [alpha 34(B15)Leu----Arg]. | Yongsuwan, S Svasti, J Fucharoen, S |
1987 |
Hemoglobin 6 (11), pp. 567-70 |
61. | Thalassemic erythrocytes inhibit in vitro growth of Plasmodium falciparum. | Brockelman, CR Wongsattayanont, B Tan-ariya, P Fucharoen, S |
1987 |
Journal of clinical microbiology 1 (25), pp. 56-60 |
62. | Prenatal diagnosis of the fetus at risk for beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease: a report of the first case in Thailand. | Kanokpongsakdi, S Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Manassagorn, J Tanphaichitr, V |
1987 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 1 (70), pp. 38-43 |
63. | Identification of Hb Lepore-Washington-Boston in association with Hb E [beta 26(B8)Glu----Lys] in a Thai female. | Boontrakoonpoontawee, P Svasti, J Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
1987 |
Hemoglobin 4 (11), pp. 309-16 |
64. | Oxidative stress and antioxidative enzymes in hemoglobin H disease. | Prasartkaew, S Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1987 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 193-8 |
65. | The effect of erythroid hyperplasia on iron balance. | Pootrakul, P Kitcharoen, K Yansukon, P Wasi, P Fucharoen, S Charoenlarp, P Brittenham, G Pippard, MJ Finch, CA |
1988 |
Blood 4 (71), pp. 1124-9 |
66. | Histochemical study of liver tissue from thalassemic patients. | Thakerngpol, K Sonakul, D Fucharoen, S Vathanopas, V Stitnimankarn, T |
1988 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 193-8 |
67. | Gallstones in thalassemia. | Chandrcharoensin-Wilde, C Chairoongruang, S Jitnuson, P Fucharoen, S Vathanopas, V |
1988 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 263-7 |
68. | Impaired parasite growth and increased susceptibility to phagocytosis of Plasmodium falciparum infected alpha-thalassemia or hemoglobin Constant Spring red blood cells. | Yuthavong, Y Butthep, P Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Khusmith, S |
1988 |
American journal of clinical pathology 4 (89), pp. 521-5 |
69. | Cord blood study on beta-thalassemia and hemoglobin E. | Pootrakul, S Muang-sup, V Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1988 |
American journal of medical genetics 1 (29), pp. 49-57 |
70. | Differentiation of Plasmodium falciparum clones by means of a repetitive DNA probe. | Fucharoen, S Tirawanchai, N Wilairat, P Panyim, S Thaithong, S |
1988 |
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2 (82), pp. 209-11 |
71. | Alpha-thalassemia in Thailand. | Winichagoon, P Thonglairuam, V Fucharoen, S Tanphaichito, VS Wasi, P |
1988 |
Hemoglobin 5 (12), pp. 485-98 |
72. | Study of hematopoietic progenitors in patients with thalassemia: the effect of splenectomy. | Issaragrisil, S Tang-naitrisorana, Y Piankijagum, A Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1988 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 323-9 |
73. | Beta-thalassemia associated with alpha-thalassemia in Thailand. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Thonglairuam, V |
1988 |
Hemoglobin 5 (12), pp. 581-92 |
74. | Plasma renin activity in patients with beta-thalassemia hemoglobin E. | Snogchart, N Thirawarapan, SS Fucharoen, S Tanphaichitr, VS |
1988 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 257-62 |
75. | A study of thalassemia associated with pregnancy. | Vaeusorn, O Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1988 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 295-9 |
76. | Cholecystectomy in thalassemia. | Vathanopas, V Fucharoen, S Chandrcharoensin-Wilde, C Sukroongreung, S Nilakul, C |
1988 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 269-73 |
77. | EF Bart's disease: interaction of the abnormal alpha- and beta-globin genes. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Thonglairuam, V Wasi, P |
1988 |
European journal of haematology 1 (40), pp. 75-8 |
78. | Hematologic changes in alpha-thalassemia. | Fucharoen, S Thonglairuam, V Winichagoon, P |
1988 |
American journal of clinical pathology 2 (90), pp. 193-6 |
79. | Electron microscopic study of liver tissue from 30 thalassemic patients. | Thakerngpol, K Sonakul, D Fucharoen, S Boonyaphiphat, P Vathanopas, V Sahaphong, S Stitnimankarn, T |
1988 |
Birth defects original article series 5 (23), pp. 199-206 |
80. | Analysis of hematological data of thalassemia cases in Thailand. | Tatsumi, N Tsuda, I Funahara, Y Bunyaratvej, A Pootrakul, P Fucharoen, S |
1989 |
Nihon Ketsueki Gakkai zasshi : journal of Japan Haematological Society 4 (52), pp. 792-5 |
81. | Selective enzymatic amplification of alpha 2-globin DNA for detection of the hemoglobin Constant Spring mutation. | Kropp, GL Fucharoen, S Embury, SH |
1989 |
Blood 7 (73), pp. 1987-92 |
82. | Cytochemical evaluation of neutrophil components in beta thalassemia hemoglobin E. | Trewatcharegon, S Apibal, S Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S |
1989 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 2 (72), pp. 67-70 |
83. | The molecular basis of AE-Bart's disease. | Thonglairuam, V Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1989 |
Hemoglobin 2 (13), pp. 117-24 |
84. | Effects of thalassaemic serum on the in vitro development of the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum. | Thanomsub, BW Fucharoen, S Brockelman, CR Bhisutthibhan, J |
1989 |
Parasitology research 3 (75), pp. 212-7 |
85. | Molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in Thailand: analysis of beta-thalassemia mutations using the polymerase chain reaction. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sriroongrueng, W Laosombat, V Jetsrisuparb, A Prasatkaew, S Tanphaichitr, VS Suvatte, V Tuchinda, S Fukumaki, Y |
1989 |
Human genetics 1 (84), pp. 41-6 |
86. | A novel ochre mutation in the beta-thalassemia gene of a Thai. Identification by direct cloning of the entire beta-globin gene amplified using polymerase chain reactions. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, P Fukumaki, Y |
1989 |
The Journal of biological chemistry 14 (264), pp. 7780-3 |
87. | Heterogeneity of the gamma-globin gene sequences in Japanese individuals: implication of gene conversion in generation of polymorphisms. | Shiokawa, S Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Tomatsu, S Fukumaki, Y |
1989 |
Journal of biochemistry 2 (105), pp. 184-9 |
88. | Decreased sensitivity of artesunate and chloroquine of Plasmodium falciparum infecting hemoglobin H and/or hemoglobin constant spring erythrocytes. | Yuthavong, Y Butthep, P Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S |
1989 |
The Journal of clinical investigation 2 (83), pp. 502-5 |
89. | Study of mechanisms of post-transfusion hypertension in thalassaemic patients. | Thirawarapan, SS Snongchart, N Fucharoen, S Tanphaichitr, VS Dhorranintra, B |
1989 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 3 (20), pp. 471-8 |
90. | Molecular basis of beta (0)-thalassemia/HbE disease in Thailand. | Petmitr, S Wilairat, P Kownkon, J Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S |
1989 |
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2 (162), pp. 846-51 |
91. | Laboratory diagnosis for thalassemia. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Thonglairuam, V Siriboon, W Sae-Ngow, B |
1989 |
Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 4 (18), pp. 424-30 |
92. | Detection of beta-thalassemia and hemoglobin E genes in Thai by a DNA amplification technique. | Winichagoon, P Kownkon, J Yenchitsomanus, P Thonglairoam, V Siritanaratkul, N Fucharoen, S |
1989 |
Human genetics 4 (82), pp. 389-90 |
93. | Simple non-radioactive method for detecting haemoglobin Constant Spring gene. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Fukumaki, Y |
1990 |
Lancet (London, England) 8704 (335), pp. 1527 |
94. | Ultrasonographic method for detection of haemoglobin Bart's hydrops fetalis in the second trimester of pregnancy. | Kanokpongsakdi, S Fucharoen, S Vatanasiri, C Thonglairoam, V Winichagoon, P Manassakorn, J |
1990 |
Prenatal diagnosis 12 (10), pp. 809-13 |
95. | Molecular characterization and nonradioactive detection of beta-thalassemia in Malaysia. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Ata, K Aziz, S Hashim, S Hassan, K Fukumaki, Y |
1990 |
Acta haematologica 2 (84), pp. 82-8 |
96. | A novel C-T transition within the distal CCAAT motif of the G gamma-globin gene in the Japanese HPFH: implication of factor binding in elevated fetal globin expression. | Fucharoen, S Shimizu, K Fukumaki, Y |
1990 |
Nucleic acids research 17 (18), pp. 5245-53 |
97. | A single nucleotide deletion in codon 123 of the beta-globin gene causes an inclusion body beta-thalassaemia trait: a novel elongated globin chain beta Makabe. | Fucharoen, S Kobayashi, Y Fucharoen, G Ohba, Y Miyazono, K Fukumaki, Y Takaku, F |
1990 |
British journal of haematology 3 (75), pp. 393-9 |
98. | Thai G gamma (A gamma delta beta)zero-thalassemia and its interaction with a single gamma-globin gene on a chromosome carrying beta zero-thalassemia. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Thonglairoam, V Wasi, P |
1990 |
Hemoglobin 2 (14), pp. 185-97 |
99. | Beta-thalassemia in Thailand. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Thonglairoam, V Tanapotiwirut, V Wasi, P |
1990 |
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (612), pp. 31-42 |
100. | Cardiac involvement in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease: clinical and hemodynamic findings. | Jootar, P Fucharoen, S |
1990 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 2 (21), pp. 269-73 |
101. | Haemoglobin-E trait and the clinical course of malaria in Thai soldiers. | Brown, AE Webster, HK Fucharoen, S Bunyaratvej, A |
1990 |
European journal of haematology 2 (45), pp. 120-1 |
102. | The molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in Thailand: application to prenatal diagnosis. | Thein, SL Winichagoon, P Hesketh, C Best, S Fucharoen, S Wasi, P Weatherall, DJ |
1990 |
American journal of human genetics 3 (47), pp. 369-75 |
103. | Hemoglobin Dhonburi alpha 2 beta 2 126 (H4) Val----Gly: a new unstable beta variant producing a beta-thalassemia intermedia phenotype in association with beta zero-thalassemia. | Bardakdjian-Michau, J Fucharoen, S Delanoe-Garin, J Kister, J Lacombe, C Winichagoon, P Blouquit, Y Riou, J Wasi, P Galacteros, F |
1990 |
American journal of hematology 2 (35), pp. 96-9 |
104. | Three-base deletion in exon 3 of the beta-globin gene produced a novel variant (beta gunma) with a thalassemia-like phenotype. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Fukumaki, Y Nakayama, Y Hattori, Y Yamamoto, K Ohba, Y |
1990 |
Blood 9 (76), pp. 1894-6 |
105. | Molecular basis of HbE-beta-thalassemia and the origin of HbE in northeast Thailand: identification of one novel mutation using amplified DNA from buffy coat specimens. | Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Jetsrisuparb, A Fukumaki, Y |
1990 |
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2 (170), pp. 698-704 |
106. | Molecular heterogeneity of beta-thalassaemia in the Japanese: identification of two novel mutations. | Fucharoen, S Katsube, T Fucharoen, G Sawada, H Oishi, H Katsuno, M Nishimura, J Motomura, S Miura, Y Fukumaki, Y |
1990 |
British journal of haematology 1 (74), pp. 101-7 |
107. | Double heterozygosity of the beta-Malay and a novel beta-thalassemia gene in a Thai patient. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Laosombat, V Fukumaki, Y |
1991 |
American journal of hematology 2 (38), pp. 142-4 |
108. | Pituitary function in thalassemic patients and the effect of chelation therapy. | Vannasaeng, S Fucharoen, S Pootrakul, P Ploybutr, S Yansukon, P |
1991 |
Acta endocrinologica 1 (124), pp. 23-30 |
109. | Fetal red cell in Thai thalassemia trait patients. | Chiewsilp, P Fucharoen, S Apibal, S Soponsuksatit, A |
1991 |
Acta haematologica 2 (86), pp. 116 |
110. | Asymmetrically primed selective amplification/temperature shift fluorescence polymerase chain reaction to detect the hemoglobin Constant Spring mutation. | Kropp, GL Fucharoen, S Embury, SH |
1991 |
Blood 1 (78), pp. 26-9 |
111. | Red cell and plasma calcium, copper and zinc in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E. | Suthipark, KU Likidlilid, A Fucharoen, S Pootrakul, P Shumnumsirivath, D Ong-ajyooth, S Plaskett, D Webb, J |
1991 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 2 (22), pp. 171-5 |
112. | Prenatal diagnosis of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Thailand: experience from 100 pregnancies. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Thonglairoam, V Siriboon, W Siritanaratkul, N Kanokpongsakdi, S Vantanasiri, C |
1991 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 1 (22), pp. 16-29 |
113. | Hemoglobin constant spring in Bangkok: molecular screening by selective enzymatic amplification of the alpha 2-globin gene. | Thonglairoam, V Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Tanphaichitr, VS Pung-amritt, P Embury, SH Wasi, P |
1991 |
American journal of hematology 4 (38), pp. 277-80 |
114. | Erythroblast- and erythrocyte-bound antibodies in alpha and beta thalassaemia syndromes. | Wiener, E Wanachiwanawin, W Kotipan, K Fucharoen, S Wasi, P Wickramasinghe, SN |
1991 |
Transfusion medicine (Oxford, England) 4 (1), pp. 229-38 |
115. | High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin in the management of immune hemolysis in patients with thalassemic disease: factors which determine refractoriness. | Wanachiwanawin, W Pootrakul, P Fucharoen, S Piankijagum, A |
1991 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 3 (22), pp. 397-401 |
116. | Protein C and protein S deficiency in thalassemic patients. | Shirahata, A Funahara, Y Opartkiattikul, N Fucharoen, S Laosombat, V Yamada, K |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 65-73 |
117. | Morphological assessment of platelet activation in thalassemia. | Bunyaratvej, A Komanasin, N Sriurairatana, S Fucharoen, S |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 60-4 |
118. | Brain pathology in 6 fatal cases of post-transfusion hypertension, convulsion and cerebral hemorrhage syndrome. | Sonakul, D Fucharoen, S |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 116-9 |
119. | Liver tissue injury secondary to iron overload in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Thakerngpol, K Fucharoen, S Sumiyoshi, A Stitnimankarn, T |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 110-5 |
120. | Thalassemic serum impairs endothelial cell growth in vitro. | Bunyaratvej, A Funahara, Y Butthep, P Kitaguchi, H Fucharoen, S |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 105-9 |
121. | Automatic measurement of hemoglobin F in blood obtained from patients with hemoglobin E/E and beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin/E. | Tatsumi, N Tsuda, I Funahara, Y Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 91-4 |
122. | Hypoxemia in thalassemia. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Siritanaratkul, N Sonakul, D Chantaraksri, U Bunyaratvej, A Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 22-4 |
123. | Identification of five rare mutations including a novel frameshift mutation causing beta zero-thalassemia in Thai patients with beta zero-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P Chihara, K Fukumaki, Y Wasi, P |
1992 |
Biochimica et biophysica acta 4 (1139), pp. 280-6 |
124. | Reduced deformability of thalassemic erythrocytes and erythrocytes with abnormal hemoglobins and relation with susceptibility to Plasmodium falciparum invasion. | Bunyaratvej, A Butthep, P Sae-Ung, N Fucharoen, S Yuthavong, Y |
1992 |
Blood 9 (79), pp. 2460-3 |
125. | Erythrocyte volume and haemoglobin concentration in haemoglobin H disease: discrimination between the two genotypes. | Bunyaratvej, A Butthep, P Fucharoen, S Saw, D |
1992 |
Acta haematologica 1 (87), pp. 1-5 |
126. | Hb Q-Thailand [alpha 74(EF3)Asp-->His]: gene organization, molecular structure, and DNA diagnosis. | Zeng, FY Fucharoen, S Huang, SZ Rodgers, GP |
1992 |
Hemoglobin 6 (16), pp. 481-91 |
127. | Fetal red cell staining: method evaluation. | Apibal, S Hongyantarachi, A Chiewsilp, P Fucharoen, S |
1992 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet (75), pp. 243-7 |
128. | Biophysical changes of red cells with thalassemia-like abnormal hemoglobin. | Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Tatsumi, N |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 86-90 |
129. | Size distribution curves of blood cells in thalassemias and hemoglobin H diseases. | Tatsumi, N Tsuda, I Funahara, Y Matsumoto, H Bunyaratvej, A Siritanakul, N Fucharoen, S |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 79-85 |
130. | The molecular basis of alpha-thalassemia in Thailand. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 7-13 |
131. | Thalassemia in SouthEast Asia: problems and strategy for prevention and control. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 4 (23), pp. 647-55 |
132. | Erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase activities in hemoglobin H disease. | Kuptamethi, S Tantiniti, P Wanachiwanawin, W Fucharoen, S Thareeruchata, S Choopanya, K |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 1 (23), pp. 64-70 |
133. | Detection of PF3 availability in whole blood from volunteers and beta-thalassemia/HbE patients: a promising method for prediction of thrombotic tendency. | Opartkiattikul, N Funahara, Y Hijikata-Okunomiya, A Yamaguchi, N Fucharoen, S Talalak, P |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 52-9 |
134. | Pulmonary thromboembolism in thalassemic patients. | Sonakul, D Fucharoen, S |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 25-8 |
135. | Interaction between endothelial cells and thalassemic red cells in vitro. | Butthep, P Bunyaratvej, A Kitaguchi, H Funahara, Y Fucharoen, S |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 101-4 |
136. | Molecular heterogeneity of beta-thalassemia in Thailand. | Fukumaki, Y Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Okamoto, N Ichinose, M Jetsrisuparb, A Sriroongrueng, W Nopparatana, C Laosombat, V Panich, V |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 14-21 |
137. | Lymphocyte-bearing ferritin in beta-thalassemia/Hb E. | Lamchaigdhase, P Pattanapanyasat, K Sritanaitipol, A Kuntamrongsri, S Fucharoen, S |
1992 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 11 (75), pp. 649-55 |
138. | Increase in spontaneous platelet aggregation in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease: a consequence of splenectomy. | Opartkiattikul, N Funahara, Y Fucharoen, S Talalak, P |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 36-41 |
139. | Pathogenesis of hypoxemia. | Chantharaksri, U Tonsuwonnont, W Fucharoen, S Wasi, P |
1992 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (23), pp. 32-5 |
140. | Identification of Hb Anantharaj [alpha 11(A9)Lys->Glu] as Hb J-Wenchang-Wuming [alpha 11(A9)Lys->Gln]. | Svasti, J Surarit, R Srisomsap, C Pravatmuang, P Wasi, P Fucharoen, S Blouquit, Y Galacteros, F Rosa, J |
1993 |
Hemoglobin 5 (17), pp. 453-5 |
141. | Severity differences in beta-thalassaemia/haemoglobin E syndromes: implication of genetic factors. | Winichagoon, P Thonglairoam, V Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P Fukumaki, Y Wasi, P |
1993 |
British journal of haematology 4 (83), pp. 633-9 |
142. | Identification of Hb C [beta 6(A3)Glu-->Lys] in a Thai male. | Siriboon, W Srisomsap, C Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Svasti, J |
1993 |
Hemoglobin 5 (17), pp. 419-25 |
143. | Activation of monocytes for the immune clearance of red cells in beta zero-thalassaemia/HbE. | Wanachiwanawin, W Siripanyaphinyo, U Fucharoen, S Wasi, P Mawas, F Wiener, E Wickramasinghe, SN |
1993 |
British journal of haematology 4 (85), pp. 773-7 |
144. | Beta 0-thalassemia due to a cytosine deletion in codon 41 associated with hemoglobin E. | Petmitr, S Fucharoen, S Rajkulchai, P Bifani, JP Wilairat, P |
1993 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 2 (24), pp. 384-5 |
145. | A simple non-radioactive assay for hemoglobin E gene in prenatal diagnosis. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Ratanasiri, T Jetsrisuparb, A Fukumaki, Y |
1994 |
Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry 1 (229), pp. 197-203 |
146. | Rapid and simultaneous non-radioactive method for detecting alpha-thalassemia 1 (SEA type) and Hb Constant Spring genes. | Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
1994 |
European journal of haematology 3 (53), pp. 186-7 |
147. | Nondeletional type of hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin: molecular characterization of three unrelated Thai HPFH. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P Chihara, K Fukumaki, Y |
1994 |
British journal of haematology 4 (87), pp. 797-804 |
148. | Molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in Japan: heterogeneity and origins of mutations. | Wakamatsu, C Ichinose, M Manabe, J Fucharoen, S Sawada, H Ohga, S Nishimura, J Nukina, H Harada, T Shirahata, S |
1994 |
Acta haematologica 3 (91), pp. 136-43 |
149. | Flow cytometric immunophenotyping of lymphocyte subsets in samples that contain a high proportion of non-lymphoid cells. | Pattanapanyasat, K Kyle, DE Tongtawe, P Yongvanitchit, K Fucharoen, S |
1994 |
Cytometry 4 (18), pp. 199-208 |
150. | Number and maturation of reticulocytes in various genotypes of thalassaemia as assessed by flow cytometry. | Khuhapinant, A Bunyaratvej, A Tatsumi, N Pribwai, M Fucharoen, S |
1994 |
Acta haematologica 3 (91), pp. 119-25 |
151. | Hydration of red cells in alpha and beta thalassemias differs. A useful approach to distinguish between these red cell phenotypes. | Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Greenbaum, A Mohandas, N |
1994 |
American journal of clinical pathology 2 (102), pp. 217-22 |
152. | Human genetic disease in Asia. | Fucharoen, S Kidson, C |
1994 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 3 (25), pp. 417-8 |
153. | Glomerulonephritis in beta-thalassemia Hb-E disease: clinical manifestations, histopathologic studies and outcome. | Ongajyooth, L Siritanaratkul, N Pootrakul, P Parichatikanond, P Malasit, P Fucharoen, S Nimmannit, S Piankijagum, A Nilwarangkur, S |
1995 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 3 (78), pp. 119-26 |
154. | Molecular basis of alpha (0)-thalassemia in northeast of Thailand. | Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Wanhakit, C Srithong, W |
1995 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (26), pp. 249-51 |
155. | Expression of hemoglobin E in newborn. | Sae-ung, N Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
1995 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (26), pp. 246-8 |
156. | A simple non radioactive method for detecting beta-thalassemia/hbe disease: application to prenatal diagnosis. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Ratanasiri, T Jetsrisuparb, A Fukumaki, Y |
1995 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (26), pp. 278-81 |
157. | The instability of the membrane skeleton in thalassemic red blood cells. | Yuan, J Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Fung, C Shinar, E Schrier, SL |
1995 |
Blood 10 (86), pp. 3945-50 |
158. | Alterations in vascular endothelial cell-related plasma proteins in thalassaemic patients and their correlation with clinical symptoms. | Butthep, P Bunyaratvej, A Funahara, Y Kitaguchi, H Fucharoen, S Sato, S Bhamarapravati, N |
1995 |
Thrombosis and haemostasis 4 (74), pp. 1045-9 |
159. | Reverse dot-blot detection of Thai beta-thalassaemia mutations. | Sutcharitchan, P Saiki, R Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Erlich, H Embury, SH |
1995 |
British journal of haematology 4 (90), pp. 809-16 |
160. | Prenatal diagnosis for beta-thalassemia syndromes using HRP-labeled oligonucleotide probes at Siriraj Hospital. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Siritanaratkul, N Tassana, P Thonglairoam, V Siriboon, W Kanokpongsakdi, S |
1995 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (26), pp. 282-6 |
161. | Alterations and pathology of thalassemic red cells: comparison between alpha- and beta-thalassemia. | Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Butthep, P Sae-ung, N Kamchonwongpaisan, S Khuhapinant, A |
1995 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (26), pp. 257-60 |
162. | Molecular mechanisms of thalassemia in southeast Asia. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P Fukumaki, Y |
1995 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (26), pp. 235-40 |
163. | Molecular analysis of the human fetal-to-adult globin switching. | Katsube, T Fucharoen, S Tojo, H Fukumaki, Y |
1995 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (26), pp. 212-20 |
164. | Role of alternatively spliced beta E-globin mRNA on clinical severity of beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P Chihara, K Fukumaki, Y |
1995 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (26), pp. 241-5 |
165. | Globin chain turnover in reticulocytes from patients with beta (0) -thalassaemia/Hb E disease. | Kalpravidh, RW Komolvanich, S Wilairat, P Fucharoen, S |
1995 |
European journal of haematology 5 (55), pp. 322-6 |
166. | Detection of alpha-thalassemia-1 (Southeast Asian type) and its application for prenatal diagnosis. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Kanokpongsakdi, S Fukumaki, Y |
1995 |
Clinical genetics 6 (47), pp. 318-20 |
167. | Increased serum levels of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) in alpha- and beta-thalassaemia syndromes: correlation with anaemia and monocyte activation. | Wiener, E Wanachiwanawin, W Chinprasertsuk, S Siripanyaphinyo, U Mawas, F Fucharoen, S Wickramasinghe, SN |
1996 |
European journal of haematology 5 (57), pp. 364-9 |
168. | Liver injury due to iron overload in thalassemia: histopathologic and ultrastructural studies. | Thakerngpol, K Fucharoen, S Boonyaphipat, P Srisook, K Sahaphong, S Vathanophas, V Stitnimankarn, T |
1996 |
Biometals : an international journal on the role of metal ions in biology, biochemistry, and medicine 2 (9), pp. 177-83 |
169. | Lymphocytes in beta-thalassemia/HbE: subpopulations and mitogen responses. | Wanachiwanawin, W Phucharoen, J Pattanapanyasat, K Fucharoen, S Webster, HK |
1996 |
European journal of haematology 3 (56), pp. 153-7 |
170. | Hydroxyurea increases hemoglobin F levels and improves the effectiveness of erythropoiesis in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Fucharoen, S Siritanaratkul, N Winichagoon, P Chowthaworn, J Siriboon, W Muangsup, W Chaicharoen, S Poolsup, N Chindavijak, B Pootrakul, P Piankijagum, A Schechter, AN Rodgers, GP |
1996 |
Blood 3 (87), pp. 887-92 |
171. | Detection of thalassemia genes using smeared blood film or leukocytes adhering to polysthylene fibers. | Tatsumi, N Yokota, M Shindoh, K Funahara, Y Nathalang, O Sukpanichnant, S Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S |
1997 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (28), pp. 128-33 |
172. | Presence of immunoglobulins, C3 and cytolytic C5b-9 complement components on the surface of erythrocytes from patients with beta-thalassaemia/HbE disease. | Malasit, P Mahasorn, W Mongkolsapaya, J Singhathong, B Fucharoen, S Wasi, P Bhakdi, S |
1997 |
British journal of haematology 3 (96), pp. 507-13 |
173. | Beta-globin gene haplotypes in some minor ethnic groups in Thailand. | Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Wilai, Y Chinoluck, P Khunsuk, S Sanchaisuriya, K Sae-ung, N |
1997 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (28), pp. 115-9 |
174. | An in vitro study on thalassemic erythroid precursors in liquid culture. | Khuhapinant, A Bunyaratvej, A Sahaphong, S Pattanapanyasat, K Fucharoen, S |
1997 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (28), pp. 82-92 |
175. | Molecular and hematological characterization of Hb Tak and Hb Pyrgos in Thailand. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sae-ung, N Sanchaisuriya, K Fukumaki, Y |
1997 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (28), pp. 110-4 |
176. | Molecular and hematological characterization of HbE heterozygote with alpha-thalassemia determinant. | Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Sae-ung, N Sae-ue, N Baisungneon, R Jetsrisuparb, A Fucharoen, S |
1997 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (28), pp. 100-3 |
177. | The unusual pathobiology of hemoglobin constant spring red blood cells. | Schrier, SL Bunyaratvej, A Khuhapinant, A Fucharoen, S Aljurf, M Snyder, LM Keifer, CR Ma, L Mohandas, N |
1997 |
Blood 5 (89), pp. 1762-9 |
178. | Possible evidence of endothelial cell activation and disturbance in thalassemia: an in vitro study. | Butthep, P Bunyaratvej, A Funahara, Y Kitaguchi, H Fucharoen, S Sato, S Bhamarapravati, N |
1997 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (28), pp. 141-148A |
179. | Alpha-thalassemia incidence in southern Thailand by restriction endonuclease analysis of globin DNA from placental blood at Songklanagarind Hospital. | Sriroongrueng, W Pornpatkul, M Panich, V Fucharoen, S |
1997 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (28), pp. 93-6 |
180. | Hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asia: molecular biology and clinical medicine. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
1997 |
Hemoglobin 4 (21), pp. 299-319 |
181. | A double-blind placebo control trial of dilazep in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. | Opartkiattikul, N Sukpanichnant, S Wanachiwanawin, W Fucharoen, S Funahara, Y Sumiyoshi, A Imai, K Sangtawesin, W Thientadakul, P |
1997 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (28), pp. 167-71 |
182. | Surface and total tissue factor activity of endothelial cells. | Sangtawesin, W Hijikata-Okunomiya, A Opartkiattikul, N Wongtiraporn, W Luenee, P Butthep, P Kitaguchi, H Fucharoen, S Funahara, Y |
1997 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (28), pp. 164-6 |
183. | Thalassemic serum inhibits endothelial cell mitosis in vitro. | Butthep, P Khuhapinant, A Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Kitaguchi, H Funahara, Y |
1997 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (28), pp. 155-60 |
184. | Morphological alterations and apoptosis of endothelial cells induced by thalassemic serum in vitro. | Banjerdpongchai, R Wilairat, P Fucharoen, S Bunyaratvej, A |
1997 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (28), pp. 149-54 |
185. | Difference in pattern of erythropoietin response between beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E children and adults. | Sukpanichnant, S Opartkiattikul, N Fucharoen, S Tanphaichitr, VS Hasuike, T Tatsumi, N |
1997 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (28), pp. 134-7 |
186. | Prenatal and postnatal diagnoses of thalassemias and hemoglobinopathies by HPLC. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Wisedpanichkij, R Sae-Ngow, B Sriphanich, R Oncoung, W Muangsapaya, W Chowthaworn, J Kanokpongsakdi, S Bunyaratvej, A Piankijagum, A Dewaele, C |
1998 |
Clinical chemistry 4 (44), pp. 740-8 |
187. | Membrane phospholipid asymmetry in human thalassemia. | Kuypers, FA Yuan, J Lewis, RA Snyder, LM Kiefer, CR Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Ma, L Styles, L de Jong, K Schrier, SL |
1998 |
Blood 8 (91), pp. 3044-51 |
188. | Molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in the Maldives. | Furuumi, H Firdous, N Inoue, T Ohta, H Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Fukumaki, Y |
1998 |
Hemoglobin 2 (22), pp. 141-51 |
189. | Alpha- and beta-thalassemia in Thailand. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Siritanaratkul, N Chowthaworn, J Pootrakul, P |
1998 |
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (850), pp. 412-4 |
190. | Renal function in adult beta-thalassemia/Hb E disease. | Ong-ajyooth, L Malasit, P Ong-ajyooth, S Fucharoen, S Pootrakul, P Vasuvattakul, S Siritanaratkul, N Nilwarangkur, S |
1998 |
Nephron 2 (78), pp. 156-61 |
191. | Detection of zeta-globin chains in the cord blood by ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay): rapid screening for alpha-thalassemia 1 (Southeast Asian type). | Ausavarungnirun, R Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Epstein, N Simkins, R |
1998 |
American journal of hematology 4 (57), pp. 283-6 |
192. | Standardization on laboratory diagnosis of thalassemia and abnormal hemoglobin. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P Piankijagum, A |
1999 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (30), pp. 90-8 |
193. | Icsh activities and Asia. | Tatsumi, N Tsuda, I Bunyaratvej, A Fucharoen, S Cho, HI Rowan, RM |
1999 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (30), pp. 170-2 |
194. | Identification of Hb J-Buda [alpha61(E10)Lys-->Asn] in a Thai female. | Itchayanan, D Svasti, J Srisomsap, C Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S |
1999 |
Hemoglobin 2 (23), pp. 183-6 |
195. | Prenatal diagnosis of beta-thalassaemia by reverse dot-blot hybridization. | Winichagoon, P Saechan, V Sripanich, R Nopparatana, C Kanokpongsakdi, S Maggio, A Fucharoen, S |
1999 |
Prenatal diagnosis 5 (19), pp. 428-35 |
196. | Impairment of Plasmodium falciparum growth in thalassemic red blood cells: further evidence by using biotin labeling and flow cytometry. | Pattanapanyasat, K Yongvanitchit, K Tongtawe, P Tachavanich, K Wanachiwanawin, W Fucharoen, S Walsh, DS |
1999 |
Blood 9 (93), pp. 3116-9 |
197. | Role of FcgammaRI (CD64) in erythrocyte elimination and its up-regulation in thalassaemia. | Wiener, E Allen, D Porter, RJ Wickramasinghe, SN Porter, JB Chinprasertsuk, S Siripanyaphinyo, U Pattanapanyasat, K Fucharoen, S Wanachiwanawin, W |
1999 |
British journal of haematology 4 (106), pp. 923-30 |
198. | Cross over placebo control trial of dilazep in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. | Opartkiattikul, N Sukpanichnant, S Funahara, Y Sumiyoshi, A Wanachiwanawin, W Tatsumi, N Fucharoen, S |
1999 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 2 (30), pp. 307-10 |
199. | Hemostatic alterations in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. | Opartkiattikul, N Tatsumi, N Funahara, Y Shirahata, A Wongtiraporn, W Tientadakul, P Fucharoen, S |
1999 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (30), pp. 86-9 |
200. | Detection and structural analysis of abnormal hemoglobins found in Thailand. | Svasti, J Srisomsap, C Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S |
1999 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (30), pp. 88-93 |
201. | Hb G-Coushatta [beta22(B4)Glu-->Ala] in Thailand. | Itchayanan, D Svasti, J Srisomsap, C Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S |
1999 |
Hemoglobin 1 (23), pp. 69-72 |
202. | Serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1, and interferon-gamma in beta(o)-thalassemia/HbE and their clinical significance. | Wanachiwanawin, W Wiener, E Siripanyaphinyo, U Chinprasertsuk, S Mawas, F Fucharoen, S Wickramasinghe, SN Pootrakul, P Visudhiphan, S |
1999 |
Journal of interferon & cytokine research : the official journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research 2 (19), pp. 105-11 |
203. | Red cell deformability, splenic function and anaemia in thalassaemia. | Dondorp, AM Chotivanich, KT Fucharoen, S Silamut, K Vreeken, J Kager, PA White, NJ |
1999 |
British journal of haematology 2 (105), pp. 505-8 |
204. | Clinical and hematologic aspects of hemoglobin E beta-thalassemia. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
2000 |
Current opinion in hematology 2 (7), pp. 106-12 |
205. | Hb Siam [alpha15(A13)Gly-->Arg] is a GGT-->CGT mutation in the alpha1-globin gene. | Yodsowan, B Svast, J Srisomsap, C Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S |
2000 |
Hemoglobin 1 (24), pp. 71-5 |
206. | Molecular analysis of alpha-thalassemia in Nepal: correlation with malaria endemicity. | Sakai, Y Kobayashi, S Shibata, H Furuumi, H Endo, T Fucharoen, S Hamano, S Acharya, GP Kawasaki, T Fukumaki, Y |
2000 |
Journal of human genetics 3 (45), pp. 127-32 |
207. | Lymphocyte subsets and specific T-cell immune response in thalassemia. | Pattanapanyasat, K Thepthai, C Lamchiagdhase, P Lerdwana, S Tachavanich, K Thanomsuk, P Wanachiwanawin, W Fucharoen, S Darden, JM |
2000 |
Cytometry 1 (42), pp. 11-7 |
208. | Restoration of hemoglobin A synthesis in erythroid cells from peripheral blood of thalassemic patients. | Lacerra, G Sierakowska, H Carestia, C Fucharoen, S Summerton, J Weller, D Kole, R |
2000 |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 17 (97), pp. 9591-6 |
209. | Rapid differentiation of five common alpha-thalassemia genotypes by polymerase chain reaction. | Tang, DC Fucharoen, S Ding, I Rodgers, GP |
2001 |
The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine 4 (137), pp. 290-5 |
210. | Association of Hb Hope [beta136(H14)Gly-->Asp] and Hb H disease. | Svasti, S Yodsowon, B Sriphanich, R Winichagoon, P Boonkhan, P Suwanban, T Sawangareetrakul, P Srisomsap, C Ketudat-Cairns, JR Svasti, J Fucharoen, S |
2001 |
Hemoglobin 4 (25), pp. 429-35 |
211. | A multi-center study in order to further define the molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Syria, and India, and to develop a simple molecular diagnostic strategy by amplification refractory mutation system-polymerase chain reaction. | Old, JM Khan, SN Verma, I Fucharoen, S Kleanthous, M Ioannou, P Kotea, N Fisher, C Riazuddin, S Saxena, R Winichagoon, P Kyriacou, K Al-Quobaili, F Khan, B |
2001 |
Hemoglobin 4 (25), pp. 397-407 |
212. | Molecular characterization of (deltabeta)(0)/beta(0)-thalassemia and (deltabeta)(0)-thalassemia/hemoglobin E in Thai patients. | Fucharoen, S Pengjam, Y Surapot, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K |
2001 |
European journal of haematology 4 (67), pp. 258-62 |
213. | Major hematologic diseases in the developing world- new aspects of diagnosis and management of thalassemia, malarial anemia, and acute leukemia. | Greenberg, PL Gordeuk, V Issaragrisil, S Siritanaratkul, N Fucharoen, S Ribeiro, RC |
2001 |
Hematology / the Education Program of the American Society of Hematology. American Society of Hematology. Education Program (), pp. 479-98 |
214. | Interaction of the alpha2 polyadenylation signal mutation (AATAAA-->AATA--) and alpha0-thalassemia (--SEA), resulting in Hb H disease in a Thai patient. | Laosombat, V Fucharoen, S Wiriyasateinkul, A |
2001 |
Hemoglobin 4 (25), pp. 383-9 |
215. | Clinical and hematologic features of beta0-thalassemia (frameshift 41/42 mutation) in Thai patients. | Laosombat, V Wongchanchailert, M Sattayasevana, B Wiriyasateinkul, A Fucharoen, S |
2001 |
Haematologica 2 (86), pp. 138-41 |
216. | Clinical and hematological features of codon 17, A-T mutation of beta-thalassemia in Thai patients. | Laosombat, V Wongchanchailert, M Sattayasevana, B Wiriyasateinkul, A Fucharoen, S |
2001 |
European journal of haematology 2 (66), pp. 126-9 |
217. | Molecular characterization of thalassemia intermedia with homozygous Hb Malay and Hb Malay/HbE in Thai patients. | Fucharoen, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Surapot, S |
2001 |
Haematologica 6 (86), pp. 657-8 |
218. | Atypical hemoglobin H disease in a Thai patient resulting from a combination of alpha-thalassemia 1 and hemoglobin Constant Spring with hemoglobin J Bangkok heterozygosity. | Fucharoen, S Ayukarn, K Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G |
2001 |
European journal of haematology 5 (66), pp. 312-6 |
219. | Detection of haemoglobin variants and inference of their functional properties using complete oxygen dissociation curve measurements. | Imai, K Tientadakul, P Opartkiattikul, N Luenee, P Winichagoon, P Svasti, J Fucharoen, S |
2001 |
British journal of haematology 2 (112), pp. 483-7 |
220. | Simultaneous PCR detection of beta - thalassemia and alpha - thalassemia 1 (SEA type) in prenatal diagnosis of complex thalassemia syndrome. | Siriratmanawong, N Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Ratanasiri, T Fucharoen, S |
2001 |
Clinical biochemistry 5 (34), pp. 377-80 |
221. | Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Thailand. | Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Horai, S |
2001 |
Journal of human genetics 3 (46), pp. 115-25 |
222. | Clinical and hematological features of beta(+)-thalassemia (IVS-1 nt 5, G-C mutation) in Thai patients. | Laosombat, V Wongchanchailert, M Sattayasevana, B Wiriyasateinkul, A Fucharoen, S |
2001 |
European journal of haematology 2 (67), pp. 100-4 |
223. | Molecular characterization of hemoglobin C in Thailand. | Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Sae-ung, N Siriratmanawong, N Surapot, S Fucharoen, S |
2001 |
American journal of hematology 3 (67), pp. 189-93 |
224. | Molecular analysis of a thai beta-thalassaemia heterozygote with normal haemoglobin A2 level: implication for population screening. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Pengjam, Y |
2002 |
Annals of clinical biochemistry 0 (39), pp. 44-9 |
225. | Screening for the carriers of thalassemias and abnormal hemoglobins at the community level. | Winichagoon, P Thitivichianlert, A Lebnak, T Piankijagum, A Fucharoen, S |
2002 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health (33), pp. 145-50 |
226. | Three major lineages of Asian Y chromosomes: implications for the peopling of east and southeast Asia. | Tajima, A Pan, IH Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Matsuo, M Tokunaga, K Juji, T Hayami, M Omoto, K Horai, S |
2002 |
Human genetics 1 (110), pp. 80-8 |
227. | Molecular and hematological characterization of HPFH-6/Indian deletion-inversion Ggamma(Agammadeltabeta)0-thalassemia and Ggamma(Agammadeltabeta)0-thalassemia/HbE in Thai patients. | Fucharoen, S Pengjam, Y Surapot, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K |
2002 |
American journal of hematology 2 (71), pp. 109-13 |
228. | Molecular characterization of thalassemia intermedia associated with HPFH-6/beta-thalassemia and HPFH-6/Hb E in Thai patients. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Surapot, S |
2002 |
Acta haematologica 3 (108), pp. 157-61 |
229. | Hb Paksé [(alpha2) codon 142 (TAA-->TAT or Term-->Tyr)J in Thai patients with EAbart's disease and Hb H Disease. | Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2002 |
Hemoglobin 3 (26), pp. 227-35 |
230. | Triple heterozygosity of a hemoglobin variant: hemoglobin Pyrgos with other hemoglobinopathies. | Jetsrisuparb, A Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Wiangnon, S Komwilaisak, P |
2002 |
International journal of hematology 1 (75), pp. 35-9 |
231. | Frequency Distribution and Haplotypic Heterogeneity of beta(E)-Globin Gene among Eight Minority Groups of Northeast Thailand. | Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Sanchaisuriya, K Sae-Ung, N Suyasunanond, U Sriwilai, P Chinorak, P |
2002 |
Human heredity 1 (53), pp. 18-22 |
232. | Compound heterozygosity for Hb Korle-Bu (beta(73); Asp-Asn) and Hb E (beta(26); Glu-Lys) with a 3.7-kb deletional alpha-thalassemia in Thai patients. | Changtrakun, Y Fucharoen, S Ayukarn, K Siriratmanawong, N Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K |
2002 |
Annals of hematology 7 (81), pp. 389-93 |
233. | A simplified screening for alpha-thalassemia 1 (SEA type) using a combination of a modified osmotic fragility test and a direct PCR on whole blood cell lysates. | Panyasai, S Sringam, P Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2002 |
Acta haematologica 2 (108), pp. 74-8 |
234. | Molecular characterization of Hb D-Punjab [beta121(GH4)Glu-->Gln] in Thailand. | Fucharoen, S Changtrakun, Y Surapot, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K |
2002 |
Hemoglobin 3 (26), pp. 261-9 |
235. | Prenatal detection of fetal hemoglobin E gene from maternal plasma. | Fucharoen, G Tungwiwat, W Ratanasiri, T Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2003 |
Prenatal diagnosis 5 (23), pp. 393-6 |
236. | Anion exchanger 1 mutations associated with distal renal tubular acidosis in the Thai population. | Yenchitsomanus, PT Sawasdee, N Paemanee, A Keskanokwong, T Vasuvattakul, S Bejrachandra, S Kunachiwa, W Fucharoen, S Jittphakdee, P Yindee, W Promwong, C |
2003 |
Journal of human genetics 9 (48), pp. 451-6 |
237. | Interaction of hemoglobin E and several forms of alpha-thalassemia in Cambodian families. | Fucharoen, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Panyasai, S Devenish, R Luy, L |
2003 |
Haematologica 10 (88), pp. 1092-8 |
238. | Rapid detection of an a thalassemia variant (Hb Quong Sze). | Laosombat, V Wiryyasateinkul, A Chrangtrakul, Y Fucharoen, S |
2003 |
Haematologica 7 (88), pp. ELT27 |
239. | Molecular and hematologic features of hemoglobin E heterozygotes with different forms of alpha-thalassemia in Thailand. | Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Sae-ung, N Jetsrisuparb, A Fucharoen, S |
2003 |
Annals of hematology 10 (82), pp. 612-6 |
240. | Non-invasive fetal sex determination using a conventional nested PCR analysis of fetal DNA in maternal plasma. | Tungwiwat, W Fucharoen, G Ratanasiri, T Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2003 |
Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry 1 (334), pp. 173-7 |
241. | Complex interaction of Hb Hekinan [alpha27(B8) Glu-Asp] and Hb E [beta26(B8) Glu-Lys] with a deletional alpha-thalassemia 1 in a Thai family. | Fucharoen, S Changtrakun, Y Ratanasiri, T Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K |
2003 |
European journal of haematology 5 (70), pp. 304-9 |
242. | Multiplex allele-specific PCR assay for differential diagnosis of Hb S, Hb D-Punjab and Hb Tak. | Sanchaisuriya, K Chunpanich, S Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2004 |
Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry 1 (343), pp. 129-34 |
243. | The diverse molecular basis and hematological features of Hb H and AEBart's diseases in Northeast Thailand. | Boonsa, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Wiangnon, S Jetsrisuparb, A Fucharoen, S |
2004 |
Acta haematologica 3 (111), pp. 149-54 |
244. | Molecular basis and hematologic characterization of deltabeta-thalassemia and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin in Thailand. | Panyasai, S Fucharoen, S Surapot, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K |
2004 |
Haematologica 7 (89), pp. 777-81 |
245. | A simplified screening strategy for thalassaemia and haemoglobin E in rural communities in south-east Asia. | Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Sae-ung, N Dangwibul, S Fucharoen, S |
2004 |
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 5 (82), pp. 364-72 |
246. | Laboratory diagnosis of a compound heterozygosity for Hb Hekinan [alpha27(B8) Glu-Asp] and a deletional alpha-thalassaemia 2 in Thailand. | Chunpanich, S Ayukarn, K Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2004 |
Clinical and laboratory haematology 5 (26), pp. 355-8 |
247. | Molecular and hematological characterization of hemoglobin Hope/hemoglobin E and hemoglobin Hope/alpha-thalassemia 2 in Thai patients. | Chunpanich, S Fucharoen, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Kam-itsara, K |
2004 |
Laboratory hematology : official publication of the International Society for Laboratory Hematology 4 (10), pp. 215-20 |
248. | Molecular and haematological characterization of compound Hb E/Hb Pyrgos and Hb E/Hb J-Bangkok in Thai patients. | Fucharoen, S Singsanan, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G |
2005 |
Clinical and laboratory haematology 3 (27), pp. 184-9 |
249. | A reliable screening protocol for thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnancy: an alternative approach to electronic blood cell counting. | Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Ratanasiri, T Sanchaisuriya, P Changtrakul, Y Ukosanakarn, U Ussawaphark, W Schelp, FP |
2005 |
American journal of clinical pathology 1 (123), pp. 113-8 |
250. | Association of Hb Q-Thailand with homozygous Hb E and heterozygous Hb Constant Spring in pregnancy. | Sanchaisuriya, K Chunpanich, S Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, P Changtrakun, Y |
2005 |
European journal of haematology 3 (74), pp. 221-7 |
251. | Thalassemia intermedia associated with complex interaction of Hb Beijing [alpha16(A14)Lys-->Asn] and Hb E [beta26(B8)Glu-->Lys] with a deletional alpha-thalassemia-1 in a Thai family. | Fucharoen, S Chunpanich, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Kunyanone, N |
2005 |
Hemoglobin 1 (29), pp. 77-83 |
252. | Role of NF-kappa B in regulation of apoptosis of erythroid progenitor cells. | Sae-Ung, N Matsushima, T Choi, I Abe, Y Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Nawata, H Muta, K |
2005 |
European journal of haematology 4 (74), pp. 315-23 |
253. | Compound heterozygote state for GgammaAgamma(deltabeta) degrees -thalassemia and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin. | Fucharoen, S Panyasai, S Surapot, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K |
2005 |
American journal of hematology 2 (80), pp. 119-23 |
254. | Prenatal prevention for severe thalassemia disease at Srinagarind Hospital. | Ratanasiri, T Charoenthong, C Komwilaisak, R Changtrakul, Y Fucharoen, S Wongkham, J Kleebkaow, P Seejorn, K |
2006 |
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet (89), pp. S87-93 |
255. | Development and application of a real-time quantitative PCR for prenatal detection of fetal alpha(0)-thalassemia from maternal plasma. | Tungwiwat, W Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Ratanasiri, T Sanchaisuriya, K |
2006 |
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (1075), pp. 103-7 |
256. | Cytoadherence between endothelial cells and P. falciparum infected and noninfected normal and thalassemic red blood cells. | Butthep, P Wanram, S Pattanapanyasat, K Vattanaviboon, P Fucharoen, S Wilairat, P |
2006 |
Cytometry. Part B, Clinical cytometry 6 (70), pp. 432-42 |
257. | Molecular and hematological profiles of hemoglobin EE disease with different forms of alpha-thalassemia. | Fucharoen, G Trithipsombat, J Sirithawee, S Yamsri, S Changtrakul, Y Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2006 |
Annals of hematology 7 (85), pp. 450-4 |
258. | Development of severe anemia during fever episodes in patients with hemoglobin E trait and hemoglobin H disease combinations. | Jetsrisuparb, A Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Wiangnon, S Jetsrisuparb, C Sirijirachai, J Chansoong, K |
2006 |
Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 4 (28), pp. 249-53 |
259. | Rapid molecular characterization of Hb Queens and Hb Siam: two variants easily misidentified as sickle Hb. | Fucharoen, S Singsanan, S Hama, A Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K |
2007 |
Clinical biochemistry 1 (40), pp. 137-40 |
260. | Beta-globin gene cluster polymorphisms are strongly associated with severity of HbE/beta(0)-thalassemia. | Ma, Q Abel, K Sripichai, O Whitacre, J Angkachatchai, V Makarasara, W Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Braun, A Farrer, LA |
2007 |
Clinical genetics 6 (72), pp. 497-505 |
261. | Prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis caused by a genetic compound heterozygosity for two different alpha-thalassemia determinants. | Siriratmanawong, N Pinmuang-Ngam, C Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2007 |
Fetal diagnosis and therapy 4 (22), pp. 264-8 |
262. | Coexistence of Southeast Asian ovalocytosis and beta-thalassemia: a molecular and hematological analysis. | Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Singsanan, S Sanchaisuriya, K |
2007 |
American journal of hematology 5 (82), pp. 381-5 |
263. | Alpha(0)-thalassemia and related disorders in northeast Thailand: a molecular and hematological characterization. | Sae-ung, N Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2007 |
Acta haematologica 2 (117), pp. 78-82 |
264. | Effect of the maternal betaE-globin gene on hematologic responses to iron supplementation during pregnancy. | Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S Ratanasiri, T Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, G Dietz, E Schelp, FP |
2007 |
The American journal of clinical nutrition 2 (85), pp. 474-9 |
265. | Molecular characterization and origins of Hb Constant Spring and Hb Paksé in Southeast Asian populations. | Singsanan, S Fucharoen, G Savongsy, O Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2007 |
Annals of hematology 9 (86), pp. 665-9 |
266. | H63D mutation of the hemochromatosis gene and serum ferritin levels in Thai thalassemia carriers. | Yamsri, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Jetsrisuparb, A Wiangnon, S Changtrakul, Y Sanchaisuriya, P |
2007 |
Acta haematologica 2 (118), pp. 99-105 |
267. | alpha/beta-Globin mRNA ratio determination by multiplex quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction as an indicator of globin gene function. | Chaisue, C Kitcharoen, S Wilairat, P Jetsrisuparb, A Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2007 |
Clinical biochemistry 18 (40), pp. 1373-7 |
268. | Application of maternal plasma DNA analysis for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of Hb E-beta-thalassemia. | Tungwiwat, W Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Ratanasiri, T Sanchaisuriya, K Sae-Ung, N |
2007 |
Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine 5 (150), pp. 319-25 |
269. | Curcumin contributes to in vitro removal of non-transferrin bound iron by deferiprone and desferrioxamine in thalassemic plasma. | Srichairatanakool, S Thephinlap, C Phisalaphong, C Porter, JB Fucharoen, S |
2007 |
Medicinal chemistry (Shāriqah (United Arab Emirates)) 5 (3), pp. 469-74 |
270. | Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and epicatechin-3-gallate from green tea decrease plasma non-transferrin bound iron and erythrocyte oxidative stress. | Thephinlap, C Ounjaijean, S Khansuwan, U Fucharoen, S Porter, JB Srichairatanakool, S |
2007 |
Medicinal chemistry (Shāriqah (United Arab Emirates)) 3 (3), pp. 289-96 |
271. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnant Lao women: carrier screening, prevalence and molecular basis. | Savongsy, O Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Sae-Ung, N |
2008 |
Annals of hematology 8 (87), pp. 647-54 |
272. | Accuracy of fetal gender detection using a conventional nested PCR assay of maternal plasma in daily practice. | Tungwiwat, W Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Ratanasiri, T Sanchaisuriya, K |
2008 |
The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology 5 (48), pp. 501-4 |
273. | Hemoglobin profiles and hematologic features of thalassemic newborns: application to screening of alpha-thalassemia 1 and hemoglobin E. | Tritipsombut, J Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Siriratmanawong, N Pinmuang-ngam, C Sanchaisuriya, P |
2008 |
Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine 11 (132), pp. 1739-45 |
274. | Effective screening for double heterozygosity of Hb E/alpha0-thalassemia. | Sanchaisuriya, K Chirakul, S Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Changtrakul, Y Sanchaisuriya, P |
2008 |
Annals of hematology 11 (87), pp. 911-4 |
275. | Imputation of missing genotypes: an empirical evaluation of IMPUTE. | Zhao, Z Timofeev, N Hartley, SW Chui, DH Fucharoen, S Perls, TT Steinberg, MH Baldwin, CT Sebastiani, P |
2008 |
BMC genetics (9), pp. 85 |
276. | Effect of green tea on iron status and oxidative stress in iron-loaded rats. | Ounjaijean, S Thephinlap, C Khansuwan, U Phisalapong, C Fucharoen, S Porter, JB Srichairatanakool, S |
2008 |
Medicinal chemistry (Shāriqah (United Arab Emirates)) 4 (4), pp. 365-70 |
277. | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 16 resulting in hemoglobin Bart's hydrops fetalis. | Wattanasirichaigoon, D Promsonthi, P Chuansumrit, A Leopairut, J Yanatatsaneejit, P Rattanatanyong, P Munkongdee, T Fucharoen, S Mutirangura, A |
2008 |
Clinical genetics 3 (74), pp. 284-7 |
278. | Analysis of fetal blood using capillary electrophoresis system: a simple method for prenatal diagnosis of severe thalassemia diseases. | Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Sae-Ung, N Sanchaisuriya, K Ratanasiri, T Fucharoen, S |
2009 |
European journal of haematology 1 (83), pp. 57-65 |
279. | Accurate prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis in daily practice with a double-check PCR system. | Karnpean, R Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Sae-ung, N Sanchaisuriya, K Ratanasiri, T |
2009 |
Acta haematologica 4 (121), pp. 227-33 |
280. | Bioequivalence study of a film-coated tablet of deferiprone in healthy Thai volunteers. | L, Morales, NP L, Yamanont, P Jirasomprasert, T Wilairat, P Chantharaksri, U Chuncharunee, S Fucharoen, S |
2009 |
International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 5 (47), pp. 358-64 |
281. | Complex interaction of Hb E [beta26(B8)Glu-->Lys], Hb Korle-Bu [beta73(E17)Asp-->Asn] and a deletional alpha-thalassemia-1 in pregnancy. | Siriratmanawong, N Chansri, W Singsanan, S Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2009 |
Hemoglobin 6 (33), pp. 507-14 |
282. | Efficacy of curcuminoids in alleviation of iron overload and lipid peroxidation in thalassemic mice. | Thephinlap, C Phisalaphong, C Fucharoen, S Porter, JB Srichairatanakool, S |
2009 |
Medicinal chemistry (Shāriqah (United Arab Emirates)) 5 (5), pp. 474-82 |
283. | Hemoglobin Q-Thailand related disorders: origin, molecular, hematological and diagnostic aspects. | Singsanan, S Karnpean, R Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Sae-Ung, N Fucharoen, S |
2010 |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 3 (45), pp. 210-4 |
284. | Secondary erythrocytosis caused by hemoglobin Tak/(δβ)0-thalassemia syndrome. | Prakobkaew, N Singsanan, S Fucharoen, G Surapot, S Fucharoen, S |
2010 |
Acta haematologica 2 (124), pp. 115-9 |
285. | Fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia: genome-wide association studies suggest a regulatory region in the 5' olfactory receptor gene cluster. | Solovieff, N Milton, JN Hartley, SW Sherva, R Sebastiani, P Dworkis, DA Klings, ES Farrer, LA Garrett, ME Ashley-Koch, A Telen, MJ Fucharoen, S Ha, SY Li, CK Chui, DH Baldwin, CT Steinberg, MH |
2010 |
Blood 9 (115), pp. 1815-22 |
286. | Interactions of hemoglobin Lepore (deltabeta hybrid hemoglobin) with various hemoglobinopathies: A molecular and hematological characteristics and differential diagnosis. | Chaibunruang, A Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sae-ung, N Sanchaisuriya, K |
2010 |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 3 (44), pp. 140-5 |
287. | Improvement of alpha(0)-thalassemia screening using combined osmotic fragility, dichlorophenolindophenol and Hb H inclusion tests. | Chaibunruang, A Pornphannukool, S Sae-Ung, N Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2010 |
Clinical laboratory 3 (56), pp. 111-7 |
288. | Effects of green tea on iron accumulation and oxidative stress in livers of iron-challenged thalassemic mice. | Saewong, T Ounjaijean, S Mundee, Y Pattanapanyasat, K Fucharoen, S Porter, JB Srichairatanakool, S |
2010 |
Medicinal chemistry (Shāriqah (United Arab Emirates)) 2 (6), pp. 57-64 |
289. | Prevention of severe thalassemia in northeast Thailand: 16 years of experience at a single university center. | Yamsri, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Sae-Ung, N Ratanasiri, T Fucharoen, S |
2010 |
Prenatal diagnosis 6 (30), pp. 540-6 |
290. | Thalassemia and iron deficiency in a group of northeast Thai school children: relationship to the occurrence of anemia. | Panomai, N Sanchaisuriya, K Yamsri, S Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Schelp, FP |
2010 |
European journal of pediatrics 11 (169), pp. 1317-22 |
291. | Presumptive diagnosis of common haemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asia using a capillary electrophoresis system. | Fucharoen, G Srivorakun, H Singsanan, S Fucharoen, S |
2011 |
International journal of laboratory hematology 4 (33), pp. 424-33 |
292. | Hb Phimai [β72(E16)Ser→Thr]: a novel β-globin structural variant found in association with Hb constant spring in pregnancy. | Singsanan, S Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Puangplruk, R Fucharoen, S |
2011 |
Hemoglobin 2 (35), pp. 103-10 |
293. | Complex interaction of hemoglobin (Hb) Nakhon Ratchasima [α63(E12)Ala→Val], a novel α2-globin chain variant with Hb E [β26(B8)Glu→Lys] and a deletional α(+)-thalassemia. | Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Puangplruk, R Kheawon, N Fucharoen, S |
2011 |
European journal of haematology 1 (87), pp. 68-72 |
294. | Evaluation of the URIT-2900 automated hematology analyzer for screening of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asian populations. | Karnpean, R Pansuwan, A Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2011 |
Clinical biochemistry 10 (44), pp. 889-93 |
295. | Genotype and phenotype characterizations in a large cohort of β-thalassemia heterozygote with different forms of α-thalassemia in northeast Thailand. | Yamsri, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Sae-Ung, N Fucharoen, S |
2011 |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 2 (47), pp. 120-4 |
296. | Reversal of cardiac iron loading and dysfunction in thalassemic mice by curcuminoids. | Thephinlap, C Phisalaphong, C Lailerd, N Chattipakorn, N Winichagoon, P Vadolas, J Fucharoen, S Porter, JB Srichairatanakool, S |
2011 |
Medicinal chemistry (Shāriqah (United Arab Emirates)) 1 (7), pp. 62-9 |
297. | Hemoglobin Lepore EF Bart's disease: a molecular, hematological, and diagnostic aspects. | Chaibunruang, A Fucharoen, G Jetsrisuparb, A Fucharoen, S |
2011 |
Annals of hematology 11 (90), pp. 1337-40 |
298. | Increase in non-transferrin bound iron and the oxidative stress status in epilepsy patients treated using valproic acid monotherapy. | Ounjaijean, S Westermarck, T Partinen, M Plonka-Poltorak, E Kaipainen, P Kaski, M Fucharoen, S Srichairatanakool, S Atroshi, F |
2011 |
International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 4 (49), pp. 268-76 |
299. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asian newborns: diagnostic assessment using capillary electrophoresis system. | Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Changtrakul, Y Komwilaisak, P Fucharoen, S |
2011 |
Clinical biochemistry 5 (44), pp. 406-11 |
300. | Anemia, iron deficiency and thalassemia among adolescents in Northeast Thailand: results from two independent surveys. | Pansuwan, A Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Himakhun, B Dangwiboon, S |
2011 |
Acta haematologica 4 (125), pp. 186-92 |
301. | First description of a Hb A2 variant in Thailand. Identification of Hb A2-Melbourne [δ43(CD2)Glu→Lys] in Thai individuals. | Chaibunruang, A Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2012 |
Hemoglobin 1 (36), pp. 80-4 |
302. | ICSH recommendations for the measurement of haemoglobin F. | Stephens, AD Angastiniotis, M Baysal, E Chan, V Davis, B Fucharoen, S Giordano, PC Hoyer, JD Mosca, A Wild, B , |
2012 |
International journal of laboratory hematology 1 (34), pp. 14-20 |
303. | Fine-tiling array CGH to improve diagnostics for α- and β-thalassemia rearrangements. | Phylipsen, M Chaibunruang, A Vogelaar, IP Balak, JR Schaap, RA Ariyurek, Y Fucharoen, S den Dunnen, JT Giordano, PC Bakker, E Harteveld, CL |
2012 |
Human mutation 1 (33), pp. 272-80 |
304. | Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of beta-thalassemia and sickle-cell disease using pyrophosphorolysis-activated polymerization and melting curve analysis. | Phylipsen, M Yamsri, S Treffers, EE Jansen, DT Kanhai, WA Boon, EM Giordano, PC Fucharoen, S Bakker, E Harteveld, CL |
2012 |
Prenatal diagnosis 6 (32), pp. 578-87 |
305. | New updating into hemoglobinopathies. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
2012 |
International journal of laboratory hematology 6 (34), pp. 559-65 |
306. | Hemoglobin Pyrgos with hemoglobin H disease: new triple heterozygosity. | Insiripong, S Jitpakdeebodin, V Jopang, Y Fucharoen, S |
2012 |
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 5 (43), pp. 1258-61 |
307. | ICSH recommendations for the measurement of haemoglobin A2. | Stephens, AD Angastiniotis, M Baysal, E Chan, V Fucharoen, S Giordano, PC Hoyer, JD Mosca, A Wild, B , |
2012 |
International journal of laboratory hematology 1 (34), pp. 1-13 |
308. | Phenotypic expression of hemoglobins A₂, E and F in various hemoglobin E related disorders. | Sae-ung, N Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Yamsri, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2012 |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 1 (48), pp. 11-6 |
309. | Micromapping of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in diferent regions of northeast Thailand and Vientiane, Laos People's Democratic Republic. | Tritipsombut, J Sanchaisuriya, K Phollarp, P Bouakhasith, D Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Schelp, FP |
2012 |
Hemoglobin 1 (36), pp. 47-56 |
310. | Hb H disease with various β hemoglobinopathies: molecular, hematological and diagnostic aspects. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G |
2012 |
Hemoglobin 1 (36), pp. 18-24 |
311. | Genetic origin and interaction of the Filipino β⁰-thalassemia with Hb E and α-thalassemia in a Thai family. | Yamsri, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2012 |
Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine 6 (159), pp. 473-6 |
312. | A spurious haemoglobin A(1c) result associated with double heterozygote for haemoglobin Raleigh (β1[NA1]Val → Ala) and α(+)-thalassaemia. | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Chaibunruang, A Netnee, P Fucharoen, S |
2012 |
Annals of clinical biochemistry 0 (49), pp. 445-9 |
313. | A single-tube multiplex gap-polymerase chain reaction for the detection of eight β-globin gene cluster deletions common in Southeast Asia. | Tritipsombut, J Phylipsen, M Viprakasit, V Chalaow, N Sanchaisuriya, K Giordano, PC Fucharoen, S Harteveld, CL |
2012 |
Hemoglobin 6 (36), pp. 571-80 |
314. | Burden of anemia in relation to thalassemia and iron deficiency among Vietnamese pregnant women. | Siridamrongvattana, S Van Hoa, N Sanchaisuriya, K Dung, N Hoa, PT Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Schelp, FP |
2013 |
Acta haematologica 4 (130), pp. 281-7 |
315. | A proficiency testing program of hemoglobin analysis in prevention and control of severe hemoglobinopathies in Thailand. | Karnpean, R Fucharoen, G Pansuwan, A Changtrakul, D Fucharoen, S |
2013 |
Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine : CCLM / FESCC 6 (51), pp. 1265-71 |
316. | Fetal red blood cell parameters in thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies. | Karnpean, R Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Ratanasiri, T |
2013 |
Fetal diagnosis and therapy 3 (34), pp. 166-71 |
317. | Prenatal and post-natal screening of β-thalassemia and hemoglobin E genes in Thailand using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography. | Prajantasen, T Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Siriratmanawong, N Pinmuang-Ngam, C |
2013 |
Molecular biology reports 4 (40), pp. 3173-9 |
318. | Molecular and hematological characteristics of a novel form of α-globin gene triplication: the hemoglobin St.Luke's-Thailand [α95(G2)Pro→Arg] or Hb St. Luke's [A2] HBA2. | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Jetsrisuparb, A Fucharoen, S |
2013 |
Clinical biochemistry 7 (46), pp. 675-80 |
319. | Association of Hb Thailand [α56(E5)Lys→Thr] and Hb Phnom Penh [α117(GH5)-Ile-α118(H1)] with α(0)-thalassemia: molecular and hematological features and differential diagnosis. | Singha, K Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Changtrakul, Y Komwilaisak, P Jetsrisuparb, A Puangplruk, R Fucharoen, S |
2013 |
Hemoglobin 1 (37), pp. 37-47 |
320. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam. | Nguyen, HV Sanchaisuriya, K Nguyen, D Phan, HT Siridamrongvattana, S Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Schelp, FP |
2013 |
Hemoglobin 4 (37), pp. 333-42 |
321. | Molecular and hematological studies in a large cohort of α(0)-thalassemia in northeast Thailand: data from a single referral center. | Chaibunruang, A Prommetta, S Yamsri, S Fucharoen, G Sae-Ung, N Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2013 |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 2 (51), pp. 89-93 |
322. | Hepcidin expression from monocyte of splenectomized and non-splenectomized patients with HbE-β-thalassemia. | Pratummo, K Jetsrisuparb, A Fucharoen, S Tripatara, A |
2014 |
Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 3 (19), pp. 175-80 |
323. | A newly modified hemoglobin H inclusion test as a secondary screening for α(0)-thalassemia in Southeast Asian populations. | Fucharoen, G Yooyen, K Chaibunruang, A Fucharoen, S |
2014 |
Acta haematologica 1 (132), pp. 10-4 |
324. | Genetic compound heterozygosity for Southeast Asian ovalocytosis and thalassemia in Thailand: prevalence and phenotypic analysis. | Ngouprommin, L Sae-Ung, N Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Jetsrisuparb, A |
2014 |
Clinical genetics 2 (85), pp. 198-200 |
325. | ARKRAY ADAMS A1c HA-8180T Analyzer for Diagnosis of Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies Common in Southeast Asia. | Kunwandee, J Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2014 |
Laboratory medicine 3 (45), pp. e112-21 |
326. | Interaction of hemoglobin Grey Lynn (Vientiane) with a non-deletional α(+)-thalassemia in an adult Thai proband. | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2014 |
Biochemia medica 1 (24), pp. 167-74 |
327. | Five hemoglobin variants in a double heterozygote for α- and β-globin chain defects. | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2014 |
Acta haematologica 2 (131), pp. 71-5 |
328. | Phenotypic expression of Hb F in common high Hb F determinants in Thailand: roles of α-thalassemia, 5' δ-globin BCL11A binding region and 3' β-globin enhancer. | Prakobkaew, N Fucharoen, S Fuchareon, G Siriratmanawong, N |
2014 |
European journal of haematology 1 (92), pp. 73-9 |
329. | Genetic heterogeneity of hemoglobin AEBart's disease: a large cohort data from a single referral center in northeast Thailand. | Chaibunruang, A Karnpean, R Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2014 |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 4 (52), pp. 176-80 |
330. | Hemoglobin Constant Spring is markedly high in women of an ethnic minority group in Vietnam: a community-based survey and hematologic features. | Nguyen, VH Sanchaisuriya, K Wongprachum, K Nguyen, MD Phan, TT Vo, VT Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, S Schelp, FP |
2014 |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 4 (52), pp. 161-5 |
331. | Effect of genotype on pulmonary hypertension risk in patients with thalassemia. | Teawtrakul, N Ungprasert, P Pussadhamma, B Prayalaw, P Fucharoen, S Jetsrisuparb, A Pongudom, S Sirijerachai, C Chansung, K Wanitpongpun, C Chuncharunee, S |
2014 |
European journal of haematology 5 (92), pp. 429-34 |
332. | Routine screening for α-thalassaemia using an immunochromatographic strip assay for haemoglobin Bart's. | Prayalaw, P Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2014 |
Journal of medical screening 3 (21), pp. 120-5 |
333. | A large cohort of hemoglobin variants in Thailand: molecular epidemiological study and diagnostic consideration. | Srivorakun, H Singha, K Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2014 |
PloS one 9 (9), pp. e108365 |
334. | Molecular characterization of a β-thalassemia intermedia patient presenting inferior vena cava thrombosis: interaction of the β-globin erythroid Krüppel-like factor binding site mutation with Hb E and α(+)-thalassemia. | Prajantasen, T Teawtrakul, N Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2014 |
Hemoglobin 6 (38), pp. 451-3 |
335. | High resolution melting analytical platform for rapid prenatal and postnatal diagnosis of β-thalassemia common among Southeast Asian population. | Prajantasen, T Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G |
2015 |
Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry (441), pp. 56-62 |
336. | ICSH recommendations for assessing automated high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis equipment for the quantitation of HbA2. | Stephens, AD Colah, R Fucharoen, S Hoyer, J Keren, D McFarlane, A Perrett, D Wild, BJ , |
2015 |
International journal of laboratory hematology 5 (37), pp. 577-82 |
337. | Interaction of Hb Grey Lynn (Vientiane) [α91(FG3)Leu>Phe (α1)] with Hb E [β26(B8) Glu>Lys] and α(+)-thalassemia: Molecular and Hematological Analysis. | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2015 |
Clinical laboratory 5 (61), pp. 631-5 |
338. | A large cohort of β(+)-thalassemia in Thailand: molecular, hematological and diagnostic considerations. | Yamsri, S Singha, K Prajantasen, T Taweenan, W Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2015 |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 2 (54), pp. 164-9 |
339. | Tandem measurements of iron and creatinine by cross injection analysis with application to urine from thalassemic patients. | Choengchan, N Mantim, T Inpota, P Nacapricha, D Wilairat, P Jittangprasert, P Waiyawat, W Fucharoen, S Sirankpracha, P Morales, NP |
2015 |
Talanta (133), pp. 52-8 |
340. | Known and new hemoglobin A2 variants in Thailand and implication for β-thalassemia screening. | Panyasai, S Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2015 |
Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry (438), pp. 226-30 |
341. | Molecular Heterogeneity of Thalassemia among Pregnant Laotian Women. | Wongprachum, K Sanchaisuriya, K Dethvongphanh, M Norcharoen, B Htalongsengchan, B Vidamaly, V Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Schelp, FP |
2015 |
Acta haematologica 2 (135), pp. 65-69 |
342. | A risk score for predicting pulmonary hypertension in patients with non-transfusion-dependent thalassemia in northeastern Thailand: The E-SAAN score. | Teawtrakul, N Pussadhamma, B Ungprasert, P Prayalaw, P Fucharoen, S Jetsrisuparb, A Pongudom, S Sirijerachai, C Chansung, K Wanitpongpun, C Thongbuaban, S Thinkhamrop, B Chuncharunee, S |
2015 |
Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 7 (20), pp. 416-21 |
343. | Hemoglobin Constant Spring among Southeast Asian Populations: Haplotypic Heterogeneities and Phylogenetic Analysis. | Jomoui, W Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Nguyen, VH Fucharoen, S |
2015 |
PloS one 12 (10), pp. e0145230 |
344. | Red blood cell microparticles in hemoglobin E disorders. | Chaichote, W Sae-Ung, N Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2015 |
International journal of laboratory hematology 2 (37), pp. e52-5 |
345. | A novel (A)γδβ(0)-thalassemia caused by DNA deletion-inversion-insertion of the β-globin gene cluster and five olfactory receptor genes: Genetic interactions, hematological phenotypes and molecular characterization. | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Hama, A Fucharoen, S |
2015 |
Clinical biochemistry 10 (48), pp. 703-8 |
346. | Krüppel-like factor 1 mutations and expression of hemoglobins F and A2 in homozygous hemoglobin E syndrome. | Tepakhan, W Yamsri, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2015 |
Annals of hematology 7 (94), pp. 1093-8 |
347. | Frataxin expression in reticulocytes of non-splenectomized and splenectomized patients with HbE-β-thalassaemia. | Suebpeng, Y Jetsrisuparb, A Fucharoen, S Tripatara, A |
2016 |
Clinical biochemistry 6 (49), pp. 463-6 |
348. | Molecular Understanding of Non-Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia Associated with Hemoglobin E-β-Thalassemia in Northeast Thailand. | Yamsri, S Pakdee, N Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2016 |
Acta haematologica 4 (136), pp. 233-239 |
349. | Nine known and five novel mutations in the erythroid transcription factor KLF1 gene and phenotypic expression of fetal hemoglobin in hemoglobin E disorder. | Tepakhan, W Yamsri, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Xu, X Fucharoen, S |
2016 |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases (59), pp. 85-91 |
350. | Hemoglobin Variants in Northern Thailand: Prevalence, Heterogeneity and Molecular Characteristics. | Panyasai, S Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2016 |
Genetic testing and molecular biomarkers 1 (20), pp. 37-43 |
351. | Thalassemia Screening Using Different Automated Blood Cell Counters: Consideration of Appropriate Cutoff Values. | Chaitraiphop, C Sanchaisuriya, K Inthavong, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, P Changtrakun, Y Fucharoen, S |
2016 |
Clinical laboratory 4 (62), pp. 545-52 |
352. | Phenotype and Genotype in a Cohort of 312 Adult Patients with Nontransfusion-Dependent Thalassemia in Northeast Thailand. | Prayalaw, P Teawtrakul, N Jetsrisuparb, A Pongudom, S Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2016 |
Acta haematologica 1 (135), pp. 15-20 |
353. | Novel interactions of two α-Hb variants with SEA deletion α(0)-thalassemia: hematological and molecular analyses. | Srivorakun, H Singha, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2017 |
Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (), pp. 1-5 |
354. | Screening of (-SEA) α-thalassaemia using an immunochromatographic strip assay for the ζ-globin chain in a population with a high prevalence and heterogeneity of haemoglobinopathies. | Jomoui, W Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2017 |
Journal of clinical pathology 1 (70), pp. 63-68 |
355. | Diagnosis of common hemoglobinopathies among South East Asian population using capillary isoelectric focusing system. | Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2017 |
International journal of laboratory hematology 1 (39), pp. 101-111 |
356. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in an ethnic minority group in Central Vietnam: implications to health burden and relationship between two ethnic minority groups. | Nguyen, NT Sanchaisuriya, K Sanchaisuriya, P Van Nguyen, H Phan, HTT Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2017 |
Journal of community genetics 3 (8), pp. 221-228 |
357. | Evaluation of staff performance and interpretation of the screening program for prevention of thalassemia. | Prommetta, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Yamsri, S Chaiboonroeng, A Fucharoen, S |
2017 |
Biochemia medica 2 (27), pp. 387-397 |
358. | A Genetic Variant Ameliorates β-Thalassemia Severity by Epigenetic-Mediated Elevation of Human Fetal Hemoglobin Expression. | Chen, D Zuo, Y Zhang, X Ye, Y Bao, X Huang, H Tepakhan, W Wang, L Ju, J Chen, G Zheng, M Liu, D Huang, S Zong, L Li, C Chen, Y Zheng, C Shi, L Zhao, Q Wu, Q Fucharoen, S Zhao, C Xu, X |
2017 |
American journal of human genetics 1 (101), pp. 130-138 |
359. | Genetic origin of α(0)-thalassemia (SEA deletion) in Southeast Asian populations and application to accurate prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis syndrome. | Jomoui, W Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Charoenwijitkul, P Maneesarn, J Xu, X Fucharoen, S |
2017 |
Journal of human genetics 8 (62), pp. 747-754 |
360. | Epidemiologic study of major complications in adolescent and adult patients with thalassemia in Northeastern Thailand: the E-SAAN study phase I. | Teawtrakul, N Jetsrisuparb, A Pongudom, S Sirijerachai, C Chansung, K Wanitpongpun, C Fucharoen, S |
2017 |
Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (), pp. 1-6 |
361. | Co-inheritance of α(0) -thalassemia elevates Hb A2 level in homozygous Hb E: Diagnostic implications. | Singha, K Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2017 |
International journal of laboratory hematology 5 (39), pp. 508-512 |
362. | Molecular analysis of haemoglobin E in Southeast Asian populations. | Jomoui, W Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Nguyen, NT Nguyen, HV Fucharoen, S |
2017 |
Annals of human biology (), pp. 1-4 |
363. | Effect of health education on severe thalassemia prevention and control in communities in Cambodia. | Cheng, K Fucharoen, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, P Jetsrisuparb, A |
2018 |
Archives of public health = Archives belges de sante publique (76), pp. 13 |
364. | EE score: an index for simple differentiation of homozygous hemoglobin E and hemoglobin E-β0-thalassemia. | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2018 |
Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine 9 (56), pp. 1507-1513 |
365. | Prevalence of Thalassemia among Newborns: A Re-visited after 20 Years of a Prevention and Control Program in Northeast Thailand. | Chaibunruang, A Sornkayasit, K Chewasateanchai, M Sanugul, P Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2018 |
Mediterranean journal of hematology and infectious diseases 1 (10), pp. e2018054 |
366. | Mitochondrial ferritin expression in erythroid cells from patients with alpha-thalassaemia. | Putburee, R Jetsrisuparb, A Fucharoen, S Tripatara, A |
2018 |
Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (), pp. 1-5 |
367. | Elevations of Thrombotic Biomarkers in Hemoglobin H Disease. | Chansai, S Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Jetsrisuparb, A Chumpia, W |
2018 |
Acta haematologica 1 (139), pp. 47-51 |
368. | Molecular Characteristics of Hb New York [β113(G15)Val→Glu, HBB: c.341T>A] in Thailand. | Chaibunruang, A Singha, K Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2018 |
Hemoglobin (), pp. 1-5 |
369. | Whole Blood PCR for Rapid Screening of α-Thalassemia. | Wichian, P Yamsri, S Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2018 |
Annals of clinical and laboratory science 2 (48), pp. 231-235 |
370. | Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies in an Ethnic Minority Group in Northern Vietnam. | Anh, TM Sanchaisuriya, K Kieu, GN Tien, DN Thu, HBT Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Schelp, FP |
2019 |
Hemoglobin (), pp. 1-5 |
371. | Differentiation of homozygous hemoglobin E and hemoglobin E-β -thalassemia in children. | Arong, A Wangwok, G Singha, K Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2019 |
International journal of laboratory hematology 3 (41), pp. e70-e72 |
372. | Molecular characteristics of α-thalassemia (3.7 kb deletion) in Southeast Asia: Molecular subtypes, haplotypic heterogeneity, multiple founder effects and laboratory diagnostics. | Charoenwijitkul, T Singha, K Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Thepphitak, P Wintachai, P Karnpean, R Fucharoen, S |
2019 |
Clinical biochemistry (71), pp. 31-37 |
373. | Molecular characterisation of haemoglobin E-Udon Thani (HBB:c.[79G>A;92+7A>G]): a novel form of Hb E-β-thalassaemia syndrome. | Singha, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2019 |
Journal of clinical pathology 4 (72), pp. 322-324 |
374. | Molecular Survey of Hemoglobinopathies in Myanmar Workers in Northeast Thailand Revealed an Unexpectedly High Prevalence of α-Thalassemia. | Pyae, AC Srivorakun, H Chaibunruang, A Singha, K Tomanakarn, K Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2019 |
Hemoglobin (), pp. 1-4 |
375. | Erythrocyte indices in a large cohort of β-thalassemia carrier: Implication for population screening in an area with high prevalence and heterogeneity of thalassemia. | Singha, K Taweenan, W Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2019 |
International journal of laboratory hematology 4 (41), pp. 513-518 |
376. | Molecular Analysis of Non-Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia Associated with Hemoglobin E-β-Thalassemia Disease without α-Thalassemia. | Phanrahan, P Yamsri, S Teawtrakul, N Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S |
2019 |
Mediterranean journal of hematology and infectious diseases 1 (11), pp. e2019038 |
377. | Iron Status and Inherited Hemoglobin Disorders Modify the Effects of Micronutrient Powders on Linear Growth and Morbidity among Young Lao Children in a Double-Blind Randomized Trial. | Hess, SY Wessells, KR Hinnouho, GM Barffour, MA Sanchaisuriya, K Arnold, CD Brown, KH Larson, CP Fucharoen, S Kounnavong, S |
2019 |
The British journal of nutrition (), pp. 1-37 |
378. | Molecular basis of Hb H and AEBart's diseases in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. | Singha, K Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2020 |
International journal of laboratory hematology 1 (42), pp. 23-27 |
379. | A novel SNP rs11759328 on Rho GTPase-activating protein 18 gene is associated with the expression of Hb F in hemoglobin E-related disorders. | Jomoui, W Tepakhan, W Yamsri, S Srivorakun, H Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S |
2020 |
Annals of hematology 1 (99), pp. 23-29 |
380. | Factors associated with anaemia and iron deficiency among women of reproductive age in Northeast Thailand: a cross-sectional study. | Jamnok, J Sanchaisuriya, K Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Ahmed, F |
2020 |
BMC public health 1 (20), pp. 102 |
381. | Genetic factors affecting clinical severity in beta-thalassemia syndromes. | Winichagoon, P Fucharoen, S Chen, P Wasi, P |
Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 6 (22), pp. 573-80 |
382. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies rather than iron deficiency are major causes of pregnancy-related anemia in northeast Thailand. | Sanchaisuriya, K Fucharoen, S Ratanasiri, T Sanchaisuriya, P Fucharoen, G Dietz, E Schelp, FP |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 1 (37), pp. 8-11 |
383. | Thalassemia intermedia associated with the Hb Constant Spring EE Bart's disease in pregnancy: a molecular and hematological analysis. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sae-ung, N Sanchaisuriya, K |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 2 (39), pp. 195-8 |
384. | BCL11A is a major HbF quantitative trait locus in three different populations with beta-hemoglobinopathies. | Sedgewick, AE Timofeev, N Sebastiani, P So, JC Ma, ES Chan, LC Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, S Barbosa, CG Vardarajan, BN Farrer, LA Baldwin, CT Steinberg, MH Chui, DH |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 3 (41), pp. 255-8 |
385. | Compound heterozygote states for Hb C/Hb Malay and Hb C/Hb E in pregnancy: a molecular and hematological analysis. | Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Surapot, S |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 2 (35), pp. 196-200 |
386. | The molecular basis of thalassemias. | Fucharoen, S Winichagoon, P |
Indian journal of pediatrics 6 (56), pp. 693-706 |
387. | Fatal arteritis due to Pythium insidiosum infection in patients with thalassaemia. | Wanachiwanawin, W Thianprasit, M Fucharoen, S Chaiprasert, A Sudasna, N Ayudhya, N Sirithanaratkul, N Piankijagum, A |
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 3 (87), pp. 296-8 |
388. | Variability of hemoglobin F expression in hemoglobin EE disease: hematological and molecular analysis. | Pakdee, N Yamsri, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Pissard, S Fucharoen, S |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 1 (53), pp. 11-5 |
389. | Molecular, hematological and clinical aspects of thalassemia major and thalassemia intermedia associated with Hb E-beta-thalassemia in Northeast Thailand. | Nuntakarn, L Fucharoen, S Fucharoen, G Sanchaisuriya, K Jetsrisuparb, A Wiangnon, S |
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 1 (42), pp. 32-5 |
390. | Clinical manifestation of beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. | Fucharoen, S Ketvichit, P Pootrakul, P Siritanaratkul, N Piankijagum, A Wasi, P |
Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 6 (22), pp. 552-7 |
Title | Authors | Year | Journal title | Cited count | ||||||||
< 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | Total | ||||||
1. | A multi-center study in order to further define the molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Syria, and India, and to develop a simple molecular diagnostic strategy by amplification refractory mutation system-polymerase chain reaction | JM Old SN Khan I Verma S Fucharoen M Kleanthous P Ioannou N Kotea C Fisher S Riazuddin R Saxena P Winichagoon K Kyriacou F Al-Quobaili B Khan |
2001 |
HEMOGLOBIN 4.0 (25.0), pp. 397.0-407.0 |
81 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 81 | |
2. | Association of Hb Hope [beta 136(H14)Gly -> Asp] and Hb H disease | S Svasti B Yodsowon R Sriphanich P Winichagoon P Boonkhan T Suwanban P Sawangareetrakul C Srisomsap JR Ketudat-Cairns J Svasti S Fucharoen |
2001 |
HEMOGLOBIN 4.0 (25.0), pp. 429.0-435.0 |
14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | |
3. | Atypical hemoglobin H disease in a Thai patient resulting from a combination of alpha-thalassemia 1 and hemoglobin Constant Spring with hemoglobin J Bangkok heterozygosity | S Fucharoen K Ayukarn K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen |
2001 |
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 5.0 (66.0), pp. 312.0-316.0 |
21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 21 | |
4. | Clinical and hematological features of beta(+)-thalassemia (IVS-1 nt 5, G-C mutation) in Thai patients | V Laosombat M Wongchanchailert B Sattayasevana A Wiriyasateinkul S Fucharoen |
2001 |
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 2.0 (67.0), pp. 100.0-104.0 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
5. | Clinical and hematological features of codon 17, A-T mutation of beta-thalassemia in Thai patients | V Laosombat M Wongchanchailert B Sattayasevana A Wiriyasateinkul S Fucharoen |
2001 |
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 2.0 (66.0), pp. 126.0-129.0 |
7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
6. | Clinical and hematologic features of beta(o)-thalassemia (frameshift 41/42 mutation) in Thai patients | V Laosombat M Wongchanchailert B Sattayasevana A Wiriyasateinkul S Fucharoen |
2001 |
HAEMATOLOGICA 2.0 (86.0), pp. 138.0-141.0 |
8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | |
7. | Detection of haemoglobin variants and inference of their functional properties using complete oxygen dissociation curve measurements | K Imai P Tientadakul N Opartkiattikul P Luenee P Winichagoon J Svasti S Fucharoen |
2001 |
BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 2.0 (112.0), pp. 483.0-487.0 |
22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | |
8. | Different pathways of erythropoietin and interferon gamma in preventing apoptosis of mature erythroid progenitor cells. | I Choi K Paiboonsukwong T Matsushima Y Abe J Nishimura S Fucharoen H Nawata K Muta |
2001 |
BLOOD 11.0 (98.0), pp. 133B-133B |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
9. | Interaction of the alpha 2 polyadenylation signal mutation (AATAAA -> AATA- -) and alpha(0)-thalassemia (- - (SEA)), resulting in Hb H disease in a Thai patient | V Laosombat S Fucharoen A Wiriyasateinkul |
2001 |
HEMOGLOBIN 4.0 (25.0), pp. 383.0-389.0 |
21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 21 | |
10. | Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Thailand | G Fucharoen S Fucharoen S Horai |
2001 |
JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 3.0 (46.0), pp. 115.0-125.0 |
127 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 127 | |
11. | Molecular characterization of (delta beta)degrees/beta degrees-thalassemia and (delta beta)degrees-thalassemia/hemoglobin E in Thai patients | S Fucharoen Y Pengjam S Surapot G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya |
2001 |
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 4.0 (67.0), pp. 258.0-262.0 |
26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 26 | |
12. | Molecular characterization of hemoglobin C in Thailand | K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen N Sae-ung N Siriratmanawong S Surapot S Fucharoen |
2001 |
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 3.0 (67.0), pp. 189.0-193.0 |
38 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 38 | |
13. | Molecular characterization of thalassemia intermedia with homozygous Hb Malay and Hb Malay/HbE in Thai patients | S Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen S Surapot |
2001 |
HAEMATOLOGICA 6.0 (86.0), pp. 657.0-658.0 |
16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16 | |
14. | Rapid differentiation of five common alpha-thalassemia genotypes by polymerase chain reaction | DC Tang S Fucharoen I Ding GP Rodgers |
2001 |
9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | |
15. | Simultaneous PCR detection of beta-thalassemia and alpha-thalassemia 1 (SEA type) in prenatal diagnosis of complex thalassemia syndrome | N Siriratmanawong G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya T Ratanasiri S Fucharoen |
2001 |
CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 5.0 (34.0), pp. 377.0-380.0 |
78 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 78 | |
16. | A simplified screening for alpha-thalassemia 1 (SEA type) using a combination of a modified osmotic fragility test and a direct PCR on whole blood cell lysates | S Panyasai P Sringam G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya S Fucharoen |
2002 |
ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA 2.0 (108.0), pp. 74.0-78.0 |
54 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 54 | |
17. | Compound heterozygosity for Hb Korle-Bu (beta(73); Asp-Asn) and Hb E (beta(26); Glu-Lys) with a 3.7-kb deletional alpha-thalassemia in Thai patients | Y Changtrakun S Fucharoen K Ayukarn N Siriratmanawong G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya |
2002 |
ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY 7.0 (81.0), pp. 389.0-393.0 |
22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | |
18. | Double heterozygosity for Hb Pyrgos [beta 83(EF7)Gly -> Asp] and Hb E [beta 26(B8)Glu -> Lys] found in association with alpha-thalassemia | P Sawangareetrakul S Svasti B Yodsowon P Winichagoon C Srisomsap J Svasti S Fucharoen |
2002 |
HEMOGLOBIN 2.0 (26.0), pp. 191.0-196.0 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
19. | Flow cytometric quantitation of red blood cell vesicles in thalassemia patients | K Pattanapanyasat E Noulsri S Lerdwana N Siritanaratkul S Fucharoen |
2002 |
CYTOMETRY (), pp. 42.0-42.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
20. | Frequency distribution and haplotypic heterogeneity of beta(E)-globin gene among eight minority groups of northeast Thailand | G Fucharoen S Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya N Sae-ung U Suyasunanond P Sriwilai P Chinorak |
2002 |
HUMAN HEREDITY 1.0 (53.0), pp. 18.0-22.0 |
79 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 79 | |
21. | Hb Pakse [(alpha 2) codon 142(TAA -> TAT or Term -> Tyr)] in Thai patients with EABart's disease and Hb H disease | K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen S Fucharoen |
2002 |
HEMOGLOBIN 3.0 (26.0), pp. 227.0-235.0 |
93 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 93 | |
22. | Hb Siam [alpha 15(A13)Gly -> Arg (alpha 1) (GGT -> CGT)] is a typical alpha chain hemoglobinopathy without an alpha-thalassemic effect | C Turbpaiboon S Svasti P Sawangareetakul P Winichagoon C Srisomsap N Siritanaratkul S Fucharoen P Wilairat J Svasti |
2002 |
HEMOGLOBIN 1.0 (26.0), pp. 77.0-81.0 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
23. | Increased circulating activated endothelial cells, vascular endothelial growth factor, and tumor necrosis factor in thalassemia | P Butthep S Rummavas R Wisedpanichkij S Jindadamrongwech S Fucharoen A Bunyaratvej |
2002 |
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 2.0 (70.0), pp. 100.0-106.0 |
117 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 117 | |
24. | Molecular analysis of a Thai beta-thalassaemia heterozygote with normal haemoglobin A(2) level: implication for population screening | S Fucharoen G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya Y Pengjam |
2002 |
65 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 65 | |
25. | Molecular analysis of beta-thalassemia in South Vietnam | MLS Svasti TM Hieu T Munkongdee P Winichagoon T Van Be T Van Binh S Fucharoen |
2002 |
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 2.0 (71.0), pp. 85.0-88.0 |
16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16 | |
26. | Molecular and hematological characterization of HPFH-6/Indian deletion-inversion (G)gamma((A)gamma delta beta)(0)-thalassemia and (G)gamma((A)gamma delta beta)(0)-thalassemia/HbE in Thai patients | S Fucharoen Y Pengjam S Surapot G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya |
2002 |
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 2.0 (71.0), pp. 109.0-113.0 |
17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 17 | |
27. | Molecular characterization of Hb D-Punjab [beta 121(GH4)Glu -> Gln] in Thailand | S Fucharoen Y Changtrakun S Surapot G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya |
2002 |
HEMOGLOBIN 3.0 (26.0), pp. 261.0-269.0 |
53 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 53 | |
28. | Molecular characterization of thalassemia intermedia associated with HPFH-6/beta-thalassemia and HPFH-6/Hb E in Thai patients | S Fucharoen G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya S Surapot |
2002 |
ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA 3.0 (108.0), pp. 157.0-161.0 |
17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 17 | |
29. | Paternal relationships of modern Asian populations, as viewed from the human Y-chromosomal DNA variation | A Tajima IH Pan G Fucharoen S Fucharoen M Matsuo K Tokunaga T Juji M Hayami K Omoto S Horai |
2002 |
ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE 1.0 (110.0), pp. 120.0-120.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
30. | Repair of a splicing defect in erythroid cells from patients with beta-thalassemia/HbE disorder | T Suwanmanee H Sierakowska S Fucharoen R Kole |
2002 |
MOLECULAR THERAPY 6.0 (6.0), pp. 718.0-726.0 |
102 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 102 | |
31. | Restoration of human beta-globin gene expression in murine and human IVS2-654 thalassemic erythroid cells by free uptake of antisense oligonucleotides | T Suwanmanee H Sierakowska G Lacerra S Svasti S Kirby CE Walsh S Fucharoen R Kole |
2002 |
MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY 3.0 (62.0), pp. 545.0-553.0 |
88 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 88 | |
32. | Role of NF-kB in regulation of apoptosis of erythroid progenitor cells | N Sae-ung K Muta Y Abe H Nawata S Fucharoen |
2002 |
EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY 6.0 (30.0), pp. 52.0-52.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
33. | Thalassemia and abnormal hemoglobin | S Fucharoen P Winichagoon |
2002 |
52 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 52 | |
34. | Three major lineages of Asian Y chromosomes: implications for the peopling of east and southeast Asia | A Tajima IH Pan G Fucharoen S Fucharoen M Matsuo K Tokunaga T Juji M Hayami K Omoto S Horai |
2002 |
HUMAN GENETICS 1.0 (110.0), pp. 80.0-88.0 |
79 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 79 | |
35. | Triple heterozygosity of a hemoglobin variant: Hemoglobin Pyrgos with other hemoglobinopathies | A Jetsrisuparb K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen S Fucharoen S Wiangnon P Komwilaisak |
2002 |
18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 18 | |
36. | Anion exchanger 1 mutations associated with distal renal tubular acidosis in the Thai population | PT Yenchitsomanus N Sawasdee A Paemanee T Keskanokwong S Vasuvattakul S Bejrachandra N Kunachiwa S Fucharoen P Jittphakdee W Yindee C Promwong |
2003 |
JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 9.0 (48.0), pp. 451.0-456.0 |
40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 40 | |
37. | Clinical trial of deferiprone iron chelation therapy in beta-thalassaemia/haemoglobin E patients in Thailand | P Pootrakul P Sirankapracha J Sankote U Kachintorn W Maungsub K Sriphen K Thakernpol K Atisuk S Fucharoen U Chantraluksri O Shalev AV Hoffbrand |
2003 |
BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 2.0 (122.0), pp. 305.0-310.0 |
117 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 117 | |
38. | Complex interaction of Hb Hekinan [alpha 27(B8) Glu-Asp] and Hb E [beta 26(B8) Glu-Lys] with a deletional alpha-thalassemia 1 in a Thai family | S Fucharoen Y Changtrakun T Ratanasiri G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya |
2003 |
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 5.0 (70.0), pp. 304.0-309.0 |
30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 | |
39. | Hb Kodaira II [beta 146(HC3)His -> Gln] detected in Thailand | L Ngiwsara C Srisomsap P Winichagoon S Fucharoen J Svasti |
2003 |
HEMOGLOBIN 1.0 (27.0), pp. 37.0-39.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
40. | Hemin: A possible cause of oxidative stress in blood circulation of beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease | N Phumala S Porasuphatana S Unchern P Pootrakul S Fucharoen U Chantharaksri |
2003 |
FREE RADICAL RESEARCH 2.0 (37.0), pp. 129.0-135.0 |
36 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 36 | |
41. | Hemoglobin H disease: not necessarily a benign disorder | DHK Chui S Fucharoen V Chan |
2003 |
BLOOD 3.0 (101.0), pp. 791.0-800.0 |
344 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 344 | |
42. | Humanised mouse models for beta-thalassemia/HbE disease | D Jamsai J Vadolas F Zaibak M Orford M Nefedov S Fucharoen R Williamson PA Ioannou |
2003 |
MOLECULAR THERAPY 5.0 (7.0), pp. S411-S411 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
43. | Insertion of common mutations into the human beta-globin locus using GET Recombination and an EcoRI endonuclease counterselection cassette | D Jamsai M Nefedov K Narayanan M Orford S Fucharoen R Williamson PA Ioannou |
2003 |
JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 1.0 (101.0), pp. 1.0-9.0 |
30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 | |
44. | Insertion of modifications in the beta-globin locus using GET recombination with single-stranded oligonucleotides and denatured PCR fragments | D Jamsai M Orford S Fucharoen R Williamson PA Ioannou |
2003 |
MOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY 1.0 (23.0), pp. 29.0-36.0 |
22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | |
45. | Interaction of hemoglobin E and several forms of alpha-thalassemia in Cambodian families | S Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen S Panyasai R Devenish L Luy |
2003 |
HAEMATOLOGICA 10.0 (88.0), pp. 1092.0-1098.0 |
128 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 128 | |
46. | Molecular and hematologic features of hemoglobin E heterozygotes with different forms of alpha-thalassemia in Thailand | K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen N Sae-ung A Jetsrisuparb S Fucharoen |
2003 |
ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY 10.0 (82.0), pp. 612.0-616.0 |
111 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 111 | |
47. | Non-Invasive fetal sex determination using a conventional nested PCR analysis of fetal DNA in maternal plasma | W Tungwiwat G Fucharoen T Ratanasiri K Sanchaisuriya S Fucharoen |
2003 |
CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA 1-2 (334.0), pp. 173.0-177.0 |
39 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 39 | |
48. | Prenatal detection of fetal hemoglobin E gene from maternal plasma | G Fucharoen W Tungwiwat T Ratanasiri K Sanchaisuriya S Fucharoen |
2003 |
PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS 5.0 (23.0), pp. 393.0-396.0 |
57 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 57 | |
49. | Prevalence and clinical significance of hepatitis C virus infection in Thai patients with thalassemia | W Wanachiwanawin P Luengrojanakul P Sirangkapracha W Leowattana S Fucharoen |
2003 |
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 4.0 (78.0), pp. 374.0-378.0 |
41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 41 | |
50. | SNP map and haplotype analysis of the beta-globin gene region in beta(0)-thal/HbE patients. | KJ Abel J Whitacre O Sripichai P Erlich L Farrer A Braun S Fucharoen |
2003 |
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 5.0 (73.0), pp. 487.0-487.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
51. | Targeted modification of a human beta-globin locus BAC clone using GET Recombination and an I-SceI counterselection cassette | D Jamsai M Orford M Nefedov S Fucharoen R Williamson PA Ioannou |
2003 |
GENOMICS 1.0 (82.0), pp. 68.0-77.0 |
61 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 61 | |
52. | Thalassemia: Genotype-phenotype interaction. | S Fucharoen P Winichagoon C Sripichai T Mankongdee K Vichittumaros P Sirankapracha T Sura A Chuansumrit I Nuchprayoon S Suwansings S Intarasiripong |
2003 |
BLOOD 11.0 (102.0), pp. 34B-34B |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
53. | The effects of vitamin E on platelet activity in beta-thalassaemia patients | S Unchern N Laoharuangpanya N Phumala P Sipankapracha P Pootrakul S Fucharoen W Wanachivanawin U Chantharaksri |
2003 |
BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 4.0 (123.0), pp. 738.0-744.0 |
29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 29 | |
54. | The signaling pathways of erythropoietin and interferon-gamma differ in preventing the apoptosis of mature erythroid progenitor cells | K Paiboonsukwong I Choi T Matsushima Y Abe J Nishimura P Winichagoon S Fucharoen H Nawata K Muta |
2003 |
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 5.0 (78.0), pp. 421.0-428.0 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
55. | A simplified screening strategy for thalassaemia and haemoglobin E in rural communities in south-east Asia | G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya N Sae-Ung S Dangwibul S Fucharoen |
2004 |
196 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 196 | |
56. | Ethnic differences in polymorphisms and haplotypes within the UGT1A gene complex. | J Sawattep TA Howard NP Morales Y Sanvaridna P Fucharoen S Fucharoen RE Ware |
2004 |
BLOOD 11.0 (104.0), pp. 30B-31B |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
57. | Flow cytometric quantitation of red blood cell vesicles in thalassemia | K Pattanapanyasat E Noulsri S Fucharoen S Lerdwana P Lamchiagdhase N Siritanaratkul HK Webster |
2004 |
111 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 111 | |
58. | Genetic analysis of candidate modifier polymorphisms in beta-Thalassemia/Hb E patients. | S Fucharoen P Winichagoon O Sripichai T Munkongdee C Kumkhaek K Vichitumaros J Whiacre K Abel A Braun |
2004 |
BLOOD 11.0 (104.0), pp. 32B-32B |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
59. | Laboratory diagnosis of a compound heterozygosity for Hb Hekinan [alpha 27(B8) Glu-Asp] and a deletional alpha-thalassaemia 2 in Thailand | S Chunpanich K Ayukarn K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen S Fucharoen |
2004 |
CLINICAL AND LABORATORY HAEMATOLOGY 5.0 (26.0), pp. 355.0-358.0 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
60. | Molecular basis and hematologic characterization of delta beta-thalassemia and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin in Thailand | S Panyasai S Fucharoen S Surapot G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya |
2004 |
HAEMATOLOGICA 7.0 (89.0), pp. 777.0-781.0 |
29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 29 | |
61. | Multiplex allele-specific PCR assay for differential diagnosis of Hb S, Hb D-punjab and Hb Tak | K Sanchaisuriya S Chunpanich G Fucharoen S Fucharoen |
2004 |
CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA 1-2 (343.0), pp. 129.0-134.0 |
44 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 44 | |
62. | Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery within the UGT1A gene complex: Allelic frequencies and ethnic differences. | J Sawattep TA Howard NP Morales Y Sanvarinda P Fucharoen S Fucharoen RE Ware |
2004 |
BLOOD 11.0 (104.0), pp. 31B-32B |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
63. | The diverse molecular basis and hematological features of Hb H and AEBart's diseases in northeast Thailand | S Boonsa K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen S Wiangnon A Jetsrisuparb S Fucharoen |
2004 |
ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA 3.0 (111.0), pp. 149.0-154.0 |
119 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 119 | |
64. | Two cases of compound heterozygosity for hb Hekinan [alpha 27(B8)Glu -> Asp (alpha 1)] and alpha-thalassemia in Thailand | L Ngiwsara C Srisomsap P Winichagoon S Fucharoen J Svasti |
2004 |
HEMOGLOBIN 2.0 (28.0), pp. 145.0-150.0 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
65. | A humanized mouse model for a common beta(0)-thalassemia mutation | D Jamsai F Zaibak W Khongnium J Vadolas L Voullaire KJ Fowler S Gazeas S Fucharoen R Williamson PA Ioannou |
2005 |
GENOMICS 4.0 (85.0), pp. 453.0-461.0 |
58 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 58 | |
66. | A reliable screening protocol for thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnancy - An alternative approach to electronic blood cell counting | K Sanchaisuriya S Fucharoen G Fucharoen T Ratanasiri P Sanchaisuriya Y Changtrakul U Ukosanakarn U Ussawaphark FP Schelp |
2005 |
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY 1.0 (123.0), pp. 113.0-118.0 |
115 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 115 | |
67. | Association of Hb Q-Thailand with homozygous Hb E and heterozygous Hb constant spring in pregnancy | K Sanchaisuriya S Chunpanich S Fucharoen G Fucharoen P Sanchaisuriya Y Changtrakun |
2005 |
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 3.0 (74.0), pp. 221.0-227.0 |
42 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 42 | |
68. | Compound heterozygote state for (G)gamma(A)gamma(delta beta)degrees-thalassemia and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin | S Fucharoen S Panyasai S Surapot G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya |
2005 |
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 2.0 (80.0), pp. 119.0-123.0 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
69. | Compound heterozygote states for Hb C/Hb Malay and Hb C/Hb E in pregnancy: A molecular and hematological analysis | S Fucharoen G Fucharoen K Sanchaisuriya S Surapot |
2005 |
BLOOD CELLS MOLECULES AND DISEASES 2.0 (35.0), pp. 196.0-200.0 |
8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | |
70. | Development of an HPFH-specific assay for HbF inducers | P Lourthai J Vadolas H Wardan P Winichagoon J Svasti S Fucharoen P Ioannou |
2005 |
JOURNAL OF GENE MEDICINE 8.0 (7.0), pp. 1139.0-1140.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
71. | Genetic analysis of candidate modifier polymorphisms in Hb E-beta(0)-thalassemia patients | O Sripichal J Whitacre T Munkongdee C Kumkhaek W Makarasara P Winichagoon K Abel A Braun S Fucharoen |
2005 |
COOLEY'S ANEMIA EIGHTH SYMPOSIUM (1054.0), pp. 433.0-438.0 |
19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 19 | |
72. | Genotypes and phenotypes of thalassemia: A discussion | S Fucharoen | 2005 |
COOLEY'S ANEMIA EIGHTH SYMPOSIUM (1054.0), pp. 518.0-521.0 |
4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | |
73. | Hb Kurosaki [alpha 7(A5)Lys -> Glu (AAG -> GAG)]: An alpha 2-globin gene mutation found in Thailand | L Ngiwsara C Srisomsap P Winichagoon S Fucharoen B Sae-Ngow J Svasti |
2005 |
HEMOGLOBIN 2.0 (29.0), pp. 155.0-159.0 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
74. | In vivo and in vitro studies of fetal hemoglobin induction by hydroxyurea in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients | Y Watanapokasin S Chuncharunee D Sanmund W Kongnium P Winichagoon GP Rodgers S Fucharoen |
2005 |
EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY 12.0 (33.0), pp. 1486.0-1492.0 |
27 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 27 | |
75. | Molecular and haematological characterization of compound Hb E/Hb Pyrgos and Hb E/Hb J-Bangkok in Thai patients | S Fucharoen S Singsanan K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen |
2005 |
CLINICAL AND LABORATORY HAEMATOLOGY 3.0 (27.0), pp. 184.0-189.0 |
18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 18 | |
76. | Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis for hemoglobin Bart's hydrops fetalis | P Winichagoon S Sithongdee S Kanokpongsakdi P Tantisirin LE Bernini S Fucharoen |
2005 |
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 5.0 (81.0), pp. 396.0-399.0 |
15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 15 | |
77. | Rescued mice with Hb E transgene-developed red cell changes similar to human beta-thalassemia/HbE disease | B Wannasuphaphol R Kalpravidh K Patanapanyasat P Ioannau FA Kuypers S Fucharoen P Winichagoon |
2005 |
COOLEY'S ANEMIA EIGHTH SYMPOSIUM (1054.0), pp. 407.0-416.0 |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
78. | Role of NF-kappa B in regulation of apoptosis of erythroid progenitor cells | N Sae-ung T Matsushima I Choi Y Abe P Winichagoon S Fucharoen H Nawata K Muta |
2005 |
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 4.0 (74.0), pp. 315.0-323.0 |
27 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 27 | |
79. | Searching for disease modifiers genes in thalassemia. | S Fucharoen O Sripichai P Winichagoon K Abel A Braun |
2005 |
BLOOD 11.0 (106.0), pp. 1014A-1014A |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
80. | Thalassemia intermedia associated with complex interaction of Hb Beijing [alpha 16(A14)Lys -> Asn] and Hb E [beta 26(B8)Glu -> Lys] with a deletional alpha-thalassemia-1 in a Thai family | S Fucharoen S Chunpanich K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen N Kunyanone |
2005 |
HEMOGLOBIN 1.0 (29.0), pp. 77.0-83.0 |
14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | |
81. | Chicken egg yolk antibodies specific for the gamma chain of human hemoglobin for diagnosis of thalassemia | P Jintaridth C Srisomsap K Vichittumaros RW Kalpravidh P Winichagoon S Fucharoen MRJ Svasti W Kasinrerk |
2006 |
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 5.0 (83.0), pp. 408.0-414.0 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
82. | Cytoadherence between endothelial cells and P-falciparum infected and noninfected normal and thalassemic red blood cells | P. Butthep S. Wanram K. Pattanapanyasat P. Vattanaviboon S. Fucharoen P. Wilairat |
2006 |
CYTOMETRY PART B-CLINICAL CYTOMETRY 6.0 (70B), pp. 432.0-442.0 |
11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11 | |
83. | Development of severe anemia during fever episodes in patients with hemoglobin E trait and hemoglobin H disease combinations | A Jetsrisuparb K Sanchaisuriya G Fucharoen S Fucharoen S Wiangnon C Jetsrisuparb J Sirijirachai K Chansoong |
2006 |
20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 | |
84. | Hydroxyurea responses and fetal hemoglobin induction in beta-thalassemia/HbE patients' peripheral blood erythroid cell culture | R Watanapokasin D Sanmund P Winichagoon K Muta S Fucharoen |
2006 |
ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY 3.0 (85.0), pp. 164.0-169.0 |
33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 33 | |
85. | Iron-chelating and free-radical scavenging activities of microwave-processed green tea in iron overload | S Srichairatanakool S Ounjaijean C Thephinlap U Khansuwan C Phisalpong S Fucharoen |
2006 |
HEMOGLOBIN 2.0 (30.0), pp. 311.0-327.0 |
40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 40 | |
86. | Molecular and hematological profiles of hemoglobin EE disease with different forms of alpha-thalassemia | G Fucharoen J Trithipsombat S Sirithawee S Yamsri Y Changtrakul K Sanchaisuriya S Fucharoen |
2006 |
ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY 7.0 (85.0), pp. 450.0-454.0 |
76 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 76 | |
87. | Molecular mechanism of high hemoglobin F production in southeast Asian-type hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin | K Changsri V Akkarapathurnwong D Jamsai P Winichagoon S Fucharoen |
2006 |
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 3.0 (83.0), pp. 229.0-237.0 |
12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12 | |
88. | Report on the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Oral Chelation (ICOC) in the Treatment of Thalassemia and Other Diseases at Taichung, Taiwan, April 22-26, 2005 | CT Peng S Fucharoen GJ Kontoghiorghes CH Tsai |
2006 |
HEMOGLOBIN 1.0 (30.0), pp. 63.0-68.0 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
89. | Single nucleotide polymorphisms and haplotypes of protein C and protein S genes in the Thai population | W Chumpia C Peerapittayamongkol P Angchaisuksiri N Komanasin K Muta K Kuaha H Iida S Inoue Y Wada M Kurihara N Hamasaki S Fucharoen |
2006 |
BLOOD COAGULATION & FIBRINOLYSIS 1.0 (17.0), pp. 13.0-18.0 |
7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
90. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies rather than iron deficiency are major causes of pregnancy-related anemia in northeast Thailand | Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen Thawalwong Ratanasiri Pattara Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Ekkahart Dietz Frank P. Schelp |
2006 |
BLOOD CELLS MOLECULES AND DISEASES 1.0 (37.0), pp. 8.0-11.0 |
50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 50 | |
91. | The reduction of cholesteryl linoleate in lipoproteins: an index of clinical severity in beta-thalassemia/Hb E | R Luechapudiporn NP Morales S Fucharoen U Chantharaksri |
2006 |
13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 | |
92. | alpha(0)-thalassemia and related disorders in northeast Thailand: A molecular and hematological characterization | Nattaya Sae-ung Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2007 |
ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA 2.0 (117.0), pp. 78.0-82.0 |
73 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 73 | |
93. | alpha/beta-globin mRNA ratio determination by multiplex quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction as an indicator of globin gene function | Chulaporn Chaisue Suttiphan Kitcharoen Prapon Wilairat Arunee Jetsrisuparb Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2007 |
CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 18.0 (40.0), pp. 1373.0-1377.0 |
34 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 34 | |
94. | Application of maternal plasma DNA analysis for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of Hb E-beta-thalassemia | Warunee Tungwiwat Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Thawalwong Ratanasiri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Natraya Sae-Ung |
2007 |
TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH 5.0 (150.0), pp. 319.0-325.0 |
28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 28 | |
95. | beta-globin gene cluster polymorphisms are strongly associated with severity of HbE/beta(0)-thalassemia | Q. Ma K. Abel O. Sripichai J. Whitacre V. Angkachatchai W. Makarasara P. Winichagoon S. Fucharoen A. Braun L. A. Farrer |
2007 |
CLINICAL GENETICS 6.0 (72.0), pp. 497.0-505.0 |
46 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 46 | |
96. | Coexistence of Southeast Asian ovalocytosis and beta-thalassemia: A molecular and hematological analysis | Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Sanita Singsanan Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya |
2007 |
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 5.0 (82.0), pp. 381.0-385.0 |
11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11 | |
97. | Curcumin contributes to in vitro removal of non-transferrin bound iron by deferiprone and desferrioxamine in thalassemic plasma | S. Srichairatanakool C. Thephinlap C. Phisalaphong J. B. Porter S. Fucharoen |
2007 |
MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 5.0 (3.0), pp. 469.0-474.0 |
34 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 34 | |
98. | Cutoff values of Hb E and MCV for screening of double heterozygosity for Hb E/alpha(0)-thalassemia | Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Sunisa Chirakul Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Yossombat Changtrakun Supan Fucharoen |
2007 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
99. | Effect of the maternal beta(E)-globin gene on hematologic responses to iron supplementation during pregnancy | Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen Thawalwong Ratanasiri Pattara Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Ekkehart Dietz Frank P. Schelp |
2007 |
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION 2.0 (85.0), pp. 474.0-479.0 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
100. | Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and epicatechin-3-gallate from green tea decrease plasma non-transferrin bound iron and erythrocyte oxidative stress | C. Thephinlap S. Ounjaijean U. Khansuwan S. Fucharoen J. B. Porter S. Srichairatanakool |
2007 |
MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 3.0 (3.0), pp. 289.0-296.0 |
36 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 36 | |
101. | Evaluation of the fetal sex prediction using a conventional PCR analysis of DNA in maternal plasma | Warunee Tungwiwat Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Thawalwong Ratanasiri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Nattaya Sae-Ung |
2007 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
102. | H63D mutation of the hemochromatosis gene and serum ferritin levels in Thai thalassemia carriers | Supawadee Yamsri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Arunee Jetsrisuparb Surapon Wiangnon Yossombat Changtrakul Pattara Sanchaisuriya |
2007 |
ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA 2.0 (118.0), pp. 99.0-105.0 |
17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 17 | |
103. | High prevalence of alpha thalassemia in Thai families with beta thalassemia: Molecular and hematological analysis | Goonnapa Fucharoen Yossombat Changtrakul Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Nattaya Sae-Ung Supan Fucharoen Arunee Jetsrisuparb |
2007 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
104. | Molecular and hematological features of the Hb constant spring EE bart's disease | Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Nattaya Sae-Ung Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya |
2007 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
105. | Molecular characterization and origins of Hb constant spring and Hb Pakse in Southeast Asian populations | Sanita Singsanan Goonnapa Fucharoen Onekham Savongsy Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2007 |
ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY 9.0 (86.0), pp. 665.0-669.0 |
75 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 75 | |
106. | Prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis caused by a genetic compound heterozygosity for two different alpha degrees-thalassemia determinants | Nirut Siriratmanawong Charnchai Pinmuang-Ngam Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2007 |
FETAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY 4.0 (22.0), pp. 264.0-268.0 |
23 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 23 | |
107. | Rapid molecular characterization of Hb queens and Hb siam: Two variants easily misidentified as sickle Hb | Supan Fucharoen Sanita Singsanan Abdulloh Hama Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya |
2007 |
CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 1-2 (40.0), pp. 137.0-140.0 |
15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 15 | |
108. | Thalassemia intermedia associated with the Hb Constant Spring EE Bart's disease in pregnancy: A molecular and hematological analysis | Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Nattaya Sae-ung Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya |
2007 |
BLOOD CELLS MOLECULES AND DISEASES 2.0 (39.0), pp. 195.0-198.0 |
18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 18 | |
109. | Accuracy of fetal gender detection using a conventional nested PCR assay of maternal plasma in daily practice | Warunee Tungwiwat Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Thawalwong Ratanasiri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya |
2008 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
110. | Accurate prenatal diagnosis of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis in daily practice using two PCR methods | G. Fucharoen R. Karnpean S. Fucharoen N. Sae-Ung K. Sanchaisuriya |
2008 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
111. | BCL11A is a major HbF quantitative trait locus in three different populations with beta-hemoglobinopathies | Amanda E. Sedgewick Nadia Timofeev Paola Sebastiani Jason C. C. So Edmond S. K. Ma Li Chong Chan Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Cynara G. Barbosa Badri N. Vardarajan Lindsay A. Farrer Clinton T. Baldwin Martin H. Steinberg David H. K. Chui |
2008 |
BLOOD CELLS MOLECULES AND DISEASES 3.0 (41.0), pp. 255.0-258.0 |
206 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 206 | |
112. | Effective screening for double heterozygosity of Hb E/alpha(0)-thalassemia | Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Sunisa Chirakul Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Yossombat Changtrakul Pattara Sanchaisuriya |
2008 |
ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY 11.0 (87.0), pp. 911.0-914.0 |
15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 15 | |
113. | Effective screening for thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies among pregnant Laos women | S. Fucharoen O. Savongsy G. Fucharoen K. Sanchaisuriya N. Sae-ung |
2008 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
114. | Effect of alpha (0)-thalassemia, beta-thalassemia and hemoglobin E genes on anemia: comparison between males and females | S. Yamsri K. Sanchaisuriya G. Fucharoen S. Fucharoen N. Sae-ung A. Jetsrisuparp |
2008 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
115. | Effect of green tea on iron status and oxidative stress in iron-loaded rats | S. Ounjaijean C. Thephinlap U. Khansuwan C. Phisalapong S. Fucharoen J. B. Porter S. Srichairatanakool |
2008 |
MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 4.0 (4.0), pp. 365.0-370.0 |
29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 29 | |
116. | H63D prevalence in Thais, Laotian and Cambodian subjects and its protecting effect on iron deficiency in pregnancy | K. Sanchaisuriya S. Yamsri S. Fucharoen G. Fucharoen P. Sanchaisuriya O. Savongse R. Devenish |
2008 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
117. | Hemoglobin Profiles and Hematologic Features of Thalassemic Newborns Application to Screening of alpha-Thalassemia 1 and Hemoglobin E | Jaruwan Tritipsombut Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Nirut Siriratmanawong Charnchai Pinmuang-ngam Pattara Sanchaisuriya |
2008 |
ARCHIVES OF PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE 11.0 (132.0), pp. 1739.0-1745.0 |
22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | |
118. | Imputation of missing genotypes: an empirical evaluation of IMPUTE | Zhenming Zhao Nadia Timofeev Stephen W. Hartley David H. K. Chui Supan Fucharoen Thomas T. Perls Martin H. Steinberg Clinton T. Baldwin Paola Sebastiani |
2008 |
BMC GENETICS (9.0), pp. |
31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 31 | |
119. | Interactions of Hb Q-Thailand with various hemoglobinopathies: molecular and hemoglobin analysis | S. Singsanan G. Fucharoen S. Fucharoen S. Yamsri K. Sanchaisuriya N. Sae-ung |
2008 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
120. | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 16 resulting in hemoglobin Bart's hydrops fetalis | D. Wattanasirichaigoon P. Promsonthi A. Chuansumrit J. Leopairut P. Yanatatsaneejit P. Rattanatanyong T. Munkongdee S. Fucharoen A. Mutirangura |
2008 |
CLINICAL GENETICS 3.0 (74.0), pp. 284.0-287.0 |
14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | |
121. | Stability of red blood cell parameters in carriers of alpha-thalassemia, beta-thalassemia and hemoglobin E | N. Sae-ung K. Soontornwisai T. Junthakorn G. Fucharoen K. Sanchaisuriya S. Fucharoen |
2008 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
122. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnant Lao women: carrier screening, prevalence and molecular basis | Onekham Savongsy Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Nattaya Sae-ung |
2008 |
ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY 8.0 (87.0), pp. 647.0-654.0 |
33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 33 | |
123. | Accurate Prenatal Diagnosis of Hb Bart's Hydrops Fetalis in Daily Practice with a Double-Check PCR System | Rossarin Karnpean Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Nattaya Sae-ung Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Thawalwong Ratanasiri |
2009 |
ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA 4.0 (121.0), pp. 227.0-233.0 |
13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 | |
124. | Analysis of fetal blood using capillary electrophoresis system: a simple method for prenatal diagnosis of severe thalassemia diseases | Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Nattaya Sae-Ung Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Thawalwong Ratanasiri Supan Fucharoen |
2009 |
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 1.0 (83.0), pp. 57.0-65.0 |
50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 50 | |
125. | Bioequivalence study of a film-coated tablet of deferiprone in healthy Thai volunteers | N. P. Morales L. M. G. Limenta P. Yamamont T. Jirasomprasert P. Wilairat U. Chantharaksri S. Chuncharunee S. Fucharoen |
2009 |
16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16 | |
126. | COMPLEX INTERACTION OF Hb E [beta 26(B8)Glu -> Lys], Hb KORLE-BU [beta 73(E17)Asp -> Asn] AND A DELETIONAL alpha-THALASSEMIA-1 IN PREGNANCY | Nirut Siriratmanawong Wichuda Chansri Sanita Singsanan Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2009 |
HEMOGLOBIN 6.0 (33.0), pp. 507.0-514.0 |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
127. | EFFECT OF IRON FORTIFIED MILK ON HEMATOLOGICAL CHANGES IN NON-IRON DEFICIENT THAI-SCHOOL CHILDREN | K. Sanchaisuriya N. Panomai P. Sanchaisuriya S. Lowirakorn S. Yamsri G. Fucharoen S. Fucharoen F. Schelp |
2009 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
128. | Efficacy of Curcuminoids in Alleviation of Iron Overload and Lipid Peroxidation in Thalassemic Mice | C. Thephinlap C. Phisalaphong S. Fucharoen J. B. Porter S. Srichairatanakool |
2009 |
MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 5.0 (5.0), pp. 474.0-482.0 |
30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 | |
129. | Molecular, hematological and clinical aspects of thalassemia major and thalassemia intermedia associated with Hb E-beta-thalassemia in Northeast Thailand | Lalana Nuntakarn Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Arunee Jetsrisuparb Surapon Wiangnon |
2009 |
BLOOD CELLS MOLECULES AND DISEASES 1.0 (42.0), pp. 32.0-35.0 |
75 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 75 | |
130. | Prenatal Diagnosis of Hemoglobin Bart's Hydrops Fetalis with Gap-PCR System Response | Rossarin Karnpean Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Nattaya Sae-ung Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Thawalwong Ratanasiri |
2009 |
ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA 1.0 (122.0), pp. 51.0-51.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
131. | Effects of Green Tea on Iron Accumulation and Oxidative Stress in Livers of Iron-Challenged Thalassemic Mice | T. Saewong S. Ounjaijean Y. Mundee K. Pattanapanyasat S. Fucharoen J. B. Porter S. Srichairatanakool |
2010 |
MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 2.0 (6.0), pp. 57.0-64.0 |
17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 17 | |
132. | Fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia: genome-wide association studies suggest a regulatory region in the 5 ' olfactory receptor gene cluster | Nadia Solovieff Jacqueline N. Milton Stephen W. Hartley Richard Sherva Paola Sebastiani Daniel A. Dworkis Elizabeth S. Klings Lindsay A. Farrer Melanie E. Garrett Allison Ashley-Koch Marilyn J. Telen Supan Fucharoen Shau Yin Ha Chi-Kong Li David H. K. Chui Clinton T. Baldwin Martin H. Steinberg |
2010 |
BLOOD 9.0 (115.0), pp. 1815.0-1822.0 |
141 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 141 | |
133. | Hemoglobin Q-Thailand related disorders: Origin, molecular, hematological and diagnostic aspects | Sanita Singsanan Rossarin Karnpean Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Nattaya Sae-ung Supan Fucharoen |
2010 |
BLOOD CELLS MOLECULES AND DISEASES 3.0 (45.0), pp. 210.0-214.0 |
31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 31 | |
134. | Improvement of alpha(0) - Thalassemia Screening Using Combined Osmotic Fragility, Dichlorophenolindophenol and Hb H Inclusion Tests | Attawut Chaibunruang Sontong Pornphannukool Nattaya Sae-Ung Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2010 |
CLINICAL LABORATORY 3-4 (56.0), pp. 111.0-117.0 |
11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11 | |
135. | Prevention of severe thalassemia in northeast Thailand: 16 years of experience at a single university center | Supawadee Yamsri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Nattaya Sae-ung Thawalwong Ratanasiri Supan Fucharoen |
2010 |
PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS 6.0 (30.0), pp. 540.0-546.0 |
81 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 81 | |
136. | Secondary Erythrocytosis Caused by Hemoglobin Tak/(delta beta)(0)-Thalassemia Syndrome | Nattaphol Prakobkaew Sanita Singsanan Goonnapa Fucharoen Satja Surapot Supan Fucharoen |
2010 |
ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA 2.0 (124.0), pp. 115.0-119.0 |
8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | |
137. | Thalassemia and iron deficiency in a group of northeast Thai school children: relationship to the occurrence of anemia | Nichathorn Panomai Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supawadee Yamsri Pattara Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Frank P. Schelp |
2010 |
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 11.0 (169.0), pp. 1317.0-1322.0 |
18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 18 | |
138. | Anemia, Iron Deficiency and Thalassemia among Adolescents in Northeast Thailand: Results from Two Independent Surveys | Anupong Pansuwan Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Boonmee Himakhun Samrit Dangwiboon |
2011 |
ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA 4.0 (125.0), pp. 186.0-192.0 |
25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 | |
139. | Complex interaction of hemoglobin (Hb) Nakhon Ratchasima [alpha 63(E12)Ala -> Val], a novel alpha 2-globin chain variant with Hb E [beta 26(B8)Glu -> Lys] and a deletional alpha(+)-thalassemia | Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Rawiwan Puangplruk Napat Kheawon Supan Fucharoen |
2011 |
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 1.0 (87.0), pp. 68.0-72.0 |
15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 15 | |
140. | Evaluation of the URIT-2900 Automated Hematology Analyzer for screening of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asian populations | Rossarin Karnpean Anupong Pansuwan Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2011 |
CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 10-11 (44.0), pp. 889.0-893.0 |
4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | |
141. | Genotype and phenotype characterizations in a large cohort of beta-thalassemia heterozygote with different forms of alpha-thalassemia in northeast Thailand | Supawadee Yamsri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Nattaya Sae-ung Supan Fucharoen |
2011 |
BLOOD CELLS MOLECULES AND DISEASES 2.0 (47.0), pp. 120.0-124.0 |
49 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 49 | |
142. | Hb PHIMAI [beta 72(E16)Ser -> Thr]: A NOVEL beta-GLOBIN STRUCTURAL VARIANT FOUND IN ASSOCIATION WITH Hb CONSTANT SPRING IN PREGNANCY | Sanita Singsanan Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Rawiwan Puangplruk Supan Fucharoen |
2011 |
HEMOGLOBIN 2.0 (35.0), pp. 103.0-110.0 |
11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11 | |
143. | Hemoglobin Lepore EF Bart's disease: a molecular, hematological, and diagnostic aspects | Attawut Chaibunruang Goonnapa Fucharoen Arunee Jetsrisuparb Supan Fucharoen |
2011 |
ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY 11.0 (90.0), pp. 1337.0-1340.0 |
11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11 | |
144. | Increase in non-transferrin bound iron and the oxidative stress status in epilepsy patients treated using valproic acid monotherapy | S. Ounjaijean T. Westermarck M. Partinen E. Plonka-Poltorak P. Kaipainen M. Kaski S. Fucharoen S. Srichairatanakool F. Atroshi |
2011 |
17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 17 | |
145. | Presumptive diagnosis of common haemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asia using a capillary electrophoresis system | G. Fucharoen H. Srivorakun S. Singsanan S. Fucharoen |
2011 |
42 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 42 | |
146. | Reversal of Cardiac Iron Loading and Dysfunction in Thalassemic Mice by Curcuminoids | C. Thephinlap C. Phisalaphong N. Lailerd N. Chattipakorn P. Winichagoon J. Vadolus S. Fucharoen J. B. Porter S. Srichairatanakool |
2011 |
MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 1.0 (7.0), pp. 62.0-69.0 |
25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 | |
147. | Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asian newborns: diagnostic assessment using capillary electrophoresis system | Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Yossombat Changtrakul Patcharee Komwilaisak Supan Fucharoen |
2011 |
CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 5-6 (44.0), pp. 406.0-411.0 |
30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 | |
148. | A SINGLE-TUBE MULTIPLEX GAP-POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION FOR THE DETECTION OF EIGHT beta-GLOBIN GENE CLUSTER DELETIONS COMMON IN SOUTHEAST ASIA | Jaruwan Tritipsombut Marion Phylipsen Vip Viprakasit Nipon Chalaow Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Piero C. Giordano Supan Fucharoen Cornelis L. Harteveld |
2012 |
HEMOGLOBIN 6.0 (36.0), pp. 571.0-580.0 |
19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 19 | |
149. | A spurious haemoglobin A(1c) result associated with double heterozygote for haemoglobin Raleigh (beta 1[NA1]Val -> Ala) and alpha(+)-thalassaemia | Kritsada Singha Goonnapa Fucharoen Attawut Chaibunruang Paripat Netnee Supan Fucharoen |
2012 |
ANNALS OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY (49.0), pp. 445.0-449.0 |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
150. | DEMONSTRATION OF HB CONSTANT SPRING AND HB E-CONSTANT SPRING ON CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS SYSTEM | Supawadee Yamsri Patcharawadee Prayalaw Nattaya Sae-ung Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2012 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
151. | FETAL RED BLOOD CELLS PARAMETERS IN THALASSEMIA AND HB E RELATED DISORDERS | Rossarin Karnpean Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2012 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
152. | Fine-Tiling Array CGH to Improve Diagnostics for alpha- and beta-Thalassemia Rearrangements | Marion Phylipsen Attawut Chaibunruang Ingrid P. Vogelaar Jeetindra R. A. Balak Rianne A. C. Schaap Yavuz Ariyurek Supan Fucharoen Johan T. den Dunnen Piero C. Giordano Egbert Bakker Cornelis L. Harteveld |
2012 |
HUMAN MUTATION 1.0 (33.0), pp. 272.0-280.0 |
40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 40 | |
153. | FIRST DESCRIPTION OF A Hb A(2) VARIANT IN THAILAND. IDENTIFICATION OF Hb A(2)-MELBOURNE [delta 43(CD2)Glu -> Lys] IN THAI INDIVIDUALS | Attawut Chaibunruang Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2012 |
HEMOGLOBIN 1.0 (36.0), pp. 80.0-84.0 |
4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | |
154. | Genetic origin and interaction of the Filipino beta(0)-thalassemia with Hb E and alpha-thalassemia in a Thai family | Supawadee Yamsri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2012 |
TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH 6.0 (159.0), pp. 473.0-476.0 |
7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
2012 |
HEMOGLOBIN 1.0 (36.0), pp. 18.0-24.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
156. | HEMOGLOBIN PYRGOS WITH HEMOGLOBIN H DISEASE: NEW TRIPLE HETEROZYGOSITY | Somchai Insiripong Varangnuch Jitpakdeebodin Yupin Jopang Supan Fucharoen |
2012 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
157. | ICSH recommendations for the measurement of Haemoglobin A2 | A. D. Stephens M. Angastiniotis E. Baysal V. Chan S. Fucharoen P. C. Giordano J. D. Hoyer A. Mosca B. Wild |
2012 |
92 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 92 | |
158. | ICSH recommendations for the measurement of Haemoglobin F | A. D. Stephens M. Angastiniotis E. Baysal V. Chan B. Davis S. Fucharoen P. C. Giordano J. D. Hoyer A. Mosca B. Wild |
2012 |
30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 | |
159. | In vitro antimicrobial effect of the volatile organic compounds from Muscodor crispans against the human pathogenic oomycete Pythium insidiosum | T. Krajaejun T. Lowhnoo T. Rujirawat W. Yingyong S. Fucharoen G. A. Strobel |
2012 |
MYCOSES (55.0), pp. 128.0-128.0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
160. | MICROMAPPING OF THALASSEMIA AND HEMOGLOBINOPATHIES IN DIFERENT REGIONS OF NORTHEAST THAILAND AND VIENTAINE, LAOS PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC | Jaruwan Tritipsombut Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Prachatip Phollarp Dalouny Bouakhasith Pattara Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Frank P. Schelp |
2012 |
HEMOGLOBIN 1.0 (36.0), pp. 47.0-56.0 |
43 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 43 | |
161. | New updating into hemoglobinopathies | S. Fucharoen P. Winichagoon |
2012 |
14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | |
162. | Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of beta-thalassemia and sickle-cell disease using pyrophosphorolysis-activated polymerization and melting curve analysis | Marion Phylipsen Supawadee Yamsri Emmely E. Treffers Diahann T. S. L. Jansen Warsha A. Kanhai Elles M. J. Boon Piero C. Giordano Supan Fucharoen Egbert Bakker Cornelis L. Harteveld |
2012 |
PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS 6.0 (32.0), pp. 578.0-587.0 |
45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 45 | |
163. | Phenotypic expression of hemoglobins A(2), E and F in various hemoglobin E related disorders | Nattaya Sae-ung Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Supawadee Yamsri Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2012 |
BLOOD CELLS MOLECULES AND DISEASES 1.0 (48.0), pp. 11.0-16.0 |
41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 41 | |
164. | PREVALENCE OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN OVALOCYTOSIS IN THAI POPULATION | Lalitpatch Ngouprommin Nattaya Sae-ung Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya |
2012 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
2012 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
2012 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
167. | THALASSEMIA AND IRON DEFICIENCY IN RELATION TO ANEMIA AND MICROCYTOSIS AMONG NORTHEAST-THAI AND LAOTIAN PREGNANT WOMEN | Jaruwan Tritipsombut Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Prachatip Phollarp Dalouny Bouakhasith Pattara Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Frank Schelp |
2012 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
2013 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
169. | AN UNUSUAL FORM OF THE AEBART'S DISEASE: MOLECULAR AND HEMATOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS | Rossarin Karnpean Attawut Chaibunruang Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen |
2013 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
170. | A proficiency testing program of hemoglobin analysis in prevention and control of severe hemoglobinopathies in Thailand | Rossarin Karnpean Goonnapa Fucharoen Anupong Pansuwan Duangrudee Changtrakul Supan Fucharoen |
2013 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
171. | ASSOCIATION OF Hb THAILAND [alpha 56(E5)Lys -> Thr] AND Hb PHNOM PENH [alpha 117(GH5)-Ile-alpha 118(H1)] WITH alpha(0)-THALASSEMIA: MOLECULAR AND HEMATOLOGICAL FEATURES AND DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS | Kritsada Singha Hataichanok Srivorakun Goonnapa Fucharoen Yossombat Changtrakul Patcharee Komwilaisak Arunee Jetsrisuparb Rawiwan Puangplruk Supan Fucharoen |
2013 |
HEMOGLOBIN 1.0 (37.0), pp. 37.0-47.0 |
14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | |
172. | Burden of Anemia in Relation to Thalassemia and Iron Deficiency among Vietnamese Pregnant Women | Sirivara Siridamrongvattana Nguyen Van Hoa Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Nguyen Dung Phan Thi Thuy Hoa Pattara Sanchaisuriya Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Frank P. Schelp |
2013 |
ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA 4.0 (130.0), pp. 281.0-287.0 |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
173. | Effect Of Genotype On Pulmonary Hypertension In Patients With Thalassemia | Nattiya Teawtrakul Phuangpaka Ungprasert Burabha Pussadhamma Patcharawadee Prayalaw Supan Fucharoen Arunee Jetsrisuparb Saranya Pongudom Chittima Sirijerachai Kanchana Chansung Chinadol Wanitpongpun Suporn Chuncharunee |
2013 |
BLOOD 21.0 (122.0), pp. |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
174. | Fetal Red Blood Cell Parameters in Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies | Rossarin Karnpean Goonnapa Fucharoen Supan Fucharoen Thawalwong Ratanasiri |
2013 |
FETAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY 3.0 (34.0), pp. 166.0-171.0 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
2013 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
176. | Molecular and hematological characteristics of a novel form of alpha-globin gene triplication: The hemoglobin St.Luke's-Thailand [alpha 95(G2)Pro -> Arg] or Hb St. Luke's [A2] HBA2 | Kritsada Singha Goonnapa Fucharoen Arunee Jetsrisuparb Supan Fucharoen |
2013 |
CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 7-8 (46.0), pp. 675.0-680.0 |
7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
177. | Molecular and hematological studies in a large cohort of alpha(0)-thalassemia in northeast Thailand: Data from a single referral center | Attawut Chaibunruang Simaporn Prommetta Supawadee Yamsri Goonnapa Fucharoen Nattaya Sae-ung Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2013 |
BLOOD CELLS MOLECULES AND DISEASES 2.0 (51.0), pp. 89.0-93.0 |
20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 | |
2013 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
179. | No Evidence for Role of Common Anion Exchanger 1 Mutations on the Severity Difference in HB E-beta-Thalassemia Disease in Northeast Thailand | Lalitpatch Ngouprommin Nattaya Sae-ung Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Arunee Jetsrisuparb |
2013 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
180. | Parallel assessment of a globin lentiviral vector after transduction of ips and somatic hematopoietic stem cells from the same transplanted human beta-thalassemia patient | A. Tubsuwan S. Abed C. Bartholomae M. Kardel A. Deichmann A. Cheung O. Negre Z. Kadri S. Fucharoen E. Payen K. Von Kalle C. Eaves M. Schmidt S. Chretien P. Leboulch L. Maouche-Chretien |
2013 |
HUMAN GENE THERAPY 12.0 (24.0), pp. A46-A47 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
181. | POSITIVE RATE OF THALASSEMIA IN NON-ANEMIC BLOOD SAMPLES WITH FLAGGING OF RED BLOOD CELL INDICES BY AUTOMATED CELL ANALYZER. | Nattaya Sae-ung Waraporn Chaichote Wannisa Lhodsunthia Goonnapa Fucharoen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen |
2013 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
182. | Prenatal and post-natal screening of beta-thalassemia and hemoglobin E genes in Thailand using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography | Thanet Prajantasen Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Nirut Siriratmanawong Charnchai Pinmuang-ngam |
2013 |
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS 4.0 (40.0), pp. 3173.0-3179.0 |
13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 | |
183. | SECONDARY SCRENING OF ALPHA-THALASSEMIA 1USING A MODIFIED HB H INCLUSION BODY TEST | Goonnapa Fucharoen Khomsom Yooyen Attawut Chaibunroung Supan Fucharoen |
2013 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
184. | THALASSEMIA AND HEMOGLOBINOPATHIES IN THUA THIEN HUE PROVINCE, CENTRAL VIETNAM | Hoa Van Nguyen Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya Dung Nguyen Hoa Thi Thuy Phan Sirivara Siridamrongvattana Pattara Sanchaisuriya Supan Fucharoen Goonnapa Fucharoen Frank P. Schelp |
2013 |
HEMOGLOBIN 4.0 (37.0), pp. 333.0-342.0 |
10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 | |
185. |